CORRESPONDENCE , IX. NEW BUSINESS G cc: Building -' Ii"-~--- BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-029 January 25, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Don Jaeger Building Official RE: RAMADA INN SIGN VARIANCE 1935 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY Attached, please find a copy of a sign variance application and accompanying data for Ramada Inn. Section 21-26 sets forth the procedure for the City Commission to grant variances to the Sign Code. Subsection (c) states, "the City Manager should review the Building Official's report and recommendations and forward the City Manager's recommendation regarding disposition of the application to the City Commission." The sign variance application contains space for your recommendations, as well as space for reporting the City Commission's decision. The applicant has requested that this item be included on the February 6th City commission agenda; however, the code allows the Commission thirty (30) days from the receipt of your recommen- dation to hear the variance request. I recommend you discuss this issue with me prior to the Commission hearing. If I can be of further assistance, please advise. DJ:bh Attachments \\Q' ~ ~ "- QJ , So ~~t ~{ l/I \ J\~ ~ ~~\/ Don Ja"e~r U /.qD \Q r( j/ ~~ [f-' 0~ G C- J) n'(Y ~ ~q~~ v (:/C>01;~ I ,y\ q ~~ ~~ ! 19 /' / ~ >' ~ ) ~(;('- /' REC"P.IVED ~:>,.., ~(L\ 10,\ J \ J/.:; 'fJ /19 ~ /' ~(!P JAN 25 1990 RAMADA. DOC /' I> (,-;;/,' CITY MM. . OFFICE l'l ."...,1/. '.. t' <\" /J '/5. 'I J-' j 3 OC) N (,' /.> {. C' MEMORANDUM January 24, 1990 TO: Don Jaeger, Building Official FROM: Michael E. Haag, Development Compliance Administrator RE: SIGN VARIANCE FOR THE RAMADA INN PROJECT 1935 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY The Sign Variance submitted by The Conner Group, identified as Owner, is requesting existing sign be removed and new, enlarged sign installed with additional tenant advertising; see attached original sign variance form, and copies of documents submitted for the variance and permits. The following is a description of issues involved with the request and my recommendation: Proposed sign data and code requirements: 1. Total sign area exceeds the allowable sign area by 61.6 square feet. The maximum sign area allowed, per code, is 80 square feet. 2. Sign copy or advertisement does not meet the requirements of the free standing sign definition which states: "Sign to identify project title or one (1) main use only". Proposed sign to identify "Ramada Inn" and "Austins Restaurant". 3. Code allows a free standing sign to have an attached directory sign (to identify tenants) with a maximum area of 180 square inches per tenant. Proposed "Austins" sign (42) square feet) reader board (21 square feet) exceeds allowable directory sign area. Other information and data: Community Appearance Board approved existinq sign, however} they stipulated that the maximum height be limited to 20 feet. The proposed sign is to be 30 feet in height. In evaluating the above information and data I recommend denial of the proposed sign variance. Please forward the results of the variance so I may finalize this issue. assistance, please advise. :eaf attachments SGNVAR.SDD // ~o'to Peter L. Cheney ~: C.A.B. Meeting of December 19, 1988 ~December 20, 1988 Page Two CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL 1. Recommended approval, 6-0, with one abstention (subject to staff comments) of the conditional use approval to allow for an expansion of the existing facility and a change in parking lot layout and design for the Rustic Retreat Retirement Home, with the additional stipulation that the dumpster enclosure be planted with confederate jasmine. Mr. George Davis abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest. SIGN PROGRAM APPROVAL 1. Recommended approval, 6-0, with one abstention, of the sign program for Nuttin But Ribs Take-Out Restaurant, with the stipulation that the sign script consist of all capital letters. Mr. George Davis abstained from voting due to a conflict ~f interst. 2. Unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, of the sign program for the Boynton Beach Promenade, with the stipulation that no red letters be allowed. 3. Unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, of the sign program for the Ramada Inn of Boynton Beach, with the stipulation that the freestanding sign be limited to a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. , NOTES: In further action by the Community Appearance Board, the Board unanimously approved the request by Delfin Menendez, architect for the Communities of Citrus Glen P.U.D., to allow black olive trees in place of live oaks in the perimeter buffers along Lawrence and Miner Roads and along the collector roads in the above referenced project. (See copy of letter attached). A landscape plan was not submitted for Community Appearance Board approval for Item D.l. (Boynton Lakes Plat #6A) of the agenda for the regular City Commission meeting of December 20, 1988. If I can be of any further assistance, please advise. DJ:bh Attachments XC: E. E. Howell Carmen Annunziato P.S. Pete - As per ou~ discussion, the three sign approvals listed in this memo under Sign Program Approval, are on the City Commission agenda. Please advise if you wish ba on these programs for inclusion in the next agenda~ , ~~~~~--------~__L~ . ' Iii 1. ,c- {!~' ------------------------------~~--- ____ I r ; i ~ - \ : ~ , ~-l ---~__tQ_~----~~2-~--~~-- I ---!3-~-~-~~~7~~_i~ ; ~-~~-~~----------------------------- -- ! _____~__.$'/ eN __1k.O_t!L_S-f.i. N G__'tlJ.!f.iA.tLC'.:.6" -!'-_ ' f ------~--~~+-~-~-~. ----~~---------------------------------------------~-----~ i Z C-- r.2. / , +L " . /J., -4-, ,u,.4'_ hn I --~e----_~__~___AL~ ~~..7.E.~i ----------_____________~_____________~L4~_~L~L~__D_~~_____ 1 , , . . ----~---~---------------------------------- -/)--------------~-~---- .J, ~_.~---------------------------------. Ii - . -~- ,~-- -:--:---, -~---~~-~ Y.l~L~:-~ , ___~~_~_~ ! , ~~---iLl-It_F-,aw.-~r_L-YJti~~~~i ..~-~-~-~-~3-Q~~ ,~{--14~~- Ii -~~~-4~~~~--*,~M~2~~ I '. " , . ',l:: , f ---=~~~~~ 7~;~)__1 -~--~~-~~-~~~~ -'. -~-~--<<V1e-7I_.--~' ,~ · ~ . ~"'., ~~i::l~ _1t{;5Lf ~____~_...,~-~-~- ' ___ ~ . ~ '~ j/,', . - ~-~o--~ 4}~__~ 1)U//d~ ~_ _ .. ___ ~~~J1-~~---------~~-~~-.~.41.~~;: ,~~~ -~---~~ --;--J.x--~F~~-~~-.~~J7~~n --"-~-_-&tU-~__~_~~_~--- I ,'-". rf . 0-- . _~_L~_~-~~-------------------------------------- -~---------------~-----~~-~~~~jt~--~------------~----~- -~~~~~r ___,_ ~~_d~) ,~,-:--- ' , -...I 10---" BOYNTON BEACH SIGN ORDINANCE VARIANCE APPLICATION Submittal Date 1- g -qo OWNER: _----rn e.. ~V'\f\..Q.)- (6 f/7111 f) petitions the City Commission to consider a variance requestlto the BOy~;n~each Sign Ordinance as outlined below: . 1. Property involved is described as follows: Property Control NumberOl(- 4-3.-4-\>-3:3- OU -=O-I2k.-6 ~ Subdivision: 12(..D 33-4S-cf3 Block: DOO Lot(s}: Plat Book: ~age: , or otherwise described as follows: (If legal description is too lengthy to fit on application, please attach description to application). Property address: ..J,ff,:2;,c; ~,:w,~l Q 2. Section of code from which applicant is requesting a variance: , 2 L::JL/ D 2-A 3. Description of sign the applicant wishes to permit: .S-e-r r>Y\~ ,{ 1 ~c-rv' - Of\ r?1~- 3''/-1' 0uJr\G~ P D~\ ~">L7'l;)/f=' 4U~ . 4. (All pertinent documentation to the above mentioned variance request must be /' submitted with this application) Property owner's justification for his request:~ (/) 0.. .....AnbJl'-t~4_ ..J _ ' I J ~('~t~~~~';~~ ,_ _ _:;::)'---,' ~ D AD ~lrr/'l 'n r , "t-.(# (If justification statement is too lengthy to fit on applicationl'p1ease attach the statement to application.) ~p~~ Sign Compa?y: ...::JJ?..v.L Q 0 LJ../ ~-:t.L \tJnc. 5. Owner: ')-A.Q (V,f).r\,.JLf\\ 8, ml 1 (J Name: ~ S..A Q pA Q A (0 Address: 2q,)"Q ~_ (J~ , -J=I '7 n;a . Phone: '3o.<::::"-,,:J-li1Xo Phone: ,<-)/1 1..1 j'. D. _ b.A1. Y1 Q1 J .R P 1b &su.. I to <{ 7 ~ w~ J ::J-f h 33'-(&'0 ~~--8'I6L> Name: Address: Receipt No. J _q -qO '8bnn~ dI Sf2.0 0 (-q -CIa 730q? 'i ' c- g~,y () 3.< .9 Ii ~ ,:" ' :P,p" <0)- , · ',1.' ~...~./"- ,::" ' '<c~ 'I~, 'oy I :~" ..~ ,- " I Signature: Date: Valuation: Fee Paid: Date Paid: wrn .I~ - _...~.~~.....:,.,...L'.'l~~~ ~.,,4.~.:../-==..-t.J":"'-~ ~ , 1. Section of Ordinance for which variance is being Bought: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 2. Recommendation regarding variance request for City Manager's review: Building Official's Signat~re: Date: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Recommendation regarding variance permit for City Commission ~eview: City Manager's Signature: Date:' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CITY COMMISSION City Commission Action: Approved Denied ., ~e Nay Stipulations: Meeting Date: Mayor City of Boynton Beach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ , (J , \~ : A" i /,,','? i It' 'I- ! ~ I i j-.--..'...____'.'.' '_""_.' ,_...__'2~'=--..-'--- ,- ..---:----1- ~, ! -" f"'.- ~ ; ...~! . \D : .~ \ \ ~I ~ 0' '-. ~i I I \ .I .' :.:.::=..':l..:_ I I, I . I . .1 ""'. I ~I L-, I i --... ---... . ~ [ I ]' l",-_ l' " ~ \ ..f\) ~., J -' I"v l 0i]O ~ II ! 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