AGENDA DOCUMENTS , , ~..\".~..o...", . \\ 1Jj( .; .)z o ~u J..'- ~ 'V1"ON i}V CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetine: Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meetinl!Oates in to City Clerk's Office D August 5, 2003 July 14, 2003 (Noon.) D October 7, 2003 September 15, 2003 (Noon) D August 19,2003 August 4, 2003 (Noon) D October 21, 2003 October 6, 2003 (Nnon) ~ September 2, 2003 August 18, 2003 (Noon) D November 5, 2003 October 20, 2003 (Noon) D September 16, 2003 September 2, 2003 (Noon) D November 18, 2003 November 3, 2003 (Noon) D Administrative ~ Legal NATURE OF D Announcement D New Business AGENDA ITEM D City Manager's Report D Presentation D Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Code compliancelLegal Settlements D Unfmished Business RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the September 2, 2003 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinance - Second Reading, The City Commission approved this request under Legal, Ordinance - First Reading on August 19,2003, For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 03-168. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: Serrano at Boynton (ANNEX 03-001) Chip Bryan, Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc, Beth Peschl Approximately one-quarter mile west of Congress Avenue, north of the L-28 canal, South of Golf Road Request to annex a :':9,74-acre parcel for the purpose of pursuing development within City of Boynton Beach, DESCRlPTION: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Develo City Manager's Signature i--, ~ /2",( i '~ . Planning and Zoni irector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano Beach\Annex 03-00 1 \Agenda Item Request Serrano at Boynton -New-ANNEX 03-001 2nd reading 9-2- 03.dot S.\BULLET1N1FORMSIAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOIU,tDOC I ~,:;J=II\'1 i:~,:J::::;UGH: ~, '7= PF<JJCCII\J,~i'ic/:\iUI'viBE..:J,: ?,='~u'=.:;!: DEVElopr.E:Y, DED.4P.n.1E:'jT PL4,',NING &. ZOrHrJG DIVISION r-1EI'1ORANDUr.j :<0. PZ 03-l63 i~.~2JI~."7'2i- '.:~.-:-:::~S" '~!Clli-lil~; 21-;:: ::::-::",::::'::>:.-:-:::,: ::;::.::;~C ',1- '" - ..... ,-- ,,-,..,----. ;~-;Jo ~CVG' "~" ~,.7C"O" .. L_)!C< HI~csor/,1....Ji_,.... '::2.-:ic,,- ::!2:il~'~ -> \ "'.~?----- 1"liChee! \il/. ;:;,~;i,:F DirecCOi cr F!2'--;:~i;'~ 2::C ZJr1ii,'; Serrano Se2G~ ,~"ineX2:ic:i (A!\j,::X :J3-001 Land Use Am2:,cI:-:2nt/,o,ezo,'ling (~UAR 0 2,~C nr.,-' -uUJ) To 2nnex the 5'-.:':;Jec: qr,:.per:-,/; to rec!25sifl f-c'l~ 1'1,0,-5 !"lediuri, Densi~y R.es;,je:,~i2j (?2!:I~ Se2clI CJUc~ti:: t: I_C,': C 2~5::-/ ?,es!'~2:-;:::i21 :':CiC'I), ::i I'~ co rezone FiOril .~..::'-.~.;t:c:...:it:.Jrci Res;c'encfei to PU=I Pienne':.: L!jjit De'/elopmerlt :-'~::-=,--=-' ':","-':;,-' ,..:.,:':!::::: :~, ~/::',;e;~:: 1_'Jc2tion: ::::;;7.=1- :::x:s:::r,S; L2:lc Use: =x:s~ing LOllir,';_ :J;-ooosed L2i:c Use, P;-oposed Zoning: Pcoposec: Use: PROJECT DFSCRIPT10N ..-;:".:: -- Chic cr/2il.nL::i2.~ =;-:2.1 2;IC ,~,5Sc.C2C::5r I.-~c. 1/300 Fe:2t west or Consr2SS Avenue on the nc~n side 'Jr che ~2k2 VVorth Oraines:e OiSCi:CC Late::::! C2i121 23 (L-23) (see cX'~libit ",~f) peN == 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 ::::9.74 acres 1""1P'-5 (P:::!m ::2;:':,- '':==,1'';:-,:':'1 (3-5 C','leiiii;S: ''':~i'::.s ce:- 2':,-2 I-~' :.. - - - ~ AR-USt." Agr:c.J!tt":12i-,:;~esicenc:2j In Be2ch (ourle,/) I r-~ - r vi ..Ie,! 5-::,-/:C25 ,:':',1:::2 ':::;::,"", '..,;::: Low Dens[~/ ?es;:e:,c:'c! (~ 34 c'ur:c) PUD Planne>::: Un:c Del/2!oprTier;t 47 zero loc line singie famiiy homes , ~:;ge 2. = :: i':'--,:-'~~~ :_,__:.:...p, ~J-:)='5/t.,I,!t::< 0:3-'=01 '::2.---= ~c :::23C.i ,':":::;2C2::[ Uses: 'j,:r:"'" ,J :,i2 ,~cr::;-:::=.:;:, :.i,-:::-:: S:,-:::;!2 ~:::~Ii'/ ,iC~-::S ,I~ -." \ '::: - ~ ::: .' ;:;; . -..-.'- -,----- - -~ --~-- ,:es;;,-,::::2C :_:::': :2:15,::'; P,es;ce',C:2: ,'~C)?,) 2C 4.3.:7 c:~/:::c 2:.C zs.ne,j ?UD :~:2,-,-,::'': r-,';I:~ !=':::\,e!c)~:>~e.--[. ~'::;~21 ol...;:it C2;-SC'/ ,:f :.~::: PUD is 2.CJ4 C:'_,'"2:. Ie [,i:: i,~'0:i-N/e5::f r-.!~inu:;"".:JGI-2C2d p,-J::e;-;:,/ cel/e!opec: \'/1:,-, u-:e, :..'/0 S;::Ci/ sl:i;ie-f2r.lily residence cesigil2c2'': 1"1R-5 (i'J1e,j:u;-, '=:e:-,5ic/ ,:',2side:-il:21 2C 5 dl.!/2C) ceo ::r.erj h,::'-1~15.j, ,::',;;ricJlt:.J,-ai ~25:ce:F:j2i in [,~li~ IJ I-':'C I-, S21-'iices Are::. 5o~ch, Immedi2te!y SOI":~~ 2,-2 t::"":2 r:ghcs-of-"N2Y of the i_2ke \'./or::"I Drainage Dis~...ic:: ~-2S L2c~:ai Cailai arLG P21:i~lar.d Drive/ t~e:, eel/e!oDea res:'c2::::21 I:C-:anc2c:2ir Vi!las Cc'nc:(J'I,ir,i~:I15) :25:;:2:2':: .~~-c, ~ - - - - - - - -- ~::".),_: -::::.:;; _-:: _,e .::~ ~~._ __ :::_ zoned R-3 1"11.JI~i-f2mily Residenci2! (10.8 dU/2C). .~,C::";2: ::-':1:: censit.y of the c'-..:qiex unic c:e'/2!opr7'.e:1t is 7.42 d~/2C. :J :~-~ west or Ch2i':teC!2It Viilas is the ?2!:11!2r.d Viii as c'2\/e!op~e:.t ,;',rich 2 built de:~5;l/ :;f 3.57 cr...:/ac. ,=:::sc: Developed E:2:72:-,t2i-/ C=....JsspC[nle) Schooi desic,:ci.:ec P;-:GI (Public & Pii\,'2:2 ':::o\/e;-.-ilLle;tC2!/Iil5~;tulicn2j) ane zone': ,=lJ .:~Jl:': Use. ':'/25:: p~,:::=:-;:,/ \/:i-:'ii" ~>e \/:i!2~e c~ GofF C2S:;J~2~2d s:',~;:2 f2mily -,::.-i"';-~;..:;::I -,..,...; :~::;::-::::-;:: ,"':~,"""s:;-.:;'=""'''' r':rj:::r -;-'::l ,,-r'n:::"'-' I _;),t...;c:;, 11...1,-, C"l..; __'''.. _........ __" 1..., JI U..J '-~ ~...., Ill.... ;-'I....I,J_../ . ,. ., . , ,.' , . " . ~ .' ImmeCJI2t2!:/ 21:]2C~:IC C2 c,-;e Sl..!G]ec: S~Le conslSLS Oi Olle sir,g!e- f::miiy home C:-L :: l.::, 2(1-2 p21~C21 2nd 2: portion of 2 V2c2nt pcrce! of 4,5 2(:25. MASTER/SITE PLAN ANALYSIS Ail applications For 2. rezoning to 2: PUD P!2nr'lec Unit De'/e!oprl,ent mus\: be accor.1oenied ::"/ :: ~2s::2r/site pian. In this instance, 2 site pian ne5 ceerl submitted aile is being reviewed simultaneously with this application. The Dlan snoll'/s thirty-nine (39) of the homes 2rianged :Jacking up to the oeripherf of the proper:'(. .~ te,~ (10) FaN landscape buffer tract SU;;,Ju,~ds :;-,ese buildings, and a loop road provides acess, ;',1 additional eight (8) residences ara posiciolied insice the loop rcad on the '-:oi'th c/ ::~e pr'Jpe:L'{. A lake/ almos'l an 2C-2 in 5;:2/ cccupies che ,:2:1[2:- of Ci"'i2 properlY an::: c 5;-:-~2:: ::t-!cc :s Silo'"vn ct che SCL.;ti~V/2Sl C.Jr~.2:~ :F :.~2 1000 ioad. ~J[ SiZ2S 2r2 typic::!)y liS feet by 45 fee::. 31J:ici,~:~ Franc: Sice Rear to Suffer (.:Z23r Setback adjacent to Siiver[cke se:::2cks are 25 Folio',.\/s: 25 Feet to road/drive eds;e 10 Fe~t one side 1 rJ f;:::.;:::.;- (70 F=:.=-;- s;:::.n:::.r-:;':-i'cr;\ _ ...._,- _ '__... ......-''- c..:.... J L) 15 Fe~t [25 feet separation]) r o 3ge 3 ,=::-2 i'~'-..:rlb~':-: l_ij,.s,F O:>C!J:/~},jE:< 03-001 - ~ :::::-2no c:,;:::c.~, C2sicns s,~':''''il. ~'Ji ~:-,e r~SiC2;""C2S 2,-2':: C2:-:',:::::"I:: :~ :'.112':::2:-:-2,,22:- 2-::::~,i::2''::'_,-:: '.\/:~:-: .:;.:'_::: 'h'2!15. 5-tile reafs and cecor2ti'.;e ri"l,ciCirics 200iicues and coiurnns. Pro".ucsec ,'7',cde!s ,-21~S;::: I ~ I , ' ~,-J.l1 sinsie-s~'Jry/three-;JedrcGril L:lilC t,::; (: t/ic-s~ordfi\le beercon Urlic, \Nic:l ait c:r',cic:cr,2': :, ":'~9 2i225 lenging Fro iT, 2, :'10 SC;I~21-2 F22~ :: .=..;3 ~ sq_cre f::2::. T~e r.',cximul.l density 21101/'/ed by c:~:e Low Ce::si'c/ Resicenci2! land use Cl2S5iFic2cion .5 ~.c~ r~ I,/~C whic~ VJould oiovide the ceve!c0er 2 Gl2ximum of 47 units. 1~'12xir,H..:rTl r.e:c,lc ,1-: 2!1 ~- - r I' -' r2siden~ial zoning discricLS excepc R-3 l"lulti-F2rilii'l ,D,esidentcl is 30 re,::t. In 2dc'ition, ?UD ,-~gL.:lations .""2c;uire that pe.""i:'7'le~er buffers cr,d s2tjcd<s within ?UOs rnL!st r7""lirior tl~"':Ose ii~ .::sutting de'/elopment to ensure edequate sep2i2tion betvveen bui!dint;s. The propcsecj iCllcscape buffer of 10 feet combined with the proposec rear setback of 15 feet equeis ~:~e -esuired setbacks and buffer of the Siiveriake de'/elopment. Both the elementary school ,juiiding to the east, and the Chanteclair dev2!opmenc to the souch are r:lere then e':2~l!a:2!V :::2:2r::ted .::-,:'~ c'-..:il,:::ng sites ir': the J:'JCOS2'': ':2\/e!o:JrT.2:E. T;e sit:: does not provide direct 2ccess to a major roadvvay or tr2nsportation s'(s~em, ','/,-:iC.l IS G ,-eCjuirement for major planned unit developments (Land Development Reguietions, C:~lapc2; 2,5/ SEction 8, .0,), This requirement W2S pi2CEd in ChE COdE prim2riiy to 2cdress imo2cts of i2rgEr C2\/e!opments thet otherwise might introduce large aG10lJnts of traffic Oilto loca! neit;hbor~oo.j screets, and to properly distiibul2 traffic oileo the aojacenc roadway S'fsteril, S;,."ce the i~::2C:.s Ftor.! the proposec development are expec:ec CJ se liIinor 2S compai2,j to t~e 2'/2:-2ge PIJD, due to the rac'Ls that there 2r2 slightly less then 10 acres in the development and only 47 c\rvelling units, staff does not consider the req~!rement to have the import2nce lhat would usu2ily be given to it. PROJECT ANALYSIS T:lis property is less than 10 2cres in size, and therefore this proposed amendment to the comprehensi'/e pl2n is considEred 2 "siTI2!I-sc2ie" 2mendment 2nd is not subject to "compliance re'/iew" by the Florida Dep2rt:Tlenc of Coml7lunit'j Affairs (0(,'-\). This means that the PI-oposes amendrne:lt, if approved by the city, wi!! be adopted, then for'Narded to the OC6. for cheir records Clarge-scale" 2rilendments cannot be acopced until l-eviewed for consistency by the DCA), Stace annexation law allows the annexation of enclaves that are less than 10 acres withouc the consent of property owners; however, in this inSi:2nCE, the 2nnexation is at the reques;: of the properLY owner. Currently, objectives of the 2nnex2tion progr2m include annexing 2!1 enc!2'1eS less th2n 10 2ues in all are2S of the City th2t meEt acopted leve!-oF-services st2nd2rds, 2nd incrementally annexing enclave prope~jes wie;, [he intent to I-educe them below the ID-2c:-2 chreshold. ,ou..suant to Section 9.(.2(2) of the I_2nd Development Regulations, St2IT is ,lot required to review the petition against the eighe (3) c..iteria by INhich rezonings are to be reviewed as indicated in Section 9 .C. 7., as chis pecition is consistent wich the city's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use iv1ap cesigr'lation for properties to be 2nnexed I,'\/ichin this I/icinit'l, Instead, scaff analysis will relate to consistencl with other relevant porcior's of Ci."l:: Comprehensive Plan, the city's 2nnex2tion prcgr2iT1 2nd SErvice C2p2biiity, c2ge 4 i=:le ~j~mbe:: UJ,~? 03-GOS/.::...~,U:X 03-001 :::;;-:-2nc 622(:: -;-~2 :~c~es;:::.:d :2~d l.!se 2i;C zJr:;r;~ is ':JnSis:::2~;:: '/llt,1 :I~e (2CJC"T~~.2:-:C2l>:';:-'S 01 ::;2'::iGr, \,'=== I_=,-,C Use P:-oo:erT:s 2nd Oooortunit::::s; Founc in t,~.2 5L.:~CCr:: dcc-':liier,::.s f,::r che 1939 (it/ or 20vn[:>-; ::22Ch CGr71orehensI'Ie PI2::. 5ub-sec::cn ,3.':::. :F t~2C ccc.;me:lc 5:::2C25: ,,_' _ __ j_ '" I'~ ~- _ . -- --- -;---rf. .~ j I'-----p-s.c'----j' 1--,0 "S~ /02:;;2 pClce.:J SIICL/U ue: cnnexc:... C:.',~ ,..IICL:::~' ,n L,.e _C~'/ J::::,::;I~,'I ,:::; I c/:uc ,::=:1..... - '- c2tec;ony. Deve/onment of these arciJ2:-:fes should cEnera//v be lifTuted to s/nc/e-/2rl:/l/ _ f-" , r- --,; --' I de[2Ched dwe/linas/ so 2S [0 be C0ri7020Dle w/th the one-stor/ condomir.iurns whic7 //e ~ . [0 the sourh and the single-family sUDci'/lsion lying to the norrh. N II'~ connection with previous annexation studies, departrnents rIlost affected by 2nneX2cions (e.g. Police, Fire, 2nd Public \Norks), have been sur/eyed For issues related to s2:"vice capability and COSC5. All opinions previously collected from these departments suppor:ed t,'1e incremental 2~ne:<2tion of enclaves. These opinions have been based on the following: i) 1:'"',2 e.lciav2s ole ell iillii"'ledi2:el'j 2c:jace;'\c C:' 2:-225 ;'J,C.:il~ C>,2 -- - - - --- -- ~. .c:;. _~, L::: '..... f receive urban services; 2) Ample service cap2city exists co serle adjacent uninc:Jrporatec prooer:ies; ane 3) 1"10st enclaves currently receive service from the city via the mutua! aid agreement (Police and Fire/c:'1S only), The Palm Beach County Tramc Engineering Cep2r'-:;'T1ent has revie'Ned the cpplic2ilt/s tiafRc s::1Jc'y and verified that capacity exists on Congress AvenUE to accommodate this proposed a,-;:encment. In addition, the City's Director of Public Works has determined that no improvements to pa[ml2nd Drive will be necessita,ed by the impacts of proposed development, The Palm Beach County Planr,inq Division has also reviewed the application 2nd has determined l:i2C the development will not re;ult in a negative impact on the zrea roadway network in the :/22i 2020, Wi,,'1 ,espect to soiid waste, in a letter dated Decembe, 18, 2001 the Palm Beach County Solid 'Nas,e Authority has st2ted that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's c,unicipa!ities throughout the 10-year pl2nning period. The School DistriG of Palm Beach County r.2S ,eviewed the apeJlication and has determined th2t adequ2te cap2city exists to accommodate tla resident poou!ation. Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail 2S part or the review of the condition2l use application, and must satiSfy a[1 requirements of the city and IOC21 drainage permitting authorities. CONCLUSIONS I RECOMM ENDATIONS ,;:"5 indiceted herein, this request is consistenc with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; wiil "ot ceate additional impacts on inrrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comorehensive Plan; wi!1 be comp2tib[e with adjacenc l2nd uses and will contribute to ,he everall economic development of the City, Therefore, scaff recommends that the subjeo: ,ecuest be 2poroved, IF conditions of approval are recommended by the Planning and De'/e!opment Board or required by the City Commission, t,hey will be included as Exhibit "B", J:\Sr1,:<o"\,"\\Plaron'n~\SH"\RE~\WP\PROJ!;m\~rrano Seac."ILUAR O)-OQ5\5TAf~ .:<E?Oil., .'ifYI.':::OC Location Map ==,~-3;-'.: 3: ~~ -.- =: ::::::r"'.:-' r,:_, _ ___ " ~- ~~ >~' " :1 j'l -=:::::"~i _,.,'_ - I-i:!f:,'/ r__ '- II:, 111,111-;-7/:' ,'/:__, ',:j: l'lrl~!-:i _' , _,I -~ i! r '/o" :;~/( f~,I~I: 1"11"" ~:'~'!-!...;:;I;I'~" ',- - - :--' , 1 I I : " ' ''///'' I _l...--- 1;"III!/'i77,~, , ""--",'111111, I'~:~III;: '~ I,~--=C-'::::",'I', ," ' , , -- ---:: ' '---~-'-:-'-,-, '--- - '~;;/ -:::--"/ ---- '.~ -------\ ; '~ , ....._-, ~ - !~: ~ ~-> " ~ r;:-: ~ o ,~. ',./ '----., /~' \~~'. ,,""-- -'- >-~\~ P U E)'C? -:: 1:::( I~ 1',- _-.:1',- I. , ': '--, -',- '- , " ': ~~--,-- ~.:::::<;:<e.=.:~'-' --:::~--~ i i I . /..~':~ -- ',I' I,: ~'~~J C ,-----.. ...,---- ----z I 'II -, ''-''/:\' !_~., -------" --..........- / , rrifl."L ::IV =2.0- -- ~Sll ---::< c,~ PU -- 1--' ~-I I t 111 \' ---;1\ '"'' ,'--. --.;:\: II',:'~,~,' CIl-:.. ~ Q i! --: II i! ~ =~1 :J! ",.l:j;-' :1'= , i: C3 -I I !! ~;11 !!~ i; 'I'll' "~ii " ], II 1,\ , I ...-" r- :,---- r'li 111 I /;,! ji: , ii, iHiil1 I! II.--J ji! / ' PU ~ ,- ,~ \\ " 'I: l.,~A;:-' - ------ ~- ~ - ...-/..;:~(\ \ '--------=:: ~ -~~<):(::: />-=: --....,\ ~;'j~ ,,' / /1 1,~,--;1, /;;' ,/ P U f"i\I _:!o.cC ~/'\_---..;' --' , >~,\ ,'< '~;i:'~ --""1 -==== REC i , ~ '-- ~' /, / , <I) geO o 800 F~~t "-\>- ' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET AND CHECKLIST This completed cover sheet must accompany all agenda item requests, Please place check marks in the boxes as indicated. Initiating department must prepare Agenda Item Request Form, Submit original agenda request (with back up) and one CODY of aaenda reauest (with back UD) to the City Clerk's office, Items must be submitted by the deadlines indicated below. Incomplete or late items will be returned to originating department. Requested City Commission Meeting Dates DAu ust 5 2003 DAu ust 19, 2003 ~Se tember 2 2003 DSe tember 16 2003 DOctober 7, 2003 DOctober 21, 2003 DNovember 5, 2003 DNovember 18, 2003 Deadline for Submittal to City P & D/CRA Requests Deadline Clerk's Office Departments are responsible for securing the following si natures on attached A enda Re uest Form: De artment Head D Wilfred Hawkins for de artments under Administrative Services D Finance De artment for items that involve ex enditure of funds D All back u material is attached ~ All exhibits are attached & marked e, "Exhibit "A' ~ {'\ vJlZ-- Department Head's initials: Serrano at Boynton (Annex 03-001) Second Reading Please do not write in the shaded area below, Legal Department signature D City Manager's signature D ITEM RETURNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S): Signature(s) missing D Incomplete submittal D Missed deadline D Other D Reason: Person contacted to pick up rejected request by bg . 7/t9/02 S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Agenda Item Cover CHECKUST Aug S'Nav 18, 2003,dac on (Date) ~;~i..O;;" , I ", ' ~~\ r~)c,-~" -v"'-- ___'/,0'- (-ON v CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetinll Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meetimr Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 August S, 2003 July 14,2003 (Noon.) 0 October 7. 2003 September 15, 2003 (Noon) ~ August 19,2003 August 4,2003 (Noon) 0 October 21, 2003 October 6, 2003 (Noon) 0 September 2, 2003 August 18. 2003 (Noon) 0 November 5, 2003 October 20, 2003 (Noon) 0 September 16, 2003 September 2. 2003 (Noon) 0 November 18, 2003 November 3, 2003 (Noon) 0 Administrative ~ Legal NATURE OF 0 Announcement 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 City Manager's Report 0 Presentation 0 Consent Agenda 0 Public Hearing 0 Code compliance/Legal Settlements 0 UnfInished Business RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the August 19, 2003 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinance - First Reading, The City Commission approved this request under Public Hearing on August 5, 2003, For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No, PZ 03-168, EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: Serrano at Boynton (ANNEX 03-001) Chip Bryan, Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc, Beth Pesch! Approximately one-quarter mile west of Congress A venue, north of the L-28 canal, South of Golf Road Request to annex a :!:9, 74-acre parcel for the purpose of pursuing development within City of Boynton Beach, DESCRIPTION: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature PI~ ~ zlg~~ City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano Beach\Annex 03-001\Agenda Item Request Serrano at Boynton -New-ANNEX 03-001 1st reading 8-19- 03,dot S:IBULLETlN\FORMSIAGENDA illM REQUEST FORM,DOC i',-,I' FP,0i"1 : THROUGH: DATE: PROJECT I\iAME/NUI"1Bm: :J.EQUEST: DEVELOPf'1ENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 03-168 C12irrl12i1 2nd Iv1::m,jers PlannirLg anG De'/e:oprI12:.t 602re er:d l'~ayor a~d ~ii'KjiCOrT1miSSiO~ 'I : Dick HUdS02YCP Ser,tOI Planner -;Y\\.~ 1~'lichaei IvV, Rumpf ' Director or Plar,ning and Zoning J:..:i'/ 11, 20C3 Serrano Beach Annexation (ANEX 03-001) and Land Use AmerK:ment/Rezoning (LUAR 03-005) To ermex the subjec~ property; to reclessify r~om i"IR-5 Medium Density Residentiel (Palm Beech County) La Low Densilj Residential (Cicy), end to rezone riOm .4R-Agricultural Residentiel to PUD Planned Uni, Development Property Owner: 'D"lic-n"l^ ~e-"' ,,-\: f-" ::: L l n'::j i I ~. Location: Size: E:xist:ng L3nc Use: Existing ZDnir,g: Proposed Lend Use, Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Beth Peschl Chip Br/an;'JLiiian Brian aile Associates, Inc. 1,300 reet west or Congress Avenue on the north side or the LeKe Worth Drainage Dist~ict Lateral Canal 28 (L-28) (see Exhibit "A") PCN ;; 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 ::9,74 aCi2S !Y1R.5 (Palm Beach Couney) (3-5 dwelling ur~its per ac~e [duiec::' AR-USA, Agriculturel-Residential in the Urber, Ser/ices .",ree (PeL"1l Beech County) Low Densii'j Resideneiel (4,84 Gu/ae) PUD Planned Uni, Deve!opment 47 zero 10, line singie famiiy homes Page 2 ~;ie Numoer: LUAR 03-00S/PNEX 03.001 5e'i2:1o Beach p,e]acent Uses: .'Ior':h: Te the nort.'i2:::s~, ~hr2::: si,~gie famiiy hO;712S in Siiv2:!2ke ~St2t2S designated LDW Censit'l Residential (LOR) ac 4,84 du'/ac ane zoned PUD P!anned Unit Development. Actual buiit densit/ of the PUD is 2,04 du/ae. To the northwest, unincorporated prooert'l de'/eloped with one, two story single-family residence designated rvlR-5 (i'''1edium Density Residential at 5 du/ac) and zoned AR.USA, Agricultural P,esidential in the Urban Sen/ices Area, South: Immediately south ere the rights-of.way of the Lake Wor':h Drainage DistriG L-28 Lateral Canal and Palmland Drive, then developed residential (Chanteciair Vi!las Condominiums) a'Qs'rqn-"-rJ HOD (' ';g'n n-rSI'~! o~s'd'en"r-I -" "n - ,-i';-r', --,-i '- ~ Cl:::::~, "rl.'li......it:" l L,.....I .le Cl_",.u-":~.'C~_':::il~ zoned R-3 rvlulti-Fami!y Residentia! (10,8 du/ac). AGUel built eensity of the duplex unit development is 7.42 du/ae. To the west of Chantec'air Villas is the Palmland Villas development wich a built density of 8.57 du/ae. East: Developed Elementary (Crosspointe) School designated PPGI (Public & Private Govemmental/Institutionai) and zoned PU Public Use, \'-;':2:5:: Proc-ercv \//i~hin the Viilace cr Golf de.5;C~i2~ec s:r"',c!e family resi'den~jal 2nd built 2t a-'densiti of O.3-'du/ac. T;;e property immediately adjacent to the subject site consists of one single- family home on a 1.6 acre parcel and a portion of a vacant parcel of 4,5 aGes, MASTER/SITE PLAN ANALYSIS All applications for a, rezoning to a PUD Planned Unit Development must be accompanied by a master/site plan, In this instance, a site plan has been submitted and is being reviewed simultaneously with this application. The plan shows thirty-nine (39) of the homes arranged backing up to the periphery of the property, A ten (10) Foot landscape buffer tract surrounds these buildings, and a loop road provides access, An additional eight (8) residences ara positioned inside the loop road on the :lor':h of the property, A lake, almost an acre in size, occupies the center or the properly and 2 S1Tl2i: t8t-iot is shown at the south,<vest cO"':ier cF t.le loop road, Lot sizes are typically 115 feet by 45 Feet, Front: Side Rear to Buffer (Rear Setback adjacent to Si!ver!ake Building setbacks are as Fo!lows: 25 feet to road/drive edge 10 Feet one side 10 Feet (20 feet separation) 15 feet [25 feet separation]) Page 3 cile ~;umber: LU!lR. 03-005/!1NEX 03-001 Serrano 622(:1 Designs shown for t~e reside~ces an:: a cerivatjlj2 of Ivlecicericne2ii arcnicec:L.'re with S~:JC:C wa!ls, 5-tile roofs and decorative moldings, applioues and columns. Proposed models range from singie-story/three-bedroom unit to a two-starl/fil/e bedroom unit, with air candit:or,cd iiving areas ranging From 2,110 sc;uare feet to 2/931 sqIJ2re feet. The Claximum density a!lowed by the Low Density Residential land use classification is 4,84 dulac, which would provide the developer a maximum of 47 units, Maximum heigh[ in all residential zoning districts except R.3 Multi-family Residential is 30 feet. In addition, PUD regulations require that perimeter buffers and setbacks within PUDs must mirror those in abutting development to ensure adequate separation between buildings, Tne proposed landscape buffer of 10 feet combined with the proposed rear setback of 15 feet equals the required setbacks and buffer of the Silverlake development. Both the elementary school building to the east, and the Chanteclair development to the south are more than adequately seoarated from building sites in the proposed developmem, The site does not provide direct access to a major roadway or transportation system, which is a requirement for major planned unit developments (Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2.5, Section 8, A). This requirement was placed in the code primarily to address impacts of larger developments that otherwise might introduce large amounts of traffic onto local neighborhood streets, and to properly distribute traffic onto the adjacem roadway system. Since the impacts from the proposed develooment are expected to be minor as compared to the average PUD, due to the facts that there are s!ightly less than 10 acres in the development and only 47 dwelling units, staff does not consider the requirement to have the importance that would usually be given to it. PROJECT ANALYSIS This property is less than 10 acres in size, and therefore this proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan is considered a "small-scale" amendment and is not subject to "compliance review" by the Florida Department of Communi;:y Affairs (DCA). This means that the proposed amendment, if approved by the city, will be adopted, then forwarded to the DCA for their records ("large-scale" amendments cannot be adopted until reviewed for consistency by the DCA). State annexation law allows the annexation of enclaves that are less than 10 acres without the consent of property owners; however, in this instance, the annexation is at the request of the property owner. Currently, objectives of the annexation program include annexing all enclaves less than 10 acres in all areas of the City that meet adopted level-of-services standards, and incrementally annexing enclave properties wi[h the intent to reduce them below the 10-acre threshold, Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of the Land Development Regulations, staff is not required to review the petition against the eight (8) criteria by which rezonings are to be reviewed as indicated in Section 9,C.7., as this petition Is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use ~lap designation for properties to be annexed within this vicinity, Instead, staff analysis will relate to consistency with other relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan, the city's annexation program and service capability. Page 4 Fiie Number: LUAR 03-005/,~,NEX 03-001 Serrano Beach ine requested land use and zoning is consistent with the recommendations or Section VIII Lara Use Problems and Oooortunities; founa in the SLCppOrt docLCments for the 1989 Citv of Bovnton Beach Comorehensive Plan, Sub-section 8,d, of that document scates: "These parcels should be annexed cr;d placed in the Low Density Residential/2nd use category. Development of these properties should generally be limited to single-family detached dwellings, so as to be compatible with the one-story condominiums which lie to the south and the single-family subdivision lying to the north. N Ir, connection with previous annexation studies, departments most affected by annexations (e,g. Police, Fire, and Public Works), have been surveyed for issues related to service capability and costs. All opinions previously collected from these departments supported the incremental annexation of enclaves. These opinions have been based on the following: 1) Tn2 enclaves are all immediately 2djacen~ to 2re2S \vithin che c:t/ lite: Cr";i-I-en::y receive urban services; 2) Ample service capacity exists to serve adjacent unincorporated propercies; and 3) Most enclaves currently receive service from the city via the mutual aid agreement (Police and Fire/EMS only). The Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department has reviewed the applicant's traffic study and verified that capacity exists on Congress Avenue to accommodate this proposed amendment. In addition, the City's Director of Public Works has determined that no improvements to Palmland Drive will be necessitated by the impacts of proposed development. The Palm Beach County Planning Division has also reviewed the application and has determined tha[ the development will not resLClt in a negative impact on the 'orea roadway network in the year 2020. With respect to solid waste, in a letter dated December 18, 2001 the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the 10-year planning period, The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population, Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of the conditional use application, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities, CO NCLUSIONS I RECOM M ENDA nONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; 'ilill not create additional impacts on infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. If conditions or approval are recommended by the Planning and Deve!opment Board or required by the City Commission, they will be included as Exhibit "B", ;:\SHROATA\PlanrMQ\SHil.RED\WP\PROJECT'S\Serral'1o geach\l.UAR OJ-OOS\STAFr REPORT .'If;W.coc Location Map , n Beach Ser~2r,8 2: Boyni:c " ~- --- , . ~ ...-J-',I i ~,----: ____ ___ '~';~'--" ------ -,,- "----'~'/ ::;:::'--'/ ---- '.------ '. ~\ " " , "II i,j =::::':1 ': LI :7"::, ':::__ i I ~ I I 1,1,1 117!// ,Il___ ':1: "il'I-+:/ __./ " , -~ ,/" ,~" 1'/,', i,,:,:,1 ':~ i I 1.11.l11111( /:--_'" I' ; 'I I '" ~~"/--':"i"':""^il"'~ lillll;rrl' /' ii", I ~ "~IIIIII' 1'~'~!lrilil, ! !~~"I~:~'C-..',/:I ',"" <>,~ ), ,...........-.:-.., ,~ ~ ~ i ~ I.',;,_~, :----'I/~' --/--- "~:~pursc: - -, , , '. i'. 'i~ ,'-:1_ " :i!~ ,- ' :-,~.?,,',~ , c~? -;----,_ ,-.~~5- -~. ,)/ -:<;: , ~ ~.'~f\ 1,1 C ________ ,j:..'H..,~ '" ------:0 o C L -.~ :;:J -........" -< --"-bIT::lV q,D-- --,-",. r'ill 'S ITE '0-, ~ """ PU 'I=':-~--:--:I :;.......}':'-.:Jil ,', '~.. ~l\ :~---"'~I C/1. n i! ~ = , ! ~I~~ , , J " Ii C..3 i I ;:~PU ! I III II,', 1,- .,.,-I,~I___ "'r.' ';'1" ,:, !:r II ,1:/ ':: !~I!II , '-----:, ,- i 'I I :"- i,:-,' , ./! ~ i~ i ',~ Ii :1 I: I i ~ A~ ,7'9- , --------- // ~ ~, ~~ ~~\\' /~ I\~ ',jf,'-......! ' I '____~I j / , pu~ts .~.'.,..,... ,~- \',.~ --,\\, -=- REC I , , , , , , I ~. : I. , , , ~ ~ '00 o 800 Feet "-9-' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET AND CHECKLIST This completed cover sheet must accompany all agenda item requests. Please place check marks in the boxes as indicated, Initiating department must prepare Agenda Item Request Form. Submit original agenda request (with back up) and one CODY of aaenda reauest (with back UD) to the City Clerk's office, Items must be submitted by the deadlines indicated below. Incomplete or late items will be returned to originating department. Requested City Commission Meeting Dates DAu ust 5, 2003 ~Au ust 19, 2003 DSe tember 2, 2003 DSe tember 16 2003 DOctober 7, 2003 DOctober 21, 2003 DNovember 5 2003 DNovember 18, 2003 Deadline for Submittal to City P & D/CRA Requests Deadline Clerk's Office Departments are responsible for securing the following si natures on attached A enda Re uest Form: ~a~~H~ 0 Wilfred Hawkins for de artments under Administrative Services 0 Finance De artment for items that involve ex enditure of funds 0 , All back u material is attached ~ All exhibits are attached & marked e, "Exhibit "A' ~ ';'\ \,-...;:2..- Department Head's initials: Serrano at Boynton (ANNEX 03-001) FIRST READING Please do not write in the shaded area below. Legal Department signature 0 City Manager's signature o ITEM RETURNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S): Signature(s) missing 0 Incomplete submittal 0 Missed deadline 0 Other 0 Reason: Person contacted to pick up rejected request by bg - 7/19/02 S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Agenda Item Cover CHECKUST Aug 5.Nov 18, 2003,doc on (Date) Q," ~"'(~' ,2,"_, 0,' - J-.' U ~,.>' '< 1'0 'c" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting: Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meetine: Dates in to City Clerk's Office IS! August 5, 2003 July 14.2003 (Noon,) 0 October 7, 2003 September 15. 2003 (Noon) 0 August 19, 2003 August 4, 2003 (Noon) 0 October 21, 2003 October 6, 2003 (Noon) 0 September 2. 2003 August 18,2003 (Noon) 0 November 5, 2003 October 20, 2003 (Noon) 0 September 16, 2003 September 2, 2003 (Noon) 0 November 18, 2003 November 3, 2003 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Legal NATURE OF 0 Announcement 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 City Manager's Report 0 Presentation 0 Consent Agenda IS! Public Hearing 0 Code compliancelLegal Settlements 0 UnfInished Business RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the August 5, 2003 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing, The Planning and Development board with a unanimous vote, reconunended that the subject request be approved, For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No, PZ 03-168, EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: Serrano at Boynton (ANNEX 03-001) Chip Bryan, Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc, Beth Pesch! Approximately one-quarter mile west of Congress A venue, north of the L-28 canal, South of Golf Road Request to annex a :t9. 74-acre parcel for the purpose of pursuing development within City of Boynton Beach, DESCRIPTION: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature /~c) 7 ~ Planning and Z 'g Director City Attorney / Finance / Hwnan Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano Beach\Annex 03-001\Agenda Item Request Serrano at Boynton -New-ANNEX 03-001 8-5-03.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMSIAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM,DQC TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJECf NAME/NUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 03-168 Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board and Mayor and ~~~ission Dick HUdso~.41cP Senior Planner 'JY\~ Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning July 11, 2003 Serrano Beach Annexation (ANEX 03-001) and Land Use Amendment/Rezoning (LUAR 03-005) To annex the subject property; to reclassify from MR-5 Medium Density Residential (Palm Beach County) to Low Density Residential (City), and to rezone from AR-Agricultural Residential to PUD Planned Unit Development Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: Location: Size: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Beth Peschl Chip Bryan/Julian Brian and Associates, Inc. 1,300 feet west of Congress Avenue on the north side of the Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral Canal 28 (L-28) (see Exhibit "An) PCN # 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 :t9.74 acres MR-5 (Palm Beach County) (3-5 dwelling units per acre [du/ac]) AR-USA, Agricultural-Residential in the Urban Services Area (Palm Beach County) Low Density Residential (4.84 du/ac) PUD Planned Unit Development 47 zero lot line single family homes Page 2 File Number: LUAR 03-005/ANEX 03-001 , Serrano Beach Adjacent Uses: North: To the northeast, three single Family homes in Silverlake Estates designated Low Density Residential (LDR) at 4.84 du/ac and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development. Actual built density of the PUD is 2.04 du/ac. To the northwest, unincorporated property developed with one, two story single-Family residence designated MR-5 (Medium Density Residential at 5 du/ac) and zoned AR-USA, Agricultural Residential in the Urban Services Area. South: Immediately south are the rights-oF-way of the Lake Worth Drainage District L-28 Lateral Canal and Palmland Drive, then developed residential (Chanteclair Villas Condominiums) designated HDR (High Density Residential at 10.8 du/ac) and zoned R-3 Multi-Family Residential (10.8 du/ac). Actual built density of the duplex unit development is 7.42 du/ac. To the west of Chanteclair Villas is the Palmland Villas development with a built density of 8.57 du/ac. East: Developed Elementary (Crosspointe) School designated PPGI (Public & Private Governmental/Institutional) and zoned PU Public Use. West: Property within the Village of GolF designated single Family residential and built at a density of 0.3 du/ac. The property immediately adjacent to the subject site consists of one single- Family home on a 1.6 acre parcel and a portion of a vacant parcel of 4,5 acres, MASTER/SITE PLAN ANALYSIS All applications For a, rezoning to a PUD Planned Unit Development must be accompanied by a master/site plan. In this instance, a site plan has been submitted and is being reviewed simultaneously with this application, The plan shows thirty-nine (39) of the homes arranged backing up to the periphery of the property, A ten (10) Foot landscape buffer tract surrounds these buildings, and a loop road provides access. An additional eight (8) residences are positioned inside the loop road on the north of the property, A lake, almost an acre in size, occupies the center of the property and a small tot-lot is shown at the southwest corner of the loop road, Lot sizes are typically 115 Feet by 45 Feet. Front: Side Rear to Buffer (Rear Setback adjacent to Silverlake Building setbacks are as Follows: 25 Feet to road/drive edge 10 Feet one side 10 Feet (20 Feet separation) 15 Feet [25 Feet separation]) Page 3 File Number: LUAR 03-00S/ANEX 03-001 Serrano Beach Designs shown for the residences are a derivative of Mediterranean architecture with stucco walls, S-tile roofs and decorative moldings, appliques and columns. Proposed models range from single-story/three-bedroom unit to a two-story/five bedroom unit, with air conditioned living areas ranging from 2,110 square feet to 2,931 square feet. The maximum density allowed by the Low Density Residential land use classification is 4.84 dulac, which would provide the developer a maximum of 47 units. Maximum height in all residential zoning districts except R-3 Multi-family Residential is 30 feet. In addition, PUD regulations require that perimeter buffers and setbacks within PUDs must mirror those in abutting development to ensure adequate separation between buildings, The proposed landscape buffer of 10 feet combined with the proposed rear setback of 15 feet equals the required setbacks and buffer of the Silverlake development. Both the elementary school building to the east, and the Chanteclair development to the south are more than adequately separated from building sites in the proposed development. The site does not provide direct access to a major roadway or transportation system, which is a requirement for major planned unit developments (Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2,5, Section 8, A). This requirement was placed in the code primarily to address impacts of larger developments that otherwise might introduce large amounts of traffic onto local neighborhood streets, and to properly distribute traffic onto the adjacent roadway system, Since the impacts from the proposed development are expected to be minor as compared to the average PUD, due to the facts that there are slightly less than 10 acres in the development and only 47 dwelling units, staff does not consider the requirement to have the importance that would usually be given to it. , PROJECT ANALYSIS This property is less than 10 acres in size, and therefore this proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan is considered a "small-scale" amendment and is not subject to "compliance review" by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). This means that the proposed amendment, if approved by the city, will be adopted, then forwarded to the DCA for their records Clarge-scale" amendments cannot be adopted until reviewed for consistency by the DCA). State annexation law allows the annexation of enclaves that are less than 10 acres without the consent of property owners; however, in this instance, the annexation is at the request of the property owner. Currently, objectives of the annexation program include annexing all enclaves less than 10 acres in all areas of the City that meet adopted level-of-services standards, and incrementally annexing enclave properties with the intent to reduce them below the 10-acre threshold, Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of the Land Development Regulations, staff is not required to review the petition against the eight (8) criteria by which rezonings are to be reviewed as indicated in Section 9,C.7" as this petition is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation for properties to be annexed within this vicinity. Instead, staff analysis will relate to consistency with other relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan, the city's annexation program and service capability, Page 4 File Number: LUAR 03-005/ANEX 03-001 Serrano Beach The requested land use and zoning is consistent with the recommendations of Section VIII Land Use Problems and Opportunities; found in the support documents for the 1989 City of Bovnton Beach Comprehensive Plan, Sub-section 8.d, of that document states: "These parcels should be annexed and placed in the Low Density Residential land use category, Development of these properties should generally be limited to single-family detached dwellings, so as to be compatible with the one-story condominiums which lie to the south and the single-family subdivision lying to the north. " In connection with previous annexation studies, departments most affected by annexations (e.g, Police, Fire, and Public Works), have been surveyed for issues related to service capability and costs, All opinions previously collected from these departments supported the incremental annexation of enclaves. These opinions have been based on the following: 1) The enclaves are all immediately adjacent to areas within the city that currently receive urban services; 2) Ample service capacity exists to serve adjacent unincorporated properties; and 3) Most enclaves currently receive service from the city via the mutual aid agreement (Police and Fire/EMS only). The Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department has reviewed the applicant's traffic study and verified that capacity exists on Congress Avenue to accommodate this proposed amendment. In addition, the City's Director of Public Works has determined that no improvements to Palmland Drive will be necessitated by the impacts of proposed development. The Palm Beach County Planning Division has also reviewed the application and has determined , that the development will not result in a negative impact on the area roadway network in the year 2020. With respect to solid waste, in a letter dated December 18, 2001 the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the 10-year planning period, The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population, Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of the conditional use application, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities, CONCLUSIONS I RECOMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will not create additional impacts on infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. If conditions of approval are recommended by the Planning and Development Board or required by the City Commission, they will be included as Exhibit "B". ]:\$HRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano Beach\LUAR O).Q05\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc Location Map Serrano at Boynton Beach - ~ ~~ """FI, \, . '---'i i II~ "-; ~ '- ---;-- ; :i~ ------ \ li;~. I ''-'" i---II' , F~ , i, "'-"/:'__" ", '~. '. ../. \ .,.."./ ~ ,. "- ,'--.....,..--- ~,I" I -,.::::::=::- - -\- ~. '.......'---1' ' II-\~ P U E),[:J '-J"l , ____ I rn 1:----"""1 ___ - I -~'. ~'~~JJC' ,'----00, 'it::::! /,..--;i [I n) I,I~. ~. , \. I c :I~.___j=: II C~r::) I -,~ ~ "I" 1/ -.~ ", -1 ~ '~"'Ree~-DP. ~ I .....:....---I~ -"-:C..:K.i",..,..,...,....',~I:I;I:li II -,,~. :; ~-< . ~' rn.uI'ITQY Ro.--; " 'SITE , ---- " - \~ PU -.--------; MlM>l[ll)R- '. I ~ I, i,l ~C3 .. --I I \ Ii- I il I, I . 'I , ! i " I LJ ,~ " \ i ' , ! ~,' ' . r-7 ::.::::::::::..-'.... / ..~~_' '-~7--"':':::---....... ~.%i\\" ,.' ~\:<:i&' //-- ';' it' \ ~r4r---t 1._" P U 10\ __";iCj / 1.U:C:?1"--: ~-~ -\,\~ -,I'"~ I, ~ \ , , REC ~, , ' I eiiii I. 800 o 800 Feet w~, :!: ,I j--, --';1'____ '_ ~I~I--'I ' ',t, "I'~'I~"--_ I:IIL.........-i\~'/, li,~I;~"'--,/ 11'-",'1 i 'I i '___".'..-/' -i'--_" ::::::--- ./ ,',,---;' , I, I i \ i //'; ~ ---J'//-/' 1" I Ii" 'I I, ......."'j\\ _,~ .Ji fiLl I i I I i \ I I ",i~I/r. IlL' I I I I I I I I I I ;I,L I W-:o I'll I I III I \ II = II I',! I' , ' (fl. h II I i I,) 'I 1\ , I, ----<I I~ III 'Ii II ii~ III iRil 'nlc-i "-').,-'~l , /1 I . i PU , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET AND CHECKLIST This completed cover sheet must accompany all agenda item requests. Please place check marks in the boxes as indicated, Initiating department must prepare Agenda Item Request Form, Submit original agenda request (with back up) and one CODY of aaenda reauest (with back UD) to the City Clerk's office, Items must be submitted by the deadlines indicated below, Incomplete or late items will be returned to originating department. Requested City Commission Meeting Dates ~Au ust 5 2003 DAu ust 19, 2003 DSe tember 2 2003 DSe tember 16 2003 DOctober 7 2003 DOctober 21 2003 November 5 2003 DNovember 18, 2003 Deadline for Submittal to City P & DjCRA Requests Deadline Clerk's Office Departments are responsible for securing the following si natures on attached A enda Ruest Form: De artment Head 0 Wilfred Hawkins for de artments under Administrative Services 0 Finance De artment for items that involve ex enditure of funds 0 All back u material is attached ~ All exhibits are attached & marked e, , Exhibit "A' ~ \,\wlC- Department Head's initials: Serrano at Boynton (ANNEX 03-001) Please do not write in the shaded area below, Legal Department signature 0 City Manager's signature o ITEM RETURNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S): Signature(s) missing 0 Incomplete submittal 0 Missed deadline 0 Other 0 Reason: Person contacted to pick up rejected request by b9 - 7/19/02 S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Agenda Item Cover CHECKUST Aug S.Nov 18, 2003,doc on (Date) NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION FROM: The City of Boynton Beach, Florida Please be advised by this notification and attached location map, that certain lands have been annexed by BOYNTON BEACH, Florida, Information contained herein is pertinent to the area in question. If additional material is required, please contact the Director of Planning and Zoning. Name of DevelopmenUOwner: Serrano/Beth Peschl Ordinance # 03- Or Special Act of State Legislature: Bill # Effective Date: September 2,2003 Property I. D. # 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 Area of Subject Property: Sq. Ft. Estimated Present Population: 0 Estimated Number of Existing Dwelling Units: 0 Estimated Present Residential Density: Zoning: AR(USA) Density Allowed: Existing type of development: Vacant 9.74 Acres 3-5 du/ac 1 DU du/ac Proposed type of development: 47 single-family homes 'Owner or Petitioner All City Departments All Utility Companies Chamber of Commerce Bureau of Census 'Clerk of County Circuit Court to receive copy of ordinance Attachment Local Map 'County Commissioners 'County Planning, Zoning & Building 'County Tax Assessor 'Secretary of State 'Supervisor of Elections 'State Beverage Department 'State Department of Transportation S:\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano BeachlAnnex 03.001\0.1 FORM,dot ~\ N.lC OUNm'{ go, -SC . - -- ! , , '. \-- " \. \ .\ I Location Map t Boynton Beach Serrano a "I '----., ~;- , ,',: L----",,-- ,'----,'il..-- _..~,' ~- ',----\ " --,' f-- -I m b c -;z -l --. ~ if ".,~'c. ~SITE f I ; ~ L, I~pun '!- '-C,r ~i- ~;= =:;-,- '. 'OR-_.'.li~i -,. , B'B.G()K~_" i , ' . r : ~n^.I'l, I !, " '''-'~'I I PU ~..ALMLANDpR. ,C3 '.. 'G-'T- ' - :r\.~ " , - --, .' ~:~-= -\'\~I'r~j P U 1\\1\. -"'.' '1 - -i L:.1 " I ,- _ -, _-0.--- ----", , I; REG!I i , ',\---- ,- T 800 ,,,' -=(.-, -<' ,I 'i ___ ----'-'-.~- -; -J'" ~-------:-=;-~ " -,..-- -""-'~""'7- -- -1'--- -1-_ i~~Ft.; I I c,,'TT:.ci7, I ~@'''''<:~F{:.~-'-- I ~t;E~-~ ITL~;>~~E~~ " ~--~-~-,.';~~-~i! ~, , ; ,::.,- , ~~i-li~" ~!::: :~--f-:''''.c~ l""'r-'-~I~-'-'-J ~--'------'---"" l~-=-_ I ~if~n:Lill'l '" '.L-:c~--=-~--j~~L~~~ CIl':r-- - ~, (l , ."L.'.;l~~~~-:-~: - ,.---~ I ~ 1\.11-1 : 1JlJ,..J , , . ! Iii I,I,'; I, \;;' _ I ~'e-JftAV_E - ,- ',--.1.--,-, ,-- ~'I I L...J I ' Ii lil.J --~r--I'! PU I , _.J.. -j I o " w-<?-' 800 Feet CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET AND CHECKLIST This completed cover sheet must accompany all agenda item requests, Please place check marks in the boxes as indicated. Initiating department must prepare Agenda Item Request Form. Submit original agenda request (with back up) and one CODY of aQenda reQuest (with back uo) to the City Clerk's office. Items must be submitted by the deadlines indicated below, Incomplete or late items will be returned to originating department. Requested City I Deadline for Submittal to City P & DjCRA Requests Deadline Commission Meeting Clerk's Office I Dates ' DAu ust 5, 2003 ~Au ust 19, 2003 DSe tember 2, 2003 DSe tember 16, 2003 . DOctober 7, 2003 DOctober 21, 2003 DNovember 5, 2003 DNovember 18, 2003 Departments are responsible for securing the following si natures on attached A enda Re uest Form: De artment Head D Wilfred Hawkins for de artments under Administrative Services D Finance De artment for items that involve ex enditure of funds D ! I~il :~~,-;< iJQ___m<3t77ri;j1 i~2trached I ~ All exhibits are attached & marked e. ., Exhibit "A' ~ \Y\ l-'::2-- Department Head's initials: Serrano at Boynton (ANNEX 03-001) FIRST READING Please do not write in the shaded area below. Legal Department signature D City Manager's signature D ITEM RETURNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S): Signature(s) missing D Incomplete submittal D Missed deadline D Other D Reason: Person contacted to pick up rejected request by bg . 7/19/02 S:\Plannlng\Planning Templates\Agenda Item Cover CHECKLIST Aug S.Nov 18, 2003.doc on (Date) ~mOClil reea ~jleeIS I IVI Radius 0 400 08-43-45-31-00-000-5040 SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNT PLANNING AND REAL ESTATE C/O 3320 FOREST HILL BLV # C331 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33406-5813 08-43-45-31-07-001-0340 FERGUSON DIANA L 2724 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45-31-07-001-0370 DANDREA LOUIS J & GABRIELLA L 2730 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45-31-07-001-0400 BAKER SAMUEL J & KEITH BRYAN" 2736 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45 31 07 001-0430 MAHLER ROBERT F 2671 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5722 08 43-45-31-07-001-0460 CHERNACK ARNOLD TR 2663 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5722 08-43-45-31-07-002-0450 GRANATO JACK M 2729 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5703 08-43-45-31-07-002-0480 GUERCIO PAUL J & CHARLOTTE D 2735 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5703 08-43-46-06-03-001-0010 KAMPRATH JOHN P 1892 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6007 " ',_1 , ~ :.;sc ~~mpla(~ iDr )';'00= 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 PESCHL BETH 400 NE 7TH ST BOCA RATON FL 33432-2918 00-43-45 31 00 000 5050 BAILEY DERLE B SR & CECILIA 2600 COUNTRY LAKE TR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 5725 08 43-45-31-07-000-0040 CRANBROOK LAKE ESTS PROP OWNERS ASSN INC 2306 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5724 08-43-45-31-07-000-0050 CRANBROOK LAKES ESTS PROP OWNERS ASSN INC 2306 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 5724 08-43-45-31-07-001 0350 POOLE F MARK & LINDA S 2726 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45-31-07-001-0360 GORDON SEYMOUR TR 2728 CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45-31-07-001-0380 KUHN MATTHEW E & 2732 sw CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08 43-45 31-07-001-0390 BRITTON BARBARA B 2734 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45-31-07-001-0410 DODGE ANDREW 2738 CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08-43-45-31-07-001-0420 SABERSON ROGER G & DENISE M 2740 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5704 08 43-45-31-07-001-0440 KING CHRISTOPHER & 2667 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 08-43-45-31-07-001-0450 BARBORINI STEPHEN J & 2665 SW CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5722 08-43-45-31-07-002-0430 LEE RUTH H 2725 SW CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 5703 08-43-45-31-07-002-0440 ARNOUX PATRICK C & 2727 CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5703 08-43-45-31-07-002-0460 BELKIN NETTIE M NETTIE M BELKIN TR TITL HLDR 2731 CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5703 08-43-45-31-07-002-0470 KRAKAUER HANNAH HANNAH KRAKAUER TR TI HLDR 2733 SW 23RD CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5703 08-43-45-31-07-002-0490 LE STRANGE GERARD D 2676 SW CRANBROOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5706 08-43-45-31-07-002-0500 LUBIN HELENE E 2674 SW CRANBRQOK DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 5706 08-43-46-06-03-001-0020 MELTZER JEROME R & ALBERTA F 1892 PALM LAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6007 08-43-46-06-03-001 0030 SCHUCK WILLIAM 1892 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6007 :_,:.,"',1 Smooth Feed Sheets™ Use template for 5160-0 08-43-46 06 03 001-0040 LUDWIG JOEL L 1892D PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6007 08-43-46-06-03-002-0010 ALLEN PATRICK & 1894 PALMLAND DR n A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6008 08-43-46-06-03~002-0020 WADDELL JACK F & ALMA W 18948 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6008 08-4]-46-06-03-002-0030 HOOK DIANE E & CHARMAINE M HARRIS 1894 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6008 08-4]-46-06-03-002-0040 HANSON CAROL M 18940 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6008 08-43-46-06-03-003-0010 ANDERSON K J & EMILIE M B 209 DAHLIA DR NORTH KINGSTOWN RI 02852-2320 08 4)-46-06-03-003-0020 ALUISI FRANCIS J 1896 PALM LAND DR # 8 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6009 08-43-46-06-03-003-0030 DAVANZO LORETTA A 1896 PALM LAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6009 08-43-46-06-03-003-0040 PETERSON WILLIAM W & PATTI I 1896 PALMLAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6009 08-43-46-06-03-004-0010 WOYTYSIAK JOHN T & MARY E 1898 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6010 08-43-46-06-03-004-0020 BENHAM JOSEPH C 1898 PALM LAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6010 08-43-46-06-03-004-0030 WEAVER MARIBETH 1898 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6010 08-43-46-06-03-004-0040 WALLACE ROBERT & BARBARA 1898 PALM LAND DR ~D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6010 08-43-46-06-03-005-0010 GITTELMACHER DEVINE & CINDY & ELIOT & GERYL GITTELMACHER 1900 PALM LAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6011 08-43-46-06-03-005-0020 MURPHY IRENE 1900 PALMLAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6011 08-43-46-06-03-005-0030 MALONEY MARY L 1900 PALM LAND DR ~ C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6011 08-43 46-06-03-005-0040 REIFF FRANK S & 1900 PALM LAND DR n D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6011 08-43-46-06-03-006-0010 COMEAU WILLIAM M & SUSAN M 1133 THORNBURY LN # B LAKEHURST NJ 08759-5273 08-43-46-06-03-006-0020 COBLE KELLY C 1902 PALMLAND DR n B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 08-43-46-06-03-006-0030 ALEXANDER LEO 4826 NW 72ND PL COCONUT CREEK FL 33073 08-43-46-06-03-006-0040 MCGILLICUDDY THOMAS & SHIRLEY H MCGILLICUDDY 1902 PALMLAND DR ~ 0 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6012 08-43-46-06-03-007-0010 NONDORF VICTORIA C 1904 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6013 08-43-46-06-03-007-0020 FOLEY JUDITH C 1904 PALMLAND DR ~ B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6013 08-43-46-06-03-007-0030 WALTER MARILYN B 1904 PALMLAND DR n c BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6013 08-43-46-06 03-007-0040 HART MARSHALL A & 1904 PALMLAND DR n D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 08-43-46-06-03-008-0010 HARD LAUREN J 1906 PALM LAND DR n A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6079 08-43-46-06-03-008-0020 DELVALLE JOSE & MILAGROS 1906 PALM LAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6079 08-43-46-06 03 008-0030 LEE NANCY K 1906 PALM LAND DR n c BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6079 08-43-46-06-03-008-0040 HOLLAND BETTY J & 1906 PALMLAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6079 08-43-46-06-03-009-0010 ARANDA JOSE R & ANGELICA MARANDA 1908 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6015 1[:\. .;' .,,-~~-:~ ','<;:~ -..... ,-'.' Smooth Feed Sheets™ 08-43-45-06 03 009-0020 WALTER MARILYN B 1908 PALMLANO DR # B CANAL POINT FL 33438 08-4]-45-06-03-010-0010 CAMPBELL NORMA G 1910 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6016 08-43-45-06-03-010-0040 MASTERSON VICKIE D 1910 PALMLAND DR # 19100 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6016 08-43-45-05-03-011-0030 HAFEMANN DEBRA 1912 PALM LAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6017 08-43-46-06-03-012-0020 JOHNSON KENNETH R 1914 PALM LAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6018 08-4)-45-06-03-013-0010 LUCAS MARY E 1916 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6019 08-43-45-05-03-013-0040 VAILLANCOURT PHILOMENA 1916 PALM LAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6019 08-43-45-06-03-014-0030 EGAN MARILYN M 1918 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6020 08-43-45-06-03-015-0020 VELASQUEZ LINDA LINDA VELASQUEZ TR HLDR 1920 PALMLAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6021 08-43-46-06-05-001-0011 THOMAS CATHERINE 1704 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6025 .~1 - _.. _:-3'~.. ,~ Use template for 5160'" 08-43-46-06-03-009-0030 FOLEY JAMES M JR 1908 PALM LAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6015 08-43-46 06-03 009-0040 WILSON SHEILA 1908 PALM LAND DR # 0 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6015 08-43~46 06-03-010-0020 SEGOTA JOSEPH PO BOX 030 PUSLINCH ON NOB 2JO CANADA 08-43-46-06-03-010-0030 HALL WILLIAM S 1910 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6016 08-43-46-06-03-011-0010 ANASTASI DOMINIC & IDA M 1912 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6017 08-43-46-06-03-011-0020 FOLEY ANNA C 1912 PALMLAND DR # B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6017 08-43-46-06-03-011-0040 MESSINA SANTO 1912 PALMLAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6017 08-43-46-06-03-012-0010 BRADY ELAINE E 1914 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6018 08-43-46-06-03-012-0030 SCALZO SALVATORE C & PHYLLIS 1914 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6018 08-43-46-06-03-012-0040 RIZZA GIOVANNI 1914 PALMLAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6018 08-43-46-06-03-013-0020 FOLEY ANNA C 1916 PALM LAND DR # 2 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43-46-06-03-013-0030 RIZZA GIOVANNI 1916 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6019 08-43-46-06-03-014-0010 COOPER STANLEY & JEAN 4295 MANGO TREE CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-3768 08-43-46-06-03-014-0020 MUENCH THOMAS J JR & MARY L 6485 RANDALL RD SYRACUSE NY 13214-2118 08-43-46~06~03-014-0040 EGAN MARILYN M 1918 PALMLAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6020 08-43-46-06-03-015-0010 BOLTRI FRANK J 1920 PALMLAND DR # A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6021 08-43-46-06-03-015-0030 DOWNEY EDNA F 1920 PALMLAND DR # C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6021 08-43-46-06-03-015-0040 IZZARONE MARIE C 1920 PALMLAND DR # D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6021 08-43-46-06-05-001-0012 HAMMETT HARRY & BARBARA SNYDER H!W 1702 PALM LAND DR # IE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6025 08-4]-46-06-05-001-0021 PASE ANITA G 1708 PALMLAND DR # 2A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6025 _.-'1 Smootn feed Sheets™ Use template for 5160@ 08-43 46-06-05-001-0172 BALDWIN JOSEPH J & 1746 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0181 GAYDOS MARLENE MARLENE GAYDOS TR HLDR 1767 PALM LAND BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6051 08-43 46 06 05-001-0182 ARTMANN ALBERT A & JEAN M 1769 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6051 08-43-46-06-05-001-0191 ROSELLA GERARD 1763 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6051 08-43-46-06-05-001-0192 DRUMMOND SUSAN J 21158 MORNING WAY STERLING VA 20164-4634 08-43-46-06-05-001-0201 DRILLINGS SAMUEL & FLORA 1759 PALMLAND DR # 20A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6078 08-43-46-06-05-001-0202 DIAMOND HARVEY B HARVEY 8 DIAMOND TR HLDR 1761 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6078 08-43-46-06-05-001-0211 GAR THE HENRY W & HERTA M 1755 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6049 08-43-46-06~05 001-0212 BYNE IRENE 1757 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 08-43-46-06-05-001-0221 WILLIAMS ODELINE 1751 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6049 08-43-46-06-05-001-0222 LOIACONO PASQUALE J 225 MILLER ST TRENTON NJ 08638-4131 08-43-46-06-05-001-0231 JESSUP MARY CAROLINE MARY CAROLINE JESSUP TR HLDR 1752 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0232 MCALLISTER BETTY L 1750 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0241 VORESS ROGER R 1756 PALMLAND DR # 24A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0242 GANDELMAN MORRIS & ETHEL 1754 PALMLAND DR # 24B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0251 KLEBAN LUCILLE LUCILLE KLEBAN TR HLDR 1760 PALMLAND DR #: 25A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0262 SCHAFFER YVOUGNA & 1762 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 08-43-46-06-05-001-0252 VOLTZ MARGARET J WILLIAM J ANDERSON C/O 1335 PINE ST GLENVIEW IL 60025-2919 08-43-46-06-05-001-0261 LITTLEY ELEANOR B ELEANOR B LITTLEY TR TITL HLDR 1764 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6050 08-43-46-06-05-001-0271 DRANKWALTER REGINA 1768 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6050 08-43-46-06-05-001-0272 TALEVI ANTOINETTE 4 BRIARWOOD CIR CHESHIRE CT 06410-2628 08-43-46-06-07-000-0013 GOSS ALMA H 1604 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0014 HORCHAK JOHN & DOLORES 1602 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0023 HART EVA L 1608 PALMLAND DR #: 2C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0024 ADLER NORMAN B & 1606 PALMLAND DR APT 2D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0033 FILECCIA NICHOLAS & NICHOLAS & GRACE FILECCIA ET AL 1616 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0034 GALLETTA FRANK & 1614 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0043 BARTLEY JOSEPH J & CHERRY 1620 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0044 CRUZ JULIA & 1618 PALM LAND DR #; 4D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 08-43-46-06-07-000-0053 BRUZAS G CHARLES G CHARLES BRUZAS ET AL TR HLDRS 1624 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 ~~, -, .I.~ _,l::;.;';" -\1 :: '~l-, .:>mootn reea .:>oeets"" 08-43-46-06-07-000-0054 PINTO ANTONETTE M 1622 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436~6028 08-43-46-06-07-000-0073 SELIGSON BERNARD & 1537 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6041 08-43-46-06-07-000-0084 REDDEN GEORGE E & 1635 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6041 08-43-46-06-07-000-0103 MCRAE NORMAN &. 1625 PALMLAND DR # 10-C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6029 08-43-46-06-07-000-0114 STALL ALBERT H &. 1626 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6028 08-43-46 06-07-000-0133 KREPP KATHRYN 1636 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6040 08-43-46-06-07-000-0144 SIMONE MICHAEL B & ROSALIE B 1638 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6053 08-43-46-06-07-000-0163 MCATEER JAMES E 1667 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6045 08-43-46-06-07-000-0174 GORMLEY CHARLES D 1665 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6045 08-43-46-06-07-000-0193 MICHAELSON GERTRUDE A & RICHARD B ASHE 1655 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6043 ~ ,~ ~,~ /='~"/ ~~5_:; ~....::1 ":" U::>d lcmplcHe iOr ".10V'-' 08-43 46-06-07-000-0063 GRANT JOHN W & NORMA B 1641 PALM LAND DR # 6C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6041 08-43-46-06-07-000-0064 SUCHOPAR RICHARD J RICHARD J SUCHOPAR TR HLDR 1643 PALM LAND DR APT 60 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6041 08-43-46 06-07-000-0083 FERREIRA ARMANDO & 4-9 BRIARCLIFF WOODS S DR S OSSINING NY 10562 08-43-46-06-07-000-0074 LUNETTA ETHEL 1639 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6041 08-43-46-06-07-000-0093 ANDERSON LORRAINE R 1629 PALMLAND DR # 9C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6054 08-43-46-06-07-000-0094 SCHLICHER HELEN 1631 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6054 08-43-46-06-07-000-0104 STEPHENS JOHN W & 101-1954 HENDERSON HWY WINNIPEG MANITOBA R29 IP5 CANADA 08-43-46-06-07-000-0113 NICHOLS LESLIE G 1628 PALMLANO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6040 08-43-46-06-07-000-0123 SILVER MAURICE MAURICE SILVER TRUST HLDR 1632 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6040 08-43-46-06-07-000-0124 WURTZEL RENE 1630 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6040 08-43-46-06-07-000-0134 FIGUEROA CARMEN 1634 PALMLANO DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6040 08-43-46-06-07-000-0143 RUFFOLO EUGENE & NORREN E 252 SW LAKE FOREST WAY PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34986-1770 08-43-46-06 07-000-0153 JEMMOTT VICTORIA A 1644 PALMLAND OR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6042 08-43-46-06-07-000-0154 ADER DELVINA M 1642 PALM LAND BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6053 08-43-46-06-07-000-0164 MARINO PHYLLIS 1669 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6045 08-43-46-06-07-000-0173 SEIGMAN GERSON G & VIVIAN 1663 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6057 08-43-46-06-07-000-0183 DEPOTO GEORGE & 1659 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6057 08-43-46-06-07-000-0184 PSASOGLU AMARBEY & OLGA 1661 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6057 08-43-46-06-07-000-0194 KRAFT ROBERT E 1657 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6043 08-43-46-06-07-000-0203 TAYLOR TYE A & EMILY C 1651 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6043 ,:-.), - - - - ~..~ - ,-. Smootl1 Feed Sheets™ Use template for 5160'" 08-43-46-06-05 001-0022 COHEN STEVEN A 36 BISHOPS LN LYNNFIELD MA 01940-1339 08-43-46-06-05-001-0031 LERNER MITCHELL B 1712 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6025 08-43-46-06-05-001-0032 DEROBBIO SABATINO R & DOROTHY 1710 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6025 08-43-46-06-05-001-0041 LAROSA ANN MARIE 1716 PALM LAND DR # 4A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6058 08-43-46-06-05-001-0042 ROON BARRY T & SUZANNE C 1714 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6058 08-4)-46-06-05-001-0051 CRONK FRANKLIN & SHEILA 1720 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6058 08-43-46-06-05-001-0052 FRUITSTONE PHILIP J & BETTYE 1718 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6058 08-4)-46-06-05-001-0061 JOHNSON JOHN R 1724 PALM LAND DR # 6A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5058 08-43-45~05-05-001-0062 JOHNSON VEOLA M & 1722 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6058 08-43-46~06-05~001-0071 PETROCELLI FRANK 1741 PALMLAND DR # 7A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5077 08-43 46~06-05-001-0072 MASON THOMAS W & MAE 1743 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436~6077 08-43-46~06-05-001~0081 KENNON VIRGINIA A 1737 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6077 08-43-46-06-05-001-0082 VERAGUAS JEAN & JEANNIE 1739 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5077 08-43-46-06-05-001-0091 JENKINS R STEVEN 1733 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 08-43-46-06-05-001-0092 SHELANSKEY STEVEN K 1735 PALMLAND DR # 9B BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6047 OS-43-46-06~05-001-0101 MELANA AUGUST J & 1729 PALMLAND DR # lOA BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6047 OS-43-46-06-05-001-0102 BROWN BARBARA B 1731 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6047 08-43-46-06-05-001 0111 MCKAY WILLIAM F 7 FOREST LN GLOUCESTER MA 01930-2012 08-43-46-06-05-001~0112 PANTANO ADELINA 1727 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6024 08-43-46-06-05-001-0121 MILLER ESTHER A 14475 STRATHMORE LN # 404 DELRAY BEACH FL 33446-3030 08-43-46~06-05-001-0122 WALTERS EDWARD P & JOYCE R 1726 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6058 OS 43-46-06 05~001-0131 TROCOLA LOUIS & PHYLLIS 1732 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6046 08-43-46-06~05-001-0132 JAMES MILLIE M 1730 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6046 08-43-46-06~05-001-0141 GARETANO VINCENT & CARMELA 1736 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436~6046 08-43-46-06-05-001-0142 FARRINGTON KATHLEEN & DAVID L FARRINGTON 1734 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5046 08-43-45-06-05-001-0151 BELLOFATTO LOUIS G & 13 EDWARDS AVE WAKEFIELD MA 01880-1529 08~43~46-06-05-001~0152 STONELAKE CLARA T & ARTHUR STONELAKE JR 1738 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6076 OS-43 46-06 05-001~0161 AUDETTE ROLAND & 1744 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 08-43-46-06-05-001-0162 WARBURTON CHARL E 1742 PALMLAND DR ~ 16-8 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436~6076 08~43-46-06-05 001-0171 CARIELLO FRANK & LOLA 1748 PALM LAND DR # 17A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6048 "';~~, ,= . . - ~tl ,:,.ii00..d ,4'C"t:U .:hi~~t5'''' u:,c t~llI}Jldle ,Ui )..:.OV~ 08-43-45-06-07-000-0204 TOLIVE MICHAEL E & MARTHA R 1653 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5043 08-43-45-06 07 000-0213 WILLIAMS VIRGINIA M 1652 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6042 08-43-45-06-07 000 0214 STALLONE VERONICA 1650 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5042 08-43-45-06-07-000-0223 COSTELLO RUTH J & 1556 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6042 08-43-46-06 07 000 0224 DELOS SANTOS RODNEY & 1654 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6042 08-43-46-06-07-000 0233 WALSH JAMES A & 1660 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6042 08-43-46-06-07-000-0234 COHEN ABRAHAM ABRAHAM COHEN TR HLDR 1658 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6042 08-43~46~06 07-000-0243 INGRAHAM LAURA V 1664 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6044 08-43-46-06-07-000-0244 FUMIATTI VINCENT & MARGUERITE FUMIATTI 5 EASY RUDDER LN WEST HAVEN CT 06516-7124 08-43-46-06-07-000-0253 DE ROSA ANTHONY 1668 PALMLAND DR # 25C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6044 08-43-46-06-07-000-0254 ELIAS ELIZABETH 1666 PALMLAND DR # 25D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6044 08-43-46-06-08-000-0015 RYAN JOHN P & ETHEL R 1504 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6022 08-43-45-06-08 000-0016 BOLLING AGNES D AGNES D BOLLING TR TITL HLDR 1502 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5022 08-43-46-05-08-000-0025 CHIARAMONTE JOSEPH V & JOAN 1508 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6022 08-43-46-06-08-000-0026 VALENTINO LEO F 1506 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6022 08-43-45-05-08-000-0035 DEMARTINO MARIO J 1516 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5030 08-43-46-06-08-000-0036 GERMANO JOHN J & EMILY 1915 TOMLINSON AVE BRONX NY 10461~1323 08-43-46-06-08-000-0045 CAPOZZI NICHOLAS J & MARION J 1520 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6030 08-43-46-06-08-000-0046 SCHLICKER THOMAS E & PATRICIA A HISLE 1518 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6030 08-43-46-06-08-000-0055 LA PLANTE HENRY B & 1524 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6030 08-43-46-06-08-000-0056 BRESCIA THOMAS & ELIZABETH 8 MONTROSE AVE YONKERS NY 10710-2802 08-43-45-06-08-000-0065 LOTTINO LAWRENCE & SHIRLEY J 1541 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6035 08 43-46-06-08-000-0066 CIANGI MARY M & 1535 PALMLAND DR # 6F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6035 08-43-46-06~08-000-0075 TAMBOE JAMES A & 1537 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6035 08-43-46-06 08 000-0076 CADET IRENEE M 1539 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5035 08-43-45-06-08-000-0085 REEDER HELENE I 1533 PALM LAND DR # 8E3 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5035 08-43-46-06-08-000-0086 CALVERT NEUMAN DORIS A 1535 PALMLAND DR # BF BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6035 08-43-46-06 08-000-0095 FRIDERICH FLORENCE 1529 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6031 08-43-45-06-08-000-0096 SCALISI IDA IDA SCALISI TR HLDR 1531 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6023 08-43~45-06-08-000-0105 MILANO EUGENE J 1525 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5031 ,~t"'l :;::':':_..l _.:.:::" _ _.' ~ -',1 , Smooth feed Si1eets™ ;';:jc ~~mplate fOf :'L.OV-' 08-43 46-06-08-000-0106 BOLE HELEN 1527 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6031 08 43-46-06-08-000-0115 GELOSO HARLOW J & KATHLEEN T 67 PEASE RD WOODBRIDGE CT 06525-2032 08-43-46-06-08-000-0116 GELSD HARLOW J & KATHLEEN T 67 PEASE RD WOODBRIDGE CT 06525 2032 08-43-46 06-08-000-0125 BRIGIDA ROSE G 1532 PALM LAND DR # 12E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6026 08-43-46-06-08-000-0126 ENGLISH CATHERINE CATHERINE ENGLISH TR HLDR 1530 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6030 08-43-46-06-08-000-0135 YANNES RICHARD H & 3 SAVATOGA CT EASTON PA 18040 08-43-46-06-08-000-0136 PODRAY MARIE C & ALBINA SADOWSKI 1534 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6026 08-43-46-06-08-000-0145 FAILLACE CARL J 89 EAST ST # A HICKSVILLE NY 11801-3115 08-43-46-06-08-000-0146 MANDESE JAMES EST 1538 PALMLAND DR #14F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6034 08 43-46-06-08-000-0155 VIOLA DAVID E 1544 PALMLAND DR ~ 15E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 6034 08-43-46-06-08-000-0156 EICHENLAUB WILLIAM & DORIS 1542 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6034 08-43-46-06-08-000-0165 PRUS STANLEY L 1550 PALM LAND DR # 16E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5036 08-43-46-06-08-000-0166 GUERRA PEARL 1548 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6034 08-43-46-06-08-000-0175 UGONE KATHERINE T 19 PETUNIA RD GREENWOOD DE 19950-2521 08-43-46-06 08-000-0176 TRANFO EUGENE 1569 PALM LAND DR # 17F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6039 08-43~46-06-08-000 0185 PAINTER ROSALIE F 1563 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6027 08-43-46-06-08-000-0186 LENNA SUSAN 1565 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6027 08-43-46-06 08-000-0195 MURA JOYCE M 1555 PALMLAND DR # 19E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6037 08-43-46-06-08-000-0196 FELDMAN MARIAN U MARIAN U FELDMAN TR HLDR 1557 PALM LAND DR # 19F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6037 08-43~46-06-08-000-0215 CONTINO ALFREDO & 1554 PALMLAND DR # 21E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08-43-46-06-08-000-0205 KIPPELMAN ROBERT 1551 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6037 08-43-46-06-08-000-0206 PAGE ANALIA 1553 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6037 08-43-46-06-08-000-0216 BRESCIA JAMES F & 1552 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08-43-46~06~08-000-0225 DE VITO PHYLLIS 1558 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436~6036 08-43-46~06-08-000-0226 GROSSER WILLIAM J & ROSE E & DEBORAH R GROSSER 1556 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08-43-46 06-08-000-0235 BUSCEMI JOSEPH F & LINDA J 1562 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08-43-46-06-08-000-0236 VANKORLAAR R A & SHIRLEY E 1560 PALMLAND DR # 23F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08 43-46~06~08-000-0245 MCATEER JOHN M JOHN M MCATEER TR TITL HLDR 1566 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08-43~46-06 08-000-0246 FAMIGLIETTI JOHN A & 1564 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6036 08-43-46-06-08-000-0255 KUFFO KLEBER & 1570 PALM LAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436~6038 ~ ""';..I -, T _.. :'.,:-;:3.3 _ _ '" .... ~M ~ _"~J",' :;moom reeo ::>fleetS"~ 08-43 46-06-0B~OOO 0256 DAVERN PHYLLIS & 1568 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6038 66-43-45-31-00-000-5030 BLUNT CARLENE C 4 PAR CLUB erR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5604 66-43-45-31-01-000-0321 ELIZPAUL INC 4300 DE MAISONNEUVE W # PH-8 WESTMOUNT QC H3Z lK8 CANADA 66-43-45-31-03-000-0020 BURKE WALTER & 15 COUNTRY RD S BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5613 66-43-45-31-03-000-0050 MCCULLOCH HELEN W 9 COUNTRY RD E BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5611 .~~,' ,':-j;,:.:I J ..; use template ior :,";)\J'~ 08-43-46-06-08-000-0265 ELLIS EARL F 1574 PALMLAND DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6038 08-43-46-06-08-000-0266 ASCHKENAS SANDRA R 1572 PALMLAND DR # 26F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-6038 66-43-45-31 00-000-5090 BLUNT JOHN T & M J KOLDYKE 4600 N OCEAN BLVD # 203 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-7365 66-43-45-31-00-000-7020 COUNTRY CLUB OF FLA GOLF RD VILLAGE OF GOLF BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 66-43-45-31-01-001 0000 GOLF VILLAGE OF 21 COUNTRY RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5609 66-43-45-31-03-000-0010 BURKE W & 71 ARCH ST GREENWICH CT 06830-6544 66-43-45-31-03-000-0030 FULLER MARK A JR & 13 COUNTRY RD S BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436-5613 66-43-45-31-03-000-0040 TURNER DOROTHY M VILLAGE OF GOLF BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 66-43-45-31-03-000-0060 COUNTRY CLUB OF FLA LESSEE VILLAGE OF GOLF GOLF ROAD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 ~ _ . _ ~'Il