LEGAL APPROVAL @ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-t1111 .,--]( 1, 1, 1- (/,,,,- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR May 22, 1986 Mr. Kerry Kilday Kilday & Associates 1551 Fourm Place West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: publix at Sunshine square Dear Mr. Kilday: '" Please be advised that on May 20, 1986 the City Council approved the referenced site plan along with the accompanyinq request for a revised shared parking allocation and relocation of an interior access aisle at the southwest corner of the existing shopping center. These approvals are predicated upon compliance with staff comments, copies of which are attached. Additionally, the Planning and zoninq Board has required that right turn lanes be provided for the two main driveways onto Woolbright Road. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. The approval of the City entitles you to the improvements shown on the site plan. be viewed procedurally as an as-built or construct only The site plan will record drawing. With respect to the plans bearing the Community Appearance Board stamp of approval, two sets must be submitted to the const . plans. i'O ~ ~, . ,<><)J,~10N 8f~ / /' , ,,' CI\'lc\) '<. ',- ~ t.CL. '4 [. . " -, R (0- '-' () ~ \, ':' ,0\\ '2, ~ /.;,.\ ~ f2 ..,,\Sl" ~ ""'1f<.'/\ .;:- "-. "~ ,,""Nrn~ ~\ ' ~ ~ Building Department along with other Page Two. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. flat cc: Attach. City Manager Technical Review Board Central File Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . ~"- ~/~ Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director ~'<t ~ '_'> .\~10N &(... c.;J /.-'1 -.., 2;;'<. (" \: \'~ t ~ '..y ~ -. :.. o\~vC ,,0," '.- j ""~ '{\~I.' -j G "n () . ~ -? -t ~v ~ f - 'c..\;' '\'" iiC -- ~' ",) '" '- ...\ ~\,\,~<:,\ I.c"" :...... ...~ ~'.>.("... (9, / /,,~T\"!!~<Y ~7 1(;- ?() STAFF CmlMENTS PUBLIX AT SUNSHINE SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER SITE PLAN I\ODIFICATION Building Department: See attached mer:-.Q. Fire Department: See attached memo. Utilities Department: See attached memo. Police Department: See attached ,memo. Planning Department: See attached memos (2) . " ~~~/.<) " c,' E' ." !i ,i' nEe lVEil" - ,WR 2 01C1Clr ",,~':,. 1";- \l\I\I.I)" ;:.> -<h ~tl'I /' ,. '1)? . '\' ~... ' (ltv E[ l\~' . ~._c.\ , ,\ \ ~ IW" Grayarc .. P.O. Bo~ 2944 Hartford,J:T 06104 r.AlL TOLl.. FREE.'.800 24]-5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At (4,) To Fit Grayarc Window Envelope N EW10P X?l-J RE~ID~R ITEM ~ ,- I -, FROM TO Carmen Armunziato Ci ty Planner Bob Donovan Chief Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: _ Sunshine Square Shopping Center (Publi~L ________________.____________, _,__,________n _. _,._u____... JJATE:. .5J~186 FOLD -+- Upon review of the above mentioned site plan modification, please be advised of the following: 1. Health Dept. approval required. 2. Need to meet Handicap Code (ramps, doors, etc.). BD:bh ~j)~ PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED Bob Donovan REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item It F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc. 1979 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED 1l~V-' ?Y '.J'. ( ~".......c, 't;~,\,..,{I" v> <?.... ... ' ,I....J. _ f"'"'1 I '1~ - \ ........ ~\....~~\,..'"> '-. ~~ , :' R\-\.''l ~'J .~j " ..r; - ,~ ".~' o~. -7')\ \- \fO()0')f" ,- -~ /",,( .' '-' '-. '\") "" 'U'"~~;\(, i.e;. ..A. { ,.", .,. ~,~ ''')~;~-''i,' /'.l ~ ,I)-.,...... "'J \' 'Z!..<:3 tTTJV' --- Grayarc .. P,O, Bo~ 2944 Hartford, CT'06104 , CAll TOl~ ~AEE:l.800.243-5250 r TO ""P {...f} ~':"N { N G'- SUBJECT: .. j--TJ----.B fl<er: ,"OLD .+. I ' S'N-0-C.U d-. fj;D b cPr PLEASE REPLY TO REPLY DATE: Item" F269 (9 Wheeler Group Inc. 1979 REPLY MESSAGE n~ REORDER ITEM" . Fold Al (tl To Fit Grayarc Window Envelope # EW10P I FROM 0ei'J U)J1,\ L:> Q/J c/ /J /lJ ,4 if G-CI F//2..c Dc-pi: PCl BuY ...___J)A TE: __-?:=~~~ ~~1, SuAJ S H /11/ C 67 Y.{ ~ (/ /1J C- 'F / (2. C H V]) rUt AJ)-'S 'f LUItTc/L III PH A..' 3' HI( Dft/JAJi:s. 7V CitJUC!L. f2.-L-Y9-f>~ =XfrT/,/{/C- J3t-bG-'S. , . SIGNED ~~~' ~va/~ SmNED THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ~)Il~ . ~/' ~ ~()'IH1D':'c:'(h\ ....., <;,\ fl' '. ,/'\ ......, .J.-, ...._\ I. ~~ R~C ~tD '-:;\ .:..1" 2 0 ,,,,Of; )' ~:\PR" . ~\ ,,\\.l)\\\U i ( \l'-' ,,", <0 A. \lV' <" , . "'?,.... ~""", "' ~ / 1"rr~o;~:;-(\o/ "<~ (G -,)" MEMORANDUM TO : Car~en Annunzlato, Planning Director DATE: May 5, 1986 SUBJECT: TRB COMMents - Sunshine Square Shopping Center (Publix) Our approval is conditioned upon satisfactory cOMpletion of the following ite~s: 1). Show the locatlon of the existing water Main to the rear of the present shoppIng center. Additional fire hydrants and the relocation of existing water services will be required. Z). The Metered service lIne for the new Publix is tapped off of the fire hydrant and sprinkler line. reliability this tap should be Made directly into the shol.,Jn to be To increase Main. G~tt~ Perry A. Cessna Utilities Director ~\I~ / \ \.,...LI-lJJ' , I~'/ '~:J'\Nln t{6'<;-'~; '.' , -\ <::. y . I...J' -, \ r -}/')./ ( - ~. ((,.. 'I fi) "~ .() j ::-- \\..:.,..)" I '. \ '. C '('OD ,.. i 1'_.. n" n ). 'I ,. ~\."., ~ l' \"', \ ~ S / \{'.....-I 'Jj\\S;\ ~ ~. \~ ~,<II ""' ' ,/\, '?,), 'JV' .... <,,>,. '~'r'!~i [\H~/\,9, ~ I ;-,... -D \, -.....!.1~TTi<.O MEMORANDUM g -9:2 '0 Planning Dept. D"TF ~lay 7, 1986 FILl!: 'OM Lt. Dale Hammack Police Dept. ,\UBJ[CT Publix Store at Sunshine SCjUil.r,. As per the discussion at the T.R.B. meeting on 6 May 1986, the following changes are required: 1. Pole mounted lighting erected in the back (West side) of the building. 2. Firelanes to be striped. 3. Stop signs erected at the 2 Exits onto S.E. 18th Ave. " ,':-:/ L/,,: ! ) ~,,_.i' 'Lt. Dale Hammack Police Department DH:as ?\~l?,\J-Q.t ^ ,', --<.1(.>. c ">"Ie" ,./)\ ' .....' ," . 'l f .' t....> ,:.. ", '-', '.. <> ."\ "," ,(, .. " D '. ',' \ 1- .' " \"~' ".J '__ ~ j .... '. ,'" 1\ . ~ .- -I, 0 \,-\or; , ~.r \r\~O '2 ' -, ')'-' - . ~.... \"\ q- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ O~\\Sl\\I ~ ' \'> '*~,,~, \ ~ o"I'~/r()", p,n.&' ' ('. ~ 1'!-r-r-r-r-0. \;. . ~ r77 r:J',;}J MEMORANDUM May 7, 1986 TO: Chairman and Members Planning & Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: publix at Sunshine Square - Staff Comments Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. Traffic signals are to be provided at the following locations when warranted by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer: (1) intersection of Federal Highway and S.E. 18th Avenue, and (2) shopping center driveway onto Woolbright Road at west wing of shopping center located approximately 140 feet east of the right-of-way line for the Florida East Coast Railroad. The cost of future signalization at these locations is to be bonded by the developer prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. One-half (25') of the right-of-way for S.E, 3rd Street (from S.E. 18th Avenue to southern property boundary) to be dedicated by the property owner within 45 days of site plan approval, or prior to the issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first. 3. Parking space layout and design to be sh~~all reconstructed and newly constructed porti~,~.-t ' rking inCluding the southwest corner of the pr~'\:Y '\i~ rear the existing shopping center. ,.'.~ 'c:,,"; {,', \ '~ " . ~ '("....: .-1.\ ':r~" r\ I '. . . " ~ ',' :,,1 -5-- "'.,) \ ',:'::-'- 1--\ , ,0 \',(\5 . ~1 ,\)~~ -' . r: /-\ ~ ~ "I " "",>;'IIS>'~- '. ~ ~ .." \ ~""rryN.~~\'t/~' ~ lot, of U--Jd Page Two. 4. Dumpster pad detail to be provided including mimimum 10'x 10' concrete pad and screening on 3 sides (6' concrete block wall with stucco finish to match building). 5. Lighting details to be provided. 6. Required backup space (18') as specified in the Parking Lot Regulations must be provided at the west end of the row of 16 parking spaces in front of the proposed supermarket. cz.~, ~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIA flat /. ;::;- \" ;-:;--.., /\ \ :,..L...._'./,/ , ;1~~ 'y .)"~ (, -, ,..J' , \~ Y:(1,.r.\.~,~ ;4.,~;"'; \ " '( ')'-' ...., \"," !....... "'. "., 1. '/ , , .' ~l',:;: ' .) -.; . . b)' : ' , .-: () ,t .(-:, ': :.. , ',-:1 ~~ ';" ,. ,\\. -. , ~\'~"-' "~ ( ,to ~\\) rS . \> '" ~<:i\~x' ,; \~" "'~IT~~tlt~" ,\<;'" ~ (b-J ,) MEMORANDUM 9 May 1986 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: publix at Sunshine Square - Shared Parking Allocation Section Il-H(13) of the Zoning Code contains the following provision for shared parking: Parking spaces required in this ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours. Evidence for joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the Council, after review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Board. with respect to the above, Kieran J. Kilday, agent for publix Supermarkets, Inc., applicant, is requested approval of a modified shared parking allocation for the proposed 40,000 square foot new publix supermarket to be located to the rear of the existing Sunshine Square Shopping Center at the southwest corner of Federal Highway and Woolbright Road. The original shared parking allocation for the Sunshine Square Shopping Center was approved in February 1983. Under the current proposal, the new 40,000 square foot publix Supermarket requires 200 parking spaces. The amended site plan proposes to add 372 parking spaces which will serve the new supermarket as well as the existing shopping center. With the addition of the new supermarket, the proposed square footage for the expanded shopping center is 143,825 square feet. The required number of parking spaces as per the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations is 672 ~ 4 = 168 for the cinema and 134,420 + 200 = 673 for the retail square footage for a grand totaJ.. ..,.41 parking spaces for the overall shopping cen~'~" .15'1!, king spaces are proposed under the modified s.t:te 'Pl?-n,[ The;c atio of parking provided on-site as comPat..ed,t~tl1q.~;~~~' ',red by the City of Boynton Beach zoning reggJ.at.j.oRS':'utltoe!."\' ") proposed I, "c,.,\)C,' ^^1'- _ '. " \O,l'\D . n " \~' \"j \1'1' c' ~ "G _," ':J'~> l1 cr c/' x.\\~,f:'.: /' ,on, ~, , /~ ;."'" "".. ~ 76 -2;J , . modification (751/841) is exactly the same as that approved for the shopping center under the previous site plan approval (569/640), which provided for the construction of the shopping center in its current layout and design. with respect to the revised shared parking study prepared by Kimley-Horn for the shopping center, the following findings are relevant in regard to the request for approval of the revised shared parking allocation: 1. The study incorporated the impact of the Donovan's Buffet Restaurant. 2. 600 parking spaces are indicated as being sufficient for the expanded shopping center except during the Christmas shopping season or special promotions. 751 parking spaces are proposed to be provided on-site which can be used to accommodate these additional parking demands. 3. Peak hour parking demand for the cinema and Donovan's Buffet will occur between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily while the peak hour parking demand for the remaining shopping center will occur between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. daily. 4. The peak hour parking demand for the new publix Supermarket will occur at 1:00 p.m. daily and will require the use of approximately 152 parking spaces, 48 spaces less than that required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations. 5. The weekend peak hour parking demand for the various uses at the shopping center is comparable to the weekday parking demand. In addition to the above, it is the Planning Department's findings that: 1. The ratio of parking provided on site as compared to that required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations under the proposed modification is exactly the same as that approved for t~ping center in its current form. .-<, \ <," ,:. ...'. / ('~ . . ", I:j..,,' 2. That the buffer prOVid~9..'~ri'S~f.e' that \ a sufficient number of parki ~aRe@t!'*~J '~lf-i'iable at times of peak hour use is ri;>ll;inw.t.r~I.~~~151 ~ 841 x 100%). '1.\ il,rt,:1 U 'v.) r.=. '\ /,..1. tlJ \r~"HG .{: t-. Based on the analysis performed ,py ~~ml~V~~'n~ tl the Planning Department as outlined ~ ,~hI~cmefuoranC(um, it is the Planning Department's recommen 'UP ..tl;1~'t9the request for a modification to the previously 'vsa shared parking en -;J;;; allocation for the Sunshine Square Shopping Center submitted by Kieran J. Kilday, agent for publix Supermarkets, Inc., applicant, be approved as submitted. &~..., .2 &~~j; J. CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO /BKS -"-" -', " ;to"" l:::-~~~<;. . I': - i"\, . / - \. . I ,:~- fJ' . )' ~ L" , ,.. '\:-...... . GJ \~, ,~~ ,t ,/)'1" \,)1 "v" 0." \ '.J, FF ~\" / '\:'~\'Y ~ . \ , \ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ,/. /\ ''':~~ ': '. .'.,-' -, 8.~' c- ~t \>'j. .' -'~ ~ \ Mailing: Post Office Sox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-7482 "-'<.J , .. , '0 ' ", " -, .'- ~~. \ \ n: 1110/ --~ Address: ~ATE:Ci!'/YLJL II. 1990 / Re.; SCLN.sH INE.. QqUflRE... cj;r{~-l.i ,,,," (('/1 (/*, ;' If'll,,,, (Ji!j; f/ () /.J. , g' \- '''')'/ i 'u,-",,:, v~I'~/:t ~ \. ~_. o' ) CODES ENFORCEMENT DIVISION West Wing - Second Floor (Entrance on NE 1st Avenue) Telephone: :1Ax.Wf~. L'/ 3",,'10 73 Dear Resident: During a routine inspection of your neighborhood, I noticed the tollowing: \; - <; ih' Sf /' L;)t4 . d ' &"'-!:! YJ/dp r {/1If.1 U/.l'O /L/')jR.,' r.Yfi:1' /1',,) ./.f/ ' .1'.,./ ..b?1 /?tJ" r t~::;;;:'~.~"<~ ~ it ': ~., ~ ::. ~ ~~ - w~::t~/Ah'?, 2' ' -;:::~: :;:;M//2~;!-:::-:: :jJ 2V~~~h/~')(~ ~(JlaJf)u1- : CU)" '>L - ny, 'u j IfJ'//l~:th cu.e c..r:hd ch. r/ m~-rnunr:l(/-Le,4~ntlrJ.rod , '. , , ~~I&~~~;~e~;:2a:;M#d ----- The intention at this time is simply to notify you that a VIOLATION of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES does exist at your address. /1 7\ -.."'._.- "_ d 'ys, f,i /./ /../0 ~) , A reinspection of the premises will be made in .;L f.-!. ~ ~ /),1 ~ - Compliance within this time period will avoid the need for any forr'1AI Rction by the City of Boynton Beach Codes Enforcement Division. Thank you in advance for y"ur cooperation, If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Inf! "I:: (407) 738-7482, extension d2.-)';:) ,between 3:30~.m, and 5p,m. C9P'~' s,'fe I'izo Or,? -er/c')osed -fOr as.S:.,7'?u:' ':/ /N"'; Sincerely, ^.!'.IIJ.e a;proved c .~'" :.' or- ", '. Y.'- -;;:;: ~ (I} i_-_,a:q ~ R-rtrJ ~ fJ J... f} IV (]IJ. fJ / N U _..4.1'/--- - ,~~ C de and License Inspector I ~: /. r~. s:: -- .....Ql..-- -'--.1: - ~_.,_.c . 'I",Y !'1I'~l, a,',., (p " :!:~ 0 ~ f ' ~ " ~,:,), i,.,'!;' ~ l~~:;;'; . - . 'f: ~"'~;I;'~'~'~;';'}"! "".-"01,- f,~;'"., ';';;'._ , t "" ~_:.. .....,-.::;~ ,~ ,~".. ,~ ~.j ,,~ ~~,.;, i If! " , ~ i t'! ." &'1 t~_" \--'11' : t' $;:...... , , I j L _, ~~- J: 11 v' " r:. \J' (}I (j'~ "8" , ':):i * ~ ~ ~ r- P' r- , :J: ! I!!; rn /Pa;'^~ ~ I!: 'tl III ;1 ilL "I "< ,,= - Ql "C' - "CD. "I' '1: ~ ,~, i 1,""'" - . ' \ , , " 6 - ./ ~ I ':a '~' ~ '0 8 + f3. ic; }~r '.'2- I/) . ;~, I , ~ -'.-.-. ':~, i" u.s.. HI{JI Fede,.,.. ' --.-----..- . -" '. -~ ::: ~'~"~-- -.---- , ~ ~ , -->----.-..,-.- . ';.~ '-~... """'-~1 ~ ft:!l ,":c:;f." ""', '.~ ,''>C "," .111.~~ . '~7fl!i 'i....~'. ," '!~ ",e. .' :0 ;r' "0 ~ '0' ~, 4:\ftI1Il 4 ~ it ",.,I. -~~, ': :lI ' , o CD :;,j) 'P'!b '" ,r,J '" !~ B111 :~, ", "'1"""': , ,,"', /"' '-' I "-Mr \~J,{ f" . 1~1 ''-.._., 1 -'---~ I ,t :h , -.+ ., , ( r 30 --- ,7 ---- J~ r..~~oJ'" ,/ N" :~,- "J'ff. ,.. ": I _ I ! J' f, 0, ~, Q.. f" .. ~':..... " jJ-::-~. /'\ /../ /"~ ........ "\ " ,/ ,/,/ ..-- // ~~ ,r"', ,,,,,' ) ,/ ~' " ,,\,~ :. ,/' \.,/ '~\ ./ tXl /\ / ,1 SJ ..) ..-- ,: 1\ J: ~ ~0 .c, " :+ '"' 2) i . J , )Jill" -..----< ~"" <1:, :r .,.,,'. -----__4_.._~_......-- Jr o ~ . L&.>, :.< en ~ ~j g tn '1 I..~. ~ ~ ~o 0<:.. -:-..- ";;,:;.~:':;t". "'I, " ';"!t, _. -".~, ""'''''''-''_'~''''''''1i~ '--, .,:,. :;~,.: '.;: "0'_, ,,;,.,,;, "">;:.H*J: . ",,;,;,, ,', L' ""'~ ~i. ~.,' T , . .,_...:~. ,A",.,,,,,,,,,, 111,., ;+",~;t~~!~,;f~#:'~~~~~~ ;,* t ._..-,,'c' w ~ ., :i \!, , - ~ -- \' '~~\ ..~' ~ \ /( , '-J",C ~'" , ':':.- , .W,':.:'-o--, 'I/" ~ ^..)' ~ \ ,~-..... , . d" l' " ,\ .. ," .'" Y.t_~_l'~ ',' . \ /' ./' : /i / .' il'":T';'/ITfrt1.t ,5ll q ,r; " ,y} ~ 4: J1 <~) LAKEWEST EQUITY MANAGEMENT CORPORATION PO BOX 2045 ORAJ'~GE PARi', FL 3206'-2045 TELEPHONE 1904 I 269-2600 ,'Licensed Real Estate Broken 1496 PARK AVE ORA,~'-iGE PARK FL 32073 TELE COPY I'J04 I 264-58U May 22, 1990 ATTN: site Plan Director of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: SUNSHINE SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 15TH AVENUE/FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Sirs: We wish to remove seven dead palm trees from the above mentioned property~'.rather than replace them. Specifically, five palm trees are located on the souths ide of publix and two on the islands in front of Publix. We feel that this will not deteriorate the appearance of the property and hope that this will meet the site Director's standards. Please notify this office of your decision regarding this matter. BY: LAKE SUNSHINE PROPERTIES, Limited Partnership BY: LAKEWEST EQUITY MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, Duly Authorized Agent BY: VOLlA/! ~ lLOOAA- Dawn M. G een Administrative Assistant ~t ~ ~~"e9 P>'1 f\ l.~) ~~ <- .,pJ' \A. ~.,'" ~~_ De \;...'O~ f;r1f IIJ~ ~ Ie f;;'f\J rfi ~l!. ~ri (fI ( J,S'" I,tl' 1(1-'" \ Il~'~ ~~,. ) ~ ~. ,,' ,.':t ~' ~~ :fa ~.'. .~ ;)J r~~ \j' ~.. RECEP/~.") .29 I PLANNIN(3 l' ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -+ N.&M + ~I~ FORUM III ' SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401,2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 889.0554 May 2, 1988 Fi1e:sunshine.pub City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 ATTN: Mr. Don Jaeger Chief Plans Review RE: publix at Sunshine Square Removing two turn-outs on Federal Highway Dear Mr. Jaeger: We have estimated the cost for removing the two reference turn- outs and constructing with curb and gutter, sidewalk and sod to be approximately $2,500.00. This work will commence when proper permits are in hand. Very truly yours, \' '--, I) R9$S~D ALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. ." / ~ I ( 7 I I I V /'\ ~.I , ,[ I. . I \ Enrico Rossi, P.E. Reg. #13 529 ER/tp l) ., , '<l \l. , '. i /" I ,..' , /,:r/ i/ /' c c OAK. CONSTHl'CTlON t::U. INC. Mr. Don Jaeger City of Boynton Beach Administrator of Site P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida May 2, 1988 Development 33425 RE: SUNSHINE SQUARE 501 S.E. 18TH. AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH Dear Don: Oak Construction granted a permit from reconstruct the two property CM/cdc 6073 N.W,1B7th STREET will guarantee, that as soon as we are the Department of Transportation, we will turnouts located at the above mentioned Sincerely, ~~~"- President /' S '--"/ ~ '. ., I) { ~. t_ , I i (' \ V.,r-.t' l I ~ ,,/1""'" I I ! I:- I ~ SLOG, c-1 MIAMI, FLORIDA 3SCl115 l3Cl5J 821-8770 , "'\ C \... ~ C OAK t::ONSTHlTCTIOlV CO. 1St::. May 2, 1988 Mr. Don Jaeger City of Boynton Beach Administrator of Site Development P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: SUNSHINE SQUARE 501 S.E. 18TH AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH Dear Don: This letter will guarantee that Oak Construction Co., Inc. will finish all the stripping according to the plans of Kilday & Associates. Sincerely, ( I / /:..\~ V<IC--VU,,"'Z/~ Carlos Medrano President CM/cdc / 1-7 L/ f< ~ " . I ') " I ! \.. I . , V/ , /' ( (A' ~ / ,> c ( /'7~ l_ ',' ~- 6073 N,W, 167th STREET SLOG, C-1 MIAMI. FLORIDA 3:3D115 (3CJB) B21-e77D . . -- I: COMMUNITY Boynton APFEARANCE BOtBr Beach, Florida - . , ( ) ( ) (x) ( ) REVIEW APPROVAL PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS REQUEST FOR CHANGE SIGN APPROVAL \', -< 'l , L....,,_l, ,UlM' ,,;'- C,. c DATE: )pri17,1988 . APPLICATION: PROJECT NAME: publix PROJECT ADDRESS: S/W/C . US 1 & Woolbriqht Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attached OWNER: The Building Company '!'EL. ~ IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED" A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Ki 1 day and ,J.,ssoc i ritpc; 'l'EL. . 68q-5522 ARCHITECT : NAliE : f: r end a J(. I-ta 1 p v TEL. . (",ns) 'all is;!;! ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place W~Rr P~lm Rp~~h ~T "'~401 ~yilgiRg l~IlA C d Street ,City l.p 0 e , Requirements for Review: 1. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map Designating Site. , 4. Twelve (12) sets of plans to include la~dscape, tree surve} and building elevations. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. (If legal description is too lengthy for space provided, . copy to be att:ached). . 6. Application for Appeal of Administrative Decision (when applicablel, filled out completely and legibly with the Administrative Official's explanation of justification, ., . . I IMPORTANT: . THERE WIL~ BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW BEFORE'THE BOA! ALL MEETINGS OF THECO~lUNITY APPE~~CE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC . S,Or..oR (NAME) ...-:- ~-Jo -:--...... ~,\ \,c' I, " /'f',V---' ".J".. "- , ~ ,.~,., .... /'\ 'IOij .<".,.~' \:., / ~' . .. '''_'.'__ -r! \...___ ,I ~".', ,'or....,;:;. \::'{ ,- " ~ f_.... ':; I '., 'OTJlERS (as requiJ;"ed): See landscape plan for plant substitutions , and relocations,! .I SI~RE~~~~ .' APPROVED FOR AGENDA BY: cI(W: I: f/!/7 ~c/t y;i S7l;;;;:? .1.;- F(-f(' 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'tho _ 11' feet of the _ lUO _ of that ~ of the But Half of - the IlortheMt ()Jarter of SB<:tial 33, 'l'<W\lllUp 45 SNth, M>9O 4J _..l}Ulg _ of the Dixie Hi9l-y (U.S. m<jlway no. 1), ~ th8refxau the folJ.o,r.!.'9' Beginning At the intersecticn of the North line of Mid tract with the West line "f r'ixie Ili<.Jt-y (U.S. No. 1), thenal run _ alcng the North line of Mid tract for A distAnoe of 381.54 feat, thence run due Sooth A distoslM of 125 feet to the SWth line of SAid tract, t:hencII run due East .. aia>g u.id SOUth line to the West line of the Dixie Higholay, thenoe run Nortile.1.y alcng said lEst line to the Point of BegiMing. Together with: T~At pArt of Lot 1. And thAt nart of the North 1/2 of Lo~ 2, lyin~ EAst of the Florida Zalt coeat Railwav .a Bot.forth on ~l.tr recorded in Plat Book 1, Page i, Public Records of Palm Deach county, Florida. This is a Corrective Personal RepreaentativR'. Deed to cor~ect erroneous leqal description indicated in original Oded betweun the partie., recordad in Official Record ~k 4647, PAge 0870, Public Record. of PAlm Beach County, FloridA. '., '. and: A ~roel of 1~n4 ln Sectlon 33. Townahlp 45 IOUth. aan9. 43 East, P.~ a.aoh COUA~Y. 'lor14a, and .o~. p~rtloul.rly d..oribed a. follow., That part of Lot 1, and that part of the North 1/2 of Lot 2, 1ylng .aat of t~e Florlda Zaat Coaat ~11vay a. ..t forth on 'lAt, r.oc~.d.d 1n Plat Book 1, '&9- 4, p'~lla Record_ of 'ala Beach County, rlo~id.. '1 -, " ,/ '.J' / ~ -...- . .n- .Lo'cation Map t I-" "l ~\. Publlx. Sunshine Square ............................. -... , sw 11 .SITE. ... -35-'>' ve' "3lrAVe' , -. , ll. IW 25'CT' ~~: ;: t .~" .~ .'.k'. , .~~ ~ . -. , ." r' ..-'1::" 7;:," It .;,.\, ,,~ " f,.... '!I-'g~ ..~}.~ '.:-~; i!~; " 1~: ,':".. t. . -:~ m . it~: It ~ ,-... ! '. ,( ':-. ,-,.,,:, <c n -d;) .....' ~ COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BO~- Boynton Beach, Flori'da DATE: Mav 9. l"Rf> APPLICATION: ( ) REVIEW APPROVAL ( ) PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS ( ) REQtJEST FOR CHANGE ( ) SIGN APPROVAL PROJECT NAME: Publix PROJECT ADDRESS: S!W!C US 1 & Woolbright Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attached OWNER: The Building Company IT't:"T JI, _~J,..,.. ARCHITECT: Arthur W. Brown, AlA TEL. i 18n) f>RR-1188 . IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED,. A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. NAl1E : Kieran J. Ki1dav TEL. i (305) 6\l9 "322 E"irltin'" ~~ 1~91', C d l.p 0 e ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place We~t PAlm RpArn PT <340) Street ,City , , . , IMPORTANT: Requirements for Review: 1. Technical Review Board Approval, 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map Designating Site. 4. Twelve (12) sets of plans to include landscape, tree survey and building elevations. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. (If legal description is too lengthy for space provided, , copy to be attached). ,6. Application for Appeal. of Administrative Decision (when applicable), filled out completely and legibly with the Administrative official's explanation of justification. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW BEFORE'THE BOARD ALL MEETINGS OF THE COW1UNITY APPEPRANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR (NAME) Dark Brown Stain BEAMS Wood ROOF ~rrln i <:::n ~rlrrc>l Tilc'......:.....'~ ~~~./ Off White Medium Bronze Anodized Dark Brown Ctain COLUMNS Slump Rd r.k DOORS Aluminum F.i Glr'lC::c; FASCIA W GABLE ENDS GLJI,SS Clear GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS Terra Cotta SHUTTERS N/~ SOFFIT Stucco Off White WALLS Stucco Beige 'OT.HERS (as required). / CL (~~ag SIGNATURE OF APPLIC APPROVED FOR AGENDA BY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION '!be North 12' feet of tie South 1910 feet of that part of the But Half of thti the Northeast ~ of SBct.im 33. T<>o>8hip 45 SCUth. _ 43 EaSt...l~1.ng West of the Dixie Hi9I-Y (U.S. Hi<;'hway no. 1), excepting Ulerefran the folla-1L ';j: Ileginni.ng at the intersectioo of the North line of said tract with the West line d r'ixie HigtJ./ay (U.S. No.1), thence run West ala1g the North line of said tract for a distance of 381.54 feat; thence rUl due So.Jth a distanM of 125 feet tD the SoJth line of said tract, thence run due East .. alalg said South line to the west line of the Dixie Higtway; thence run. NortheL '-V aloog said '<lest line tD the Point of Ileginning. Together With: T~at part of Lot 1, and that nart of the North 1/2 of LoL 2, lyin~ East of the Florida East Coaat Railwav as set_forth on Plat, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 4. Public Records of Palm Deach County, Florida. This is a Corrective Personal Representativp.'s Deed to cor~ect erroneous legal description indicated in original D~ed between the p~rties, recorded in Official Record ~ook 4647, Page 0870, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. and: A ~.rcel of l~nd in Section 33. Township 45 South. Range ~J Eaat, Palm Beach County, Florida, and .or. pftrticularly described as followal That part ot Lot 1, and that part of the North 1/2 of Lot 2, lying East of t~e Plorida East Coaat Railway a. set forth on Plat, recc.ded in Plat Book 1, Page 4, p. ~11c Records of Palm aeach County, Florida. .....c-\ ~; /~~(?;~: .-<~. -' .: /-'-/ "',' '2') ",~ ;'~\I."\ WYo...~ ~'~x..\~c\)' y t t:: \'.'i.'u (\"D <...> _ \) \c,D - :>.,?\' Q, 0 1$ _^ I ~\~~ ,~. t....'" ~\\'\t:.~ ~ ". f;I \Iv c','- '/',., \. rlN ~,t~ .....\' '. ~'''''I- ..--<'\ '/ -..::..: / (TI-\\-"'",-,-/ ~...... , t'., , " (\ ~ , .}; '" ,0- \" .,. 'IV\" ~; -?-~:) .........~ -a~J;; r--~ Location Map Publlx. Sunshine Square .-,- \" I /\\ :' /c:\', ."~ /,' " '- ' ...' ;.. ; ,.. ~ '; ,'~ '. "'.'. \ ~_ ,"""1 r) I 0\ \, -l "- i'\ '" )' .... CI,\\t':,..... " ~ \ \"rt'(\; .~ /',0.". ,':' y' ,..., "(".. ';l~ /.""1 ~":"':...,- .... ~;('.':~: ,/ t !.~.- -"~'_ . '// ''-.,:;, I : ~", . 11 'SIT' E :JI I,~-";:;tilf;'-.'I~ DR "'//" 'j!l "" !-: 'V~ I ~ 'I '" ,ii., ;". 12 N R\vIm;-'-H/....r.~~ ~R . D G~ . ~ 13 1 ~snu ~r rfj;: ~Rjd ADAMS I~/ !;,\, .. 14 AVE SE 141 a, 0 Dr :.!, ~ DR J:, !.~:' ' , ;we:;' NI~.l"CrW.\ip;.:.-. , , T ACHW1~ DR ,.'" ,.' "~t~ \" . at Suns e ausftay ?:1~~~~' ~ I .~ Ii . 'W .~- ,\ TH It-!H,L .'g1Je: !lDl!_L'r~J:O 1Jal enl Sq &;Squar" Ii 0"' 0 O? .;.,' ~ : c. BL 0 _~ark :HrGfl POINT 0 ~ F-!'l ". sc: )", 0 '9 S :;l'" , . ~.y. 'MAIN BLVD, WEST I,~ I\. . 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Sk".--i' ' ~127 TEl'll;: lil tf CT:JI SE 27 WAY ,,:>; ,.~ g.c Par 3 & AlA ~:' ADdr.,...,. i :g;8 ~ ~I'" ~ :~; SE 28 CT ~.~ -' ""~ ;3 iJ Sa..3 i!Zi,CIUb ,...t :.' < , _~ ..J-OjR .0'-", SE 8 Jl\VE"Hi oE i;/ -~ a Rd .,l' ,T ',' .:;; "':r-~ "i. j- ISE 29t I- ~ ';!l'~ ,~,~ tit';, "11lIJ I/<.:'id.:~' 'T48 ~I 0 ~ ~ i: _ ij{ _ '" AVE ;') ~"I;;;;' Mockln~"l .Id "~chool E I "~"J;'~}. ~"~ ': :~..L SE3n~ - AVE 1I.1/~6~"u;. T:;I~'~L~irC-JlaT ~ ~ ~~il'~';':~\, ' ", - ~ loc 31:J1:J1 A V E fIlf;;r' . EB =;;\ \l ".!IllJanL. DJB 18 , f~lH,iit.""." S 1loWhlS ~in p,- I Ilf ',- ~~h'~"'ea ~.~~- ~1~. [~~.tfrr.' ,', " '" Rd ' UKK.'rnB<i" ~~/" ;"';:ij;"~'., ' ! ~ Hlllcre~t ~ I 1- .'] =.J n Rd cv < 1"-..: ,1~1RI' "" ~ QiRd .l~;:, , I n l I 0 . .""'....m~. ,11)':. ).. H 1It-''''U f!d. .., 0 0" " I,., ,,:', ak.' "f,' ',' .,&. :t'j... 33A ,~ ~I:I - 0 , "'....., 0 VIew,., . 0 J.<!'\ "'1t~.c~ J:~' 33 ypeL"~. SE 34 AVE U U ,>< , In"[][]Tacoastal d@a<iJ/0-/"sO' '5f.';;'.s?:,,,,\:', ~."'" , - 57 ... 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SW 831:- ~ '" SW SW SW~' .VE , - TO: PERMIT APPLICANT FROM: BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SUBMITTAL OF PLANS r-- PROJECT NAME: Prior to submitting plans and specifications to the Building Department, it will be necessary that the staff's comments made during the preliminary review and approved by the City Council of Boynton Beach be properly addresspd and rectified. Each department must be visited and the provisios corrected to the satisfaction of the department. In order for the Building Department to accept applications for permits, this sign-off sheet must be presented properly signed off, without any provisios. This is necessary to eliminate confusion and speed-up the permitting process. -------- ~, APPROVED TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW Building Department DATE Fire Department Engineering Department f/V4 uJ:( Utility Department 14~/K / /) d PC Police Department Public Works Department Planning Department ~, .4, f! /0/2 'rIft' Recreation Department Energy Coordinator Forester/Horticulturist Note: Because the Building Department will accept plans providing all changes, it should be the last depart~ent to review them. ~~~~~ ~,(Q)~~