AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Fi!e:--fv\\l'\Cl t1?-co;2.- AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Project Title (f.k.a.) :--.-CJub MC'adou)c:> - e.h1se.tlr Address: Date Received: Brief Description: \c,~ :\o:Jj irj AdA. -:Vfl AM Date Reviewed: 51011 i(),t:!f: io~ "3jt.J.LC.J ~ed ()h:U.na F1i19t-inj \ClKc. Type of Review: Permit No.: TRC 1st Review Members TRC: Eng. Fire Uti!. Pub.Wks. Planning Police Forester Parks Bldg. Variance Required: Date Received Amended Plans: 2nd Review: Date Reviewed: Date rec.amended plans 2nd review: Date Reviewed: Planning & Zoning Dept. Review Approved Request: Date Administrative approval letter sent: 1/(PfCI,2 I , ***************************************************************** BOARD: DATE: Conditions: Date board approval letter sent to applicant: SRLOG.sdd 4/92 File: /;/1"'01<.. 9a.- fOOL (:/ I .. REVIEW LOG/SHEET . J5iHVIDUAL PROJECT SITE 11 I II ! / I Type of Review: 1,1 JtVo(l. //i'hJ/hCAr~1V C.LLI~ zoning District: M ~,4~6).JS. P,JM~ ,PI) f) 11/ Date Received: Project Title (f.k.a.): Address: Contact Person: Phone No.: Permit No.: I\I/~ Type of Permit: Brief Description: ,4/)00 S ~ II WltU: IS,! ~ '1110 L.J~ ~~1. Jb"'PI> IAnl ARmlNoO ~'L'~T'"I~(. 1.4K~ Pre-Application Meeting: Attended Meeting: E.R.B. Date Received Application (2 Days): Application Denial: Letter: Application Approved: Memo TRC 1st Review (10 Days): Members TRC: Eng. e:rl(. Fire Letter: Memo No.: ~t. Police Forester Parks Com. Imp. Planning uti!. Pub.Wks. Bldg. Site Comments to Applicant: TRC Conflict Letter: Variances: Received Amended Plans: Memo to TRC - 2nd Review (5 Days): Members TRC: TRC Denial of Project: TRC Comments: Letter: TRC Approved Project: BOARDS: Date: P & Z CRAB. CAB CRA/City Com. Routed to & Date: Project Approved: (Name) ~-1't'.~ Date: /4-/1:1- U SRLOG.SDD 11/91 Conditions: Conditions: elev. drawings elev. drawings Letter: ,u/A I FROM TO -, Engineering !iepartment Vince Finizio . Site Development Division , "'--- SUBJECT: ..bLD . ,#. Hinor /'lodification to Site Club 11eadmvs - Phase;I:III DATE: 1/7/92 Your signature is required on the plans for a minor modification to add a five foot by 3400 foot jogging path to the Club !leado,,'s site. ~hc plans will be available at m~ desk. RETURN TO . SIGNED ,I' \'J( ( ( r . -" . ,,\. \-,-...... REPLY ~:::~k \\\. E: ~e"\e_~t C...-yl ,:, <;;~_ < 'Y \~, --n\7*N 1 ~- 'f'- ,::: (-.-.-." I /1 I" '- \ , l,~ ATE: SIGNED Item'" F269 Grayarc, p.o, Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 ( Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 , l, ,. t j , !O; l . 1 . Barden & Schenk, Inc. Land Planning,-Engineering and Landscape Archidcture , . 112 East Boca Raton Road, Boca Ratun, Florida ))412 407/392-0597 , i December 31, 1991 ,-;' ~~ '''"' , ~\., " p.E.C€S . 'l.~ ~". $~~ ~~. ~. Mr. Mi chae I Haag ,< ,r' City of Boynton Beach ' 200 N. Sea crest Boulevar9i,"/ Boynton Beach. Florida ~~25 ~-: ~.11 ,~,,~~1,.0 " \ 't' /~ i' \ ~. . [1:3 <: HE: Proposed Jogging Club Meadows - ; -' Pat,>>i ~\,\~ , \/~' ,,,- ',- , ,', '. ,\,'.:,' J"., , \ ~..{^, :), IITON \i.' A^\9 ' '.,v, /'7' ....-r\ ' / "":~~"/ .) '.) Dear Mr. Haag: At the request of the submitted to the City of a jogging path for Club Meadows project. plans are being of Boynton Beach for the construction the residents of the project, Please find accompanying this letter two preliminary copIes each of the existing Landscape Plan previously approved by the City and a second plan which shows the total lake and details for the construction of the jogging path. As shown by the plans, the jogging path is approximately 3,400 linear feet in length and is to be five (5) feet in width. The path is to be constructed at grade so as not to interfere with the existing drainage of the area. The existing landscape material is not to be removed or relocated during the installation of this path. According to the information submitted to the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) back in 1987. this Phase III, Tract G, of the project was 22.9 acres in size. See attached copies of the water management permit information. permit number 50-00719-S. The total project is noted as being 283.6 acres in size. The impervious area of Tract G is noted as 6.5 acres and the total impervious area of the project is noted as 127.0 acres. The master drainage system installed for this project was based on the total project size and total impervious area. The proposed jogging path is calculated to be 0.39 acres. Further calculations for the jogging path show that the total impervious area of Tract G will increase 1.7% and that the total impervIous area for the total project will increase only 0.1%. A review of these numbers shows that the proposed jogging path will have very little impact to the total Impervious area of this project thereby having negligible impact to the overall master drainage system. . . I I ~ , . Page two Mr. Michael Haag These plans are submitted to you for your preliminary review and comments. Should you have any questions regarding the proposed jogging path, please contact our office. Sincerely, --' ----~- - I Ii; ..~ '..:"':' -.". BARDEN & SCHENK. INC. I,' y' /tp4S~ Michael A. Schenk. P.E. Vice President I . ./' 1';--/ I ;-~~/ cc: Jeff Cusick ~\\ ~ " , \~ c",'- h" V ." . '\.C'j~){,. L i -.-':".: r": \ t'" \ " ".' :J ,:.:> , --"i \ \ '1 ~\ --:'4' ~ --, ,'A .:.".., '" " "l'SI \:\:~>\, !';"iT:":J's~~~j,>, ,;' v FI"" . t.9 / ...", : .'?;r-r, TJ.. ';/ ~~ MAS/vs Attachments . . I . ~ GENERAL PERMIT DUE BY: March 7. 1987 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT MODIFICATION , / , -......o!.). ;,' <',/ PERMIT NUHaER: 50-00719-$ APPLICATION NUM8ER: 11136-M PROJECT NAME: Meadows 300 - Tract G DATE: January 6, ;') ,~..: --1 l' ~\ ;'; G \SS(- i>' f ,"~P..h }_ "I, 19'!l1::\ ,\, - L~ - \"'\ .\ r~ J ~'" 7' f', \ -, ,,-, ' <I(.~~...... \/\ "" ", /, \" /'>.. ':'N UUC\\ (\,,& ,\'~'oliT.:~>' $7/T45S/~""-'/ 1-,\, I CITY: Boynton Beach COUNTY: Palm Beach OWNER: C and H Properties Company DEVELOPER: Same PREVIOUSLY PRESENT TOTAL PROJECT PERMITTED PHASE TOTAL 283,6 ACRES 168.2 ACRES 22.9 ACRES WATER MANAGEMENT 33.8 . ACRES 30.4 ACRES 3.4 . ACRES IMPERVIOUS 127,0 ACRES 71.0 ACRES 6.5 ACRES DWELLING 1400 UN ITS ..ill.. UN ITS 170 UNITS COMMERC IALI NIA SQ FT N/A SQ FT NIA SQ FT INDUSTRIAL . The 3.4 acres of lake area is additional area for aesthetic purposes, SPECIAL DISTRICT: Lake Worth Drainage District SFWHD BASIN: C-16 COMMENTS: This application is for the construction of a 22,9-acre multi-family residential parcel within the Meadows 300 development. Discharge will be to the previously permitted master water management system. The additional lake area in this phase will not be connected to the master system (retention), I