LEGAL APPROVAL ,I' .-' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH M~' . , , @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR October 5, 1990 Mr. Beril Kruger 9 Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, Fl 3344~ RE: N D Auto Repair - Administrative site Plan Modification - File No. 544 rclJr::t: Tn ~/1/.:.l6.h~-= d ~.r::l>--Jf S ?"b(,2AC~ Dear Mr. Kruger: Please be advised that Technical Review Board site plan modification, which are attached. on Thursday, September 27, 1990, the approved the referenced administrative subject to staff comments, copies of These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building ~epa~t sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member ~~~~d sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did . ave~ents that require sign-off, they are still the last /~ ep~r. ~nt ~.~andle and process the plans. One (1) set of final /e~ sig . ff p~~s will remain with the Building Department and the I~ ~lb~r. t Of),ans will be returned to you to be retained at the ;g\ ]WfJ .aaf990. 1 ,,0:1. ~ 81:!1 1lI/., ,....\.,~ hEP.l.p ~ tate the sign-off process, you should make an \:~yr~n~~~~.~ meet with each Technical Review Board member (only 'y j. '.-.,., 'Y" \? ....'-,r,. ~ I . ~ " /'~ _:,.".__-;' .'-;:-/.,'.'_'-<'.", ....,._~ ,/,,,.-,.:,, -, r~' ....:.::..: ~;:: . 'Iv n h \' . " ~' TO: Mr. Kruger -2- .October 5, 1990 those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. have any questions concerning this matter, please do not to contact me. only the will be I f you hesitate Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~~~ Interim Planning Director TJH:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:NDAuto " , , , STAFF COMMENTS N/D AUTO REPAIR ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Building Department: Engineering Department: Planning Department: See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo ,- BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-443 ,,' october 1, 1990 TO: Tambri Heyden, Assistant city Planner THRU: Don Jaeger, Building, & Zoning Director #pff/f;{., 0... FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - september 27, 1990 Meeting SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - N/D AUTO REPAIR (VEHICLE STORAGE AREA) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in ol-der to conform with Boynton Beach city codes: 1. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show legible original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design profeSSional responsible for the drawings. 2. Provide on plans a distinguishable symbol to delineate existing construction and landscaping from new construction and landscaping. 3. show a partial elevation and full detail section view drawing of the fence. Specify on the plans the vertical and horizontal structural materials and components required to meet the requirements of the building code. 4. state on the plans that all service and repair work will be performed within an enclosed building. 5. sale of used automobiles will require conditional use approval for the City Commission. Application for conditional use approval is obtained from the Planning Department. 6. Identify the location of the new landscaping on the plans. Include a plant directory identifying: all species, total count of each species, height, grade, spacing, and installation specifications. Delineate the appropriate percentage of native species landscape material. 7. Provide adequate screening for the new storage area as viewed from the north property line. ael E. Haag :ald NDAUTO.SDD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HEKORANDUK NO. 90-251 , . . To: J. Scott Miller City Manager October 3, 1990 From: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Re: Technical Review Board Comments Nick DiLorenzo ND Auto Storage Area Olsak and Associates In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Site Plan Review and Approval", including but not limited to Chspter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", Section 5-142, "Required Parking Lot Improvements", inclusive; the applicant tor the above reterenced project shall submit the tollowing information, tech- nical data and plan revisions: 1. The stormwater drainage structure must be located within grassed areas and not within the paved surtace ot the proposed storage area. Chapter 5 Article X. Section 5-142 (g) "Drainage Standards" including Appendix "C" Section 5, Stormwater Treatment", END OF COMMENTS Respectfully submitted, j \:_- ,*.6~....~ Vincent A, Finizio () cc: Tabmri Heyden - lnterim Planning Director ~ Ivaf CtTYof 'BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, 80x 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435-0310 (4071734,8111 october 4, 1990 Mr. Beril Kruger 9 N.E. 16th street Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: N/D Auto Repair - File No. 544 Administrative Site Plan Modification - storage area Dear Mr. Kruger: please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for an administra- tive site plan modification. The comments below, as well as the attached comments from other departments, will need to be addressed on revised copies of the drawings submitted for review, prior to applying for a permit. This procedure is detailed on the attached letter of approval from the Planning Department: 1. site plan rider application was not completed and submitted with site plan application. A blank site plan rider is attached to be compl~ted and filed with the Planning Department prior to applying for a permit. /' 'I --='~~~~ Tambri J. Hyden tjh Attachments A:N/DAutMod xc: Chronological File RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan pprova1 does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that 11 plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other ata submitted with this application for review by the City f Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, ommissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, ppointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any uch party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy hereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be eemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all aspects of the roposed project shall be constructed in strict compliance ith the form in which they are approved, and any change to he same shall be deemed material and shall place the pp1icant in violation of this application and all approvals nd permits which may be granted. The applicant acknowledges that the City of Boynton has 11 rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable odes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring ny violation into compliance, and that in the event of nforcment action by the City, the applicant shall ndemni fy, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach armless from any costs, expense, claim, liability or any ction which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. RE~D, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO THIS ,19_ DAY OF APPLICANT .. TO: Don Jaeger DATE 10/5/90 'fC '. ~""iT ~ ('t11#!-~ Lt::..,s r4UL czn MANAGBa' S OPPICB ern op BOYN'l'OR BBAaI ,.. DEPARTMENT Building APPROPRIATE ACTION ~ EVA'LUATION/RECOMMENDATION 0 . FOR YOUR FILES 0 ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO o o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN OTHER SUBJECT: N & D Auto , At your earliest convenience I would appreciate being forwarded copies of all applications and material regarding N & D Auto located on North Federal Highway. Your prompt attention is appreciated. Thank you. <=t.~--- 0cot~i{~:=;:- City JSM:cd Manager \' ,?l ~. )f'/Y',L "r( ,"/ (;-:Q/. /\' <; (",-/ .....)/7l... V_--:i/':.><: '- ' -;:/A. ."'i/.~/' ~/'1/ ) (~ "') 1<' , 7' J' RESPONSE: --- ~ ro ~ ~ \\.O'flITO", ~ t ~fCElVtb~'}:~\ ~ OCT 0 8 1990 ~ ~ I -- ' :-:).. \llj'lllll\G ~ 0; '<1"\ "',,~, \lfflr.\~l \"'"7' / /' 4:1u,"( it:':l\t". ,""" I I" -. ~. c,. r( Date (Action Completed) Signature . t I COVER SHEET I,' ~) ~', ,_) ,I i PROJECT TITLE:~ ADDRESS: }J. ~~. ftu /'-0 ~j ~e?tA-11C By PCN # Val ue of Pr'oject ZONING DISTRICT C"t Existing TRB # DESCRIPfION OF WORK [Contact persons name/association with project/telephone number] PROJECT APPROVAL DATES: City Commission Approval Letter /o-S'~9(;) TRB Administrative Approval Ltr'. MEETING DATES & MINUTES TRB CJ-27-9-o __P & Z / ORB Appr'oval Letter' P&Z CRA (c) (1") Appr'oval Letter' DRB CRA (c) (I" ) CAB OTHER 'APPROVALS: Master Plan Pre-Application Exception to Platting In Lieu of Platting Pr'eliminary Plat Construction Plans Approval Final Plat Approval COLOR RENDERING PROJECT EXTENSION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMIT / WITH CONDITIONS VARIANCE / APPEAL APPROVAL (Type]: MISCELLANEOUS: ", DATE STARTED FINAL SIGN-OFF: /"'; \ / ~"\ '- \ ,I '....- /'/ ~ SIGN--OFF DATE , ' ...-' " ~~~\ '" 'OJ \ "...,~ *** TRB # mea COVSHT90.SDD A' "~~;~ , <) *** BERIL KRUGER ZONING CONSULTANT - LAND PLANNER 9 No~theast 16th st~eet Del~ay Beach, Flo~ida 33444 (407) 265-4983 ~- /'\ " \ / \ \ Jim Golden, Planne~ City of Boynton Beach Planning Depa~tment 100, East Boynton Beach Bouleva~d Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 " Septembe~ 20, 1990 Re: N. D. Auto Repair site plan modification 'V',:' ':. ," ..; I;) --<I' ,____,-'17 I \';~,-' ----- Dea~ Jim: This letter is in ~esponse to you~ request for the changes p~oposed fo~ N. D. Auto Repai~ site plan. The only change being p~oposed is a fenced, sto~age pa~king a~ea on the east side of the p~ope~ty. This area was labled on the p~eviously app~oved site plan as drainage. The a~ea will be paved and enclosed by a six (6') foot cyp~ess stockade fence with two gates. The fence will be left natu~al to allow it to age to a g~ay colo~. The fenced sto~age pa~king area is needed by N. D. Auto fo~ the sto~age of vehicles that a~e being ~epai~ed and waiting fo~ pa~ts on o~de~. Vehicles will also be sto~ed when the OWne~ has not yet paid fo~ the ~epai~s and the ca~ is ~eady. If N. D. Auto lets the vehicle leave it is almost impossible to collect what is owed. This a~ea is fo~ sto~age of vehicles only and not fo~ ~epai~s. No outside ~epai~s a~e pe~mitted on this p~ope~ty. These vehicles a~e cu~rently being pa~ked in the custome~ pa~king spaces. N. D. Auto is in violation and under o~de~ of the Code Enfo~cement Boa~d to ~emove the vehicles f~om the custome~ pa~king spaces. It was ~ecommended by city staff that this p~oposed a~ea be used fo~ sto~age of vehicles. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Since~ly a Be~il CC: Nicholas DiLo~enzo }J \ ~ ( j) l' ,/" I (; t/---t~ -----' ~ u 90. 37t..j,1.J U , ~ PCN # . "1 (Palm Beach County OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: , r;- OWNER'S CITY/STATE/ZIP: M;.cr'L/~ OWNER'S PHONE: 7 '31-~'1~ PROPERTY LOCATION: "l'tI'?- ;(I. '173b BLOCK: '1 LOT: A ~ A~: .{~ SUBD~VISION: SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: MULTIPLE: ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 4'-" r"S /' '3:}YJS-/OOc..a...oi?a..h::w, E-t, . oS 3 Y 3';;>- H~/V ,;,.,fIe ~71~-f9~O'N~i c-y COMMERCIAL: ><- INDUSTRIAL: ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;11111II1I11111111111111111111111111111111111 > _h';(f'X~~~~~'ZIP:33,OG0 " r y ;;t] LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: 9- / rP-- 9/ W(c... .3-l~1 NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS : the work which it covers has been commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certi- "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN fication or County Competency p1u8 County and LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING City Occupat~onAI Licens~s, prior ~o ~ptai~!nu, ~~~~:~i;tI~~~.r:;j~';~ii~ilii.llf"'II;;;;:~;~iIIllll.IIIIIIIII~~IIIIII~IIII.IIII CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS N -.,.. I l.~ ,. '~1"-'a ; BlrSIN~SS' ADDaggs: BUSINESS PHONE~ QUALIFIERS'S NlH;: QUALIFIER'S LICENSE 11: t!lfi(! (} 35" ?V , 1:1 Addres8: I f .a ~. . ~ , Date: - \ \. --C::LL-~ \)6QA., ~'''h~CL STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF: Any change'in'bui1ding plans or'specifications must be recorded with this afficA. Any work not covered above, mU8t have a valid permit prior to starting in consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this 8tructure in full comp- liance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida "THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE" I certify that the above informa on is true an corre the best of my knowledge: Before me personally appeared to me'well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing inst ment, and acknowledged to and before me that he/she ex~cuted said instrument for the purp~se8 therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official 8eal this c; ~ day of ~ it-. , A.D. 19 <:il:L. ", My Commi8sion Expires MAR<lI\IlfT W, ClPElAfD IGTARY NIue STAT!: (J' FlCX'lOA My CommInioo EICp, sa>r ..2~.1 Wol '~ "ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS" ~ij~\.q'.),.J;... ' IVS, (. '(b SETBACKS: LEFT RIGHT FRONT ZONE: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION : ',<1'\ I',1,"(,i.j jn-;:~;'l' :! 1 'rrU OCCUPANCY TYPE ROOF TYPE 'Tfct:! ~,d I. {,1-o,; : 1'1 Ii;'! J' FENCE TYPE AREA SQUARE FEET ARCHITECT FLOOD ZONE " BASE FLOOD ELEVATION,~lf" FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION' ! T.;- . ~ " -"". , ,f! 1 I ~ FINISH FLOOD ELEVATION NUMBER OF STORIES NUMBER ,OF. UNITS PARKING. SPACES REQUIRED'---" ,-, PARKING'SPACES PROVIDED " , '0'1 '/''';''',., I"Oi. .' .' ';"p; ...,j.~, ~;~,', ' , I. I OF BEDROOMS ;,1~(ft}i';e'iI::i'I' !t,~(,. ";:;';"!' "'j,l"'''' .. : r .L.' ,'I~;' II, , : i':'.,': ':}., , .' . (: ,~, , OF, BATHROOMS "I I.' 1;(: 11.'1'\; l" I.. ,:(;;__,,1 i (i 1lP'JfA1Ucs:.;; : ;1f(1I."~"'~1" '1(,11 ""',f"';"T"': . . ; ~ , ! , ') :io' ! ; '. ; , ' ! I ; ~ ,'I:', I; ; J ,) (~, I )J i I '11, i .: . !'\ I ~,t'''C " " , ; l ;~ ri', .. , t;.!"hl '(Jlh,d)> I, I I: . '1") ,I. J t I ~ "I () It'. ,- !', ,- I' 'I I '. i~lnJm~~! c'; '~;,L~:~-~', l'"t':,; . ......M...,. ,l,.~~....i_... REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLET~ON """"""'-,SITE FINAL, " -!..:..;.,,s~G~'1fINAL " . , , i-lIRE' FINAt1.'I:.f.. i ,',fHI''!. '11 lJqJ J oJ..J ?: ' '1"1"" ,O,'nI~R, I"'" .lJ" ',' -J. ..J '-, ,Il.' .l~) . , ' -i .!, ~',fjlt l'n-tt"I'J'1".t ': PAVING FINAL' _ OTHER /" 'Ill ':" :fd I'; !,\ ,,, , , ,', , 1 ,ct-; 1.1 ~', 1 " "I!" ;::J Z~~,~~?~}~N~ /', \"oIJ ,Hf, i," " "'\ItP;E~CMB~f,F~l\ WALLFlNAL . IHt~!Jt.J {', if',(;+; I~ t,tf~ ~;'t;~~~ih~t'~" rJj'''.7i;'lr;;:;;~" /". ",S;~~"LIG!\~~~g g~Mt.,,,'1 J.ulJ -:I,! ~ l" , ' , " 'j~) 'il'!' _,.....'r~..__..._" . . L1b:c" "fL ~L'" 'I L, "'l' " > , _S . d., "' ,.. 1,1.. REVIE~D BY: -, " - --.... ~ , !-'-- , "', i '~ DATE PERMIT ISSUED': ..', , . C.O. OR C.C:!AUTHORIZATION , SITE :~'~~~?1~*~~~~'(:i,~1Jll, }\11';Ngl~~ BLDG. DATE REAR ,I, . .. .i ROAD IMPACT FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE pARKs' 'FEE ' : ~. .,' "': ,'I', ': SCHOOL FEE PUBLIC BLbG.' PEE , \.. i 'LAW ENFORCEMENT' -FEE , , RAnON TRUST FEE, , . ADDITIONAL FEE PENALTY' PEE -', I 1'1 , ' . " SUB-TOTAL B,I.ANKET PEE: " Building "", ~. ;~i. Electrical "')'!~1 'r'~",,"~' ,. '., Mechanical ": Plumbing ~ i Roofing ,..r. ,,' ''. """,--Drainage , Excavation '. , '. Land~caping ",'I', ;,-, , p'av1ng, ' ~Sign '" \.,', '. VALUATION .,FEE '- "' ',"" "', ',' " i ! 1 ',,' "II 'Sewer' . ' : :XS~A.~ -_:Cf'&?.gG) ?S:GD SiiB:TOTAL t7P~ TOTAL LESS PLAN. FILING FEE \! "TOTAL, AMouNT DUE I d .~ 'tl .. d', :~~ f:; ,.. ~, ;];-[1.;' R~CEIPT NOOER , , f '1 r' l r1' . ',: ~ I ',; .~ IJ~": ~: ',' r:~'!' , , "r j~ n,~ I, , ~'i 'j ;.: ;" !"":l \ ~d{ fj \ ' '.. I Ll!)~i hd I". " I,:, "30- ,''Y6;" 0() , : i I., l~qu;L · .' i'." ~Ii,: 'J 1 r: 1 t',;~ , ," ~ ~ r ' : r t 'II r i.' '. I;.rl !.tli'. 'I .( prlF ;~~:nn I;' III .:I.Ii " DATE:','" if,O,I'!J I ( ttu' . ., ,.... ~. ...... ~i .,t) , '{'1 j 'HI ~~ r..!!)!i'f~'~::\ "dJ.'~~1__.i}!~~.:'.!:..1"(hH'~ J , ,/':7 ;;; 11": . i.'I .:1\,~,ti;.\Jr:.},{'l/.' :'~..,'.: ....'";':";.:;::..; -,(~:'/ /-: , f7