CORRESPONDENCE 10/05/2004 05:53 5514348815 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 THE SCHOOl DISTRlCTOF PAUA BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA I'I.ANNlNG llEPARTMENT 3300 FOREST HILL BLVD.. C-11o WEST PALM BEACH, FL 334ll6-5813 (561) 434-B100 FAX: (561)434-8187 ARTIUR C. JOHNSON, Ph,D, SlJPliFUNTENDENf ~L~ ~.~ ~.......o>~ October 4, 2004 Mr, Orran L, (Dick) Hudson Senior Planner, Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL. 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION AMENDMENT - CASE NUMBER #04093001C (FKA 03120301C, 03052004Q, 02091901C) - RENAISSANCE COMMONS (AKA MOTOROLA DRI) Dear Mr, Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination Amendment on the above referenced project for 1700 units (1442 multi-family units and 258 high-rise apartments), Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for Renaissance Commons, Previously, Renaissance Commons was approved for 1501 units (1243 multi-family units and 258 high rise apartments). They are now requesting the addition of 199 multi-family units, for a grand total of 1700 units, This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance, Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343, David DeYoung, AICP Senior Planner cc: Kim Glas-Castro, Ruden McClosky enc. S:\Planning\Publie\INTERGOV\CQnCUI'Nl1CY\CQncurr~~~~~093001.doc PAGE 113' RCVD AT 10111120041:59:51 PM ~astem Da~ighl Timel' SVR:FTLWEB1/1' DNIS:3441, CSID:5614348815' DURATION (mm.ss):Ol41 10(05(2004 05:53 5514348815 10~1'1004 04:51.. Froo-R,dln ~CI..ky PLANNING DEPT 5618111016 T-600 P,OOllOOl AAy~a~ ~V~ ~~A4~4~~.~AVY LI PAGE HI. 03 J m ........................CMMf -- _,....._ 0.... ....,.......... PO;'~ _10111_"_ ,..'I)....,1t'..~4!If..II1Ci .....-s G .tMII The School DI5trlc:t of Palin BeaCh County School Concu,*,cy AppIlcatloll & 5eNlce PfvVIdeI' Form ".An Dum: ......coprfl... ".~IJIL~ .... J- R Md.....tar.. ~l,:: ~........lIut1P'"""1 .olIIll4JoIcaneunwqforili:Molt. A......,...6.A.bII _l'er-......af.-lplaf........." ", . ...__11..............11. _Ilr..._--"'- Onao D........_tom-..-........- chItl.....1"lIIiGR.............. ..01"0'. tl'1. ._10fdIr. ...... cMlaI ('III _ ill ..4A'lJC(Qn {oa.~ 1It1~_..1"". 11-- ll~""""" ( 1..........__lll<Il....- II~"""'" 1ll1ille&.lnlon ".... ~m - .,..............~_ .. 1~..1IIIW.......,..... ...........~.... .........UlIM'.........ctIUIl n.r .........IDI l",.~i.,<>~~~'1!!__~~~.j/!;jg~~ PtoJHl""'* l~na'iaSillJ1e.. t!:DdmmI!!; ~~ 'Rn-vni'n!ll h.~:h ........,.__If'Clll: 08-43-4S-17-o2~.OOl-0010 :>>R-4 '='-iL Ij_ \ 7 -n2~nn l-oQlQ l.-GQUCMl/~""""'~ 5B Corner of Cmlltr... AVAnue Alld Cat:....... lI.nnl"""ATd CUrr.nt A rO"ial 1501 UUl1;' . ,1243 Wl1ta et.258 u.a.it:s . .....................IIM.... .-.-r_ ..If.... .................-.... A~c..-.~.......-_..4......... 1501 ...ntH ""..-,--- '~ --.- l:i ~~g~tu.. AgW's- ml i ~_u - ( ~ ' _ D!_:14~~:6 1,...,--.,.........--.......-......." '1'" ....... ................... .....,......... _ a..~ ...J _ .... ~,a-, h=::~=~_~~;.=m;;;;~ DIol....."...,., ..........fIIl'? ~~m.'~"__ ........."...,..,.... Of'" ........._,.,.. __ a.II:iI. ,.. .......................,...... ." '1:>:'..' , co D'1I _~-.-_ 0 c.._' ~ I..........~~.............~~G.OS)....... ,_""..._..._-..._l-.-llOIIl...-......... --- -'__.................~.._llOIIl...ld~1 ~ifM~ .,... ~ 1.~'~..."("a'FClIOG'NJ;~~DlX' c PAGE 3/3' RCVD AT 10/1112004 2:59:52 PM ~astem Daylight Timel' SVR:FTLWEB111, DNIS:3442' CSID:5614348815' DURATION (mm-ss):Ol44 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 5C From: Staff Date: May 21, 2004 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan DCA Reference No,lM--+ 04-Dl Introduction The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires that Council review local government comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption, Under the provisions of this law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) prepares an Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report on a proposed amendment only if requested to do so by the local government, the regional planning council, an affected person, or if an ORC Report is otherwise deemed necessary by the DCA, If the local government requests DCA to prepare an ORC Report, then Council must provide DC A with its own objections, recommendations for modification, and comments on the proposed amendment within 30 days of its receipt. Background The City of Boynton Beach is proposing text amendments to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the City comprehensive plan, The amendments relate to the Renaissance Commons (formerly Motorola) Development of Regional Impact (DRI), On April 5, 2004, the DCA notified the City that an ORC Report would be prepared, Evaluation Text Amendments The City proposes to adopt one new objective and three accompanying policies to the Future Land Use Element. New Objective 1.24 is to establish a DRI FLUM designation that is to be applied to the land of all DRI's, Each shall be governed by specific policies, New Policy 1.24,I.a indicates that the Renaissance Commons DRI is a multiple use project that is to contain commercial, office, and residential uses, New Policy 1.24,I.b establishes land uses and intensity ranges for the Renaissance Commons DRI, New Policy 1,24,I,c establishes the maximum amount of traffic to be generated by Renaissance Commons DRl and indicates that this is to be in conformance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, FLUM Amendment The proposed amendment is for the 87,O-acre Renaissance Commons DRllocated at the southeast comer of Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard (see attached maps), The Motorola DRl was approved in 1979 for 825,000 square feet of industrial, research and development, and office uses, A total of 325,000 square feet of development was actually constructed on fifty acres of the site, The DRI development order and the City comprehensive plan were revised in 2002 to allow 500 residential units and more commercial retail uses in lieu of some unbuilt office use, The existing FLUM designations are Industrial (37,3 acres) and Local Retail Commercial (49,7 acres). The proposed FLUM designation is the newly established DRl designation. The City indicates that the proposed amendment is consistent with the Future Land Use Element, especially with Objective 1.15 that encourages planned and mixed use development at appropriate locations, The City references changed market conditions as part of the rationale for the amendment. Extraiurisdictionallmoacts The proposed amendments were processed by the Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (IPRC) on January 28, 2004, According to the IP ARC Coordinator, no objections have been received, Effects on Significant Regional Resources or Facilities Analy~is of the propo~ed amendments indicates that they would not have adverse effects on significant regional resources or facilities, Obiections, Recommendations for Modification, and Comments None Recommendation Council should adopt the above comments and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs, Attachment General Location Map City of Boynton Beach ::'0-,:2:: J ,"!aCt 809 10th Ave ,L. ~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~;:~~t'. ,",."."~fl",;;;,,,tJ.~ . -:.., .~ IH .... .~.~~< ,..,."S, ,. ,~, ;'. 80~ Q ake~W~rt c,', ~. --@" ~--,.'-' , y' ~ 6\h Mrlaleuca La I !:lGreen ! \.... vaS ", ',' '.-;- , '::;.. . ~~~'.~ ;"~v. . .i.. , '01 0::" , en ~I I I oIuxo d "" , 1 , Amendfnent "; Locatfon SW 23rd A " 1-- , ,- 1.:6 \ ...=""..-..-1..-> . -;.-::. .., ..., ';:.,' < .La t.n.;~;S:]: "~ 1t";J~':~~W~~; .~ ~,..~. . ,",,: :~~~:'.:.. ~ '" ~~~;:~':v _.< ~" .. 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'" I- r ~ I- :J 51 LANTANA /\~R, LANTANA RD I/) Cl .!. :'0 ':'" 'w :"'0 :;:0 RD i:';,cr '" o 0::: HYPOLUXO w U Z W 0::: ~ "" ...J :I: o :E GATEWAY BLVD J W l<: [[ WOOL RIGHT RD z 0::: => I- GOLF RD Ul 0 0::: <c c:: I- 0 cr PIPERS 0 0 ...J cr GLEN u.. :I: :I: U U ~ ~ FLAVOR 0::: c:: > PICT <( w 0::: <( ~ ...J u LAKE IDA RD ~ ...J :I: w SIMS RD >- l<: c:: U <( ;; > t:: ~ <( ...J ~ CD ATLANTIC I I I ~ I I' L Miles I, " ..,' ::: ::: { .:) :'t.: OCEAN AV ....f' \': : :: , .. /;D ,'.., ::;:: try ~ o & ~ "'<::: "- ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ LBM Map 1 - Site Location LAND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, INC. WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA Map 2 - Site Detail ---1 I GI ::J c: GI > <( III III GI ... Cl c: o U Gateway Blvd. Motorola Facility " :z N ;t ::> S ~ ~ / (J, is: @ ~ 1 g iE Il: ~ ~ $ I BQYNTo,N . CANAL C..:-1 6 Motorola Mixed-Use Community: ~ - Motorola Residential Community ~ - Motorola Retail Component ~ PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP RENAISSANCE COMMONS (FKA MOTOROLA) DRI w...........::. :.:.:.:.:.:. :.. I.:::::::.:.: :: ..... . .' .:~: . :.: .: .. . .'. . ....." " ...... ',' " .... ',' ," .... .... " . ,. e.t . .... .... " t' .... . Jill.... .... ,. ~..:::: .... :: ". .' .......... . :.:.:.:.:~:. :. ............ " ~i~. .~~.:. ................ ~:.=':---:.. ...........,.. ;.:.:..:.:.:.' ,':': ::: ..... ,', ..... ,'. .:.:. .:. :::':~ :.: ::,:-:: ::: :::::::.:::::: ',' ~'.'..'.', ; MAP KEY , RESIDENTIAL' . ~- ~~ ~ - . , i ~ --' I [-l~,- "--,, ' .'3 I' - ~ t::J I ~,- W ,~- - it ~JCT-:r;-:\ .:::::./ --Ii ~,..,~ >'i :'L , . - - - ) " ~;~ .~ ;;-:~I;;- ,~ll.;--'=-::.-:;~~ :,'_ ';j' \(3' '" ;.. jJ . ! i ~ '._-~ i t -.., _' ~ : --- - ~ ,i ~ . "; .~"!Vll'" I, 1\ . INs.: ;',' f' , . " . '~1<1. '>.;J., /' j t 1 p:' ,__ "~ 1.< .1- -" - ~ / ~ ,_ , , ",,'''~ j [~:.--,.lJ; r of L_ In;1 ,L.OW DENSITY ;(LDR)' MAX 4.84 D.U:J ACRE , L " . i '.f') ~:::::~ ,MODERATE D,ENSITY.. (~PPR) .' ._.. I . I ." 'MAX 7,26 D.U./ACRE , , , ..... ... -- .~._. GlTI] , MEDIUM DENSITY,{MeDR) . i. . - MAx 9.68 D.UJAC"RE )'" " ( - I ~, j " \1 l'"---------j !l\!!IlI ,HIGH. DENSITY '(HDR) . M'AX 10,8 D;U./ACRE rumm~ SPECIAL HIGAOENSITy--'(SHOR) x, MAX 200, U./ACRE .'".. fr.-g~Q}?~J~ E1tI:lPt!\b'f'~': ~ OFFICE (GC) "" '. ~ . - : ~ LOCAL RETAIL: (LRC) ~."__"" ''''.. .-' ~ GENERAL '(GC) m INDUSTRIAL" (I) ~. f) \" ,i V I ,______' - ~_I - OTHER ,~ ,-- / .;,',,1 AGRICULTURE' \ (A) ! ~'i-- I:~~:~~j RECRE'ATIONAL" (R) i {' f ~i/rJ1!xEiD'-USE CORt:1!~jG;"1 , / (MX-C) : ,PUSLl,C & PRIVATE;, (PPG,I) , , GOVE RNMENT ALIINSTITUTIONAL .f -.... _ 'j: .-- -- .- -, j i- 1 - (MX) +' ~ CONSERVATlor'>J ~ MIXED USE (CON) I , ::::~, DIFFERENT LAND USE. CAlE_GORY HlAN THAT SHOWN I -iON MAP APPLIES_(AS IND.LCATED BY ABB.REVIATION),'. I ~ . . .....~, ' I 'IF: USE Ai'JD DEVELOPMENT. COMPLIES WIr'HUSE;~ . .' . . .. 1 1'/ '. ~ Ri;STRICTIOJ''!S_AND REC.O. M. BINATION_OF PARCELS I . SPECIFIED IN TEXT OF FUTURE LAND USE AND: : . . ' i " : COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS, ; --- --- ....- -. ...~ -. -- ' t'~CO NSERV A TION OVERLAL .DISTRICT:--USE AND, .i · D:::VELOPMEIH OF PROPERTY SUBJECT TO " 0. '., .... '. ..'C. <_lc""t":i.J~f"'~:~' ~~ . T R EASiI' 'E'P~ ifi~-~l~15~~.'~ PLAN N I ~~. Co U NI-CfL .' . ".~ ~ ~J" ~. - . . .~_;,,, l .. ;3 _ .,.,,, ~ ~ Il\i:D-U'N2'-RHhlt '~~klt'trNr,;.- .pi:L\i BE-ACH"K'-'ST'.',fhrctIf-'" -pf-'--' ,} -s-... " , May 25, 2004 Mr. Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Ff, ~ 14 35 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments - DCA Reference No, 04.01 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Our previous letter dated May 21, 2004, incorrectly identified the amendments as DCA Reference No, 04-1 instead of 04-01. Attached is a report indicating the correct reference number. Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Council reviewed the above- referenced comprehensive plan amendments at its meeting on May 21, 2004 A review report was approved by Council for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs as required by Section 163,3184, Florida Statutes, A copy of the approved report is attached for consideration by your governing body prior to adoption of the amendments, Please send one copy of all materials related to these amendments directly to our office once they are adopted by your governing body, pursuant to Chapter 9J.II, Florida Administrative Code, If you have any questions, please feel free to call me, Sincerely, !:l~I~~ Deputy Director ~ "," ~ m ~ J Ll'UIII ~ .,AY 2 TLH:wh [lEPARTMENT OF DEVElOPM' , Attachment "Bringing Communities Together" . Est. 1976 lit East Ocean Boulevard ~ Suite 3.. - Stuart, Florida 34"4 Phone (772) 221-4'" - SC 2"-4'" - .'ax (772) 221-4"7 - E-mail. admin(jj)tcl'nc.orll' e STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Governor HEIDI HUGHES Secretary April 5, 2004 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Mr. Hudson: Thaok you for submitting the City of Boynton Beach's proposed comprehensive plan amendments for our review, Our reference number for this amendment package is Boynton Beach 04Dl. We have conducted an inventory of the plan amendment package to verify the inclusion of all required materials, The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review, The Department's ORC rep0l1 ,,,ill be mailed to you on or about June 1. 2004, Please be advised that Section 163,3 I 84(8)(c), Florida Statutes, requires the Department to provide a courtesy information statement regarding the Department's Notice of Intent to citizens who furnish their names and addresses at the local government's plan amendment transmittal (proposed) or adoption hearings, In order to provide this courtesy information statement, local governments are required by law to furnish the names and addresses of the citizens requesting this information to the Department. Please provide these required names and addresses to the Department when you transmit your adopted amendment package for compliance review, In the event no names, addresses are provided, please provide this information as well, For efficiency, we encourage that the information sheet be provided in electronic format. If you have any questions please contact Ken Metcalf, the Regional Plaruting Administrator that will be overseeing the review of the amendments, at (850) 487-4545, Sincerely, "C:YJ&"r f....w_ D, Ray Eubaoks, Administrator Plan Review and Processing ~\PR DRE/af 2666 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD . TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone 850.488,8466/Suncom 278,8466 FAX' 850,921,0781/Suncom 291,0781 Internet address: htto.l/www.dca.state.fl.us CRITICAL Sf ATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE COMMUNITY PLANNING EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2796 Overseas HigtMay, Suite 212 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Marathon, FL 33050,2227 Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (305) 289-2402 (8501488-2356 (850) 413-9969 (8501488-7956 sc> . The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org March 24, 2004 Gerry O'Reilly, P.E. District Director, Transportation Planning Office Department of Transportation, District 4 3400 Commercial Boulevard, Third Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 Re: City of Boynton Beach Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR! LUAR 03-009 & CPTA 03-001 Dear Mr. O'Reilly: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on March 24, 2004, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, a~;{I Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S: \PlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJEOS\RENAlSSANCE COMMONS\LUAR 03-()()g\REVIEW AGENCY TRANSMITTAl.DOT cr The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PlANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org March 24, 2004 P. K. Sharma, AICP, Lead Planner Water Supply Department South Florida Water Management District P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: City of Boynton Beach Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR! LUAR 03-009 & CPTA 03-001 Dear Mr. Sharma: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on March 24, 2004, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, A-~L Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S:\PIanning\SHARED\Wp\PROJECTS\RenalSSance Commons\WAR 03-Q09\RevIew Agency Transmlttal.dot \' : I ;' .' . The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Ronda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org March 24, 2004 Ms. Lynn Griffin Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Programs Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Re: City of Boynton Beach Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR! LUAR 03-009 & CPTA 03-001 Dear Ms Griffin: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on March 24, 2004, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~# Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S:\PlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\RENAISSANCE COMMONS\WAR 03-009\REVIEW AGENCY TRANSMITTALDOT C(\ The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,Q, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742.6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org March 24, 2004 Mr. Terry Hess, AICP Planning Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 Re: City of Boynton Beach Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR! LUAR 03-009 & CPTA 03-001 Dear Mr. Hess: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on March 24, 2004, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, lJ~# ~ Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\RENAISSANCE COMMONS\lUAR 03-D09\REVlEW AGENCY TRANSMmALDOT sr. .. The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Acrida 33425-0310 TEL: 561'742-6260 FAX: 561.742-6259 www,boynton'beach,or9 March 24, 2004 Lorenzo Aghemo, Director Planning Division Department of Planning, Zoning and Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: City of Boynton Beach Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR! LUAR 03-009 & CPTA 03-001 Dear Mr. Aghemo: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on March 24, 2004, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, lk~!/ ~ Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\RENAISSANCE COMMONS\WAR 03-009\REVIEW AGENCY TRANSMITTALDOT ..ct . The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742,6259 www.boynton-beach,org March 24, 2004 Ms Susan Harp, Historic Preservation Planner Bureau of Historic Preservation R. A. Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Re: City of Boynton Beach Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR! LUAR 03-009 & CPTA 03-001 Dear Ms Harp: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on March 24, 2004, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions, Sincerely, ~jI Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\RENAlSSANCE COMMONS\LUAR 03-009\REVIEW AGENCY TRANSMITTALDOT \ The Citl} of Bol}nton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PlANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,Q, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org March 22, 2004 Mr. James Comparato Compson Assiociates of Boynton II, LLC 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, F.L 33432 "/'A Dear Mr. Cemf3aFilto, We have recently received a study titled "Retail and Office Space and Land Sales Research Study" for Motorola site, prepared for you by Land Reseach Management, Inc. in June of 2003. We presume that the study was submitted to meet the requirement contained in Policy 1.19.2 of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, which reads: "The City shall provide continued effort to allow for industrial acreage; however, that land designated "Industrial" on the currently adopted Future Land Use Map may be converted to commercial or residential designations if the conversion (i) would generate a range of employment choices for current and future residents, provide goods and services of regional importance, or would proVide opportunities for the City to meet its long-range housing goals; and (ii) is based upon adequate data including market analysis". The study does include relevant data, but fails to provide basic market analysis (of supply and demand) that the policy requires. Please provide additional information. If you have any questions, please contact me at 742-6260. Sincerely, ~~ Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner CC: Kim Glas-Castro, AICP S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renalssance Commons\LUAR 03-009\Comparato032204,dot FEB-12-2004 11:18 FRDM:COMPSON ASSOCIATES 5613912423 TO' '5617426259 P.l'l / (, (' February 12, 2004 VIA FACSTMlLE (S61l74U259 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. Florida 33425 Re: ",",DOSed Help. Limitation in SMU" Atto: Michael W. Rumor. Director ofPlanniD!!! and Zonin!!! Dear Mr, Rumpf; Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you, your staff, and "Team Sembler" regarding the Winchester parcel. I have asked them to forward their',recommendlitio,ns as to the specific uses they feel may be necessary for a successful project to you by Friday, Thank you fur understanding in the matter. While J am aware of the political concern with respect to height, J lruIy believe that since all heights in excess of 55' are conditional, it would be architecturally Iimitinglllid only serve architectural mediocrity to include architectural details and non-occupicd space in the height definition, The ability to change roof lines, add spirals, cupolas, Ctc" etl:, is exactly what can make the difference in the architecture of a building if the developer is willing to spend the money necessary for good design, I would respectfully ask that the staff reconsider not including architectural details, stairwells, and unoccupied space as part of the 70' maximum height limitation i.il the SMU district. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Co son Associates MULTI-RESIDENTIAL, RI!1'AIL. AND OFFICE PRQl"I!RTIllS FWIWlA Ofl'U'JIOCA RATON 'IlIO NOI1Ilt fEDERAL ftIGlfW^y'SlIm 100 BOCA R.\TON, FI.OlIDA 3l~l' 561,1916570l'AJ< 56l.l9I.l~13 WA.~G1UN OFFICE: 1120 OlD (JIAJN DIUllGE 1IDo\I), sun\; 400 MdJ!AN,VIlWlNIAlllOl 1Olw.cl700 FAX 703,Il')lSI63 1II!W"""~om/:B: 3255 blUGfII'(IN RENRI1i'ITA TO'1INUNE RO.\D ROCIlllSTER, NI!W"iOIK 1(623 716,172,0010 FAx 716,I1U611'l