AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Flle: Ulnc. !\,\Qc! q!-{lC,'/L') AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Project 'htle (f.k.a.): Ci1r(I~( t1o(Y1c:S 0+ ~V(jf)ilUh -L1.k f ~ r LIA hho t1 Sf:', Address: . Date Recelved: Brief Descrlptlon: 111/2jqj Date Reviewed: I I PflfjrYfl):J(' (1/7;/ r't:: -h(fUC- PoO) fPna. Type of Review: /V!lnOr- Modi -!i'cal/iOll Pennlt No. : Cf 1- 1/ ';) 70 TRC 1st Review Members TRC: Eng. Fire Utll. Pub.Wks. Planning Pollce Forester Parks Bldg. Varlance Requlred: Date Received Amended Plans: 2nd Review: Date Reviewed: Date rec.amended plans 2nd review: Date Reviewed: II/uNI J I planning & Zoning Dept. Review Approved Request: Date Adminlstrative approval letter sent: ***************************************************************** BOARD: DATE: Conditions: Date board approval letter sent to applicant: SRLOG.sdd 4/92 .' - I ~-.... November 12, 1991 elf'l> - ?~tt)..<.. ('<:.~ \0-J O<."~T --^-': 4 ,~c"\ Ite- Mr. Christopher Curto \ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Gv: CL\.--Cf 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd I Boynton Beach, FL 33425 1\ C. O. '-"--.lTl t- t-Li '-".c?\( 't"'d /10\. RE: CARRIAGE HOMES OF SAVANNAH LAKES \.olav 'It.- Clvbh,0'-'><- l5> 'h,t, , -+1\11 CLUBHOUSE .. POOL FENCE \ ~ \ rz cd '1 +-u J f'l.,....l -"-' t t'L c.'" ""1 I~, (, Dear Mr. Curto: .. ~ ~C<-pTIJl....- '" We hereby request modifications to the fence adjacent to the Club I 'S House swimming pool. \ ~"" 1\.~\,(I\v':r~'" In an effort to create a larger and more open feeling in the pool A .. ~ area, a portion of the fence has been relocated off the patio edge, -* ~,\..'-' '-'''''-' thus incorporating additional landscaped areas within the enclosure. The masonry fence base has been eliminated to further open the space. \ '))" "- The above noted modifications do not impact the pervious/impervious ratio on the site. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. .---::-----......., ... . ,a" I ("'-.. " ,~, ~" ". ,,\ ql r,' \\\' . 1 ., _ r.-/'- rJ ~ ;;~,~ ~,-(". ,k-' G fV" t,' ~-- \ "'J6. I.>~ , <e',l" \ f'.,t->' r.V VI. n ~.).. ~-" ('} r-'- -"~ v" '" \"- I: q \ . ~\J Sincerely, NORTH SOUTH CORPORATION License # AA C00901 "~I <') \ /1..., J'" ' f) t.~ CieJ \ I'f, n\' - \ W ( !ij I') . \L :'\' 0.(J \L"" V '0 ('V .)v .J \0 ,~ 'L,' /ILl" ! .. y t; / '6 J I':) 9"" .r I. e, *~, Rhonda S. Harrell, AlA ;;.' r. \' -' \ , .... ',I ,,') .j\ J In lA' 'I) !~~. '>. ..> (TO. .~':....: _. o:.,'~- (;: ('\ \ ~t" ,. ('-' 1 (I , 1 \ \'l' ~J . I'M.,.$:z ALUM. " QJ4".../.3/. ALWvI. 'l.'.,.Z' Al..UM. P< G~"""'~ .3/.f'" :;14' AL.U/VI.f'I G4Y-z.' c; rAIN-r~ , &>f" ------- ~j ~ IT II " rr II 1I11 -= = 1- <?7T~ !' c:f c;. ('TYf':) \ , \ Cl<ET6 M ? -1 Ie; 17 I.JHI-rE(1Y~ ---J = I~ ~ ~ ~ \0 \) . -~ ~ F~~~ V'E;-l (iY~) ,~i0-.. III"" I'-,~~~)'" , ' ! /';';, "..:1 ,/ . t; .,., \ 'c\ .' . - t: ',' " ",,? '~' ,'. _ "':'--.. ,J/'<. .. \ ! _.: '.' ".' .~, C---I y', \, "0 ,---. I , -~:I Noe1H 60UlH COR.~ 17b4r-+.~~ AV~. fZ:"YHioN ~CH. FL. 8~4U. (407) 864. 4A-a7 CAe~ IAGfe:. H""MES~, Ai ~VANNAH LA.Ic::~ F"?<7L FtNC:e:. AI C:::!..-LIe>f-i""~ .' > / -' ~L~ III.. II_pll I7A-re:=. 11-14"'11