LEGAL APPROVAL UEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 03-280 TO: Janet Prainito City Clerk Dick~enior Planner Michael W. RumPf\t'\.Gv Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: THROUGH: DATE: November 17, 2003 RE: Anderson PUD LUAR 03-006 Accompanying this memorandum you will find one (1) copy of the application and related documents for the above-reference application. The application fees for staff processing and review have been forwarded to the Finance Department. The attached Property Owners' Notice relates to the Large-Scale Land Use Map Amendment and has been prepared to meet the City of Boynton Beach Code requirements. A NOTICE consistent with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which will include all Large Scale Amendments, will be prepared for the City Commission Public Hearing, and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. This is a large-scale land use amendment; therefore the hearings for transmittal will be advertised only one time. A second display ad will be requested at the adoption phase, which is tentatively scheduled for May 18, 2004. xc: Central File Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ANDERSON PUO\lUAR 03-D06\LEGALNOT.OOC REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING PUBLIC NOTICES, LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two working days prior to the newspaper's ad submittal deadline. ORIGINATOR: Planninq and Zoninq PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: November 17. 2003 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Annexation. Land Use Amendment and Rezonina for Bermuda Bav, Lake Drive Extension, Bovnton Beach. FL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: Notice is to be mailed to property owners ONLY. An ad containinq all Larqe-Scale Comprehensive amendments will be submitted to meet the requirements of Ch, 163. Florida Statutes. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Property owners within 400 feet, applicants and Planninq and Zoninq Director. DATE(S) TO BE MAILED: November 19, 2003 APPROVED BY: (1)~'/ ( riginator) ( 12)I~Uu {C( (~{()J (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: S:\PLANNING\SHAREO\WPIPROJECT$\BERMUDA BAY\LUAR D3..(107\LEGALNOT .DOC ", .J j ORB 8515 Ps 1263 ORDINANCE NO. 094-.3~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. REGARDING THE PALM BEACH GROVES PROPERTY (WEST SIDE OF LAWRENCE ROAD. BEGINNING APPROXIMATELY 1,300 FEET SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD) ANNEXING A CERTAIN UN:tNCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THAT WILL, UPON ITS ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE CITY TERRITORY, PURSUANT TO A PETITION OF THE OWNER OF 1';AID TRACT OF LAND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE I, SECTION 7 (32) OF THe CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. AND SECTIONS 171.044. AND 171. 062 (2). FT.ORTDA STATUTES; PROVIDING THE PROPER LAND USE DESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING OF THE PROPERTY SHALL BE ReFLECTED IN SEPARATE ORDINANCES TO BE PASS'EP SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY. CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR ADVERTISIN'G; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE FILED' WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION. - WHEREAS, the Comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach requires the development of an Annexation Program; WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, through the Annexation Program. has identified adjacent properties that are the subjects of agreements for water service with the City; ~. WBBRBAS, said agreements for water service are also considered' voluntary petitions for annexation pursuant to Florida Statutes. which can be executed by the City of Boynton Beach at any time such properties are eligible for annexation according to Florin~ Statutes; WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach hereby exercises its option to annex the following tract of land as hereinafter described. in accordance with Article I. Section 7 (32) of the Charter of the City and Section 171. 044. and 171. 062 (2) F1orin~ St:~t:llt:"',,: and WHEREAS, said tract of land lying and being within Palm II Beach County is contiguous to the existing City limits of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida and will, upon its annexation, ....' -," .. . ~ ,.-..., .--:c-.,.,-, 'i :! ,/ ORki' 8515 Ps 1264 and being in the County of Palm Beach, Florida. to wit: The East 643.18 feet. as measured at right angles to the East line thereof. of Tracts 9 and 16, Northeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 45 South, Range 42 East. Mary A. Lyman et aI, as recorded in Plat Book 9. at page 74 according to the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Except any and all legal rights-of-way, Easements or Reservations of Record. Containing 19.77 acres more or less. Together with L.W.D.D. L-19 Canal R/W adjacent South of property. PC# 00-42-45-12-02-009-0020 is hereby annexed to the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. and such land so annexed shall be and become part of the City with the same force and effect as though the same had been originally incorporated in the territorial boundaries thereof. SBction 2: That Section 6 and 6(a} of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. is hereby amended to reflect the annexation of said tract of land more particularly described in Section 1 of this Ordinance. SBC"t ion 3, That by Ordinances adopted ~imultaneously herewith, Ll.l.~ .t:J..L.'-'.t:-'~"" C.i.L.l" ",vu.i.u~ J.c.~.i.~ug,L";'v".L Q.uJ IJau~ tJ~c I....o'LC!::fV.I...)' ~o::l Le.i.u~ Jt:::Lt::.L1U~11It:",1 ai:ll ,-uuLCLll!:Jla.Lt::J ';'1.1 8c\..,.:t..i..uu n r.prr.~in rity znnin~ np~innntinn I Statutes I II Ii S~cr. ion 4. All ord' nances or parts of ordinances in ____.c,~_.. ,. ", , " r-' I r--'~'" r.-- .'''' "" /' . OR~j 8515 Ps 1265 newspaper of general circulation in the City of Boynton Beach, I Florida~ as required by the City Charter and Section 171. 044. I I I Flori di'l Sti'ltlltes. Se~tinn 7: The effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding the corresponding amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S.,; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding the corresponding amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184. F.S. The notice of compliance becomes a final order 21 days following the issuance of the notice of compliance if during the 2l-day period no petitions are filed challenging the corresponding Plan amendment. Once issued, the Notice of Intent shall be attached hereto as Exhibit UAU and made a part of this ordinance by reference. Se~tinn A. Specific authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section ,q.. This Ordinance, after adoption. shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County. Florida. FIRST READING this J day of October, 1994. SECOND. FINAL READING and PASSAGE this /8 day of r:fJ~~~ , 1994. N BEACH, FLORIDA .... "1 , . .., j ~ c , , pc- '1 , , l_ r--""", . N.TICE OF ANNE~~TION.~lliEwoom , ' ChANGE IN LAND "USE AMENIMENl'S AND CHANGE IN ZONING ~~~ .HYPOLUXO ROAD '. LWDD. CI 00' ~!m ""'" ;c03 :cUi ;~ -. -0 nc'" f;;t.& ~!\) ~~ ".... ~. :< - ....... r- '__.__ L.WDD. CANM. ......19 APPLICATION # 1 -/ APPLICATION #3 ~ "tNTON CANAL C-18 CITY UMITS- #1 PAll1 BEACH GOOVES PC# 00-42-45-12-02-009-0020 il2 KNOlLWJOD GROVES PC!I 00-42-45-13-00-000-1130 ff3 SA~rro GROVES Pc1I 00-42-45-13-07-002-0000' ) TABLED Pe# 00-42-45-13-07-001-0000 ) TABLED t/4 HFARTLAND liFALTH, CAP-E Pejl 00-43-45-19-05-054-0010 #5 GREENTREE PLAZA. t Pe# 00-43-45-30-01-009-0020 '''''~-' I"""'" " "-.,.1/ ., 1'""1. c .. '1fte City of 13oynton 13eac/i ~. ioe,r 'lJoynton '&ad. 'BoukrJatri P.O. '1lo'!:31O 'Boynton. '1leadt, %nUfa 33425-0310 City:Jfa{{: (407) 37S.(j(}()() 7JfX: (407) 37S-(i()9() 1'1""'1''''', NOV-23-1994 2:45Pm 94-389950 ORB 8515 P9 1262 .,.,.UI.,II. 11I1. 1 III ~.."c;:;.. l,. . , C E R T I F I CAT ION '<'.. .' -, . '~..~~~'"~ r" ,':::'.:',:';'C;",I::I:::~',~, , ~:. ~,,~. : c, ,.;.{ ~ """.:.)~,~~,. ........ .1 ic;."~i~,~~:~-::.r:~:'rl\-":\~~i;x:'- ~t; .' ~':.:>:: ,~::::~;/~?-~tf .. "', ~'~ "", .~~~\~:#:::l. f I, SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK of the Citiy of Boynton Beach, Florida, do , I I hereby certify that the attached Ordinanc~ No. 094-32, consisting of three (3) i pages is a true and correct copy as it appears in the records of the City of I I i I I I '~U~tM:rR~C~~ CITYdCLERK OCTOlER 25, 1994 I Boynton Beach, FL. .;;~~:' jmp B/certify ,..._..."~._~.,P,.~'~-~~,."._-~..~-- ._ . -- ~-"~. --"'~- ,- I Jr .--...-=--""""'."..................~..--=--..---..---=- (. .. ." r~'- ,r-;", ,. NOTICE OF' MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ORe 85'15 pg.. t 265-11 -..------------.--..- - FROM: City of Boynton Beach. Florida Please be advised by this notification and attached location map, that T~'ertain lands have been annexed by BOYNTON BEACH, Florida. Information :ontained herein is pertinent to the area in question. If additional 'Iaterial is required, please contact the office of: THE CITY PLANNER. Name of Deve,lopment/OWner: PALM BEACH GROVES Ordinance II 094-32 or Special Act of State Legislaturel Bill I Effective Date: OCTOBER 18,1994 Area of Subject Property: ":." Estimated Present Population: 0 Estimated Number of Existing Dwelling UnitSI 0 Sq.Ft. 19.77 Acres Estimated Present Residential Density: N/A d.u. 's/acre Zoning: AI> AGRICULTURE: .pensity Allowed: 1 du/2.5 acres d.u. 's/acre i''lciSting Type of I De'.felopment: quus GROVES ,AND MARKET proposed Type of Development: N/A .OWner or Petitioner *County Commissioners *County Planning, Bldg, Zoning *AreaPlanning aoard *Countywide Planning Council .County Tax A..essor .Secretary of State *Supervisor of Reaistration All City Departments Al~ Utility Comppnies Chamber of Commerce Bureau of Census .Clerk of County Circuit Court to receive copy of ordinance r'~ . LL__L__ _"__. _ "1 j'.. . j ,~ c , I I , , , L__ r'-~ ~ TICE OF ANNE}G fr:!ION, lAND USE ELEMENT , , . ChANGE IN LAND \.JSE AMENIMENrS AND CHANGE IN ZONING ~~~ . HYPOLUXO ROAD " L.W.D.D. CANAl.l.-19 o (J , APPLICATION #2 APPLICATION #3 :mTON CANAL C-18 CITY UMITS- APPLlC,&\ 1 ON #4 .....J #1 PAl11 ~CH GOOVES PC# 00-42-45-12-02-009-0020 #2 KrlOLLWOOD GROVES PC# 00-42-45-13-00-000-1130 J13 SAUS<\LITO GROVES Pcit 00-42-45-13-07-002-0000 ) TABLED PC# 00-42-45-13-07-001-0000 ) T~ i/4 HEAR1'LAIID HE!'.I.TH, CARE PC# 00-43-45-19-05-054-0010 #5 GREENTREE PLAZA ~ PC# 00-43-45-30-01-009-0020 o QI ale> :i!IEB -< ~03 :E:U/ iti - I ""D ~o!> F;;,... ~!\) ~~ n ~. ~ - ;:tI, .... [ [ r ,,~~~ ,""""'-"'" , ~.,..v ., ~1. .' - '%e City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacli 10~!8oynton 'lJead. 'Boukvarrl P.O. 'll"'l:,310 !8oynton'lleadt., %mda. 33425-0310 City :Hisll:(407) 37>6Of)() :F!ifX: (407) 375-6090 ,#,:0." NOV-lJ-1994 2:45Pm 94-389950 ORB 8515 P9 1262 11.I.U..ln. 11I18 1111 ~,-e--;... C E R T I F I CAT ION .'}":~t::{'rr- ./; '::.; "":"'C.~.i; I:,;~;~<: r-' """, "":.. ~ ~,': ',- :; ';~J' ,.i'>~";~~;~ - .'p" I ., .;(>BEA:L.:( .",,,,...'. . r ",-' -"F!"'~ ~- ,.:,. .:.. { ,.,....t.P':r "~,' ......, ,t-.l .', ,.' - --. "~'1<~~~<::,\~;~t;;:,~:;,~:' :,:,S;~: :,;j ,.~ -'": I, SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK of the Ci~y of Boynton Beach, Florida, do , I , hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 094-32, consisting of three (3) i pages is a true and correct copy as it apdears in the records of the City of I I , I I I I ~~O~~~~ CITYdCLERK OCTOlER 25, 1994 I . "-:.... Boynton Beach, FL. '~~~,:;t , jmp B/certify ..,.".,..~,.~~-~.~-~"'~~.~.=_.'1>< -, ., ~.~-~--, I III --~~~._~~~~~ ~; ~-97-250, 251 >~96-7J 9970221 1- 9~~729 ~AC96-71 (6) 19980528 NDB'f4 -9.6-1t17 39 B0723 .""..~ t... "Z0010823 .W93+!i15.!l16 P-$Z-7 19930420 " AR I ....~ rtj' PUDI TOR .: .. R-OZ-290.291 P-Ol- 29 20020228 R-Q2-499 20020404 ,or" .':-. . ..' . -) <, . 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L-1 "~:-::::l ' I ' I j.!; f"jt.-- ~.,.. f ,. s , ,,~"___,eL--, ~ ~ .'\;: t~~t ~ ~ I'~ "'" ~#. ~ L_____._ _~ _ __.~_...."...",. I _ ~ iii, ~ ,.., ,...~ "',: L.__ '__.....:.::~ I I I J , 1'''''' n.y,'.I;, " I i I J ~j -, I I I I I I I I " I BOYNTON BEACH , -