APPLICATION ,... ,( = 'I' ( , " ,.. ';:, " I Fe.... '.:'1 ) - '\...'Ci, (./.::.)-C. "10, ;;S- (( I COVEl< :::;HEET (~EJ-___3.il:f.__E(~'i---------------- U. -- n" ?WJJ ECT T I TU: _/J_!.'<!.t5:__!!2_.J::.'.!.ti__JJtl'LL'lIl.-s.''::::6t,,!!E=@--------------------- ADDRESS: LL]lLn_J1~____lJ..::~-:--,__~'-t.___________________ By --------- PCN no, : - ----- -.--------------------------------------- Zoning DJ stric t: ___R=.J2.______,_ Existing TRB no, : ----q,{---------- DESe R I PT IOI! OF '.OHI(: ____6!..Ei..~_fj!='!(:J~'.~i,>_J2tJLy@S_S!=_::!.:.?:.!3...________________ _______i~ <i'.'!!e.=-~__0?:'!.Jl.!.'fl?!:!.f:!___u..Sf""-__32:!?~~i:L!3..'i.5....~_:.'1Tf:j)_fC!:!!l_;j1..'!!!:.~_..&.:oJkl- [Contact p",,'sons nam", /asscioation with project /telephone numb",rJ --------------.----. -.-----.------------------------------------------------------ CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL LTR MEETING DATES & MINUTES ,: AfPt'vlvr) 8th TRB ~__?.~,?,_'~,!VAJ_!f "f pt' P&Z ---------------- PROJECT APPROVAL DATES: TRB AllMINISTRATIVE APPHOVAL LTR P&Z / DRB APPROVAL LETTER DRB ---------------- <I<A (0 (r) APPROVAL LETTER CRA (c) (r) OTHER APPROV AL:3: MAE~TER PLAN PRE-APPLICATION EXCEPTION TO PLATTING IN LIEU OF PLATTING l'PELlMINARY PLAT CON:~:TRUCT I ON PLANS APPPOV AL FINAL PLAT APPROVAL -- ----.--------- , -- --~------------+--------- -------------~------------------+-----~----- COLOR RENDERINGS PROJECT EXTENSION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMIT / WITH CONDITIONS VARIANCE~ APPEAL APPPOVAL {TYPE,: -------------~------_._-------------_.__.__._-- - --~-_._-_. ... ..----.--- ------------.- --.-----.--. -. .._.._----~ ~-----_._----------------------- M I ;::;CELLANEOUS: __R€c.,2"'oi'.fLJ!f1--~4!tJ.et.&.8,,-J~lU,.4{S'!.-~~~-~.!.~----------------- DATE STARTED FINAL SIGN-OFF: --~------------------------------_._. /':; ,"~;-~=-:-~> /~";' -..' ,-\\': --: ,:~>\ I ~- "~'tt !:--:: ,)~" . ". "" " . -, 1(->1, - ""\ '1 ~)~,H '~--3' - ''', ' I. >-, I .\ ,\\".. ,:--/' 'Jd\:'~\ " /:.- \)\\. "I ;. <:/ f.'~~', " ... " : .-......<"',', ': / .~.\ ~, ,\., /', ---,- .-. --- -. .-. ------- -- ------..- .--- -. --- -. .-. *"* THB NO, S H;N-OFF L'ATE n:.t ---------------------+------- -- coversht \ \ . f . CITY ot BOYNION t)l:Al.H COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD PLEASE PRINT APPLICATION: (x ) REVIEW APPROVAL ( ) PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS ( ) REQUEST FOR CHANGE (X ) SIGN APPROVAL Da te: j\.ugust 10, _~.9.9.o_________ (Date Paid: ___g~13~:~~ ___) (Receipt Number: _~L1J_~dt___) PROJECT NAME: Nine to Five Childcare @ Boynton Bay _______ PROJECT ADDRESS: ~$~~~-;:~==~~~~~~~~~-a~~S~:~~~~_;=;==;~~~~:Dlle______ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attachment __________ (If too lengthy to fit -;;;-applicati-;;;-;--l-;'g;l-MtjST-;e--;;;-;-;'~P;~.;t~-;heet-;fp-;;p;~-: NOT a part of the plans.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 150 Child Capacity D,ay Care Center _____ -------------------....'%"-----~---_r_---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OWNER: Hamlet Joint Venture COIDQsDY_____________ Phone Number: ~alLi~n=2aaU___ ARCHITECT: _SI~!!~~Y-!-RoQ!_b~ghi!~g~~___________ Phone Number: ~alL1i2=112U___ !~-QBQ~B-fQB-XQYB-E1b~~_!Q_~~_B~Y!~~~Q~_b_B~EB~~~~!b!!Y~_MYST ~~EB~~~~T_bT_1B~ Mg!!~~. NAME: -~~~Bu~~~~~~_________~_______ Phone Number: (ialL14~122U___ ADDRESS: ~101-B~~~nd_b~~n~~~_~QQ~_B~~on~_rlQ~~g~__11431_____________________ Street City State Zip Code . . . . - _ . . . . . c _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . _ . . . _ . ~ _ . . ~ . _ . . . . _ . . ~ = . _ . IMPORTANT - Requirement for Review: I. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map DesiRnatinR Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legib1~. 6. Application fee of $50 (payable to "City of Boynton Beach). ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALED ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURFACE MATERIIXL COLOR/NAME BEAHS/Fins Stucco white, buff COLUMNS Concrete & Stucco slate qrey & turquoise DOORS Hollow Metal cool qrev FASCIA Wood white GABLE ENDS Stucco buff & white GLASS Grey Tinted GRILL PANELS PVC & Aluminum slate qrey & turquoise INSECT SCREEN Wire Screen buff RAILINGS Painted Aluminum Fiberglass Shingles & turquoise ROOF charcoal qrey ZHUTTERS N/A SOFFI T Stucco Stucco light texture stuqco: heavy texture stucco: buff WALLS buff tan , Pi ckF>t PF>nCF> 1\"1 . lIm1nllm turqu- fence:oise OTHERS (as required) CyclonF> Fencing & Pai nten Aluminum , 5/88 . " . STAFF COMMENTS NINE TO FIVE DAY CARE CENTER CONDITIONAL USE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: See at~ached memorandum UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum POLICE DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum PUBLIC WORKS: See attached memorandum PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: See attached memorandum CO~wruNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum t:/'1--O/<t () 7 - l> ~~~(~hJ wJ ~ M.. N~' BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, gO-344 August 6, 1990 TO: Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director FROM: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director/~"/~ Mlchael ~, Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator THRU: RE: SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE - NINE TO FIVE DAY CARE CENTER Upon review of the above mentioned project, the followlng lisc of comments must be addressed in order to conform with the Boynton Beach city Codes: 1, All drawings and/or documents, submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents, 2. Clarify the overall height of the bUilding; site data states thirty-eight feet (38') and elevation view drawings identifies twenty-eight feet two inches (28'2") 3. Identify on the plans the width of the landscape strip located South of the South ingress ,accessway to the site, 4. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the type, size and color of the material proposed for the sides of the enclosure. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the enclosure walls and associated pad, Identify the overall height, width and length of the enclosure. Show ten foot (10') clear minimum width of the enclosure opening (clear width to be measured inslde of gate and post material or meet with the Public Works Department speCifications for compactor enclosure), Specify method of holding the enclosure gates in the open and closed positions. 5. show on the site plan drawing the sidewalk that runs parallel to the publiC right-of-way at the front of the property. 6. Show on the plans the difference in elevation between the finish floor elevation and the level platform located at the handicapped accessible entrance door to the building. 7. Specify on the plans that the height of the wall/fence located along the perimeter of the property, between the west property and the front building line will have a maximum height of 4'0", 8, Provide a detailed section view drawing of the wall/fence and pier, Identify the color of the stucco and picket railing, Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural materials and components associated with the wall/fence and piers. Specify the colors proposed for the wall sign. 9, The elevation drawings submitted for final sign-off must match in every respect the plans approved by the City Boards during the approval process of the project, The colors shown and identifie~ on the approved drawings shall be shown and'identified on the plans submitted for final sign-off. . Memo: Jim Golden RE: Nlne to Five Cay Care Center August 6, 1990 Page Three 10. Show on the landscape plans the location and size at the line-of-site triangle at both ingresses/egresses to :he site, State that the space between 30" and 72" withll1 the triangle will be unobstructed to allow cross- visibilit~ so as not to create a traffic hazard, ~, lri~nri:y ~n the plans the color nf the fascia. 12, All site lighting must be photocell controlled, 13. Show on the plans the proper traffic control signs for the site. 14. I recommend not relocating Ficus aureus adjacent to asphalt surfaces because of its potential to damage parking area pavement; instead provide a different kind of tree, 15. Provide the native species computation for the landscape material. Mango trees are not native. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included with your documents submitted to the Building Department for review and permitting: All signage must comply with the requirements of the sign code. Maximum square frontage of sign shall not exceed (32') square feet. E. Haag \ ' .-\, , I \" , ,j , , " \ \,) ( . lJ , MEH:mea NINETFIV.SDD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-217 August 7. ~ (.~I}{) TO: J. Scott Miller City Hanager fROH: Vincent A. finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engneering RE: T.R,8, COMMENTS Nine to Five Childcare Slattery & Root Architects In accordance with City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Chapter 19-17. Site Plan Review Process and Chapter 5, Section 5-142 "Required Parking Lot Improvements") the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following information, technical data and plan revisions: 1. The Site Lighting plan does not comply with minimum lighting levels, reference previous submittal. ~,Lighting system must be photo-celled activated, Delete time clock notes. 3. Provide sidewalks, 4. Provide F,P.L. opinion of cost for street lighting equal amount to the City of Boynton Beach. and submit monies in an l~: o--d.A,~c5- Vincent A. Finizio , VAF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Interim City Planner MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-475 FROM: Jim Golden Interim Planning Dire~tkor JohY't A. Guirlrv ~, " Director of Utilities ~", . August 5, 1990 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: TRB Review - Nine to Five Day Care (resubmittal) We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1. Developer shall not construct a wall adjacent to the proposed City lift station until City completes construc- tion of the lift station in late 1990. 2. Black iron pipe not allowed on backflow preventer. 3. Irrigation is not to be supplied by City water. 4. Deed preparation and title to 30' square lift station site is to be supplied by owner. Owner must also apply to the City Clerk's Office for request of abandonment of existing easement. 5. Owner shall coordinate landscaping so as not to interfere with the water or sanitary services. 5. As an alternate to the roadway cut for the 2" service, the developer may consider connecting to the 5" line to the fire hydrant before the valve. Polyethylene service pipe may then be used. If service is run under pavements, then K copper pipe is required. 7. Developer will allow the City to connect to his wall adjacent to the lift station, if the City so elects. dmt bc: Michael Kazunas MEMORANDUM POLICE 1I 90-094 TO: Ms. Tambri J. Heyden FROM: Lt. Dale Harrunack RE: 9-5 Day Care DATE: August 7, 1990 As per the discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 6 August 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Parking lot lights to be photo cell activated. 2. South entrance to be 2 way traffic flow. 3. Comply with Construction Security Ord. (S-8G) " ;t; 0 aJ."I d...--:'- Lt. Dale Hammack DH/cm r"rr ; '.' PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM 90-100 TO: JAMES GOLDEN - SENIOR CITY PLANNER FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: AUGUST 6, 1990 SUBJ: CONDITIONAL USE RE: NINE TO FIVE DAY CARE CENTER Call Public Works 738-7424. prior to forming dumpster enclosure. .....--f" -"I' ~ \ ~ .-.,-.r" . ~. " , ( :~' '!I '1 ....' '~"1: ~"~ ~ ,...... ._.... \.' :l~~ .. '~"'." "'\ ',l \,,, ~~ / rt- ' C~-cr-. Robert Eichorst I " ' ~. . ",.,..... \'1--"'-'\ .:. ..---------- ......." RE:he cc:file ?LAiEJILiG :::EP"Z\RT~E!~T >!E~.:OE.~~,ICUH ~J,:]. >)- ~O; C:1<1irman alld Hembel-S Plall11111g 3nj 301111lg BCJ~~ THRu: James J. Gcld8n :nter1m Plann1ng 8ir~ctor I :1 ",- ,I FR:Jt'l: Tambl'l ,J, Hey:\en ~s~istant '=it~ ;:~~ner DATE: June 19/ 1.990 Revised - ~ugust 1 1" c, I) SUBJEC':': Nine to F~':e Day Care C.e~ter ,3t tje ~arl12t\ ConditirJnal. Ese - F::..1-::: :Io. 505 Please be adv1sed .)f th2 fol~oW11l0 ?13~!:lng [~p3~:1~~~t c~~m2nt3 with respect to ~he ~bove-refereTIced request for cc~j~tl~n~l U3e approval: 1. Approval o~ this req~est is 3ub]ect to atal:~oll~e~lt :f ~he existlTIJ 25 foot ~ater a~~ 3~\1er ~3senlent ~"l~c11 coni:~c~~ with the ?roposed building 12cat12ll, Appli~ation ~Jr abandci1I:len t r.1U,3 t be IT.3.de -..:llrougl1 tl1e 213.11n1L.9 Depar:':11ent. 2. Revise the data table on sheet AS-l to accur~te:~ ref:ect the rear setbac~ provided and the building height whic~ differs from the height indicated on sheet ~-3, Chapter 19, Arti:::le II., Se:::t1:::n 19-17 ( i) . Indicate the ,_'olors and materials ~f the 211try ~l;~. ~lle Building De?artment should be consulted regarding the compliance of the proposed sign w1&h the Sign C:::de, Cha?~er 21, section 21-14(C) of the Code of :Jrdinances. 4, DimenS10n the ~all setback and the pavement edge ~rcm the north and south ~roperty llnes, Chapter 19, Article L~, Sect10n 19-17(~) and If) of the Code of Ord:nances, ~, . Indicate the elevations, fence 3nd wall colors on the blueprlllc Site plan .~pplication, page 5, ltam =17, 6, Light pole3 along the north, south and eas~ ?ro~erty lines shall be shielded from adjacent res1dences. specify en the lighti~g plan photocell activation and the energy effici~nt ligl1t SOU1"Ce to be used, Appendix,; - :on1Iq, Se'~t:'OI1 4,:;,7 and Article X - Parkin~ Lots, Sectioll 5-1~~:3) r~ferenc2 t~ city standards, 7 . Include on the site p13n a sidewalk along tl1e li;,e as sl1o'dn on the paving and drainage :::1.3.~1 appropriate constructicn detal1, Chapter 22-25(a) of the Code of Ordlllances. fl-0nt :.)].-cperty and :.:;rc',./ide S~ction ^ .0 . Indicate 03 tIle sit~ p13~1 311Y driveways ~litl1in ~h2 ~ite. Site plan a~plicati0n, page 5, ltem :OJ f=et of -, _".t , 9. Stripe and sign drop-off a.rea to indic3te, IINo ?~.r]C..l:y - Drop-off Areal' so as to provide convel1i~nt: Ul1c\cstructed i~gress and egrass adjacent to the ~uilding, Append:~ A - :oninJ, Section 11,16,c, (4), 10, A m11Hmlll11 of 25 pad;,ing "paces lS reC:llll'ed for thi~ \ISe, The p3ve~ area im~ediat~'ly 110r~11 of tile bUlldi:10 is injlcc1ted on sheet 2 ,)f 5 as a loading ::on~ 'Jersus a:1 ()ver';l::ed (12' :: 35'; ;:>al-ki:q'sr:a::<::, Wl:l1 a wlleelctc:J as indicated all tIle site ~lall, sh~et AS-i. TW~ll~Y-f~u~ pa~klng space:.:; :.l.re shewn e::clucling thi3 lJ.:l\.-=-.J ~_rea, t:12.!..efc'1'::- if t~is area is not a parking "pace, ae addi:~~nJl sp~c~ is PLANNI:-JG DEPART:1Sn:- t1S~.1IJp.AnDUH U0. '.(~-2(~: T:J: SUBJ: JATE: C~airma~ 21n1 Meln~e~s. ~~':.1:1.ir.d .1nd :,-)nil1~ [c;:~r,-; Nine to ?~'!~ D3~r C~re Cell~er Jun'3 19, ~~9Cl (RE'\.~~,~.d ;\ul-1ust 7 19% ) Leeced. ::ect.:;')i"l ,;?p2nc1:i:: ..J.. - 2\)1l1nq. J. :::. :l.. :>.:<:~. ic n l~, . H. Li:, . C . : 4 ' ,1' .:"1...::: .q1-,:..:.d ~""', dr. ~i1e Jun,e <::: ~'}?lJ T=c~-.nlc.:;l --..3..;:..:.....1'/ E)cT:": m!22tl:"..:].. c-= :~S.:- ~:'~3.it"ic -....:cn,,::.-ol )lcu.l t:J :::e::::l:=:ct .:1 t'..-JO-r,,(V/ drlveway ~t th~ ,'ourh entr3nce dlld a IJne-w~y. n0 entr:r it the. nort~... t~:..~i veway. Mal~]:;' :h~ pJ',,'em2~1t dnd ::: ign (.:tcc')l~dlil~l~'. Cilapter 1':1. .:"xtic2.-2 II. Section 19-17(e) 3.nd A~!.Jendl::;':'" - Zoning, 2~cti\)11 ~:.A.~. 12, ~ue to ~he denslty of th2 mobile home park 3nd lts &sso8iat~~ ~ctivltleS and the ~cise 3nti21~3te~ fr:m t~l~ ~~y care :ellt~r p:ay ~reas, It 15 recs~rnended th3t a solid, ccntlnuou~ scre~n be provided dlcng the ncrth and east property :i~es \lh~ch abut the mobila home park. The ~~~lC :l~}: fence l~dic~.~a~ en tha ~l~ns could be slattaj or substituted ~ltt ~ woed ~e~~e tJ ~c~ieve thlS ?ur~cse. ~ ", ' ~ / ( '" /. Tambri ~. H9yden/ T.JH A:9-5STCCH ::c: C2ntral File RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-410 TO: James Golden, Interim Planning Director FROM: Kevin J, Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist II :IV .--'1 -, ", SUBJECT: Nine to Five Day Care Center (Adjacent to Boynton Bay Apartments) DATE: August 7r 1990 The previous memorandum of June 6, 1990r is still in effect for T.R,B. sign off. KJH:cm RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-294 TO: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director \ FROM: Kevin J, Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist~~'~\' SUBJECT: Nine To Five Day Care Center - Conditional Use DATE: June 6, 1990 1. The applicant must prepare a Tree Management Plan for the existing Mango trees on site, 2. The swa1e area adjacent to 4th Street should be irrigated and sodded between the Mango trees which are preserved. 3. Potable water cannot be used for the irrigation system. 4. The landscape plan should reflect 50% native trees and 30% native shrubs/bushes. KJH:ad ~ "'"f"'l.,,.........,.-;"""f-r T!8"0 '-; 'r'. ,,-<, .I...,.iJ .1..........,...J"-....I~...... t-' JUN Q lSOO PL~NN\!'iG DEPT. COMMUNITY H1PROVEl'lENT DEPARTMENT ~I E 1,1 0 RAil 0 U M DATE: August 9, 1990 FROM: Jim Golden, Interim City Planne~ Johnnetta Bloomfield, Dll'ectolc,JJ' TRB Cumments: Nine to Five Day Care TO: HE: Please be advised of the following regarding the above: 1) Inqress/Eqres,," - Site plan should specify t.hat the westiOl'n driviOvlay anel elrc'p off a1"'a should be designated one w"y in an effort to provide for pedestrian safety and ,.;mnoUl traffic flow and contl'ol. Section 11.2-01, Chapter lQ-17(",j 2) Screeninq, Bufferinq and Landscapinq - Spction 11.2, Ch,\pt,.l' 19-21 .Lift station and dumpster site should be landscaped around exterior walls ,Underbrush in mango area shall be cleaned out and properly mulched to acco~nodate playground area and open space ,submi t tl'ee maintenance plan which indicates required maintenance of landscape and mango trees, type of replacement tree for dead mango trees, chemical treatment of mango trees, and also name entity responsible for maintenance of the same. ,Playground and Openspace Area (eastern side of facility) - Submit site plan for recreational equipment which includes type of equipment, constnlction of equipment and location equipment in relation to mango tree locations prior to permitting. Section 11.2 - D7 3) General Compatibility - ,Daycare facility and site should be desiqnpd and color-coordinated as to show resemblance and show compatibility with the Hamlet Apartment units, Section 11 . 2 - D8 4) obtain Necessarv HRS Approvals - for development of Daycare Facility prior to permitting 5) Sign should comply with City's Sign Code, Section 21-14 - C2 Page 2 - TRB Comments - Nine to Five Daycare - 8/9/90 6) Dttln.h',~ter - should be l'el<'r',lted to the ut'ifjlllill "it" 1"'<1,,1 "I'll corner of paLkinCl lor) tnt' the following Ledsons: a. Esthetics ,As not to detract from the appearance of the front of p Lope t' t y ,DumpsteL is located to close to the playgLound ~Lea .Odor frnm th-? (lttmp.stpl~ fl.rea may bp ulll-'LeaSrl.llt Ln (:hiidren ;'t11ct sta[f In the p':"o.y area i1nd also to parents and calest visiting the '..:elltel-, b, Pedestrian Safety ,The f1'ont of the facility is the area m,)st frerjuentli trafficl;ed by the parent and theit' childt'On (drop uff area), The relocation of the dumpster would lessen the possibility of fatal conflicts he tween refuse, automobiles and pedestrians (especially children), 7) Loadino Zone - is not marked on the site plan, 8) site Data - (AS-i) should be updated to reflect site plan for the Nine to Five Daycare Facility, 9) Sign and fence elevations not included; site plan should indicate locations, heights, lighting, and type of materials used. 10) It appears that the square footage of the facility has decreased, Though this is not a code requirement, efforts should be made to increase the size of the facility, A possible area for the increase in size is to square-off the southwestern corner of the facility. JB:kc LOCATION MAP NINE TO FIVE DAY CARE CENTER - AI_:'-HE -iAMI F ~~ )r'H'~ ~ I}- :~' II II'~I\. .... PL ,1 Y 11111 i= '? r-- . '-vIrL. I I I WJU,1 " II I Lull,1 b- ii}~~? : LQ" -------, I' += ~ - ..-;-, ~ ~~,/~ t:t ' -. "O.f] y, 1= f- t_ p..j IJ"l.J....I-L 1,~ I. J:Y 1''''\11 '-I ; T T' =- --1 [7/J-..l~~.'\I.J. ~ '.J _' ')..11- ~\Jl "1 -l f) , != fC r~R -...... J..1'"-U1t LJ r -.: L fJJj~ -....J,' I N-1 I ~~l _E ~ f' r;,.. - 1= - '-1 UJ .. :-- f-f- , I. f- -, ... f,.,rzN -... ~ ,(;.:. L. ~ ,', f- f- Y ,.~ _''''''' =f- r::t:: "- -{ :..r:: ' , I-Ih{ (1"0 , ,- 'J J,.,:... I- Tr - r I I I "'f':'!'I"-f- T III liT 'I I' ~ I~ ~ :: F; - ~C ~ f- ~ - ' U I lit ~ . . nl8 "".10-"": '-' -r i s.: uJItI..::--"", '-""'- 'I f 1-1 __ S-:' _ II' ~t3S~ n " - I,'t..- i~y I / r e c 1.J:i E I II b"~ . . :h!dr, !lInt< '. """r- :? 1-", ' ~ , It.J ~ .~: ci . .. 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L.:,; ~:t/ll'i811 'II n::;'" - _..::J llitl nml~1 I. -, 1 "lID ~ lI* ~ :3 'J: :( . - 't-IIIIIII III/III f- ~ I.J'JilF 'c ( -III II ,~ f-, ~rR ~ c . m~ir;~ f-R~ ~ ~ _, ~ ~ -:~ ~~;;W 'i~;;~ ~ ~c: ;rt b F ':. LlllJl1' ~ j,l,lJJ, == J.IID t::: "'~;uu r i~s ~ 0 ]]IR~ LW~.~\llI h = Ii ~'~ - IJ f- I i/ r^l\Ji ~ ~ r- u ]1 t=f- c; 1~7~ S ~ ~ r= IE: v.....,O ~ E ',,,fe' >rtIUU F :;tje , r-L lll-.l,L )JJJ1"J:1 III '. . IT" ~, ~ 1'!J~,rr.:t,~!,"" w1 .l.J.'l~l!llLI, ~~"ggr >. ~ ~ <t . ' ~/-.I'" -J'~-r LJ 17 ~ t-f~: r'~ ~ i L2}i"1 ''< tt ,I \. I I I 1 ~ , ': "{ / I .... " r \ I I J " ,( 1/8 1/4 MILES ~ '0 400. 800 1600 FEE;T ;)IN~ Tv f...rv", CfjILOC~(2i: E /:: : I - L:1L- '- DE:'=:.u~lr .... -- ! , -........ . . ,If........ THAT PART OF SECTION 1~, TOWNSHIP .~ SOUTH, RANGE .3 EAST, PALH lEACH COUNTY, FLORIOA. DESCRI8ED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PART OF LOTS 20 TO 26, INCLUSIVE, LYING IN SAID SECTION IS, OF SAM BROWN JR.'S HYPOLUXO,SUIDIVISION. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING THE SOUTH 332 FEET OF THE WEST 16~ FEET (AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTH AND WEST LINES THEREOF) OF SA I 0 LOTS 20 TO 26. I NCLUS I VE, oc.sc!fJ/,tJ/7,tJA/' 11,r ~"A5~Me-A/r rtJ 6't!' 1'15,4,.{/t/t1#'FLJ.' .n eft'lITI!nl for ullllll~. ovrr Ihe followlnll d~.rrlb.d I'I'rrpl. ('.--n('11II AI Ihe Inlenlellon or Ihe Wesl line or uld 9"..1 Ion U, And lh_ Soulh IInl at uld IAII 20, thlnt" run Horth..,ly .Ion( the We~l IIn. or uld "..ellon U, . dhllnt'1 01 UI.M f.11 10 Ih. rolNl' (l' 1IJ.I11fl11C or . J~ 1001 Ul1111y ....mInt, 11.50 1"1 on 'Inh .Ide or Ihl loltowl", ~'~rrlb.rl rrnl'r- lIn.. Th,,"(', run 1I1111.,ly Itonlf I IIn. poorell..t wllh Ihl ~olllh IIn. nr lAid LoI 10, . " II lint'. of IU.OO h~l lp Ih. F....I.rly I.nnlnll' pr lh. .ror.. IIIA('rlbtd .tnl.rllne. ",11 .........nl lor ullllll.o I. ror Mlrr onll ......,r pur po... ani". DESCRIPTION OF LIFT STATION SITE: THAT PART OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PART OF LOT 20 LYING IN SAID SECTION IS, OF SAM BROWN JR. 's HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK " PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLI C RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, F LOR IDA, OE I NO THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE WEST 30 FEET (g HEASIJllF[1 AI.ONO THE SOUTH AND WEST LINES THEREOF) or 5"'0 IOT:O q~\- ~ 1+ 2 j I .1 " 1 ~ .~ ~ .ul . ~ - ~ en I ~ I. . ~ ':f !;': ~ ~ ~ It., r ' .1 I ~ au'''''' .. < .,.,. -... '" \!. ~ ~ Oifi5lJNy'; j ~ 0, t; i!' . . ----- ------ l -<\ L J?Oni' --)4 !! r -- -' 1 , , 1 ......-- 1 , I I , . ~ ~ 7- () t- -<\ \) o _1 r ): .. II 1IIMn''' "'..". :1>'1 ''''NY' 'w.. -.oN"",,. ..' I to ]=~!l:' ~ . -, ~ > u. J' u + W'I!'l'I~ ,.,.~ "" .... > > : ... ~~... Y' 1 =""1.., -"US %.HJ.L J. 1.. 01 HlL ~: M.N ::. :;;..''-:_- .._ ~.-..l U: J: l: U: 1- . It: / ,. I -j ,J f'.' \>\ , < " [,-f , "_I: '\ / - . _._--.:~ ~ i, :. ~ \ 1-"'~ ---l-j_ ~ll ~ \<-i . to \~ " ; . Ao."d~ : ..:.10_---, 1''' ovtje. tt~t60 . '-!'II' . ' , \ ' 1\ -I ~.;:re ,-x--~ lolt-lrel? f. Ii, 6AL.-.I. ~ \ . .\.I.1t-l1-I..J~~ . , 4d.o" .._ ..._____ _.0- ?arr~~ , I It> . , , \ I 1'l.1~111~. ~of')i WI 1-} ~tJFZ!<?Durll:"1 ~ HLJLc..H, .:;:,.l ,LU... 6lt::'~.. I , . , j' I /' ': ~ ~ \ UUJr::j::-,::T a: ~"~,~ r7'71 -.... ,- () '~"',' "'~w,.. >'.t-" .," . . <(' , --l , "Q 0:- ..m' ,.'::\0'\ .W ...IIi.. <~', .~. , .' 'f,~.<Q.~, ': .:: ,'.,.....v,,"g;o:, ' " '.. '. ,"'B:' l);;......'.:'f,..,. ': , ' . ""u,;,w " '-\ . ~ ' . ""':~:z:\: ,~ <t "~. ':o'n',: " ',", <Ii( \ : "" <( Cl.. . " 'C: ., cn..J . cst "': .,00 , . , " .' co z ~ "~'" ':' ".r.~'\ : , .; ,It/<. ",.' , ~ , ' ., .~,~ '~/""';"1'~; : . '. . , ~' r,' - Date . ,'t,' '"-;-r ~ Date ,,.I: ) '.~' ~,.~~:~ ~.:~.. . " ~V,A.'f. , _ ~, Dateg-Z3'GlO .w, :h" '. ':' fI/n Date /t)/~,~ . ..' '" "':"'~~e."(II:, ',,'" ~. Date \D''\,' ll" ': J," """ ".'.~r: " ", '; \lL Date \0''}....''I0 .', t~,: ~,1. J' ',';' " \ , ~ I .L .~r. f: ~.. .:,."~:,. ..,~ "~' (J , Date q OlRt9t> '" '~,.' \{.; ~:I; ,',:,'; '; 'f'}} , Xf .' . " I J' (I ~... 'r Date ' , ' }'r:~'t4 '- 1 :L.! "~ ' ~ ,'t.' Date /0 -f - ~() - r~eJ'! ,: \,',';: ' /Jf:rr1... .fA -/-"{/1 t ' ' , ", ' '; . I_j , ..~ . "",t . fm:" ~ :;;:,~\ \..4Aa::. rlV ,r/.Jfat">'J.' ,,\ {'". """. ":,,,,~.;.I',;, V ,\\'3 ~ '11 ,- 'l.1~'~"--';'''t' .~.. ~'" ,~t~~ "{':~' 'f ~ . .(CO:',,';' .' ' I;.~~'::' '\~i' ~.';. .j.', , . /",."'.I..Z"......"l',. '. ._ ' .t.:~"'" :'U;. ~.' Oi~t~\ . ,,'0:; ~,.~;.;,-::,'. " :iZ1~\;~;' .1~ i~~~' ., ~:'.'. ,W t.f ' ,,;;, ' ': ".~.. .t~~l}\~:~..tq; . ~.~., .'~ :"'~' ..."! .'"~ :Z{, f~1-,:,'~..h'!::,...,. ,'~~';< ~'-':'(:~~ , '. ,,' ,'l""';l" ,.~il ~ 'l'J..li" :+-;.- .: ,'- ~:11' '.'~~' "t~..l','.-I ,~:~('. . . " :,'2''''' 'Iit~ ~:l:~, '1 . "."", ~'-"'.." :').t".5'~',:!r\";":~ ~\:> AlL WORK INVOLVED ON THIS,' PERMIT SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND APPROVED SITE PLANS. '~THIS BUILDING AND/OR SITE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF BOYNTON'S SECURI- TY CODE. _ ORD. SS-25.'! .~ fir'S SEIOF PLAIS"~~ MUST REMAIN: 01' , ~_~ ~I~ _,~8IIL A C. O. . L-C l' 2cJS ISSUED .' ( , " APPROVED TECHNICAL COMMITTEE , FOR SITE ~LAN REVIEW '1- ~ '. Bldg. Dept. ~~ Date [0 it. .'''<' . " City Manager Fire Dept. Eng. Dept. Uti!. Dept. Police Dept. P. W. Dept. City Planner Ree. Dir. Forester C<J!IY" . JW.N1 , 'I., "0 I" ...... !J.. <~' :",:':: ; " r '. ,.",;, , .~:~t L:.. :, ."I'>l-..'"M~ ,', ..:"-,. ~$ ''./j.' \;~/,,'.'l..'H.. ~.; " .;' ~t!' _',::' ~:" .': :.!:~' ".~' ~J . " ...,'.' '. . .:t ' J!::~"I , .~ . ',." , 'I ~,' ,-. " j