AGENDA DOCUMENTS ~ AGENDA MEMORANDUM 12 October 1988 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: ST. JOSEPH'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - SITE PLAN Please place 'the referenced item on the City Commission agenda for October 18, 1988 under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Glen Harris for site plan and shared parking approval to allow for construction of a 4,350 square foot fellowship hall and a change in parking lot layout and design for St. Joseph's Episcopal Church which is located south of Mission Hill Road between South Seacrest Boulevard and Swinton Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of these requests, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. EXPLANATION: The motion to recommend approval of both the site plan and shared parking requests was made by Mr. Blanchette and seconded by Mr. Richter. c~/C ~ CARMEN S. ANN~IATO /bks M E M 0 RAN DUM September 7, 1988 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Site Plan, St. Joseph's Episcopal Church COMMENTS: 1. Lighting intensity to be shown at parking lots. 2. Dimensions and typical section to be shown for parking lot change. 3. Comments concerning existing parking lot construction and compliance with current parking lot requirements should be shown on plans. ----- C:=7~CCI Tom Clark TAC/ck . :2_ ~ MEMORANDUM September 12, 1988 TO: PEACOCK & LEWIS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: ST. JOSEPH'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH-STAFF COMMENTS 1. A comprehensive landscape plan for the parking lot must be submitted which meets the requirements of the landscape code and the comprehensive plan development policies (see page 2 of attached copy). It is recommended that the City Forester/Horticulturist be consulted prior to preparation of the plan. 2. In order for the Planning Department to prepare a shared parking allocation for this project, the following additional information must be submitted: A) Take a copy of the site plan (sheet A-I) and indicate the square footage (gross floor area) for each and every building on the site, with the exception of the residence. Also indicate the number of fixed seats (if any) for each building. B) On the same copy of sheet A-lor a separate copy, indicate the building(s) where each activity is held and the maximum number of people in attendance at each function. C) On the schedule for church activities, indicate the time range or duration for those activities which only have starting times indicated. D) Indicate whether the weekday A.M. mass is for the school children or for others. E) Indicate who utilizes the recreation facilities and what days and time ranges they are utilized. 3. Indicate whether the shellrock driveway is to be eliminated or paved and constructed in accordance with Article X, Parking Lots. 4. Comprehensive plans must be submitted for the parking lot in accordance with the requirements and standards contained within Article X, Parking Lots. 5. Section 22-25(a) of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, entitled "Streets and Sidewalks" requires that a sidewalk be constructed along Swinton Avenue. -JICI- ~. A aL J ES J ( GOLDEN JJG:ro Attachment .' . . preservation and prpper management of this endangered or threatened species habitat is required. I b~oQa~~eiog_B~gYic~m~oia / At least 50 percent of all trees used in landscaping must be native species adapted to soil and climatic conditions on the site. ~At least 30 percent of all landscaping material other than trees, which is obtained from off-site sources, must be native plant material adapted to soil and climatic conditions on the site. / The Ci ty' s FCJrest!Jr:/Horti CLl1 tL\r i st shou1 d be consul ted wi th regard to the maximum number of trees of anyone species which can be planted. In some cases, landscaping and irrigation of public rights-of-way adjacent to the development may be required. Consult the Planning Department concerning this requirement. Where the median strips in collector or 'ar~eria1. streets adj~cent to developments are being constructed by the deveroper, curbs must be constructed to comply with FOOT requirements for median p1antings, wherever possible. Property owners are encouraged to plant flowering trees and bushes using a list of recommended plants. The City's Forester/Horticulturist should be consulted concefning this list of plants. / lCcigi,lEQa The use of nonpotab1e,sources of irrigation water (i.e. from on-site wells or lakes) is required, wherever available. !:;;CQa!'QO_QQaicQl The use of fences, wetting operations, seeding and mulching, phased clearing, and other soil treatment techniques to control blowing sand is required. Seeding and mulching is required if construction does not commence within 30 days of completion of clearing work. s~ii,l~lianm~ai_Qi_~i,lii~~_~~g~igiiQQ_ecQ~aQ_l=gt~aL_~~il~aQaL_~aQ Q~~p-~~i~!:_tii,lgiii,li - . A bL\ffer zone of na~ive Llp1and vegetation must be provided and maintainec around wetland and eepwater habitats with an area of one-half (1/2) acrE or more, which are onstructed or preserved on-site, in accordance with the following provisions: The bLlffer zone may consist of preserved or planted vegetation, but page 2 .t...... 'l.; . .:,~.l".. -;...;..~.'"""""-._-, .