LEGAL APPROVAL , '.' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH /\' " t")"::;~,; @" ", . ";, . . (:. .- ~lai1in&: Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7480 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33435 "([II,...Hi:, BUILDING DEPARTMENT City Hall Complex West Wing Telephone: Address: November 21, 1990 r.- To 'f1;}E~ Slattery & Root Architects Mr. Mark Burton 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 File No.:90-047? '.)..>:0: PR.o-Sec..T t,LG =tr 9o~ 04-7 'fe'KM II ~ qO - 4-0'1/ CENTER (AT 'l'HB HAMLET) - CONDITIONAL USE 1t-/K-/t1- -B6'jAJTO tU BA'j RE: NIHE 'l'O Fl:VB DAY CARE This letter is to inform you that your project has received final sign-off on October 8, 1990 of the plans submitted for review by the Technical Review Board. completing the Site Plan Review process enables you to submit wqrking drawings and construction plans for the site work and bUilding construction to the Building Department for plan review and permitting. To :,ni tlate this process present to the plans analyst in the Building ,_,Department the following: a) appropriate and completed permit application form b) copy of this letter c) appropriate plans and associated documents d) a plan filing *permit fee The plan filing fee is made payable to the city of Boynton Beach in the amount of *** .3% *** of the valuation of the work specified on the permit application. The total permit fee is determined by the Building Department, and is due when the permit is issued. *Section 5-4 Permit Fees, city of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances For information regarding permits related to the site work contact the Site Development Division (407 738-7484) and (407 738-7480) for permits related to the construction of the building. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Haag Site Development Administrator iEH: aId cc: Tambri Heyden Central Files TRB File SDD File ) CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~~ @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435,0310 14071 734,8111 /C00 1 Cf'LJ /,->.'-' .', , ' OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ,.~ . ~ \~ ',\. .,...... \ . :.'- .':.\ ~ .. \ \-~ t\ ,. u_ _ . ,-,,,, ,o.~"J v' __ 1.\'.,.. r: ~ \v ,',c. .. r..,\,J.... .~~ 'l...: _\ t" .>,"J ,:::> ,.....' >' \, ,\.\~ '. ,';:1' .. ,.,,:" , .... ,"-... /). . ;,' ',;;,,, /-; / "~)-~(' / August 27, 1990 Slattery & Root Architects Attn: Mr. Mark Burton 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FI 33431 RE: Nine to Five Day Care Center (At the Hamlet) - Conditional Use - File No. 505 U6tJ .8U1lDI-v6 Dear Mr. Burton: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 21, 1990, the City Corrunission approved the referenced conditional use application subject to staff corrunents, copies of which are attached. In addition, the City corrunission incorporated the recorrunendations of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Corrununity Appearance Board as part of the project approval. The Planning and Zoning Board recorrunended that the six foot high chain link fence surrounding the chi1drens' play area be slatted on the north and a portion of the east property boundaries abutting the mobile home park and that the ficus hedge be maintained to the height of the fence. The Corrununity Appearance Board recorrunended relocation of the Strangler Fig tree. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did \ TO: Slattery & Root -2- August 27, 1990 not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made corrunents), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~:f ~A ~kES .fI. GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C: 9t05 ~ll> IlJ' 11 lr:...:.l .6 4\:l1 4~J :.4l::1!;: ;, 1.1 N i ilL l, l. ill. r',l:ll > ,> t.~' ~ if"'" 'l5 tY- . '\.V ", .i' -,.'. \J" ...r' V ~u~ ~~~~, . ~ (0 o.-'1~lS \l s qP Cl~ ~Pi'\ OEC-3H990 12;27Fm 90-371140 ORB 6686 P9 191 Return to: This instrument was prepared by: H. CASSEDY SUKRALL, JR., P. A. 54 Northeast Fourth Avenue Delray Beach. Florida 33483 Con 10.00 Doc .55 J~ B D1JM<<.E I CLERK - PB COUNTY I FL llRT.OCATION .l'1Im GRlW'l' OF EASEMENT , ^-'l'H:rs RELOCA!L':rOIl AND GRANT OF SASI!lMEN'r is entered into this '20 day of Dec:8IlIbQr, 1990; and WHEREAS, Charle!; D. Clapper, Jr., Grcmtor, granted an Easement for utilitiws which is legally described in Exhibit 'A", attached hereto and ~de a part hereof, set out in that certain Warranty Deed, dat..d August 14, 1981, frQlll Chearlel!l D. Clapper, Jr., a singl" man, a. Grantor, to Alfred Shaw and Mary Shaw, hi." wife, and Andrew Shaw ~d Prisoilla Shaw, his wife, aD Granteee, which was recorded Augu!;t 19, 1981, in Official Record" aook 3580, page 1323, and WHEREAS, subsequently, in Warranty Deed dated September 30, 1983, the Geid Alfred Shaw and MaJ:Y Shaw, his wife, iind Andrew Shaw and l'riecilla Shcl..., his wife, ellS Grantors, conveyed sald utility easement to Willi~ Corrigan, Sr., and Clara corr1gan, h1s wifer and WilliClZll Corrigan cmd Miirtha Corr1gan, his w1fe, as Granteel!l, which v1:us recorded September 30r 1983, in Off1.c.tal Record" Book 40'1, page 1435, all lndexing referenced being in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; and WHER!;AS, each of the above mentioned Warranty Deeds restricted the use of said easement to water and sewer purposes and reeerved to the said Charles D. Clapper, Jr., hi.s hei.rs and assigns, the right to relocate the then existing elUlement, d8 del>cr~d in Bxh1bit "A", hereto, at his sole opti.on and expense, in a manner so as not to be disruptive; and WHEREAS, in the event of such relocation, the easement descr1.bed .in Exhibi.t "A" is to be extinguished and another easement granted at a location determined by said Charles D. Clapper, Jr. NOW THEREFORE, in COnsideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, Charles D. Clapper, Jr., the Grantor, herein, and the owner of the servient estate, legally described in Exhibit 'B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, grants a relocated perpetual easement over and across the servient estate to the said William Corrigan, Sr., and Clara Corrigan, his wife, and William Corrigan and Martha Corrigan, his wife, their heirs, successors and assigns, said relocated easement being described in Exhibit 'C", attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the purposes of maintaining water and sewer line services to the dominant estate described in Exhibit "D", attached hereto and made a part hereof. The maintenance of said water and sewer 1inas shall be the responsibility of and borne by th" owner of the dominant estate: and FURTHER, in considerati.on of the Grantor'. ostablishment of the new easement for water and s"we:!:, line., dOBcri.bed in Ilai.d Exhibit "C", hereto, and pursuant to the tenna 'U\d oonditiona ...t out in the two Warranty Deeds, set out above, the Grantor dec1aras tJ. ,H ~. ,~~ A ~tJ, ~~~ ~~dd ::! U(; I! ILL' L, .', r',\:li. ~ 1 ORB 6686 pg 192 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has aff~ his hand and Seal on the datQ first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in o~ence: ~ -~~ I '~W &k..C STAT OF FLORIDA COtm'l'Y OF PALM BEACH :z>~ CharlQS D. I HEREBY CER'J!IFY that on th.ie day, before me, em officer duly authorized in th.. Stato afercllollid atld in the Ccnmty llfore5Aid, to take acknowledgmsnts, personally appeared Charles D. ClApper, Jr.,'a: single matl, to IllQ lcno'Wn to be the person described in and who executed th~ foregoing instrument and he acknowledged before me that he eXACuted th.. same. last WlTNESS my hand ~ffioi.al :leal in the County and State "0_0'" ....."' doy 0;;;.0.....'. ,"'. Aa=. A~ 'NotAry Public, State of Florida My commission expires: ,~...~ A"",i"\;\ fl. C4SSEDV 9U1A".\u., ~R, ", ~ :.:::. fJ\"',",I'_~I~j_' ~ ;~',:"~:iI.~ ... ,.........", w.,-~.... ';';"",,<;~;' A1i~u.il 24, lS9~ ....tr.......' a.CIVIro Tt!rr.J !'.:OtHlV rt,.'!t.C VNS.tfI'iVa ~j' i~' ~I l~'~~ ~ ~UI ~~~ )Qod .) V I. I 1 I l- t. ' L . ~. r . U ~ '. -" ORB 6686 P; 1. 93 I EXHIBIT A COllllllencing at the intarsection of tha West line of said Seotion 15, and the South line Of said LOt 20, thence run Northerly alonq the West line of said Section 15, a distance of U58. 6Q feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of a 35 foot Utility easement, 17.50 teet on each side of the following described centerline; Thence run Easterly along a line parallel with the south line of said Lot 20, a distance of 165.00 feet to the Easterly terminus of the afore- described centerline. 01/l0/91 16126 Z 407 433 5488 7l - .. x: ~O~ ::>1<1"- ...l0 0"'1<. 1>000 ><U OOI<lCll ":0 . j:z:::.. CIlt..OCll ..:OU:O: ~W~O e>:a:...l zl<l ...l ~=,-,O 01-01-1"- a: ...l lXll-olQCIl <t:>< 2:..J" <Cl. .::I ell 111111 ...=00 ..O::....H -t<< ... t\I l<.U OOtll ""r- "" :z: _0 <Cc:o z ..: 01-11110 Na.~H e>:<r>:: CIlOl1.0 f-o'-' ..J OU .... ...l<l;- . l<. .lo<: >< 0"'0'" 00:>1 "'HlXl=:> o.::CIl 0 <l;Hf-;U "-><1: I-I..J:I: I-oClCl.U .ocl<l .... :C=>:Z:lol ...tIlHj;Q SUN TITLE/L I.J P,04 _ ORB _ 66~~ ~g__19_~ _&, ~ . III <l '" ~ UtlC~ ~ ~ _""0 ,~ - z it 'I .. Z.. l! .j~ i ! ~11.;:j 8 . r:a III lID Z ~ .j ~ o .....ur. -a::~ C~ CII .... :I: ..... W !2 to- ~ :: D;:) ~ ' ",lAlli i . Q ! -CIt ~ . -= ei ~ ~ III Ii: _Z 0 -. z III" .. Zii o III III -0 -I 0 .. _ ....w wo 111 1n3 ...l ::Z:' :>I -_t-t.J HI"\I H ,., OW..: ...l- ......l f-;:z:t\lIolP: 0 ;:. 0 - ... -<I ._f-o - ... OI-lC'l"l Cl.!-<eIl' I1lrJl CI)!-<lnO toll1I:Jl :>Ilol UO 0 ...laJ ~ = W I-oot :.. JzJJiJ'" ..c... OU...J .tn 'N~ Q"". A !-< ZOO: 01-1- I1If-oH . ... _OO<\o:I:lfI<l:<,;l r..01ol c .C/lO...WCll:Z: o U -- ~ 0 ;.. 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UW..o 1-10 ::t:bl:O::z: :r::z:rnl-oQ\f-oO :c...;o.Ol<l!-<lol t.JOOU' OI-lO..J:r:H=:Io.l.&l 'blt\l <J...lf-ooolt-o>f-<Ol...,CIl- ;AI,,, p$, ~~,;'N I .. ",1';~ ~ (1-- . r ~~ '#V~;Z::, I ,,-J~,7 '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L/ '''' ~ \. ~~ ~, ~ "' ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ \ lI\. \, f ;" ~ ~ ~ >1.\, ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~~ ~ \\ ~ ~ ~ ~~.... ~ ':;: ~ '" ~,~ " I ~ ~ .!II /l'N"'/,).-IE ~ " s:; ?'t? ~ ~ ~ ~#/7 ~ '.?"R7..ep,;; ) J~,i'p1.. 1/ I.?P~/-'I\ It.('" ..?//"3PI --- ''''/P',;;-';';;'V; )1I"p,1d5..1,lY ~~,,;'~,.# 4:?~J'J'/y/,?Z """ :0: o H e.- I>. H c:: U ., t.J CI :H ~ ~ 1i a J.lBIHXa: ~" ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,,/ I ,_,) I - I , './) I'~ \" I ~... 'l... ~ ... ................ "" .'> I. " " ul .... '\J - I 1 ~~~:t t... l' ,.... ~ '" " ). "" "" ') \.~ ....I~<. ... I ,...:\ ~ ... ""'" ..... 'J ..I ~~ '-\I ~ '-l ~ .. ~ ~ ,~ ~ Lr -.; ~~ ,.~ 91 i' E ~ ~~ ~ ~, ~~b ~~ ~ ~~ ~ '\\~ "" ~~ " ~~ ~ "'" ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &l~~~ .~ "'i ~ --- J.;'~tY~G 3 ;J' '..21 )Y .,. ",', dl. J~' jl l~; ~b ~ 4~1 4~J ~4~0 ::,u/; IllL.!:.'L...... r.v") ...( .., -- . . ORB 668b p, 195 EXHIBIT D That po~ion of Lots 20 thrcu~h 20, inclusive, lying East ot the West line ot Seotion 15r Township 45 south, Range 43 ~ast, Boynton Beach, Florida, CIS shown on the plat or SAM ImOWN, ~s., H'lPOLUXO SUBDIVISION, CIS recorded in Plat Book 1r at page 81, in and tor the Public Reoord" of Palm lleach county, Florida, less however the South 332 teet, ot the West 105 teet, (as measurea along the west and South line) thereot. RECORD VERIFIEf) "ALA.! BEACH COUNTY. FLA JOHN 8, CUNKLe CLERK CIRCUIT COURT