REVIEW COMMENTS TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING 8r. ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 03-303 Chairman and Members Plannin~gnd Development Board and City Commission Dick Hu , AICP Senior PI nner \iV Michael W. Rump~ Director of Planning and Zoning December 2, 2003 Anderson PUD (LUAR 03-006) To amend the future land use designation from Agriculture (A) to Low Density Residential (LOR) and rezone from Agriculture (AG) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: Location: Parcel Size: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: Adjacent Uses: North: PROJECT DESCRIPTION H. Loy Anderson D. R. Horton Homes/Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc. West side of Lawrence Road approximately 1,500 feet south of Hypoluxo Road (Exhibit "A") :1:18.32 acres Agriculture (A) Agriculture (AG) Low Density Residential (LOR) at 4.84 dwelling units per acre ( du/ac) Planned Unit Development (PUD) 88 single family detached homes Property located in unincorporated Palm Beach County designated MR5 Residential (5 du/ac) and zoned PUD (Palmyra), currently being developed by the applicant. Page 2 File Number: LUAR 03-006 Anderson PUD South: Developed property (Manor Forest) in unincorporated Palm Beach County designated MR-5 (5 dufac) and zoned RS single family residential. East: Right-of-way of Lawrence Road, then developed property (Nautica Sound) within the City of Boynton Beach designated Low Density Residential (LDR-5 dufac) and zoned PUD-Planned Unit Development. West: Developed property (Homes at Lawrence) in unincorporated Palm Beach County designated MR-5 (5 dufac) and zoned RS single family residential. PROJECT ANALYSIS The parcel, which is the subject of this land use amendment, is 18.32 acres in size; therefore, the proposed land use change qualifies as a large-scale amendment pursuant to Chapter 163 F.S. Following local board review and City Commission public hearing, a "large-scale" amendment is transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption. Following the review period of approximately 60 days, DCA provides the City with a report of their findings in an "Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report". The City then has 60 days to either (1) adopt the amendment as transmitted, (2) adopt the amendment with changes in response to the ORC report, or (3) determine not to adopt the amendment and inform DCA of that decision. According to Florida Statutes Chapter 163, large-scale amendments may only be adopted during two amendment cycles each calendar year. This amendment request is a part of the 1st round of amendments for the 2004 calendar year. This proposed amendment is being reviewed for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). After transmittal and DCA review, the proposed amendment will be scheduled for adoption in May of 2004. The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. In this instance, however, the requested land use is consistent with an annexation agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the property owner, H. Loy Anderson and referenced in the annexation ordinance (0094-32) dated October 18, 1994 and quoted as follows: '~ . . a certain City zoning designation and Land Use category is being adoted, provided howeve~ the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the public, that upon receipt of written notice from the property owne~ the City will immediately proceed to process a land use plan amendment for low density residential and a rezoning to R1MS all as contemplated in Section 171.062(2) Florida Statutes. "(Exhibit "B") Page 3 File Number: LUAR 03-006 Anderson PUD Prior to annexation in the City, the land use designation for this property was MR-5. The Palm Beach County land use category has a maximum density of 5 dujac for land developed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and 4 dujac for regular subdivision development and the zoning was AR-SE Agricultural residential with a special exception for citrus. It would be assumed that the future demands on city services were considered at the time the annexation agreement was approved by the City. The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the plan amendment and "has determined that the proposed change in land use meets the traffic-related criteria established in the Palm Beach County Land Development Code." Staff has not received notice of School Concurrency from the Palm Beach County School District. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to PUD Planned Unit Development with a density of 4.80 dujac, rather than the R-l-AAB Single-Family Residential stated in the annexation agreement. The maximum density allowed by the R-l-AAB zoning is 4.84 dujac; however, the setback requirements for this district do not consider a zero lot line residential development pattern, which would be possible with PUD zoning. Zero lot line development on this site is consistent with the development pattern found in the Nautica Sound PUD to the east and the Palmyra PUD to the north. For this reason, staff considers the request for PUD zoning to be reasonable. Because of the time required for the large-scale amendment process, compared to the time required for site plan approval, the applicant has submitted only a "bubble diagram" (Exhibit "C") as a master plan. This master plan is sufficient only as a show of intended development and for transmittal of the application to DCA. Simultaneous to approval of the requested land use amendment and rezoning to PUD, the applicant will be required obtain site plan approval, as required by the Land Development Regulations, and which will also be reviewed for fulfillment of the master plan requirements of the PUD. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with an agreement between the City and the property owner as stated in Ordinance 094-32 by which the property was annexed into the City. In addition, approval of the request will not create additional impacts on infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. If the Planning and Development Board or the City Commission recommends conditions, they will be attached as Exhibit "D". ATTACHMENTS S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\AllderSOll PUD\LUAR 03-Q06\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc .. 1 in, = 765,6 feet J ..J..... 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