CORRESPONDENCE 01/[8/2004 09:45 56143'..\\\1' ~ . :...h< L~" 4HOOL D1.s..... wrgl~ ~~; THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALIV BEACH COUNTY PI~NNINC:i DE1P'A,R1r/\11 EIdT 332(l1 FOREST HILL BOUlII.IU"flD - C3:31l WEST PALM lJEACH., III. :J34ClO FACSIMIi_E TRAN:SMITT.m, I)HONE: 5E;1/434-8020 F,H:B1/4:i4.11Bj' Number of pages sent (incluclinu ~fI\lE" palle): :3 TO: Anna Yeskl,'y, Claaringhou8:~ COI)rdil'at~. Dick Hudscm, City of Boynte,n BE'al~h DATE: January 8, :i~004 FAX NUMBER: 434-4513; H2-6259 FROM: Jeanne M. 111'iIIs, AIC?, Sonic,r PI"nIler, ~;[lF'E(: (~OMMENTS: Please see Ihe aUached re,.p:.nse Ic t1li~ P':>llCsp.d Be,ynton 8f.". II Land Use Arnend'nent (ePTA D4-001). Attachments. (:, Angela Usher, AICP, Manager Int.rgov'.mme~lal Rella!;on. S \P1anning\Publlc\lNTBROOV\Fonns\MemoYeskey&Hudsor:DOC 01ir~2004 09:45 56143488'~ '\:- L~ I\1EM0F-:II';CU I, F'l,t.N 'liNG DEP,ARTMFJ,'1 ~3W h 'est Hill 8oula\,",;, ,It;.' II Aelt Falm Elea.~h, Fl. ".},'C.,FiF I~ F hene: ((i6 I: ' :,,1 DC: !C F <1): lol :' 3.1 <;' ,1' DATE: TO: January 7,2004 Anna '(eskey, Clearinghouse Coor.:fina1:or 434-l513 Dick Hudson FAX: 561"742..13259 FR'JM: Jeanne Mills Planning Deparlment COPIES .\" Angela Usher, Manager Intergovemmental Relations Response to Proposed B01!nton Bea,:h Land Use j~!!!l~!! !!~_ ~~~:,:.(Jl)';,_,.., RE: , N:>ERSON PUP LUAR 03-00B. Lo(a~ed west side of Lawrence Rd. apprJx, 11iOO south of t- fpoluxc ReI. lB.32 ac LU E~isting; LU Proposed: F roposed: E Ie "entary ~Iiddle I-igh (A) Agricultural Low Dens~y Residenl al (4. !l4dl../ac) 88 single family detached rl'sidential Vlill ~ene-ate: 13 students 5 students 7 students The, l.ite is locatec' in Concurrency Servil: e Are a fl. School:~ Currimt---CurrenC- Curmnt-'- -, CST1,'- Cap~ ~ity Enrollm,ent Ulilization'JI, "ierac !l.lax leS Fn!i,d)f'n Shores Elementary 121'10-- 1058 -:l4~&-- - i 10/15Ci i, Sch )c1 Woodlands Middle SchOOl 15'j2 -1788 - 110% - i 1 0/1 ac T[;-- San :aIUl:es High School. 24!:i~'-S225 - 130% -r 10/13El.;, .--..---. ----- .- _._--~-- r 1. ~.chool District has no objection II,) the proposed an: endrne nt. S:\PllInbg\Public\JNTERGOV\lPARC\boynton boh 1110703 doc 01/,8/2004 09:45 56143t'Bf.' - BERMUDA BAY WAR 03-007. l.o,;ated EAST OF 1-95 North of lake Ielf) Rd. VIlest of lake Drive, :: -lC=--- r:: Yh"site is located in Concurrency Servl,~e An'!a 1 ;:, SChools Curreiit"- Current. C:U1Tenl - -, cSi0';- Capi:lcily Enrollment lJtilizalioll~ 0 nered/r I ax LOS PlJmosa Elementary School 65r- 480 -74% -.- - :110/' 5tir C!lr~er lIliddle School 13,::7 I -'03% -- -:110/'3Ii:~ I 1440 At a ntc High School 251:~- 2055- -8.:<~n ~;, 1 0/13!~i1 .._._~ ----- .- Thu Bchool DistrIct has no objection :10 the proposed anendml'nf:. EJ~:1 ec L J E;<isting: L J PI'oposed: ?ro~osed: :: elMntary Vid:l19 '1lgl1 MR-5 (County) Low Density Residen':ial (4.'l4du/ac) 17 single family detaclled rEIsidential w:1I rener:lte: 43 students 1 student 2 students Ple~l~e b! advised thllt a Public School ConcuTTeI1m'...Determin'ltion is ncl reg:!ir~t~J?!ul of thb L!!~c~:.,!U! Amf![ldl!!l'nt orocess, but in accordance with the adopted schoOl concul'ln~' prcgr.m his l:n3 UBE' eme r drnunt will require concurrency review in cl)njunclion wi'1 the r'ilZonin~ Is itE. plan app!icaIiO" ~ P'N I" issulrg a residential site plan development ciI"der. Pleae on advised thatthe level of service for all CSA's: will be 110% A~gllllt ' ,21)04 De\jlJcpmenl'l,~!hlgrLYLL be9iO construction in 2004 or later will be evalualr3d aClainst tho:l 110% LOS fc,=-gtpol c)nCUITe,'lc,/ ,c,rt'If>" the abOV3 schools that would currently slerve t 1e proposed develo,:>ml!nl ~re lubje(t to charfJe, dll8 I: bOUl1rla-y adjustments, to equalize utilizatior'I or to provide caoa .:ily fcr t1e new 81 UIl< '1t QrJY1 '1. :l:\J>laonirg\Public\lNTERGOV\lPARC\boynlon boh 01 0703.doc 12-- 9-:,003 6,21 FM FROM '" ANNII',G AI\) REAL E3;61 ,134 BW" : ~ --- ~[,~ ---- ! tmlJHC ,<Jl-INi 'J I" t: ~ tlPePJt>TE ~.;ENT lHEst1-IOOLuoo,l'GCTOF PAl.M aeACHCOUNTY. FLORIllA PlJ\I'HNG~ 3320 FOREST HILL BLVD.. c.331 WEST PAl.M BEACH. I'l 33'06-681:: (561) 434-8020 FM (561) 434-8111' [)eCl~mber 19, 2003 ~1r Dick Hudson ~;enior Planner f'I~lnning Department eit~ of Boynton Beach 10') E. Boynton Beach Blvd, E:o~l1ton Beach, FL 33435 HE: CONCURRENCY DETERMIIIIATli)N .- CA~;E NUME:EJi: fl1l31~1 501G '. ~,1111): f :; ': It P.U,D. [leal' Mr. Hudse,n: lh3 Palm Beach County School Distlict has mv~wecll:hl, re~lles: for H CO'HIII "1:( [Ielennination on the above referenr:ed p'ojec::t for !Ie singl~ farril} IIrru. I,ttal;hed please find the appro\"~d Falm BeaGh Coun:,y S<:to>1 IJjstric Con 111111: i l,p:>lication and Service Provider Form fN Anderson j'.U.[I. This ( 01(:\ 'rrenJY :Jelf.,rr' , 'I,j J' i!; '1~llid for one (1) year from the date <:f is.Buance. Once a ()ev!I'~'l'Ient Cr:ler III I" Ii,!' ir;SJ(~ for the, project. the concLrrenc:y determindion will be v~l( for t'll II'e :: : I , [Ievelopment Order. r l'eu have any questions regardi:'ig ths determina:ion, pl"m;e j'I:1 j'ee 10 t:)n't::c: "i I. (5€,1) 434-7343. ~~;~e , cc: ,Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc, H, Loy And,erson en';. S:\FlanninglPublic\JNTERGOV\Concurrency\Concull ",cy Detenninw ,on Lette,:~\C:lI"'UTl n<) ,::;03111; l1.d'J, A/.c EcluAi. OPfORTUNI1Y h1PLO'IER 12--13--20036,21"1--1 FRot.' r.>LANNII~G A'D R"AL ES ';61 134 B1P-' l~J LrJg"C? r~ ~ ~ . ~~~ SChool Distllict of Palm Beach (:ount:, School Concurl"~ncy Application .IId Se,vii:e l>rovi'~ler Ff,rm Rmrn:ol:' . tcd for It t/.: P':.. nil gl)( ;artm.~ t TteSclod'liar'rt"rfa:rJl~<l:b" ) 3:121'Ji' ,~;t; ;lillBI,..t. l~ 110 ".c:~Pdnl::laeb.Fl.:~ 11J6.58.3 (UJl4: 4-t8 l)or (5C :l)s:ti ,387i F;t:I (:611414-818101" (:fil)431-8 .; Pthrtinl COIIClIl"eIf1C1':;,I, I:'. F.... Paid & Dale '~, oc:al ~ OV't, S,;~col o IS' rie:! InstructioOll: Submlt one copy of th'" com',lete'l applical on alld fees .,~ r ;h., l'evie"I, I :.r ellc 1 I' 'II rEsidential project requiring a determination 0:>1 co~currerlcy for sllh"",ls, ,\ :IeleI,inatien '\ II be )I',' ,I: wthin fifteen (15) working days ~f r.ceip: of a c',mpl"le applica;,on. i\ e !le/mi" tipn il noll'ar, I~rat ,e ,I' vlllid for one year from date of issuance, Once he DE,velcpmen: Orde, i.. ism lec , :hl> ce' currene! ,jete n "1 " sl,all run with the Development Order, ,._.___,--.------...--.-- ._-"._, .., P'nt I. To be completed by Applicant I ONl1er's Name: ~JO'1 ~,~~- '""7'-;-------- ,__,__ ,__, Allent's Name: ;:n.!.d&:'_~.:!:....DiZ~;h_...1~=__ ,_,___ ,__, Mailing Address: .0::;0 ..~~ ~1/i::8....:.i.1.~_J~!!:,~,RA!ll~Lj;;-e':e:;' T1lle"hone Number: 1!fd..:~IP../1 lacsilTile Numb,,, J&!:l ...3:I..:.J~ :~~ P'lJject Name: M unioipallly or Unincorporated PSC PllJperty Control Number (PCN): Project Location: C,)ncurrency Sel"Vice Area (CSA): o =VELoPMENr REQUEST: Tutal # of Units: f3!3 ~',!:WiBi,~~- --________ ,------- -li:~' ~-c;-;----"C)---- ,_, Lt,...R~__.lZ...~iL.2Q.,:L~_"~_ ,_____ .__. .u,!~!~Ii.u.~d!J:;~L~~m'.J~ :.~; :(l<_il ,P i:1 _1']_,__ .SI~C 2::,;f -, TypeS of Ur ~s: _ v"_ ~;i"1gl3' =~ m I: }Iloar' IT ellts (' stcri ;'S' ' les, I Hi.~h R s," ~~ !!rtme'ts l~e Hf$1 'iet. ,j Aj"ltc :,nly PrcvideCIlvensnt Pllasing Plan: If il""licable, please attaoh a oemplete Ph.i1sing P'an showing thelumb/,r line iy". )f urn: to re1e \ "c,," fl ii, of ooeupaney yearly, P,'oof of OWnership: Please attach cop:!~~:y Deed~ 'l Corse!~~~___ .____.____...., I / Date FiI'd -L'~/'1~'ll:..--- ,__,__. "---'pelilt,nl: ..M'A~:J2J~~2<~ ,__,_. .__ P"~~I G~mentReview Local Govern~nt Representative Pl'lntName D,cr.: 1Iv1HUJ/ Tiue.J&,ttI&::11~~~2 ~:::- Part III. To be compl"fo!d by School Ois'lrict Stoff' D'7imeReceived: J2A5/C13 __ caseN",nber:_J!.:3J~~~;.OL~::._ . __ I verify that the project corrplies 'I.ith the adopted .ev..1 o>f :':er'lice (_C'S I Ilr S.~hCi( I' I verify that the project will ;om"l)' with the adopte nev,,1 ('f S..rvi:x (I.es; for Scho ,Is Slbj ,t the attached oenditions, I cannot verify that the prol"ot wi:1 comply with the adopted Level 'If S. '" if,' (LO S) f " 8cI10" " wilhtheatta~" ~ L I' :;~-::::L-- J:]:IJ~~ j~~--,- I D., H r...iiltalive 0",.. ., Department of Engineering and Public Works Po. Box 2122Y West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 W\vw.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus. Chair Tony Masilotti, Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman .'A.n Equal Opportunity Ajjirmatll'e A.ction Employer" 0\:J 162') printed on recycled papor October 23, 2003 Mr. Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Anderson Property LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for Land Use Plan Amendment for the 18,32 acres site entitled; Anderson Property, pursuant to the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, This project is summarized as follows: Location: West side of Lawrence Road, Y. miles South of Hypoluxo Road, Boynton Beach Agricultural Residential with 88 SF Residential Units 128 752 Municipality: Existing LU: Proposed Uses: Existing Daily Trips: New Daily Trips: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed change in land use meets the traffic related criteria established in the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030, Sincerely, /VI . Masoud Atefi, Sr. Engineer- cc: Pinder Troutman Consulting Inc, File: General- TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F:\TRAFFIClmalAdminlApprovalsVJ31 Q13.doc ~ltTMC"1 Or Of \if" CT -I ;'-l3 01: 21AM FROI.4- :-257 I II0I/ll~ ,'I' II~" _1 ...... D.Il-l~[OmIIN 0 i~~~! /tm-t::~j;~;F l:~4~'~~~~ ,~_==_:::I__=:;:'=~--;; ,=:=: "1 FAC:: IMIl[ TRANSMITl U SliEET :=,.-.-;==t~===:::::III_===:=-(l;;;i= :=:=, III TO: fROM: Dick Hudson K,I rl Albel~,s<)n .---"------~_.-.---- ._,- OAr!: OtTOEEll' 7,20):1 -,--~,--------_._-- .-.-. ... COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: TOH.L r,J, OF 'ACES "CLUJIIC 'OVER: 561.742.6259 .__0._---.----------.--- .-.- "" 4 .--,---.---------.---- .~.- SENi:ER''; P~O' E r1U~U:ER 9~;4-4:~S-48~t' I:xt 11~ PHONE NUMBER: Revised driveway volum:~s SENe'ER ; FAX r1U"B~R; 9~14-4~l:-;B:,(1 RE: :~~======iiiI:=;;=====:sii: 1====:=: .. o URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW [I PLEN;E CClMMEN'r 0 PI.E/.5E !lEI'Lf o "lEI: " RE" Y : '"I :===-:,____===:1,----=====:01.....=:,=:11III-.;;;;'=:= 'I' NOTES/CO....ENTS: Dick, Attached are the revised drivl::Nay volumes for' tl' e Andl~rSEn P 'OJI:lly wtid the County reque5ted we submit. If YOLl have any q~ ~stions pll!a!;E ~ ive me or I diar a call. Karl 1192 I':~ST NEWPORT C;NTElt OR, SUITE 1:'0 DEERFIELD liE~(:II. FL 3, 42 -~-~==.~== :==~-; ;;: CT-li'-). 09:29AM FROM- 1'-251 'IIOUI J4 ,'I PltlDER TROUTH"" COiliSCILTI"G,. Ili"t. ____ ,'-'1 ~ ~_.___"l__""I__l_11I1 '1Ir..I"-Ir~ll Tran:~)ortation Planners and Engil:;eer!;--------ii245e;;t;~ :ong';;;' ::; ;:,;:!; ;;; . \ lest F ilh I :: JI, ~ ,I: (5111431-',,1 1';: ,:" N\w.pi :11 Il11111- October 13, 2003 IIIr. Jeff Sehna,,;, P.E. ~lchnars Engineering Corporation 951 Broken Sound Parkway ~;uite 108 lioea Raton, fL 33487 lle: Anderson Property" #PTC(J3.14S1 'Jear Mr. Schna,,;: The purpose of this letter is to prov; de th,,: driveway \'Climes fOl th,' al>lv a 1 !'erence: pro,'~ I I'f Jroposed 88 single family unit devel'npment is located Oil Lawrence Road ~,OIJI h of Hy: ;,luxl' I. I;: ir the City of Boynton Beach. Daily, AM and PM peak trip generaion ;; provided on Attachment 1. I,tla :hme1t: pro"jll. III driveway volumes. It should be n(lled tint the drivew,y vollJrr,es nd,d.. C10SNC('" tmff I ! III the Dahlgren property to the north, ilS "'G'Jested by the '::Ounly. If you require additional informatiorl. plea~.e do not hesitate to 1;<,11. ..--" Attacllments CC; Karl Alberl50n leIterSdm.,.03-74!1 ,O-73.(}3 nl"I' j'i I If I.' I..' Ir !: .' :l. .. :> - ~' " ~I :>' "I '"11,- ;rll ~>1 .. ,2 ,"- ~. C ." " - - '" I' .. <:> 0 0- I I~ - ~ 5' '" ,~ " '" :s .~. 0 ~ <= '" - ~. ..; -0' C') - III ::I b III ~ ~ .. .... ~ c: O' C :2 0: '" '" d': a- "" C a - - - - , ;r v' ...' 0 c ". ~ ", -l 0 '" S' I III . I: I' I, 'i 'jl ,. I: " :: !l ,i I 'I " I I I . ~ 0' 0' c; c " " '. \. I. ': IJ ;1 )/&011" HZ-.I o ~ ~ ~ . ... I: l . :i ., -l , " !. - .' ;' " - '" :I) S: :I) " ~ ~ '" 5' :!l. :I) .... r- .. " :l 3 c.. ;.: 'c C '" III . , - , '" Ii :::; -> " 0- m ID - ,S" '" =I&) '" "'j:l , .. 0 ~~ <= .. ,," -i , I ..; 1 ~ -6' C') 0 ID :l " ID tn ill 0 ~ o' C :2 i3 ~ U1 a- - l;;l , i3 - ~ - S" .. .. ....1..... -- f- I -I , 0 - , ~ ~ -I .... I.... r+ ::I. 01'0 "0 - .. :'~ -I 0 S' !!:.. 0101 - ~ g: ::I ~ or Ii. ~ m .." r- .. II> :l 3 c.. ~ c l1i - " '" n_ .. o -I 0 "- m ID 5" '" CD fir '" '" :l .. 0 0 ~. c c .. '" -I ~ -6' C) ID :2 .. ID 0 ~ 0 ~. 0 C :2 "" ~ ~ .. - "6 ~ !!!... -I ~ "!;!' '" QO '" ~ '" 0 I~ -I >> - g"Ef -6' C'l <II ('J _ ::r '" l3 3 ~ III :;:I CD - ::> ~...,... c:r.o .. O"T;l :s '" - .!C -IlO~~ ~V6Z:60 -6" 'lil " = 't' ~ ... '" ~ ... ~ N (;, "'Ct co .~ ;:: S (~ ts -i:r~ 1:::1 I:'''' )( C~ .;.. ii'" l~ \0 &1-,!1-1J CT-Ii'-J3 09:29AM FROt.+- L 1'-251 "1I04/ll4 ,"I' ",' , ;;; :!: "' ~ - 2Z~ --- [] 3at:~1 ;1 ~!1;1 !;' "' i J c <( o '" u.. L; Z '" '" ~ <( ... LEGEND .Ie - AM PEAK HOUR V4) - PM PEAK HOUR ~7(! -MDT NOTE: Volumes indude cross-access /rom Dahlgen property IOC3t~j north of this site. 11,11'1: [--;\I~JDERSON PROPERTY --- [- .--------.----.-.-.. ..........,... ATTACHMENT ;! ' "If 11 II 'I)ROJECT DRIVEWAY VOLUNlf; I' ;'1111 JII" "_. T ______.___._,_.. .....__~...~_ Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416~1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Tony Masilotti, Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H. Newetl Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman ~An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer~ @ printed on recycled paper ~ September 17, 2003 Mr. Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Anderson Property TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the expansion project entitled; Anderson Property, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: West side of Lawrence Road, Y. miles South of Hypoluxo Road, Boynton Beach Vacant 88 SF Residentia' Units 880 66 AM and 89 PM 2005 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the residential project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County It is However suggested for the City of Boynton Beach monitor the following forecasted traffic operations problems: . Northbound lell-turns at the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Lawrence Road, The 2005 estimated peak hour volumes warrant a 2nd left-turn lane. . SC:l:thb-::)lJnt~ ~G-:'"t-tu~ns at t~s int0r~.oGti;Jn ':)~ G:::.ri:-{vvay Gc,u!evard and L~.w('erICt: Road The 2005 estimated peak hour volumes warrant a 2"d left-turn lane, If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-'1030, Sincerely, EER Io)~[~ (r,i ~ ~ I!I ff m: WI SfP L 3m ~, 'j i I DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPME Nl I cc: Pinder Troutman Consulting Inc. File: General- TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Re\liew F'\TRAFFlC\ma\Admin'Al)provalsIJJ30907.doc