AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN File:--fv\\ (10 r q 1-- DO'+- AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Project Title (f.k.a.):\-\U\'\1t':-YS Ri.li"\'- SOll.JhpC\I'"'t- Address: Date Received: Brief Description: 1/15/92- , , f< f AYW v' e. Date Reviewed: dod<5 and 1/(~/9'/...... . PI FfS . Type of Review:----1:1 ,'nor Modi h ra.-f,'n;>l) permi t No.: q'). - D I '}.. , TRC 1st Review Members TRC: Eng. Fire Util. Pub.Wks. Planning Police Forester Parks Bldg. Variance Required: Date Received Amended Plans: 2nd Review: Date Reviewed: Date rec.amended plans 2nd review: Date Reviewed: II (~/V.9- Planning & Zoning Dept. Review Approved Request: Date Administrative approval letter sent: ***************************************************************** BOARD: DATE: conditions: Date board approval letter sent to applicant: SRLOG.sdd 4/92 File: 0" j ( 'NO/Z r'? /:: ' .... - ()O f /'f,/ > , SITE REVIEW LOG SHEET " //tAIbA. S/~ jJL4AJ /It"1 h~r;.,.j .,,- / /t> ?J- 9). - 0 r,/ (,;') .' District: ./ JJOf) Sb,-J./ fhi<T . Type of Review: Date Received: Project Title (f.k.a.): Address: Contact Person: ~ gUJ~ "gCIIA~ G6lhf-11/ Phone Permit No.: '7~ - 01;'/ Type of Permit: Brief Description: R~",~ve j)~ t At!<J No. : ,Of; //tOl, /11111/ pre-Application Meeting: Attended Meeting: Date Received Application (2 Days): Application Denial: Letter: Application Approved: Memo TRC 1st Review (10 Days): Members TRC: Letter: Memo No.: Comments to Applicant: TRC Comments: ERB: TRC Conflict Letter: Variances: Received Amended Plans: Memo to TRC - 2nd Review (5 Days): Members TRC: TRC Denial Project: TRC Comments: TRC Approved Project: BOARDS: Date: P & Z CRAB CAB CRA/City Com. Routed to & Date: Project Approved: Date: Conditions: elev. drawings / //S/~ ,{jc.a6. (Name) ~c":4 /,/'/5,h.J.. , I Letter: ,l)jI SRLOG.SDD 11/91 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION O/}_ tJ j;2 / ./ / ;/ I;'LEASE PRINT 7 c/ . PCN /I ()~""-I;J~f'b -.rj/-/J'I-dtJ-.O J7; (Palm Beach County Property Control /I) Owner's Name' ~~""7"e......s NH-..;) Owner's Phone II 73~ '5tf3GC> Owner's Address 370<<:> c.......4 .-Y'I'C<:.S~ ~-'...... City &....""7",,::"') 1".4~""" State ~~. Zip 33)1'8(:. Fee Simple Titleholder's Name (If other than owner) Fee Simple Titleholder's Address Contractor's Name ,/1, t1rt. ,M4IA "'" e. Contractor's Address YYO' .,A>f' .4-', City.::./..._,...Kqn..,.~ ? ,- State /-e.. . Job Name H'" ~7'f!",c..S -Z4!' ~ Job Address 371!J~ C <..-U it -Ntl-e4-SL City iff, '10'...)7"..;::' Legal Description (If other t~an owner's) t:'__,,;:)srA~~~~ :!!T/ <&.? _V'.. . Contractor's Phone II 1"P7- 8.3~-"'~~.s- Zip "3'?J' 0 <:: y ,P,J4 ,,~ L c.. ;;>>tt"4-;;>-'" ~.t1tI...,; '=--- .:5'PH.-"'-"""-"'P;'", ";fII'" AHI.AI.A!..,.........,,.c2 County ?Aile "'7 z,,..~""'" __H // ....~:--~ff o1d/;~-;'~~':~~- q!~ I ess ,; City State eerts Name -n /l / eer's Address I -, 's Name { I, IL!! 's Address " - Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. r certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. - WARNING '1'0 OWNER: YOUR FAILURE '1'0 RECORD A NOTICE OF COHHKNCF1IKNT HAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IHPROVEHENTS '1'0 YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND '1'0 OBTAIN FINANCING, LENDER OR AN A'ITORNEY BEFO RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF Signatur Owner or Date__ NOTARY as to My Conunission .' " ,~. . n EX~ff~ p,'::1'Or- ~rlfTr. t;?r rU~RI8 . El ED THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITEiilD ".] 1dY. COr~ll'IlI::;bION Ext-'mES: JULY 5. Th9~ } BONDED THRU NOTARY pur:.....c UNO " (Certif icate of Competen older "RWROTERO, Contractor's State Certification or Registration No. r:C:. - (! o 57c.f5"3 Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: ~ APPLICATION APPROVED BY Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. ,'NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE ".. "''''..4 ./' . ,- ~.~ -. -,1. *-r ., ~"'---.... . January 9, 1992 Mr. Greg Smith Management Office Hunters Run 3500 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Dear Greg: It is our intention to remove the marina and docks completely. This demolition will be starting within the next ten (10) days and should be completed in approximately a week. The firm who will be doing the work is B. K. Marine Construction, Inc., who will apply for any permits required from the city. They have been notified that any damage to Southport property will be repaired to it's previous condition immediately after completion. Enclosed is a copy of the contract for your perusal. If you have any further questions, please contact me. , , ' '; "oce,e1y y"O'o, ~ -...., :' , i \'.' " DS/bti ' r,.. '~-) Ii.".., J '.. .l.\: ,,~"'i ,..,.,/'---.";>1 '..:>- r~", '" ,,^ o~.' ..(~r' \ .--<....".., "<"~>-,..::~.~A~~9' . t:::J1 j \~/ '--'- ---- 3500 Clubhouse Lane. Boynton Beach, Florida 33436, Telephone: (407) 737.2582 . . '" PROPOSA~CONTRACT B. K. Murine Construction, Inc. .. PROPOSA.L SUBMITTED TO' OE5f.:l;lIP!ION O~ .JOB STATE UCENSED MARINE CON'lllAcrou 4411 N.E. 31st AVENUE . LIGHTHOUSE POINT, FLORIDA 33064 OFFICE 1305) 421.2321 . FAX (305) 4n.5168 . DOCKS. SEAWALLS . REPAIItS OF ALL KINDS . PILING "ORK ... ood.conrret. . Hunt~r's Run Manag~m~nt JOB ATT: Gr~g Smith 3700 Clubhouse Lane ADDRESS Boynton Beach, FL 33436 CITY STATE December 4, 1991 PAGE NO. OF PAGES 734-5000 DATE WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR: (1) Remov~ existing docks and haul away as follows: a. Pavilion and finger pier on th~ north end of pavilion to r~main. b. Pr~ssure clean and s~al pavilion with wood life sealer. Handrail to b~'installed on pavilion. PI~ase not~ the following: a. Plans and local permits to be furnish~d by contractor but reimbursed for cost by owner. b. Exclusions: Sod, sprinklers, wat~r, electric, underground utilities, landscaping. OWNER DOES NOT OBTAIN OWNERSHIP TO ANY IMPROVEMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE FULL CONTRACT SUM HAS BEEN PAID. FAILURE TO PAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT MAY RESULT IN THE IMPROVEMENTS BEING REMOVED AT THE OWNER'S RISK. PAYMENTTOBEMADEASFOLIU'N'l.MENT DUE WITHIN 10 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF INVOICE hunters.12p IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PROCEED WITH THIS PROPOSAL, PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY TO US, AUTHORIZED SIGNAl All MATERIAL IS GUARANTEED TO BE AS SPECIFIED ALLWORK IS TO BE COMPLETED IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER ACCORDING TO STANDARD PRACTICES. ANY ALTERATIONS FROM ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS INVOLVING EXTRA COSTS WilL BE EXEC:;;UTEO ONLY UPON WA1TIEN ORDERS, AND Will BECOME AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE THE ESTIMATE. All AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES, ACCIDENTS OR DElAYS BEYOND OUR CONTROl. owNER TO r.ARRY FIRE. TORI'\iADO AND OTHER NECESSARY INSUAANCF . THE I.BOVE PRICES SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS ARE S SFACrpAY AND ARE HEREBY ACCEPT YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO DD THF WORK AS SPECIFIED PAYMENT WILL M~ ,~ DATE ACCEPTED 1-10-9'-.. SIGNATURE ~ < --/~