CORRESPONDENCE ~pf, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Wildner, John Friday. May 30,200312:11 PM Rumpf, Michael RE: amendment to plat fire station Mike - Yes, this has been in the works for a while. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed this dedication very thoroughly. At best, this has only been considered for passive recreation. We still hope to have a path there, picnic tables etc. I don't really understand the necessity for re-plating since both recreation and fire station could be considered "public use". Often the county allows Fire Stations either on park land or adjacent to park land. John --mOriginal Messagem-- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Friday, May 30,20039:17 AM To: Wildner, John Subject: FW: amendment to plat fire station John. I was brought in on this after much conversation had occurred about the plat limitation regarding park use. Did anyone ask you about the limitations presented by it being dedicated pursuant to the code requirement for recreation impact (an impact fee)? MR. -----Original Message---n From: Kelley, David Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 8:46 AM To: Ness, Jim; Uu, David Cc: Tolces, David; Wildner, John; Rumpf, Michael; Kribs, Carol Subject: FW: amendment to plat fire station Chief: Pursuant to my telecon with David Tolces this a.m., this (and the below memo) is a summary status of the land issue with the F.S. #2 site. The land has been surveyed with the final product due in my office this date. The record plat is in the preparation process with a preliminary setup due in my office this date_ Based on my memo to Mike Rumpf (below), we are proceeding to "fill in the blanks" on the legal language to the plat. I also met with the architect yesterday a.m. for site planning. Based on a previous meeting with John Wildner, we will determine whether to divide the tract into two (2) lots, one for the F_S. & one for passive open space, once I receive a site sketch from the architect, sometime early next week. Timing wise, we will probably generate a resolution for the City Commission to authorize the mayor and city clerk to sign the dedication portion of the R.P. to go with the June 17th meeting, and then place the final product for acceptance of the C.C_ on the August 5th meeting, simply due to the lead time required by the City Clerk's office. I will keep you appraised as this process continues_ Dave.... 1 . -----Original Message.---- From: Kelley f David Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:24 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Cc: Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: amendment to plat fire station Mike: The F.S. #2 site has been surveyed: the final survey should be in my office in a day or two. The surveyor has set the corner monuments in preparation of the record plat requirements. Three (3) weeks ago, we ask the Attorney's Office several questions in regards to plat name, who will sign same on behalf of the City, who will sign the Title Certification, etc. No answers have been received to date. At the direction of Jeff Livergood. we are proceeding to finalize the record plat on what little information we have decided upon (w/o City Atty input) to date. i will keep you appraised as to the status. Dave.... -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:00 PM To: Kelley, David Subject: amendment to plat fire station Dave, I am only relaying Dep. Chief Ness' inquiry about the status of this change to accommodate the land use change for the fire station_ We took the land use amendment and rezoning to the Board last night. Will go to the Commission on June 3rd. MR. 2 " 'r/i. J/:j-r~ I' r ~ ',(" Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley. David Friday, May 30. 2003 8:46 AM Ness, Jim; Liu, David Tolces, David; Wildner. John; Rumpf, Michael; Kribs. Carol FW: amendment to plat fire station Chief: Pursuant to my telecon with David Tolces this a.m., this (and the below memo) is a summary status of the land issue with the F.S. #2 site. The land has been surveyed with the final product due in my office this date. The record plat is in the preparation process with a preliminary setup due in my office this date_ Based on my memo to Mike Rumpf (below), we are proceeding to "fill in the blanks" on the legal language to the plat. I also met with the architect yesterday a.m. for site planning. Based on a previous meeting with John Wildner, we will determine whether to divide the tract into two (2) lots, one for the F.S. & one for passive open space, once I receive a site sketch from the architect, sometime early next week. Timing wise, we will probably generate a resolution for the City Commission to authorize the mayor and city clerk to sign the dedication portion of the R.P. to go with the June 17th meeting, and then place the final product for acceptance of the C.C. on the August 5th meeting, simply due to the lead time required by the City Clerk's office. I will keep you appraised as this process continues. Dave.... --n-Original Message---n From: Kelley, David Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:24 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Cc: Livergood, Jeffrey SUbject: RE: amendment to plat fire station Mike: The F.S. #2 site has been surveyed; the final survey should be in my office in a day or two. The surveyor has set the corner monuments in preparation of the record plat requirements. Three (3) weeks ago. we ask the Attorney's Office several questions in regards to plat name, who will sign same on behalf of the City, who will sign the Tille Certification. etc. No answers have been received to date. At the direction of Jeff Livergood, we are proceeding to finalize the record plat on what little information we have decided upon (w/o City Atty input) to date. I will keep you appraised as to the status. Dave.... ---"Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:00 PM To: Kelley, David Subject: amendment to plat fire station Dave. I am only relaying Dep. Chief Ness' inquiry about the status of this change to accommodate the land use change for the fire station_ We took the land use amendment and rezoning to the Board last night. Will go to the Commission on June 3rd. MR. 1