CORRESPONDENCE 07/2l/I'3 TUE 14: 58 FAX 15617'27024 VILLAGE OF GaL' ';1]111 ADMINISTI ' 10N :!1 CQUNTA :tOAD VILLAGE 0 iOlF Fl.ORIDA 35 J-S299 (5e1) 732 ~ FAX (561)7 ,7024 SECUFUT! )EPAf TM:::N- (.)611"34~29Ia UT1LIlY C ::PAR':"MEIIT (561) "J7.79~ i i M Lee Wische, Chairmkl1 B , rnton Beach Plannin~ and Development .:3oard PI), Box 310 ' B : rnton Beach, FI 33432 , J, y 21,2003 , i R, : SERRANO BEACH ~I~NE)(ATION (ANI::X 0:~-001) , LAND USE AMEN~"IENT (LUAR 03-(05) [ , lar Mr. Wische: V' l have reviewed the proposed Annexation and Site Plan for Serrano E : ach, and we would Ii~e to compliment the> developer Elrd tlw staff f,) r a p lject that limits the traff 'J impacts lind demand for City He rvices by n lucing the number of ~:'its 011 the> propert!/, yet increa'>tls tllt! tax base f( the City, ' i lere are a few comm~nls we wOL11d like to provide to enSJre that thf: p' lject is compatible with the surrounding nl~ighhors, They arE, as ~Jllcws: 1, The proposal calls for a 10 fl)ot landEcapE! bu1'fier and a 10 foof: building setback along the west propl~rty line adjoi,lilfl:he ViII;,ge of Golf, for a 20 fpd total and a 15 foot se,tbac:K ailing the nortfl property adjoinin~ :5ilverlake 'for a 2Ei foot total setl>Eclc The Cii:y PUD regulations ruquire that perimei:er blJff(~m ami ~etbacks wi thin PUDs must mirror Ihose in abutting devel<Jpment tl) '~rJSure adequate separati:>n bel.wee,n buildings, The rear Si~tb 3d< requirement in t~e Village of Golf is :;~5 fe<~t, the sarre as SiI'/erlake Therefore, to mepi the City regulations, the rear sElthack for thf: lot~, along the west p~cperty line must al~io be increa$ed to 25 feet 2, The developer isi ~lroposing 7 model hom~s that 'Nollie! be a',ai! ablE for developmentkn this proP(~rty, TIIIO m(>d(~ls ar'e sin!~le or one story units and 5! r'odel8 arE! two stOlY units, The Villa!le has restricted the unitt, alonq the Village's WEIst pr'ope~' lille to ern story units, and f! are requesting that at lea~;t half or T of the lots I I , , 0712:/(13 TUE 14:58 FAX 15617"~7024 VILLAGE OF GOL' i;~ 11 1 ' along our border ! restricted to the flingl€! st0111 f,1odels to a"o~:1 the potential for solid wall of concrete 30 feet hi!Jh. Tte residents of Silverlake hay mquested that the fots Hlo~l their b(llder cllsc;, be restricted to the sn91e story models. 3, There was no me tion in the plan of clOY s1reet lights. If street liohts are to be install ,the Village would like to request the lights net be located so as to hine onto any ofthe adjoinin~1 resid.~ntal prJ~mty, Decorative front ard lights, at a height of 5.6 feet might be mori, suitable in this d 'Mlopment. 4. A general com fence and lands rear yards, there maintenance as be allowed to re hedge along the The hedge shoul maintained at 6 1 ' e above points are s ' me general review nt regardin!~ the upl,:eep and rnaintllnance .>f the pe buffer, as the tmes ClOd plaflt:~ "/ilI be in ti, a lIould be lli provisiclO in th.3 pun fc r :l>ntinuEfl III as 11 requirement that tl1e [Oroperty ownmH not 'Ie thc~ trees along the land,scape bulfer. Th,: lIce Iille is to be ir:stallud at ,a Imi~lht of 2 fefli, he alk>wed to grow to a hei~ht ef 13 feet and It. illg reques'tlld by the Vil!alle of Golf. There an, rrment'. being provided as fellown: A. The devel per is proposing to com;truet an entrance ,!Vi'JI a new brldg itrea outside their propt3ny in t1,,~ I.WWD property. Provisi':lns should bl3 madEl f<)r continued maintena Cit, as the I.WDD lTIaintE:llllnCe :~c:hedllle is 0:,1 suitable r residential develollment. B, The resid be reloca A possibl adjacent a minimu manhole ns of SlIvElrlake am requElsling t'clt tile lift sf:tltior i from the northem boune!alY of the development I [lcation is along ttle ea'3tl~m bOllnjmy, as ttlat is Ihe school draina!le ama and 'NOllie! only re:luire lit adc:litionial plpin:! to reclch the nJrthern nnection l)oint. C, It is not cI 'Ir from thEl plans that 011 thEl soutt, siele ofthl:' property, I ling the frl)nt ofthl:l development, thEt the fence should kcated on the insilJe of the Iclnd!icapll buffer, so the lands ping lace:. the street, end cdong the l'est clft:lle property Ii land scaping should b~ on thEI n.(lITIlIOW!1l'~r> siclH of the fen !. 0, The drai a!;e In f!his 1)/:lCtion runs from a hi~lh point of l\iIi Iitar f Trail to a Ie 1'1 at Gon"ress AV'!lnue, "hl~ entim area v.aH previouslilll muck ar,d as Silverlllkf3 was devllloped in the 07/2l/I'3 TUE 14;59 FAX 1561"27024 VILLAGE OF GOLF !i] (I I early 1970 ,the drainage regulatio'~s ....ere not a:; strh19f!nt as they a t:Jday. The dralna!!e plnn nl;!9ds tCf till review:ld very c10sel ,IS this area has historil:al drainage J;robIE!rT:!!. T link you for your con idl~aticln of our reqlJests, City sUlffV\i11 be a' Iilable at the hearing 0 addr4!SS any questiom; you m~, hal/e. S I cerely, ........' z / fIi i. ael E. Botos fIi; yor, Village of Golf C : : Mayor Broening a City Manager Kurt Mike Rumpf, Dir. City Commission r,l$Sner f'lanning and Zon~ng .o~; 1"ON 0 The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561.742.6260 FAX: 561.742.6259 www .boynton~beach.org February 24, 2003 Mr, Khurshid Mohyuddin Senior Planner 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Re: Transportation Analysis: Serrano @ Boynton Beach-Bach Property LUAR 03-002 Dear Mr. Mohyuddin: The enclosed transportation analysis, prepared by Pinder, Troutman Consulting, Inc, was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced Land Use Amendment. Following your review of the enclosed information please provide me with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6264, Sincerely, )Jhil Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner DH/sc S\P1anning\SHARED\Wf>\PROJECTS\S~ BB'..LUAR\Mo>f1uddin Itr.OOI