AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Flle: -1J I (le, fvj od, Co - /;co i (i) AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Project Title (f.k.a.): (1(11' rr iurf J -1-10 ('IJ C c; - ~i1 /'/,;,11 'J'7~ l{l Address: Date Received: Brief Descrlptlon: -+0 '-Jhr: r 1751 Type of Review: MIr;Oi Modlf/cahan Permlt No.: (}I- IOS//> TRC 1st Review Members TRC: Eng. Flre Utll. Pub.Wks. Plannlng Police Forester Parks Bldg. Variance Required: Date Received Amended Plans: 2nd Review: Date Reviewed: Date rec.amended plans 2nd review: Date Reviewed: Planning & Zoning Dept. Review Approved Request: Date Adminlstrative approval letter sent: /:) /3 HI , **w************************************************************** BOARD: DATE: Conditions: Date board approval letter sent to appllcant: SRLOG.sdd 4/92 fJ1ie City of 'lJ,J!ftiton 'lJeatn <,' t, /tJ f)?Yry /;/---/?, ,. I)Nq, --7 ;#') I~i/.~ 11/';-<>/1/ -"-'- M() 100 ~ ~ognl4ll1 ~'am ~DuUVIJn! 2'.0. ~JI0 ~ognl4l" ~ ~rit14 JJ42S.OJI0 (407) 7JIo7414 1J<<: (407) 7J107419 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer dC/.M6L. e;. . 4,u. Application No. 9/ - /oS~ project Title C,c,MItJI.c Ik~ ~ ~ ~ .J,J., " ..'",.{ '..... Type of Review P=t/J~"A.J Contractor's Name ,No~'J1I / f ""T"j/ I The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Building Department. Prior to returning the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). . *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Signature: Comments Only: Date Reviewed: /I /a.1 jqJ *************************************************************************** Date: Plans and Comments: -nJr:-/(4NS 72)6 SCTIiAck 1J/.frA#cG ;::~D'" n/6- {,.J~r 1'i2blc~r (.IN/!: 1'> TlJ6 tuGSI ':>10& lJf I.3UIW,,vb ~ /0 S w ~ II) -nJ€: 't.41l1f, 7).16- (.OC<mDAI;tNt) ~&uI('1 T?'I/ 01- nit: Ol/f.RJoI4AJb F<>R 11 LA<Ul.Aot> ;I /D ...",& .::t:' NOlciMS.{ Ot/C.II./lIlAJh WID'" 1/1'10 SJfl>iU 7]JS LO<<'T70N W'''' -4 O/sTl'Vc;W.JVI/$'~ Sr''''&:.::, ~ :s: Now (>.) 77/t: I'~.r IlLL (:ASc;"1c'I.J'r Lw!is t3:,NC!<.DI/GlJMlb /Nil> 7Vt PQ7J(..Otl"-.AtJ'INO ANd;6R TJ.J& UIW"" ~r"l<.l-.A: I1=" nJE.R.c ME 4'0 &1A:kJ14c-"",~"sr ~ 1111I E4si:"'i:.Jr /N11> nJ~ 1'f.<mI-OI/$/l.iJl/lV' ANd/tJlLl3vIWl"t,;"",,t1teIAJr"':;:;cCJ!. J;;4M& wIW,,u If G6"'~R'It. NDm:<JN'T}/lirjJLAMf. '!.. 70;:4 c: 1t.J4~ 7"/J6; I/I'!'oWL Dr: T/.JG A10Jlb,v.I ,el5.c<>".,..,,(;;'V(O ,4f41<.-vb 77.1~ CaM.6cTli>MS dlV TlJEr f'LA/VS Suam~ (ALL t./.vfo C"~"J61d S1liL.. At; 1'1.i/..e- d IJSc.fI6N tJ,c4H""'~L. .1iM>,!J INJ7.t~ R<S'Ar"1V ~fl-. L.,N'f; e</,IV6I4)'o t!:;t.'sr."'.IL.9"",,iS mA,. 6)(/07"4 jJltAlj ;(/1tIJ(; AtJl'Wdl... S/6.....~ NE"J fJL~'lI.Iw:>oM ~~ 7/rt6 T" I./(J~r. ~6X/ST';v1. J/6,v~f1/o(~ ,t:!1"lc&.> (J'U nA IV~ luA.C. Page / of I ;.1U. City of Bt1!Jnton $eatn JOO ~ ~ognl4ll1 ~'am ~DuUrltJnf 2'.0. ~JI0 ~ognl4lll~ ~rit14 JJ42S.OJI0 (407) 7JI.7414 1J<<: (407) 7J107419 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer dC/.J~6L. e;. . 4.u- project Ti tie C,c,MIlJ/"c Ik~ Type of Review P=VI!.J#-.J Application No. 9/ - /oS~ Contractor's Name ,No~/ f""T"j/ I The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Building Department. Prior to returning the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Receiv Signature: \( Comments Only: Date Reviewed: II *************************************************************************** (Print Name): Date: 11-2.(- Of f ~ Plans and Comments: :x ';~~~~ ~ IS " ~ December 5, 1991 ( John Guidry Director of Utilities To: FrOll: Vince Finizio A.C.E. Re: EaseDent conflict at carriage Hoaes of Congress Lakes Enclosed is a copy of a submittal by North Sorth Corp. to rectify the encroachment of Bldg. 9 into a utility easement. Please review and correspond directly with North South corp. as to this submittals acceptability. When a final agreement is reached please check with the city Attorney as to it's legal sufficiency and forward the approved copy to our office. t \ ;~ Vince Finizio Administrative Co dinator of Engineering cc: site Development ....... -. ." NORTH SOUTH CORP. . 1769 North Congress AvellUe BOYNTON BEACH, FLQRIDA 33426 [l[u'1]'[EOO @[F uOOro[j\l]~U00Duuro[l . (407) 364.9400 Fax (407) 364.9562 DATE t '2 ATTENTION . TO Ct T'I OF PfOT1-..J1nN ea+ t;~I~t=Ete/"-Y-::> T"EPT RE WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached 0 Under separate cover via > the folluwing items: o Shop drawings 'B Copy of letter 'b Prints o Plans o Samples o Specifications o Change order o COPI ES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I t:Z/4/"'I1 l r~ n- o. "Arl',.-qnu LE-llt;:;R 'I. '2 ~l t:E~-ITt-J +- ~rC-H. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: > o As requested o o For review and comment o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o For approval 'Q, For your use FOR BIDS DU E REMARKS ljA~A'St=: .PCJYrSE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US [P xnlL- INFn PEQ/O. COPY TO SIGNED*stL If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. PRODUCTl41l-l INeliS/loc, GroIM, MilSS- tll41] . 4 ~ , CARRIAGE HOMES DEVELOPMENT, INC. 1755 North Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 ; December 4, 1991 City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CARRIAGE HOMES/INDEMNIFICATION OF CITY/UTILITY EASEMENT Gentlemen: Please be advised that as owners of Carriage Homes of Congress Lakes, we agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any liability which may be caused to any structures adjacent to the described easement, resulting from the City's need to repair and/or maintain utilities located within said easement. S",,",ly, . ;:7;;7 By:id/t ~b.D. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 'i day of NUTARY PUBLIC. STATE OJ. V!UUA. MY. COMMISSION EXPIRES: Marc=h 17, 1995. My COl1l11i ss i on expi res: IIOIlD~D llfRU NOTARY PUIIlJC UlIDERWIlI11f&tary , , , . - -- . I ( UTILITY EASEMENT PLAT OF CARRIA~:e,~9~1i~ OF CONGRESS LAKES (P,S.66, PGS.133-135) 5.00'~ 1____ ,. , ~ " '"" \ 'f, '0 '" I - ~ NOl'44'21"E ~ 10.00' DECORATIVE .... .... ,.. ... PIllARS .... .... (TYPICAL) In I ~ .... .... .... .... .... .... l!l!2 I 9 ~,.!, z!2 I "'0 EXISTING j50ln BUILDING ~...~ I 0< :i!:lo.. ~~:8 I ::IX:>< 1=~8 =><10 I -... ~::5 00.. L l -.J l J SECTION 18 TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. ',1("' PROPERTY UNE OF CARRIAGE HOMES OF SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION CONGRESS LAKES THIS IS NOT A RVEY. (r~CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES. ) .. Shalloway, Foy, fIELD BOOK It iET/2 .. Rayman & Newell, Inc. JOB 10 ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS f'LDRIDA RJ...S. 91 08 1201 __ IlIID, 11ft PALl -. JLlIIIIIll -. (tG'/)lIlI6-ltaI . NORTHWEST co or THE PLAT OF CARRIAGE HOMES or CONGRESS LAKES. PB66, PAGES 133-135 hp 0 C SOl'44'2!"W /1, " S78.0J 46.25' I d. ?l::: &~ I I I + I I I I I I I ~~ - - (? '-.40' (=40' DRAVN BY' C,,6..,12: CHECKED BY' e:;;, IZA'(MAN OAT, ,\ _ I ';j - q I A,lZ ' -BL'tEPAIUT EXPRESS 322487 , '" :r LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE PLAT OF CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES, P.U.D. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 66, PAGES 133 TO 135 AND ALSO LYING SECTION lS, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PLAT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID PLAT; RUN, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT SOlo 44' 21 "W A DISTANCE OF 67S.03 FEET; THENCE, LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE SSSo15'39"E A DISTANCE OF 133.96 FEET TO A POINT ON A PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENT LINE; SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID PLATTED EASEMENT LINE, N01044'21"E A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SSSo15'39"E A DISTANCE OF 190.70 FEET; THENCE SOlo44'21"W A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE NSSo15'39"W A DISTANCE OF 190.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 4667 SQUARE FEET. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THE SKETCH REPRESENTED HEREON COMPLIES WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES. NOTE: 1. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 2. THE SKETCH IS BASED ON INFORMATION FURNISHED BY CLIENT OR CLIENT'S REPRESENTATIVE. 3. THIS SKETCH IS NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. ,! I' G~~MAN' R.L.S. #2633 STAT~i~A 'SCALE: N,.,'S ' DRAWN BY: A, 12AM\ \Z.E:Z. , ICHEC'!5,ED BY' r_. - A"lV\AN , DATE: q '" \I \ 5 - I COR: CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES. ) FIELD BOOK NO. SH?/2 __ ShalJoway, Foy. iIiiJI!i Rayman & Newell, Inc. EntJlneerll - PlnnnerfJ - Surveyor" Telephone: (407) 655-1151 Fax: (407) 832 -9390 \ I:aJI Delvedere Rood. WCAll'oIrn Beach. Florido 33405 JOB N . FLORIDA. R L.S # 2633 89108 . " I '7'""-- I ( UTILITY EASEMENT PLAT OF CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES (P S 66 PGS 133 135) S88'15'J9"E ", . . 5.00' " 1____ NORlHWEST co OF lHE PLAT OF CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES. PB66, PAGES 133-135 hp 0 C SOl'+!'21"W , 1. .. 878.03" N01'44'21"E 10.00' DECORATIVE PILLARS (l'IPICAL) I-~ SOI"44'2I'W ~ S . 4'~ " .......... 25.00' lD...,,3' I- 9 et Z 52 ~ n. et Z F en i3 i~ z!2 1-0 i:'joen ;:Ii"'~ III 00< ~f3n. 1::~18 ::J:r:8 5~m 0< -I- o::~ ~n. L l -1 9 l J EXISTING BUILDING I ~m :9"; f I I I + I I I I I I 46.25' PROPERlY UNE OF CARRIAGE H<l~ci. OF SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION CONGRESS LAKES THIS IS NOT A URVEY. (FOR'CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES. ) .. Shalloway, Foy, FIELD BOOK It SHrT/2 .. Rayman & Newell, Inc. JOB 10 ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS FLORIDA RLS. 91 0 IJOI _1lllIIl. JIll! PAUl BUCB. JI.IIII/Ill 33tOI, (4117)II6-11&1 . ~ '1 " '-u '\ 't " '0 " I ~~ c? - - 1--40' SECTION 18 TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. L' r"=40' DRA\lN Y, CA.\<: CHECKED BY' G;, IZA'fNlAN DAT' 1\ - I ';) - q I A" lZ, ~B't'UEPAI"'T EXPRESS 322487 , " LEGAL DESCRIPTION . A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE PLAT OF CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES, P.U.D. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 66, PAGES 133 TO 135 AND ALSO LYING SECTION lS, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PLAT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID PLAT; RUN, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT SOl. 44' 21 "w A DISTANCE OF 67S.03 FEET; THENCE, LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE SSS.15'39"E A DISTANCE OF 133.96 FEET TO A POINT ON A PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENT LINE; SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID PLATTED EASEMENT LINE, N01.44'21"E A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SSS.15'39"E A DISTANCE OF 190.70 FEET; THENCE SOl.44'21"W A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE NSS.15'39"W A DISTANCE OF 190.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 4667 SQUARE FEET. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THE SKETCH REPRESENTED HEREON COMPLIES WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES. NOTE: 1. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 2. THE SKETCH IS BASED ON INFORMATION FURNISHED BY CLIENT OR CLIENT'S REPRESENTATIVE. 3. THIS SKETCH IS NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. ~Jl> ... ~~~ ~~J:a;T~~MAN, R.L:~. #2633 STATE OF FLORIDA 'SCALE: t-J,.,S, DRAWN. BY: A, 12AMI\Z.E.=, I CHEC~w .,y C;;. 12.A 'Cl'oI\A N DATE: t 1l-\5-Q, COR: CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES. ) FIELD BOOK NO' SH?/2 JOB NU. 89108 _ ShalJoway. Foy, IiiIJiiii Rayman & Newell. Inc. Englneerll. Plnnner" . Surveyor.. Telephone: (407) 655-1151 Fax: (407) 832-9390 \. Illll Belyedere Rood. WClIt Polrn 13eadl. Florido 33405 FLORIDA R L.S # 2633 n January 28, 1992 GEE & JENSON Engl neers-Archilecls- Planners,lnc. Mr. Pete Mazella City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Carriage Homes Easement Encroachments Dear Pete: Enclosed is a drawing from Shalloway & Foy indicating the two buildings in the last phase of Carriage Homes that encroach on easements. In total, four buildings encroach on easements, Buildings 9, 10, 22 and 23. Only Building No.9 affects a City facility (the sanitary sewer line). The other three affect private drainage easements not maintained by the City. I do not have a problem with the developer abandoning the four easements by separate instrument, since only one affects City facilities. Your comments and concur- rence would be appreciated. Very truly yours, GEE & JENSON ENGINEE WRS/cw Enc. as stated 91-025.40 cc: Vince Finizio Mike Haag RECEIVED JAN 30 PLANNING DEPT. One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923. 407l683~3301 . FAX 4071686-7446