CORRESPONDENCE R.C. BOOS, INC.jFELNER CONSTRUCTION, INC. A JOINT VENTURE 4723 W. Atlantic Ave. Suite 'J Delray Beach, Florida 33445 (407) 496-2000 August 29, 1991 Ci ty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 331+35 Attn: Mike HaaS, Site Development Administrator Re: 9 to 5 Child Care CAB Inspection Dear Mike: On 8/27/91, a CAB inspection was made. There are 4 items incomplete that I w:JUld like to address. G----:-J 4" stucco bands at top and base of 16" diameter concrete colunns has been omitted. U He omitted the bands at base of the colurms because they are in the area mere there is high pedestrian traffic and children with tricycles and push toys. They wmld be constantly chipped, cracked, broken and constantly needing repair. In turn, we did not put top bands on for this reason. 2. Galvanized drip edge painted on August 29, 1991. 3. Stucco donuts to be added to sign wall and clock tower by Septanber 6, 1991. 4. Clock in tower on front elevation to be installed week of September 9, 1991 I spoke with manufacturer, American T:irre and Signal in Minnesota, mo said they would ship on Sepernber 3, 1991 by l,'PS. ,\/hen clock arrives, will only take one day for installation. Sincerely, ~q~i/,/, Barry Felner Vice President BF/me f,nt/J C~\\J~O Il>~,,)" f>oJ. f\e 'e~\ r.-JA(Vo~,/;('J It' ..L"'~ ....~U t ~ vI' IV ~ 1""''' t" O~"~\.Q\>.~ ~p~~~':l r.d>^- D .y ~ S\~~.f\l P ~f"l ,I'ft.? .-.1) ~ ~..r \)O~ 'JiJ.J 1l'" 4AJ....V I iP,f< e>$ I'"' fllL.~ t!1) ....,. t AIL- 1" ...llVJ' vt;1 1~t. 0 t.<.E. ~ ,._ v " "\' '.) tI s r \-6" ~ . I ,J A))q,~J Jlp). Il.t. I ..a..1" 'V. o~1~' C1'''I' 1 v- lJyli( r \> rdU C. . ~ JI~ . I r f}'1i1S1 r rJ , ~ / / . \-:"cd 9?:3 '1/ August 26, 1991 Mr. Kevin Halihan Dear Kevin: As of Friday, August 23, I have physically inspected the installed landscaping at the 9 to 5 Childcare Center. I can verify that the landscaping has been installed as per the design called out for by myself on the landscape plans. Also, the plants appear to have been installed in an appropriate manner. Therefore, I am satisfied that all requirements of the landscape plan have been met. Sincerely, Joe ~~n SLATTERY , ROOT ARCHITECTS, P.A. JP:le RECEIVED SEP 0 9 1991 SITE OEVEL. BOYNTON BEACH. flORIDA > ./ 0:> ',-;"\.1Lu I .~" 1(" , :, . -.{~ .' ,.-,,' "~. <:..,'-..' ..; . ., \\> ___ :J "', ! _ 1. J' e Au,,"2g' 'ig'i, .. (1' \0;' C.P'I'I'IG ,,"'- \>si (/, ...." fl- ':........ , , ',. tlr, I ~L \- 10 / ,'> ,. ,I \\,. <, '.. ,(I i\.\., ' ~/77 . I"\) ~R,II~j :please rlClce Tt\\\ \tJ -tie.- r Ie fore... CY To S D~{' CCt(<<2- Ct~ T U T T L t,:'G l)I.:::E,;:HI'I....[lU.lI~,D~ lNC. ~"; 1 Ol) BT I~'r[,: F<O(1) WI 1..1'11<[: WClI'\TII, Fl... :3:3ill,7 1J.i)119l:1U _~i;~:r;r :;~~ -----------~---------_.,_....~.,.... TO. __~l),.\-.-~\\~l",,-\-nf'\~.. FROMI~i--,COllE~. DATE,__c~L.a31~.L._..._.... BUBJ 1_~.s:_D\&'{~~fu~YS\..'l~ '\riA '\- k ':> .............__.__...._......._ [~QJ\""""'! . ........ ..."."'......-. -,,,.., '" "". ..."'.._---~ _...__....___M"..__'._U.______ . "'....'''.'...m"''.m....'',...._....... ,,_n ....._. .... .~, ....._._ .~. ... - .-"~~ nU ,.". ,~......,~~.~~.. ..,""'- ,- ...""".... nns FAX CON~lIST (II" ..... ......~. ....yl\ur.':!.;..II\II:l..lmrNI:l 'l'HHl COVER 9HI::~T. H'"d Lv96896L8v ~NI cr,InH N~IS3cr S3,~~n~ Tv,8 Il:l,l T6-;z:<;-~nl;l . ... ^l19ust 23, 1991 To WhC$ It May concern I The OWners ot the 9 to 5 Child Care project have requested a chanse to the lAI14.0ap1nq pIon. This chanqe conslsts ot sUb$ll-ltutlnq "Mexican Heather" (CUphea Hyssop) for the "YellOW Shrllllp Plant" (PlI.ahy.tachys ~utea) called for in the plans. They are concerned about the durability and the availability of th... plant.. For these concerns, I approve tnis substitution. any need for further claritioation, pl...e do contact me directly. Should there be not hesitate to Sinoerely, n!t~ :roQ--Z~er.on .LATT~T . .OOT AaeH%~.~.. P.1. .!P11e Z~~d L~9hB9bLQ~ ~NI cr'Ing N~IS3cr S31~lnl 7.v:~ T~~ t~-~7.-~nH -\ j ~.,..,. .., .:::.: :~%:-:.. "-....,,' ','''' ~:.~.i.~.~.i..>\ '."'i/ \ SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS Architectural Design & Planning Member" A.I.A. April 24, 1991 Mr. Mike Haag, zoning and site Administrator City of Boynton Beach Building and Zoning 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Boynton Bay Apartments and 9 to 5 Child Daycare Dear Mr. Haag: We are in request of a material and color change for the railings of the above referenced projects. The railings currently approved are teal aluminum. We would like to substitute the teal aluminum with White P.V.C. in the following areas: o In the stairs and landings of the apartments. o Around the pool area. o Playground and Park area. Samples will be submitted along with this letter for your approval. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. \' " 2101 NW 2nd Avenue 0 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 0 (407) 392-3720 11760 U.S. Highway 1 0 North Palm Beach, Florida 3340B 0 (407) 775-1334 '. BOYNTON MOBILE VILLAGE BOX-1 1801 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (407) 732-5592 jf" 'p..,.." = [)" TfLElJ))' .!)I ,h("- ::~:" '\ . I~'" p, ;,...j...-i.l I::{ . ~ , ~..- :;:r !) , . ~cp i9?1 ,,\-l' f,UiLC:;-..,3 DEPT. I,. \,"i<' , April 10, 1991 City of Boynton Beach, Florida Building Dept. Att, Don Jaeger P.O. Box 3110 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33~~25 RE: DAY CARE CENTER NOISE INCORRECT FENCING Dear t4r. Jaeger, We have now ~een told that the Day Care Center which is being build on 4Th. street in Boynton Beach, Florida, and which is part of your project Boynton Bay, Boynton Beach,Florida, was constructing a cpain link fence on the east side of the new care day center. Our residents are o~jecting to this type of construction. The assistant project director has informed us that we will not have a concrete fence surrounding our property. When we went to City Hall we were informed that a concrete block fence would be surrounding the complete day care center. There will be noise and children outside playing and our elderly residents would not be able to stand all of this noise plus the fact that there is an elderly nursing home also right next store to this day care center. Since we were informed that a concrete block fence would be constructed and we went along with a concrete fence being build that is what are r~sidents are asking for we really are not understanding why Boynton Bay can change their plans and make one side of the fence a chain link fence. Would you please get back to us and make us aware how this type of change can take place without any of us having a opinion or being notified ??? >...,"-.... ", , , , .\ '~\ 'I,. \Ii;) . I /<:-; "" ,,' .,,; '.<',\,';./ . \~.. Sincerely, wu ~ i!~i!J1;;~"':_' ~ ~dj-, vvJJ ~ " M--~ ~ -0 ~' ~ ~jR/w.~~/rigan BARBARA ~~ANAGER WILL I A~l CORR I GAN OWNER R.C. BOOS, INC.jFElNER CONSTRUCTION, INC. A JOINT VENTURE 4723 W. Mlantic I\W. Suite (j Delray Beach, Florida 33445 14U7) 4%-201111 February 5, 1~9l Mr. Kevin Hallahan Urban Forester City of Boynton Beach lOa E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach~ Florida 33435 Re: Boynton Bay Rental Apartments Dear 1~r. Hallahan: As follow up to our telephone conversation on Friday, February 1, 1991, between you, Barry FeIner and myself, I would like to confirm the following. After extensive phone contact with various agriculture and state agencies, we have found that there is no known guarente8d process to prevent Mango trees from bearing fruit. Three chemicals were suggested to "slow the growti, only", but none could guarentee against total sterilzation. These tilree chemicals are EHlbark, r-~aintui..1. Cl;'125, and Gubarlic. All thre~ are still in the experimental stages. Therefore, and for the safety of the children attending our 9 to 5 Childcare, we are requesting the total removal of all Bango trees from t~1iG area. Upon department approval, we will replace all Mango trees with on site Oak trees with trunk dianiter of +/- 311 to 511 to insu~e proner tree count. Per your suggestions at on site meetinLJs, we will transplant those Mango trees that can be moved with our tree spade to the preserve area south oz buildings S & 10. This area to act as a buffer zone between the Four Saasons Condominiulns and Boynton Bay Apartments. All transplant preserve areas to be mulched conducive to their natural setting. We look forward to working with your department for a successful transplant operation. Thank you, ~~~'- Kern Hems'~1er Project r';anager 1m I i71e . R~C. BOOS, INC.jFELNER CONSTRUCTION, INC. A JOINT VENTURE 4723 W. Atlantic ;\\(0. SuitE'l) Delray Beach, Florida 3 445 i4U7l 496- 000 February 5, lS91 Mr. Kevin Hallahan Page :2 Contact list regarding ~'\ilngo tree sterilization. 1. I'I.J.N.O. (Ar1 1230) Garden Hot Line L. Asgro Corp., 441, Delray Beach 3. Zills fviango Nursery, Boynton 'leach, Gary Zill 4. Nancy Davila, Horticulturst Coordinator, City of Delray Beach 5. Aaron Agriculture Chemical Feeding, Miami 6. Agriculture Department, 1I0mstead, Florida 7. Palm Beach County Extention Service, West Palm Beach jI Feiner Construction, 4723 W. Atlantic Avenue, Bay 9 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 (407) 496-2000 Inc. November 19, 1990 City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida Attention: Mike Haag Re: Boynton Bay Rental Apartments Dear Mike: This is to confirm our understanding that the City of Boynton will issue all the building permits that we request including the Day Care Center. However, we also understand that you will not issue certificates of occupancy for more than 50% of the apartment buildings until a certificate of occupancy is issued for the Day Care Center. Very truly yours, C lTY f" oE.q[) BOYNTON BEACH \ \ \ '/r%' ~ @ i\~ " , 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.8111 ( 90- ~54( OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR "., I \ \ '.>-' Slattery & Root Architects Attn: Mr. Mark Burton 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FI 33431 August 27, 1990 qO/ 0 ~~ 1J',). \1 v\ It- RE: Nine to Five Day Care Center (At the Hamlet) - Conditional Use - File No. 505 Dear Mr. Burton: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 21, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced conditional use application subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. In addition, the City Commission incorporated the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Community Appearance Board as part of the project approval. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended that the six foot high chain link fence surrounding the childrens' play area be slatted on the north and a portion of the east property boundaries abutting the mobile home park and that the ficus hedge be maintained to the height of the fence. The Community Appearance Board recommended relocation of the Strangler Fig tree. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did TO: Slattery & Root -2- August 27, 1990 .. not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the jOb site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-Off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by SUbmitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH t:.f /'~'\ (,' J': ES J!. GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:9t05 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH \ I\! (' @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. florida 33435.0310 14071 734.B111 -.--- .-- .,. , '- / \ l.......i i .... /,'\ . -- . . / .... '/ /"'.> j\l i C;/ t,' . ~ 3 ~~,SJ ~ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR \. \J, ' .c . .'-< "./, ..,.~,. ,. I ( . . ~L!l?~~-~/ August 27, 1990 Slattery & Root Architects Attn: Mr. Mark Burton 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, Fl 33431 RE: Nine to Five Day Care Center (At the Hamlet) - Conditional Use - File No. 505 Dear Mr. Burton: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 21, 1990, the City cOllUllission approved the referenced conditional use application subject to staff cOllUllents, copies of which are attached. In addition, the City commission incorporated the recollUllendations of the Planning and Zoning Board and the COllUllunity Appearance Board as part of the project approval. The Planning and Zoning Board recollUllenqed that the six foot high chain link fence surrounding the childrens' play area be slatted on the north and a portion of the east property boundaries abutting the mobile home park and that the ficus hedge be maintained to the height of the fence. The COllUllunity Appearance Board recollUllended relocation of the Strangler Fig tree. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-Off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-Off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made cOllUllents. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did TO: Slattery & Root -2- August 27, 1990 not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (I) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Cr:jF BO~~EACH fkES Ii. GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:9to5 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ II! ( ~ @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (4071 734.8111 .......-- /\''::'! 1"-.... /.,.-:\ ,.-' . /:" '/ /,"""> ' Al-: [IV ! - , '. '_.L1 , 0; 3 19S') ~. OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR \- \ . '\" ,. . .... ,/ /,. { , ' ,--'. . ": " ~~/ August 27, 1990 Slattery & Root Architects Attn: Mr. Mark Burton 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, F1 33431 RE: Nine to Five Day Care Center (At the Hamlet) - Conditional Use - File No. 505 Dear Mr. Burton: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 21, 1990, the City commission approved the referenced conditional use application SUbject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. In addition, the City commission incorporated the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Community Appearance Board as part of the project approval. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended that the six foot high chain link fence surrounding the childrens' play area be slatted on the north and a portion of the east property boundaries abutting the mobile home park and that the ficus hedge be maintained to the height of the fence. The Community Appearance Board recommended relocation of the Strangler Fig tree. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-Off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did TO: Slattery & Root -2- August 27, 1990 " , not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~j~ fkES iI.' GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:9toS 1I.w J..I~ ~ tkt Q,,~ C;O-CjOl/7 /< /;l\"' .- 1(,,,-, ! "', I ~~'t SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ! D' i. JJcf} Checklist Procedure To Be Followed In Reviewing BUila~g!.permit 'A . Plans Of Projects That Have Received Technical Revie~~ar? (TRB) . sign-Off. \(/. ~I . ,1. Identify Project Name and File No. (from final sign~ff! letter) 2. Obtain TRB plans, TRB file and, where applicable, approved color elevation drawings 3. Review TRB file and plans for outstanding issues and/or conditions that must be received prior to issuing the building permit 4. Review the permit application to ensure zoning district is identified correctly and determine what the applicant is requesting to be permitted 5. Compare permit plans to TRB plans and, where applicable, color elevation drawings to ensure the following items match: i./ Horizontal control dimensions (building setback) ~ ~\ ii. v Total square footage of building f'''l( l\ , it!. Where ap~lieaBle, Rtim5Cr of Maits iv. Where 3pplie~1~1 ntlm5er of 3ea~s v~ BUilding elevations (configuration of exterior surface)~A~"7 vi ........ Overall height of building ACP-7 vii. Exterior finish color and material identified, match the approved color elevation drawing and TRB plans ~~~-4~ viii.v Finish floor elevation (where applicable, match SFWHD elevation) AI -A'3> ix.~' *Dumpster location and size (minimum inside opening 10 feet) Pea- A \ x.~ *Flat work showing the handicapped accessibility path leading to the entrance of the building, tenant space and/or other amenities at the site from the handicapped parking space(s) . . .Including H.C. path from the public right-of-way to the building entrance p~ A-, * Note, The flat work and dumpster must be specified on the permit application When the permit plans do not match the approved drawings, a comment sheet will be completed specifying the inconsistencies. Where the plans match, stamp the "Date stamp" with the current date on each sheet that matched and the SOD reviewer will write their name across the date stamp mark on the plans. The SOD reviewer will stamp the small "Title Block Stamp" on the site plan drawing, and, after finding all items match, will identify the permit number, date and sign-off the title block stamp. The reviewer will also specify on the sheet that has the title block stamp the items he/she compared to the TRB plans and identify the sheet number and/or title of the sheet where the item was found. stamp the "Separate Permits Required stamp" on the site plan drawing and specify that ** Site work requires separate permit(s) ** - SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS 2101 NW 2nd Ave. 11760 US Hwy. 1 Ste. 5 Ste. 301 Boca Raton. FL 33431 North Palm Beach. FL 33408 (407) 392.3720 (407) 775-1334 OJ~iY1i[EOO @[f 1iOO6.\lm~~OiY1i6.\[b TO ~~A/fta RE: I I > WE ARE SENDING YOU Jf Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings jt! Prints 0 Plans o Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 the following items: o Samples o Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: > ~For approval o For your use o As requested o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Returned for corrections A 0 Return~corrected prints -ft pt!fn- ~A.~- ~~~. . , 19 0 PRIN S RE URNED AFTER LOAN TO US ~ CJA. SIGNED: I I COPY TO PaOlIlCT2I~/~/I","GnIlIlI,""'DWI " enclosure. are not .. noted, kindly notify us at onc..