LEGAL APPROVAL ORDINANCE NO. 03- oa 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERESECTION OF N. SEACREST BOULEVARD AND MINER ROAD, KNOWN AS THE ROSEMARY SCRUB; AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY FOR THE PROPERTY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; THE LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM RECREATIONAL (R) TO CONSERVATION (CON); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has dopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land se Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government omprehensive Plarming Act; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a omprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the est interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the omprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The foregoing WHEREAS clauses are true and correct and . ncorporated herein by this reference. ,\CA\Ordinances\Planning\Land Use\R08emary Scrub Land Use.doc Section 2: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Future Land Use ofthe following described land shall be designated as Conservation (CON). Said land is more particularly described as follows: A parcel ofland lying in Sections 9 and 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: rom the Southeast comer ofthe Southwest Quarter (SW v..) of said Section 9 run North 900 0' 00" West along the South line of said Section 9 a distance of 40.00 feet to the Point of eginning of the herein described parcel ofland; continue thence North 90000' 00" West a istance of 68.59 feet; thence due South a distance of 40.00 feet; thence due East a distance f 45.88 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 5.00 feet, thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of870 57' 15" a distance 008.38 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-of-Way I ine of Seacrest oulevard, and point of tangency of said curve; thence South 020 02' 45" East along said esterly Right-of- Way line a distanced of7 5.88 feet; thence South 870 57' 15" West along he South line of Lot 10, Block 20, of Rolling Green Ridge, 1st Addition, as recorded in Plat ook 24, at Page 223, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 3.62 feet; thence along the North line of said Plat of Rolling Green Ridge, South 520 20' 15" West a distance of75.79 feet; thence North 500 50' 05" West a distance of77.39 feet; hence North 90000' 00" West a distance of 130.42 feet; thence leaving said North line orth 020 02' 45" West along a line parallel to Seacrest Boulevard a distance of140.08 feet o a point on the South line of said Section 9; thence North OIo 32' 45" East along a line arallel to Seacrest Boulevard a distance of 658.72 feet to a point on the North line of the outh half(S Y2) ofthe Southeast Quarter (SE v..) ofthe Southwest Quarter (SW Y4) of said ection 9; thence along said North line South 890 58' 45" East a distance of324.05 feet to a oint on the Westerly Right-of-Way line of Seacrest Boulevard, an 80.00 foot wide road ight-of-Way; thence South 010 32' 45" West along said Westerly Right-of-Way line a istance of658.62 feet to the Point of Beginning. ESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: parcel ofland lying in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, lorida, being more particularly described as follows: rom the Southeast comer of the Southwest Quarter (SW v..) of said Section 9; thence due est along the South line of said Section 9, a distance of 40.01 feet to a point of 'ntersections with a line parallel with and 40.00 feet at right angles to the East line of the outhwest Quarter (SW v..) of said Section 9; thence North 010 32' 45" East along said arallelline a distance of 40.01 feet to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 0.00 feet at right angles to the South line of the Southwest Quarter (SW v..) of said Section 9 ,\CA\Ordinllnces\Planning\Land Use\Rosemary scrub Land Use. doc and the Point of Beginning of the herein described parcel; thence continue North 01032' 45" East along the West Right -of- Way line of Seacrest Boulevard, as now laid out and in use, a distance of250.00 feet; thence due West a distance of175.00 feet; thence South 01032' 45" West a distance of 250.00 feet; thence due East a distance of 175.00 feet to the Point of 'Beginning. I I (Parcel I. D. Nos. 08-43-45-09-00-000-7080; 08-43-45-09-00-000-7090; 08-43-45-16- 01-020-0100; 08-43-45-16-00-000-3100; and 08-43-45-16-00-000-3110.) Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby epealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision ofthis Ordinance or any portion thereof e declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect he remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: This Ordinance shall take effect on adoption, subject to the review, hallenge, or appeal provisions provided by the Florida Local Government Comprehensive lanning and Land Development Regulation Act. No party shall be vested of any right by irtue of the adoption ofthis Ordinance until all statutory required review is complete and all egal challenges, including appeals, are exhausted. In the event that the effective date is stablished by state law or special act, the provisions of state act shall control. FIRST READING this ~ day of 0u.ne.. ,2003. : \CA\Ordinancell\Planning\La.nd Uae\Rosetn.llry Scrub Land Use. doc ,JOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF LAND USE AMENDMENT NOTICE OF REZONING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING, on Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, to consider this staff-initiated request. The City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will also hold a public hearing to consider this request on Tuesday January 7, 2003 at 6:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits at the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. The request is described as follows: LOCATION: Northwest corner of the intersection of N. Seacrest Boulevard and Miner Road. REQUEST: Amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map: From - Recreational (R) To - Conservation (CON). REQUEST: Rezone: From - To - REC Recreation ESL Environmentally Sensitive Land PROPOSED USE: Scrub Preserve LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Legal description on file in the Planning & Zoning Department. (PCNs 08-43-45-09-00-000-7080; 08-43-45-09-00-000-7090; 08-43-45-16-01-020-0100; 08-43-45-16-00-000-3100; and 08-43-45-16-00-000-3110.) (see map on reverse side) This request can be viewed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at the City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742- 6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 MAIL: November 19, 2002 J:\SHRDATA\PlanningISHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\SCRUB\RQSEMARy\LUAR\prop owner notice.doc K1AA FORES"Li<~ pu~ -' ,.~ COMMERC~BO PIO , R-R8 M1 lNDUSffilAL WA~ I .__J <I> Location Map ROSEMARY SCRUB R3 o -< o <r ...J <( <r ..J .,: CfJ ....R2... . nn~R 1 <n m LU f- ~ CfJ <r LU f- :;;:; [SIT~ ~-_. ~ "'L_ -~ '~--~----. - c;:r- ~'nMIf\JERRD'~c_=,= ...J Z m -:.-...- -------.--, -~ m n ~ NE23T~ ~T~c=n-,-p U : en" / "n.~ .,,';~-~-~:"ji~'~ z ~L~ _~' -- --! --" :=~i ._----l:~ 1--1 _ .-,:r---, _t-, '_no ~ , C/l . NE-27'lTH AVE -,._.::;-' -C2 1--:----'--, n' , ':-- ----;-----------,----,- _. City" . " Boondary PU " --w~, SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this l.!1...- day of .:::r c.t" <Z.- ,2003. CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC .. ATTEST: ~~,~. City Clerk -;o~ 4- (Corporate Seal) ~::~ li IWCORPO<ATro ~ \ \. 1920 I .....: -?i.im~V -- -- -~ Commissioner SI\CA\O~dinonce6\planning\Land Use\Rosemary Scrub Land Use.doc ..:QUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two working days prior to the newspaper's ad submittal deadline. ORIGINATOR: PlanninQ and ZoninQ PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: November 12. 2002 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: land Use Amendment and RezoninQ for Rosemary Scrub. N. Seacrest Avenue, Bovnton Beach. Fl pursuant to interlocal aQreement between the City of Bovnton Beach and Palm Beach County. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: Property owner notice mailinQ on Iv for PlanninQ and Development Board meetinQ on December 19. 2002 at 7:00 p.m. and City Commission meetinQ of January 7.2003 at 6:30 .R:.!!b SEND COPIES OF AD TO: property owners within 400 feet and PlanninQ and ZoninQ Director. DATE TO BE MAILED: November 19, 2002 APPROVED BY: 111 J)/AH ,l/IIJI!- (Originator) . 121~ ( Attor Iii /tr(~ tDat RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\sHARED\WPIPROJECTS\SCRUB\ROSEMARY\LUARIPROP OWNER NOTICE.DOC 01-NOV-2002 C = Condo flag Property Appraiser GIS PCN List by Parcel Control Number Page 1 of 2 Radius 0 - 400 S 08-43-45-09-00-000-7080 08-43-45-09-07-000-0360 08-43-45-09-12-009-0180 S 08-43-45-09-00-000-7090 08-43-45-09-07-000-0370 08-43-45-09-12-010-0110 S 08-43-45-16-00-000-3100 08-43-45-09-07-000-0380 08-43-45-09-12-010-0120 S 08-43-45-16-00-000-3110 08-43-45-09-07-000-0390 08-43-45-09-12-010-0130 S 08-43-45-16-01-020-0100 08-43-45-09-07-000-0400 08-43-45-09-12-010-0140 08-43-45-09-00-000-7100 08-43-45-09-07-000-0410 08-43-45-09-12-010-0150 08-43-45-09-07-000-0010 08-43-45-09-07-000-0420 08-43-45-09-12-010-0160 08-43-45-09-07-000-0020 08-43-45-09-07-000-0430 08-43-45-09-12-010-0170 08-43-45-09-07-000-0030 08-43-45-09-07-000-0440 08-43-45-09-12-010-0180 08-43-45-09-07-000-0040 08-43-45-09-07-000-0450 08-43-45-09-12-010-0190 08-43-45-09-07-000-0050 08-43-45-09-07-000-0470 08-43-45-09-12-010-0200 08-43-45-09-07-000-0060 08-43-45-09-07-000-0480 08-43-45-09-12-010-0210 08-43-45-09-07-000-0210 08-43-45-09-07-000-0490 08-43-45-09-12-011-0010 08-43-45-09-07-000-0220 08-43-45-09-07-000-0510 08-43-45-09-12-011-0020 08-43-45-09-07-000-0230 08-43-45-09-07-000-0520 08-43-45-09-12-011-0030 08-43-45-09-07-000-0240 08-43-45-09-07-000-0530 08-43-45-09-12-011-0040 08-43-45-09-07-000-0250 08-43-45-09-07-000-0540 08-43-45-09-12-011-0050 08-43-45-09-07-000-0260 08-43-45-09-12-009-0080 08-43-45-09-13-008-0200 08-43-45-09-07-000-0270 08-43-45-09-12-009-0090 08-43-45-09-13-013-0151 08-43-45-09-07-000-0280 08-43-45-09-12-009-0100 08-43-45-09-13-013-0161 08-43-45-09-07-000-0290 08-43-45-09-12-009-0110 08-43-45-09-13-013-0180 08-43-45-09-07-000-0300 08-43-45-09-12-009-0120 08-43-45-09-13-013-0190 08-43-45-09-07-000-0310 08-43-45-09-12-009-0130 08-43-45-09-13-013-0200 08-43-45-09-07-000-0320 08-43-45-09-12-009-0140 08-43-45-09-13-013-0210 08-43-45-09-07-000-0330 08-43-45-09-12-009-0150 08-43-45-09-13-013-0221 08-43-45-09-07-000-0340 08-43-45-09-12-009-0160 08-43-45-09-13-013-0231 08-4,-4~-09-07-000-0350 08-43-45-09-12-009-0170 08-43-45-09-17-000-0010 01-NOV-2002 C = Condo flag Property Appraiser GIS PCN List by Parcel Control Number 08-43-45-09-17-000-0020 08-43-45-09-17-000-0030 08-43-45-09-17-000-0040 08-43-45-09-17-000-0050 08-43-45-09-17-000-0060 08-43-45-09-17-000-0200 08-43-45-09-17-000-0210 08-43-45-09-17-000-0220 08-43-45-09-17-000-0230 08-43-45-09-17-000-0240 08-43-45-09-17-000-0250 08-43-45-16-00-000-3020 08-43-45-16-01-014-0250 08-43-45-16-01-014-0260 08-43-45-16-01-014-0270 08-43-45-16-01-014-0280 08-43-45-16-01-014-0290 08-43-45-16-01-014-0300 08-43-45-16-01-015-0010 08-43-45-16-01-015-0020 08-43-45-16-01-015-0030 08-43-45-16-01-015-0040 08-43-45-16-01-015-0050 08-43-45-16-01-015-0260 08-43-45-16-01-015-0270 08-43-45-16-01-015-0280 08-41-45-16-01-015-0290 08-43-45-16-01-020-0110 08-43-45-16-01-020-0120 08-43-45-16-01-020-0130 08-43-45-16-01-020-0140 08-43-45-16-01-020-0150 08-43-45-16-01-020-0160 08-43-45-16-01-020-0170 08-43-45-16-01-020-0180 08-43-45-16-01-020-0190 08-43-45-16-01-020-0200 08-43-45-16-01-020-0210 08-43-45-16-01-020-0220 08-43-45-16-01-020-0230 08-43-45-16-01-020-0240 08-43-45-16-01-020-0250 08-43-45-16-01-020-0260 08-43-45-16-01-020-0270 08-43-45-16-01-020-0280 08-43-45-16-01-020-0290 08-43-45-16-01-020-0300 08-43-45-16-01-020-0310 08-43-45-16-01-021-0020 08-43-45-16-01-021-0030 08-43-45-16-01-021-0040 08-43-45-16-01-021-0050 08-43-45-16-01-021-0060 08-43-45-16-01-021-0070 Page 2 of 2 Radius 0 - 400 08-43-45-16-01-021-0080 08-43-45-16-01-021-0090 08-43-45-16-01-021-0100 08-43-45-16-01-021-0110 08-43-45-16-01-021-0120 08-43-45-16-01-021-0130 08-43-45-16-01-021-0140 08-43-45-16-01-022-0010 08-43-45-16-01-022-0020 08-43-45-16-01-022-0030 08-43-45-16-01-022-0040 08-43-45-16-01-022-0050 08-43-45-16-01-022-0060 01-NOV-2002 C = Condo flag Property Appraiser GIS PCN List by Parcel Control Number Page 1 of 2 Radius 0 - 400 S 08-43-45-09-00-000-7080 S 08-43-45-09-00-000-7090 S 08-43-45-16-00-000-3100 S 08-43-45-16-00-000-3110 S 08-43-45-16-01-020-0100 08-43-45-09-00-000-7100 08-43-45-09-07-000-0010 08-43-45-09-07-000-0020 08-43-45-09-07-000-0030 08-43-45-09-07-000-0040 08-43-45-09-07-000-0050 08-43-45-09-07-000-0060 08-43-45-09-07-000-0210 08-43-45-09-07-000-0220 08-43-45-09-07-000-0230 08-43-45-09-07-000-0240 08-43-45-09-07-000-0250 08-43-45-09-07-000-0260 08-43-45-09-07-000-0270 08-43-45-09-07-000-0280 08-43-45-09-07-000-0290 08-43-45-09-07-000-0300 08-43-45-09-07-000-0310 08-43-45-09-07-000-0320 08-43-45-09-07-000-0330 08-43-45-09-07-000-0340 08-43-4~-09-07-000-0350 08-43-45-09-07-000-0360 08-43-45-09-07-000-0370 08-43-45-09-07-000-0380 08-43-45-09-07-000-0390 08-43-45-09-07-000-0400 08-43-45-09-07-000-0410 08-43-45-09-07-000-0420 08-43-45-09-07-000-0430 08-43-45-09-07-000-0440 08-43-45-09-07-000-0450 08-43-45-09-07-000-0470 08-43-45-09-07-000-0480 08-43-45-09-07-000-0490 08-43-45-09-07-000-0510 08-43-45-09-07-000-0520 08-43-45-09-07-000-0530 08-43-45-09-07-000-0540 08-43-45-09-12-009-0080 08-43-45-09-12-009-0090 08-43-45-09-12-009-0100 08-43-45-09-12-009-0110 08-43-45-09-12-009-0120 08-43-45-09-12-009-0130 08-43-45-09-12-009-0140 08-43-45-09-12-009-0150 08-43-45-09-12-009-0160 08-43-45-09-12-009-0170 08-43-45-09-12-009-0180 08-43-45-09-12-010-0110 08-43-45-09-12-010-0120 08-43-45-09-12-010-0130 08-43-45-09-12-010-0140 08-43-45-09-12-010-0150 08-43-45-09-12-010-0160 08-43-45-09-12-010-0170 08-43-45-09-12-010-0180 08-43-45-09-12-010-0190 08-43-45-09-12-010-0200 08-43-45-09-12-010-0210 08-43-45-09-12-011-0010 08-43-45-09-12-011-0020 08-43-45-09-12-011-0030 08-43-45-09-12-011-0040 08-43-45-09-12-011-0050 08-43-45-09-13-008-0200 08-43-45-09-13-013-0151 08-43-45-09-13-013-0161 08-43-45-09-13-013-0180 08-43-45-09-13-013-0190 08-43-45-09-13-013-0200 08-43-45-09-13-013-0210 08-43-45-09-13-013-0221 08-43-45-09-13-013-0231 08-43-45-09-17-000-0010 01-NOV-2002 C = Condo flag Property Appraiser GIS PCN List by Parcel Control Number Page 2 of 2 Radius 0 - 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A'JE BO'~'NT~)H 3E.:;CH FL :;H35 1iOel 08-43 45 16-01-020-0260 ROBERTS WILLIE J 249 NTtI 28TH AVE 08-43-45-16-01-020-0270 BROWN NEVILL~ 251 m'l 2tH:-1 AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1704 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1704 08-43-45-16-01 020-0290 AMBROISE JAMES G 261 NN 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1704 08-43-45-16-01-020-0300 SMITH ANNETTE 271 NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1704 08-43-4<;-16-01-021-0020 LUBERISSE AMOSE & MIRACIA JEUN & LOUIS V PIERRE 280 NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1705 08-43-45-16-01-021-0030 CORIOLAN GERALDINE 270 NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1705 08-43-45-16-01-021-0050 REYES REMIGIO & EDGAR REYES 250 NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1705 08-43-45-16-01-021-0060 ATAC US TUN 140 NW 16TH ST POMPANO BEACH FL 33060 5251 08-43-45-16-01-021 0080 GARCON ELIVY 220 28TH AVE NW BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1705 08~43-45 16 01 021 0090 SERVIL CHRISTIAN J 210 NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1705 08-43-45-16-01-021-0110 ROSARIO MARIA C 2755 NW 2ND ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1748 08-43-45-16-01-021 0120 ROSARIO MARIA C 2755 NW 2ND ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1748 08-43-45-16-01-021-0140 ROBERTS EARNEST C 2749 NW 2ND ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1748 08-43-45-16-01-022 0010 CH&~BERS GEORGE & GILDA M 190 NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1747 08-43-45-16-01-022-0030 CARRINGTON MARY F 311 SW 5TH LN BOYNTON BEACH FL 33135-5555 08-43-45-1G-01-022-0040 HARRIS JuHNNY L & 50 NW Ltll'i-f AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1702 U8"4J-45-16-01-U~J-UU0J MARTIN RAYHOL 10 N'rJ 23TH AV~ BOYNTON BEACH FL 33135-1~02 LaSAf j~~~G-- ,! 08 ~3 45-09-17-0110-0230 DAVIS WILLIE J & ROSETTA 0 71 MD1ER RD 30'[lITON BEACH FL 33.:135-1829 03-43-45-16-0U-000 3020 FLORIDA STATE OF DOT RIGHT OF NAY ADMINISTRATOR C/O 3400 W COMMERCIAL BLV FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33309-3421 08-43 45 16 01-014-0270 PERALES DANIEL & MARIA L 101 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1822 08-43 45 16 01-014 0300 JOSEPH ALBERT A 11 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1820 08-43-45-16-01 015 0030 MEDINA JUAN B 70 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1821 08-43-45-16-01-015-0260 DURHAM EDDIE & THELMA 101 OCEAN PKY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1842 08 43-45-16-01-015-0290 JOHNSON BOBBY & KA.THRYN 31 OCEAN PKY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1840 08-43-45-16 01 020-0130 LOPE: MARIA 2841 SEACREST BLV BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43-45-16-01-020-0160 ALLIANCE MICHAEL dl NW 28TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1701 Uo-4j.45-16-01 020 0190 ~.j;"I:;:U':; A.."lOS ..,-, c;; r".'1 :::STH AVE BQL:TTQ:I BEACH FL 3H35.1 '04 '~AVEnY ~) -\(~dr-~'55 Lab~15 08-43-4~-0~-17-000.0240 PO\1LEY GERALD W 08-4~-4S-U9"1' uOO 0250 3PQ'.IJN KElINETH S & BERTHA =1 MI:JER RD 51 !-lINE? ?D BO'fNTON BEACH FL 33435 1829 30'DfTerl BEACH FL 33435 1829 08-43-45-16-01-014 0250 LOA JUAN A JR & MARIA L 151 NE 28TH CT BOYNTon BEACH FL 33435 1322 08-43-45-16-01 014 0260 MALDONADO RA.'VJON V 111 UE 21::lTH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1822 08 43 45 16 01 014 0280 ROSS J~'VJES & ROSA M 71 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1820 08-43-45-16 01 014 0290 BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF PO BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33425-0310 08 43 45 16 01 015 0010 LOMELI JUANA C & ROSA A LOMELI 10 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1821 08-43-45-16-01-015-0020 MOISE EMILE 50 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1821 08-43-45-16-01-015-0040 JIMENEZ JUAN F 100 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1823 08-43-45-16-01-015-0050 FORDE VALDA 0 110 NE 28TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1823 08-43-45-16-01-015-0270 PALM BEACH COUNTY HOUSING AUTH 3432 W 45TH ST WEST PALM BEACH FL 33407-1844 08-43-45-16-01-015-0230 BATTLE SAMMY K & NANCY J 211 NE 27TH CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1855 08 43 45-16 01 020 0110 FELIPE JOAQUIN 2861 N SEACREST BLV BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1718 03-43-45-16-01-020-0120 AVILA MARIANO & JUANITA 2851 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1718 08-43-45-16-01-020-0140 HUNTER BOBBY 2831 SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43 45 16-01-020-0150 FIRST NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE CORP 5280 CORPORATE DR FREDERICK MD 21703-8351 08-43-45-16-01-020 0170 WHITE PATRICIA M 1012-4 S MORGAN CHICAGO IL 60643-222J 08-43-45-16-01-020 0180 PATTON JESSIE M & FRED lU1 N',</ ~d'fH Av"t,; BOYNTON BEAC:-:! FL 33435 1703 08-4J-45-16-01-02U-u~uu ROBERSON MARJORIE ~ PO BOX 2626 ~ELRAY BEACH FL 334~7 2G2G Ud-4J-45-1~ u~-U_J-U210 ~100RE RODl::r~-=- F MOOR"" TO 247 :-m 29':'11 .;"S BOYNTON BP~rH ~L 33435-1704 L3S..;~ -.....". .... 1,-' 00 43 45-09-12-010-0150 P.n.RKER ELEANOR 1010 S SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5565 08-43-45-09-12 010 01BO BHAGWAi.\lDEEN KHAIL PO BOX 1023 BOYNTGrr BEACH FL 33425 1023 08-43-45-09 12 010 0210 LEHTO MATTHEW 120 FLAMINGO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1616 08-43-45-09 12 011 0030 LAMBERT JEAN S 3313 HYPOLUXO RD LAKE WORTH FL 33462-3633 08-43-45-09-13-008-0200 NICHOLLS DAVID WEST 2651 N SEACREST BLV BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1714 08-43-45-09-13-013-0180 DENNIE GLORIA 61 S ATLANTIC DR E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1644 08-43-45 09 13 013 0210 DEQUESADA JOSE C 3136 SEACREST BLV BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43-45-09 17-000-0010 NELSON HENRY F & MARLENE F 20 MINER RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1830 08 43 45 09-17-000-0040 AL~AANDRE ACCENE & EVELYN L lUU I<IlNER RD BO.;}lTON BEACH FL 33435-1832 Ud ~j-4~ O~.17 ODO 02UO . .~,." ~,. Ur.r~t.>"':'l'_ ,.jr.1.,1 1'" 'J1:T'TFP PO 3C'itlT0:-.J BEACH FL 33435 1331 ~).\VERY i~,d(J('?S5 La'J,,::I.s 08-43-45 09 12 010 016u .n.NGHEL PETRE & 3450 S OCEAN BLVD 08-43-45-09-12 010 01'0 STROMICK MICHAEL J & 3030 N SEACREST BLV # 712 BOY~TUN BEACH FL 334j5 1528 PALM BEACH FL 33430-53'9 08 43-45 09 12 010-0190 DIAZ ROBINSON & AGUSTIN DI.n.Z 60 FLAMINGO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1614 08-43 45 09 12 010-0200 WIMS WILLIAM 0 JR 80 FLAMINGO DR BUYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1614 08 43 45 09 12 011 0010 DVORACEK JOHN ZASSY INC C/O 5563 STATE RD 7 LAKE WORTH FL 33467-5456 08 43 45-09 12-011-0020 NELSON AUDREY 38 S PALM DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1641 08 43 45 09 12 011 0040 WILSON CYNTHIA L 70 S PALM DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1641 08 43 45 09 12 011 0050 LAPLANTE BLOSSOM 110 S PALM DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1643 08-43-45-09-13-01]-0151 HARRISON ANICEA & JASPER HARRISON 3155 ORANGE ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1620 08-43-45-09-13-013-0161 FORREST LLOYD JR 3137 ORANGE ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1620 08-43-45-09-13-013-0190 MORALES HECTOR M 41 S ATLANTIC DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1644 08-43-45-09-13-013-0200 OHIO SAVINGS BANK 1801 E 9TH ST # 200 CLEVELAND OH 44114-3103 08 43 45-09 13 013 0221 PERSON R F & DAISY E R F & DAISY E PERSON TR HLDR 3150 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1530 08-43-45-09-1]-013-0231 FORECLOSURE MGMT SERVICES INC PO BOX 80 0225 MIAMI FL 33280 08-4]-45-09-17-000-0020 MEEKS RICHARD 1345 FAIRFAX CIR E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-8614 08-43-45-09-17-000-0030 GOODEN CONSTANCE R & ROBERT L GOODEN H/W 70 MINER RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1830 08-43 45 09 17-000 OO~O WRIGHT J & MAMIE A 110 MINER RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1332 08-43-45-09-17-000-0060 SENATUS JUMELLE 150 MINER RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1832 08-43-45-09-17-0UO-021u DE ARMAS PAUL III MINER RD 08 43-45-09 11 uuu 0220 S'[LINCE Pli;",.~.L..> C SAMSON C< ]:''TDl1:\'TT~F SXEAT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 18.01 101 MINER RD BOYNTON BEArH ~L 33435-1831 LaSer 39~O~..1 08 43-4,-09 07 000 03'30 MELENDEZ PABLO ~ MOHSERRATE 119 S ATLANTIC DR 1d BO.fl/TON BEACH FL 334,5-1535 08-43-45-09 07 000 0410 FLEURILUS JOEL & 125 S ATL~~TIC DR W BO'{NTON BEACH FL 33435 1535 08 43-45-n9-07~OOO-0440 ESTELLA JOSEPH B & 126 S ATLANTIC DR W BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1536 08-43-45 09 07 000 0480 CRA;'ILEY MELAl/IE 118 S ATLANTIC DR W BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1536 08-43-45-09 07 000 0520 CLAYTON GAIL M 110 S ATLANTIC DR W BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1536 08-43-45-09-12 009 0080 CHAND KAI LASH 724 W PALMETTO PK RD BOCA RATON FL 33486-3562 08-43-45-09-12 009 0110 INNOCENT RODNY & 45 FLAMINGO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1613 08-43 45~09-12-009-0140 LEVEILLE MOISE 3080 N SEACREST BLV BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1543 08 43 45 09-12-009-0170 SAULTER STACEY dU :::i ATLA.NTIC DR BoynTON BEACH FL 33435-1645 Ud 4~ 4~ uJ 12-010-0120 ':;C;jvdUl~"";H EL:::3HA A -H", C D~ T,TIif DP 30YLJTO~T BEACH FL 33435 1640 .~~ I' ,'\ "\.1= n"{ ~;l " -,. .L"j(~r:S5 L3b/~{S 08 43 45.8~-07-000-0390 08-43-45 09 07 DUO 0400 DALLAWAY S A SR & BORITA D 123 S ATLA?ITIC DP '.1 BO';NTmr BEACH FL 33-D5-1535 CHRI3TOPHE GERDA L21 S "~TLANTIC DR BOY~ITOtJ 8E.~CH FL 33435 08-43-45-09-07-000-0420 HUDSON ~ATHRYN M 08-43-45-09 07 000 0430 ESTELLA JOSEPH B & MARIE 128 ATLANTIC DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 127 S ATLANTIC DR W aOYl/TON BEACH FL 33435-1535 08-43-45-09 07 000 0450 TILLMAN MICHAEL 9645 SADDLEBROOK DR BOCA RATON FL 33496-1806 08 43-45-09-07-000-0470 JEAN PHILIPPE 120 S ATLANTIC DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08 43 45-09-07-000-0490 TILLMAN MICHAEL 9645 SADDLEBROOK DR BOCA RATON FL 33496-1806 OS-43-4S-09-07-000-0510 WASHAM RONALD C 112 S ATLANTIC DR W BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1536 08 43 45 09-07-000-0530 SERRANO MARIA D 108 S ATLANTIC DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43 45-09 07-000~0540 MIZERSKI BARRIE W & LINDA R 106 S ATLANTIC DR W BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1536 08 43-45-09 12 009-0090 ISAIAH HATTIE M 85 FLAMINGO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1613 08-43-45-09-12-009-0100 WRIGHT MARJORIE H 65 FLAMINGO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1613 08 43 45-09 12 009 0120 PONDER VERONICA A & SHAWN WATERS 3040 SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43-45-09-12-009-0130 WILLIAMS DONOVAN W 3060 N SEACREST BLV BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435~1543 08-43-45~09-12-009-0150 CHAR LEMOND WILGUET 40 S ATLANTIC DR E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1645 08-43-45-09-12-009-0160 ROBINSON LOUIS & 60 S ATLANTIC DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1645 08-43-45 09-12-009-0180 FRANCOIS FENOL 120 S ATLANTIC DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43-45-09-12-010 0110 SINCLAIR PETER S 105 S PALM DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1542 08 43 45 09 12 010 0130 BEiJITEZ GILDA <;S S PALM DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 3343S 1640 08-43-45-09-1~ ulJ-U140 KINCAIDE NA~;;:;li"; 45 S PALM DP BOYNTON BEACH F~ 33435 1640 ~as'~r ~'.1 50,1)0 RHUn" 0 100 08 4]-4S-16-00-00u-3100 PALM BEACH COUNTY PREM DIVI3:nN C/O 3323 BE~VE~ERE RD BLDG 503 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33406 1548 08-43-45 09 00-000 7100 ABUASI AL! S 1601 FORml] PL # 1101 GLICKMAc'J C/O WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401-8104 08-43-45 09 07 000 0030 AIKENS ROY & ARMA H 3101 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1529 08-43-45-09-07-000 0060 MOSCH JEFFREY J & RICHARD & GLORIA MOSCH 3131 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1529 08 43-45-09-07-000-0230 JEAN VILAIRE 122 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 08-43-45-09-07-000 0260 BANKS UDRICA 116 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1504 08-43 45 09 07 000 0290 MINCEY PAMELA & 110 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 08 43 4S 09 07-000 0320 EVA.NS ROSS E 5404 LAKE U~BORNE DR LAKE '"f:)RTH FL 33461-6051 Dd 4J 4~ UJ 07 000 0350 Lea;..... i,I'::':::;;"ZL 11~ ~ ~~T~NTIC DR W BO'{lJ':"OH BEACH FL 33435 1535 j".......;a. A'," '1'1 ri"~ '-' cL< \"."::;<::;C; :_2b~t5 08 43 ~5 09 00-000-7080 PALM BEACH COUNTY PEEj'! DIVISIuN C.'O 08 43 4S-09-00.0nO-70~0 PP,Lr"l BEACH ''':DlTNTY 33~3 BELV~DE2S RD PREM DIVISION C,'O ]12] 3EL"EDERE: R:J BLDG 503 '''''EST P}'l.Lj.l BEACH FL 3:::406-1542 08-43-45 16~01 020 0100 PALM BEACH COUNTY SLOG SO] ~EST PALM BEACH FL J3~06-154R 08-43-45-16 uO 000 3110 PALM BEACH COUNTY PRE~1j DIVISIUN C/O PREM DIVISION C/O 3323 BELVEDERE RD BLOG 503 ~'IEST PAL;'! BEACH FL 33406 1548 08 43 45 09 07 000-0020 WHITE JONATHAN & MARTHA K 3095 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1527 3323 BELVEDERE RD BLDG 503 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33406 1548 08 43 45 09 07-000-0010 AVILA DAVID M & MARIANA P 3049 N SEACREST BLVD BO'DJTotJ BEACH FL j305-1527 08 43 45 09 07 000 0040 SCHULTZE CARL E & MELODY L 3111 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1529 08 ~3 45 09 07 000 0050 KESYTHELYI T & DARLENE 3121 N SEACREST BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1529 08-43-45-09-07 000 0210 DORVIL GUGNY & 126 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 08-43-45-09-07-000-0220 'V'iASHAM GLORIA H 124 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 3343S~1504 08-43-45-09-07-000-0240 LUXE JEAN & 120 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 08-43 45~09-07-000 0250 DEWITT CLARENCE H 118 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 08-43-45-09-07-000 0270 SAINTFLEUR ROGESTE & 114 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1504 08-43-45-09-07-000-0280 ESTIME WOOSVELT J 112 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 03 43~45-09-07 000-0300 EBENHOECH KATHERINE 108 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 08-43-45-09-07-000-0310 DANTICA CAMILU.s 106 ARTHUR CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-1504 03 43-45-09 07-000-0330 08-43-45-09-07 000 0340 SULPH BRYAN A III S ATLANTIC U~ ~ LAKE WORTH FL 331G2 193~ MELENDEZ PABLO & MONSERRATE lUI S ATLANTIC DR LAKE WORTH FL 33462-1937 UO 43 45-09-07-0UO u36u 08-43-45-09-07 U0.> V->Iij ELLISON VERLEY 117 S ATLANTTr ~n LAKE WORTH FL ]3~G: 1?3' ".';0~ ;;LA:::~J 1 l" S .Z\TL.n.NTIC DR \1 BOY~TON BEACH FL 33435 1535 ..03:: ::: ~,~i~~ n