REVIEW COMMENTS ~ Ruden ~jl McClosky r;---,-': ''J ~, Ie I l,Q~ r-~~'I5 " . I I DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPM/J!'I 222 LAKEVEW AVENUE Sune800 V\lESTPAlM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-6112 (561) 836-4542 FAX; (561) 514-3442 KIM.GlASCAS1RO@RUDEN.COM June 14,2004 Michael Rumpf, AICP Planning & Zoning Director 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33345 Michael Busha Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Blvd" Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 Caroline Knight Division of Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399 Chon Wong FDOT District 4 Planning and Environmental Management 3400 W, Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33309 RE: Mass Transit Analysis Related to Notice of Proposed Change ("NOPC") to the Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) Development of Regional Impact Proposal You should have received a revised traffic analysis prepared by Kahart Pinder. Under this cover, I am providing a multi-modal analysis to supplement the DRl's data and analysis (since the DRl analyses are the supporting documentation for the DRl-related comprehensive plan amendment.) WPB:173895:2 CARACAS. FT, lAUOERDAlE . MIAMI. NAPLES. PORT ST, lUCIE. SARASOTA. ST. PETERSBURG. TAllAHASSEE. TAMPA. WEST PALM BEACH RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P,A, CARACAS' FT, LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES' ORLANDO' PORT S1.LUCIE . SARASOTA I ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA' WEST PALM BEACH Page 2 Weare confident that the revised traffic analysis presents clear and convincing evidence to rebut a presumption of substantial deviation. If any further discussion is needed prior to the City's public hearing for adoption of the Development Order Amendment on July 6th, please contact me, Sincerely, L Kim Glas-Castro, AICP cc: Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC E, Lee Worsham, Esq, WPB:173895:2 CARACAS. FT, LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPLES. PORT ST, LUCIE. SARASOTA. ST, PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE. TAMPA. WEST PALM BEACH RENAISSANCE COMMONS Mass Transit I Multi-Modal Transportation 1. Identify the mass transit modes serving the amendment area. Palm Tran Route 2 travels Congress Avenue between the V A Medical Center in Riviera Beach and the Town Center Mall in Boca Raton, with a stop at the Boynton Beach Mall Transfer Station, Route 63 generally traverses Gateway Boulevard between Lake Worth Beach and the Boynton Beach Mall (transfer station), with a stop at the Boynton Tri-Rail station. The Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station is within I Y, miles of the subject property, with transit service supplied by Palm Tran. 2. Identify the change in demand resulting from this amendment, It can generally be assumed that the proposed land use will have an overall de minimus impact in traffic generation, and therefore transit trips, Palm Tran's stated level of service is no more than a 60-minute peak hour headway between successive trips. Ridership of Route 2 is reported at 779,049 with 30 minute peak frequency; and ridership of Route 63 is reported at 61,464 with 60 minute peak frequency. The 40' buses serving both routes have a peak hour capacity of 60 persons, Peak hour ridership data was not available from Palm Tran, Tri-Rail's average daily capacity if 450 seated passengers, Boardings and A1ightings at the Boynton Beach station from November, 2003-April, 2004 demonstrate that the majority of weekday travelers board at this station in the morning to travel to another destination (work place) and return to this station in the evening. The train's peak hour ridership varies from 600 to 627 persons, A maximum, peak hour capacity could not be provided by SFRTA, The Property is within the City of Boynton Beach, At this time, the City does not provide an inter-city shuttle service, but provides a "shopper hopper" to specified shopping destinations, A goal of the MPO's 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan for Palm Beach County is to increase community buses operated by the bigger cities, including Boynton Beach, to supplement Palm Tran service routes. Therefore, once implemented, the Property may also be served by the local shuttle service, 3. Identify the existing and planned mass transit routes and scheduled service (headway) for the amendment area, According to Palm Tran website data, Route 2 is served continuously between 5:15 am and 10:15 PM in 30-minute intervals on weekdays and 60-minute intervals on weekends, No new routes are identified for the amendment area. Route 63 is served between 6:25 AM and 6:50 PM in 40 minutes intervals on weekdays and 60-minute intervals on WPB:179217:1 weekends, A goal of the MPO's 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan for Palm Beach County is to decrease headway on Congress Avenue. The Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station is served in the southbound direction between 4:42 AM and II :02 and between 2: 18 PM and 8: 18 PM, in hour intervals; and is served in a northbound direction between 5:47 AM and 12:47 AM and between 3:03 PM and 9:03 PM, in hour intervals, The MPO's FY 2004-2008 Transportation Improvement Program (and draft 2005-2009 TIP) identifies ongoing priorities to purchase of new and replacement buses, purchase of community shuttles and construction of bus shelters, which will implement the aforementioned goals of the LRTP, MPO's 2025 Transportation System Needs Plan identifies the need for extension of Tri-Rail to Martin County. The TIP programs monies for double-tracking, automated ticketing, and system extension planning, South Florida Regional Transportation Authority's Double Track Corridor Improvement Program, between Miami Airport and Mangonia Park is expected to be completed in 2005. 4. Describe how the proposed amendment furthers or is consistent with the concept of a "transit-oriented development". The proposed NOPC will result in a mixed-use project that is conveniently situated in proximity to two established transit routes, Residents may chose to live in the proposed units due to accessibility to mass transit opportunities; and employees of the commercial uses may select an alternative form of transportation (palm Tran, Tri-Rail, bicycle, or internal pedestrian system for residents of the project) as their means to travel to and from work. 5. Multi-Modal Aspects of Renaissance Commons Project Renaissance Commons is a mixed use project that is internally connected with bicycle/pedestrian pathways. Residents, employees and visitors may access other buildings and uses within the community by biking or walking along this pathway system, Convenient access to Palm Tran buses, and proximity to Tri-Rail will enhance multi-modal transportation to and from this project. After it is fully developed, it is envisioned that demand may exist for a community shuttle to the Tri-Rail station, which would be a private, community shuttle for residents and employees. Expansion of the Boynton Beach community shuttle service, however, to include Renaissance Commons, the Palm Tran transfer station and the Tri-Rail station is a potential long-term enhancement to promote alternative modes of transportation, WPB:179217:1 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING &: ZONING DMSION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-036 TO: FROM: Chairman and Members Planning and D~I~~m~nt Board Dick Hudson, ~ner THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: February 9, 2004 SUBJECT: DR! Policies for Renaissance Commons (CPTA 03-001) INTRODUCTlON Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC Is requesting amendments to the Future Land Use Element of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan pertaining to Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DR!. The text amendment is a companion to the Land Use Amendment and Rezoning also requested for the Renaissance Commons site. PROCEDURE Text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are deemed to be "large-scale" amendments and are normally limited to the two annual "large-scale" amendment cycles allowed each calendar year by Chapter 163, F.S. An exception to that rule is In the case of a Development of Regional Impact (DR!) where the law permits amendments related to a DR! to be adopted without being subject to the twice-yearly restrictions. following local board review and City Commission public hearing, a "large-scale" amendment is transmitted to the Rorlda Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for review for compliance with the state, reglonai and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption. Following the review period of approximately 60 days, DCA provides the City with a report of their findings in an "Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report". The City then has 60 days to either (1) adopt the amendment as transmitted, (2) adopt the amendment with changes In response to the ORC report, or (3) determine not to adopt the amendment and inform DCA of that decision. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The proposed text amendment will add one new DR! objective and three poliCies specific to the Renaissance Commons DR! to the Future Land Use Element. The policies detail the approved density and intensity ranges as well as the maximum number of peak hour trips approved In compliance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. PROPOSED TEXT (with proposed changes shown in underlined and bold text) Objective 1.24 The City shall delinefte "DeveloDments of Regional ImDact" In the Future Land Use Element and on the Future Land Use Map. Page 2 FIle Number: CPTA 03-001 DRI Policies for Renaissance Commons Policy 1.24.1.a Each DeveloDment of Realonal ImDact shall be aovemed .by soedflc DOllcles herein. The Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) Develooment of Regional Imoact (DRIt aooroved bv Ordinance 79-36. as most recentlv amend:d bv Ordinance 04- (the "Develooment Order"), Is a multiple-use oroLct orooosed to contain multl-famllv residential. commercial and office uses. Policv 1.24.1.b Consistent with the Renaissance Commons DRI Develooment Order. the aooroved land uses and Intensities shall be as follow: Land Use Hlah density Residential Office Commercial Local Retail/General Commercial Mllllmum-~axlmum Intensltv 1.085 du 12 2.016 du 173,460 sf tQ 322.140 sf 149.100 sf 12 276.900 sf Policv 1.24.1.c Traffic aeneratlon for the Renaissance Commons DRI shall not exceed 1.634 oeak hour trios (For comollance with ArtIcle 15, Traffic Performance Standards of the Palm Beach Countv Unified Land Develooment Code). .. ANALYSIS The addition of the objective will recognize an approved DRI as a specific land use category. The three proposed policies are specific to the Renaissance Commons DRI and allow the data, analysis and statewide review of the project to serve as the justification and documentation for the DR!. The DRI designation and policies allow site-specific uses, Intensities, conditions and characteristics to be described In the Comprehensive Plan, The range of densities and Intensities for each land use represents a 30% modification, reduction and Increase, to each land use proposed in the Notice of Proposed Change (NOPe). The "Use Conversion Matrix" contained In the NOPC Is based on traffic trip equivalency and will be used If any approved use should be converted to another use. This allows the Oty to approve conversions of uses up to 30% without requiring a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Policy 1.24.1.c also expresses the max/mum traffic generation volume for concurrency purposes utiliZing Palm Beach County Traffic engineering's accepted methodology pursuant to countywide Traffic Performance Standards. The amount shown, 1,634 peak hour trips, Is the number of trips vested by the original project approval. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the addition of Objective 1.24, delineating Developments of Regional Impact In the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map, and the three policies specific to the Renaissance Commons DRI. AlTACHMENTS s:\PtaMIno\SHAAEO\WP\PROJECIS\Rl!naJssanoe Commans\O'TA 03-001\O'TA O3-OO-Slaff_ I Ruden ~j McClosky 222 LAKEVIEW AVENUE SUiTt 800 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-6112 (561)838-4542 FAX: (561) 514-3442 K1M.GLASCASTRO@RUDEN,COM September 25, 2003 Renaissance Commons DRI (tka Motorola) Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning Comprehensive Plan Amendment DR! DESIGNATION / OBJECTIVE: Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC, (the "Applicant") is requesting amendments to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan in conjunction with a Notice of Proposed Change ("NOPC") to the Renaissance Commons Development of Regional Impact ("DR!"), formerly known as the Motorola DR!. These proposed comprehensive plan amendments are directly related to the DR!, and as such, are not subject to the twice per year limitation, The Applicant proposes a text addition to the Future Land Use Element to insert an Objective and related Policies pertaining to Renaissance Commons DR! and include a DR! designation on the Future Land Use Map, The DR! designation/policy proposal allows the data, analysis and statewide review of the project to serve as the justification and supporting documentation for the DR!, Future NOPCs will contain the documentation to amend the project development order, and while references to the ordinance number would need to be revised in the Future Land Use policy, a comprehensive plan amendment analysis required for a land use change would not be needed, The DR! designation/policy allows site-specific uses, intensities, conditions and characteristics to be described in the comprehensive plan. This contrasts with a standard land use category that must be broad enough to apply citywide, A DR! objective with project-specific policies allows flexibility for modifications to existing DR!s, allows new DR!s to be governed with site-specific criteria, and provides the City with a means to adequately regulate projects without the typical hindrances of comprehensive plan constraints (Le" reduces the need for comprehensive plan amendments that trigger oversight by other governments and agencies.) The proposed DR! policy includes a range of minimum and maximum intensities for the approved uses within the DR!, This range represents a 30% modification, reduction and increase, to each land use intensity proposed with NOPC #2. Utilizing the Use Conversion Matrix that is proposed with NOPC #2, any approved use could be converted to another use WPB:165654:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A, CARACAS - FT,LAUDERDALE - MIAMI- NAPLES - PORT ST,LUCIE - SARASOTA - ST, PETERSBURG-TALLAHASSEE -TAMPA -WEST PALM BEACH Page 2 based on traffic trip equivalency, which is represented in the Use Conversion Matrix, Conversions up to a 30% overall modification to any land use, which are the minimum and maximum intensities expressed in the DRI Policy, could be approved by the City without the need to amend the DRI development order, A proposal to change a use more than 30%, either cumulatively with previous conversions or individually, would necessitate a NOPC. The DRI Policy also expresses a maximum traffic generation volume for concurrency purposes. This figure represents the number of trips vested by the original project approval, Uses within the DRI shall not generate more than 1634 peak hour trips, utilizing Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering's accepted methodologies pursuant to countywide Traffic Performance Standards, Rezoning TEXT AMENDMENT TO ZONING REGULATIONS The Applicant has assisted City staff in the drafting of a city-initiated amendment to the Zoning regulations, Staff proposes to adopt a new Suburban Mixed Use District as a zoning classification in the Zoning regulations, Chapter 2. With a basis in the Mixed Use - Low/High Intensity Districts, the proposed Suburban Mixed Use District ("SMU") would be applicable in non-downtown settings where an integration of uses is desired, The proposed SMU district specifies permitted uses, building and site regulations, and the approval of a concept or master development plan, The existing Mixed Use - Low/High Intensity Districts are only applicable within the downtown area, Mixed-use developments are encouraged elsewhere in the City to offer unique opportunities for residents to live, work and play in the same general location, Such mixed-use projects are recognized as promoting a sense of place and community, reducing traffic on the regional roadway network due to the reduced need for external trips, and providing community- serving businesses and services within buildings designed with attention to details and pedestrian enhancements, These implications of mixed-use projects make them desirable in non-downtown settings where property characteristics and relationship to roadways and existing uses lend themselves to the integration of uses, Standard zoning districts that are already provided for within the Boynton Beach Zoning regulations do not provide performance standards that allow for vertical and horizontal integration of uses. The proposed Suburban Mixed Use District provides criteria tailored to a mixture of uses within a project and within a structure. WPB:16S6S4:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P,A, CARACAS' FT,LAUOERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST,LUCIE' SARASOTA' ST, PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE . TAMPA . WEST PALM BEACH Page 3 The proposed Suburban Mixed Use District would be applicable in DRIs, so designated on the Future Land Use Map, and the Mixed Use land use category, REZONING TO SUBURBAN MIXED USE DISTRICT Rezoning The Applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property to the new Suburban Mixed Use District and approval of a SMU Master Plan for Renaissance Commons, Consistent with the criteria contained in Section 9,C,2. of the Zoning regulations, the Applicant offers the following for the City's consideration: a, Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies, The proposed rezoning to SMU is consistent with the proposed land use designation of DRI (being concurrently processed), and the proposed Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) DRI policies (also being concurrently requested.) Rezoning to SMU will enable an integrated mixed-use community to be planned and built on the Property versus a multiple use development project. b, Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to a4jacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare, Rezoning to SMU will promote redevelopment of the underutilized Motorola plant and property. The subject property's size and location presents ideal characteristics for a mixed-use project that will complement the Congress A venue corridor. The proposed mix of uses that are afforded by the rezoning will complement the adjacent shopping centers and business parks, Uses and buildings will complement one another, internally, as well as with adjacent properties' improvements. c, Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable, The underutilized Motorola building and vacant land area allow progressive design principles to be utilized to redevelopment the site, Rezoning to SMU will provide the zoning parameters necessary to design a mixed-use development project, d, Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities, The proposed rezoning and resulting mixed-use development project will not negatively impact public facilities and services, The effective Development Order for the property, the Motorola DRI, is proposed for WPB:165654:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P,A, CARACAS' FT, LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST,LUCIE . SARA50T A. ST, PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE . TAMPA' WEST PALM BEACH Page 4 modification to revise the approved uses for the site. A traffic study has been submitted as part of the modification (Notice of Proposed Change) documentation, e, Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affict the property values of adjacent and nearby properties, The proposed rezoning to SMU is compatible with adjacent uses: Pill to the east and north; C3 to the north, south and west. The subject property is separated from adjacent properties by roadways or canals; however, the buildings, uses and architectural elements tuat will be utilized along the site's perimeters will be harmonious with and complement existing buildings and uses on neighboring properties, f Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning, Currently zoned as Pill, the property sits underutilized. Rezoning to SMU will enable an economically viable, timely development project to be redeveloped on the site, g, Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole, The size of the Motorola property lends itself to a large redevelopment project. Rezoning to SMU will allow a mixture of uses on the property. This compares with subdividing the property into individual, marketable parcels that are sold off as stand-alone uses. The proposed SMU district allows for a master-planned development to be designed on the site to ensure integration of uses, sharing of infrastructure, and harmony in architecture and site design. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed, While mixed-use projects are encouraged in the City's downtown, no site provides the same opportunities (size, location and availability) for planning a mixed-use development project. The proposed rezoning to SMU will be the first utilization of the new suburban mixed use district, and will set the stage for its future use in the City's non-downtown areas. Master Plan Additionally, the Applicant offers documentation that demonstrates that the impacts created by development under the proposed zoning (SMU) create no new concerns and are not greater than those impacts associated with development under the existing (Pill) zoning, WPB:16S6S4:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P,A, CARACAS' FT,LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST,LUClE' SARASOTA' ST, PETERSBURG . TALLAHASSEE . TAMPA .WEST PALM BEACH Page 5 A Renaissance Commons conceptual Master Plan has been submitted, which supports the proposed uses requested in the Notice of Proposed Change to the DRI. Under existing DRI and zoning approvals, the site is approved for the following uses: 500 multi-family residential units 63,500 s,f, retail 450,000 s,f, office 128,000 s.f, industrial (warehouse) use As proposed, the uses would be modified as follow: 213,000 s,f, retail 247,800 s.f, office 1551 multi-family residential units Non-residential uses and businesses that occupy the Renaissance Commons project will be consistent with the chart of permitted uses in the SMU district regulations, The Renaissance Commons mixed-used project may be developed in multiple phases, prior to the DRI buildout date (January 7, 2010), Each phase, pod or parcel will be subject to subsequent technical site plan approval, Based on the above described uses, Renaissance Commons would provide jobs for 1,090 employees, As a mixed-use project, housing opportunities will be available within the development for some of these employees, The proposed uses generate no new traffic impactsl, Other public facilities and services will not be negatively impacted by the change in uses. Water and sewer demand, based on the rates identified below, have been evaluated and the resulting demand can be served by the existing capacity at the City's water and sewer treatment plants, Total Water/Sewer Flowage Rates: 1000 sf office 1000 sf industrial I multi-family du 1000 sf commercial 125 gallons/day 100 gallons/day 421 gallons/day 255 gallons/day 1 Based on Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering methodolody (pursuant to Article 15, Traffic Performance Standards, of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code.) WPB:165654:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P,A. CARACAS' fT,LAUDERDALE . MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST, LUCIE' SARASOTA' ST, PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA' WEST PALM BEACH Page 6 Existing Uses: 500 multi-family residential units...,.....,.....21O,500 gpd 63,500 s,f, retail.......................................16,192.5 gpd 450,000 s,f. office...................,................56,250 gpd 128,000 s,f, industrial (warehouse) use...........l2.800 lrod 295,742,5 gallons/day Proposed Uses: 198,000 sJ, retail ...........,..................,................50,490 gpd 247,800 s,f, office.....,......,.. .:........ ........... ......, ...30,975 gpd 1551 multi-family residential units........................,652,971lrod 734,436 gallons/day Population projections under the existing and proposed uses are compared below, These estimates are based on the 2000 Census figure of 2,27 persons per unit as a citywide, average household size. Existing Approval: Proposed Uses: 500 du's 1551 du's I ,135 persons 3,520 persons WPB:165654:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSEll, P,A, CARACAS' FT,LAUDERDALE . MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST,LUCIE' SARA50T A' ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA' WEST PALM BEACH .... III ~ C o '.P ra E ... .2 C .... ~ ~ :J o U C GI N '.P U C.s:; .!!U 1:1.1'0 QJ GlCC > ._ C III 0 C...... GI C .co .GI CC ......... 0.0 E 0._ uu .... o Q) u :g Z Q) .I:: -'-' .... o c o :p ro ,!,:! .0 ::J C. .... o Q) -'-' ro '0 Q) .I:: -'-' ii:: o 1Il C o ~ E ~ E::J ~ Iii 0'0 '([j U!E U Q) (5 ~ i!! u <c = 'iij C u '-tt:: 1'00 :5:<( ~; 5l;- '1'00 >'1: -.;t' C I 1Il::J OQJ-.;t' KlE 00::: 0 .... E N '00 \0 1'0.... "Jll U ......jjQJ '0.... ,_ .c c 0 .s:;uEE_ro~ ....lIl:J...Q)Q) I1JczraEE t:::E~......Glro,!:: QJ f-c-cro QJU....c. ~ Qj en E ~ ~~ ..........l1Jc"'O._ Q) QJ 'i:: C ... Cl >OI1JQJA CP o QJ .... ,- 19 ClIEGI~~ ,~ <( III 0 -'-' 1'0 ....QJl5ra....c ul1Jo.. Glc.Q) o QJ >- - >--'-' ...J If-Ol:l.tC.5 Cl c '1: .... Q) U C o U C o :p ro E .... .e c 1;; , ~ 2:l c ...... .... c 0 -'-' 0 c .. Q) III E E '0 .. C .e Q) E c <( ... .?: ~ , :p GI c ~ Q) '0 :I I ...... 0 ~ ~u --=---' '"'" ~ CI III c: C , OJ. ~ E. U Q) III E c 8 GI 0 :I C. c: c:r III ~ l!! ~ 8. 'a 2:l III GI .~ L-- ro :tl 'c ~ 'E c. c: e OJ E .c c. E :I C. 0 UI <( u l!! .::.!. c: U ~ GI Q) ~ .I:: 'c: u :5: UI GI UI Q) UI '0 GI 8 .. 'a C. :a! N - 'a 2:l c 8l III UI GI ~ E 0 III Z vi' 0 III Z Q) .... '0 L-L '0 <( ~ ~ L-- Q) , E ro , Z c Q) N :p 0 , ~.. 7.C.l RENAISSANCE COMMONS (LUAR 03-009) LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT/REZONING Wednesday, April 21st, 2004 Questions for Kurt Bressner's Meeting At the Boynton Beach Library Introduction: The following are responses to questions submitted by residents before a meeting on April 21, 2004. The format and content of the questions are from a list submitted by the residents. Staff has endeavored to respond to the questions based on available information as of today, April 21, 2004. A word about documents is in order because there have been numerous requests from many parties for documents. At present, the City Manager's Office is coordinating the production of documents related to the development of the former Motorola and the Winchester parcels. Paper copies of these documents are being kept in the City Clerk's Office for public inspection and copy requests can be made of any documents based on payment of the appropriate amount for the document( s) requested. Several residents have requested to be made aware of the review process bye-mail. Staff is developing a means of providing such a notification procedure. However, the details have not been worked out. My hope is that all the documents related to the development review of both of these parcels can be converted to electronic format and be made available via the City's Web Site. We would still maintain a paper copy of the documents via the City Clerk's Office. The responses to the questions submitted to date are shown below in italic print. In addition, we have shown the responding department( s) in each question. Respectfully, Kurt Bressner City Manager Boynton Beach, FL April 21, 2004 Is there an overall proposed site plan (36"x 24") for Renaissance Commons and Winchester properties? If so we would like to see and have at least one copy. Response: There is no combined master plan Jor both oj the developments on one sheet. We have the site plan(s) Jor Renaissance Commons and a very preliminary site plan Jor the Winchester property. (Response from City Manager) Why does the City want to exchange Gateway Blvd for Old Boynton Road? If you get Old 7 Boynton Road, what do you intend to do with it? . ~\.,Q ,L ~I"~ j v' Response: The City has no plans to enact a roadjurisdiction trans er';(;ith Palm Beach County. However, this is possible. Presently, Gateway Boulevard i maintaine y the City oj Boynton Beach and Old Boynton Road, east oJ Congress Avenue, is maintained by Palm Beach County. It may be beneficial Jor the City and County to exchange these two roads in the Juture because Gateway Boulevard fimctions more like a regional arterial roadway and Old Boynton Road has Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 1 characteristics normally associated with a local collector roadway. Again, no plans are in place at this time and no discussions are ongoing. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) What are the similarities and differences between Renaissance Commons and Tradewinds? / Response: Tradewinds was a multi-Jamily development, which was denied approval by the City J ,-<e. Commission. The developer sued and won an $8,000,000 judgment against the City. The City L- was required to borrow money Jor the payment oJ the debt and is still paying this debt. In the l' 0 J. <; ~?~ ~< intervening period oJ time, the Florida Legislature has approved legislation regarding r':"2P/{ development rights oJproperty owners, generally known as the "Bert Harris Act." It is not . r, 0 known if there are differences or similarities between Tradewinds and Renaissance Commons L,,;> {.-"" ,(,!<- l r other than the history oJthe Tradewinds development lawsuit. There has been no statement by .rf,o,f'" the developer oJ Renaissance Commons reJerencing either the Tradewinds lawsuit or the Bert 1.- G~d?",-, ~ IP Harris Act (Response by City Manager and Finance Department) 1:: d I. " "J" -t" \"i<)HX"~ . Who else must approve this project (DRI)? (& Response: (attached is a synopsis of the Renaissance Commons Amendments indicating processes and timeline). Only the City must approve the DR!. However, the State (DCA) may object to the action of the City and appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudication Commission. (Response by Development Department) What date was Renaissance Commons DRI submitted to DCA? .1 -(0 ~ v);,V (ltf' ~fj): i~ ) ~t): Response: November 12, 2003. (Response by Development Department) What Market Research do you have on Renaissance Commons? Please supply copies. Response: Copy provided to the City Manager's Office by Development. (Response by Development Department) What is the timeline for the Renaissance Commons and Winchester properties? Response: Ultimate timelines are unknown. The previously mentioned attachment provides the known timelines. Additional phases of Renaissance Commons are still to come. Nothing has been started on the Winchester site, therefore it is too early to establish timetable. . (Response by Development Department) Has there been an analysis of the Net Tax Benefit for the Renaissance Commons and Winchester properties? Response: No. (Response by Development Department) Would you provide to us a height setback graphic that is to scale? (Improved version of drawing provided at last Commission Meeting) Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 M WE: I 'bv11.;D - (JUT ~ ~ ~ bXlL 1$ !:QiQ RIU/)IS UN _ CtHttuiJJEb W/THIS /'loPe. 2 Response: Copy provided to City Manager's Office. . (Response by Dev, Per the SME, how can the property boundary be in the center of a Right of Way? Does that Right of Way include the center of a Canal? Response: The property boundary is not in the center oJ the R-O-W. The height setback envelope Jor mixed-use structures adjacent to developed single-family residential zoning is measured Jrom the common property line when the SMU and the single-Jamily development abut. The measurement is Jrom the centerline oJ any intervening right-of-way, when the two districts do not abut. The right-of-way would include the centerline oJ the intervening street or canal. . (Response by Development Department) I~{) ~'l\ /, I "..L t/ e'.f' U i What are the criteria to determine building height exception in a SMU? Response: There are no height exceptions allowed in SMU. . (Response by Development Department) ~k'l \I ,....s/ Response: Ramifications may include, smaller units sizes, less open or green space and/or Jewer ~ ~v. (0 units. . (Response by Development Department) iY. (~( · {"" , U 1/ '0' Is it possible for the developer to build lower building heights (max 45 fl) and have less common L,i" ~ _ ~ area (green space) to achieve developer's profit margins? ('i(C ~, :\ \ If' '1" I " I Response: This can be addressed with the developer. Generally, however, the taller the building ["'->,,f>.'f,"'.... the less land area and the greater the amount oJ open space Jor a given square Jootage oJ I' ~,/ ) building area. At a maximumjloor area ratio oJone (relationship between the land area and the ..\''J {j&< total square Jootage oJ all the buildings), or 43,560 square Jeet oJ jloor area per acre oJ land, a ~ : L.-I' Jour-story building only occupies 1. the land area oJ a I-story building and a 6-story building ':> {{ -II\' occupies only 1/6 the land area that a I-story building would occupy. Staff cannot speculate on ~ uS~ I ' developer's profit margins. (Response by Development Department) t1, ~ What are the ramifications of building lower (2-story) adjacent to single family neighborhoods? Who is paying for the infrastructure including sewer, water, roads, underground utilities, and reclaimed water pipes of the Renaissance Commons and Winchester properties? Response: These are costs normally borne by the developer. At this time, it appears that the internal roads and landscapingJor Renaissance Commons will be owned and maintained by the developer and subsequent property owners associations. The recycled water pipes are also privately maintained. Water mains and sanitary sewer systems are usually transJerred over to the City Jor ownership and maintenance. Storm water pipes and retention basins are typically maintained..privately with easements granted to the City. There are no details or inJrastnlcture inJormation available Jor the Winchester property. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) What steps are going to be taken to protect surrounding areas subj ect to flooding by increased watershed? Response: The developer will be required to containlretain runoff on-site to the minimum requirements oJ the LDR. Additional conditions may be imposed by other governing agencies such as the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), the Lake Worth Drainage Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 3 District (LWDD), the Florida Department oJ Transportation (FDOT), and/or Palm Beach County. All storm water will either be stored or detained on site thus minimizing the impact to adjacent properties. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) Who pays for the common areas in a SMU? Response: It is customary that the common areas are constructed, paidJor and maintained by the developer. Staff will review the specifics oJ proposals at site plan review. (Response by City Manager) How is C-3 Zoning (Winchester Property) any different than strip centers you wish to get away from? Response: It isn't different. C-3 zoning allows strip centers and big box super centers. (Response by Development Department) Is there a conflict between SMU (no gas stations allowed) and C-3 Zoning (allowing gas stations)? Response: The C-3 zoning can be used to develop those uses and patterns of development that the SMU does not permit. Adequate buffering between the C-3 and any residential portions of an abutting SMU would serve to reduce any potential conflicts. . (Response by Development Department) What type of positive tree cover differential between the Renaissance Commons and Winchester property lines and its immediate neighborhoods? Response: We are not Jamiliar with the term ''positive tree cover differential." What is it? (Response by Development Departmenl) What types of streetlights are allowed in an SMU? ~ jY ~ .t' I ,"-J,.."t' l/ 'oF) L,,,fl' Response: This is a site plan issue. If the streets are private, there is flexibility in the design and style oJ the street lighting. If the streets are public, the City uses the standard streetlights that are maintained by Florida Power and Light. In the past, the streetlights and parking lot lights have been reviewed to make sure the height, intensity and direction oJ light is not intrusive to adjoining residential areas. All streetlights, parking lot lights and building lots will be careJully evaluated during the review process. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) What types of steps are going to be taken to prevent direct physical damage to aquatic habitat and wildlife along the canals? Response: These issues will be addressed in part during the permit process with SFWMD and LWDD. An environmental review is also instigated by the City Forester in connection with site development oJ open spaces such as this. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) Is developer of Renaissance Commons and Winchester properties, going to clear land in phases to prevent erosion and keep dust to a minimum? Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 4 Response: When the developer applies Jor Clearing & Grubbing, Exc. & Fill, or other site activity permits he is required to provide an Erosion Control plan in accordance with the EP A 's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requiremenls. Failure to control erosion during construction may result in Code Compliance action and/or action by SFWMD. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) Who will install and maintain silt screens along the down slope edges of the canals to control perimeter sediment? Response: When the developer applies Jor Clearing & Grubbing, Excavation & Fill. or other site activity permits he is required to provide an Erosion Control plan in accordance with NPDES requirements. Silt screens will be a requirement oJ the Erosion Control plan and the developer will place and maintain them. Failure to control erosion during construction may result in Code Compliance action and/or action by SFWMD. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) What material and height is required for building fence around the perimeter of construction area? What and who is required to keep construction area free of debris? Response: The fence cannot exceed 6 feet in height and debris is allowed on an active constmction site. It is the responsibility oJ the contractor(s) to maintain the site. (Response by Development and Engineering Departments) What actions will be taken to prevent rodents and snakes from entering adjacent properties to Renaissance Commons and Winchester property? Response: City staff does not have comment on this question. This has never been a significant issue in prior developments that we are aware of (Response prepared by Engineering Department) Will irrigation be prohibited from all canals for Renaissance Commons and Winchester properties? Response: Irrigation has the potential to come from three sources: well, canal, or reclaimed water. The reclaimed water is not yet available that Jar north. The most likely source Jor irrigation water will be Jrom the canals or well water. Final determination will be made by the SFWMD by permit. The City does not have the authority to prohibit use oJ canal water. (Response prepared by Engineering Department) What is the City's ordinance for days, hours construction work can occur? Response: Section 15-8.5 & 15.8.8 City oJ Boynton Beach Code oJ Ordinances specifies that, except Jor Sundays and legal holiday, construction is permitted any day. However, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. the sound level must not exceed 60 decibels, and Jrom 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. the sound level must not exceed 55 decibels. (Response by Development Department) Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 5 What are plans for crime prevention near Renaissance Commons, Winchester and surrounding areas? Response: Typically, new development is reviewed to determine whether there will be a significant increase in volume oJ business/residents/traffic to determine if any increase in staffing would be immediately required. The nature oJ the development needs to be assessed as their design and target (customers, residents, businesses) will also affect law enJorcement service needs. The proposed development does not appear at this stage to present any significant requirements for staffing increases, as we Jeel current staffing levels will adequately address the needs. This will have to be monitored and assessed annually, as is done with the rest oJ the city during budget preparation. (Response prepared by Police Department) What are the noise ordinances and curfews for the SMU? Response: The noise ordinances Jor the SMU are the same as those covering the rest oJ the city, as outlined in City Ordinance #001-55. There are no curJews applicable in the City oJBoynton Beach. The City's Noise Ordinance covers construction activities and is Jound in the Code, Chapter 15-8. It allows "noise"Jrom 7:00 a.m.-IO p.m. Monday - Saturday. (Response prepared by Police and Engineering ipartments) Are there any outside amphitheatres being proposed in either Renaissance Commons or Winchester properties? Response: None have been submitted in any approved plans. (Response by Development Department) *We have numerous questions regarding specific conditions on setbacks, building heights, landscaped buffers, berms, general landscaping, lighting; parking garages in the SMU ordinance. , Response: Understand and as development details become known during site plan review, these issues can be addressed. Please find a current listing oJ paper documents on file at the City Clerks office as oJ April 21, 2004. As additional documents are filed, they will be added to the file at the City Clerk's Office. (Response by City Manager) ~ I'M - oblJo- fi'~ ~ '( ~=.,...e_? - t-l., ? - D(c.Q 7l,c'f<'1',^ 1>.0.. --c9'U-.r;-f'/ *~tP~ ~clv~'S .Pfe"",,,--& (oc.c( <..b / Ij" hC'AA., f{6<.J SL O?J<t.j' /" reTe.. '~d;:; nu:sur"'5 <S--"-S <'~-=f? ?' ;1"' 6y,,-o'. ?c'fJ-.fk,,- +- ./r FG,. ,-,I (..IY';-(s ~rt((eF - ~tl( ()~fdc - d-.5t/y.;;r i> <<-II",;d) o-C~c'5S/ :""fZ'cf <'\.^-. <'3 otdl 13"'7n-f~ ~C, Kv,d51>)"Ct- - (iy ....c<.Cf'7' /..J{,~-< 2~;r..'f'; <_Y' obfJ~-(;o..~ - tSF'/iJt:'I'k..ff~7'" J "i~y.? Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 6 Renaissance Commons Amendments DRIA/NOPC Development oJ Regional Impact Amendment/ Notice of Proposed Change COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Application Snbmitted Application Submitted DCA-TCRPC- City of Boynton Beach November 12, 2003 November 12,2003 ~ T P & D Review P & D Review February 24,2004 February 24, 2004 T City Commission City Commission First Reading Ordinance Transmittal Hearing March 16, 2004 March 16, 2004 .J, .J, Applicant Requests Amendment Package Postponement Transmitted to DCA March 31, 2004 March 24, 2004 .J, Second Reading Postponed April 7, 2004 DCA Review and Comment Period Response within 60 days (early June 2004) l Second Reading City Commission Adoption To Correspond with Hearing Comprehensive Plan ~ Within 60 days After Receipt oJ Amendments Adoption DCA Comments (by late July 2004) Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 7 c arges are plus tax Document Source Date Pa2es Cost Renaissance Commons DRI Development 1 15 cents per Master Development Plan page Compson Associates $ 0.15 Renaissance Development 6-10-03 5 $5.00 per Overall Site Plan page $25.00 Renaissance Development 11-3-03 1 $5.00 Site Plan Phase II Renaissance Development 11-3-03 2 $10.00 Site Plan Phase III RenaissanceNiaLago Development 2-25-04 3 $15.00 Overall Site Plan Phase IV Preliminary Plan for Winchester Development 3-26-04 1 $5.00 Parcel Boynton Place I & !! Rezoning Master Plan City of Boynton Beach Development 113 $16.95 Comorehensive Plan 2003 Peak Season Daily Volume- PBC Web site I 15 cents traffic www.pbcgov.co mien!:> Traffic Study - taken by machine PBC Website 1/12/04 60 $9.00 Traffic Study - taken by hand PBC Website 1/12/04 66 $9.90 City ofBB Charter Code of 15 20 cents Ordinance Book double double sided sided copIes $3.00 Site Plan Review Application for Planning Dept 4/9/03 8 $1.20 Renaissance Commons Site Plan Review application for Planning Dept 9/10/03 14 $2.10 Renaissance Commons Phase II Site Plan Review application for Planning Dept 9/10/03 19 $2.85 Renaissance Commons Phase III Text Change to the Comp Plan to Planning Dept 3/10/04 14 $2.10 establish a mixed use-suburban land use - Boynton PlacelWinchester Renaissance/Winchester Documents - As of Apri121, 2004 All h Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 8 Land Use Amendment & Planning Dept 3/10/04 60 $9.00 Rezoning - Boynton Place Land Use Amendment & Planning Dept 3/10/04 38 $5.70 Rezoning - Boynton Place I Land Use Amendment & Planning Dept 3/10/04 39 $5.85 Rezoning - Boynton Place II Suburban Mixed Use Development I $5.00 Heights adj to non-single family Dept & intervening building Suburban Mixed Use Development 1 $5.00 Heights/setbacks envelope adj to Dept single family homes 3 x height = setback Market Study - Motorola Development 2/2003 102 $15.30 Residential Community Dept Renaissance Commons Development 7/15/03 8 $1.20 Develonment Order Dent Renaissance Commons Development 12/2/03 6 $0.90 Develonment Order II Dept Renaissance Commons Development 7/15/03 7 $1.05 Development Order III Dept S:CM/Joyce/RenaissancelWinchester~kb Response to Resident Questions April 21, 2004 9 TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-035 Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board and City ~mA~n Dick HUrJJ;tf/JICP Senior Planner Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning February 9, 2004 Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) / LUAR 03-009 To reclassify the property from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and Industrial (I) to Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and to rezone from PID Planned Industrial Development and C-3 Community Commercial to SMU Suburban Mixed Use Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: Location: Project Size Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC Ruden McClosky/Kim Glas-Castro, AICP Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard (see Exhibit "A") :t86.98 acres Local Retail Commercial and Industrial PID Planned Industrial Development and C-3 Community Commercial Development of Regional Impact (DRI) SMU Suburban Mixed Use Mixed Use Development Page 2 File Number: LUAR 03-009 Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola DRI) Adjacent Uses: North: Right-of-way of Gateway Boulevard then commercial development (Shop pes of Boynton) designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned C-3 Community Commercial. South: Right-of-way of the C-16 (Boynton) Canal, then vacant property designated Moderate Density Residential (MEDR) and zoned R-1- AA Single Family Residential. East: Right-of-way of the Lake Worth Drainage District E-4 Canal, then developed property (Boynton Beach High School) designated Industrial (I) and zoned PID Planned Industrial Development (Quantum Park). West: Right-of-way of Congress Avenue then commercial development (Catalina Center) designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned C-3 Community Commercial. PROJECT ANALYSIS The parcels, which are the subject of this land use amendment, total 86.98 acres, Because of the size of the property under consideration, the Florida Department of Community Affairs classifies this amendment as a "large-scale" amendment. Following local board review and City Commission public hearing, a "large-scale" amendment is transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for review for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption. Following the review period of approximately 60 days, DCA provides the City with a report of their findings in an "Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report". The City then has 60 days to either (1) adopt the amendment as transmitted, (2) adopt the amendment with changes in response to the ORC report, or (3) determine not to adopt the amendment and inform DCA of that decision. According to Florida Statutes Chapter 163, large-scale amendments may only be adopted during two amendment cycles each calendar year. An exception to that rule is in the case of a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) where the law permits amendments to be adopted without being subject to the twice-yearly restrictions. The original Motorola DRI as approved in 1979 was, upon buildout, to contain 825,000 square feet (sq. ft.) of industrial, research and development, and office uses. Following approval, 625,000 sq. ft. of industrial and office uses were constructed, with the remaining 200,000 sq. ft. of approved office use left undeveloped. In 2002, both the DRI development approval and the future land use designations were amended to allow the development of 63,500 square feet of commercial uses and 500 multi-family residential units in place of the unbuilt 200,000 sq. ft. of office use. The subject request would designate the entire 86.98 acres as Development of Regional Impact (DRI), a new future land use designation being adopted through a companion Comprehensive Plan text amendment (CPTA 03-001) and rezone the property to SMU-Suburban Mixed Use, a new zoning district also being reviewed concurrently, Page 3 File Number: LUAR 03-009 Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola DRI) The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies incfuding but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in dweffing unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the City's risk manager. The planning department shaff also recommend limitations or requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan. The property is not located in the hurricane evacuation zone; therefore, the prohibition against increasing residential densities does not apply. Other applicable objectives and policies from the comprehensive plan are cited below. Objective 1.15 of the Future Land Use Element and its policies provide the basis for approval of mixed use development in the city, as follows: "The City shall encourage planned development projects which are sensitive to characteristics of the site and to surrounding land uses, and mixed-use projects in locations which are appropriate, and utilize other innovative methods of regulating land development. " City staff is proposing an amendment to the Land Development Regulations for a Suburban Mixed Use zoning district, to be utilized for this and other similar-sized mixed use projects that will not be located in the City's adopted Community Redevelopment Area. In addition, the creation of a Development of Regional Impact land use classification, and the companion Comprehensive Plan text amendment, will provide site-specific ranges and intensities of uses allowed. Policy 1.19.2 provides the directions for redesignation of lands classified as "Industrial" on the Future Land Use Map: "The City shall provide continued effort to allow for industrial acreage; however, that land designated "Industrial" on the currently adopted Future Land Use Map may be converted to commercial or residential designations if the conversion (I) would generate a range of employment choices for current and future residents, provide goods and services of regional importance, or would provide opportunities for the City to meet its long-range housing goals; and (Ii) is based upon adequate data including market analysis." The proposed development for the site is consistent with the cited policy in that it will provide both commercial and residential development, is expected to generate approximately 1,090 jobs, and provide goods and services, as well as add to the range of housing opportunities in the City, Page 4 File Number: LUAR 03-009 Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola DRI) b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. The proposed land use amendment and rezoning would create a district which might, on first examination, seem to be isolated; however, because of the uses allowed by both the land use designation and the land development regulations, the district would relate to the adjacent properties, c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. There are several conditions that have changed since the DRI, consisting of :t86.98 acres, was approved in 1979, The project was originally expected to develop at buildout with a total of 825,000 square feet of industrial, research and development, and office uses. Even as planned, this was an extremely inefficient use of land, with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.22, compared to the maximum 0.50 FAR now permitted in the Industrial land use category. The 2002 conversion of a portion of the property to allow for mixed use development was the first step; however, approximately half of the property remained with an Industrial land use and Planned Industrial Development zoning. The current proposal to give the entire parcel a single land use designation and single zoning district will allow for a greater integration of uses and a more innovative design for the entire property. (See item "f" below for further explanation.) d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. As a part of the approval for the original DRI in 1979, the development became vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 peak hour trips. Even though the types of development on the site are proposed to change; however, since the trip generation will remain at the originally approved level, there is no additional impact anticipated on the roadway system. Water and sewer demands have been evaluated and are projected to increase from 295,742.5 gallons per day to 734,436 gallons per day. It has been determined that the demands can be served by the existing capacities at the City's water and sewer treatment plants. Through a land use amendment and rezoning in 2002, the property was approved for the development of 500 multi-family residential units. The proposed increase in the number of residential units to 1,551 residential units requires approval by the Palm Beach County School District. This increase will also require the payment of additional recreation impact fees. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. The proposed rezoning would be compatible with the Quantum PID uses to the east of the property, and with the C-3 Community Commercial uses on the north and west. The land development regulations for the Suburban Mixed Use district are designed to lessen the impacts on surrounding existing development by keeping the taller and more intense structures away Page 5 File Number: LUAR 03-009 Renaissance Commons (fka Motorola DRI) from the perimeter of the property, Additionally, the property is separated from adjacent properties by roadways or canals. f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. Approximately 49.69 acres of the property, currently designated Industrial, is developed with 625,000 square feet of industrial space, including ancillary office and storage. The specialized nature of the existing buildings limits their potential adaptability for other industrial uses, including other desirable light industrial uses. The demand in recent years has been focused on warehousing and distribution; however, after a relatively long period of high construction activity, the local industrial markets have been negatively affected by the economic downturn, Given the overall market conditions, it may be cost prohibitive to wait out the period of time required to locate industrial uses that would be a suitable match for this unique type and size of space. The remaining 35,86 acres is designated Local Retail Commercial and is approved for development of 63,500 square feet of commercial uses and 500 multi-family residential units. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. The size of the property lends itself to a large mixed-use project. The proposed rezoning to a single mixed-use district will allow for master planning a development that integrates uses and shares infrastructure, as opposed to the subdivision of the property into a number of single-use parcels. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. There are no sites outside the downtown redevelopment districts that permit a truly integrated mixed use development of the type allowed under the SMU district regulations. CONCLUSIONSIRECOMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will not create additional impacts on infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends that the request to reclassify the subject property to Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and to rezone the property to SMU - Suburban Mixed Use be approved. If the Planning and Development Board or the City Commission recommends conditions, they will be included within Exhibit "B". ATTACHMENTS S:\Planning\SHARfD\Wp\PROJEcr5\Renaissance Commons\LUAR 03-Q09\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc