AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN File: IJt I Ylc'" q 1.- 005 (.) AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN . '1 (f k Ll., ".0 ,,^ l( K [)-\(j(.-<>.. () L'LI' \ 1lVVJ ProJect TJ.t e . .a.) :~IL/~' IV\(. :' \' .L. P (\----'-:::J Address: Date Received: Date Reviewed: Brief Description: {~ck:\. hl1 nr:\ rCt.. \ \ to nO I ~ h o.m Sc'ILth ehtv-aYl(e.. t1(r~ o..rd C-hfLn3e-, (',j)\Or r ~ e t\-e.v- \ Y)~ ,0 \'\ t,r f' C"/ <; \zu"('\ \ ng c.., \ IJ () _c~ b\Llt:. -! \,o\r(c.-l<-, Type of Review: Permit No.: TRC 1st Review Members TRC: Eng. Fire Util. Pub.Wks. Planning Police Forester Parks Bldg. Variance Required: Date Received Amended plans: 2nd Review: Date Reviewed: Date rec.amended plans 2nd review: Date Reviewed: Planning & Zoning Dept. Review Approved Request: Date Administrative approval letter sent: 1/;( iff (jJL / I ***************************************************************** BOARD: DATE: Conditions: Date board approval letter sent to applicant: SRLOG.sdd 4/92 File: /' ,?---, , ,- "",'C"') " , SITE REVIEW LOG SHEET ~ "Type of Review: Date Received: project Title (f.k.a.): ~C5' IJ,( If/I ;tVOfL .., I /,' ,1 ; .~)r2'i 1'~1..) ///;,'O;bJ'j.".t1" zoning District: MacK <-- .../ .. . Address: Contact Person: (:,<>0/2106 (JA 01/:, Phone No.: Permit No.: Brief Description: Type of Permit: 4{lO ).jAN'/l ((AiL JD /l)J/Htl I'iN,~ SlJ)}7i 6vl{,4/"cl; A II.-U C Jj.) -tit l\ (,) I [) (L 21 F i [, :J7l:'.e; Nt, ~ ^J F /L5; G<" <17,4,"'(1/",-16 j /;.,{) ,~(,){)/Y,' l!, Gel t;- 7V /3!..,j (,I:,: , f ' . I:....~ Pre-Application Meeting: Attended Meeting: Date Received Application (2 Days): Application Denial: Letter: Application Approved: Memo TRC 1st Review (10 Days): Members TRC: Letter: Memo No.: Comments to Applicant: TRC Comments: ERB: TRC Conflict Letter: Variances: Received Amended Plans: Memo to TRC - 2nd Review (5 Days): "- i Members TRC: ... TRC Denial Project: TRC Comments: TRC Approved Project: BOARDS: Date: P & z CRAB CAB CRA/City Com. Routed to & Date: Project Approved: Date: Conditions: elev. drawings I .)...' '/. .-" --,. - -, -,' c'_ ,"_J ~. -fl /_~ L'~. ./"7-'-~, (Name) ~' Letter: ;Ii; ,. .. , , SRLOG.SDD 11/91 G' E 0 R GEe. 0 A V I S , i ..J[rch.itect . MembeT of The American In<titure of Archilects 1100 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 P. 0, BOX 1000, Phone 732.6154 January 22, 1992 Chris Cutro Director of Planning City Of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Cutro, with reference to the office building for Mr. Warren Mack, South Sea crest Blvd., and the approved changes noteo in my letter of Dec. 11, 1991 (copy attached), the field evidence of 10vr ~pprova~annot be located at the job site. In ilddition, two more minor exterior changes been m~,de: the lettering on the sign are black inHt~~d of blue, and safety railings (metal, black) were installed at the north entrance, wtere two steps for glade condition had to be added. I am attaching two prints of the driveway change (prev- iouEly approved) on Gulfstream Blvd. Please give me directions of how to proceee to inform field inspectors of these approved changes. incerelYI ~-~ ~p C. Davis . GCD/bad I \ * ~ lJ..- l1'i 1