REVIEW COMMENTS ./ PLANNING ANU ZONING u~PARTMbNT M~MURANUUM NU. 93-132 t']{UI1 : chairman and Members planning and uevelopmen~ Board ~~'.~ ::;enior Plannel' 'I'Ll: UAT~: June L., 1993 ::';U1:)JEC'l' : LOOS property Amendment/Hezoning, Requests for Annexation, and Text Amendment Land Use 11~'j'KUUUL"j'IUN Kieran J. Kilday, agent for John T. Loos, is proposing to annex Into Boynton Beach a vacan~, 18.69-acre parcel located on ~he west side of congress Avenue, approximately one-half mile south of Golf Road (see location map in Attachment "A"). The current land use and zoniny on this parcel is MR-5 (Medium Residential) and AR (Agricultural Residential), respectively. lncluded with the annexation application is a request to amend the ~uture Land Use Ha[.J of ~he L'olT,prehensive plan in order to change the designat:i,)n on the proper~y to Moderate uensity Residential, and rezone it from the COllii~y;S zoning designation tu ~he City's K-l, ::;ingle-r'an1l1y Kesiden~ial district. This request would increase the maximum, gross density allowed on the subj ect propel'ty from 4.84 c1well ing uni ~s per aCl'e (5 units per acre in l'alm Beach coun~y) to 7.26 units per acre. ')'his pruposed ci,any.:, iu Idnd use represents a maximum InlTease from 93 dwell Ing unIts to 130 dwelling units that could be developed on this site. Lastly, a comprehensive plan text amendment must accompany thIs amendmen~ ~o ~he ~u~ure Land Use Map in order to delete language \vIt'hin the tuture Land use ::;upport LJocument, ::;ection 8. problems and UlJPl)l'tulll,ties, which limits this pl'opel'ty to the LOW uensity Residential land use classificatIon. ~~is portIon of the ::;upport Uocument was adop~ed as part of the comprehensive plan by reference alld, n\llst rllerefore b~ amellded. 'l'he recommendation for Planning Area 8. d currently reads as follow~; : unincorporated Parcels ::;ou~h of ::;ilverlake Bstates These parcels should be annexed and placed in the Low LJensity Kesiden~ial land use category. Development of chese properties should generally be limited to single- family detached dwellings, so as to be compatible with the one-story condominiums which lie to the south and the single-famIly subdivision lying to the north. '1'0 allow for recommendation follows: the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, the for Planning Area G.d would be amended to read as Unincorporated Parcels ::;outh of Silverlake Estates planninq Area 8.d consists of three (3) unincorporated parcels located to the west and south of ::;ilverlake estates. The larggr of the three. which is adlacent to L,:>nqress Avenue, should be annexed and placed In the ~loderate uensity I{esi,ientjal, lillld use cateqorY." 'j'he <;,'he"e remaininq parcels should also be annexed, aHa but placed in the LOW uensity Kesident:ial land use category. lJevelopmen~ of these properties should generally be limited to single-family de~ached dwellings, so as to be c(on,p~~ible \vi~h ~he one-s~ory c<Jlldominiums which lie to LLe ::;cuth and the sjIlgle-famijy subdj.v.ision lying tu thE' ;-J': l.-LL. l'lt:1ll0 l'JO. 93-13.~ -2- June ~, 1993 The fol1owillg analy-si'3 is provided pursuane to the city's code of urdinances (Appendix A, ~ection 9), and ~lorida Law with respect co ehe transmittal and review of large-scale lalld use plan amendments. '['his analysis will focus primarily on consistency with the city's comprehenslve Plan objectives and policies, compaeibility of the proposed amendmene with the adjacent properties, and the demand for an increase in maximum density. CUKKENT LAND U~E ANU ~UNING The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is presented in the table that fOllowings: j) II P('IIOII .Jlll']sd](,t lun !,on-illp Land Use \ill] (II Boynton Ih~;1C IJ l'liD I';sfatcs ot S.l'IVP1'lalu~ lSlllgJe-tallll.ly hOllies) NOlllH~asll l~dS [ BO)'IIt:(ltl 13each l~-.-) G(l 11 VI eh' lia l'I)t)Ul (IOh'IIi!UllSl."'-' " ~){!1l{ IIV:IS( l~()Yllt()1l IIP;ldl N-J VdGlllL ~HHllll 1!()YlILoll Bt'iH II NiA l.-~Ij (;<:11121] 1':trLllt:t' slluth Boyntun Bf~;lcll (;-j ~Iall()r Can"" tNulS.lng IIOlueiACI.I') 1";'11'1 bet. Sout hwe:-;l Buyntllll Be<-lcll IWI{ Chanleclai)' V lJi ;is ( cOlldolll in J lHIIS) WI's! 1'.:tiJJl Be;)('!l Cutlllty AH V::tcauL ANALY::il::i I'UK::iUAN'j' 'j'U ::iEl:. 9.C.7 Ot' APPENUIX A. CUU!:; UJ" ORUINANC!:;::i 1~is section of the Code of urdinances requires the evaluation of plan amendment/rezonillg requests against criteria related to the impacts which would result from the appl'oval of such requests. 'j'hese critel'ia and an evaluation of the impacts which could result from development of ehe property are as follows: 7.a. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive Plan policies.. .n. Although the Future Land use plan is proposed to be amended, the request is arguably consistellt with all Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies (see belowi. AS pare of the request, Planning Area 8. d of ::iection 8. Land Use Problems and upportunities, must also be amended to allow the proposed land use deSignation. Justifications for this proposed amendment, as prOVided by the applicant, include the necessity of a transitional zone between the commercial and high-density land uses to the south, and the lOW-density land use (::;ilverlake Estates i to the north. Furthermore, the applicant indicated that the R-l zoning would increase the economic feaSibility of developing the site, as relatively high development costs are anticipated based on the size of the property and the presence of muck. 7.b. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privileye to an individual properry owner as contrasted with the protection of the public weliClre.; and 7.12. "Whether the proposed rezoning woul~ be compatible Wltn the Clll"L"ent and futurE'. llse of dclj acent and nearby propel:t tes I C1]~ wOllJ.rl c\ftect the property vallles ()f adjacent propertJ_es. 11emo No. 9:~-1:32 --3- June 2, 1993 As indicated by the list of various, adjacent land uses, there does not appear to be an es tabU,shed Llnd use pat tern iu this v ic iui ty. In addition to the co~nercial use and nearby industrial property, the subject property is bordered by three (3) different residential land useE: \d th maximum densities ranging between <l. 84 dwelling units per acre and 10.8 units per acre. Therefore, there exists no land use pattern nor district to determinD the one (1) appropriate laud use designation for the subject propel-ty. The subject property likely received its Low Density Residential land use designation in ol-der to ensure compatibility with the adjacent, lOW-density development to the north; however, we must also consider the potential impacts of the industrial, commercial, and high density land uses upon the subject property if it is limited to Low Density Residential land use. A more appropriate land use designation would be one which is most compatible with all adjacent land uses, rather than with just one abutting property. 7. c. "Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable." There have been no changes in the conditions of this vicinity since the Low Density Residential land use designation was placed on this property by the Comprehensive Plan _ Al though this analysis contradicts the City's Comprehensive Plan, it is logical to assume that in certain locations more than one land use designation would be appropriate for a given piece of property. 7.d. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities." An analysis on the availability of public facilitIes is provided belOl'l. 7. f. "Whether the property is phYSically and economically developable under the eXisting zoning." As indicated above, the property owner claims that development costs \'Iill be relatively high given the presence of muck on the site. It is difficult to estimate the costs and benefits of developing this property based on land use and soil characteris tics; however, cons idering the size of the subj ect property and the underlying muck, the per unit costs will likely be higher than for a larger site such as the neighboring Single-family subdivision. Furthermore, there aloe no lOW-density, Single-family homes, \vith frontage on Congress Avenue, that do not contain adequate buffering. Such buffering on the subject property may be minimal due to the size of the property and since the property's access is limited to Congress Avenue (\'1hich will prevent total bUffering of Congress Avenue as done at the adjacent Single-family SUbdiVision) . 7.g. "Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole." It may be unnecessary to attempt to estimate the relationship of this proposed rezoning, which consists of 18 acres of land, to the neighbol-hood and en tire Ci ty; however, thel-e may be a sligh t relationship between findings related to future hOUSing supply and demand and item 7.g. The Future Land Use Support Docwnent indicates that all remaining undeveloped residential land vJiII be needed to meet the total demand for hOUSing at build-ant (see excerpt from Support Document in Attachment "E"). This aua] YE.iu may be overest.imating total development potE,ntial as it aSSllJil'C"S E,i thel higher net densi t.ies (than allowed by the Future Land Us,c Plan) on certain large pl-operties (greater than 75 acres), 0] conver~j.OJ1S t{~ hi011el" densities. Tllis analysis cllso aSSllll10S / ; '.~.T< Memo Ho. 93-13::: -1- Jnne 2, 1993 something as uncertain as the conversion of most mobile home parks to p"nnanent hous ing developmen ts . Therefore, based on findings within the support Document, the proposed increase in maximum density will likely contribute to the needed, futm-e ilOu3ing supply. 7.h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowE:d. There are approximately four (4) properties within the city where a development of this density would be allowed. Of those sites, three have been master planned and the fourth is the large, vacant tract of land located at lhe northeast corner of Congress AvenUE and Old Boynton ROdd. CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAII AND FLORIDl\ LA\-i The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, inCluding support documents, addresses annexation and land use plan amendments and specifically, the provision of housing choices and tLE conver:;ion to higher densities. coosistoncy with the Future Land Use plan The City's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map establishes land UE:e designations for unincorporated '~nclaves as Vlell a'3 for properties located immediately west of the City, East of Lawrence Road. Since the Plan designates the subject propel.ty as Low Density Residential, the request by the applicant 1S inconf;istenL with the City's Future Land Use Plan. Consistency with Compl-ehensive Plan Objectives and policies The fOllowing excel-pts from Comprehensive Plan objectives and pol icies, address the subj ect rccquestG and ar,? analyzed hel 0\'/: Obiective 1.16 - ".. .regnlate the use, density, and intensity of land use, by l-equiring that all iand developmelll (,n1ers be consiGtent with the Future Land Use Plan and oth,,>r applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan."; ObiElctive 1.17 "1-linimize nuisances, hazards, and other adverse impacts. . . to residential environments by pl-eventing or millililizlng land use conflicts."; and Policy 1.17.8 "Maintain and improve existing Single-family neighborhoods, conversions to higher densities.". the character of by preventing These policies have been pursuant to items 7.b, Ordinances. addressed above within 7.e, and 7.g, Section the 9.C, analysis Code of obiective 1.19 - ".. .allow a range of land uses for which the area, location, and intensity of these uses provide a full range of housing choices,.. .for both existing and projected populations.. ,"; Policy 1.19.5 ". . . allol"/ for a full range ()f h01\;;ing choices, by allowing densities Which can accommodate Lhe approximate number and type of dwellings for which the demand has been projected... ."; In projecting future housing supply within the Futuno Land Use SUPPC1l-t Docllment, j t -\'Ias Ct~:sumed that all vacallt properties (less thdn 7:, dcres) would be d,~velopt,d either sin'lle family detoched, siilg]~ falol.ly attacJled, or some cllmlJinatioll thereof (s~e eXl"Etpt t-rolll FuLlJre ";.Jarlcl Use SUPP'Jrt DOCllhll.=-nt in P..ttcF'l1mel1t lIe'l l. S iill"'",=, , - Ner.1o No. 93-132 -5- June 2, 1993 the proposed amendment would not restrict the property from being developed according to Document, the requirements be implemented. this assumption made in the Support of Objective 1.19 and Policy 1.19.5 will The foilowing objectives, policies, and issues addressed below are either typically referenced by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), or required by them to be analyzed in our review of proposed amendments: Obiective 1.2. "Coordinate future land uses with soil conditions so that urban land uses are prohibited in locations where it is not economical to remove or treat unsuitable soils. . . "; and Policy 1.2.1 -" .prohibit development of urban land uses where the removal or treatment of unsuitable soils would be uneconomical, provide that unstable soils shall be removed in all construction and land development sites where soils would affect the performance of infrastructure, drainage.. .". The subject site contains both Terra Ceia and Okeelanta Mucks, both of which will likely be removed to make the subject property developable. Regardless of the land use designation on t.his property, the muck would likely be removed to make the site developable. Obiective 4.4 - "The City shall,.. .protect all of substantial native upland and wetland eliminate undesirable exotic tree species."; remaining aL-eas vegetat.ion and Policy 4.4.1 - ".. .the City shall require...a detailed flora and fauna survey on any "B or C" rated site...; and Policy 1.11.14 - ".. .provide for open space preservation by L-equiring the preservation of 25% of all "A", "B", and "CO rated sites.. .". A portion of the subject site is located within Natural Ecosystem Site #16 (see Attachment "D"). Ecosystem site #16 is described as disturbed Pine Flatwoods with exotic weeds. Pursuant to Policy 4.4.1, an environmental assessment was completed and, did not indicate the current existence of any species that are endangered, threatened, or of special conceL-n. In addition, flom tile assessment and a field visit, the City'S Forester/Environmentalist conf inned that the site is not enVironmentally sens i ti ve (see Attachment "E"). Although the assessment did identify several tree species that would be preserved according to the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance, such enforcement would take place during the deSign and construction stages of this project. Obiective 1.11 - ". . . future land uses shall include provisions for the protection of.. . archaeological resources and historic buildings.. .". The City's Comprehensive Plan requires that historical resources and archaeOlogical sites be preserved and protected. However, the subject property is undeveloped and, there are no archaeological amenities known to exist on this site. Annexation The subject property is located within an unincorporated enclave within the City's reserve annexation/utility service area. This request for annexation is not only consistent with Florida Lavl, but is also consistent with tile City's Clllnexdtioll plan established pursuant to Policy 8.10.4. ~ .v.,.' Hemo 140. 93-i32 -6- Jllne .2 / 1993 Availabilitv of Public Facilities Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 9J-ii requires that the availability of pUD~lC facilities be analyzed, and tllat tile maximum potential demand upon public facilities be determined. The following facilities were analyzed 1n order to ensure that capacity is available: Roads: The Palm Beach County Engineering uepartment the applicant; s traffic study and verified that exists on Congress Avenue to accommodate this amendment. reviewed capacity proposed Water!~ewer: Water and wastewater demands were estimated to equal 56, OuO gallons per day and ~:', uuu gallons per day, respectively. ~ufficient capacity exists to serve this property, as there is over one (i) million gallons per day capacity in the water treatment system, and nearly 3.5 million gallons per day capacity in the wastewater treatment system. ti01lCl waste: The tiolid waste Authority projected that the land use amendment I.wuld increase the potential for solid waste generation by 74.8 tons per year and would therefore have a detrimental affect on the solid waste system. .they concluded their review of this proposed amendment by indicatinq that if tlle annexation Here conditioned so tilat it, would not result in an increase to the solid waste stream, the Authority would not object to the request. urainage: The Lake worth Drainage District indicated that this property is within their service area and, they will accept storm water, subject to consi"stency with District policy, into the canal L-28. HeCl"eation: 'rhe analysis of the impact upon parks and recreation facilities determined that these services are currently available and, that the proposed amendment would not lower the levels of service below the adopted standards. consistency with the Future Land Use Support Document: The folloH1ng excerpt from the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use ~upport Document only indicates that the request for Moderate uensity Hesident1al, which allows a maximum density of 7.26 dwelling units per acre, is similar to the current, average density of new developments or approved master plans within the city [it should be noted that this average may have changed since the plan was adopted in 1ge9). Future Land Use ;jUpport Document. paGe 25 - HAverage gross density of new residential development is 7.3 dwelling units per acre, versus approximately 4.4 units per gross acre in 1987.11; RECUMMENDA'I'ION The planning and Zoning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates be approved, based on the follOWing: 1. 'I'he subject property is contiguous to the corporate limits and is located within the city's Reserve Annexation Area; 2. 'l'he proposed amendment would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan objec1:ives and policies; 3. 'l'he proposed amendment would not be contrary to an established J.,1l1d use pattern, nor would it create an isolated c1istl"ict unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, nor would it .(. 1 l"M Memo No. 93-132 -7- June 2, 1993 constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner; 4. The requested land use and zoniug would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities; 5. The proposed land use and zoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties and, would not affect the property values of adjacent or nearby propel-tie.s ; 6. The applicant has indicated that the property would be more physically and economically developable under the proposed land use and zoning; and 7. The proposed land use and zoning is of a scale which is reasouably related to the ueeds of the ueighborhood and the City as a whole. Attachments "',I.n05RIIP MINIMUM LOT SIZES BASED ON DENSITY Zonin Code 12,500 s .ft. 9,000 s .ft. 8,000 s .ft. 7,500 s .ft. 7,000 s .ft. 4,500 s .ft. 4,000 s .ft. 3.48 du/ac. R1-AAA 4.84 du/ac. R1-AAB 5.4 du/ac. R1-AA 5.8 du/ac. R1-A 7.26 du/ac. R-1 9.68 du/ac. R-2 10.8 du/ac. R-3 LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ZONING DISTRICTS Low Density Residential R-l-AAA(<3.48 du/ac) (<4.84 du/ac) R-I-AABi<4.84 du/ac) Moderate Density Residential R-l-AA(<5.4 du/ac) (>7.26 du/ac) R-I-A(<5.8 du/ac) R-!(<7.26 du/ac) Medium Density Residential R-2(<9.68 du/ac) (<9.68 du/ac) High Density Residential R-3(<DIO.8 du/ac) (<10.8 du/ac) Special High Density Residential R-3 (<20 du/ac) Office Commercial C-I PCD Local Retail Commercial C-2 C-3 Mixed Use CBD C-2 C-3 R-3(>40 du/ac) General Commercial C-4 PCD Industrial M-I PID Aericulture AG Recreational REC Public & Private GovernmentaV PU Institutional C-l SERRANO PUD TOWNHOUSE DESIGN STANDARDS Ownership (fee simple or condominium) Minimum square feet under air Parking (2 spaces per home, off street) 1000 One car garage minimum Maximum building height Minimum lot size Minimum lot width at front setback Minimum lot width at edge road Setbacks I to tract perimeter structures to property line Setbacks I to primary structure (35' height) Front (to garage) Front (to other than garage) Side (interior) Side (corner) Side (common wall, if applicable) Rear to buffer or water mgml. tract 35' (2 stories) 1600 sq. ft. 16' 12' 20.0' 20.0' to edge roadldriye 20.0' to edge road 7.5' (15' separation)- 20.0' to edge road o 10.0' (25' separation) - Maximum number of liYin9 units in a building is limited to 6. unless clustered around a common parking or landscape court. Homes may be detached, or attached wit h connection by a masonry architectural element or a common wall. When attached, interior side setbacks do not apply. NOTE: Lot may be size of home footprint and remaining yard areas are held in common, in which case setbacks, lot sizes and widths are not applicable. NOTE: Concrete pads for AlC, garbage cans, porches, etc. may occur in setbacks ...~ De~~~ .~. -11LAW)~ MA~\lA(Ntl I 4411t:.1f il~" .wr _ . ...~. 'POf ~ ~ ((# l#gJS. , IlD&>t 4>:' ~ ~~ .!Z'tO ~ ...P~tH~AIfEIl~ ~~.Ai~Jfr ~(1~. '1lff toT. . --- ::~(~~. ..~~ ., 4-'l ..~-ro> ~!ftL;17'i7J ~ '::;;;~c.s- ~l~ ~ ..,..s-~7.P~ ../C~-7Z>~ :~T Jon~ /~ X~UJ~ 'It;r~~ $,22PP ..~{JsrC /lI~~/ Iff,&,//"{ - r;(l5IIf~ ~~ , _\ "-' . _0 -\l< t1ce!:, (Vi n /{// C' t//'(~r- <-f Cr,/jJ 05;<S cf' Feese L-~h"S;-(Y +- {\'"-'] H r;:..vN-"> C~. 7/",-->1. ,-<"(."",, "^",,~D,-=hv-.- f-- [01-0 D~'<\S. <-t-( "(o:t:"{"z'('C\'\..<.:....-.=-<s,- " ;~ ... lYc;(<e1" 1'foY $ -rf..- 6-."\"'" ",J;; "<"-'"' ~-( ,~~~; "'~c-Ve-c-""n-{ () F " CtL~C.c-..s S c.....o....S"'-'- ~~_ ,^.t~ ~ -r' ;::'lcf.? 7 f;. -r. e./ --r:; ,c- (/c,v,"-,"- Fr:v, -p CC /I1ec--r;7 TABLE 2.1-1 RESIDENTIAL CATEGORIES & ALLOWED DENSITIES Dwelling Units Per Gross Acres Category Maximum Standard 1 Minimum Entitlement 2 Agricultural Production --- 0.10 DUlAC --- --- Special Agriculture --- 0.10 DUlAC --- --- Agricultural Reserve 1.0 DUlAC 0.20 DUlAC --- --- Rural Residential 20 0.05 DUlAC 0.05 DUlAC Not to exceed 1 du per 20 acres --- --- Rural Residential 10 0.10 DUlAC 0.05 DUlAC Not to exceed 1 du per 10 acres --- --- Rural Residential 5 0.20 DUlAC 0.05 DUlAC Not to exceed 1 du per 5 acres --- --- Rural Residential 2.5 0.40 DUlAC 0.05 DUlAC Not to exceed 1 du per 2.5 acres --- --- Low Residential 1 1.0 DUlAC 0.1 DUlAC Not to exceed 1 du per 1 acre --- --- Low Residential 2 2.0 DUlAC 1.5 DUlAC 0,1 DUlAC Up to 2 du per 1 acre --- Low Residential 3 3.0 DUlAC 2.0 DUlAC 0.1 DUlAC Up to 3 du per 1 acre --- Medium Residential 5 5.0 DUlAC 4.0 DUlAC 0.2 DUlAC Up to 5 du per 1 acre --- High Residential 8 8.0 DUlAC 6.0 DUlAC 5.0 DUlAC 0.4 DUlAC 5 to 8 du per 1 acre High Residential 12 * 12.0 DUlAC 8.0 DUlAC 5.0 DUlAC 0.4 DUlAC 5 to 12 du per 1 acre High Residential 18' 18,0 DUlAC 8.0 DUlAC 5,0 DUlAC 0.4 DUlAC 5 to 18 du per 1 acre 1. The Standard density is the highest density permitted in each future land use category, unless the parcel is developed as a Planned Development District or is granted an exemption pursuant to this Element. 2. The Entitlement density is as shown, or 1 unit per lot, whichever is greater. 3. High Residential 12 is the maximum density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan except for those areas that had a future land use designation of High Residential 18 prior to adoption of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan or for development that qualifies for a density bonus provided for in FLUE Policy 1.2-d. Palm Beach County Revised 12/5/01 Page 40 - LU 1989 Comprehensive Plan Ordinance 2001 -- 72 to 75. 77 .tJ. ,...; ...~ ' ~J j If''''~'<''''''~''f'---~->-.''' j i ~ 2. ,', ~ ",,:: '5f'~? ~",,' ~ ~7-F----~ ./ ~~~-..: : ~~t [~( ~ "~""".-" , i, // ......h-'t"-......J..._---... \ / ~ /'" -.-"'--_.____.<~--.--~..~.~7.,~~~.>-~/ ^'": /~ / / (~"$J 9''l / -::/ f@ {!} ", 1;, ""\ ~ ---.... ~,Rf., ....':f.:,.,r::i. .' ....J- ,'. .:~~~ ..... ::::~X~~'- ,;>i;:j / J !~ .j .~ k~~ I~: ~j-,~ / ; , ,i,lI% 0-' 1 , ,,-:1 ,;tt~ I iY ~~ _..----.~~:~,,-~~ j 1 .--:;1 ,A . ,<..- r :i6~' -",,~,<,. ~<< 17~ ~. ' ._..J;~_ ! ~ t~ -!@ \~ ~~-'~j ""t ,..-....;,.. I , I t'"' ,.-.~~ . 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