Bermuda Bay
Impact Analysis
1. Under the current County Land Use the subject property is designated MR 5-Medium
Residential and has a Zoning designation of AR, CG, and RS. The property would not be
able to be developed with its current conflicting County Land Use & Zoning
classifications. Therefore, the existing impact of the undeveloped parcel is zero. The
proposed Zoning and Land Use designations of Low Density Residential & R-l-AAB,
respectively would allow a maximum of 4.84 units to the acre. However, as shown in the
enclosed site plan there are only 17 units being proposed for this project. That is a
density of approximately 2 units to the acre.
2. The uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning district is solely single family
residential and that is what is proposed in this proj ecl.
3. The proposed project will not be phased and is expected to be completed within the next
two years.
4. There will be no employees, as this is for residential use.
5. According to Vinod Sanbanansamy, Palm Beach County Transportation Planner II, no
Traffic Study will be warranted due to the deminimus nature of the land use & zoning
changes (Policy 3.5d. of the Palm Beach County Compo Plan Land Use Element).
6. There are no existing water demands for the subject property, and the proposed 17 units
are estimated to require 560 GPD per unit, which would result in a total demand of9,520
7. There is also no sewage demand for the subject property's existing undeveloped state. It
is estimated that the proposed 17 units would produce 400-450 GPD per unit, which
would total approximately 6,800 to 7,650 GPD of discharge.
8. The existing population is zero, and the projected population for the project based on the
assumption of 17 units at 2.5 persons per household would be 43.
Chairman and Members
Planning and Development Board
and City~O mission
Dick Hu AICP
Senior P anner
Michael W. Rump;M.V?-
Director of Planning and Zoning
December 2, 2003
Bermuda BayjANEX 03-002, LUAR 03-007
To annex the property, reclassify from MR-5 Residential and
Industrial (Palm Beach County) to Low Density Residential (4.84
dujac) and rezone from IL-Industrial, CG-General Commercial
and RS-Residential (Palm Beach County) to R-1-AAB.
Property Owner:
Applicant! Agent:
Parcel Size:
Existing Land Use:
Existing Zoning:
Proposed Land Use:
Proposed Zoning:
Proposed Use:
National Land Company, Inc.
Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc.jMichael J. Covelli
Adjacent to the east side of 1-95, south of Diane Drive and west
of Lake Drive. (Exhibits "A & B'~
:f:17.121 acres (including :f:8.595 acres of submerged land)
MR-5 Residential and Industrial (Palm Beach County)
CG-Commercial, IL-Industrial and RS-Residential (Palm Beach
Low Density Residential (4.84 dujac)
R-1AAB-Single Family Residential
17 single family residential lots
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File Number: ANEX 03-002, LUAR 03-007
Bermuda Bay
Adjacent Uses:
Northwest, single family homes (Lake View Haven) designated
Low Density Residential (4.84 dujac) and zoned R-1-AAB Single
Family Residential; northeast, right-of-way of Diane Drive.
Industrial building (formerly B E Aerospace) remaining in
unincorporated Palm Beach County, designated IND-Industrial
and zoned IL-Light Industrial
Single family residential (Lake Eden) designated Low Density
Residential (4.84 dujac) and zoned R-1-AAB Single Family
Right-of-way of 1-95
The parcel, which is the subject of this annexation, land use amendment and rezoning, totals
:f:17.121 acres; therefore, the proposed land use change qualifies as a large-scale amendment
pursuant to Chapter 163 F.S. Following local board review and City Commission public hearing,
a "large-scale" amendment is transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for
review for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption.
Following the review period of approximately 60 days, DCA provides the City with a report of
their findings in an "Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORe) Report". The City
then has 60 days to either (1) adopt the amendment as transmitted, (2) adopt the amendment
with changes in response to the ORC report, or (3) determine not to adopt the amendment and
inform DCA of that decision. According to Florida Statutes Chapter 163, large-scale
amendments may only be adopted during two amendment cycles each calendar year. This
amendment request is a part of the 1st round of amendments for the 2004 calendar year.
This proposed amendment is being reviewed for transmittal to the Florida Department of
Community Affairs (DCA). After transmittal and DCA review, the proposed amendment will be
scheduled for adoption in May of 2004.
Subsequent to approval of the annexation, land use amendment and rezoning, the property will
be platted for a conventional subdivision, and subjecting only common areas, recreation areas
or signage to the site plan review process.
Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of the Land Development Regulations, staff is not required to
review the petition against the eight (8) criteria by which rezonings are to be reviewed as
indicated in Section 9.C.7., as this petition is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map designation for properties to be annexed within this vicinity. Instead,
staff analysis will relate to consistency with other relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan,
the city's annexation program and service capability consistent with Policy 8.10.5 of the
Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
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File Number: ANEX 03-002, LUAR 03-007
Bermuda Bay
Policy 1.16.3 of the Future Land Use Element states:
"The City shall continue to enforce and implement the policies that regulate the use and
intensity, and other characteristics for the development of specific areas, as set forth in
the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section of the support documents for this
element. Those recommendations contained in the Land Use Problems and
Opportunities are hereby incorporated by reference into the Goals, Objectives, and
Policies of this Plan. By 2004, the Problems and Opportunities section shall be revised
and updated to reflect current conditions in each of the planning areas. Until the
revisions are adopted, the recommendations shall be considered as advisory."
The relevant portions of the Problems and Oooortunities section are, as follows:
"4.1. Unincorporated Parcels in Vicinity of Lake Ida
Those parcels on the west side of Lake Ida, north of the L.W.D.D. L-30 Canal and the
adjacent right-of-way for Interstate 95 should be annexed. The existing industrial parcel
along Interstate 95 should be annexed as a nonconforming use in a Low Density
Residential land use category and an R-1AAB zoning district, since this is an
inappropriate location for industrial uses. Those parcels to the north and south of the
existing industrial parcel should also be placed in a low-density residential category and
developed for single-family detached housing. The small parcel abutting the east side of
the Lake Eden subdivision should also be annexed and placed in the same land use and
zoning categories as the adjacent incorporated properties."
The requested annexation will reduce the existing enclave by approximately one-half, leaving
approximately 19.37 acres, including 7 acres owned by Palm Beach County. Staff will continue
to encourage the property owner to annex the remaining portion, consistent with the cited
directions from the Problems and Oooortunities section.
In connection with previous annexation studies, departments most affected by annexations
(e.g. Police, Fire, and Public Works), have been surveyed for issues related to service capability
and costs. All opinions previously collected from these departments supported the incremental
annexation of enclaves. These opinions have been based on the following:
1) The enclaves are all immediately adjacent to areas within the city that currently
receive urban services;
2) Ample service capacity exists to serve adjacent unincorporated properties; and
3) Most enclaves currently receive service from the city via the mutual aid
agreement (Police and FirejEMS only).
With respect to impact upon roadways, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed
the project and determined that no Traffic Study was warranted due to the deminimus nature
of the land use and zoning changes. While the continued presence of the existing industrial use
on adjacent lands, coupled with the development of the property for residential use could be
viewed as intensifying the traffic impacts on local streets, the incompatibility of the two uses
will encourage the demise of the industrial use. Additionally, since the proposed development
of the property is consistent with recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan, it should be
considered as incremental implementation of the plan, which will lead ultimately to the similar
conversion of the industrial use, as well.
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Rle Number: ANEX 03-002, LUAR 03-007
Bermuda Bay
The Palm Beach County School District has provided a concurrency determination for the
project for 17 single-family homes. Since there are no existing potable water demands for the
property, and the proposed 17 units are estimated to require 522 Gallons per Day (GPD) per
unit, the increased demand is estimated at 8,875 GPD. Likewise, wastewater discharge will
increase by an estimated 235 GPD per unit, or a total of 3,995 GPD.
As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will
not create additional impacts on infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the
Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the
overall economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject
request be approved. If the Planning and Development Board or the City Commission
recommends conditions, they will be included as an additional attachment (Exhibit "C'J.
S:\PIannlng\SHARED\wp\PROJECTS\Bermuda Bay\lUAR 03-Q07\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc