05/05/2003 19:43
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TO: City of Boynton Beach
Village of Golf
FROM: Panel Member 1 - Tim Frank
Panel Member 2 - Robin Singer
Panel Member 3 - Davc Kemp
DATE: May 1,2003
RE: Reference #: BOY-40
-_.........._.._-~-----_.._----------~----_....__..----~_.............----.....__....-_.._-----_......__...._--~-----_.._._-------_...._----............... '....
Property Owner (if site specific):
Date written objection received:
April 24. 2003
A Fact-Finding Panel Meeting was held on Mav 1. 2003
to consider the following ohj"ctionfs)
The Village of Golf was objecting to the proposed plan amendment because it violates several,)f th~
City's current Comprehensive Plan Objecjves and Policies and is not compatible with the surroundir.g
neighborhoods due to height intensity and density of the proposal.
The panel heard a presentation fTom: Dick Hudson, City of Boynton Beach presented the staff r~rt for
the amendment and handed out the location map and proposed conceptual site plan. Carrie Par:,er Hill
presented the objections raised by the Village of Golf and pictures of the surrounding area.
Technical assistance was also provided as follows: N/A
05/05/2003 19:43
PA:.i~ 1.3'2
Having heard the presentation and testimony from both entities the Fact-Finding Panel issues the
following conclusions: (Note: If more than one objection/conclusion is reached on each speci fic
The objection appears to have been one of miscommunication and it appears to be resdvcd: no
further action is ne<:essary.
There is insufficient data and analysis upon which to support either the anlendment or:he
objection or both.
Sufficient data and analysis was provided and a conflict appears to exist. The conflict :lhould be
resolved either:
through the DOnna! Department of Community Affairs review process; or
in a COnflict resolution forum such as provided in Article IX (Conflict Resolutkn Palel),
mediating services as provided by the Treasure Coa~t Regional Planning Council, or
some other forum for mediation.
--2L Sufficient data and analysis was provided. The Panel concludes the objection is justified by l:J.c
information provided.
Basis for decision:
Chair ~ =rIm' rr~l'-, Ch~rl
Date: Oo-OCo03
0~/24/2003 23:49
551434~"' 3
PAGE: 01
Palm Bea",h County
Intergovernmental Coordination
Program. Clearinghouse
9835-16 Lake Worth Road Suil:e 22:1
Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561) 434-2575/ Fax (561) 434.4513
To: Fa"'t Finding Panel Merrbers - IP ARC
From: Anna Yeskey
Date: April 25, 2003
Subject: City of Boynton Beach -- Village of Golf Fact Finding Panel
Attached are the documents for City of Boynton Beach - Village of Golf Fact Finding Pand_
This is scheduled for Thursday, May I at 3:30 p.m. in the Lantana Council Chambers following
the IPARCmeetlng. Please call me if you need any additional information at 434-2575.
04/24/2003 23:49 5614344'
PACiE' 0~
City Hall. We~t Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd,
6oynton Beach. Florida 3342S
(56') 74::-6260
(561) 7 ~2-62~i9 ;-CIl<
Planning & Zoning
TO: Anna Yeskev
FAX: 43.4-4513
FROM: Dick Hudson
DATE: April 22. 2003
NUMBER OF PAGES: {including
_ coverl
RE: Serrano Annexation & Lallld Use Amendment
If you receive this fax In error. or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our l~ffiCI9 .
immediately, gf (561) 74~-6260. ThCln~: you.
04/24/2003 23:49
PAG: e::
TO: Chllll11lan and Members
Planning lInd Development Board and
Mayur and City Commission
FROM: Dick Hudson, AKP
senlur Planner
niROUGH: Mich,~e1 W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoni~
DATE: April 17, 2003
PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: 5err!tno at Boynton Beach Annexation (ANEX 03-001) and I.and
Use l\mendmentfRe;wning (WAR 03-002)
REQUEST: To lInnex the subject property; reclassify from MR-5 MliIdiuln
Density Residential (Palm Beach County) to MedIum Densit,
Residential (Crty), and rezone from AR-AgriQlltural ReslderT'Jal t:c'
PUD Planned Unit Development
Property Owner:
Beth Peschl
Paul Bach
(exhibit W')
:1:9.74 acres
Existing lIInd Use:
MR-S (palm Beach County) (3-5 dwelling units per aae [du/ae])
e6s1ing Zoning:
AR-USl\, Agricultural-Residel1lial in the Urban Servlces Area (Palm
Beach County)
Proposed Land Use:
Proposed Zoning:
Proposed Use:
Adjacent lJ!ies:
Medium DenSity Residential (9.68 du/ac)
PlIO Planned Unit Development
92 fee-.simple townhouses
North: To the northeast, ltlree Single family homes in SilverJake Estiltes
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Rle Number: LUAR 03..oo2/ANEX 03..001
Serrano at Boynton Beach
designated low DensitY ResIdential (LOR) at 4.84 dulse and
zoned PUD Planned Unit Development. Actual butt c1el\Slty of the
PUD Is 2.04 du/ae. To the northwest, uninmrporiltJed propert,
developed with one bw story single family residenO! designated
MR-5 (Medium Density Residentlal at 5 du/ac) and zoned AR-IJSA,
Agricultural Residential in the Urban Services Area.
Jmml!dlately south ai'll the rlghts-of-w:ay of the Lake Worth
Drainage Dlsbict L-28 I..atI!I'llI Canal and Palmland Drive, then
developed resldentlal (Chantlldllir Villas Condominiums)
designated HDR (High Density Residential at 10.8 du/ac) and
zoned R.3 Multi-family ~dential (10,8 du/ac). Ad1.IaI built
density of the duplex unit development is 7.42 dufac. To the
west of Chatl!Clalr Villas is the P,almland Villas dellelopment with a
built density of 8.57 du/ac.
Developed Elementary (Crosspointe) School designated PPGI
(Public &. Private Govemmentill/lnstitutional) and zoned PU Ptblic
Villag'~ of Golf lands designated slngle family residentlal and DJilt
at a density of 1.31 du/ac. The property immedl~y adjacerr: to
the subject site consists of one single family home on a 1.6 ae re
parce' and a portion of a vacant parcel of 4.5 acres.
All OIpplications for a rezoning to a PUD Planned unit Development must be accompanied by a
masterlslte plan. In this instance, the applicant has provided a master plan. 'The applicant s
proposing a development of 98 fee simple town homes. A 70 foot wide entrance road to tIlll
property will be provided from palmland [)(rve across the L.28 canal, replacing the exlslIng 10
foot wide Ingress/egress easement, and a 40 foot road contim.llS north, providing access to the
adjacent single family home to the north. This road also forms a loop approximately 120 IlK!!:
inside the property boundaries. A one-acre lake oa;upies the center of the property and a o,e-
quarter acre recreation site is at the southwest comer of the loop road. A 15 toot landscape
buffer eomplete1y surrounding the property is also proposed.
Design standards proposed With the master plan call for a maximum of six (6) atlad1ed unit!: In
each building and a maximum height of 35 feel:. LOt ~ are to be limited to the home
footprint, with yard Breas held in CXl111mon, Building setbacks lIre as follows;
Front: 20 .Feet l'.o roadJdrive edge
Side (Interior): 7.5 feet
Side (Comer): 20 I'eet to roadJdl'i\ll! edge
Rear to Buffer or water management tract: 10 feet (25 foot separation)
The maximum density allowed by the Medium DensitY R.eslden'tfalland use da.caiftcatlon is 9.58
dulac, which would proIIIde the developer a maximum of 92 urlilS. Maximum height in all
residentlal zoning districts except R-J MUIti-famlly Residential is 30 feet, In addition, PUD
04/24/2003 23:49
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File Number: LUAR 03...()02lANEX 03-001
Serrano at Boyntxln Beach
The recommendations of the Land Use Problems and ODoortunlties are referenced in the
ComprehenSlVl! Plan in the following policy in ttle Future Land Use Element:
The Oty 5ha1l continue tD enforce the land d~nt regulatiDns /rJ
enfort;e and Implement the policies that regulate tile use and intensity, and
other chafiilCiefistfcs for the tlevmopment of IIpedffc: areas. l1$ set frKth in th~
L.snd IJse Pn:tbIerns and Opporl1.JnitJes sectiorI of the support doaJmenti for
this element. l71o$e rec:rxnmendations cnnta;ned ;/7 the Land IJse Probt~s
and Opportunities sectton shall apply, reg8rdless of the stBtus Of the Q!ys
development ff!9ulat/OnS, and ate hereby incorporat.ecl by re/i!rence int~ the
Goals, ObjectNa; and PDI/ci<G..s of this Plan. B
In 2001, one of the paltels making up this end ave, the 18.56 acres of property fronting on
SOuth COngress Avenue, was anllellecl intxl the City. At that time, the land use was ehan~ed
from ttle Palm Beach COUnty land use designation of MR-5 (S du/ac) to Public and Private
Governmentall Instltutional (PPGI) and the zoning was d1anger.1 tram AG/USA lD PU Publi= USE.
Since that time, the Palm Beach Cor~nty SChool District has const.Tu~d crosspointe ElemE~ntarr
SChOOl on the property. The school, whid1 opened for the current school year, has a caplldty
of 970 s\lJdents, No changes were made to the Problems and Opportlmities section to
ado;nllWfedge this change; however I public schools are allowed in all residential zoning dis ;nets.
"Policy 1.16.3
In 1993, a request was submitted filr annexation of the present school site with a land US!
amendment ft'om MR-S (S dulse) to Moderate Density Residential fl.26 dulac) and rezoning
from AR to R-t Single Family Residential to construct 136 dwelling units. A oompanion te: ct
amendment was submitted to change the language of Sub-section B.d (cited above) to l!)Cducle
the subject parcel from the section. The aty Commission unanimously denied the reques:S.
"Objec.tillf! 1..19
The CIty sh~/" evaluate and allow a of mnd uses for whidl thE, arei>.
location, and intensity of these uses provide a full rangt! of housing
choices...for both existing and projederJ pOpulations... ~ and,
The CIty shall continue effbrts to enan../fage if fuil m/{/e of housing
choices, by a/Towing detl!Jlt/es which G3n 8Cl':l)fr1modate rf1e Bpproxin'late
number and 1l1'<! of dwellings fur WfIIch the demiilnd has been
projected.. B
"Policy J.J.9.1
Proposed development plans for sln91e family attached units on the subject property are
gl!l1erally consistent with current development trends in the City, although the proposed d!nsity
is almost one-half that requested for those ottler developments.
According to The DeveloDment AllM of Bovnton Beach. Aorid!!, releases in May 2002, there are
only four (4) parcels of land remaining within the Oty that are either designated or have
potential for residential development and that contain more than 10 acres. The three othu
vacant residential properties design<IteCI for residential development:, like the subject site, nre
less than 10 acres and would be considered intill development.
04/24/2003 23:49
5614344' '
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Page 5
File Number: LUAR 030002IANEX 03-001
Serrano at Boynton Bead!
Objective 1.17
Hmim/ze nufs8nces, haarr/s, and other sdvetse impBCfS to the flerlera/
public, to property values, end to residential envlronfT/ef7t6 by pIT!IIeIlting 0'-
minimi~ng land liSle amffidE, and,
71le CTI:y shal' c:rmtinue to maintain and improve tile character of eJ<fstifl{,'
single-famify and fower-density ne;ghborfloods, by preventing CDrI~erslon.:;
to higher der,'5itM4 except when consiSttNIt with adj8c8nt land 1ISl1.l~.. ".
Policy 1.17.5
The master plan provided with the rezoning application, and discussed above, shows that
adequate buf'fer1ng, which equals that required in the lldjlcent PUD, will be provided alon, the
north property line where If1ree single family residences in Silverlake E:.l:db:::. are loceted. In .
addition, I 75 fool: !Il!plIr8tion Is provided Of!1f1\i! west from the corporate limits of the Villllge 0:
Golf. WIU1 respect to denSity, the requested density of 9.58 dulae is considerable higher l:tIan
lI'le built densities of the adjiItent single family neighborhoods. This drcumstanc:e Is assumed to
be the main premise behind the Comprehensive Plan recommendaUon for LOR and single famllv
homl!!; Of! thIS parcel (see Items "b" and "e" below.)
Finally, the annexatiOf! of this parcel is consistent wilf1 policies within the c::omprehensiVe "Ian
dealing with annexallon. In additiol1, the annexation of the subject property will fur1:her the
efJbrts of the aMrlexallon program through reduttion in the number or size of enclave
properties. CUlTenlfy, Objed:iVes of the annexation program indude anneoang alll!l1claves less
trIlln 10 aae5, and to incrementally annex enclave properties with the intent to reducing them
below the lD...aa-e If1reshold.
b. Whether the Pf'D~ n.wnlng WOIJId be contrary to the 8St8bffslled land use
pattem, or WCHIkI create an isDIst<<J district unrelated /.f;I adjacent and neerfJy
distrfcts, or would constitute a grant of special prfltflege /.f;I an individual proper.'y
owner lIB contrHtsd wIth the protection of the public weffare; and,
e. WhetI1er tile proposed rezoning would be compatible witll tile current and tiJture
use of sdjat.wIt and nearby properties, or WCHIld affect the property values of
adjacent or nea/'t)y propertiM.
TIle land use designations and zoning diStricts surrounding thls property, while predominately
residentilol, have a wide range of densities both assigned and built. Daignat.ed denslties fJr
lancl5 within the CIty of Boynton Bead! near tnis property range from 4.84 du/ae to 10.8 drJ/ac,
while actual built densities range 2.C4 du/ac to 8.57. The request for a designation of Me<lIum
Density Residential, at a density of 9' .86 dU/IC is arguably a transition between the low density
to tfle north and the high density to the souttl. Generally the R-2 Duplex Residential <:OI1lng
distr1ct corresponds with the Medium Density Residential tand use designation. staff, howllver,
sees a land use designation of Mode'8t.e Density Residential, with a density of 7.26 du/ae lIS
being more of a transition between the existing developments. This woukl pennit the
development of 70 single family homes (22 fewer than are po$5ible with lf1e requested land
use). Development regulations for tile zoning districts corresponding to both land use
designations have a height limit of 31) feet, whereas in the R-3 Multi-Family Residential zonjng
district, Whlc:h oorresponds with the f'figh Density Residential land use, the maximum height is
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Rle Number: LUAR Q3.002lANEX 03-001
5emIno at Boyntnn Beach
45 feet. Other design measures may still be appropriatE such as adding to the borders against
the single family neighborhoods depending on the flnlll proposed design.
c. Whether Cf18nged or dlanging condf1ions malr.e tfIe proposed rezonIng deslr.Jb. e..
Even thllll9h public schools are a p"rmitted use in alllll5identlal disbicts, the development of
the adjecent pllrc:el with a two-sb:J"l fcIcility wilt1 an ultimate capacity of 970 students Is a
changing condition that: does impact all of the adjacent properties. As stared aboVe (1terr a),
since public schools are allDWed in all residential land use designatiOns, It1Is change was not
recognized in the Support DoaJments at lt1e time of the property's annexlltion, even thou ~h It
does impact surrounding existing pl'Operttes.
d. Whether the pn'JfX1Sed use would be cwnpaffble with utility systems, rwdway.s, 8m;;'
other public fadlitie$,
In connection with previous annexation studies, departments most af'fected by IlnnllQllors
(e.g. Police, Rre, and Public Works), nave been surveyed for issues relllla:l to service c:aPllblllt.).
and costs. All opinions previously collectecl from ll'1ese departments supported lt1e increm ental
annexation of enclaves. These opinions have been based on the following:
1) The endaves are all immediately adjacent to areas within the city that wml\'1tly
receive urban serviOllS;
2) Ample service capacity exists to serve uninmrporated properties within the
subject endave; Ilnd
3) Most endaves currently receive service from the city via the muhJal aid
agreement (Police and Fire/EMS only).
The Palm Beach County Traffic engineering Department has reviewed the applicant's tramc
study and verified that capacity exisbi on Congress Avenue to "ccommocJare this proposed
amendment. In addition, lt1e Oty's Director of Public; Works has determined that no
improvements to Palmland Drlve will be necessary due to the proposed development.
With re5pect to solid waste, in a Iet\l!!r dated Dec:ember 18, 2001 the Palm Beach County SCfid
Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists In acalmmodate the munty's
munldpalilles throughout the lQ-year planning period. The School District of Palm Beac;h CountJ'
has reviewed the application and has determined that adequate capac:lty exists to accommcdate
the resident population. Lastly, drainage wllJ also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of
the conditional use application, Bnd must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage
permittlng Buttlorill..
f. Whether the property Is ph)l5lca/ly and economically developable under the ex;. Jtlng
Physically, the property is developable for residential development. At lt1e current designaled
density, however, lt1e small size of ttle property, its location, adjacent uses and zoning distids,
and ilS physical Characteristics may make it infeasible to develop for single family detached
04/24/2003 23:49
5614344' ,
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Rle Number: LUAR 03-OO2/ANEX 03.(101
5emlno at Boynton Beach
housing, even as a zero lot line development. It WQuld also run counter to tile c::urrent
development and market trends in single family housing.
'The property is c::urrently located In unincorporated Palm Beach CountY and has a land USI!
designation of MR-S, which will allew up to Sdu/ac if develeped as a Planned Unit Developme1'll;.
The property could also be eligible for the County's Bonus Den5ity Program for Affordable
Housing, whim could allow a density increase of up to 50%, without a plan amendment if a
percentage of the units are set asid! for affordable housing. However, following the 199::
denial by the City for aooexation and land IJlle amendment on the adjacent property, the
owners of that property applied for this cklnsity bonus program in the COUnty and were dEnied.
Due to It being an liinclave, the City stan' would continue to endorse its annexation and ultimau!
development in Boynton Beilch,
g. WIIMher ~ proposed rezoning is of II sale which Is rssonably relet:l!d tf} thl!
needs ofi:M fJe/ghborhood and the city as II wh<J!e.
Oiteria for evaluallng the benefits of the proposed development to the n~ of the
neighborhood and the CIty indude service clemands, density, use, value ancl consistency vllth
Comprehensive Plan poliCies, As indicated above, ample capiICity exists to serve the maxllnum
potential service needs generated trf the proposed project. The proposed density Is consi:ltent
with thlll: allowed by the requested land use designation, and while It Is higher than that of the
single-family residential property to the north, It is similar to that of the adjacent developed
property to the south. However, it is staff's opinion that if built at 7.26 dulse, the project woulll
more reasonably relate to the needs of the neighborhood and the CJty.
h. WhetMr thete lJn! adequate sites elsewhere in the City fOr file fJI"OP05(!d ~ i'l
distlfCts Where S'Ud1 use Is ;,Iready allowed.
There are only three perrels in the City clllSSified for residential development at densities
greater than 4.&4 du/ee. One of thEse is the 3.7 acre vacant parcel remaining adjacent to
Palmland Villes, whictJ hes iii land US! designation of High Density Residentiel (10.8 du/ac). A
second 2 acre parcel with a designation of High Density ReSidential (10.8 du/ae) is a remn.Jnt ir
O'lIistian Villas. The third parcellS a 4.7 acre parcel on Golf Road that was the subject of a
court settlement in 1989. Originally limited to development as a Congregate Living Facility. the
courts have recently agteed that they will cornoider other types of residential development 1m
the site. The land use deslgnatlon i~: High Density Residential (10.8 du/ac). Aside from tn!SE!
pan:els, a similar land use amendment and rezoning would be required for any project of t lis
type to develop in Boynton Beach.
FollOWIng the "sun-setl:ing" of the Palm Beac:h Countywide Planning Council, originally
~blished to review inlX!tjurisdlctlonalland use issues, the Intergovernmental Plan Amendment
RevIew COmmittee (IPARC) was established to continue some minimum coordination amlll19
participating local govemmen~ in the CXlunty. This organ~on indudes a conflict resolutit)n
program to facilitate the early dlscusslOl'1 and resolution of land use dispu12s. It is anticipated
that the Village of Goll' will submit a formal objection to the proposed land use amendment
through the IPARC. If the ebjection fS filed, prior to ordinance adoption by the Oty
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5614344r ,
PAG!': e"
Page 8
File Number: LUAR 03-002/ANEX 03-001
SelTllno at Boynton Bead1
Commission, IPARC would assemble a "fact-finding panel" to review the facts and generate a
position on the proposed amendment This position would be ful'wardecl to 1f1e city for
consideration during its review. S1:a1f understands the principal objed!ons to be the proposed
density and potenual heights, as being incompatlble with the low dens'1ty development wit:hln
the Village of Golf. The existence of this adjacent land use and how the twO properties rE late 1 s
des<:ribed in this report
f1.s Indicated herein, this request is not consistent with the recommendation of the Probler1s anel
Opportunltles Sectlon and therefore not consistent with the intent of the ComprehensIVe nan.
In eddition, a land use amendment request for single family detached residential developrnent
at a lower denSity WilS previously denied by the my COmmission for property immediately east
of the subject property based on !he COmprehensive Plan realrnmendatlons and adjacent land
use d1arad:eriStics compared lD the proposed project.
While the amendment will not create additional impacts on infrasmJd1lre I:twt have not bE en
antldpated in the COmprehensive Plan; may be lXlrnpatible with adjaQilnt land uses and w II
conb1bute to the overall economic e'eVeIopment of the aty, staff cannot recommend that:he
subject request: be approved. If the request is approved, there should be a requirement that
staff initiate an amendment lD the cited Sub section S.d of the support dlX1Jments for the .1m
City of Bavntnn 8l!ad1 COmorehenstve Plan. This additfonal application, if filed concurrent IYith
this review, would be transmitted to the state as a liilrge scale amendment and likely be
adopted in December. In addition, ;Wly mndltfons of approvall'l!oommended by the Planning
and Development Soard or the City Commission will be Induded as Exhibit "B~.
J;.\!JfIID^v.\.......\SWRiJI\~ 1J\L.UM'\:n'Aff'R!R;)RTffEW'J:b:
04/24/2003 23:49 5614344~."
04124103 TBU 06:36 FAX 1.611.~7024
~q(~q(~~,~ D~:~l 5614344513
PA:iE 1'~
TO: CleQrill8hClllsll:
Initialing Local Government; and
lnterlocal Plan, Amendment .Review Committee
nOM: VllttlCf~ of &ol-\'
DAn: A//~t{/ D3-
ltE: IlJenllllle#:"MY -L{O(Al"lrl'c.'K O~~ O),/t-.U.:A" D5. 00.;1.)
The V 11\ ~(2 ci (Qo~ . herdly fillS a folWl objectioll tQ the propoHd
lac;al """"",,1111
~'{n1tm~ eomprellensi'Jeplanamendmeut#"i30y -l.;L'O .forthe
In/tiMing gt7II8mmrmt Refimmce if.
fbllowmg reasons:
ccl+adi~ f'f\i?'fY~/.Ief/er 6f !Jptt J olJ,02cQ"!.__
This fonna1 Clbjection shall be traxlsmitted ::0 the Dr:partrnent Qf' COXlIlIlUMy AffiIin.
~ <I< ~:Lp
Signarw. OfGown-nmIl1fl'8 A.fltJwrfnd De;rigntll!.
~te qf &ceipt
Sign_I!. QfClI!.Q"iTl~Sf
Fonvarded On
L<Jcal (]QVtmPTfJtltt
t'aneJ Meeting ScIlecluled Por
Panel Member I
flllleI Memb.... 2
P&l2e1 Memb.,. 3
04/01/03 F:RI 14:12 11'.l/llX NO 7584J 1~'002
04/22/03 TUE 09:53 FAX 156173 24
FM (501) T,l2-7024
DM.'E: ~/r9-;)/C3
TO: .J)/c}c Huo~oY)
FROM: CarY/e fh {I
NO'W.S: J)/cJ: I C-opy cf my tesp:5YJU
fhqn/c I.(c~ for 11w. tJ+t'...e.v Qopl-es-
7Js +.JI /!-rifl"'- 9<10 GjrJC1l I/Jl! wefe obJ"(,f,,~: +"
(YH~ r.e~sf; .eve" tfl/iMjh .we 1Y1a.'f Q'j"-<' ""I
. ~ feCMltw-Q.rd.cJ?f\ L-Le 01< II ~eeJ { Le..
=t=Cc.. ob.sech ~ ~~ f(Yl 0-'/ (:J . '~nlll)-(~~
04/24/2003 23: 49 5614341 '3
04/Z./O~ TBV 08;~6 FAl 16617~Z702.
PAGE: 11
VIlLAGIl! 01' llICII.F'
A.OfD\ 51!!11
FAX l&II1l"-
(11I1) "'"'"'
Apn121, 2003
City of Boynton Beach
Planning and Development Board
100 East Boynton Beach B1I1d.
Boynton Beach, FI 33425
RE; Sernmo PUD. AnMlClltion, Co~rehensive land Use Amendment,
and Rezoning
Dear Chairman and Members;
Continental Homes has sul;ln1tted a request to the City of Boynton a.ecI1
to annex a parcel of prgperty, to redassify it and to rezgne in arder to build
92 fee..slmple town t\ocne$, at II density of 9.68 units, with a muimum
heIght of 35 feet. Planning staff is rf:\;uJ I., ...nding denial of this request
The Village of Galf. as the adjacent municipality to !he west of the subject
property Is also requesting that this request be denied.
While the staff is ''''-'Dlo!ndlng denial. and h!iS subnitted a Ienglhy staff
report, there are several points of addffional clarification the Village would
like to state for the record:
Current Sb~
1110 property is currently 11:JCated in unlncorpolllted Palm Beech County,
surrounded by the Village of Golf and the City of Boynton Beach. It has a
land use designalJon of MR-5, which calla fOr a minimum density of 3 units
per acre, and a _neilli'd (lens1ty of" units pef acre. The Palm Beach
county Land Development Code defines standard density as the
MAXIMUM density allowed wllhaut a Planned Unit Development. 11Ie
minimum acreage required for B Planned Unit Development in the County
under the MR.5 de$ignatim is 20 acres. Therefore, thls parcells not large
04/24/2003 23:49 561434 1
04/24/03 THU 08:38 FAX 1881,v27024
enough to receive a PUD designation, resulting in the MAXIMUM nl.llTlber
of unllB al'-l, under the county regulations, of only <4 units per acre. To
the e$nt Ulat the stBfI' report suggestS that this parcel would be entitled
to greater density under the Palm Beach County PUD regulations, that is
Even if the property were 'erge enough to obtain the PUO designation, a
density bonus of 5 Ul'Ib 1iI/1 acre WtIuld only be .n~, if a development
elUl8Sd$ all development htandards and Is considered an exemplary
development. The lall (2) two PUD developments, which were approved
by Palm Beach County on Military Trail were IInited tc 4 unlls per acre
dUll to the fact that they did not meet this criteria. T1Ierefore, at the
present time. tll8l1l1lWmillm number of units allowed on this property
is only 38.9 units.
ComDrehenslwl PIIIn #\lli1JDl!
This Jequest Is in direct Yil)lation of several Objec:tive and Policies af 1f1e
City of Boynton Beach Comprehel'l!ive Ph.n. These Objectives and
Policies' are diacussed below:
The present Con1lrehensi1/8 Plan of the City, which has been adopted as
a matter of record since 1lHHl, stales in Section VII. Land Use Problems
and Opportunities, (support documents) Stlb-seclion S.d that
· The3e paroeIs should be .nne~ and placed into the Low DenBitv
ResidtmliaJ land use categoty. Development oftheee properlies shoufd
generally be /krJ1t.ed to ~'IeJami1v detached dweIfIngs, sa as to be
t:Ompatible wifh the one-story condominiums which 118 to tile south and the
single -famly subdMslon Iymg to the north. "(emphasis added)
"'" backQrouncllnfo~tiollJ this category was chosen sinc:e It was the
most compatible with the Palm Beach County Uind Use. as the City's low
Denllity category IIJlOWSllJ) to 4.8 uni1s per 1\Cre, a$ CCfI1)8Ied to 1he
COUnty's MedIum Density ResIdential, which allows up to4 unim per acre.
AnMlCing into the City, with the lIdditional density already incorporaled,
allow$ an addiltonal7.8 units to be consInJcted. for a totsl of 46.75 units
on the property.
The City subdivision to thEl north, ~ of Silvertakl!l. was: c:onstn.aCted in
1977-78, and the other City neighborhoods to the souUl followed a few
)'8lU$later. On the east side Of the property. the Village of Golf began
<:onstnK:tIon in 1958, so tile area sU/T'Ollncling this property con8ista of
long standing, establl8hed neighborhoods and homes. This
~Jehenslve Plan pOlicy was the publicly stllted intention af the City
PAGE: 1:,
Iil O( 3
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since 1989 in regards to tItlis property, providing the neighbors with a
comlbrt level as to the future development of the subject profierI.y.
The staIf report does not totally retlect the actual buIIt-<lUt densities of the
surrounding neighborhoods-
1. e.tates of SlIlfel'Iake ronsislll of 169 residentillllols IIlnd 87.6 acres for
an actual deneity of 1.92 units per acre.
2. l11e Wage of Golf consists of 180 units and 522 resjdentiallla'es for
an actual density of 0.34 unils per acre.
3. Chanleclair Vil_ Condominiums consists of 154 unill5 and 21 acres-
for an actual density of 7.33 units per acre.
4. Palmland Villas coneit.t$ of 60 units and 10.7:aers for an ac:IuaI
density of 5.8 unitll per aore.
5. Hunters Run consi. of 1,652 units and 1,496 ~cres for an actual
density of 1.10 unita per acre.
In addlllon the immediate IneighborhOOds are all &iinQle-6tory uni1s. While
the VHlage of Golf does al~ow 2-etory homes, there are only 10 homes at
this height and lhey are all on the west side of lhe ViUage. The Palm
Beach County SChool Board built an elemen1llry school adjacent to the
west of this property, and lICCDrcling to the .rah~ Alan Gilbert. the
School Board tried to h;M1 $OrYIEl sensitivity for1he adjacent neighbors. by
constructing 15% of the building at a height of 17 feet, 18% of the 5CI1001
is at 25 feet and the main classroom section or 87% of the building Is lit 31
feet In height, but bufered on center of the property.
As can l)e seen from the above, a development at 9.68 clweRing units per
acre, with a maximum heisht of 35 feet, is not compatible with the
surrounding densllles and intensities already in place.
Objecllve1.15 of the Cily's Comprehensive Plan 8l:8t8s:~ The City shall
encourage planned development projects whieh are sensitive to tile
characteristir::s of the site $00 to surrounding land 1JfiIe$:. _..:
Objective 1.16 goes on to also stale:" The Cify shaR continue to regulate
the use, density. 8IIIl internlity of land use, by requiring that aU land
developmenl ordent be co."ststent wiffl the Future Land Use Plan and
other appltctJble porKies ol'the ComprehensNe Plan..
Policy 1.16.1, plllragraph 7 stab!s: . Recommendations for specHJt; 8fe88 .
whiah are conffiined In the Land Use problems and Opportunlrles seotiOn
of this Element shan SUpersede the or /ntrJrr:!iIieJt set forth in the land
uses below, " these recommendalion:s are more 1"tI8trit;:tiv. b
PAGr: 1::
Iii (1(4
04/24/2003 23:49 561434 3
04/Z4f03 THO 08:37 FAX 156..J27024
Policy 1.16.3 states:.. The CRy shaD COlItinue to enfon;e the land
development ff1gulations to enforce and implement the poIit:iH that
regulate the ~ and ntensify, and other characteristics for the
development of specific elNS, 8S set foI'ttl in the Land Use Prob/ems and
OpportunliH section oIthe support documents forth/8 element. Those
recommendations corrtsit'Isd in the"Land Use Problems and OppottunitIes
secI/on "'~I apply, regattf1ess of the status of the C/ty's development
Tegulations, and 918 hereby incorporated by reference into the Goals,
Objec(Wee, and PoIiciee Qj'this Plan.'
All of the above Objective!lllnd PaJiQe$ refer to the fact that this parcel
should be developed as Low Density Residential at Illl'llllimum density of
4.8 unlla per BCRl, which IllIould be col!1)8flble with !he suntlUnding areas
and In confomJance with the City COr/1)lehensive lPIan.
Objective 1.17 states "Mininize nuisances, hmurls, and other adverse
impacts to the general public. to pmpeIty values, and to residential
environments by pteventhg or minimizing land use coofficts;" and
Policy 1.17.5 states:" The Oily shall oonlinue to maintain and improw the
r;hsrar;ter of eKiBttJg and Iower-density nElighborhoods, by
preventing oonversi:ms to J'1Igher denBifies, except when consistent with
adjacent /and uses, or with lmp/6men6ng redevelopment plans incJutting
the Boynton Beach 2C.VlO J?edENelopn,ent Ma8ler Plan."
ThIs proposal is not compeltible wi1tI these Comprehensive Objec.tives and
Policies. These policies stress the importance of lTI!lirrtaining and
preserving the City's slngle~flImlly, lower density naigtlborhoads, such as
Silver1ak8. as there is a need to provide a mix of hOU1lillg types and
housing for a variety of inoxne levels. The home; in Silvertake range
from $235.000 to $375,000. The Village of Golf homes range from
$400.000 to 2.5 nilfton. In the past few yea.... !he C~ has already
spprowd the future canstnJCllon ~ hUndreds of muJli..farnily townhouse
type units. This Objective llnd PolIcies speIlk to the importanoe of
preserving the exIsIIng neiUhborhoods and Prwerving and Improving
property VQlues.
PAGE: 1,1
04/24/2003 23:49 561434 3
04/24/03 THO 08:37 FAl 188_ ,27024
The Land Development Regulation. of the City of Boyrrton Beach require
that a mas1er storm water mansgement plan outlinil'lg the pnmary and
gecondlll)' dralnege IWl sfonn ~ treatment faCilities neecled for proper
~ of the subdMslon shall be submilled along with 1he maslI!r
plan. The master stonn water mIIllilgement plan ehall c::onslst of an
engineering drawing; a wrfIIen report as welllllB other criteria. None of
these Items were submllled With the Master Plan application for this
This is a critical point. lIS Silverfake was one of the few areas in the City to
actually experience lI00ding inside resident's horms during Hurricane
Irene sev8fa1 yews ago. The subject property has already begun to be
c1ellll-ecl wiIhout the beI..dit of a Master Dnlinage Plan, and has been cited
by the South Florida Water Management District for drainage wort< done
without a permit. All of the surrounding n-lghbon; are underslandably
very concerned abol.lll'l repeat tIoodlng experience.
Policy 8.10.2 of the City of 1Boynton's ~hensive Ftlln stales:" T7Ie
Cly shall conttider the comments of an acljacent munfr:/plJJity or Palm
Beach County ooncemlng a proposed land use amendment or annexation.
Policy 8.11.4 goes on to 8111te:".m 7he CIy slid oppose tequests for
changes in land UIJe in uninaJ1POlflted Palm Besch County that are In the
Ciry'B Reserve AnnexatIOn atefI and not consiStenf with the aclopted
Boynton Beach or PsJm Be;1Ch County Complehens/ve Plan."
The City "-long recognizf!d the necessity to consider the n=asonable
conlll!ll1ll of its neighboring municipalities with regllrd to ..0.......0 planning
issues and tIas codified the need to be consistent with the adopted .
CoqIrehensive Plane of surrounding juri8dic!iQns.
In conclusion, thie request \folate& several of the Cily'e c:urrent
Comprehel1lllve Plan Objed~_ and Policies, is not ~atlble with the
8~rrowv1ing nelghborf1oods, is too intensive II development for this parcel.
with too many IJnits per acre. and a height that is not in keeping with the
~ homes surrounding this parcel. There is also a question as to
the COIl1Jlel.ene$S of the application without the sul;lIrittal of the required
PA(iE: lE
04/24/2003 23:49 56l43('3
04/~4/03 TBU 08:38 FAX 1581(327024
drainage plan. AUached is a petlUon signed by our residents requesting
denial of this application.
In light of1he many i"comlistendes witf1 the City of Boynton Beach's
Comprehensive Plan, \W would request that the Planning and
Development Board DENY'this requestfDr a COll1lrehen8ive Plan Change
and Rezoning. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
MlctlaeI Botos
Mayor, Village of Golf
~~/~bIL~~~ Ib;q(
0'1133 65 8Illlll100'll0+
ECATS Conservation Applications And Technoloav Systems. Inc.
6260 Margate Boulevard, Suite B
Margate. Florida 33063
Phone: 954-974-8004
Fax: 954-917-9763
May 6. 2003
SAnt vi.. f.." transmission: (581) 742.6054
Mr Jim ChArnf, City Attorney
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynlon Beach, Florida 33425
Re: Boynton Beach, Florida 9.74 acres; Re-Zoning: $m~lIl-~t"JlIA Amendment (under 10 acres) from AR 10 PUO:
10.8 units per acm; Townhouse Development (92 Units) alkJa SelTano@ Boynton
Location: West of Congl115S Avenue, North of L-28 Canal
Dear Mr. Cherot:
The following fads are presented for consideration. Our firm was the contract purchaser of the above reference
property and consequently agent for the owner pursuant to that certain real estate contrect. Yesterday, we received
a Fax from stalT Informing us thai _ "'" u" lIle City Comm'55ion agenda for three item.. A) Annex 0.74 acre
parcel; B) Amend Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map: and C) Rel:one from AR 10 PUO.
AI the Planning & Development 60alll Meellng, fuesday, April 22, 2002, we were shocked willi" it wllS announced
that the Comprehensive Plan wasn't amended. We have wor1ted closely with Ihe Planning and Zoning Division of
the City of Boynton Beach for over 10 Months. We understood the amendment was filed in the fall by staff. We
understand that staffs' original report for submittal to the P & 0 Board was In favor of the 92.unlt plan and the report
was changed by senior staff 10 unfavorable sometime on Thursday- Friday April 18, 2003,
In IIghl of this tumabout, as contract purchaser, our company was forced to terminate our contrad with the owner.
We no longer represent the owner. We respectfully submit, we are no lonaer develoDina the DIOoertv and we am
l1!Queslina witl\!l~al of our. oeIilion for annexation and I&-zonina wtth the City of Boynton Beach. The request to
amend the comprehensive plan was clone six months ago and to our knowledge is not an issue. Kindly remove
these items from your Board agenda. The property is to remain AR agricultural in its original county l:oning
t"lA...~ifjcalion. We do not accept any liability or responsibility. if anythil1ll other Ihan withdrawal of our petition is not
honored. We wish to avoid litigation. This WIll selVe as notice that any change in the annexation and zoning
disposition of Ihis property is not authorized by our company I f appropriate please fOlWard to the Mayor and City
Paul H. Bach, President
0% 33 85 89 99100% +
4-03-2003 12,10PM
PHONE: 561/434-8020
FAX; 561/434-818i
Number of pages sent (including cover page): 3
TO: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
DATE: April 1, 2003
FAX. NUMBER: 742-6259
FROM: David DeYoung, AICP, Planner, SDPBC
COMMENTS: Attached please find a copy of the SGhool concurrency application
and provider form for Serrano.
CC: Angela Usher, AICP, Manager Intergovernmental Relati,lru;
!.rQI [ fi9 ,r;: n rv: r;: .rJ.
r~r., ---'--'-ri~1
" '.hI 3 ,,! '
;\ I r I'
S:\P"'nning\PUOlic~NTERGOVICon""rr.ncy\Con,urrency Determination LellersIF03033101 C.DOC
4-03-2003 12,10PM
P. ;~
(561) 434-8100 FAX: (561) 434-8167
~ Q
April 1 , 2003
Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
Planning Department
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Dear Mr. Hudson:
The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Corlcum~ncv
Determination on the above referen(:ed project.
Attached please find the approv,~d Palm Beach County School District Concum~ncy
Application and Service Provider Form for Serrano. This Cc.ncurrency DeterminatiC)n is va[ij
for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been j,;sulld fN
the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for thEllife of the Development Order.
If you have any questions regarding this determination, pl'3ase feel free to cont;lct rne d
(561) 434-7343.
cc: Paul Bach, agent
S~\Plarmirtg\Pubtic\1N'TER.GOV\Concum:ncy\COocun'Cncy Determination Letters\C03033tOl.doc
FROM PLANNING AND REll.L ES 561 434 8187
tJVr(10 1;
The SctloOl Ol$trlcrt of P,Jm B.~ Count,
Planning Department
3320 Forest HH1 Blvd. c.11l
WMt Palm Beach, FL 33-406-5811
Phone: (561) 434-8800 or (551) 963-387"
Fax; (~1l434-81a7 or (51~1)434-S81)
Attention: Cioncurrenc I
The School District of Palm Beach C:ounty
School Concunency Application & Service Provider Fonn
Instruetions: Submit 01\* copy of the compkttitd applical:ion and fee8, for ~h new rv$idential pro;8ct
requiring. determination of concurrency fat schools. A determination will be provided within fifteen (15)
working days of receipt of a complete application_ A detennination is, not tran$ferilble e;nd I, v:;Ilid for one }llar
from data of Issuance. Once the Development Order Is Issued, the concurrency detenninatlon shall be valid
for the life of th.e Oeve&oprnent Order.
Pleue t:heck (") type of application (one only):
[" 1 ConcuTT8ncy Oetermlnatlon ( ) Concurrency exemption [ ] Concurrency Equivalency
[ ] AcIequale School Facilities Determination I ] Letter of No Impact [ ] TIme ExtensK,n
Fees: Concurrency Oetenninlltion or Ad~quate School Facilities Determlnlltion ($200.00101 more than 20 unlts./20
units or ~ $100.00); I!quJvalonC'f ($126.00); EumptlC)n or letter tit NC)!mpact (525.00); Timel!xtension
Pluse"tbtch "copy of the silt/subdivision pan, ,,,st recorrl<<d WilJr.ilnty dHd met eanunt fonn
ProjllH:t Name: Serrano
Municipality: City 01 Boynton Beach
Ptoperty Con"'" Numb., (peN): 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020
loc;ation , Add,.... of Subject Propurty. Xi mile west of Conaress AVE,nue on north side of lake WOrtll
Dr.\Iinage Dlatricl: L-28 CaIlOlI,[amd immediately we&t of Crosspointel:lemen.Oi\ry (96-1) Schooll.
Proi6et Dl1ta T em nltB ,
Seetionffownshi Ran . 31/45/43 v SirCIeFamU~ .
Pro'ect Acreage t9.74 >;? Multi-Familv ( er than apa[lRfen
Total Number of Units 92 Anartments (3 stones Or less)
Will U'le Pl'Oject be Phased? (Y/N) N Hial1 Rise Apartments
Concurrency Service Area lesA) 19 A e Restricted (Adu"" Only)-
11 applicable. plCOlse attach a PhasinoPIar\ tnowir\g lI'I0l'\umbirar'ld type of ur\itll; to t8U1i~',;QrtificatC>of~parley ~r1}'.
A R.eslrictive Cover1anl is reQui~ for age.r~slricled COO1lT\/,jnities,
Owner"s Name: Beth Pesctl
Agent's Name: Pllul B8cli
Mailing AddteS$: 6260 Marcum Blvd.
Mamate FI_ 33063 _
Telephone Number. (954) 974-W04 fax Number: (954)917-9763
I heRlby certify the &talttmerm. Of 'nfannalkm made In any paper or plans !Iubmh:led hl!r!w1th "II true ~d correct to the be.~t of
my knowledge.
Owner or Own.r'_ Agent Sigr;;;[tuf8
Date Application Filed: February '19, 2003
R8view.d By. Dick Hudson
Did thljl Applicant PIIIY th. filing fee 10 yot.l?
/~b /1 ___.
~ment~entative Slgnatlne
Petition Number: LUAR 03-o02JANEX 03-001
TiUe: Senior Planner
Dat7 Received:
I ver'ify thai the Pn;ljec:t oomplies with the adopted level of SeMce (:"OS) for Schools
[t'2.S"""C...Nu",~, 63033\ 01 C
(!fno.d1e.ppt~muslpaylhaSchoolDistrict. The
I verify that the project Nill comply with 1he adopted Level of SE'fYice (LOS) for Schools subject tc the
atlad'led conditions
I cannot verify that the pl"Oject
ive Date
. .,~,"~'
Hudson, Dick (Orran)
Livergood, Jeffrey
Tuesday, April 01,2003 1 :18 PM
Hudson, Dick (Orran)
I took a look at the above referenced street. I do not believe that there are any improvements necessary to Palmland. The
width is sufficient. The street will need maintenance in a few years but this will not be related to new development. Your
biggest hurdle will be complaints about new development, even though there is very little added traffic.
Jeffrey R Livergood, P. E.
Director of Public Works
City of Boynton Beach, FL
The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
March 3, 2003
Mr. Paul Bach
6260 Margate Boulevard
Margate, Florida 33063
Re: Serrano at Boynton Beach
LUAR 03-002
Dear Sir:
Staff has reviewed the documents submitted to date for the above referenced project
and has found a deficiency specific to the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning process
which must be addressed prior to moving your project ahead.
Chapter 2.5 - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, Sec. 10. Procedures for zoning
of land to PUD, A. 3. specifically requires the submittal of a site development (master)
plan simultaneous with the application-for land use amendment and rezoning. The City
often accepts fully developed site plans in place of master plans, when the developer
wishes to save the time a separate site plan approval would require when initiated
following approval of the rezoning.
The requirements of a master plan are found in Chapter 3 - Master Plan Review,
Development Regulations.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 742-6264.
Dick Hudson, AICP
Senior Planner
J:\SHROATA \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PRQJECTS\Serrano@ BB\lUAR\Deficiency .dot
Planning and Zoning Division
. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
October 22, 2002
Mr. AI DeMarco
Arvida Realty
901 N. Congress Ave., Suite B-1 02
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Re: PCN 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020
9,36 acre parcel
Located west of Congress Ave. and north or the L-28 LWDD canal.
Dear AI:
On September 19, 2002, staff held a pre-application meeting with Mr. Paul Bach, Paul
Haas and Stephen Giaratano to discuss annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning and site planning for the above referenced property.
Since the property contains fewer than 10 acres and is not requesting a residential
density of 10 or more units per acre, it qualifies as a small-scale amendment, The
proposed site plan would allow for 92 fee-simple townhouse units. The developers
proposed that the end units of each structure would be one-story, with two-story inside
units, and seem anxious to provide a range of amenities above the minimums required
by the Planned Unit Development regulations in terms of parking, recreation facilities
and common areas.
The surrounding development. both to the east (elementary school) and to the south
(high density residential) are to be considered, as well as the low density single-family
development to the north. Staff expressed the opinion that the scale of the proposed
development would meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, even though the
density is above that recommended by the plan.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (561) 742-6264.
Yours truly,
Dick Hudson, AICP
Senior Planner
J:\SHRDA T A \Plonning\HUDSON\
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Phone: (561) 742.6260 . Fax (561) 742.6259 .
Hudson. Dick (Orran)
Susan L Taylor []
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 1 :02 PM
Hudson, Dick (Orran)
DR Horton - Annexation/Comp Plan Amendment
Could you possibly email or fax me the following:
1. A list indicating the names of the Planning and Development Board
2. The staff report for the above matter and agenda for Tuesday's
3. Objections letters in your file regarding the above
Please feel free to contact me (see below) if you have any questions. Thank
you for your assistance.
Susan Taylor
Phone: 561-471-3521
Fax: 561-686-5442
F. Martin Perry & Associates P.A.
1645 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, Suite 1200
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
The information contained in this transmission is attorney privileged and
confidential. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,
you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of
this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this
communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone (collect)
and return the original message to us at the above address via the U.s.
Postal Service. We will reimburse you for postage and/or telephone
expenses. Thank you.
City of Bt.ynton Beach
Department of Development
Planning & Zoning Division
LCl!:l # / It'
CA_CK_CR_Receipt #
Request submitted by:
Company Name:
iI., "Vi
J( ';7 t )cr,
Phone No: -< 7 2~ jc' (c.
Zip Code
Information Requested (Please be specific in the information you are requesting):
~,<, :... ~-r'-~-' /-0
.~~(~?t ,r, _~,J' -<..J:""
1. If your request requires staff help for viewing of microfilm, laser fiche and/or plans/ files, staff is
available between 8 and 11AM.
2. You may inspect the requested records without charge unless the nature or volume requested
requires more than fifteen (15) minutes of clerical or supervisory assistance, in which case you will
be assessed the salary of the personnel involved multiplied by the number of hours used to
complete your request.
3. Plain paper copies shall be furnished upon payment of 151t for one~sided copies and 201t for two~
sided copies, including an additional 6% for tax.
4. Copies of microfiche shall be furnished upon payment of 251t per page (copy on one side of the
paper only), including an additional 6% for tax.
5. Certification of documentation shall be charged at $1 per document.
6. Copies of plans over 12" x 18" are $5 per page, including an additional 6% for tax.
7. Color copies and GIS Map reproduction rates will be furnished upon request.
8. Request forms may be faxed to 561-742-6259.
'--I r Ie t 03
Date 0 Request
Completed by (Department Employee)
Date Completed
Person Contacted
Date Called for Pick~Up
Documents Received by
Date Customer Picked~Up
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, PO Box 310, Boynton Beach FL 33425~0310 Phone: (561) 742~6350 Fax: (561) 742~6357
S:\DevelopmentIForms& TemplateslPubfic Information Request (08-01, Rev 10-02, 11-02)
04/06/2003 18:57
PA3E 0l
"...\:lr.. .:JJ..
04(04/03 FBI 14:37 FAX 15617~..Q24
.4/~~'~~.d ~L:~~ Ob~~~~~D~~
TO: Clearinghouse
Intillting Local Government . . II. I
FROM: V iii QjL of eO ~ Cm!Jf..IC f17 /
DATE: 1/1/0.3
R.E!: Ilef'ereuce~; ~y -40{A"r...e(;03~tlOI) L-lAAI't 03-00';"')
- - --_....-
116 partic:ipll11t in the Comp~iYe Plll.ll Jl,ntendment
Coordillllted Review PWCBllS hereby ~les n notice of intent tl) object tel the plllllOll..d
~ h~n-\6YI ~mprcl1cmRiYe plan amendment #. l?:> ~ -' 4 0
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Planning and Zoning Division
. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
March 18, 2003
Ms Anna Yeskey
9835-16 Lake Worth Road, Suite 223
Lake Worth, Florida 33467
Re: Serrano at Boynton Beach
File No. LUAR 03-002
Location: 1,300 feet west of Congress Avenue on the north side of the Lake Worth
Drainage District Lateral (L-28) Canal.
Dear Anna:
Attached is the completed Executive Summary for the above-reference Comprehensive
Plan Amendment.
If further information is needed, please contact me at (561) 742-6264.
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Phone: (561) 742.6260 . Fax (561) 742-6259 .
Palm Beach County, Briny Breezes, Delray Beach, Village of Golf, Gulf Stream,
SFWMD, Palm Beach County School Board, Lake Worth Drainage District
Anna Yeskey, Clearinghouse
March 22, 2003
As a participant local government, this memorandum serves as notice of the following
comprehensive plan amendment(s):
Initiating Local Government: Boynton Beach
Reference #: BOY-40 (ANNEX 03-001/ LUAR 03-002)
Date of local planning agency hearing for the proposed amendment: April 22, 2003
Date of public hearing at which the proposed amendment will be transmitted:May 6. 2003
Nature of plan amendments as you have indicated is desired for review:
adjacent cities
Palm Beach County
amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks
amendments relating to affordable housing
Amendments related to the following elements:
X land use
traffic circulation
mass transit
ports and aviation
infrastructure sub-elements
coastal management
recreation and open space
intergovernmental coordination
capital improvements
X other annexation
Instructions: Should you have any objections to these proposed amendments, please respond at
least 15 days prior to the transmittal hearing as scheduled.
0 -
DATE: March 18. 2003
Reference #: ANEX 03-001. LUAR 03-002 I
, General Information I
Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach
Contact Person: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
I Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard. Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Telephone/Fax: (561) 742-6264/(561) 742-6259 fax
Applicant! Agent Beth PeschI/Paul Bach
Telephone/Fax: (954) 974-8004/(954) 917-9763 fax
Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments
General Summary of Amendments:
- amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks i
- amendments relating to affordable housing
Amendments related to the following elements:
- land use
- traffic circulation
- mass transit
_ ports and aviation I
_ housing
- infrastructure sub-elements
_ coastal management
- conservation
_ recreation and open space
_ intergovernmental coordination
_ capital improvements
- other
Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan:
Pant; 1 of')
Page :2 0 f 2
"est of Congress A "enue on the north side of the
tion): MR-5 (Palm Beach County) 3-5 du/ac
): Medium Density Resldentlal (MeDR)
ach County)
d Unit Development (9.68 du/ac)
nmlercial Square Footage; Industrial Square
Hearing i
B]"d., Boynton Beach, FL
Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL
Summary of proposed change (5) to adopted comprehensive plan.
Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map
Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map): 1.300 feet \
Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral (L-28) Canal.
Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres): :1:9.742 acres
Present Fumre Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intenslty defini
Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity detlnition
9.68 du/ac
Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity detlnition): AR (Palm Be
Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) PUD Planne
Present Development of Site: Vacant
Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Co
Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): 92 townhouse umts
Is proposed change a De"elopment of Regional Impact? N/A
Comprehensive Plan Change Processing
Date/Time/Location Scheduled for Planning and Development Board Public
April 22, 2003/6:30 p.m./City Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach
Daterrime/Location Scheduled for LP AlGoveming Body Public Hearing
May 6, 200317:00 p.m../City Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach
Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA
June 5.2003
Location Map
Serrano at Boynton Beach
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Department of Engineering
and Public Works
PO_ Box 2122q
West Palm Beach. FL 33416" 1229
(56 I) bR4-40QO
Palm Beach County
Board of County
Warren H Newell. Chairman
Carol A Roberts. Vice ChaIr
Karen T Marcus
Mary McCarty
Burt Aaronson
Tony MasHaW
Addie L. Greene
County Administrator
Robert Weisman
-An Equal Opportumty
Affirmative Aenon Employer"
@ printed on recycled paper
March 7, 2003
Mr. Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
Department of Development
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310
RE: Serrano @ Boynton Beach - Bach Property
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the project
entitled; Serrano @ Boynton Beach - Bach Property, pursuant to the Traffic
Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development
Code, The project is summarized as follows:
Existing Uses:
Proposed Use:
New Daily Trips:
Build-out Year:
Hunters Golf club, Summit Lane, West of Congress Ave,
Boynton Beach
98 MF Residential Units
Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the
Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County.
If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030.
/y/ . r) '1::::T~
Masoud Atefi. MSCE
Sr. Engineer - Traffic Divisio
cc: Pinder Troutm . Co Iting Inc,
File: General- TPS - Mun ~ Tratic Study Review
The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton B€ach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
February 24, 2003
Mr. Khurshid Mohyuddin
Senior Planner
100 Australian Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33416
Re: Transportation Analysis:
Serrano @ Boynton Beach-Bach Property
LUAR 03-002
Dear Mr. Mohyuddin:
The enclosed transportation analysis, prepared by Pinder, Troutman Consulting, Inc.
was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced Land Use
Amendment. Following your review of the enclosed information please provide me with
your written response.
If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6264.
Dick Hudson, AICP
Senior Planner
S \PlannrngISHAREDlWPlPROJECTS\SemlI1Oi.gI BB\LUAR\Moyhuddm ltrOOt
o (J
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Planning and Zoning Division
. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
February 20, 2003
Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer
Palm Beach County Traffic Division
Department of Engineering and Public Works
P.O. Box 21229
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416
Re: Traffic Study: Serrano @ Boynton Beach (Bach Property)
LUAR 03-002
Dear Mr. Atefi:
The enclosed traffic generation statement, prepared by Pinder, Troutman Consulting, Inc.
was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please
review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance
Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and me with your
written response.
If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260.
d~~ dtav' r
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
C:\Oocuments and Seltingslcoales\My DocumenlslTraffic letter to Palm Beadl County,dOC
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425~310
Phone: (561) 742~350 .