CORRESPONDENCE %e City of r.BoY11:tpn r.Beadi ? II 9CJ- C>J'1 ;)",,() St:r ~I- ~",kD ~. ~,,11i.qg & Zoni"IJ 'lJepartttUnt . 100 ~. 'Boynton 'Beam 'Boufevarrl P.O. 'Bo:tJ10 'Boynton 'BtlUn,1Wrida JJ425.0JI0 (407) 7J8-7490,1"JU: (407) 7J8.7459 #tk6 MJA(' C4,1/f fjR;iJ6t JL PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer Permit Application No. 9d- . MiJ&> Project Title Type of Review Il/,,"P,!-- .17,..,. PI",,,,, /!1DD'{,C4m/v \ The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rect~fied. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set~up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plant s') to show compliance with the comment (s) , return both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Building Department. Prior to return1fig the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings inay make line changes to the plants) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Signature: Comments Only: Date Reviewed: *************************************************************************** Date: Plans and Comments: (y/L PRall)"''=- A- Q,Py b~ TlJc ('114111<11),6. zr CDNlJO"-//.N/I/,., /J~SoCld7JoN Af'f'IC,lM1L F7:)fI.. TlJ~ lf2.0p~s 60 0:,'115 TTwt{iDN. 7fJ f:- ,4P(J(lc,UilL. I.J~"7eA S;..J ,4tl... '3 ~ s:'tbNC-!) I.lv Tlk'-- 8[)tJJ!lJ df tJ'f{Ec.T61l..J/lrJD iJ~JC~1f3c TJJe P;?Cf~r~eJ 6:ws111J.A:)lw, ( '.' .JhCd:/5zd ' [?;).:f:/ '?.J- , *************************************************************************** : DeDartments reauired to review the Dro1ect: * * * ;//A ." * * * * Engineering - Date Transmitted: , : *************************************************************************** Page I of / 1# '/6- 0;;)..9 JOO f:. !Blip"''' !Bud !BoukrNlrli . !P.o. !BotJJO !Blip to" !BIII&,!Ff<<i/a JJ42$.OJJO (f07) 7J;.7414 ,.JIX: (407) 7J1-7459 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer ,tfjt<t-. !J,/Ib Permit Project'Title #wn:-.e.s R/JIIJ C4"'11? R.IOb/:. F Type of Review /tt'l1D!l.' Sfr6 ;O/4AJ /11olJltCtJ fib"! - Application ,DViJ 1\-/ No. 9&-07'10 \ The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectifieq. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) and,'ordocuments to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Building Departmen~. Prior to 'returning the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line,changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each,lin~ change must be initialed and dated). Please note: Additional comments may be generated from the review of the amended plants) and/or documents. *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Signature: ___ Date: Comments Only: Plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: **************************** **************************************** Our records indicate that your request to modify the existing site has not received prior approval. The folloWing is the description of the procedures and plans and documents tha~ you must submit to seek approval for the request. At this time your request for a permit has been placed on hold until such time that the request receives approval and the permit plans match the plans and documents that were 'approved. submit to the Site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department for site plan review: 1. Two copies of the Site Plan or Master Plan for the entire site. &/L.- i. The drawing must depict with a distinguishable symbol, the proposed work shown added to all buildings and/or unit types throughout the entire project that are the same as the bUilding and/or unit type that you are requesting to modify. The overall width and length of the proposeD structure andlor other impervious area must be shown at each unit or building type. However, the specific dimensions may be identified on one and described as typical for all other bUildings and/or units. Include the roof overhang line and width of overhang. The drawing shall show all eXisting improvements around the perimeter of each unit or bUilding type that is of the same type as your request. The existing improvements such as: decks, patios, slabs, walls, landscaping, screen or hard roof enclosures and/or planters shall be ident~fied as ex~sting. The drawings must identify the location, type and width in feet of all recorded easements inclUding City utilities. For the location of City utility easements, contact the City Utility Department, (407) 738-7460. 0)4/ 11. g)L-- Hi. Page 1 of 2 . Lt!. ;I_R"~ e,~_,.-tf I jrrni>ir 'No. ~..J.- D7lf/~ ) / . \~iV.. The draw}ng ~ust specify the actual distance between the outside ~ face of each location of the proposed construction and the abutting bUilding. No structure may be constructed in or over an easement. The drawing shall have the title of the project identified with a general note specifying in writing a description of the proposed request which shall include, but not limited to, identifying the building and/or unit type or kihd, square feet area of the structure and the square feet area of other impervious surfaces associated with the request. When there is eXisting impervious area where the proposed work is to be installed, specify and identify the area in the written description. Also identify in the description, where applicable, the total of new impervious area that will be added and/or the existing impervious area that will be changed to pervious. v. /" ()l~ 'i I 2. Two scaled drawings titled typic at drawing with the specific building or unit type and scale identified. (9\ L. i. (91L...- 11. The plan view drawing shall show the overall area including the existing building and the area outside the perimeter of the building that includes all existing structures associated with the typical request; show the entire floor plan layout of the eXisting building, include existing exterior conditions at the location of the proposed construction such as those identified above. (Specify if they have a roof or any type of cover). Using a distinguishable symbol, incorporate the proposed construction Wto the existing conditions; identify the location, overall size including the width of overhang, type of material and specify the use of the proposed work. Identify where the existing landscaping will be relocated on the site. Specify the perimeter line of the limits of construction. Include on the sheet, the elevation views of the existing bUilding and with a distinguishable symbol, incorporate the elevation views of the proposed construction. Specify the type of existing and proposed exteriol finish material and the proposed color of same. 3. A request, approved, submitted, and signed by the homeowners ;'association that describes the modification as depicted on the above NO referenced plans and specifies that it is for all buildings and unit types of a particular type or kind for the entire project. If the request is not submitted by the association, an authorization letter from and signed by the association must be submitted specifically identifying the agent and what authority said agent has. It is understood that all information described in the letter and on the plans meets with the requirements stated in the recorded homeowners association documents. Note: If the proposed construction encroaches within the setbacks established on the master plan for the entire project, approval of a Master Plan Modification will be required prior to further processing of a modification to the site. A Master Plan Modification requires city board approval. For iriformationregarding the procedures for filing a master plan modification call the reviewer identified above. If you have any questions regarding the site Plan Review procedures stated above, please do not hesitate to call. NoT 4c<.f:prt!> J"l!::6 02/V.P J;,. hi a,.,n€Ala ~ :s..J~ .9d. Page 2 of 2 " ' ~-i ,I - I ' _L___ 1 ...1 ,fm, " I -T-I i I I I ' i i- 1---: 1-'1-1 J_I I I r I -- 1 , i" i---- , I 1 -I- I- I , I 1 I ! I , I ,\ . ; ~ . ~ I "I ~ ~ I -1"'\ 1_ _I_ '1': ' , '__ 1 _! I iJ i I i W : -- I_'"i- _I I... I_.:J-w- _ I, _~ I:t~l ,~, ~ 1 \; i ~-c! ~-'1 I 01 0 <::. :;z I~=~~r~ - ~ I ~~, ,_ O_~ ~~ ~1~ ~ , ~-=-lll--- '. : 1 \ ---j I , i"1 I I, - 1- -'- 1-\-1+- , _ 1__1 , ! I_ I I I I --I I ! , !- I I I 1--1-, 1 - -.- ----1-- - i~ i I I I I -- j-I-I,- i--i-i- : I I : I .:I'---~-T -,'--L 1-- ;-, I-I- I i I I ;-- II I 1- I Hi I I, : I I.' , -i-'--'---~[---I-""", I I I I ;-ii-I-II' -- ; , , Ii LJ~i -JJ; !-=-- r i, !-T '/' : i ' Ii! , I -if ! ,/ I-I---i-kl}--: - , --glf-!- : r -r~-=;T~"-r._-"_h I '---'----, ' : _,..I i- I I ' --1- . , ! I 1- __ I , - --1----- ~ . i ' I' 1---: ' I , ---;--- r- - I I I ' I -- ------'--r- I I i r-' _ i ... l{\ 0.: I I' I, ..i. , , 1 _.______. _.l I , 1- , 1__ i , I . " N f I , I 1_..1 I I 1 I I I , !- I I I ,J 1---1 I - I I ~-III- -1---1 1-1-- , ' I -I--! - 1- __ -I- - i T- i - i I 1-- 1- ...l- - - i ~"~ __ ',__ : !"JC~ I' ,-~ , I I , : , I I , :-i-I~1,t:- " --~ -,-~ "": ,- I ' I, ':'~~, ! .: 1__1 -----I I I , , I'- ! -, i , ' , I --!- i#i;~tj~~' , ,)' 'A vC\,' I :' fY/) I ......: e\J .. "'"G' I ,,:>f ' _" \11,1.' ~ $\ (-~-I" \.0,_\0;;': --~,;, :',-~ ~; C' -.I;;; ~," .J -;<, >>, r-' I l\::~r' L: ~,- ::\~fJ , 1,,, ,-,--,-( ; , ! 1':1' l~' /' 'r -'~'_L~ VI ~ .'{. , l~' ! ! I ~~ . I-I-I~ , 'Ie I ~, , ~~ I _ -i~""-, ~' ,---1--' ~! I ' 1 1 I_I ; III I : rl1 I I ~' ~ ct i I i-5~' i ,,;;.... ~.... i I!.s: 1.1' Q.., - ~.- n\ i I ~ \.>, -j-,--I ~ 9" . _1_ <:'1 "" I, "" W 'I-i- !~!.<>' -li_~3-~- - -~ ~'-:~_. --lill-l~-- ____1_ -"-' ~ Ii' (;> - _, "::> - - - ':;:"'5- i I ~ I "t -1--lij,C-..r' . I J ~ ~ ,1-1-'"7 - j- ~--- . J_I_~ ~_ ~__ I 1-141-1 _ I _I_w. ~ ~. I I >1 P: ~~ I I <>1 t;;! .... 1-; -5 <:" <,-- I 1 c:i, _ ::-, _ 'I 1- "':'1 ~. ,.,..; , I T ! ,- '.... " _.! -;"<-4 - <-I ... - ~I ,:;:... I r<) 0 ....'''='',(l- a--.)<.I : ~i... i ><i .....1-' , ;:; ,~I~ I 'c::Q-~ ..... , eo <3"11 =1 ,I 1 i€!@@ 1 ' , CJ\MBRIDGE II AT 9 ;)- 7'i~ ....~t.._'"., ... March 23, 1992 Hu~ f{gt Condominium Association. InCl. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Soble 69 Cambridge Lane Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Soble: Please be advised that the Board of Directors has approved your request to enclose the rear patio of your home with sliding glass doors. This approval is granted with the following conditions: 1. That you limit your construction to the Limited Common Element area adjacent to your home. No portion of your addition may exceed the Limited Common Element shown in your survey. 2. That the addition be made according to the plans drawn by Better Homes Exteriors,Inc. and submitted to the Board of Directors on your behalf. 3. That copies of any permits required by the City of Boynton Beach be submitted to the Board of Directors prior to any work commencing. 4. That the home owner agrees to landscape this new addition according to the existing landscaping requirements in Cambridge II at Hunters Run; that the home owner is responsible to replace any existing landscaping that may be damaged during the course of this work. 5. That the home owner is responsible to repair any area to the home or grounds damaged during the course of this construction. 6. That the home owner is responsible to maintain, repair, replace and adequately insure this improvement to the home and is responsible to repair any damage to the original building caused by this addition being constructed. 7. That should any foundation or new concrete slab work be needed for these improvements that you contact AA Pest control and have them treat for subterranean termites so as to maintain the bond between the Condominium Association and . . Yours truly, I' ~ ' ( ) . HarbileJ-aim '. C""~ President Cambridge II Board of Directors HK;lg russell\69CII.app the pest:n_c~ntrol company. ,/ - ,i,)! I"' / \ \ '. ~ , I I ''''~'''' '.', '--'---I.J:' ~/" -.' / ,. ,/ / /"- /f </ \ITe ".(<0~ '~y ..,',L V (' '- DEYEL ,- _I . r , - ~-. ~ .~ '''.'iIT 2 7 199" .~6 u. >, (; ~ :-- __ ". i.:lViLDI~ r- \:)\ Cj, OIJ'!. !:; \, ' {>'" r. ~~~'\ ~~'8"Ar:\1,\\'0~~ '-0$' I ~/ '-....... ---.!::f!.. \ 3~3 3700 Clubhouse Lane. Boynton Beach. Florida 33436, Telphone: (4071 734-5000 \. .rr~ . .~" POD MANAGEMENT, INC. . January 24, 1992 city of Boynton Beach site Planning Dept. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Gentlemen: I understand that you requested in writing the policy of the Cambridge II Board of Directors which pertains to homeowner additions and improvements. Please be advised that the policy continues to be that any owner requesting to install an improvement or build an addition on to their home, must first obtain a written approval of the Condominium Board of Directors. require any further information on the above contact me. INC. GSilg greg2\CBBcamII.ltr ,.-;,~ l''i.1k'V t-'<:" . 'I ,.. . "-" X'. f~"-'~ ~ 'l.1 j \)t.~\~ . ?\J'S~~W~Q 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436, Telephone: (407) 734,5IXXJ FAX (407) 7344681