APPLICATION City Codes Accessed Via Website: www,bovnton-beach,orq www.amleqal.com/bovntonbeachfl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? \..{r;::. S , Date: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required,) PROJECT NAME: ~ERRAND A-r BO'jr-n"or-J BEAO-t C'>!-.llf' ER'IAN (.,)Ul..oIAN C7R.-{A.N -r ASS~IA'IE-<; ) t'DC> NW ARc..A.DIII>, vv"'-"i B~ RA-rbrJ I FL- ':S~Lr3'Z.- [2,e;...-fl...l OPE S CHI.-. AGENTS NAME: ADDRESS: OWNER'S NAME (Or Trustee's) ADDRESS: 4DO N€ J IH ymE'6-r' 8()c..~ Rkr'l>N I ;:: L- S s L.l'3'2.. PROJECT LOCATION: QC1JVo \ 1'-\ M, vJ, Of' CONbR~~ t-J. <;IDE' of AND PCN NUMBER (Not legal description) Ob...{3.q'). 3\. DO ,OOD .SC.Z.D L. ' '2. { C,(jrJA L "CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: (If different than agent Or owner) -ll-.G EN' S A BoJF-- "This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded, -_..----------- , I~'i -fir!! : II ,; ;11: :; - 6 'j' I L-' ' ._..".. .,..J I ._._.J CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applications, No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, The applicant must submit two copies of this application and other required information, Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all required information as stated below, ATTACH THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1, a, A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record, or All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property, The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and 10 the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre, b, 2, A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a, If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, or b, If a lessee, a copy of the Lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, or c, If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or written consent of the seller/owner, or d, If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, or e, If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the seller/owner, GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: 13E.-rH Pe SC\-H.... Area of Subject Property: 1.\1."\ ~I\ \ Sq,Ft. or Acres: q ."'Y Estimated Present Population: Existing Future Land Use: Proposed Future Land Use: Existing Zoning: AR Proposed Zoning: 'PUD o MR-5 ~-lb Density Allowed: 1/ AC- , l4..'6/ AC-. , d,u,'s Density Allowed: d,u,'s EXISTING UTILITIES: Water: ~()NfE. Wastewater Collection: " " Solid Waste (garbage): STA TEMENT OF USE EXISTING USE: YA,CAN-r - 'FC>IZN\~ NdR'S:Elti PROPOSED USE: ~ €C,I1:>E.,,':rn A '- 51NbLE 'F1AiV\1L.;' .... 4, UN I"" S JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: <; E.e:. A -r--r p,.C\.-l~ EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SlSE. A--r-r .c..c..H6Q APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (I) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code, (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief, Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable, APPLICANT IS: Owner ~k~~ SIGNATURE F APPLI NT Optionee QHIP ~".A,..J TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT Lessee Ill>D r-:>v-J ARc..A.]:>\C>, vJA'! STREET ADDRESS / Agent BoCA RP,T'DN I FL- CITY AND STATE ':?~Ll3Z. Contract Purchaser 519\-3'1\' ltOl\ TELEPHONE NUMBER ?<P\- S'tl' '?'?,D'5" FAX NUMBER Please be advised that these exemption rules are tentative and will be subject to final approval by the City Commission, If you have any questions concerning the proposed Boynton Beach Concurrency Management Ordinance, please contact the Boynton Beach Planning Division at (561) 375-6260, {FILENAME \p \. MERGEFORMAT} Revised 10/08/02 J~n, 5, 2003 9:37AM "R HOlton inc, South ['ollda No 5121 P ,I 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Th. Southe.st quart.r (S.E. 1/4) of the Southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of the South.a.t quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East,Palm Beach County, Florida. LESS the South 40 fe.t thereof. AREA OF SITE: 424,377 Square F.et or 9.742 Acr.., more or I.... ..I u I'~. ~I. ~ 0 0 2 / 9:37AM ~,R, HOllon Inc, Sout~ Flollda P 19 It'.o/III1L r\j 0 . :1 ) ~ 1 Elba Oberlander (Indapelldcat at FlDllU'IY NAnONAL nn.s lNSUMNa eo, title plll\t) 15951 SW 41 S'IUEr, sum 800 WESTON, PLOIUDA 33331 (954) 217-1744 (800) 73~ (l'1.) (954)217-11022 (PAX) Date: January 15, 2003 " To: Linda Malaf.t D.R-II. Title COlllpllDY of Flortdlt IDe. ll'Z L Newport Cuter Drive, Saite 170 Deerfleld Bta~h. FL 33442 Phone (9S4) 428-5854 Fo: (9'4) 42B.]4Z4 From: Elba Oberlander, elaminer (en 210) Rqardlllg: Tmt or lalld (folio !#00..43-4S-31-Qo.OOO-SO:ZO) Attacbed plwe find cop1ea IlllIt Deeds of record cOllveytag property to Beth Pache!, togetber witb a cop)' of the outstanding mong_ee. Any question. plea.e give me a call. (Number orpage5 mcllldIDg cover) 11 t okNER'~ NAME AND ADDR~SS BETH PiSCHL 400 NE 7 ST BO~ RATON PI. 33432-2919 PIJun, 5 :003L 937AM,TIO,n,R, HOlton In: South Flolida FOL'IO 00-43 -45-31-00-. ,-S020....... 001 PAZIP BEl) 8TH HI! ~I.T ADJ 33436 2 3 1997 W Cil v SO I'LR St.DG OSi o ORN/MISe AGRI LEG A L 0 ESe RIP T ION 31-45-43, SE 1/4 or SW 1/4 OF BE 1/4 (LESS S 40 FT ~-2B CNL It/W) ~II''''''' No 51: I C~, ~~I 03 SQFT SALS\SQFT AV o 0.00 0.00 BI'P'8LT LV SQFT N/A Pt.ATIlOOK LOT ~CTBRISTles 409,02B.40 SQF TnB: TAX YR-=> 01 AMT--> ASSMt YR BUILDING 2002 0 SALE DATE AMOUNT MAR. 2001 100 DEC. 2000 570,000 MORTGAGE -coMPANY P1.Jl.TPAG:e; CEN TRT-BLK 60. OBO PHONE S61 338 0323 7!1S.33 PAID?==> Y TAX/n:::...> 0.00 PRIOR. YR DI.Q=,,> N ACRICULTORE LAND TOTAL ASSM'!' sQ/n 183.105 211,275 28,170 BOOK PAGE Q 0'1' SALli: nJ>.'I'E AMOUNT Bool< PAGE Q DT 12466 1852 QC JAN. 1994 220,000 8094 999 U we 12198 316 WD OCT. 1989 95,000 6216 5 U WD AMOtlNT !:lAtE M'l'G TYPE RATE NUMBER M'TK YR SLDG LA.NIl TOT VALTJE SLUe: e:LUe BLOO C!lE HOMEST APPR LP 02 211,275 211,275 69 6930 0 N N SBLLER-> LOUIS RILL Fl-DEED/MTG; F6=COMPS MENU F2=BLDG(S); F4-TAXES; F5-EXT LEGAL; P7-!:lIM!NSIONS; F8=FEATURES; F15.SKSTCH PIlO RECENT DEED - PlU:V MTG PRESEN'!' Fl-VIEW RES -I p:Jun, 5 ~iJ03 9:38AM .0 F:, hOI:or [nc, Boutn ~i_oLi_~~ SOl tONS N ~ ~ - A 0 V A LOR Z M T A K 11: 8 0.00 MAINT ASSMT 0.00 EAA(EVERGLAD~Sl o . 00 TOT NON 1IIlWlLOREM AD VALOREM TAXES GENlIlRAL COUNrY 157 _14 MUNICIPAL BOND MUNICIPALITY 0.00 TIIP SCHOOL DEBt 0.00 COUNTY DEBT SCHOOL LOCAL 210.05 HSTl1 SCHOOL STATE 0.00 VOTED DIm'1' CTY I.IBRARY 12. S8 ClILDUNS aERY PORT 0.00 rIND INLET 0.00 MSro po FIRE CON'l'ROL 71.60 HSTD S FL WATER 16.36 HEALTH CARE DCH ~ISI'1'ION 0 . 00 TOT AD VALORBM UPDATED TOTAL TAX AMOUNT ACTUAL. TAX PAID DATE PAID 05/31/02 79B.33 782,36 01/15/02 DEBT ASSMT aWA ASSMt STORM: WATER HOMESTEAD E X B M P '1' ION S WIDOW ENERGY NON-EnMPT PIlO TAX DAtA DISP!:.AYED, ENTER OR F9 TO u:Tt.lRN 'I No 51 : I RECEIPT 31797 _......v p, : ~1/1S/03 330. so 0,00 330,50 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 457. B3 Iac ,I U 11, 5 : G 0 3' 9: 38AM ... -- --.....-.. J/~ .,. .. ~ - . =:"'to&. (1\!U !!!;}!* ~bDt- 10. -.- .....I-U'.-OOO.III211 -".... -."" r R, Horton Inc, South Flol'ida...........,~ ~......~ ..._No.51:1... .:~,.: WlIlT8Ilty Deed 'IWi!" I.. .... __..... rrr ~ DUo .. ... a. 1:IIor>. .....~-1 ...... ,1000 ...., ..... c.. -"or .. - .... --_II aaD .... 711l iIl:nft. .......... Pro naa J -.. I'lllrUa .. ..tII .... ClIIIr. ..".... ...." ,l.eri.. I ..... - . ....lIMImlIr....... ., . ".... __~_w..~.._..~___.__..... ....~" 1'11).---......________._.-. ~ .. - ... .. - -- · IaM<nlII II ........ ., laNlnI, .. ..... _ II.....,. l- - ...... ..oil .... oIIlaAIllE... __ .... _..... -... ... _ .. .... ....-.......... raJa..... ..." n.... ..... .. ,~'-., -- [D 1/.' .. .. L_ ..._ ~_ f_ "., ., ... ...~ ~ (D :1./.' Dr. '.. u. 1 _~P....... .... U ... ..,. ..... - '",. J'lOriGa. ~~ - ., . I . -~"'" I.... _ --.. ....., ...:-n..._. . - .....u. ... .... .......~. II _ J .. __ ._ _LV So., ~ ... __ u. ........ _ .. __ ..aJ_ - to - .......u.t., 011I:--'.,. 1141/ _ ... --.n1 ......... .............. ~ II&' ......., _;1. _ ,... H..... . . ...., ... aSl _t.n u.... .. .......... _..._ ..,__ ...____. ....... - to II fi_ _ ..-. --r.. .. or _ ... -.r.1Il ,.. ... ....... -.. ----. .. r_ ., ~ .. _ "'1._ 1. ...... · ..-. II' -. &a &11II _ tIC .....000... __ _ DIft _Wont"... hIr ---- .! ... .......-=- Jlio. ___..... ...... -lor... to boo -111-1' ~,~,. _do tIIi. .. :l1lIoM. ...-.----.....011........._..____....__, Ill........". _ --...............'j.,..c.... __ .. Iil__, /"""'";> . A . L..::::t....... .... "-v .j_- 0 ~ r.clllII mr.r. . ~-. Clt'llI A. I:IUo PA_..........__-...._ . ,,4ft OP n."- ~Tt 01' .. . t .--~- ~ - ......... ....,.. -1" a - IIZU. ... ~ a. 1ItI.E.. --.... ... IOU. . .11. .. ....-,.................. n"lda . Mall' I'IIIIUO "'" -... D..~..lptlW1, ""110 1..lIb.n. Do~...,U-!l'!!:..~f!.mY.:JlI.~_ o~ a Ord.rl dl-b ea..uet -.......-... , ., I. ,...1:... . . , . '. , ...,:.",11. P 2: "III v..... Jun. "'(I'; J. :..1.1 21__ n p, HortGn inc. SouTh F'or I ca 9.; SAM_.... 1\ 0 51 2 i . .. _l.es.9.". a:l.? -.. 1IIUI'lI, U. ,,_, h. mraIIll'r Mf" I. ... .ll1l...oU.WlIllIlDrllllleoDilaltll.-........_ '--" A_19.19ll4,1I011l0li1l'-d Boat _l'Ipl2S7, ofiSPld6.........f him.... c-" l'lxlda. 2, r. -.4 .-"ilrol iI-.-....wJa.y.. 1m. ilOlWol ~.. 2911. E'Ip asc. . _. . lD 0IIklII1I...s IOOUIlI,..... 14M. or... NIla a-IIII of NIl ... Coaly, flbdda. 3. "Ill ra..... otlllt WIle WonIlIlnlllp DIIIrioI.......wd II Dood _ ... .. 211, of_........ ot.... ....c....,. Ploriia 4. Rl8II .,.._ laI: W'allll DnllIop Cal (,ZI. 5, .....or...ylorr-or1*W!'lt!1DowJ.pIlloldot~I.a , c..No. ~. pw.-IO Ofti:IaIllaulllloolt 649!. ... 761. of 1Ia r.t6:..... or... Iadt CDuoiy.1IIorida. t a.O"Z"lIlU"" ,.111 ...c:/l:,n. lloGUllle.aou.ftge !:fIJI.,U "'p' 1/ of 1/ cmI.rl dZ'b ~tl p. ~ 3 't!dY...oJ JJt, 5, 2003 9:38AM np, Horton [pc, South Flol Ida li05121 .'. ...-. ,- -.., ...... -", ,-'......~...-.._. , ~: .' - - -__t.- "."IV: i!.'~Il""--.1IIQUIllE N........&'"'~~ ,"', 14- ....1.__2111 : 1IoIIWI.... ....... '*1 ~I.J. MD.' .- '~el.t~z ..... . ..- ~lD"D,:4)"'~)I~!mO wo\lUlANTY_ III nos WADANn III1D, nrIIlhll'l1-..., ctNt_..... .,!If 1UCRA1D...... . "rtllL ... 0IIn1llf.... LOlIIIIIILL,..... _. -hale,.CIIIIce ......'.1911 N.8.IP ............. F1.:I3Ofi2. a..... . . WI< II .n"'IlIe~.,...lIn_ ..'IlIIicIo.lIfh....at _......IGD jJlOJII)- N....................cr- " ..... .............."..,J. . L 1. .,.......--.... ............I.1Iion. ............,...COl..............an.a.:.............. _Ill.... ....c.nty.I'IorIdI..: ~, .'.... -WllW.........lIlIlI......., ~. ....._b. ". r .. ~ .__11I U4l ", .. r ll.~.... \IW 111) ".. r . -....(IILlQ"......'I. ""-........G..~ ..... .... Cealf. ........ Ornar ......, ._ .... IlII ._. Ib.4 pII\IOII) II ... _ ... _ ... ... .. .....,_llolldoram....._.IlIt...............o...>........,_ r 1 \1.00. swact '10 oll_ (1Iw "I'anIit/ed EIooIfIkn")".. OIl lkhlllil "" . 1I\IItIII.... ..A8.~""'wiIh.U _mnr--. ~~I_.Y. Md'9-!1&.. """T"-~~' Ihonoo ~.........,... TO Mva o\ND TO /IOU... _I.,.. II.,.,..." -.... or.u..r IInIIy eo__ wlllt ukl 0IIllIee INI he IIlNu11,__ IIIlIId _In......: hilt ... _ .lNIlowfulllllllclll)o 10 IIdI......., IIId '-to ....lIIll1111lt fa" __....... 1IId.... - will..,.. the... opllllllN IIwfuI cllilD at &11...- "'-c,.... ""1 1Iicl.... II "'"' 11I11I,- 1__. IN wn"~ wrn:UOf. CMnIllr ........lD. bll btM IIIIl .... IIle ill,.. _ flll\ ~ -. . ................ ....i...... ~"':/~ r~,-== ~ ....... "- stAtiOI'. ., If ,~l,. murmop. HRlIUI:IoINo MnUlGlft'_ ~.. !" ..........rM,lL'L,afNo>......., ~ JIII~, o. -.!o' -.. .10........ ~ to III .. ..... ~ ~ ,........... .~. '...! r;il"T1I''';"IJ ..,- , ----.~.:"".'\:" i.lJl.HOoI : - ,..-.~"'ili ~ . D<o."...tpe,t"';, hJ. JI..da,rz. PoG.......-.oDk.hp U:IIT.Ul .....' 1";;'";' O~eI:'l drb. COMf.at, _. _., ..___..._.___...._ . _.... _ ..__.,. "". __Q~"~ iJl lICIfAID IIII.L II' N. D.IoIIIIIllII I\ItInaIlIll, VA I:!1OI p 24 ~vvu I "002 9 3 SAM "un, _ _ C R, H 0 I tor, [n c, 2011 t h F lor i c a No,5!;! f':5 -....... . ...- --. . '" ." " '. .. , , .~ t~~~" ~1I~... u........" ~.......,.. n,._. ___ I. z",1"I1IldIor "'IMcI;.,..1Ild pIlIIIlblti... .........,......1IIIIIlII ~, 2, ~I.....- J._.4....IIIIlet-.lIfIIIOI'UlI.......oocIIw__IO............. 3. r- r"''''')eIf al,.... .'~~ )IOWI. 4. &oonIonr Ift,.....IIl'~WIlllll ElIII....Ilf__.'.....Uw 1lItInwnelIl-w ~ 1'.1"', '" 0IIiclI1.....1Illok OM,... 123'1. "'.,. P\lWIc .... or...... '-h~. "'-lllL J. "r-~l.....Ilni.I'. "'_...........".. 1919.'" 0IIIeI1I....... ,., ... 2501, . ....lIl1.OIIIcWIlll!llld.III1UII..~ I466,ClflIleP\llllIa--.ClfPill.. ....c...r....... &. It_1ft "-aI'l" L.b WllIIb llnift.DlIlltcl_--.l1w 0I0d........1. DeoII.....,... 211. '" IN PuMie .... al'1'III", hdt CoaIIly. AoIida. 7_ Rlpl oIW1r rot Loke WllIIh DIll... CIbI 1.-21, .. RiaMs orWl)'I~ fa_orlhl Lab W1lllll DrII....DlIIIfol~....... ,c.lf...Ill',..... 1D00000000t__.... t49J. ..... "., or........... __ al'I'IIIII .... c_,. P1lri1L - . lle.CZ~Ullll' J'll.l.w ..1lcll,1'Z. ~......Dt-.ook.hg. 1UU.J11 "'ge, II Dt I Crda': *11 ea.aaatt ___ _"__ ._"_ __.."._ .. ,,_.... ~ .I u r, 5, 2 D I] 3 9: 39AM , .. , ,..."'........w Cp, HOIUin inc, Soutil elOllda .....~~'=1..~-lawe c., IL. III L?t -.............. IlEPAIlElI!y ANDlInlRNTO: / J 1UDM.1f.WaI. SSQUlIE V f6.~ S,E, 10lh litftoat. SIIiIl: 201 DIzIfioId"~ 3:w41 , IVlb No,4).45.)I.cJO.QlD.sqo QIIIr~DIIrD 11IlSQIlII'a.ADlIlIlIII, ~ .IIlt:l...KdIJ~:moI. "'LaJIS Rll.I... ~ -. Onalt, IoIilH P6SCHL.. -- -. ""- JIllIlol\iat..... II _ H.B. .,. Sl., ."'" ...... FIudlIa 13432, Go-.:' ~ -I... lbo - ~ ... "thw. .. ..... .... .... pIlnJ, hrltJ. ..,., ...... .dors, -1IIIp .r b1MlaM, ... dID ~ ....".llI' CIOIJIl'l......__. -........""'....) wmlI8SImI, T1lIl....1lIiI ar..,lbr lIIIII ii-I ,. ..,.,... _otS~ illlIIId pIlil , 1Irlh:0IkI ac-. ft~ ll1aftatlohlftbr ....~.......,..... ......l\lllI.QoIm --...-..\ JIM) lbmor. "lbo~ liIk..... .......................0-... ..lOcIa::....'''.101, JliIft wpne\ lit... ... ~"''''''cla::c-.,ofhmllco&t._ llI'~~~ . ThlIolUuIlIf'lllll;r (58 114) 0'" Sa..... .....(JW 114I or IlR blIua..-. (S8 ~) vi"'" 31. Tow...4S 800Q,... 43,.. Polm lea COllllY. Florida. ~"'""ltallla"",_' a..o~.-....-___dIc........orll.. Ona/gr vtlllllolOb. dle ~ ,,",vidal '--II GalIar'....... '-'" ....'II. AI ~iIId -1lIlf(lt) .....10 lIIe "orA-a ib.d 1IIOPlrlY... Ift'rioU1 ~ lor RlCKAID HW..ID dol er.........UlUJS IIIU.. .__.... to, .......,DMId11lod 1'iD....... 17.3GlII(Dood"I"). LOuIJHlLLlUIIEnI11fIllLL_lif q 41lO..Jlddlt...... lbo.l~ IDlhI~.....I&THFIiSCHl..."W....,.Do.I__~ - ".....__ .I~. I~. 2lUl, ilOllil:tllbunls 1M 12191,.1'Ip lIt oflhD.......ClfNm...CIIasy.l'1DrilIl (tl.d"2"~ ThI*'-oiIlllaad ... ...w._~ 1IIlt--........ dID....... DlIod "Z.Ioot_ ~-"'llD""""2S. .1I...0Ili.W--.....1Wl. ....35I.DflhoN6: !laalb 01..... .... CDtaJ, I'1DrilIa. Thll"CFD&llI'_QI* CIlbDlldItIo~ _.... or Ibo~"-,, ~.- II.",.' _iIa \'OIIpIn)..... ..........tlIaI.I... 'II" ""' tDt ~1llIr aJlIlle)Id II)' Doed "2. . . 10 BAVE AND 10 1IOLb",. - ~ .................... .. _ lIIftwo ~"'."""'.I ' '" ... ..a....... rW&. *'"........"'Idf _....." I .... ef.... .... 0_..., ~ ill ..... or COJIlIly. "Iho DllIt,..,.,... _1le.ft ... ....., lit Iho IIld Gr-. IbmIer. DIWMIDsWlDlmO\l. 'nIc_~"""'""*d" ..........dw:...ylllll_ h ."'lOIinon. ........ .<Ioa- ;:~kL, ... "lJ ~. ~\..P:rF ~" ~'\"-b.fllo_.t.~, ....... .... n D.., .1'.....'.... (l.nl" ~. ( .~ , ....-~. '., ... . LOl/IS IIlLl. If 2'" NJl. I...... J\..._..... I'L 33DQ . "" , '~., (.( Co' r. c. hL..-I6n ~oD.'1' 1'ltIoocIN-. '..cr.q,u",,, H.~ s..c:!I.rz. Do"_t......,t,,,.,. lJfn.U6i1 II.".. 1 Dt 2 War, l1r1l c-elle, ". NoW! p 26 iii uua N \ Ie. P, 17 J U II, 5, : 1:1 ')J 9: 3 9 AM., C R, H 0 ! t ':' II ] II C, SOU t II F I 0 lid a ' 0 " ,: _ ... ....~ ::~\&l "'=~ FL ""'U"tI' Sl"ATE 01' 1'lOIII)^ aJUNTY OI'III\QWARD TIlE ~ ~... ~...... dill f:t..,.... *"" 21101. hy LOUIS IIIU. . ...-s -. ... II . _. ~:" ~ ,ar ..... .. pIIOlI.- Olul .-}. HOllI)' Nblt: ~I'btda. t..Jo /IIy Q. ..' ...Ilopfts: ~~cl' ,.. ~.."-... 1'liIl~..w'lli'_ , .-..._- "'- f..... -...... ------_c t D.."dptj.....' 'alal "..cob,'" 1IO~_t.lIook...... lIU'.lIS~ ...,., :I of :I Ord.r, Ulr -""tr JUI", Int South "101 Ida 110,5121 ,. "I llo<IllI D. D.._. &0". HD _ell _1 Dl_, hi" UD IOOa Ita., lleft.... -su~ ~h lID. "1151-0. ..- I' O',~, 0':" ,." ....,.tY' haU'e1 -.,., I 1__.......1..._.............. THIS MORnMGB DBIlD ........~.,rI DfwhI,. _ "" eR ~....w_ "'.......""""11Io_...... .. IDII" IIlU _1ItIn'II A. RJU. .....l-#rfMllffl.. _~".' 1_...._..___..__.-...._...... .........,.........J..,... - 11........,..........-. ......"... r_Ito__._....___, ---.I - ~.""""_""" 'n ....._..... ~. .......*___- -...~ ,-~--- ..~ ~ ............,......... ........ -. .....---.--...........- ...,..... - 11_ --..--..... -- . ~"""ot.r --......mcCIID/IIIIIlIONG_.__ hllll...aI,.B..,..._............._... ... _. __ IoIotIIlI. ....._. ..,..,.,..." _.......... ,.,...... A_..~_llIIlil.._'h._...........llr -; ft....."",.,.. /II...... .. /to...,... .., ... """.. ~....",.... '*..,............ ............../IliW_ ",,..,.,,,.......,,.... _1,...,. ...............,. ................ -... '*...,... .~*- ..../ftIftJ-..,.._. ,_, ''''_.-''IN#__'''' , .. IIrIN6 ~..,..., ..,.. -... -,., -'*......... ......' . - ;~ . .. -..L ~...-,J"."""'" ....", of Pe..~..Jptt=1 ,.101 '''Dllb.n. IlOGVIlftlt....M.,."" U1J$.U. ....r 1 ..r f o~..,: <<N c:-.at. P 28 , , Jun. 5. 1003 9:39AM n R. Horton Inc. Sout~ [! orlda ~0.51 1[ P 19 '. - a.a9... :119 S!20.IlOOQII nn-NOTR - .her! 'Mnn JOR VALUEDClJVBD. dle IIl\ItnjpdOllind,ywll,VmlI1.lr_1IIIn _I........ 10 plf 10 ,.. ......arLOtllS 8ILL _1Dn'II '" IIILL, 1M prllII:lprJ _ 01 P;.. -- or.-.. ~..-~ ..~ lIIo/llI! (?~OOO.Dll) DoIlIIt ..l'h "-I rn.m .... ~_ IIIho '* <I ....1.........1 (1'1).... -. IlIIW 11Ift ell ""'" .... u r..u-: 1IIJe_llI1lrllllllllllb'JlI1IIMl1lIIftIlle_alS3Ml1m'---IIIApr1I I. 2OO1.lnlle. 11II...., III<lIIIh dltllllll'lollllllll Apill. 2llO2. CO_dill o\1Idll. ZOO2, -.dlI1 prtlldpll_..... pQDIIlS I. IIIe _all.. 'WIl'~ OIdlIilldaw:yIMlllllIlllllll'llr.lIlIIllWlnh 1._. ..-lIle-.e llUIa:..... _., anaod illlaUl, 1llIII. due_~ IoPlpri1lclpI..1II1Iblpl)UlcIllPfIll_yofdleUlll""..alA__II'J1111il1l I~ -. 'P...,~ a__~ PI. .......7 atll.udIp1lloaUD)'lIallIfIcrbedP.lplllrlllnwnIllUallaIl &an '110 bGldcr 10 lilt lIIIRr IIIIIDt. 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IN .....1Ie"""'" ~.. --~ n t..4~"'" III -.-. f Ym'N_"--4M"'Io.~E" .*'S!!.......... 11II . .... ..-- ~PJ --II' _ 111 CI~--I9l,.,.. (D ...".... .~._- S _~'" "..o..~,.tlc.." Pal.- ...clI..... Pooo......t........,... .l.21P1.J1f ,.,.. J ..~ . D.c.z. clrtI C_t: . P 30 OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed, The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition, SIGNATURE OF OWNER(s) OF RECORD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS o~ TYPE NAME OF OWNER(s) CITY & STATE CITY & STATE TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER FAX NUMBER PlttDER TROOTMfitt COttSOLTlttG. Ittc. Transportation Planners and Engineers 2324 South Congress AvenuE', Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434.1644 Fax 434.1(,(,3 www.pindertroutman.com May 30, 2003 Mr. Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33452 Re: Serrano at Boynton Beach - #PTC03-13 Dear Mr, Rumpf: The purpose of this letter is to provide a traffic equivalency statement for the above referenced project, Approval from Palm Beach County Traffic Division showing that the Traffic Performance Standards were met for the 98 multi family residential units is provided on Attachment 1. It is now proposed to develop 47 single family residential units, Attachment 2 provides the trip generation comparison between the approved and proposed development. The proposed development generates less daily, AM and PM peak hour trips than the approved development. Therefore, the project is in compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincer y, y ?!I~--~1 ~__f~(-; 1---- Adrea M. Troutm ,P,E. ';?/'f()/o~ F orida Registration #45409 AMT/ldr Attachments cc: Karl Albertson Masoud Atefi Letter Rumpf 03-13 5-30-03 Pi Department of Engineering and Public Works po. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. Fl 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgovx?m . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H_ Newell, Chairman Carol A. Robens. VICe Chair Karen T Marcus Mary McCarry Bun Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L Greene County Administrator Rob~n Weisma:1 -An Equal Opporruniry Affirmarivt! Action Employe:r~ , printed on recyded paper A IT ACHMENT 1 rD'~""'="~""'15' ~,;tl;r."'il0 I . _ March 7, 2003 Mr. Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Serrano @ Boynton Beach - Bach Property TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the project entitled; Serrano @ Boynton Beach - Bach Property, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, The project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Use: New Daily Trips: Build-out Year: Hunters Golf club, Summit Lane, West of Congress Ave, Boynton Beach None 98 MF Residential Units 686 2004 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, If you have any questions regarding this delermination, please contact me at 684-4030, Sincerely, OFh0T~E~~R " Masoud Atefi, MSCE Sr. Engineer - Traffic Divisio cc: Pinder Tro Co tting Inc. File: General - IPS - Mun - T rafic Study Review F:\TRAFFIClmalAdminlApprovals\030222,doc #PTC03-13 5/30/2003 tripgen Comp 03-13 5-29-03jo.xls Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2 DACH Property Trip Generation Comparison Approved Daily ITE Total land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (1) Trips Residential Multi Family 230 98 Dus 7/DU 686 Prooosed Daily ITE Total land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rale (1 I Trips Residential Single Family 210 47 Dus 10/DU 470 Nel New Trips (21611 Approved AM Peak Hour ITE Total Trios land Use Code I nlensity Trip Generation Rale (2) In I Out I Total Residential Multi Family 230 98 Dus 0,51 /DU (17/83) 91 411 50 Prooosed AM Peak Hour ITE Total Trips land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (2) In I OUI T Total Residential SinRle Family 210 47 Dus 0.75 /DU (25/75) 91 261 35 Net New Trips (15)1 Aooroved PM Peak Hour ITE Total Trips land Use Code Intensity Trip Generalion Rale (2) In I OUI I Total Residential Multi Family 230 98 Dus 0,62 /DU (67/33) 411 201 61 Prooosed PM Peak Hour ITE Total Trips land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (21 In 1 Out 1 Total Residential Single Family 210 47 Dus 1,01 /DU (64/36) 301 171 47 Net New Trips (14)1 (1) Sourc(>: Section 10.8, Fair Share Road Impact Fees, of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development code (UlOC). (2) Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE), Trio Generation, btn Edition. City Codes Accessed Via Website: www. bovnton-beach,orq www.amleqal.com/bovntonbeachfl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? YES , Date: Jan '03 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application teauired.J PROJECT NAME: Serrano at Bovnton Beach AGENT'S NAME: Paul Bach ADDRESS: 6260 Marqate Blvd. Og'~IN At...- Marqale. FL 33063 OWNER'S NAME (Or Trustee's) ADDRESS: Beth Peschl 400 NE 7'" Street Boca Raton. FL 33432 PROJECT LOCATION: 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 y..Mi W. ofConqress abuttinq North side ofL-28 canal AND PCN NUMBER (Not legal description) 'CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Aqent above (If different than agent Or owner) *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applicalions, No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, The applicant must submit tw:J copies of this application and other required inbrmation, Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all required information as stated below, ATTACH THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORf\i1ATION TO THIS APPLICATION: b, A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record, or All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn 10 a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property, The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre, 1. a. 2, A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a, If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, or b, If a lessee, a copy of the Lease Agreement and witten consent of the owner, or c, If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or witten consent of the seller/owner, or d, If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, or e, If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and witten consent of the seller/owner. GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Beth Peschl Area of Subject Property: 424,377 SF Sq.Ft. or Acres: 9,742 AC Estimated Present Population: Existing Future Land Use: Proposed Future Land Use: Existing Zoning: AR o MR-5 R-10 Density Allowed: 1 d.u.'s Proposed Zoning: PUD Density Allowed: 10 DUlAC d.u.'s EXISTING UTILITIES: Water: None Wastewater Collection: None Solid Waste (garbage): None STATEMENT OF USE EXISTING USE: Vacant- former plant nursery PROPOSED USE: Residential Multifamily PUD JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See Attached Annexation Justification EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERlY TO BE ANNEXED See Attached Leqal description City Codes Accessed Via Website: www, bovnton-beach,orq www.amleqal.com/bovntonbeachft.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? YES , Date: Jan '03 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION ANNEXATION APPLICATION 00 ~@~UW~ ill r cd , 9 2003 PM~INING AND NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 cODies of aDDlication IeQuired.) PROJECT NAME: Serrano at Bovnton Beach AGENT'S NAME: Paul Bach ADDRESS: 6260 Maraate Blvd. Maraale. FL 33063 OWNER'S NAME Belh Peschl (Or Trustee's) ADDRESS: 400 NE 7th Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 PROJECT LOCATION: 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 'l.Mi W, ofConaress abultina North side ofL-28 canal AND PCN NUMBER (Not legal description) .CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Aaent above (If different than agent Or owner) *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applications, No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit tv..o copies of this application and other required inbrmation. Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all required information as stated below. ATTACH THE FOllOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. b. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record, or All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property, The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. a. 2, A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, or b, If a lessee, a copy of the lease Agreement and witten consent of the owner, or c. If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or witten consent of the seller/owner, or d, If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, or e, If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and witten consent of the seller/owner, GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Beth Pesch Area of Subject Property. 424,377 SF Sq,Ft. or Acres: 9.742 AC Estimated Present Population: Existing Future Land Use: Proposed Future Land Use: Existing Zoning: AR o MR-5 R-10 Density Allowed: 1 d,u.'s Proposed Zoning: PUD Density Allowed: 10 DU/AC d,u.'s EXISTING UTILITIES: Water: None Wastewater Collection: None Solid Waste (garbage): None STATEMENT OF USE EXISTING USE: Vacant- former plant nursery PROPOSED USE: Residential Multifamily PUD JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexati )'1 will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See AU .:.Cled Annexation Justification EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERlY TO BE ANNEXED See Attached Leqal description CIty Codes Accessed via Website \vww.bovnton.bcach.ofl!. www.amlegaJ.comlboynton_beach_n.us HAS APPLICANT ATTENDED A PRE-APPLICATION MEETING? DATE: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Division. Incomplete applications will not be processed. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION, I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1, Project Name: SE1<1<ANl> 2. Type of Application (check one) ./ a. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning b, Land Use Amendment Only c. Rezoning only 3, Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Division) 4, Applicants Name (person or Business entity in whose name this application is made) Address: BeTH PESG,HL. -YDD HE. ,-rH _BDC.A RATON ~'-IZ e e"T' ~L.. s'3q'3%. (Zip Code) Phone: SiDl. ",3It ~. ;tp, I FAX: NIA . 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant 1'A. V l.. BA. c..t-l Address: _lnZ(oO ^'\A.Rl..A.Tj:; MARl..A"'r E. i= l- I 5t..\ID. ~3D"'3 (Zip Code) Phone: ---9 $ "t. q1"i . ADD4 FAX: ..9 ~L1.ql'" . q, (t'~ City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Page 2 6, Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: 13E"T\'"\ PESc..~'- 4DD NE ,,"1'1"\ ~~r::e,. 'RDCA ~A.-rD"" I ~1.. nl./"?z' (Zip Code) Phone: 5(0\- '3tt~ - 5lDl1 FAX: -1::!J ~ 7, Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)* AbENT *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed 8, What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc,) ow Ne.R 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: I JI.J Mol Wr;,~T OF C.Dt-lbRSSc, /,,:)N N. ~\CF Or- L.Z~ r~ANA\- PCN (s) DD- 4.-:;. 4?' ~ \- 00 - ()CO. 7()ZO 10, Legal Description of Subject Parcel: SE e:c A""'-AC-He t:> 11, Area of Subject Parcel (to nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre: -.9.""74 A.C- 12, Current Land Use Category: M~.? (c.ovrJ"'.y) 13: Proposed Land Use Category: 14, Current Zoning District: A~ (.D\lNT1 ) l>c.)D 15. Proposed Zoning District: 16 Intended use of subject parcel: ?Ft"IOs;;,r-l"t',AL Mvl,"1"1=AMIL{' City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Page 3 17. Developer or builder: -D, TZ. HD~""'DN I'4/A 18. Architect: 19. Landscape Architect: ~A 20. Site Planner: .jUU A.N &.iAN +- A s ~DC I A""';~ I N ~ . 21. Civil Engineer: Sc....""'AlZ.c;. E~{,.IN!;;.e/2I,.l(, c.,.~~. 22, Traffic Engineer: YINO~ - "T(?bl7T'N\Ar-l 23. Surveyor: U~bJ;,a. PAL..B1C~P. ~ AS~l>c. --Q , II. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION The following materials shall be submitted in two (2) copies, unless otherwise indicated: (please check) ...:.-a. This application form, ...:...b, A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. ...:...c. The following documents and letters of consent: _(1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: a written consent to the application by all owners of record, _(2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and _(3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: a copy of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and ' _(4) If the applicant is a lessee: a copy of the lease agreement, and the written consent of the owner, and _(5) If the applicant is a corporation or other business entity: the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation, ~d, A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Division, and containing the following information: _:...,.(1) An accurate legal description of the subject parcel. City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Page 5 8) Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed, _h, A comparison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning. with the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which will include: _(1) A comparison of the potential square footage of number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under the proposed zoning or development. _(2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded, _(3) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. _(4) For proposed zoning of property to commercial or industrial districts, where the area of the subject parcel exceeds one (1) acre, projections for the number of employees. (5) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For projects that generate move than five hundred (500) net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted which complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. (a) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at least 30 days prior to the deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by the City's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of review by the City's traffic consultant. (b) For projects that generate between five hundred (500) and two thousand (2,000) net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted at the application deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by Palm Beach County. However, if it is the desire of the applicant to utilize the City's traffic consultant for review of the traffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the procedure and requirements outlined under item "a" above shall be followed, NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis In the manner prescribed above may delay approval of the application. _(6) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning, Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless a registered engineer justifies different standards, Commitment to the provision of improvements to City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Page 6 the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. _(7) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless a registered engineer justifies different standards, Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning, _(8) For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning, Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning, _(9) At the request of the Planning Division, Planning and Development Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation of such nuisances and hazards, Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances and hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance, Also, statements concerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures, setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shall be provided. At the request of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. _(10)At the request of the Planning Division, Planning and Development Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit the following information: _(a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. _(b) _(c) Existing and proposed grade elevations, Existing or proposed water bodies, _(d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreation facilities. _(e) A written commitment to the provISion of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONlf,3 APPLICATION Page 7 dedications as may be required. _(11 )For rezonings to planned zonirg districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. (12) Where conformance with the C lunty's Environmentally Sensitive lands Ordinance is required, an Application for Altera on of Environmentally Sensitive lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted t the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to ( ty) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the land Use Amendment and/or Rezoning, Jplication to the City, III. APPLICATION FEES Fees shall be paid at the time that th,~ application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Division will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required, All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV, Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Page 8 V. APPLlCANrS OWNERSHIP AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH / BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ReI-/' Ji?;cJ../. WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner. or the owner's authorized agent, of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. He/she understands the Future Land Use Map amendment application fee is nonrefundable and in no way guarantees approval of the proposed amendment; 3, The statements within the Future Land Use Atlas amendment application are true, complete and accurate; 4. He/she understands that all information within the Future Land Use Map amendment application is subject to verification by City staff; 5. -He/she understands that false statements may result in denial of the application; and 6. +ie/she understands that hefshe may be required to provide additional information within a prescribed time period and that failure to provide the information within the prescribed time period may result in the denial of the application, FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, The foregoing instrumElnt ras acknowledged before me this -k day of It; "Lilt "'~f. 200~3., by . +"-- ~'i.()v\ (Name of Person Ackn wledgmg) who 1~-personal1D . nown to me r who has produced (type of identmtation) as I ca Ion and who did (did not) take an oath, h{, /LLJ ~-k.e .b~~ (Signature of Person Taking Ackno ledgment) (Notary' Seal) M (\"'~~OJ Applicant's Signature k-HI Pe::i)\l Applicant's Name (Print) 3cb Ni: 1+0 Sr a Street Address D({'{),. Nrhn .f\', ;~\) 2..- City, State, Zip Code T eleohone DG\ ~C\ <;<;(; 1 ( (Title or Rank) (Serial Number, if any) HOLLIE SUE GRAY NOTARY P1iI.lC. STATE OF FlORIOp, COMMISSION.00122109 ExPIRES 07~006 BOHOED THRu 1.SU-NOT ARY 1 City of Boynton Beach LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Page 9 VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH / BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED 7?e11. 7?sc.h L WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. -He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. -He/she duly authorizes and designates to act in his/her behalf for the purposes of seeking a change to the Future Land Use Map designation of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. +Ie/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment application and l=te/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A, FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this K"day of Lu\u (.l.(L'L 20 1",] ~ co'1.- . (Name of Person ACkn~dging) Wifo is:Q.erso~J!P nown 10 me ho has produced (tYpe of identification) as i enlllcation and who did (did not) take an oath, UJlLdk k~ (Sigrfature of Person Taking ~ldgment) I Ire. M ~ (Name of Acknowledger Typed rinted or Stamped) (Title or Rank) M{L~~CfJ . Owner's Signature bt4 Vi P{SCh \ Owner's Name (Print) %0 N~ 7+Y\ Sf ' Street Address 11j(lCl KCltz/\ fz, 3Y13L City, State, Zip Code (Serial Number, if any) (Notary' Seal) 'Yl " - Teleohone ( ) ,}1\ ' f:)Io 1 L _J;WLlIE SUE GRAY , 'P{8[IC-STATEC>>~ ~~N *00122'08 -..E50'_ IONDIDTHRu '-Ia8-NoTARY" OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed, The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompanysuch petitio ' &+ 1J2vKJJ SIGNATURE OF OWNER(s) OF RECORD B frh. (2e SU" I TYPE NAME OF OWNER(s) rWL b1, ~tt- TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT LJDb NE ltl, jJ- STREET ADDRESS b'Jf.o Mlre',l.1~ WV STREET ADDRESS &c ~ f~(Chljl) 11, ?'>3Y -) ~ CITY & STATE J4A.R~l~ j r-L., ~3()i"3 CITY & STATE :5u I / 3(1 \' S), I I TELEPHONE NUMBER '!61.f VJll1- f?oo~ TELEPHONE NUMBER 0uI r j~f'10t3 FAX NUMBER qii't - 'il7 - t:z7 ~? FAX NUMBER 4 CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and pia /submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) 0N e) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief, This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below, W0~J\LU Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee. of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity, l~ltk/~ Date OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date IV, AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT lJ"Z-t/01 Date' L S.!9natur of thonzed Agent r'J4.'it. Bt4c ,The~. €c.'t4Tt>, J-,;A/t!. (I) 0Ne) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. ' Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity, Date OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. t 5 . AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } Before me, the undersigned authorilypersonally appeared ~Ii ~ ..c.l J . who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and sa~: } SS 1. 2. 3. (attach an additional page if insufficient space) Thatshe desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. Thalshe has appointed ~ LA / SA ch n-t!' s, to act as agent in ~~ehalfto accomplish the atove. E e..14- T.:5 .:z:;;.(J. , ~/7CLf (SIGNATURE OF OWNER) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~(2~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large HOLLIE SUE GRAY tfOTARY Pla.iC. STATl! OF II'LOA:IO.... COMMtSSlON.00122109 ExPIRES 0710812006 BONDEoTHRu l-a&a-NOTARV' My Commission Expires: IICHIMAINlSHRDA T AIPLANNINGSHAREDlWPIFORMSIAPPLlCA TI~SIANNXlANNEXDOCREVISED 1 0/16101 of 6 JuliaR l'lIaR , Rllooiat., Justification ~;tatement Serrano ::>UD Proposed Annexation, Land se and Zoning Change 1, The requested change in Land Use c !signation and rezoning of the subject property is in conjunction with a petition for annexation into the City of Boynton Beach. The proposec. density of ten units per acre and multifamily townhouse housing type", II provide a suitable transition from the existing school site to the east to t'le low to medium density residential uses lying to the North, West and Sou h. 2. The proposed amendment would not r~sult in any isolated or conflicting zoning, and as it is accompanying an cnnexation, does not constitute any granting of special privileges. 3. The subject property abuts the City of iloynton Beach in part on three sides, and is currently an isolated area Jf County jurisdiction, making its annexation and the associated Land U. e/Rezoning appropriate and desirable, 4. The subject site is currently undevelop€ j and not served by any public utilities, however public utilities exist ne, rby. Necessary offsite improvements will be constructed, and/c ' monetary contributions made in association with this project in order to in3ure that public service demands can be met. 5. The subject property will feature design c iteria which will provide buffering to enhance compatibility, The constructiCl of new residential housing units in urban infilllocations such as this t .:lS been demonstrated to increase the values of adjacent residentia, uses by increasing the appraisal basis of the subject property anc through the aesthetic improvement of currently unimproved land 6. The existing designations are within Palm leach County jurisdiction, and are not consistent with the existing surrour. ling Land Use patterns. 7, The proposed Land Use and Zoning chang. will provide a housing category which is currently in high demand 'Vithin the City and the immediate vicinity, The physical characteri~ :ics will be consistent with this C:\JBA fi(esIProjeclsIConlinental\SerranoIJustslmI.021903 doc Land Development Consultants. P,Q. Box 810144. Boca Rate 1, Florida 33481 . 561.391.7871 Julian Ir"on & IlIoolol., housing type elsewhere in the City of Boynton Beach, and will remain compatible with the immediate surrounding uses, 8, Since the subject site is being annexed into the city, and will contain housing which is currently in high demand within the City, the proposed change represents the highest and best use for the subject property. The proposal would not be appropriate for considerations of other locations given the concurrent annexation. C IJBA filesIProjectsIContinentllIISerrllnoljuststmt.0211103 .doc Land Development Consultants . P.O, Box B10144 . Boca Raton, Florida 334B1 .561.391.7B71 Julian B'lIon , Allooiol., Impact Analysis 1. Under the current County Land Use and Zoning, the subject site is designated for Agricultural Residential use, and could contain any valid agricultural activity and up to one dwelling unit maximum. 2. The subject property previously was utilized as a wholesale nursery. Other nursery and farming uses such as crop farming, plant cultivation and grazing activities would be allowed along with a maximum of one residence, 3, The proposed project will be developed in a single phase within the next two years, 4, No employees, as this is for residential use, 5. Refer to attached Traffic Study prepared by Pinder Troutman, 6, The water use demands for the subject site will be estimated at 250 GPO for the requested 98 units which result in a total demand of 24,500 GPO. The current site demands cannot be accurately estimated beyond the single allowable residential unit (350 GPO) without a specific agricultural use assigned, 7, The sewage demand comparison relies on the same figures stated above for water consumption- 24,500 GPO of discharge. 8, The projected population for the project based on the assumption of 98 units at 2.5 persons per household would be 245. C:\JBA ftlesIPrOlecls\ConllnentaIlSerranoljuSISlmt.021903 doc land Development Consultants . P,O, Box 810144 . Boca Raton, Florida 33481 . 561.391.7871 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Southeast quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the Southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of the Southeast quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East,Palm Beach County, Florida. LESS the South 40 feet thereof. AREA OF SITE: 424,377 Square Feet or 9.742 Acres, more or less. 't!lS/03 WED 18:08 FA! aS4 217 a022 FIDELITY NATIONAL ~001 Elba Oberlander (Independeat at FIDEUTY NATIONAL Tl1l.E INSL'RANCE CO. title pllllt) 15951 SW 41 STREET, SUITE 800 WESTON, PLOIUDA 33331 (954) 217.1744 (800) 736..()()94 (FL) (954) 217-9022 (FAX) Date: Juuary 15,2003 - To: Linda Malafa D.R.H. Title Company of Florida, Inc. 1192 E. Newport CeDter Drive, Snite 170 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 PhoDe (954) 428-5854 Fax (994) 428-1424 From; Elba Oberlander, examiner (ert 210) Regardillg: Tract or laad (folio #00-43-45-31-00-000-5020) Attached please fmd copies last Deeds of record conveying property to Beth Peschel, together with a copy of the outstanding mortgage. Any questions please give me a call. (Number or pages iDc1adilllg cover) 11 <t OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS BETH PESCHL 400 NE 7 ST BOCA RATON FL 33432-2918 01/15/03 WED 18:08 FAX 854 217 8022 FIDELITY NATIONAL ~002 PIlJ-Ol FIDELITY NATIONA: "I~ 01/15/03 FOLjO 0~-43-45-3l-00-000-5020 001 PAZIP BED BTH HB BLT ADJ SQFT SALE\SQFT AV 33436 2 3 1997 0 0.00 0,00 W G V P FLR BLOG USE EFP'BLT LV SQFT o ORN/MISC AGRI N/A LEG A L 0 E 5 C RIP T ION 31-45-43, SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF 5E 1/4 (LESS S 40 FT L-2B CNL R/W) PLATBOOK LOT CHARACTERISTICS 409,028.40 SQF TYPE: TAX YR;=> 01 AMT--> ASSMT YR BUILDING 2002 0 SALE DATE AMOUNT MAR. 2001 100 DEC. 2000 570,000 MORTGAGE -coMPANY PLAT PAGE CEN TRT-BLK 60. OBO PHONE 561 338 0323 79B.33 PAID?",,> Y TAX/FT==> 0.00 PRIOR YR DLQ==> N AGRICULTURE LAND TOTAL ASSMT SQ/FT 183,105 211,275 28,170 BOOK PAGE Q DT SALE DATE AMOUNT BOOK PAGE Q DT 12466 1852 QC JAN. 1994 220,000 8094 999 U we 12198 316 WD OCT. 1989 95,000 6216 5 U we AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER MTK YR BLOG LAND TOT VALUE SLUC CLUC BLOG COE HOMEST APPR LP 02 211,275 211,275 69 6930 0 N N SELLER"~ LOUIS HILL F1=DEED/MTG; F6=COMPS MENU F2=BLDG(S); F4"TAXES; F5-EXT LEGAL; F7-DIMENSIONS; FB=FEATURES; F15=SKETCH PlIO RECENT DEED - PREV MTG PRESENT Fl-VIEW RES t 01/15/03 WED 18:09 FA! 954 217 9022 FIDELITY NATI lNAL . PIlO-032 FIlL _ AMERICAN REAL ESTATE ~OLUTlvJlS NON - A D V A LOR EM':' A XES 0.00 HArtT ASSMT 0.00 EM EVERGLADES) o . 00 TOT N( N ADVALOREM AD VALOREM TA) ES GENERAL COUNTY 157.14 MUK. :::IPAL BOND MUNICIPALITY 0 . 00 TII: SCHOOL DEBT 0.00 com ,y DEBT SCHOOL LOCAL 210.05 MST\ SCHooL STATE 0.00 VOTE I DEBT CTY LIBRARY 12.6B CHIL'RENS SERV PORT 0.00 FINt INLET 0.00 MSTU F FIRE CONTROL 71.60 KSTD S FL WATER 16.36 HEALT~ CARE BCH AQU.ISITION 0.00 TOT AD VALOREM UPDATED TOTAL TAX AMOUNT ACTUAL TAX PAID DA'."E PAID 05/31/02 798.33 782.36 '1/15/02 DEBT ASSMT SWA ASSMT STORM WATER HOMESTEAD E X E M P I' ION S WIDOW ENERGY NON-EXEMPT PIlO TAX DATA DISPLAYED, ENTER OR F9 TO RETURN t RECEIPT 31797 ~OOJ 01/15/03 330.50 0.00 330.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 467.83 ISC 01/15/03 WED 18:09 FAX 954 217 9022 FIDELITY NATIOSAL ~004 ,--- .," .... -.....,~..... ,'. ....,..... -:r.,,~ . .~...... - ..- "... ....1.... ....... .....,.,.. - aes._.. 31.6 ';n.=ilrr-~-rl .. .... - --..-. 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R....oI'''"'!'illfi"..rorLabWorthDrailllpDiolriotpw.-tan 1 C:-No. <<n. pIlI1l.-t III 0fticiII a-nI BooIt 649S,.... 761, oflht NIlic ~ ofPlb _~.1'Iortda. , 11e.c:rlllt!on: I'd.. ...c:.lI,n Da_e-saol:.l'ag. 12U8.316 I'.ge: 2 o~ 2 order: drb C~t: 01/15/03 MED 18:09 FAX 954 2'7 9022 FIDELITY NATIOKAL Iai 006 .:., " tDlIII1I.UIGHI' ~ ~-t' IV: '~Il ~.1IQlIIilE to '''~a'''_,'.A, ~ WsaIP__2111 :" l 1o.lWiI-. -".." II u.-'U. ......: - fl' a _ ._ ......... DU l.e3~3'" 3l1t .. .... ae L. ........,-- Plapr:ny II) No.: 4,...,.,I.lJO.QJIJ.$020 W411J1A.Pll'Y IIIBD It. IRIS W4mlAN'I'Y DUD, INlIc 1IIt1'11-doy DlI"-IoCloI..... 2101. .., ..CHAIID IIILL. . . "'(flit.. -.OnmDl',1IMI, LOlIIlI HILI.,....... _.._ pallCI/Ii.. ......'.2911 NA '1" ..... PlM..-_ 1Iadt. FL l3Ot\Z. a.... w....~.n_IlleOrwlkw.for_in~ '-'l 11llion~1hc...._ "'rEN_NallCD (Slo.tII)- DaII......adlor_...... .......UIII.............,iI__,. .... 1. ~....--........ ...................-.-.epIllll..."."".-....an.....l!lII_.... -....... ~c-y. fIoridL n.: . GI ,,~. .1dwI.....(Va) ..... lit MIl .. .. file. H........... ro-r- '". n. - - ~.-lSB utI II'" Ii. ~..... IIW "" II" r .. ..... (SIlIifhrllodlaa 31, ........ 41 s..a.... G"'" ........ Centr. ........ ar.nar ....., 1_ IIIIlIIIe ....., L.ilo.AIl'ftIPt'IY it .... _ .... _or ... .... ... ................"'ao--............__""'"""'--.~.lIipll...___. stlIJECTro 011_ (!he.........UCd EacqJtiaooo") li_ an Iilhlllit"". _...... hA.o;.... wi... In...__ honldi_.IIIlI......na "'WM.""'. ........-.........,.. to IL\ VK 4ND TO HOlD !he UIllO 'n ,.. ,;"",10 r-.... o\lIIDlheOnlllarhoMy 00_ wi'" Slid Onftlee IhII he illnfully II:izaI DlIIicIIIIIlI;",........, .... he ... pId t1...... Ioowful.ulllcllity 10 ..u on! "''''1 IIid '-t. _... """"" "'IIJ _ *Iille.. _land -' wtll CWend Ihc...... IpllIIllhe ....,., CWIIlI DIll......... wIloftl\A:,a; IIId "'11IIid IIIld iI r- "'111__._. IN WIll'''''''' WHltUXW. OrIn,.. hU.......nlD ICI hllllUld ond.... die dt.y -.I _ fUll ~ _. . Sitl*I...!ad.... deJi_ 2.~/LLL . il.. "=...1 Ire.. ~tP I'ItItIlldN_ !T4111Cl1'. ~, ,At ttJUI'n'r Of. t 11IE~~,,1lMISNl'_ ..4~".~lIIedll.IL'I.'DlIb__. mI,~ ~. 11111.. .......... -.:', er~ -- III .. ... who .. . -, ~ I. .14.~ I\'" ^';I.\'~'11 ..,- . ..~ralia=;~*.f~~ - . -No.:' .... . ~'" .._......u:lJII. ........ De.er1pt.t0Jl: Paba ...c.b,I'L Doc..e.at-Book.g.ge 12333.351 'age: 1 o~ 2- Ord.1!':dr.bC~nt:-..-_...___..____..._ _ ,,_,_ ..__....... . .J.J,J, i/~ ..CHAIID RILL 1.9 M. DoNoIItIlCl Mi....... V" Z!2ll1 01/15/03 WED 18:10 FA! 954 217 DOZ2 FIDELITY NATIONAL ." .1.. .. . ... 1Q333~. 3Se _1Ilf IL IIIlID, ~ " _. n 0....... MA" ............ n... _....... I. Zaol"lllldlor .atrictioo.MId poalIibiliGe i1IlpOIlIIlI7 ,-_IIUIIlarity. 2. ......-. . ._."," ood IIlller -"""""""1011 ... ..... ............... >>.... ............. 3. T... lor dlc: ~ 2lll1. IIId ..........M ,.... 4. ~ in r._or... Wonh o..l.,. DIII.id._.....,. itl_ _lid """* /9.1....;" OfrICilI ~ Boat 1394...... 1237. 01.... Mile ..... aI '""" IlcKh c-.,..1'Iari*. 5. II _~ eanlIiIled i. in_ _I-., '.19J9.."OIIidIl __..... _. .....2,... /:01. .d i. OIliciol........8... ]111, .....'466.c1lhePloblie .....af.... .....CauIIy.Aari& 6. IIi....;" '.-allhel.ol:. W""" 0tIi.. 01_. __ iI Dood-*lio Deod............ 211. 01 dot Public III1:11ft11 01 Palm IIeIdl CeuMy.... 1. Ripl or W,y lor... W"",, Dni... e....!,.2.. .. Il;pu orW.yln '._01.... lAb WonlI DniupDi_ ""-IOCIlucayc.e No.4lJ'I........ 10 0It1Ct..1l-.I..... 649S. ..... 111. or dlc: PubIio: 11_ 01...... _ e_y. P1-. t lleocr.1pt1OA: 'ollo ...dJ,n. Iloc........-Book.'.9'. 12333.351 P.p: Z o~ 2 OI'dor: cJr.ll CaaI.ut: ___ _.__ ___'_ _...,._ _ ..__ _, . ~007 - 01/15/03 WED 18:10 FA! 954 217 9022 .\ FIDELITY NATIONAL ~008 I'IW'AItED BY AND IlEnlRN TO: / J1 BLADi M. HARMON. ESQuIRE V 66.~ S.E. IGlh SIhzc, Suik: 201 DcafioU Ilnd1, FII1rida 3Jo141 ....~ -- 81-1441.a2 - 1.1:4.5 PI 18:51: CIo IL. ... L 7t ..-............ , Folio No. 43-4S.~I-4JO.4QI.smo QUn'D4UM DaD nus QlJrr CIADIIlllI!P,"- I diI K cllroDllodl. 2DOI. by LOlJIS HIIJ.. ~....n.:.J -. 0nII0r. IOllImIl'ESCHL. ...n..t........ ..... JlOIr aftice aldroa;. -400 H.E. ~ St., &.:. __ fllrida 33432, 0..-:' ~ -laeillhc ..",. .~ ..r ~...... iDcIIodo.... -.I pIlnL IWs, Itpl .... l'.li>a, ... atIIip of........ aI .... ~ "llr'l 81111(ps or IlOrplll.... ............. ~ III QIIils or ""I.....) WI'I'NIISSImI, 1IB1hc IIIid 0.-. -.... .............aflk _ of 510.00 ill bud pUI lIythe IIIil ar-e. ........."""""'is heftbr..a-Iodpd..........,....... ~ -q1Iit-dlim _lbo IIIid sa:tal18'Y 1'oIner. aU dle .....Iido....... cIIiIn..r...... o.bi:h... .... G.-... ill 810 lboillb-willlb,....... OI'......loflDl, '*-.lyios ..1l,.i.illllcC-YofPUnllal:h, SIR: ofFlonlo, _ Tho Soarlo:Ist quar1t:r (SE II() oflh: So'""'..... tpft:r (SW V4I afl/Jc Soudlcut..- (SE 1/4) ofSaoliaaJl. Towaohip~SooO,Rq..43 E8s1. "-1m llra:I1 Co.-y. FIarida. GnIaor"\IOR lbot I/Jc..... ilWpnlpOIt)' is__ -_Ills....... buftSlndofu.: Cinaror...1m mOles. die Iddh:so puoidod bo:mdl Gr.or'$.......1aI:in bo...... Aa lIDIi'riilod __W (l!r) iII1mt ID .. ........ ib.d JIIVPaI)' _ proiouIy 1lllII"""" by R10iARD1lIIL1O ... GraaIao'..... LOUIS HD.L,..-.... '"'''..."o....J_ Na__ 17.2IJlII(Deal"I'~ LOulSHD..LIIIIII;DmUIIU.-.1 .Ar-~...dlbo._' 'ibodJll'llll:f1Y ...... 0.-....... Bli11IPElOlL...,. W..--y DaaiI.-., t> . 5.:!ODD. oud._duI- .... 14, 2IJlII. ill 0lIi:i..~n1s Book 12191.. Pip 311. ofdoo NlIi<:la::oldJor.....Ilc-=bCoualy. Florida (Doed "2'"). Tho """-i1 Dacd -I' - -'''~''''.......rod piar 1O....1Ilornai4 Doad "2"... _....1lo<qwnrIy ....C'lIolI.. FelIn.y 26. 20111. ill 0Ili0i0I....... 12333. . Pap: 3S I. of 110: NoIiI: IlI:conIs of..... Ilacb Cotar. F1arida. n......,..., or... QllkClialDacd is Ia -r -.y iaIaal of dII: ....dt.,..-.r ~iI"'" doo .'L' ib..d \II-'Y wIIi:lI_........bytad -,' 81..1Eb -IIOlJU'-!ll<IIII)''''1M)aI by Dacd "2. . 10 BA VI ANDro 1IOLb",. _...... will" ... .....lbo ...... ........ ...""," or ia -.ywioe...... .. 'll.IDII..lbc.,......,., lido iIIaaI.... apty'" daiIII_.............. of I/Jc aid Gllllbor. oidItr ia .... ... aquily. II> Ihc ...., pIIlplr -. a-ft _ haIIoof of Ihc Mid an.... ~r. DlwmJlsS ~. n.: saOIa....,."", ~ 1DII-W_........dII: doy -.J)dO" finl."" -.,. Slpod....w midc.vmd ;:~~Q --- Sipolui.. ( '. . -'.. " ./ -.... _t..~.. " -'"' . <-- (-~ . ,. '" r~ e:.LP:( F ,'\,. "'~o.r-.~.'!O., PriDtBl..... nfA"..r-+-l~ ~/,I" ~:. LOlJIS IIIU. t 2911 H.E. I'" Sln:io!. 1\........ ...... FL 3J062 e, h..-Io-tio PriaIad _ C ,..41 --, "'.cripeiOll: '<<.Ia B.<<c:I.I.I'1. Doc....ene-Book.,.,.. 12.~~.JlS2 '<<g." 1 of 2 ~er: drb Co.me.at:: '. 01/15/03 WED 18:10 FA! .54 %t7 9022 FIDELITY ~ATIONAL III 009 'L. - :La...... PI :Laa a -.. -. a.m.. CIUr". F1. STATE CF ft.OltIDA <XlUNTY CFIIROWARD NyQJrl - '.~ llIE RlIlIlGOlNG .--. - ~.. dIis .t!:..., or MIn:II. UIl. "', LOl/IS IOU.. . Dniod __ .... . . .~ ~IIJ ~.... ..... IllS """'...... {~~ '"-yNlIio ofR......t.qc [',k.A.'cF r- ~"L'" I'nIl ~.............. CD - ....- ..,- ..~.. =".. __ J IIIC t De.cdpti..., Pd.. B..c:b.P'L Ilo........,t-Ilook...,. 124".115:1 Page, 2 of 2 Order: drb CoaalUlt: 01/15/03 WED 18:10 FAX 854 2J7 9022 FIDELITY ~ATIONAL IaI 010 '::""') "," '" ~'" .'.i'- ~~ by ~ ....tVII tcu '111 .11- ":,'11 .....ty C:oatrDl a.ber I .~:. :I) .' . ~, ....i. ...:.......:......~. """"!":.--." David. a. Itic~. &aq. '10 ...... -.01 IL,,-,. hi.. no _ ....... 01_ nn. r11_ MD. .905'~O& 10M..... ..... ......,...1 ... a.s,. p. 3a- CIao ..._... 1'-_ .;...=.......... ....._... u_ cw--..,..... THIS MORTGAGE DEBD E<<r_1fl# ~ev, of lli. r ....2000...,. .erR ntSCBL,....w_ Ior.......'...,..,,,,._~...... '" UNJIS IIlU _lIDITIIA.RIU ....' f-"'.*-4--: I~--......-.,.."..,.,.._..........-...........,.,.....,. ~_................ ~ r_.......,......_.~ .".... ~ ._..-_b...-'........ ............ *............",.., ____J - ~.-/II.....--" ..........-. .. .......*....- --...... . ~ -~........... ....4" ........ ..- _ _ ............... -.-.-.-.,._........_*_.. ~*_...._* _ 10_ _..II, _.. - - . a.,..1'IoIMo. Wr: ___......rrAClllEP_AMl_.._NI1IIirJF r.,ho....,"'RaII._..-...*_.. 1 ...... _ -,..,. -*-. --,......" -*-....-". ..~.... Au..-.-_..........._*_-A "' l>" --._"""". "'....... _... _... ....1fIII... ""tIiI-.,... _ rIM.... ~ -.. ............. -fw*r - .~ */8..... -.. -. * _ J ..., , .l...........-*_-,_-*................*- ...*~_.,~_ I~ _...___bftw__"., r _ -. , . ~",-.-,.~-"..,---*-. ,- ,'-_' 4r ""ft. iJI, .,..........-..... t D..cr~pt~"": PaJ. ...c:h,rr. Do.........t-..a.k.P.,. 12191.311 page: 1 of 4 Orde.l": drla C~e.at: 01/15/03 WED 18:11 FA! 954 1'7 9022 FIDELITY SATIONAL 1ilJ0ll . - 11!19a.. 319 ~UlAIlnIlVNDTF.: - .,betS '7IVln smmooo FOR VALUE UCElVED.'" wulcniped Goindy.nd ~Iy. ir_dwl OIIC)......., 10 ply 10 lho ardor ofL01lJS BD.L'" EDrrH A. BIU.,'" pnncipal'lIIII 01 Five Hundred T_IY ......--d ..d No/loo (S520,lIOO.lIO) Dol.... ..ilh ioIaal rtDm ..., k"",,, IlIha _ <II IlIpl per cal (8Ii) p:r _ On rho _Ill fonll ......... faIIaws: .....rat only -Iy..,-u iIllhc _of. ]AMm. -........... Apil I. 2001. lJld,eldl lad every IIIIllIIh daeIfl<< IIIlIil Apill, 2OlIZ. Commenol.. Apill. 2002.lIIIllIlhIy pnncipal_ ~ pQIIlIlIlS 10 Ibc _ of.",:349 '" -=10 lIllIeoay .....lhotafIer,1IllIiI1oIIIeb I. 2ODS. ....... rhoOllli.. lIIbnc:e. ...,.... _ .., KaUDd 1_ 1bII11Ill.....iI ~k. Slid principal Mall ba pa,.tlle iollwflll_y of d1elhlired SlIIles of Amerie& II ~II N Ii Ill" __ Po...._"" .._U~ PI. ~, . orll.""" pllCe ...,lIaeofIerbe dPtllllllCd i..m- nclia: from lhe IIcldcr 10 die IlIIbr Iloaeaf. The MIkcr ....11 pay 11110 pi_I of five peracnl (S.)aflllO _unl of any pll'IIl""llIOl nahal ..!/lin.... (10) d8yI of II1e dI1e IIIid plymOllll1 due. THill NOTE MAY BE PlllPAlD IN WHOU! OR IN PART AT ANYTIME PlUOII. TO MATUIlJTY WlTHOlTf PENALTY. Ifdelllllt 1Ill1lllde I. the payaallaf..yofll,ullllllllll:lllilXledhaein. orin 1heperl'lX'IIIIIIOI:ohny or 1110 ~'-_," COIIWIIOd haein,lhen ilia IIllIIe principlll _ IIId IOCNCld I.teresllhlll, IlW opIlon of Ihe IIoIder heIeof. ......... II once due uuI colledible ..lthaullllllico, lime beio& of 1/1c _ Iftd .Iid princ:iplll\lllllltlll bear ~ fIan .uclllime ualil pIid IlIhe hicfoal"~ 1I1ow1bl. unde.-lIIO ..... af!he SIIIe offlllricla. FIIIan: lOaaeiIo 1Ili. opIlan .haD Nll COllItIblle . WIi.... af... rlpllO ....",1. \lie ume in doe ...... ollUt.quonl defulL Eodt pnan UobIe ........ wballIer lIIIIo: Of CDdunar. baroby ...... pnRIl_. r--. aacic.. _afpl<llelt llIUI_ of cllIhoaar 1IllI...... III pep III c:aolI. iaoludill& 1OIIOlIIbI.1IhJIIIl)". r-. wballIer .uilbe """'&111...101. it, ......lIIriryoflllil""'" ..defaull herelIIlllot.eollllld IheII be employed lD collecl dti.IlOII!.lacludiq OIly oppeIl... proocodinp. 1Ili. NaIl: IbIII ba\lle joint IIllI '"'"'" oblipllaft of III mUon. _rie.. pIIUlDCIlJld a1dancn. IlId sholl be bindi1l& _Ihcm 1IIlI1hei...''''l<lft_oaiFo. Thi. N...1baI1 be 0lIIIIUUed llId...rotted .....-cIi"l to dte I.... ollllr: Slalc of FIoridI.. Ma"'" Addnlss: 400 N. E. .,. S""'llk>ca RMon. Fl33432. ce.r-' . .... '7 _ Paolll "'..,.,..~...-....a,"".....,......- ~.4.' ,t'GIdIIIu...-.n .,.", _oIlt1J _. _11II,_.......-.....,. _. ---. ........-..... --- AM",.....,...,...,/Irilr _ .. _ .,.,,,..,,,, _ ..... ~ W ____1/...,,,-,,,111___,,._ .......,.,.,11II.......... laG. ..' r~. 1nIa. ...........-I.4l . ...J - . _.i_ "".,..... "".M ~.,.,... a-",,"'_~" fv'-...,...........I/IM...,,*A....- .""III~""'.'" .......... _.....,.,.... -~f/III1-" '-of. /at... ~T IN&UIlAIU v.u.v. ,.. _., __ .....,..",.... __. ...,...,..,..,.. eo.. Add"."'''''''' eo. _ ............... ..._~ -tt...,-.-,....,.., -tl.---..........."...- ........_....""..._....-.-.. ........,....a ""'....._. _ ",~ -.-.""..-....... .._...........,...,.........,,-.. ')_.. f'M'" '" __ - """,..,.,... ...".....,.,..". -fI'I1-'1 -... .... 2 D..C'r.tpt.!OA: ...z. seacb..FL DoCUllcat-SOO.t.'.ge 121'8.J1. ""ge: 3 o~ 4 Order: drb Coe.en t: 01/15/01- WED 18:11 FAA 934 217 9022 FIDELITY NATIONAL ~012 , . ... l.e1.,e'l 3ee " ~~ . . _.....,.",__~JOM_.,rNI_....-.;ftI,.""....,q._- t,-*-I't1II'1-..... ftJlIII. ...... ----.. t'IIIIIIIfInI_~.".....-_...,....... .._. ..""_*-...../11"...,..,_....,.... .. _,.-..--tf _,.,....."_tlJOM_...._.,,,.,....-. *__IX'1*-. -..... .................".......,,_....._._oIl__---JMa... ....,.*N,-IitMdW-- -~*-II*-II-. onrotIJOU7VID: lk........ -_._.".-~..- -*.--*- 0/1IIb ........"..,__/ar--,..,..,....",.......- _ rf'4,"'." ...._.. "'"" I, 11II/11. IIGII'IWlI USlIIIf'rION: .... * .- .. ,.,.,.,., - - .. - * II/IIjra "...,. ... ~-,........_k.-.,-'"fI . -*/tJIIiIWIIII-- -. ,.. I/}. ~ . .... -..",..... -.. _.. _~ _......11III"/ .. m. ""- _ _ _.. _.. ". a..-..... Dw 010... """".....,, -..,.... ...... -.-.-, ~t(."..,,: DUE 0I'l s.u.s. In 1Ie._....................... prior _ - rlMoolppe. -....-,. _._-.-.""'Ib\ppd~.(wIIldI-.....li-..._--~ .........wtdloIIbWldiopoadL_.. ..1IooMol.."Ir.....-.arllll'__.-..- or ill dlle....". idftII dtcn:In in..,"" .WI)'........ 901...,... iDvoI..,. Car 1.....__ "I-.:r. ..__ " dlMol_1lfo<lla& NdIlIIIot. " . ...r.. or.lItjarIIy 1_ In .. *"-" ..- bololl<e of Ibc __ _ ...... '- ...""'........,.... II......... ...11le........... In lie.... ...Mon.-_...............__.....i.._NooIppe-.....MliIIlIaO..- <<dIow IIIJ :..~.._~ of'" JllCllriI'.......,. pInII an,. J. "'fIll'" n:n.&es (or "'u'l ....n..... _ 'uch........ or,-" U..,-fJ/_ _ rrfmotl......,..,JIIM- .Jl"'-~"-- ... ..,_.......,*.,_...-. .-,.,__rfJOM__IIIr__... .... --JtI/1,."..., ........,_~. -*-----11I JOM_ _11II. ~.....__"",.JtI--._~......",..*......,*..........- ........,.,--. ...,.,.,.__.._...._-11'" ....... _.,*_ .. _.., .,-11. rQIIn...,..., _,..- _... _. ...""rf.., ripu......- .... - It "'" ..",... __ It .................... ~..._-.,-.......,---*.,-,..,. JInt _11I_""" ",.- yllvt ~ ~,t),,""9I.ScW ......-.- ,I. racN IlIIJII. ~ MJMw ..._-,,- Ol!-~- ..... .. ,....." ~~ '" !-\AJ,,-.......t __tt_ ... _. II. J14J2 co,.__- JIllnr OF PlDIUIM Cf1fJIfrI OF rAUI UACH '_.caTln",.,...,. .,..-_ ....,." 9OIl1IIJI8....l<.W- .1 ~ V'. ,..-,.,.. _ racm. 1dId"..-~"/IIIIIIIrIIIIJ r /.... u,.-,_ - _. It JC.wioo-"- f'I_~,. :fl.,..... I'<"'^- ......"../.... l' . ......M.....__...._*,.,..,_.....- r ~A."........ -*_. t - ~:..--fI/IIi*l.....*o.q~;;;:t:.....5A-.,.,- ~J'o...~ClAtlrJ __w__ Gl -..- lIl'_.__ ~ "-~".. DeaC'r.LptJD.D: PaJJa ...cla,.n J)gCUllut-.B.,ok..PAP J.~19'.j1' ,...: J o~ ., Ie Ord"r: drll ~t: ""~""Ii1Uu: 01/15/03 ~D 18:11 FA! 954 %17 9022 FIDELITY NATIONAL ~013 ". . -";'"" ... s.e198.. 3Rt. _ L IIIUIII, lUll II _. II. ( . EXHIIUI' -A" . .... llIo ..........- (JBIHJ 01''' " ~ .......(8WlHJ 01''' ......- ~ (SB1J6) 01'...... 31, .,......., 4S ilaI6, .....,IlIIII,... ~ c..r.,.... t D..cr1p.~....: .d. _do,rr. Do_t-8coJt.P~ 1211'.311 Page: 4 o~ 4 Order: dzb ea.UC: . ,FROM : ECRT5 1 NC DRRY ORG I NC PHi. Sent By: ARVlOA'REAlTV*SERVICEi FAX NO. :954 917 9763 Jun. 15 2001 02:53AM Pl UC1.iiil'U, .\ ;gDj I.~C .," . DEPARTMeNT OF DEVILOPMENT Planning Clnd Zoning DM,lon ....-. . .......,.... . ....~...,UI:MII,. - 'R'- aMI. .r,~"' Octoar 22, 2002 Mr. AI DeMCllt:O ArvicICI Realty 901 N. ~ .v.... SUItI 8-10:2 lIoyn'on B"ctl, FL 3344' Re: "eN QO.43-45-31.oo.ooo-~ 9.36 ClCM parcel . LaC01eQ welt 01 conSlr,ss Ave. a"d north gr the l-28 LWOO conClI. Dear AI; on Seplembtl' 19, 200.2.IICrr held a ~Icoilon meefing with W. Pcul Bach.I'QUI HQOs and st.phert Glaratono fo dllClJU annelCatlon. land US" omendment Cll'\d rROntn; ond site plannlng for the above reflIte"c:ed ~op,rty II~. the P'Qpeny c:ontclns rewer 1han 10 acres ClI'\d ia not feCI"o.fl"" a rUdonltol densi.... of 10 or mCd un", D<< oc;re, it QIJalIPiIH a. 0 lmoll-fcale amendment. In. ptc!)O..cI site plan wCKlld CllIoW for 92 ree-s\rnp/e towl\tlOlM U1IIII. The develOpell ptcpOlled that 1he end ~ of eact'l.fruclur. would be QM-ftorv. with fwo.$fOlY irlslde ",,,lt5. and seem C1llllfous to provide CI rc3nge of omenltl.. above the minimuM' ~ bv Ihe JlIoMICI Unit CevelClpm.,,' regUlallOnS In terms of pOrklng. recreafion facilities and common oreOl. DIe slM'I'oundinlll developm8nt. bolh to Ihe .ClS' /e'emenlo'Y lenool) ca"d 1'0 tnelOuth (hlgh denlity "'_""01) Clre to ~ QOrIIld.r.d. as well QS the low dll'l51tv a1ngl..l'omily c1tvelcpm.nt to Itle norlt't. SlQff ttxr;lr.ssed Ihl opinion thet lt1e scale of ltle PfOpOsecl deVelopment would Il'IHt thl Inlentof the C:omprehlNlY8 Pli:ln.- e"en tf'Iou;t'l 'no density ia obovelhot *ommended ClV the ph;1n, If VOI,J PlOV. Onv quel1lOl'l5. please do not he)itale to c:C111 me at 1~61) 142-626.. VOUlllruly. ;;U.J/ - Oleic Hudson. A1CP S"';ot I'IC)f'lMI' .....-ra"""""M1mtO'T'*lY Irr' GIll' "'lIaJnIaft.- . tit hat .,,,,1.,, ..." IN. . '.0.',. $1. ..~ lIeMh..... 1101 /lite <. ' ...... : l"~l r..... . flu (IItl'..... . _....~evnton4eKll.il.". 74l- 620 , PROJECT NAME: Serrano @ Boynton Beach LOCATION: West of Congress, South of Golf Rd. PCN: PB County 00-43-45-31-00-000-5020 I FILE NO.: ANEX 03-001 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: Annexation I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Beth Pesch I Paul Bach PHONE: 561-395-5671 PHONE: 954-974-8004 FAX: n/a FAX: 954-917-9763 ADDRESS: 400 NE ih Street ADDRESS: 6260 Margate Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33432 Margate, FL 33063 Date of submittal/Proiected meetine dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 2/19/03 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 4/7/03; 4/26/03; 5/6/03 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4/22/03 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 5/6/03; 5/20/03; 6/3/03 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano@ BB\ANEX\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc