LEGAL APPROVAL ~~ ~~d:4J~ 8t/tf-o'~ ~ c1:40flYl err The Citq of Boqnton Beach ((C.'..,.'......' .,'("'-' \ " \. ," 'j,," \ c..' " /:.. ,,, ." .'- --, '-.- ; - Cit1J Clerk's OHice 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH fL 33435 (561)742-6060 fAX (561)742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj@ciboqnton-beachll.us www.boynton-beach.org April 8, 2004 To Whom It May Concern: This is to verify that on April 7, 2004, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach adopted two Ordinances relative to the property located at 503 North Sea crest Boulevard. They are: Ordinance 04-016 - Regarding property consisting of approximately 0.11 acres and located at 503 North Seacrest Boulevard; amending Ordinance 89-38 by amending the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City for the property more particularly described herein; the land use designation is being changed from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Low Density Residential (LOR); providing for conflicts, severability, and an effective date. Ordinance 04-017 - Regarding the application of Edward Eatman III, amending ordinance 02-013 of said City by rezoning a parcel of land more particularly described herein, from C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) to R- i-A (Single Family Residential); providing for conflicts severability and an effective date. If I can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH n . '..L ~ m. r/'lO..utv.b:> Uet M. Prainito, CMC City Clerk C: Central File; P cker 5:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMI55ION\letter Regarding 503 North Seacrest Bivdudoc ,I" America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 ORDINANCE NO. 04- {; ( 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPUCATION OF EDWARD EATMAN ill, AMENDING ORDINANCE 02-013 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A PARCEL OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRlliED HEREIN, FROM C-2 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) TO R-I-A (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL); PROVIDING FOR CONRUCTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has dopted Ordinance No. 02-013, in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said ity; and WHEREAS, Edward Eatman ill owner of the property more particularly escribed hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petition, through his agent, Don Stacks, ursuani to Section 9 of Appendix A-Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, City of oynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezoning a tract of land consisting of pproximately 0,1 I acres, said land being more particularly described hereinafter, rom C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) to R-I-A (Single Family Residential); and WHEREAS, the City Commission conducted a public hearing and heard estimony and received evidence which the Commission finds supports a rezoning for e property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the proposed rezonmg is onsistent with an amendment to the Land Use which was contemporaneously onsidered and approved at the public hearing heretofore referenced; and "\CA\Ordinances\Planning\Rezoning\Rezoning - 503 North Seacrestdoc 1 WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interests of the 2 nhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter 3 'et forth. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY 5 OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 6 Section 1. The foregoing Whereas clauses are true and correct and 7 ncorporated herein by this reference, 8 ection 2, The following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, 9 lorida as set forth as follows: 10 11 Lot 147, Block B, BOYNTON HILLS, according to the Plat 12 thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51, of the Public 13 Records of PALM BEACH County, Florida. 14 15 16 e and the same is hereby rezoned from c-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) to R-I-A (Single 17 amily Residential). A location map is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part of 18 is Ordinance by reference, 19 Section 3: That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended 20 cordingly. 21 Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are 22 ereby repealed. 23 Section 6: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion 24 ereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall 25 ot affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 26 Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. :\CA\Ordinances\Planning\Rezoning\Rezoning - 503 ~orth Seacresl doc 1 FIRST READING this k day of Yna rch ,2004. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ~ day of --'1pri1-, 2004. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA l~7~ )L 0. ~, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A TrEST: Vice / /'::: ommiS~i~ 'tJ~%' -:J- Co S;\CA\Ordinances\planning\Rezoning\Rezoning. 503l\"orth Seacrest.doc e - - -- - - - - . - ......,.. EXHIBIT "A" 56d N. SEACRESt BLVD. IVW 6.,.,., .- ,,_ z UJ ~ i ..if II ... MeDR SITE NW4THAVE ' LRC ,L R ttY4 31l0- ~ "e. 012.126 -- + 60 76 1~88t EACH POST I and Sunday Beach County, Florida BLICATION ired Tracey Diglio, who on oath says that she :h Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper mty, Florida: that the attached copy of arin~ was published in said newspaper in the 'iant further says that the said The Post is a Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said ished in said Palm Beach County, Florida, class mail matter at the post office in West for a period of one year next preceding the nent: and affiant further says that shelher has poration any discount rebate, commission or L t for publication i said ne",\spaper. i1Y,A.D~~ 1M "fA7 \ ~~- --~--_.' .,_-,"_._.+~~-"'_'._-------'- 1'- ~~OT~rOF~Ii'ii5;h~E:"~'!'- ~ AMENDMEf;iy,., . ' NOTICE OFRElt)~ING N~TI~EiS:, HEREBY'GIYE~ that the'c~l~~:,pi(y ied~v,' el6p,iment ' · AgencyHoard ofTHE qTY OF BOYNTO)N]BE~CH.FlORIDA,will ' conduct a Pt'JBLlC HEARING,on Tuesdd~l,'FebrUa;y,l 0, 2004 ,at 6:30p;m, injheCITYH~LLCOMMISSIO pHAMBERS, 100 East I Boynton Beach Boulevard,',to consider't is request submitted by, . Don Stacks on beholf of , Edward Eatman,ll1l. ,The City Commission f . of THE CI"(Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will also hold ai , publichearins tl:> consider this request qnJuesday February 17, ' 2094'a17:0.o p,m" orassoon thereatter:;a! the agenda permits' at the CItY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 1 OOEastBoynton ; Bea&'Boulevard, The request is described as f6110ws: LOCATION:' REQUEST: . ,503 North Seacrest, Boulevard Amenilthh Comprehensi~ePldn Future Lond t'Jsei Map:" , ",:,,, '," ""~~"', From- 'Local Retail.Commercial(LRq To _.: Low Density Residential (LDRj at 4,84 dwelling units per acre, REQUEST: Rezone: ' From. To- , ,,!}' C-2 NeighbcirhoodCommercial R.l-ASingle Family Residential PROPOSED USE: Single Family Residence :I, '. :. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " Lot 147, Block B; BOYNTON HILLS: , according (to the Plat thereof, ,a~ recorded In, Plat ,Book, 4, page1 51, oHhe:Public Records or PALM BEACHC~unty, Florida, ;. ~': , MeIIIl. . '. '.+ " ....,;~_1;"',,..'.,......if ,This requ~st~anbe viewed between';thehoursbf8:00 a, "and..5:30 p.m. at the City of Boynt6n'BeachPlanning arid~! Zoning Division, 100 East Boynton B~d~h Boulevard. " ~ , .. ' - :' .. ")~ i' All ihterested parties are notified toapp~ar at said hearings In' person or by, attorney and be heard, ArjYflerson who,decideiF to appeal any de.cision,of the Planning;andDeveloprn,:ntBoard, or Clty.commlsSlon With respect to anYn"latter consldered~W theseineetings will need a recordof,the proceedingsandf9"~~ sue, h p,ur, pose."'aY,n,eedkl ensure th?l,a.v, ,erbatin"lrefOrdo,ftK~ proceedings IS made, which record Includes theteslimony aif"ii evidende upon which the appeal istob,ebased; 'ii Jhe City shall furhishQpp'ropriate auxiliary aids and servic~'$j,~ where necessary:io alfordan individual with-a disability, " equal opportunity to partiCipate in andenioy the benefits' , a~erviCe, program, or. activitycondocted by theCityi Pleo.~~ . cOhtact ,Patr.iCia, Tucker {56]}' 742,6268, at leas Menty:fo\JfL l24),hoursprior,tothe program or activity in order fodhe C!fY1i 'to'reo.~onablyaccammodate your request, ,', ,'d CIT'iOF BOYNTON BEACH , ,i", , ;:~~. PLANNING'AND ZONING DIVISIOl'f'; 1561) 742.6260 ! .;:,: ,.',' " ~;~!~ PUBLISH: The Palm BeachP6s1 ;, , " ' , >~ January 31 and Febr.'uarylO,2004 \)'f': ' 0> - ~ .... - '" o o '" 0>.... ::.:::.: ~~ '" '" 00 00 '" '" ~ ~ '" i\3 o o '" '" - ~ ex> i\3 o o '" .... - ~ i\3 o o '" ~ I'\)~r;:i~ ~~-..... "'o~~CO '''' N i'3 0000 (.l)900 -"'", gggggggggg~gggggggggggggg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wwwwwwwwww-'wwwwwwwwwwwwww ~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~m~ I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WWNNNNNNNN .....WWWWWWNN...............ON ~7~~~~~~~7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NNOOOOOOO..... 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C CIl '" o o , '" Z o Z m ....z 250 SS :;:::I X~ :;::: x 6" :;::: X o 00 W W , , 00 WN ~oo o W , o W o ;>JUlZ o '" )> ~ ~ 3C 3 CD m III CIl -<00 Uln n ' , c C 0" 0" ZZ;Q 001:1 ZZO mm Z Z G"l o ;Q o Z ~ o m ;>J;>Jr mm)> OOZ SSO ooe: OOm ZZ 000 CfCf;;u 000 ~~z ~ o m r-r- ... ::::;0 ~~ 'j!;m 0"tJ 00- .j,.Z ",'It , ... 'i' N ~ , o '" , o o N , ~ ... '" o "'z 8~ :Zm (JJ '" '" " CD !e. 0- ,;0 ~~ 00 ;oZ ,- ~Z :l>(;) '0'0 1";0 ~o "'z ~ o m ~~ 00 rC: oln ;om 00 1";0 ~g OlZ ~ o m It STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Governor THADDEUS L. COHEN Secretary April 21, 2004 Mr. Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Hudson: Thank you for submitting a copy of the City's Small Scale Development Plan Amendment adopted by Ordinance No, 04-016 on April 7, 2004, for our records, The reference number for the amendment is 04Sl. The Department will not conduct a compliance rcview or issue a Notice of lntcnt regarding the adopted small scale development plan amendment in accordance with procedures contained in Section 163,3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes, If you have any questions, please contact me for the DRI and Plan Processing Section at (850) 922-1767, Sincerely, bt-~, e- D. Ray Eubanks, Administrator Plan Review and Processing DRE\lw cc: Michael Busha, Ex, Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council \, I. I' ,. I IfJR j I L--~- --.--- I! _f .:'~~_ ~~.'r:. "r_~ '_._ 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850,488,8466/Suncom 278,8466 FAX: 850,921,0781/Suncom 291,0781 Internet address' http://www dca.state.fl us CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Owrseaslighway, Suite 212 Marathon,FL33050-2227 (305)289-2402 COMMUNITY PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee,FL32399-2100 (850)488-2356 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL32399-2100 Tallahassee, FL32399-2100 (850)413-9969 (850)488-7956 ct.. The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Rorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561,742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org January 9, 2004 Ms Anna Yeskey Clearinghouse 9835-16 Lake Worth Road, Suite 223 Lake Worth, Florida 33467 Re: 503 N. Seacrest Boulevard File No. LUAR 03-010 Dear Anna: Attached is the completed Executive Summary for the above-reference Comprehensive Plan Amendment. If further information is needed, please contact me at (561) 742-6264. Sincerely 2Jc~1I Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Ene!: S:\PlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJEC'TS\503 N. 5EACREST BlVD\lUAR 03-{110\IPARC COVER.DOT Page I of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: January 9, 2004 Reference # LUAR 03-010 General Information Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach Contact Person: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 TelephonelFax: (561) 742-6264/(561) 742-6259 fax Applicant! Agent Don Stacks TelephonelFax: (561) 436-4145/(561) 844-0180 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: _ amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks _ amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: ..1L land use - traffic circulation - mass transit _ ports and aviation _ housing - infrastructure sub-elements _ coastal management - conservation _ recreation and open space _ intergovernmental coordination _ capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: Future Land Use Map amendment Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map): 503 North Seacrest Boulevard Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres): 0.11 acres Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition): Local Retail Commercial Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity defInition): Low Density Residential (4.84 du/ac) Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition): C-2 Neighborhood Commercial Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity defInition): R-I Single Family Residential (4.84 du/ac) Present Development of Site: Single Family Residence Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): No Change Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? N/A Comprehensive Plan Change Processing Daterrime/Location Scheduled for Community Redevelopment Agency Board Hearing: February 10, 2004/6:30 p.m.lCity Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL Daterrime/Location Scheduled for LP AlGoverning Body Public Hearing February 17, 200417:00 p.m.lCity Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA March 10,2004 C(. . The City a/Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425,0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org April 15, 2004 Mr. D. Ray Eubanks, Community Program Administrator Department of Community Affairs Dlvlslon of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FI 32399-2100 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Sir: Please flnd enclosed required documents on the above-referenced, adopted small-scale amendment processed in accordance with Subsection 163.3187(1)(c)2., Rorida Statues. The total number of acres for this amendment Is 0.11. With the adoption of this amendment the cumulative total of acreage to date for the 2004 calendar year is 0.11 acres. Enclosed is Ordinance 04-016, reflecting approval by the City Commission on April 7, 2004, the publication notice, an updated land use map with the boundaries and location of the subject property in relationship to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network, and the completed RPM-BSP-Small Scale-1 form. If you have any questions please contact me at 561- 742-6264. Respectfully submitted, k/ Dick Hudson, AICP, Senior Planner """"' Cc: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council South Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Environmental Protection Palm Beach County Department of Planning, Zoning & Building Florida Department of State S:\Plamlng\SHARED\WP\PROlECTS\S03 H. SeBaest BlYd\WAR OJ..()10\OCA SUbmlttalIetb!r.dot cr. f--' The City a/Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425,0310 TEL: 561'742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www .boynton~beach.org April 15, 2004 Ms Susan Harp, Historic Preservation Planner Bureau of Historic Preservation R. A. Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Ms Harp: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on April 15, 2004, regarding the above referenced small-scale map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~/ -, Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S;\Pl.ANNlNG\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\503 N. SEACREST ILVD\WAR OH10\REVJEWAGI!NCYLETT!R.DOT \ The City o/Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742,6259 www.boynlOn-beach.org April 15,2004 Lorenzo Aghemo, Director Planning Division Department of Planning, Zoning and Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Mr. Aghemo: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on April 15, 2004, regarding the above referenced small-scale map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\Pl.AflNlNG\SHARED\WP\PRQJECIS\503 N. S9CREST ILVD\WAR OH10\REVlEWAGENCYL!TI'ER.DOT \ The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Rorlda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www,boynton-beach,org April 15, 2004 P. K. Sharma, AICP, Lead Planner Water Supply Department South Florida Water Management District P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Mr. Sharma: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of COmmunity Affairs on April 15, 2004, regarding the above referenced small-scale map amendment to the COmprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~#-- Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNlNG\stWtED\WP\PRO.JECTS\S03 N. SEACREST BLVD\WAR CJ3.010\RlVIEWAGI!NCYLETTER.DOT \ The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Ronda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org April 15, 2004 Mr. Terry Hess, AICP Planning Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East OCean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Mr. Hess: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on April 15, 2004, regarding the above referenced small-scale map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~j! Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PUHNING\SHARED\WP\PR03ECTS\503 N. &EACR!51' BLVD\WAR 03-010\REVlEWAGI!NCY\.E1TER.DOT ct( The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Ronda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742,6259 www.boynton-beach.org April 15, 2004 Ms. Lynn Griffin Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Programs Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Ms Griffin: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on Aprll15, 2004, regarding the above referenced small-scale map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ik/ ---- Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\StWtED\WP\PRO:JECrS\503 N. SEACREST BLVD\WAR 03-010\REVlMAGENCYLETTER.DOT cr' "', y , The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Ronda 33425-0310 TEL: 561,742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org April 15, 2004 Gerry O'Reilly, P.E. District Director, Transportation Planning Office Department of Transportation, District 4 3400 Commercial Boulevard, Third Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 Re: City of Boynton Beach 503 N. Seacrest (LUAR 03-010) Dear Mr. O'Reilly: Attached please find the adoption package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on April 15, 2004, regarding the above referenced small-scale map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~/! .. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\503 N. SEACREST BlVD\lUAR Q3-G10\REVIEWAGENCYLETTER.DOT SMALL SCALE DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT SUBMITTAL FORM 1. Name of Local Government City of Boynton Beach Person Completing this form Dick Hudson Phone number 561-742-6264 Name of Newspaper that notice of small scale was published The Palm Beach Post Date Publication Noticed January 31, 2004 and February 10, 2004 (Please attach copy of notice) 2. Number of acres of small scale development amendments contained in package: a. Within Urban Infill, Urban Redevelopment or Downtown Revitalization as defined by Section 163.3164, FS b. Within Transportation Concurrency Exception Area pursuant to Section 163.3180(5), FS c. Within Regional Activity Centers or Urban Central Business Districts pursuant to Section 380.06(2)(e), FS d. Outside categories a, b, c 0.11 3. Cumulative total number of acres of small scale development amendments for the calendar year: a. Categories listed in Item 2 a, b, c. above b. Categories listed in Item 2 d and above 0.11 4. Total number of acres of small scale development amendments in this package that are located within a coastal high hazard area as identified in the comprehensive plan Pursuant to Rule 9J-11.015(2), Florida Administrative code, this form must be mailed with all small scale development amendments as defined by Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes to: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BUREAU OF STATE PLANNING PLAN PROCESSING SECTION 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (904) 488-4925 S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\S03 N. SEACREST BLVD\LUAR 03-010\SMALL SCALE FORM.RTF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-027 TO: Chainnan and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM: Hanna Matras, Planner THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: February 2, 2004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project/Applicant: 503 North Seacrest BlvdlDon Stacks Agent: Don Stacks Owner: Edward Eatman ill Location: 503 North Seacrest Blvd File No: LUAR 03-010 Property Description: Developed property consisting of approximately 0.11 acre, classified Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned C-2, Neighborhood Commercial (see Exhibit "An) Proposed changelnse: To reclassify from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Low Density Residential (LDR) and to rezone from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to R-I-A Single Family Residential. The applicant is requesting land use and zoning consistent with the current use of the property, i.e. single family home. Adjacent Land Uses and Zoning: North: Developed single family homes designated Low Density Residential (LDR, 4.84 dwellings per acre) and zoned R-I-A, Single Family Residential. Sonth: Right-of-way NW 4th Street, then property developed for the First Baptist Church designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned C-2; farther west, developed single family homes designated Low Density Residential (LDR, 4.84 dwellings per acre) and zonedR-I-A, Single Family Residential. East: RightQof-way of Seacrest Boulevard, then developed duplexes and single family homes designated Medium Density Residential (MeDR, 9.68 dwellings per acre) and zoned R-2, Single- and Two-Family Dwelling District. West: Developed single family homes designated Low Density Residential (LDR, 4,84 dwellings per acre) and zoned R -I-A, Single Family Residential. Page 2 File Number: LUAR 03-010 503 North Seacrest BACKGROUND The current use of the subject property, a single family home, is a non-conforming use under the current zoning district - C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. However, since the value of improvements on the property is less than $60,000, pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11.1.C.8, the single-family home cannot be converted to a commercial use without a variance. The lot appears to exist as was originally platted in 1925, which does not meet the minimum lot standards for the C-2 zoning district Therefore, the current use is subject to all provisions regarding reconstruction and/or expansion of non-conforming uses. PROJECf ANALYSIS The subject parcel totals :1:0.11 acre. Because of the size of the properly under consideration, the Florida Department of Community Affairs classifies this amendment as a "small scale" amendment. A "small-scale" amendment is adopted prior to forwarding to the F10rida Department of Community Affairs and is not reviewed for compliance with the state and regional plans prior to adoption. The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings, of the Code. As per this requirement, the following criteria are applied in the analysis of the proposed rezoning: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies including but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the City's risk manager. The planning department shall also recommend limitations or requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning is consistent with all applicable comprehensive plan policies. In particular, it is consistent with policies under Objective 1.9 of the Land Use Element: Objective 1.9 The City shall eliminate blighted residential neighborhoods and business districts through the adoption and implementation of Community Redevelopment Plans including the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan and the Coastal Management Element to guide development and redevelopment along the Boynton Beach Boulevard and Ocean Avenue corridors, within the commercial and residential Community Redevelopment Areas, and within the vicinity of u.s. 1 and Martin Luther King Boulevard, Page 3 File Number: LUAR 03-010 503 North Seacrest The property is located within the Heart of Boynton Community Redevelopment Area and thus the subject of a recently adopted redevelopment plan. Contrary to current land use and zoning designations on the property, the recommendations of the redevelopment plan support residential use along the west side of Seacreast Boulevard, which is the location of the above-referenced property. The proposed rezoning does not affect density, neither is the property located within the hurricane evacuation zone. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. The proposed rezoning would be consistent with the established residential land uses and will not create an isolated district. The adjacent lots to the north and west are developed with single family homes, as are lots south-west of the property, and across NW 4110 Avenue. Lots to the east of the property, across North Seacrest Boulevard, are developed with a mix of single family homes and duplexes. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable, The recent adoption of the Heart of Boynton Redevelopment Plan and its recommendations regarding properties located along the west side of Seacrest Boulevard makes the proposed rezoning desirable. The recommendation is to reclassify all said properties, fronting Seacrest Boulevard on the west side between, approximately, NE 3M Avenue and NE ~ Avenue, from Local Retail Commercial to Low Density Residential, and rezone them from the cWTent C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to R-I-A Single Family Residential. There are currently no commercial uses in this area, indicating that, in the past, the market has not supported commercial development. d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The proposed rezoning will not entail any changes with respect to demand for public facilities. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and fUture use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. As stated above, the proposed use of the property will be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties. It will not affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. ' f Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. The conversion of the subject property to a commercial use may be physically and economically feasible some time in the future. As stated above, the market has not supported commercial Page 4 File Number: LUAR 03-010 503 North Seacrest development in this location in the past. Moreover, pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, the property cannot be changed to a commercial use without a variance. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. The proposed rezoning will have negligible impact on the city as a whole. As stated above, the request is consistent with recommendations of the Heart of Boynton Redevelopment Plan, which is largely based on the neighborhood needs assessment. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. There are alternative sites throughout the city for a single family home use and development. However, as documented above, this proposed boundary adjustment is minor and compatible with adjacent land uses. CONCLUSIONSIRECOMMENDATIONS AB indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, will not create additional impacts on infrastructure and will be compatible with adjacent land uses. Moreover, given the lot characteristics and conflict with commercial zoning regulations, the request represents the most logical action. Lastly, it is consistent with the Heart of Boynton Redevelopment Plan. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. If conditions of approval are recommended by the Planning and Development Board or required by the City Commission, they will be included as Exhibit "B". ATTACHMENTS G:\LU~3NSeacre1t\Stlft"R.epon303Scam:lt.doc I,OCATION MJ'P 503 N. SEACREST BLVD. EXHIBIT "A" ^'w 5.,.,., ~ "e SITE NW 4TH AVE LRC L R e tlt/4 3\\0 ~\Je -t. 50 75 100 I Feet o 12.S!5 -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,I 7 , 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE NO. 04- 0 I to AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING PROPERTY CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.11 ACRES AND LOCATED AT 503 NORTH SEACREST BOULEVARD; AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY FOR THE PROPERTY MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRlliED HEREIN; THE LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL (LRC) TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LOR); PROVIDING FOR CONRUCTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has dopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land se Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government omprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a omprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; nd WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the est interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the omprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The foregoing WHEREAS clauses are true and correct and ncorporated herein by this reference. :\CA\Ordinances\Planniog\Land Use\50J North Seaer..t.doc 1 Section 2: ~OllOwing: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the 2 3 That the Future Land Use of the following described land shall be designated as 4 w Density Residential (LDR). Said land is more particularly described as follows: 5 6 7 8 9 Lot 147, Block B, BOYNTON HILLS, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51, of the Public Records of PALM BEACH County, Florida. Section 3: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element 10 hall be amended accordingly. 11 Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby 12 epealed. 13 Section 5: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof 14 declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect 15 e remainder of this Ordinance. 16 Section 6: This Ordinance shall take effect on adoption, subject to the review, 17 hallenge, or appeal provisions provided by the Florida Local Government Comprehensive 18 lanning and Land Development Regulation Act. No party shall be vested of any right by 19 irtue of the adoption of this Ordinance until all statutory required review is complete and all 20 egal challenges, including appeals, are exhausted. In the event that the effective date is 21 stablished by state law or special act, the provisions of state act shall control. FIRST READING this ~ day of -1)"t n:: 11 ,2004. 22 23 S,\CA\O~dinaftee.\Planninq\~ U.e\503 Ho~tb Sa.crest.doe 1 SECOND,FlNALREADINGandPASSAGEthis~dayof ~";4, ,2004. 2 CITY OF BOYNTON BACH, FLORIDA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Corporate Seal) 24 . '\CA\Ordir.ane..\~~anning\L&n4 C..\S03 Nort~ S..erest.doe MAP KE't RESIDENTIAL , " " [J LOW DENSITY (LOR) MAX 4.84 D.U:7ACRE t~' ~ '; ...~, J '- " r -, ! '~~ . " '-..J! r . .' , " JJ1~J "L- j " ::::: MODERATE DENSITY (MOOR) - . .~ , MAX 7.26 D.U.I ACRE ~- '1... _ - , P::::::::::::I MEDIUM DENSITY (MepR) MAX 9.68 D.U.I ACRE _ HIGH DENSITY' (HDR) Mi\X 10.8 D.U./ ACRE ~ SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY '(SHDR) MAX 20 D.U./ ACRE -, COMMERCIAL . ( . . . c ' ~ OFFICE (OC) ~ LOCAL RETAIL (LRC) ~ GENERAL (GC) -~ ~- D INDUSTRIAL" (I) _,. f '[ - ----" , ';'--:::-ii ,~-- c~_J!.. ..:...,,' , j " ..a-____ _ . ') .' , f, -, . i ------ " >;;;I~.5"'''- '. .' '; I ~~. ",' '., ' ~0~ i .~;' /' j, -_ J' ". "~' ~2J:' .~ ,-'--------. "' \~,' r 11 ,';' ~ , '. " ' L."'16r _ tilt.. -- D - f!i' i 1 - --; - ----., .:1/ D'.." - :: - ~ ','--.., ~ ~ I i 1IIt'/M!X~D-USE COR~t1~~~ ; I I (MX-C) OTHER AGRICUL TURE " ,(A) , l" f . RECREATIONAL (R) ...._..._-..---._~....- PUBLtP & PRIVATE (PPGI) GOVERNMENT ALIINSTITUTlONAl ~ CON~~~~fTION ~ MIXED USE (MX) /~ ~ ~;;:.\, ,~4 , , " 'I ~ J,\\": ." ' ,', I~' , " \ '" " , '. " l~, " '\ 1';.:: , , ", \' . ~ \ '. I ,,:.Ii , " ,"," ': I, ""'.".,