APPLICATION , , BOYNTON BEACH SIGN ORDINANCE VARIANCE APPLICATION Submittal Date 5-/- 111 OWNER: ~ ~~1 petitions the City Commies ion to consider a variance request to the Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance as outlined below: 10 Property involved is described as follows: Property Control II PuJ .Of;-</?,-l(6"....1.'f- 01 '00'3 - O()/O Lot(s): 10 Block:' '3 Subdivision: t.Atm ~N esr~~ Plat Book: 1"3 Page: "1"2.-- . or otherwise described as follows: (If legal description is too lengthy to fit on application. please attach description to application). Property address: 70fp pgy~J.J fJfJ~ lIU/b. 2. Section of code from which applicant is requesting a variance: ~rJAJ u- tV ce) P~.3' '".:1/-3 3. Description of sign the applicant wishes to permit: fg)Q~llNb fyc.,ON ~bIJ ,~W(S(O~ MJf) AJ...b'Ft~71t)AJi.. 7l7f~ ,Es {/pJJ~r1" 4-e'A LAlrlL ~~ ~t:'U::>W 'Itt5 ~MOM- A"c-l..ow168CF: oF- {dO fi,of. : (All pertinent documentation to the above mentioned variance request must be / submitted with this application) 4. Property owner's justification for his request: J ' pf2D"fecr"il3',1f5ItI-t./IJr I..PrrT ~c.>f8/f~) I~(l,{, Le""'-t:' qu>o f:;. oF: (~(rJlJSr;, J-+..cA~ yP Ace:-) ~ ~t.Jrc',' i7if?1 (L ~ 0# rue-, f.>VW,u - n~ fit on applicationl'please attach Sign Compa,:1y,: Nflf Name: ~ J\MR.V!;t.-l Address: ~,c{ ~'UU ~. ~ame: Melli> 4<llA.,,~ Address: '?(C( Ct.-e-MA7T S t;.(: ~.sr ~ltt.A pc~tt. fL , . ::::::.,,,"~ L-~ Date: g-~{ !'~AO . I Phone: Signature:,' / Date: ~/ ql/:: Valuation: ~o- Fee Paid: -11. (5'0' Date Paid: C;,- 'l-q D Receipt No. ..1-4 L( S ~ '. , TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ,BUILDING OFFICIAL L Section of Ordinance for which variance is being sought: '. 21-3 Definitions. 2. Recommendation regarding variance request for City Manager's review: I recommend denial of this application based on the definition of a free-standing sign and upon the attached memorandum. __:::::~:::~~:::::~__~t---------_::~~'!::_--- TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Recommendation regarding variance permit for City Commission review: I recommend'approval of this sign variance - section 21-3 (freestandin' sign); provided th~ square footage of the sign is within code com liance. City Manager's Signature:' ./,./~~ '/ . __________________________~-.----------------~--------------------7----------------------- " Date:' ~/;2q /10 ( TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY COMMISSION 'I Approved ~ - cJ Denied Aye ~ ,Nay c:J .City COlll1llission Action:' Stipulations: Meeting D~te: tZj/j'~~ /'f1'j'O tI . . I ,~~ -- I /Mayor / City of Bo~nton Beach ./ v ---------------------------------------------------------~---~----------------------- X, ADHTNtSTRATI VE C. I cc: Ruildln!( MEMORANDUM May 22, 1990 TO: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Michael Eo Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: SIGN V1\RIANCE - Gl\TEW1\Y CENTER The sign variance request has been submitted by David Miller for the Gateway Center and is in reference to rearranging and adding tenant signage to iln existing free-standing sign that does not comply with the sign code. All work will be performed \-lithout changing the size of the existing sign structure 0 The proposed signage will identify the title of the project and tenants within the building with a combined total area of (125058) square feet of signage. (See attached graphic example.) The proposed sign does not comply with the sign code: 10 Definition of a free-standing sign states that a free-standing sign identify only the project title or one (1) main use (code section 21-3)0 In swnmary, the variance request is asking for a free-standing sign that will identify the project title and tenants by rearranging and adding tenant signage to the existing free-standing signo If I can be of further assistance, please contact meo vurI~IS~ ~ ~~~~ ~ meh:ld attach. GATEWAY. SDD ~. -J loto\ ~n.t.- PET SUPERMAfZKET ~ \) ._ ___ _____..____. nu. __ _.'._ ._ _ _ __ __. __n._ ~I ~ Cl .' UI '" -ru IW. ~ ,,11 = () . \) , ~\ c E- N T R E I'- <> .J '" ---~~ ~ ~)(.\'>ti""3 'SI'.J":' ~ os.f-. "<..,c 'Slk - ir1tLrJ"" " 1 'It:: , [?\C\1t.ic- ;-~ \t-1 ,-1IUV'oi.Y'\L\vv1 :':1: cY,i-:,b.,:) '''''In J.- /-L\\"f'cTi:- . -sVVc X;::::' WI P.11\1t. fill\' _ CO\~-,:"./ - bit\:%-. . f<?ri en .:::::.reJ\ . b,\4-:Jt1:"mc! ~ 1:2> 1J'<"ct "70~ I ~.. t. ed. ..,.jd 4l\LV~ ,. ~~ F.':'c\ut. t\ tIe si0n .- blo.c..1<. cop ?In?\, b:x- "1""'- 011 '\ C~.lN\ t:vcl< '~Ot.-l' '~ fO\'q CD r-',0 'I ':ij,"iv v.,"".) 0ent<7~ ';""01"'. '"'J"" ,1Y'.".k~ '- t;, p..Jlon,) \~, 'is.'? "'I')Y>=- 01'- p" ,\t<<4 C1\\.-\Y"l ,.<'.v,.\,,",'<! to ""'-'17t:i""') r-Jlo"", VI ~",:t- M-Gt" I "'X1"~ . ~L1\ -si"'lYl d~ ~ovh -:,d~ , 101 ..;.f: wirJ lo"'d,"""}. \\0 cx.i-:.t...iY'cJ P'-jIOh 'S>i';)n.- rront c..lo/",tion ("":C1\'-'.iM.) I I' 4-" t I~~ k h II..., ~ ffe\M~$ (\ <~C" n Il ---7 'M r "'<'\"J n _ --- .. ~ "J "\:1- (' 11.- cq, n. .-; 7oJ:- I , f'\\.p.h. I I ~iJc. ~lcv'~t:iol1 . I ",F I David Miller and Associates Architecture, Planning, Construction Management 319 Clematis Slree,. We" Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 655,1775 \,",o/i0\on-? to e,I<Y.t.\1'Y) P'1\on ~5Y' L ft-a..",t<:lYlcli>I") 0\",)>1'\ e, 0::1teway c::c"~ fOrr 1xLl"t;;m ~ 'DIve(- \::o.-jnto\'\ bWc.\1 ," +'101""; 4,,,\ +1.0,''10 ";; CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ Nailin!:: . .~;,~.. Telephone: ~~ Addres": Po~t Office Box 31U Ih'ynton lIeach FL 33425-0310 (1,07) 738-74HO .IOU E Ihl~.nton lIel1ch Blvd Boynton lIel1ch FL 334J5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT City UaIl Complex West Wing PLANS REVIEW COMMENTS - BUILDING DEPARTMENT <J Name of Reviewer l/J1. .I,.d.J Permi t # C; I.) / / .? t.o Type of Review ---ciA'''''') Project /J//,7L{;-L /i.xJ...JfiC-. The permit number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. An appointment may be set up for a conference concerning specific comments listed below. To expedite the re-review process, changes may be made by the designer for clarifications to required documents and/or drawings at the Building Department. Proof of authorization is required . prior to making changes to signed and sealed documents and drawings at the Building Department by anyone other than the designer. To set up an appointment, call the Building Department at (407)738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. An appointment is recommended to assure that the reviewer is available to discuss your comments. *************************************************************************** comm~~ Name: Date: I " Applicant's phone # "{Q8- Date called: 2nd. , 1st 3rd Comments only Plans & Comments Date letter sent Date r~c'd. Date logged Date reviewed *************************************************************************** ( ) J.\ JAf11 ) / l!)A if1A AT " ~l /)-1-0 (//)7 r J)'h_.-? 71 , 1 /" "'-0 '~if AJ.,"jifjU(L~ \d.1? ' .. ..JjGA-h.k'... /.t// JO/,)/l,V""d {J,/(i..(Xf'. ~~(o,/ 90- M .I;" (i t9"7~ n ; A.z/(./ :/1 P' /.<::-(:.I'l(" /,z --XU ;'3::/' r < Z/f .I,,;' --z~A'<l ~~ ~~ ~hJ: (; ld~~~' I/~j{ ~:1:~U-~ ,) 1..1 I' (1' U (/P<1( i 0/, A_I /t: 'i'.~, '7 j / h -:1'....;::70:; ) /~v /' _<Y1A...r..Ct'f/ n / YJ.. '1 ;, ./) \. YJ:( If'ii- o)){(/T { (oJ /';1,,(///7 rf' ~( j /1 r' /d ( , . , , , .~.. . 4iO N,W, 1st Ave, ,I-~: r I I'.:l ' ' I .II( 336' I T[.~.>'. .- t I I;?~: J ..~ , ( _ y ~-r\tJb f\.Iu:>tJSl'-tJ '0 L ....L.~+J t '~ BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. .- -+- ~~ en J:: - t-- 104 103 .. " M 102 ~ z \- . RETAil SHOPS z ~ '2rr ,J co ~ :l' (f) ~ ,11', I I. \ ~y ..0.... Turnkey lease convenience. . . just paint and carpet! We provide... ow ALL: Walls separating one tenant from another tenant are to be fire rated gypsum board taped and sanded, ready for painting. D FLOORS: Floors will be concrete, steel trowelled, finished with no floor covering or baseboard. D EGRESS DOOR: Rear egress will be provided by a hollow metal door at rear wall of the premises, if required by Building Code. D ELECTRICAL SER V ICE: The electrical supply for each rentalspace.>Vill include a 125 amp paneL The service wiJI be 120/208 single-phase 125 amp at the tenant's panel, which will be located at Landlord's designated pointoD therearwall rental space. Increase in service is to be paid by lessee. Convenience recep- tacles will be installed according to code. D RESTROOMS: There will be one complete restroom according to code. D CEILINGS: Ceilings are to be 2' x 4'!ay,in suspended acoustic tile in metal grid,system per Landlord's ceil, iog plan along with lay-in fluorescent fixtures. D AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING: The H.V.A.C, system, including duct work and diffusers in the Landlord's standard layout, will be provided. Equip- ment sizes wiJI be as per Landlord's H.V,A.C. plans, D TELEPHONE: Empty conduits to Landlord's desig- nated point in the rental space from Landlord's equip, ment room will be installed by Landlord, D SIGNAGE: Tenant shall conform to the signage criteria guidelines as set forth by the Owner and local sign ordinance. NML 78889-P ., A West Palm ~ Hypoluxo Rd. - " ~ '0. E " t- " '0 't: o u: ~ t: >- ~ ~ .,; > 0( o o " C. c o Boynton Mall 0 y II Ocean ~ "' ~ . A Motorola - Boynton Beach Blvd. Gateway Centre * Woolbright Ad. Ft. Lauderdale Iy ..::: r4i- I N,W, 1st Ave. ll~~' "iJI.;-, 'i I I ,. ';~.':". - \..! I <;.;>\;- 1. ': g c~~~ / __rJ -~ ~ '< ,,'"'.j[ iN,~ m+H~ IHII II II Ii? [':1 ~,. f......y--~5TI~ ~C,I"'J L.-L.....1~.. } t I I ~ BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. ... .. 104 ~ill.JljJ - en ; -;{~J.:: z : 0 - Loo rl ~ \~-~ 105 106 107108 109 103 '< " M ~ J.. , ~fl , , , , , , , '110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 llfl . RETjll S7Of>S 7fJ l.--l I z ~ 0:> - ::r en - ~::t i~ /1", ( I. \ "'-."" ~~ Turnkey lease convenience. . . just paint and carpet! We provide... ow ALL: Walls separating one tenant from another tenant are to be fire rated gypsum board taped and sanded, ready for painting. D FLOORS: Floors will be concrete, steel trowelled, finished with no floor covering or baseboard. D EGRESS DOOR: Rear egress will be provided by a hollow metal door at rear wall of the premises, if required by Building Code. D ELECTRICAL SERVICE: The electrical supply for each rental space )Yill include a 125 amp panel. The service will be 1201208 single-phase 125 amp at the tenant's panel, which will be located at Landlord's designated point on the rear wall rental space. Increase in service is to be paid by lessee. Convenience recep- tacles will be installed according to code. D RESTROOMS: There will be one complete restroom according to code. D CEILINGS: Ceilings are to be 2' x 4'lay.in suspended acoustic tile in metal grid,system per Landlord's ceil. ing plan along with lay-in fluorescent fixtures. D AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING: The H,V,A.C, system, including duct work and diffusers in the Landlord's standard layout, will be provided, Equip. ment sizes will be as per Landlord's H.V,A.C, plans, D TELEPHONE: Empty conduits to Landlord's desig, nated point in the rental space from Landlord's equip, ment room will be installed by Landlord. D SIGNAGE: Tenant shall conform to the signage criteria guidelines as set forth by the Owner and local sign ordinance. NML 78889-P ':;' ; A West Palm 4 HypolUXQ Rd - " ~ 'ii c " t- .. '0 'C o ii: ~ .= >- ~ ~ " > .. ~ ~ ~ C> C o Boynton MallO y - "' ~ . A Motorola Ocean >>- - Boynton Beach Blvd. Gateway Centre * Woolbright Ad. Ft. Lauderdale Iy , o<..i'-o"bV"\~ "';:"1'3n -S\...i~ ~ -s~':o WI p:;I'tV1t-. fih\",fl / o.~J7 - b\t16lc- /' '??fY CI'i c::::r&\ VVi /' b~r!7v\nc{ - ~LJ -- -' 1:2/ ,e.od 1\70<; II - I ~.f-. ~. "':>\o\e.. IO~O~ -PET Su PE:1Ztv1\~T' e-L -fAN ~'v~L- Ice ~~ ~ _ ,._.._.._.. h tv,^~\l\ ~eNNlE IS ~~~- 7 -4 /~w~_ ~' ~\Lj'" > G>~ I G ~ , 'N - \J , ~ A E \ ~ /,"'. , I " , . " '" "., I l'-t ;::)J:.P-~ " . ". _I i <"/: I ~:'Ci::' i :,.:, 'cr' ,11" "", ',J i Uil ii" !i:, \lij ir I L!:..--::.!:--= '.~',' "-,;/ U '- el<i?tiry <S''2JY'lfc;1a: ,B9 ?,f-. eo.c::::h <s\k - inte.l-.na (\'1 \, )\l; p,lCl'StAc. t".e.:::.e. , \h '?11 UV'\i Y\VlVIl ff?\VV\~? ~ t.e> c\~\ c.t . ~t ~\v\ : 'jU' -,- prc\e..ct. 'tI t\e '>i0h - \:,(o.vk COplj o,\""\~ \;:O-",,{e:r- or c~VV\ ~ qy-<::::>UI\'1c~ - Pf'':;I to (-7,0 'I <;BClV--.WCI'1 0e.n~ II - ~\CJ'("l,,:,,~~ . ,,':\\"'t'.A (. Potb r. P-:l 10'11';) I ':::' '!5?, 'Q 7 r~,r. SIc;)h00 dt- fl\ t\t..z4- C\\v.vn '?c...::oVlY<"'d to ~.~(.:l~t\~ pj\ov.::;. wi ~-r.. M.d::"! \ -'X1'~ "--'--"-r-- '. LLtl..1.".L__ " , : ,-"..,: '..Hf\l.L CONFORM , ',..;,~. I,.;: , L\'", 1 1 LU!LD1!'~:~ CODES I ~ I Rr\1JT 1'''' tel I, a - () ~ 't ;'j-- _._----- ~