APPLICATION MEMORANDUM October 24, 1990 TO: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director THRU: Michael E. Haa~~~ing & Si te Dev,~lopment Administratnr FROM: Don Davis, Sign and Site Development Inspector RE: SIGN VARIANCE - BOYNTON BICYCLE SHOP A sign variance request has been submitted by the Boynton 5each Bicycle Shop to add their signage to an eXlsting free-standing sign located in a C-3 district, 410 C. Boynton Beach Boulevard. The proposed signage wlll identify the Bicycle Shop rreating a multiple tenant free-standing sign. Relief is sought from Section 21-3 of the sign code whid1 states that a free-standing sign may identify only the project title or one main use. My recommendation is to deny the variance based on the face that the sign code does not allow a free-standing sign to ac1vel'tise more than the project title or one ~lain llse. Please find attached the ol'iginal sign variance form, an elevation view drawing of proposed signage and the site pl~n showing the 16cation of the existing Fign. If I can be of further assistance, please advlst. cf)V?1 ~ Don Davis DD:ald attachments ~ , III. PUBLIC HEARING B.1 .. Ifti Building BOYNTON BEACH SIGN ORDINANCE VARIANCE APPLICATION Submittal Date //J-/7-90 OWNER: B 0 13 Lv I L- '=>t' '-j petitions the City Commission to consider a variance request to the Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance as outlined below: 1. Property involved is described as follows: Property Control # Of- Y3-Lj'S'"- :2f-03~ ()c)z,...aa:'-O Block: Z. 7i; uI A/ Or Ifo 7 urn) Lot(s): 5 Subdivision: Plat Book: Page: , or otherwise described as follows: 7"/t7 c: 8"y'vTC# .&-;9N/ 6'k~. /?n1"A/7"r1".;f~d "". (If legal description is too lengthy to fit on application, please attach description to application). Property address: ria &. 8. ;NnJ deAN" &'/"cI, ay",",rtl,J 8'&<<<.1'1 2. Section of code from which applicant is requesting a variance: ~__ t'c.. I",'><d-. 3n.~Hi.....-tI:'~ SA~ d~al.3 ~ u 3. Description of sign the applicant wishes to permit: .::51,,';J Tf!} t'JtC /!O.i)cJ) 7"0 6)u.srt'Ale 4E'c sI"'N')/~ 5,:'4/ 1Zsr. fO.6C PUled' t'1ZI ~tAlT~~ ,S,4oT of ~eCL. ,r"eA~ .Lf?R;9c-.U'/ (:\11 pertinent documentation to the above mentioned variance request must be ,.- aubmitted with this application) 4. Property owner's justification for hi~ request: ~,~ :'A.r~ ~;tJCAA-xL.':""'" ~ ..Q~.'_" /.lA. aJ ALP~'~ ~Ai: ~ Il~.~.U..~~ .~ -e2~~A...J . (If justification statement is too lengthy to fit on applic~tionl'please attach the statement to applica~ion.) 5. Owner: l< OP,~QT 'L.itJ1AQ It YIJ Sign Compa?y,: . l-l,Wtt..SOU . Name : ~ Name: , ' Address: J I~ L..OLiG-US r st. Address: _l-tu DSotl U J{ S c;J,fO((J7 , Phone: 7; 7-,}..71'-/ m~ 1I1-=ff.~ /~ _?-~o CZC;;OO ,-:S O-Q d . /0--/ 7~ '16 . 1 9 'q';;( Phone: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: Valuation: Fee Paid: Date Paid: Receipt No. '" - ... TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ,BUILDING OFFICIAL 1. Section of Ordinance for which variance is being Bought: Section 21-3-City of Boynton Beach Codp of nrA;nRnrPR (npfini~inn~~ 2. Recommendation regarding variance request for City Manager's review: The Building Department of thp r.i.r.y nf RA)Tnf'"On Rp;H..h recommends Rnprov::al consistant with past precedents set by th C' e ltv ComrniR.c;; on whpn i ~ ~pp....mr.ad similar signs., Building Officiai's Signat~rel ,. :_' /t,'", ~'Y---'- Date: lO/10/QO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Recommendation regarding variance permit for City Commission review: Recommend approval of' the sign variance request to Section 21-3 with the condition that all ,other provisions of the sign code be met. , L-}~ 'late> ~ ' Date:' City Manager's Signature: ______________________________________________________------------7----------------------- TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY COMMISSION City Commission Action: Approved J Denied o -, Aye ~- Nay GJ Stipulations: Meeting Date: ///7/9~ f . /' "'Z"t'~~L_____' / Mayor ' ~ City of Boynton Beach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... . ,< , 'r _, " ':^.t", ,~'..~ ~., ~." ,'.1 I;....' . . 1.....1.-. ,..':.J';plo.o.;~,.o'.",\.,~... 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