LEGAL APPROVAL ";.'- , .I , LEGAL/APPROVAL DOCUMENTS .r' Successor Owners to Boynton Officer Owners LLC: Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC 980 N. Federal Highway Suite 200 Boynton Beach, FL 33432 Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC 980 N. Federal Highway Suite 200 Boynton Beach, FL 33432 Renaissance Commons (tka Motorola) DRI Property Owners Mark & Joan Mandel 7554 Estrellas Circle Boca Raton, FL 33433 Successor Owners to Boynton Officer Owners LLC: Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC 980 N. Federal Highway Suite 200 Boynton Beach, FL 33432 "/'. -,/5 -'-IJ~ -2(;.-.;>7 {;c''?- L C 2.c Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC 980 N. Federal Highway Suite 200 Boynton Beach, FL 33432 ... 2 "' - ,< 7- (./cJZ- Li{) -70 c/J'-'"I-3- </s - ,. " ~ \;/1.)" \ ~r";;/ ,..........-~:\ \\r;::::; >> 0 ~/. ,-/ (? \;'1\1\ This iMll"\l~' w..~.~rO"rOO by: .;:/' \;':'fG\ I R~'('ord p.nd r\.'l.un\_W:!'Y' Stuart M. Gottlieb, 1!iCi. _ ~ KUL'Ppl'1 Cooke ,& Gullhclf . 222 Lakcvicw Avcf\lK':~P;(,~ w~, l'l)lrn O"'.Olch,. Fl 3'~~ .(,.....') \( .'. ,'- ~~ " '''--;, '-~~A STATUTOR'r WARRANTY DEED '- Tf-lIS STATUTORY W4~DEED~dc 1his...1..O.... dayel MLlY ,1993,by MOTOROLA, INC., a Dclaw.]Tf4ipor.1lion, hl'rein..lIcr ("alled the Cranler, to MARK l. MENDEL and lOAN D. MENDEL, husb~ and wHe', who~ poSl offire address is 7-158 Tre5ro1l Drive, ukc Worl~, Florida 3:W67, hl'reina(tcr ~~9fr called the Crilntce: . \. v WITNESSETH; Th.11 Ih{>-Gr~~'::::lf'r and in wnsider.1lion of (he som of $10.00 i1I'ld olhcr vOlJuablc conf,iLlcr<ltiom. Tcrcipl whli:/.e!:~~,~ercby arknowlcdgcd, hereby srants, bargains, sell:>. .1IiL'ns, remi~5, release" conveys and (l\1!firj)\~ 11010 lhl' Gr41nl~,.111 that cerl.:lin land situale in Palm 1:1('.lC'h County, Florida, viz; \{ ).;:-, "/~~O A CERTAIN PARCEL OF . -).YlNC IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANCE 43 EAST, C ..-QF'"lklvNTON BE/\CH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, fLORIDA. LYING .ITIJI1\;--"THE PLAT OF MOTOROLA. A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVEl P.Mt.~, AS RECORDED IN P.....'T 800K .43, PACES 139 AND 140, PUBLIC'. ,C"QRDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. MORE PARTICULARLY "'''~:'!~5')'S FOLLOWS, OEGINNING AT THE f\IORTHE^S~Z-c&R';.U.:R OF SAID PLAT OF MOTOROLA, SAID POINT LYINC 54.rHI"iEET S:>UTH OF. AS MEASURl!D hT RIGHT ANGLES TO. THE CENTERLlNE~i)l\W. 22ND AYENUf AND LYING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF "(AY'CW THE LAkE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAC~;~;"n-1ENCE FROM SAID rolNT OF BEGINNINC, SOUTH 07'10'03" EA~....(D-~INC5 MENTIONED HEREIN ARE IN THE MERIDIAN OF SAID rLAr~.O~OTOROtA AND ALL OTHER DEARINGS HEREIN ARE IN REF~S:p'1f1ERETO) ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID L^KE-\~O)tTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CAN AL 1::-4, A DlST ANCE OF 270.00 F~.w'~"BifNCE SOUTH 69"0.&'47" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 245.98 FEET; TlitNcf'NORTH ~5"55'13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 117,94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00"'55'13" WEST, A DISTANCE or 185.00 fEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT Of WAY LINE OF N.W. 22ND AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 89'0-1'47" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT OF MOTOROLA (ALSO DEING THE SOUTH RICHT Of' WAY LINE OF N.W. 22ND AVENUE). A DISTANCF. Of' 31kl.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. MOlorol.1,lnc. 1301 Em:,. Algonquin Road Schaumburg. IL 60196 JUN-OH993 11:53am 93-172787 ORB 7738 Pg 1863 I ..I.IUIII.III, ..11111 Con 160.000.00 Oot 11120.00 CONTAINING 80,984 SQUARE FEET OR 1.85Y ACRES::t. SUHJECT Tn (1) R"striction5, drdicalions imd ('i1scmCnls 5l'1 out 01\ the Pill I or MOlorula,. tl'Cordcd in 1'1..1 Book 43. Page 139. , (2) Term:>, provisions, ilnd conditions s<'t rorlh in E.l::il'mcnt J\,gn'cllwnt. dalL>d conlempor.1neously hl'rcwilh, 10 M.-lr1c L. Mendel "nd Jo,ln D. M~ndel l');l'C'ulro by MClloTOla, Inc., .1nd rl,("Ufch.'\1 in the- Public Records of P.llm BC.1ch COUflly, Florida, un Ihe d,lt~. uf rccCirJing 01 thili $I,llu1ory Warr.lnly Drod. - 1- 'RIIUm to: ....... ~--ct ......... ....opt) .- - . ~~. PnlI*tY~P"i'-.~~[faIDl~ \'1>)) n Y; (0\ \'-f' (31 -- r,O ;:;-;: \;'7 W, \~t) AS"!ement ~Iween The School Bo.ud of Palm ncach County and Rill'C'O ..Oevelopmenl Corporation, recorded In OfRclal Rcrords Book 2902. Page ";,(;!b4.. . . TOGIITHE~ wilh ~)1!nemcnts, hereditaments and appurt(>n.:mres thereto belonging er in anywise appcrtainmg. ~.....-'j ~ TO HAVE AND TO' ~~.-6ie ",me In fce simple" forever. .....p- IN WITNESS W.IEREOF,~~Jd Gl"lIntor has ,i!;"oo and sealed these presents the d;lY and "yeolr first above wntleft. {..5 ~igT\lod' .ded and deUvcrcd incur pn~ \'- v . ttlc/fl'A . ~r;")MOT~ROLA.IN. r:Ai 1 l?f'"hof'"ki WiInc5S '\~-'~~~' '-- \('1lJii,.._IT:: vL. D t'/':;' !leet.. Rui. { )~ tJ/1.tk'J;("AJi,) ~?'~~~~ Vice 'President & General Manager Karen Prestan \IIIilre5 ,,~-:: '''''. .. \}: '{... ~..... \. V';~~. 'I ,...-) '-'(7'7:> Y:;/ 'The fo~ing instn.uncnt was acknowledged bclorc mc~ ~ dayo! ft.l.IV 1993. bt#~C7'..e ~I'Z- . as Vice Pres~iit?91 MOTOROLA.1NC.,,, Delaware corporation. and he acknowledged that he c:ll:eculcd IN! same a~_t'''.olflccr. in the name of and for Olnd ~id rorporation. and who is pcrsol'\O)lly known tome ' u .... WRIftienand nol take an ~~:;).. ~- // ORB 7738 P. 1864 RECORD I,{RIFIED DOROTHV H WILKEN ClERK OF THE COURT - PS COUNTY, FL Reservations contained In deeds from Lake Worth Dn.ipage District recorded in Dc!ed Book 620, Page 525, and Occd Book 654. Page 17, as partially released in Deed Book 1063, Pa&e 576. . sr A TE OF FLORIDA ~ )... ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH " ..('.",~ . ,,:.~. . "'1y~n~.':~".' . . . 1.1........,...".. .........., Myaznm;.;<nmurm-ls ('C -///r~? Prop;.orty AppmiStt'!J Parrel k1cntiflCiltlon" Sodn1 Security Number(s) of the Granlcc(s): ........ ......1111111I...,. f':"}:'.i~::'.:'~ .: '..:' .~ .; rij .; I": '..~ ~1~ . ". ... .....:. ./~ .' ".'/:",1=,...:;,,'"'\". ~ ).-" l. "'_...... i!'"".- l>. It\~ ".!"\ . t' . ,"fo L ".\ . bf. ~'" ., . ~.. 1 .j lUll n 111I1 IURUlIl IH II III UIII 8111111I1111I1111 pnpJlred by add Return to: T. Mi(l'aIc:1 woods Attorney at L,w 612 East Colordal Drin. StD.l90 Orl.ndo. Florida JZ803 liJ'1l/JIIl/2e03 15: 35:18 200305873&2 OR BK 1~931 PG 1607 '-'all,} I,.cp...H~h ':Olllll;", i-lo"r;!.cl.. ,11'11 r:;;,~,B(l.O(je.{je 51~ D~t Bt4~p 17&,~~~.0~ Par..lldentili"~0II:D8-43-4S-17.02.()(lI.()(l1 0 SPECIAL wARRANTY DEED (Wherever used helein Ibe lernu "fitst party" and "second party' .hall include .insular and plul$!. heirs, legal ~~entali\'CS, ond assign. of individual.. and the .ucce'SOI1l and ...ii1" of corporations, wherevcllbe context so admits or Rq,ui....) -:-f1u . THIS INDENTURE, made this21L.. day Of Seplentber 2003. BETWEEN BOYNTON OFFICE OwNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as Grantor. to and in favorofCOMPSON ASSOCIA -rES OF BOYNTON ll, LLC, aFlorida l\mited liabilityeompllllY, wbosel'ost ofliee address is: 980 N. Federal Highway. Suite 200, Boea Raton. Florida 33432, as Gnntee. WITNESSETH. that Grantor, for aJ;1d in consideration of the sum often dollars ($10.00) and o1her valuable consideration paid on behalf of said Grantee, the reeeipt whereofis hereby acknowledged, ha. granted, bDtgllinec!, and sold to the said Grantee, its suceessors and assigns forever. the following described 1and, situate. and being in the County of Palm Beath. Stale of Florida, to wit: See Elthlblt "A" attached hcreto and incorporated herein. together with all casemcnts, hereditamcnts and other rights appurtenant tbereto. AND, subject to the Pennitre<l Exceptions contained in Elthlblt "B". attached hereto. Grantor does hereby fully warrant the titie to said land, and will defend saine asamst thc lawful elaims of all petllOn8 whomsoever arising by, through ot under the Grantor, but nO others. ITHE REMAINDER OF nus PAGE lNTENTIONAu"Y LEFf BLANK) "WlLL-CALL-ATS" ~ For SROAD AND CASSEL ( ) 7177 W. GlADES ROAD BOCARATONj FLS3434 Page 1 of 5 I&H II/&O'd 91B-! &'ro:(ss-wuifNotiilina: mmtl9S:0ISJ . illt:StlO. UlXVru:W ;liwii~~awl!ii~ Iiv ~:ci1i Eooiiiuoi Lv Q,iJ~ : i~'t 3~Yd BOOK J5931 ~~GE 1G08 ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor, has hereunto caused it to set his hand and the seal the day and year fitst above wrillen. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: WITNESSES: Af!5, c. ,~g S,!s!!!.t= /. 4/n-/'""r-/ 1..'~oJ Print Name GRANTOR: -' BOYNTON OFl'1CE OWNERS, LLC, a Delawate limited liability company By: BOYNTON OFFICE INVESTORS, LLC. a Florida limited liability company, a managing member By: CARTER BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. ~.. DarylM, r.r~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COrnnYOFORANGE ) w.. ~ The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this J. t. day of 2003 by Daryl M, Carter, a manager of Carter Boynton, LLC, a managing member of Boynton 0 ce btves1ot5, LLC, a managing member of Boynton Office Owners LLC( who is pernonally ~0\Vh to me:JOr who has produoed a driver'. license or as identification and who did take an oath, Print Name: A Notary Pllblic, State of Florida My commission expires: ,......... MnWII<ty . J . ..,_llOD4l1OS ....,.j _J....22.2IlO7 Page 2 of 5 IEH II/tO'd 918-1 szoro:lssoUJwfNoli'ilina: tlm6tl99:aIS~ ,~I'!::SlNa ,ulXVIlliiIAS :liwll ~~a wa!ii~ Wv ~ti:1i foo~illOi LV a^J~: illt 3~Vd ............. .......... . ---- ---- Exhibit .. A" Legal Descriptian All af the plat of Motorola, a Planned Industrial Development, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 139, Public Recards of Palm Beach Caunty, Florida, less lIIId eJ<:cept Gateway Boulevard. (N.W. 22"" A venue) right of way and Congress Avenue right of way; less lIIId except road right of way parcels conveyed to Palm Beach County, by deeds recorded in O.R. Book 6654, Pages 408 and 410, Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida; Further less and except that parcel conveyed by Statutory Warranty Deed recorded in O.R. Book 7738, Page 1863, mare particularly described as follaws: A certain parcel ofland lying in Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, City ofBaynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying within the Plat of Motorola, a Planned Industrial Development, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Pages 139 and 140, Public Recards of Palm Beach County, Flarida, more particularly deseribed as fallows: Beginning at the Northeast comer af said Plat of Matorola, said point lying 54.00 feet Sauth of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline ofN.W. 220d Avenue and lying an the Westerly Right afWay ofthe Lake Worth Drainage District equalizing Canal E-4, thence from said Paint of Beginning, Sautb 07" 10' 03" East, (bearings mentioned herein are in the meridian afsaid plat ofMotarola and all other bearings herein are in Reference thereto) along the Westerly Right af Way of said Lake Worth Drainage District Canal E-4. a distance of270,OO feet; thence South 89" 04' 47" West, adislance af245.98 feet; thence North 45.55' 13" West, a distance af 117,94 feet; thence North 00" 55' 13" West, a distance of 185.00 feet to a point an the South Right afWay line ofN. W, 22"" Avenue; thence Narth 89" 04' 47" East alang the North line of said Plat ofMatorola (also being the South Right of Way line afN. W. 22"" Avenue). a distance af 300.00 feet to the Point afBeginning. LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcel All that part of the plat af Matarola, a Planned Industrial Devclapment, according ta the map ar plat thereaf as recorded in Plat Baak 43, Page 139, Public Records afPaIm Beach County, Florida, being mote particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast carner af said plat af Motorola, said paint lying 50.00 feet Sauth af, as measured at right angles ta the centerline ofNW 22"" Avenue and lying an the Westerly Right of Way line afthe Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4; thence from said paint af cammencement, Sauth 07.1 0' 03. East (bearings mentianed herein are in the meridian ohaid plat of Motorola and all ather bearings herein are in reference thereto). along the Westerly Right of Way line of said Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4, a distance af 4.02 feet; thence con~nue South 07. 10' 03. ~ast, alang said Westerly Right afWay line, a distance 1.1[1172.27 feet to the pamt afcurvature ta the nght, having a radius af398,OO feet; thence Southerly alang the arc of said curve, cantinuing along said Westerly Right of Way line, through a ccntral angle af 17" 25' 38" , a distance of 121,06 feet to the paint aftangency. Page 3 af 5 lEE-~ 11/SO'd 918-l SG"ro:(ss-wuifNoli'ilino: EZlGlmgg:OIS3. ~1t:S~O. HIXVJ'lli:i!iiS ;liw~~~awlll'i~'1iv ~ti:1~ iooiiillOi iv Q,\3~: i~1S 3~Vd thence South 10" t 5' 35" West, continuing along said Westerly Right of Way line, adiBtance of374.37 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 10" IS' 35" West, continuing along said Wmedy Right of Way line, a distance of 603,74 feet to the Point of curvature oca curve to the left; having a radius of393.19 feet; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, continuing along said Westerly Right' of Way line, through a central anglc of 22" 26' 26", a distance of 154.00 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 12" 10' 53" East, continuing along said Westerly Right of Way line, a distance of72.61 feet to the Southeast comer of said plat of Motorola; thence South 8S" 55' 53" West, a10ngthc South liue of said pial of Motorola, also being the North Right of Way line of the Boynton Canal C.16, as recorded in O.R. Book 3553, Page 982, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 1478.02 feet to an intersection with the Easterly Right of Way line of Congress Avenue, being the East line of that certain 10 foot wide strip of land as shown on said plat of Motorola, as additional Right of Way dedicated by said Plat; thence North 00" 12' 55" West, along said Easterly Right of Way line, a distance of518.04 feet; thence North 04" 21'02" East, along the Easterly Right of Way line of Congress A venue, as recorded in O.R, Book 6654, Page 408, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 130.08 feet, thence North 00. 38' 39" East, continuing along said Easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 185.90 feet; thence North 89" 33' 31" East, a distance of 1557.45 feet to the Point of Beginning. Page 4 of 5 lEE-~ 11/90'd 91S-l Ill"ro:(SS;UWfNoliVlina: mmtl99=a1S~. rnt:SNO . HlXYilli~ :liWij ~ilia w;lSi~'iiv ~i:ii ioo1JLllOi iv 00iI: il~ 3SVd ",I"'~, J:d.:S1 "~HlE If.ll DDI'Dthy H. Wll k .n, Cl.rk EXHffiIT "B" Permitted Exceptions 1. Taxes for the year 2003, which are not yet due and payable. 2, Rel;trictions, conditions, reservations, easements, and other matters contained on the Plat of Motorola, a Planned Industrial Development, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 139. Public Records ofPabn J3each County, Florida. 3. Easement to Florida Power and Light Company recorded in O.R. Book 3819, Page 1724, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 4, Easement in favor of Mark L. Mendel and Joan D. Mendel, husband and wit'e, oontained in instrument recorded June 4, 1993, in O.R. Book 7738, Page 1865, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. S. Grant of Basement to Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC recorded in O.R. Book 15482, Page 627, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 6. Drainage Easement in favor of Company Associates of Boynton LLC recorded in O.R. Book 15482, Page 613, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 7. Easement in favor ofLakc Worth Drainage District, contained in instrument recorded July 8, 2002. in 0, R, Book 13883, Page 396, Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. -;;;:1~~. PALM BEACH COUNlY . STATE OF FLORIDA (~"~::.\ I heraby ceI1IIy that the IQregoing is a ,g,W" Irueco~of!lle~inn1voffict. ~~'f.?fii T~Dayof ~ 'Q~~"" 20 ~ DOROTHY H. WILKEN Clerk Circu~rt ) p~';::-;':'~ c:::" ........, '- ~ ~ ,C, page 5 of IEH 1l/10'd 916-l 8l'ro:(ss-wwfNoli'ilina: m116tlgg:Q1S3 .1ilt:SNO. HIXVIlli:iih.S ;[iUiu ~f\taUiI!ii~'1iv ~~~~ iooiJilJOi iv ~3iI: ~~IL 3~Vd \.,MI "WU.cAll-ATS" ~IP , 'f1 . ., For BROAD Ar.:D CASSfI (( "- v, K. 7m YI. GlADES ROAU 'f' IOCAIlATON, fl33434 IIIOIIIIIIU m R IIIIIIIOIIIB III Prepst-red by and RetDralol ~,M_IW"'" AttonU'Yat. UW 612 EostColooi.l Dri.., 5tc,l90 Or\ondo. Florida 32S03 07/01leoo3 10.23.41 eOO3039574l> OR BK 15482 PB 0610 Palm B~&~h County, FlOTida AMT Ie, eoo, 000. 00 ;;I." ~ Doc Stamp 85,400.00 . R,B, Portel NUll'Ib...: SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (Whore"... uero herein the temlS "!ir$t JllIl!l" and "second pa1'l)l' .ball include singular and plurol, heirs, lOSal 'OI""",nlaIi"o., and assign. of individuals' and tho .11<........ and ...iJlls of .o<!>Omans, whercvor Ihe ._1 so odmits or requires.) THIS INDENTURE. made this 366 day ofJune 2003. BETWEEN BOYNtON OFFICE OWNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as Grantor, to and in favor ofCOMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNION, LLC, a Floxida limited liability company, whose post office address is: 980 N, Federal Highway, Suite 200, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, as Grantee. WITNESSETH, that Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum often dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid on behalf of said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby admowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said Grantee, its guCCe8S0J:S and 3Jlsigns forever, the following described land, situate, and being in the County ofPaJm Beacb, State of Florida, to wit: See Exhibit" A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. together with all easements and other rights appurtenant thereto. AND. subject to the Permitted Exceptions contained in Exhibit "B", attached hereto. Gralltor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend same against the lawful claims of all persons wholllSoever arising by. through or under the Grantor, but no others. (THE REMAINDER OF 'IHlS P AGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Page I of 2 l&&-~ ll/ID'd 9l8-l &'ro:(SS'WwfNo~'ilind: Um6t~99:0IS~. ~lt:S~O, HIXVIlli:ili.S .liwU ~f'.eawl!ii3l1iv ~tZ:i~ Eooiii~lOi iv aci: il/8 3~Vd BOO .5482 PAGE O&ll IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor, has bereunto caused it to .et hia hand and the seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: WITNESSES: rL /ft4M ,/~ ..- ' - gna...." ~() (\."'(1 F M\~ Print Name GRANTOR: BOYNTON omCE OWNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company " ~ ( Mt./J'V / ---- , S' ture ~Yl &o..cller, Print Name I By: BOYNTON OFFICE INVESTORS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, a managing member STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) The foregoing inst:n.unent was sworn to and ac\alowledged before me this 24 M-- day of ~~ 2003 by Jame$ R. Heistand, wbo is personally \alown to me or wbo has produced a dri '. license or as identification and wbo did take an oath, .:jM&f ~~~ Print Name: .:::;; (/ '1 Notary Public, State offlorida I My commission eXPires:~'l71 2m '" ~1\ FotIlI_llrodIoy \4) MyCommIllIanDO,_ .." E.qlI"'JuIy27.2008 Page 2 of 2 IEH Il/BO'd BIB-! 8t"ro:(SS'WWfNoliVlina: tem6t19S:OIS:J . mt:slNo. HIXV.flli:aiiS :liliill ~!~O walii~'1i'i' ~ri:~i iooiIillOi LV O,i:Jll : ~U6 3~Yd IIOl. .5482 PAGE 0612 Exhibit "An LEGAL DEsClUl'TION '. , ' All thot port 01 the plot 01 MOTOROLA. A PLANNED' INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, occording to the plot thereof, os recorded in Plot 600k 43, Poge 139 of the Polm Beoch County, Flori,do Public Records, being more particularly described os follows: ' Commencing the Northeosl corner 01 sold plot of MOTOROLA, soid point lying 50,00 leel South of, oS measured at righ t angles to the centerline of NW 22nd Avenue and lying on the Westerly Right-of-Woy Line 01 the Loke Worth Droin0ge District Equelizing Conol E-'k thence from sold Point of Commencement, South 07"10'03" East (beerings mentioned herein ore in the me~idlan of soid plot of MOTOROLA ond 011 other peorings herein are in reference tner"o!), olong the, Westerly, Right-of-Way Line of said Lake Worth Droinoge Distr,ict Equolizing Conal E-4, 0 distance of 4.02 feet: thence coniinue South 07,0'0.3" Eo.t, along soid westerly Right-ol-Woy'Line, 0 distonce of 1172.27 feet to ,the point of Curvature of 0 curve, to the right, hoving a radius of 396,00 feel: ' thence Southerly, olong the' arc of said curve. continuing olong soid Westerly Right-ol-Way Une, ' ttirough 0 centrol ongle of 17"25':\8", 0 distonce 01 121.05 feet ,to the point 01 Tongency. thence' ' South 10,5'35" West, continuing olong said Westerly' Right-ol-WO'y Line. 0 distanc;e of 374.37 feet, to 'the point 01 8eginning; thence South 10'15'35" West. continuing along said Wnterly , ~igl'it-ol-way Line, 0 distance of 603,74' feet to a Poi~t' of Curvoture of 0 curve ,10 th!' [eft; , hoving 0' radius of 393,19 leet; thence Southerly along the ore of sold curve. continuing along said Westerly Right-of-Way ,Line. through 0 central angle of 22'26'28"" a distonce, of 15(00 Jeet to the point of Tongenc)'i thence South 12'10'53" East, continuing olong sold ',Westerly" right-af-Way" Line, a ,distance of 72.61 feet to the Southeast Corner of said plot' a'l MOTOROLA;" thence South 88'55'53" West, along the South Une of said plqt 01 MOTQRQ!,A, also being the' North Righ't-'of-Way Line of the BO)'f'ton Canol C-16, Os recorded in Official Records Book .3553. Page 982, Palm Beach Coun ty, Florida Public Records. 0 distance of 1478.02 feet to the intersedion ~ith the Eosterly Righi-of-Way Line 01 Congress Avenue, being 'the Eost Line of thot' certain 10" loot strip of lond OS shown on said plot of MOTOROLA os oddlt~onal ,Right-of-Way dedicated by said plot; thence North 00'12'55" West, along said Easterly Right-ol-Way Line, 0 distonce 01 518.04. feet; thence North 04'21'02" East, olong the Eosterly Right-ol-Woy Line of Congress Avenue, os' recorded in Official Records Book 5654, Poge 408, Polm Beoch County. Florida publie Records. a distance of 130,08 leet; thence North 00'38'39" Ea,t, continuing along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, 0 di,tonce of 185.90 leet; thence Norlh 89'::33'31" East, 0 distonce of 1557.45 feet to the Point' of Beginning. IEH II/Ol'd 916-1 8!'Eo:lstwwj NOOVllna: izm6mg:OIS:l, iiit:SINO, nf.(\lftif~ ;liwlii~5i^iowilsi~ NY ,,:tiii tooGiiW'OI iv lWlH', -liI013~Vd BOOh .5482 PAGE 0613 Dorothy H. Wilken, Clerk Exhibit "8" Permitted Exceptions I. Taxes for the year 2003, which are not yet due and payable. 2. Restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, and other matters contained on the Plat ofMotoroIa, a Planned Industrial Development, as recorded in Plat Book 43. Page 139. Publie Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. Easement in favor of Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company, contained in instrument recorded July 27, 1984, in OR Book 4307, Page 1503, Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. 4. Easement in favor of Lake Worth Drainage District, contained in instrwnent recorded July 8, 2002, in O.R. Book 13883, Page 396, Public Records ofPalw. Beach County, Florida. 5. Riparian and littoral rights are not insured. IEH 1l/II'd 916-l 8!'ro:lstww[ Noo.Vilna: amil99:0IS:l. ,iit:SINO .llf.<VflifliAS: rliui.ii4B~aw~si~ IiV ,,:tG: TI iOOGiillOllv niI:I~'. -lim 3~Vd Division of Corporations Page I of2 Florida Limited Liability COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON II, LLC ,------ PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 200 BOCA RATON FL 33432 MAILING ADDRESS 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 200 BOCA RATON FL 33432 Document Number L03000031467 FEI Number NONE Date Filed 08/2212003 State FL Status ACTIVE Effective Date NONE Total Contribution 0,00 Registered Agent Name & Address SKATOFF, JEFFREY H 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 200 BOCA RATON FL 33432 anager em er e al I Name & Address II Title I COMPARATO, JAMES a 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOCA RATON FL 33432 KLEPPER, CARL E JR. a 980 NORTH FEDERAL HlGHW A Y BOCA RATON FL 33432 M 1M b D t "1 http://ccfcorp,dos,state,fl,us/scripts/cordet.exe?al=DETFIL&nl=L03000031467&n2=NA...1117/2003 Division of Corporations Page I of2 ~ Florida Limited Liability COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON, LLC PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 200 BOCA RATON FL 33432 ,-- MAILING ADDRESS 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 200 BOCA RATON FL 33432 Document Number L02000033681 FEI Number 113667737 Date Filed 12/16/2002 State FL Status ACTIVE Effective Date NONE Total Contribution 0,00 egIS ere ,gen I Name & Address I DICKENSON, DA VlD B ESQ. 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY STE 410 BOCA RATON FL 33432 I Address Changed: 06/0612003 I R 't dA t anager em er em I Name & Address II Title I 'COMPARATO. JAMES D 980 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY STE BOCA RATON FL 33432 V,KLEPPER, CARL D 980 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY STE 200 BOCA RATON FL 33432 M 1M b D t "I http://ccfcorp,dos,state.fl,us/scripts/cordet.exe?al=DETFIL&nl =L02000033681 &n2=N A.., 11/7/2003