TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (MAR 1991) OLSAK & ASSOCIATES CONSUL riNG ENGINEERS 308 Greymon Drive West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 City of Boynton Beach, Engineering Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. February 27,1991. Att: Mr. Vince Finizo, Admin. Coordinator of Engineering. Re: "5 TO 9 DAY CARE CENTER" ( Boynton Bay). Dear Mr. Finizo; Enclosed please find The TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS UPDATE for the above named Day Care Center. As you can see from the RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS, the required Impact Fee should be calculated on the total maximum 226 vehicular trips per day. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office, Thank you for your friendly collaboration. Sincerely yours, OLSAK & ASSOCIATES, K. Olsak, P,E. CC: Mr. J. FeIner, ffAd Z; ~ .' TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS UPDATE NINE TO FIVE DAY CARE CENTER N.E, 4TH STREET PREPARED BY: OLSAK & ASSOCIATES, INC, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 1991 . .. INTRODUCTION This is the site of an existing approved 1,25 acre Day Care Center, which will be located on the west side of N.E. 4th Street, approximately 100 feet south of N,E, 20th Avenue wit in the City Limits of Boynton Beach. The purpose of this Traffic Impact Analysis will be to determine the total number of vehicular daily trips generated to and from the site, Access to the site will be from N.E, 4th Street. This Day Care Center is intended to be 7,500 total square feet with construction to begin prior to April 1, 1991, , -1- TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES Trip Generation Rates were taken from Palm Beach County's Fair Share Impact Fee Ordinance and were as follows for the original approved March 1990 report: Day Care Center 67 T/1000 Sq, Ft, x 7,500 Sq, Ft, = 503 Total Gross VTD Palm Beach County also provides within the Fair Share Impact Fee, that not all of these 503 gross vehicle trips per day were considered "pass by trips", Therefore a total of 50 vehicle trips per day were considered "pass by trips", The net vehicle trips was therefore 452, which was distributed throughout the roadway system, A subsequent review of the above generation rates indicate that the maximum traffic of 452 daily trips does not take into account, the fact that this Day Care Center will mainly serve the adjacent subsidized housing development north of this project, It is expected that 50% of the total daily trips will originate from the Boynton Bay subsidized housing project. The remaining 50% of the trips will be vehicular trips. The . average daily trips are categorized as follows: 452 ADT x 50% Veh, Trips = 226 Trips/Day 452 ADT x 50% Pedestrian Trips = 226 Trips/Day -2- RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS This project generates a total of 452 average daily trips per day as identified in the March 1990 traffic report. A subsequent review of that report indicates that because of the location of proposed Day Care Center to the adjacent Boynton Bay subsidized housing project clearly not all the expected traffic will be vehicular traffic to the site. Page 2 of the Report estimated that 50% of the trips will be vehicular and 50% of the estimated trips will be pedestrian oriented trips. Therefore total of 226 trips per day will be vehicular trips and 226 trips will be pedestrian trips. Traffic Impact fees for this project should therefore be calculated on the total 226 vehicular trips per day, -3-