REVIEW COMMENTS 6.A.l SERRANO @ BOYNTON (ANNEX 03-001) (J ANNEXATION TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJEcr NAME/NUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 03-168 Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board and Mayor and ~~~ission Dick Hudso~A1cp Senior Planner Michael W, Rump?",~ Director of Planning and Zoning July 11, 2003 Serrano Beach Annexation (ANEX 03-001) and Land Use Amendment/Rezoning (LUAR 03-005) To annex the subject property; to reclassify from MR-5 Medium Density Residential (Palm Beach County) to Low Density Residential (City), and to rezone from AR-Agricultural Residential to PUD Planned Unit Development Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: Location: Size: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' Beth Peschl Chip Bryan/Julian Brian and Associates, Inc. 1,300 feet west of Congress Avenue on the north side of the Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral Canal 28 (L-28) (see Exhibit "AU) PCN # 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 :1:9.74 acres MR-5 (Palm Beach County) (3-5 dwelling units per acre [du/ac]) AR-USA, Agricultural-Residential in the Urban Services Area (Palm Beach County) Low Density Residential (4,84 du/ac) PUD Planned Unit Development 47 zero lot line single family homes Page 2 File Number: LUAR 03-005/ANEX 03-001 , Serrano Beach Adjacent Uses: North: To the northeast, three single family homes in Silverlake Estates designated Low Density Residential (LOR) at 4.84 du/ac and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development. Actual built density of the PUD is 2.04 du/ac. To the northwest, unincorporated property developed with one, two story single-family residence designated MR-5 (Medium Density Residential at 5 du/ac) and zoned AR-USA, Agricultural Residential in the Urban Services Area, South: Immediately south are the rights-of-way of the Lake Worth Drainage District L-28 Laterai Canal and Palmland Drive, then developed residential (Chanteclair Villas Condominiums) designated HDR (High Density Residential at 10,8 du/ac) and zoned R-3 Multi-family Residential (10.8 du/ac), Actual built density of the duplex unit development is 7.42 du/ac. To the west of Chanteclair Villas is the Palmland Villas development with a built density of 8,57 du/ac. East: Developed Elementary (Crosspointe) School designated PPGI (Public & Private Governmental/Institutional) and zoned PU Public Use, West: Property within the Village of Golf designated single family residential and built at a density of 0,3 dulac, The property immediately adjacent to the subject site consists of one single- family home on a 1.6 acre parcel and a portion of a vacant parcel of 4.5 acres. MASTER/SITE PLAN ANALYSIS All applications for a rezoning to a PUD Planned Unit Development must be accompanied by a master/site plan, In this instance, a site plan has been submitted and is being reviewed simultaneously with this application. The plan shows thirty-nine (39) of the homes arranged backing up to the periphery of the property, A ten (10) foot landscape buffer tract surrounds these buildings, and a loop road provides access, An additional eight (8) residences are positioned inside the loop road on the north of the property, A lake, almost an acre in size, occupies the center of the property and a small tot-lot is shown at the southwest corner of the loop road, Lot sizes are typically 115 feet by 45 feet. Front: Side Rear to Buffer (Rear Setback adjacent to Silverlake Building setbacks are as follows: 25 feet to road/drive edge 10 feet one side 10 feet (20 feet separation) 15 feet [25 feet separation)) Page 3 File Number: LUAR 03-005/ANEX 03-001 Serrano Beach Designs shown for the residences are a derivative of Mediterranean architecture with stucco walls, S-tile roofs and decorative moldings, appliques and columns. Proposed models range from single-story/three-bedroom unit to a two-story/five bedroom unit, with air conditioned living areas ranging from 2,110 square feet to 2,931 square feet. The maximum density allowed by the Low Density Residential land use classification is 4.84 dulac, which would provide the developer a maximum of 47 units, Maximum height in all residential zoning districts except R-3 Multi-family Residential is 30 feet. In addition, PUD regulations require that perimeter buffers and setbacks within PUDs must mirror those in abutting development to ensure adequate separation between buildings. The proposed landscape buffer of 10 feet combined with the proposed rear setback of 15 feet equals the required setbacks and buffer of the Silverlake development. Both the elementary school building to the east, and the Chanteclair development to the south are more than adequately separated from building sites in the proposed development. The site does not provide direct access to a major roadway or transportation system, which is a requirement for major planned unit developments (Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2.5, Section 8, A). This requirement was placed in the code primarily to address impacts of larger developments that otherwise might introduce large amounts of traffic onto local neighborhood streets, and to properly distribute traffic onto the adjacent roadway system, Since the impacts from the proposed development are expected to be minor as compared to the average PUD, due to the facts that there are slightly less than 10 acres in the development and only 47 dwelling units, staff does not consider the requirement to have the importance that would usually be given to it. , PROJECT ANALYSIS This property is less than 10 acres in size, and therefore this proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan is considered a "small-scale" amendment and is not subject to "compliance review" by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). This means that the proposed amendment, if approved by the city, will be adopted, then forwarded to the DCA for their records ("large-scale" amendments cannot be adopted until reviewed for consistency by the DCA), State annexation law allows the annexation of enclaves that are less than 10 acres without the consent of property owners; however, in this instance, the annexation is at the request of the property owner, Currently, objectives of the annexation program include annexing all enclaves less than 10 acres in all areas of the City that meet adopted level-of-services standards, and incrementally annexing enclave properties with the intent to reduce them below the 10-acre threshold, Pursuant to Section 9,C.2(2) of the Land Development Regulations, staff is not required to review the petition against the eight (8) criteria by which rezonings are to be reviewed as indicated in Section 9.C.7" as this petition is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation for properties to be annexed within this vicinity, Instead, staff analysis will relate to consistency with other relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan, the city's annexation program and service capability. Page 4 File Number: LUAR 03-00S/ANEX 03-001 Serrano Beach The requested land use and zoning is consistent with the recommendations of Section VIII Land Use Problems and Oooortunities; found in the support documents for the 1989 Citv of Bovnton Beach Comorehensive Plan, Sub-section 8,d, of that document states: "These parcels should be annexed and placed in the Low Density Residential land use category. Development of these properties should generally be limited to single-family detached dwellings, so as to be compatible with the one-story condominiums which lie to the south and the single-family subdivision lying to the north, " In connection with previous annexation studies, departments most affected by annexations (e,g. Police, Fire, and Public Works), have been surveyed for issues related to service capability and costs, All opinions previously collected from these departments supported the incremental annexation of enclaves. These opinions have been based on the following: 1) The enclaves are all immediately adjacent to areas within the city that currently receive urban services; 2) Ample service capacity exists to serve adjacent unincorporated properties; and 3) Most enclaves currently receive service from the city via the mutual aid agreement (Police and Fire/EMS only), The Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department has reviewed the applicant's traffic study and verified that capacity exists on Congress Avenue to accommodate this proposed amendment. In addition, the City's Director of Public Works has determined that no improvements to Palmland Drive will be necessitated by the impacts of proposed development. The Palm Beach County Planning Division has also reviewed the application and has determined , that the development will not result in a negative impact on the area roadway network in the year 2020. With respect to solid waste, in a letter dated December 18, 2001 the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the lO-year planning period, The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population. Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of the conditional use application, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities, CONCLUSIONS! RECOMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will not create additionai impacts on infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved, If conditions of approval are recommended by the Planning and Development Board or required by the City Commission, they will be included as Exhibit "B". J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJEQ5\Serrano Beach\LUAR 03.Q05\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc Location Map Serrano at Boynton Beach ---'" ~ P....;--c \\\~; ',i.'L, \ ~I \ 1""-' ~.~ -----.:,:~ " ~ :~~!I: ---------'! , ~, ~ , ..-.-.:" ;" f----,i' I Iii -----<I,,.-------;I~, ~I'~:~,i~;--,\~ li~I~~.----v-,'~-' I':,~;i,~~r-;/ ---"'i'----:.----":- ~-_. .- ---;'/,,---, ___iil i I I 1-.::::::::: ---.----r- LJ. I I !..Ii I i \ I I 'I I, I I I I I :/ j'!\ , -. -. , \ I! ~"I: r-!I. ~ \~ P U r:::'\ ''-;c-II. I~ ~I~ ~I~ Iq r-li~ H 'L ~'I~~II,I II" '~~:- 1'1 i '~'r- ~ ",*"IRB.QEl\<cO~ -."y'- CCKJ'.',...., ." I " I! ii' I I I j/t \ I lIe I, ~ " '~', 1 r ~I ' '" NJC, ;1 . I -;:------. i~ ~ i----:U I~~~ y '~~,i,::::' .....-- ~ -..... lSITE '" PU ~~I ~~IS!/ I I ~"~~~I! 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