LEGAL APPROVAL CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ,/ ~; -~ , 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 (305) 73B-7490 :.:-- '-- .- -. -_.- ..-- 0"';"1,"';), . ... '.: ~:~i::~~~~:;~~;~ Ti~~'.i;; ~~,.~? .....~::;. ..._~~_' .~..~": ~~.~paJ;'1. I ~. 'r~' *'~. ..1 .__ - i$iI . ."...... ..&... \; --..-. - '''''';''4' . .-. ...... \ 1Ii~... ' . . ..., . t'. . ._.....:....~ ~_ 1~~~~& ~~ .;_..,.~-~ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 8 August IB, 19BB Stephen M. Page, AlA 5601 No. powerline Business Center Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Re: Boynton Beach Promenade-Site Plan Modification Our file~: 11B Dear Mr. Page: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 16, 19BB, the City Commission approved the referenced request as submitted. The approval of the City entitles you improvements shown on the site plan. viewed procedurally as an as-built or to construct only the The site plan will be record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~5. -- CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments cc City Manager Technical Review Board central File AGE N 0 A M E M 0 RAN 0 U M VI. DEVELOPMENT PLANS B cc: Bldg, Plan Eng, Util TO: City Manager's Office FROM: BUILDING SUBJECT: C'TY COMMISSION AGENDA FOR REGULAR (Workshop or Regular) MEETING OF 1-17-89 (Date) Please place the fOllowing item on the City Commission Agenda for the above date* I. Description Sign program approval - Boynton Beach Promenade, 901 N. Congress Avenue. (Please see attached documentation.) 2. If Bid item - Amount budgeted and Account Number NIA 3. Recommendations The Community Appearance Board at their regular meeting of 12-19-88, unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, with the stipulation that no red letters are allowed. 'd-v V)..X elrv"",) sheets if nece1sary) ~ :;-~ Sw l'J ,I' - ~.tfir ~ , 0." ) G. ;V . l - , 4. Explanation of Recommendations, if full (attach additional Documents, detailed cost estimates, maps, etc., supporting each item should be attached and be reproduced in sufficient number for the City Manager and each Commission Member to receive a copy. Note: Please return the documentation after City Commission action. *RETURN THIS FORM WITH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS BY NOON THURSDAY BEFORE THE REGULAR MEETING. WORKSHOP REGULAR Item Number r -::~_., /', I..... ,.r . . .f':, 'I, RECEIVED Item Number .. ';\\' \', ;u,~ .. r '" ... 1 Ii, ~ ~ .IM! I' 'r."r Agenda Date Agenda Date Action Taken C"" ',~" \\ 1.1" 1\...1.....' \' .;:) Action Taken -., c. 9; ';> t'; ".1: lh1h~t:<\~. '. fl.t fit ,,'\\. \ t:.~ 'r1'\-;"_ .......\ .' I II~ .(, ~f) [)~L124. ~ ilf3~i 1880 SW 2nd STREET DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 (407) 278-9237 ELEGRICAL SIGN CONTRAGORS MANUFAGURING . INSTALLATION . SERVICE CUSTOM SIGN & NEON DESIGN SIGNAGE CRITERIA FOR BOYNTON PROMENADE 1. All signs must be submitted to landlord with two complete sets of sign desi~ned to scale that include: manufacturing specifications and installation detail. 2. All landlords approvals must be in writting and recieved by applicant before submission to the City of Boynton Beach Building Department. All work must be , approved by the building department and must meet all building code requirements. (i. Sign width not to exceed designated sign band, sign height not to exceed 18" and the sign is to be centered top to bottom, left to right of sign band. (Wfeft-th@ gX~QptiQ~ of majoy t8~~nrc) 4. All signs are to be internally illuminated channel letters. Box signs and plastic letter are not allowed. Exterior mounted raceways are not allowed. 5. Reverse and on en channel letters fabricated of aluminum are soecifically required. 6. Open channel letters are to have 2051 blue faces, neon and trim to be white and the returns are to be bronze. 7. Reverse channel letters are to be 144-B medium green with green neon. 8. Tenants to use Helvetic tyoe styles in the main body of the center. ~or the out parcel a serif type style may be used. " I Please contact the above mentioned contractor in regards to your signage. Prepared by: Mark Gregory /~p~Y' J} ifr I k/'/ Cf.-cYlv>"- , ()~L124. ~ SIf3~S 1,'1 1880 SW 2nd STRE~T DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 (407) 278-9237 ELECTRICAL SIGN CONTRACTORS MANUFACTURING. INSTALLATION ~ SERVICE CUSTOM SIGN & NEON DESIGN SIGNAGE CRITERIA FOR BOYNTON PROMENADE 1. All signs must be submitted to landlord with two complete sets. of sign designed to scale that include: manufacturing specifications and install~tion detail. 2. All,~andlords approvals must be in writting and recieved by applicant before submission to the City of Boynton Beach Building Department. All work must be approved by the building department and must meet all building code requirements. 3. Signlwidth not to exceed designated sign band, sign height not to exceed 18" and the si n i to be centered top to bottom, left to right of sign band. . :o-be' e"c~tioo. pf me ~2 4. All signs are to be internally illuminated channel letters. Box signs and \ plastic letter are not allowed. Exterior mounted raceways are not allowed. 5. Reverse and open channel letters fabricated of aluminum are specifically required. 6. Ollen channel J:efte-rs arEin-to have 205T' blue fa-eEls; -. neol'ln'andtrim-to.. Q~~hi~d the returns are to be bronze. -- ------ 7. Reverse channel letters are to be 144-B medium green with green neon. 8. Tenants to use Helvatic type styles in the main body of the center. ~or the out parcel a serif type style may be used. Please contact the above mentioned contractor in regards to your signage. Prepared by: Mark Gregory . Boynton Beach Promenade 1101 No. Congress Ave. Boynton Beach FI33426 SIGNAGE CRITERIA: All tenants shall utilize anyone ofthe following typestyles for exterior fascia displays; provided an adjacent display is not of the same typestyle, with exception to tenants who have logotype recognition existing at the local, regional, or national level. Such tenants are permitted to utilize their logotype for fascia display with written approval. Avantgarde, Helvetica, Times Roman, Optima. Store front signs shall be internally illuminated plastic face channel letters. Aluminum construction, gloss black returns, red #2283 for single store fronts. Translucent 7328 polycast or equal for stores having 2 storefronts. Illumination to be clear red 13mm or 6500 white 13mm, Single storefronts shall use a max 14" letter height with the red format. Double store fronts shall use a max 22" letter height with the red format. Exception being white allowed with recognizable logo type, Window lettering to be white H.P. vinyl or equal. Not to exceed 15% of glass area. Under canopy double faced wood sandblasted hanging signs allowed. Not to exceed 4 sq. ft. or 18" from ceiling, ~ SEP i ~ 1993 ID PL~III1II1G ~IID ZOIlIllG DEPl, \ /. \\ \ I .~ '- f ,~~t, \,. ..< ~ -,,, \ \- [,;'.' '. \ \ , - ~ :," ~ I r-. I / . , ~ \ l \. f'L ,. ,. "\ I ' \- ':\ ....-: . ' I~ ~ ~ "5 ~ '-~ B~:r:[,1):r~ - /"'-- / I D D D DiD w > 0 I I "m I I z~ I ~w ~@ N~ mo I ii: ~ 6.; 6" I 0 ~ IF=-~r I. O~ IL . _rL____~ l~r----____u ~ ;:~ [1 , . <~ f':, ~8 ,,, <0; 'l'~ <0; ~ ~ ~ ~ o \J g OOI'L '" , " ~ , " PALM BEACH PROMENADE I8JU~LDING "18J" ~ I8JA Y5 5.5 ~ ? BERKLlNE GALLERY oon ~ OOl.'L. i ,~ OO[L N , " '~::: OOlOL w on 2 I 2 al 0 .. OOL.'L ~ I ~ al <-- ,., OO[l ~ w I ~ al ~ ~ ~ ClOn o ..l O9S" N , al \t) ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ u -~ w 2 2 o o :0 ~ ~ 8~ "! ~8 Nj;! ,.,8 ..j;!: l"t I ~ I co ,;,) I ..eN 0(:(\1 <..... <....< , l-INE::- IN1?~e.8> Wlt;>e:-JIN OF-' e=,>q'9f'-- ~~o' D= 12- , ;r /, / ! / I - / ['--l ~~ ~,u= f4N_S '-~ '-, , ".. I ~ ~~~i" --- I , I +- ! WI~v-J I , I I ..~-J --J---, ' _J , " , i i i 'T'- , :i . II P I II I I I II !" p')<.i-S:. 3-0 y.'-o t::bo 10 1Zt::.."1A1 N , C> (; E:J___8VATi o~ - -::-;~,l"l--f:' 1/ ;J , ~\ .4 ~!-O PALM 8EACH P~DMENADE I8JU~LD~ING "181" ~ 181 A YS 5.6 ~ 7 I8ERKLiNE GALl.ElFlY