REVIEW COMMENTS 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Develooment of Rel!ional Imoact Project name: Motorola File number: DRIA 02-002 Reference: I "review plans identified as Development of Regional Impact Amendment with a September 18, 2002 Plannin~ and Zonin~ Department date stamp markin~ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. In the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) provided with the DR! application the introduction does not address the planned land use re-designation of a portion of the DR! from Industrial to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addresses all of the proposed land use changes. 2. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineerin~ for review. No response has been received at this time. UTILITIES Comments: 3. Water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "0" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi- family designated areas will have to be analyzed on an area by area basis. FIRE Comments: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFP A I, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFP A 10 I. Life Safety Code, 2000 edition. (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with LOR Chapter 6, Section 16, which provides requirements for hydrants. Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/29/03 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 6. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code, (2000) Section 29-2.3.2. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 7. No comments at this time - future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "D" (to be refined) for the retail and multi-family designated areas will be analyzed on a case by case basis BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 8. The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family, detached ~ $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family = $656 ea 9. The fee is due at the time of the first applicable building permit. 10. Our department would be interested in exploring the possibility of a green way / bikeway easement along the east and south sides of this property especially along the E-4 canal. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: II. EXHIBIT "D" 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/29/03 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT The are existing active Burrowing Owl nests on the two areas shown on the above exhibit "D" noted as: 1. Industrial (Office / Warehouse / Manufacturing, 40.09 acres) 2. Multi-Family / Retail (34.00 acres) The applicant must have an environmental assessment of these two areas and obtain a Burrowing Owl permit through the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC). This information should be included with the DR! notice of ro osed chan e a lication. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: \3. a of zon to Ice, Warehouse ess warehouse or manufacturing ~ Provide the Master Plan at 24"x36" size. Include the amount of vested trips for the DR! in a note on the plan. ec ub tial on art fo acreage figure is 40.09 not 49.09 as shown. ~ Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed change. ~ Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands for the proposed change. ~ Project must address school concurrency. Submit school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for approval. e t orther . la d availabi . cessible to Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) S.a. and (19)(e) S.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This resum tion may be rebutted b clear and convincing evidence. MWR/sc S;IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIMotorola DRIIDRI11ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 'j...i'.~r .,\ " 1':'1)::';' The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org July 14, 2004 Ms. Donna Harris State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Re: Motorola - DRI - Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Ms. Harris: Margaret-Ray Kemper, Esq. Of Ruden McClosky, counsel for the master developer, reviewed the Department's DRI files for Motorola and did not find a copy of the amended development order. Based on her conversation with Department staff, we are providing a certified copy of the ordinance for your files indicating that it had been rendered to the Department in January, 2003. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, ~ Ed Breese Principal Planner cc. Kim Glas-Castro, Ruden McClosky The Citt] of Bot]nton Beach . ct. City Clerk', QIjlce 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FI..33435 (561)742--6060 PAX: (561)742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj@cihoqnton-heachllus www.boynton-beach.org CERTIFICATION I, JANET M. PRAINITO, CITY CLERK of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached copy of a "CERTIFICATION" dated December 20, 2002, Ordinance No. 02-061 including Exhibits "A" and "B", (consisting of 12 pages), Exhibit "C", Conditions of Approval, (consisting of four (4) pages), and a transmittal letter regarding the Notification of a Proposed Change - Motorola - DRI - Amendment No.1, dated January 2, 2003 to Mr. Bob Cambricare from Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, are true and correct copies as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, dated this 9th day of July, 2004. ~ 'tn. ~ ANET M. PRAINITO, CMC CITY CLERK (SEAL) '. ficabon - Ordinance 02.061 - 7.09-04.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream /VJA-5r6r<, ~.j 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Develooment of Rel!ional Imoact 1-27-04- Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 Reference: 1 st review plans identified as a Development of Relrional Impact with a November 12. 2003 Planning da ki ~A) and ZOnml! Department te stamn mar n". DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 1 0) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access / associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County ~ Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and V Gatewav) shall be bv protected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DRI site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration V lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right tum lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DRI will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the /' developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to detennine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the vi developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right tum lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be vi necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. >/ 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal V descriotions, that will require abandonment for review and aooroval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the ./ LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show ./ all utilities on or adiacent to the project. 12. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the ./ aoorooriate agencies. This statement is lackin" on the submitted olans. 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide V soecific justification for the high. values aoolied to office and industrial uses 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include V day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed ,; change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area, FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. / 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Include the amount / of vested trios for the DRI in a note on the olan. 18. Provide a letter from the South_FloridaWater Management District / regardin' s 10 ground and surface water as a result ~ol)sed ch~Prl'o-(t ~ / s~ elF A.... ~ evll...A,~ ft;;rUA,"R> . 19. Provi~sed pr.<J.il:ction of average daily potable ann "lOtiible water demands as a result of the proposed change. V 20. Project must address school concurrency. Submit a school concurrency / aoplication to Palm Beach County School Board for approval 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (l9)(e) 5.a. and (l9)(e) 5.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This V presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWRIsc S;\planningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslDRIA 03-00111 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Develoument of Reeional Imuact K~ H 1.27.0Lf Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 Reference: I "review olans identified as a Develooment ofRegjonal Imoact with a November 12.2003 Plannimr ki and Zoninl> Deoartment date stamo mar nl>. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gatewav) shall be bv orotected left turn lane( s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be orovided at the time of olat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the imorovements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will reauire abandonment for review and annroval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the proiect. 12. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the hil>h values annlied to office and industrial uses 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpdl sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd! sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.0 I dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area, FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Include the amount of vested trios for the DR! in a note on the olan. 18. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed chanl!e. 19. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change. 20. Project must address school concurrency. Submit a school concurrency aoolication to Palm Beach County School Board for approval 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) S.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWR/sc S:\PlanninglSHAREDIWPlPROJECTSlRenaissance CommonslDRIA 03.()(J1\1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Develoument of Re!!ional Imuact l~ fJA~VI V '- ~I/l 7)1 -./1 . /.5~il.-^-') f,K.- J Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 Reference: 1 "review plans identified as a Development ofRegjonal Impact with a November 12.2003 Planning and Zonint> Denartment date stamn markint>. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: I. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gatewav) shall be bv protected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the imnrovements necessary to suooort the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descrintions, that will reouire abandonment for review and approval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the nroiec!. 12. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the annronriate al!encies. This statement is lackim! on the submitted plans. 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide snecific iustification for the hil!h values annlied to office and industrial uses 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Piau for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Include the amount of vested trins for the DR! in a note on the ulan. 18. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed chanlre. 19. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change. 20. Project must address school concurrency. Submit a school concurrency annlication to Palm Beach County School Board for aooroval 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) 5.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWR/sc S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslORIA OJ-001\lST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Development of Rel!ional Impact () 0~. ~// Ytl&/ '" (0 t-{ t ;.-1 Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 ' Reference: I "review plans identified as a Development of Relrional Impact with a November 12. 2003 Planninl! dZ . D d b an Olllnl!! enartment ate stamn mar nO'. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (Le. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast corner of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descrintions, that will reauire abandonment for review and annroval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: 11. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the nroiect. 12. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the annronriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted nlans. 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide snecific justification for the hil!h values annlied to office and industrial uses 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area, FIRE Comments: NONE 1// POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Conunents: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Conunents: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Conunents: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Conunents: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. fuclude the amount of vested trips for the DR! in a note on the plan. 18. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed chanl!e. 19. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change. 20. Project must address school concurrency. Subrrrit a school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for approval 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) 5.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWR/sc S;IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslDRIA 03-00111 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc If, REVIEW COMMENTS Development of Re2ional Impact Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 Reference: l;t review olans identified as a Develooment of Regional Impact with a November 12. 2003 Planning and Zonino Deoartment date stamo marking - I I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: I. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made b7 with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access II' associated with this site plan. The level of detail provided with the request for a NOPC is not sufficient to adequately review solid waste disposal. Access for solid waste disposal can and will be reviewed with the site plan applications. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County l~\ .. ~ Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. Please see Pinder Troutman letter dated 1-26-04 \\; I 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected left turn lane(s). We acknowledge that all access points with left turn access will be by designated left turn. 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DRI site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn \ lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. We acknowledge that all access points will contain right turn lanes and the dedication of right-of- I way will occur with the plat I 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DRI will generate less \ traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. Please see Pinder Troutman letter dated 1-26-04 in addition please see Traffic letter from Palm Beach County Engineer dated December 30'h 2003. ( Exhibit "a") , 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on , Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any \{ new building permits. Please see Pinder Troutman letter dated 1-26-04. If necessary Developer will post a letter of Credit. : ~ ',. . 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DRl.ldoc.doc 01/26/04 2 , u DEPARTMENTS INCLUOE REJECT 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer I.-~- .._-. of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. , Furthennore. the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to detennine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary. the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes. at the time of plat submittal. The developer agrees to dedicate an additional 12 feet of right-of-way on Congress Avenue south of Gateway Boulevard. Based upon the engineer's review of the survey and field conditions there appears to be adequate room to allow for a third eastbound travel lane. Additional right-of way would be required for the right turn lanes into the site. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months. providing the content ~\ required in the LOR. Chapter 3, Article IV. Section 3.A-R. A survey with - \. /, the requirements is attached to this suhmission 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal Lt.\. descriotions that will require abandonment for review and aooroval. \ \J 10. Provide a master stonn water management plan in accordance with the L:. \. LOR, Chapter 3. Article IV, and Section 3.T. A pre-application meeting- -\ . I. II was held with SFWMD on January 21. 2004 to discuss a conceptual \ Environmental Resource Pennit that is inclusive of the entire 85 acre site. , A master storm water management plan is currently being prepared to submit to SFWMO in support of that application. This plan will be presented with the next site plan submittal. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LOR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show li all utilities on or adjacent to the project. The final locations of the services \ " will be detennined by the actual uses and identified during the site specific site plan review. Enclosed and attached hereto are the will serve letter from the soeci fic agencies 12. The LOR. Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be \. ~-', included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the " I appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. This .... statement has been added to the NOPC master olan. 13.J Justifv the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those Ii~*" ""'" \' . t_ ,....,;.4 1 ,I 1 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DRI.Idoe.doe 01/26/04 :1 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses .Ruden Mclosky has revised there report. Please see Nopc #1 & Nopc #2 flow calculations which will identify additional capacity reserved in Nopc #1 and the quantities necessary for Nopc #2.(See Exhibit "B" and "C") 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is hf' higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq. ft., but too low for .' development with a high percentage of restaurants. and should not include \ day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again. more justification is needed. Please see revised submission from Ruden Mclosky. The conversion factor is based on what was actually reserved in NOPC #1 ~ '.;j Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept). the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units ~\ '"1'" I (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re.study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. We don dot agree that a study is necessary. The city of Boynton can review the revised quantities necessary in Nopc # 2 and specifically identify either by model simulation or actual simulation whether or not infrastructure improvements are necessary. FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST I ST REVIEW COMMENTS DR!. 1 doc.doc 01/26/04 4 , " DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Enclosed 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Include the amount of vested trips for the DRI in a note on the plan. Enclosed 18. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed change. A permit modification will be necessary to the cxisting SFWMD permit for surface water management issues and a new water use permit will be necessary for irrigation water withdrawal from the groundwater. These SFWMD permits will be provided to the City prior to a building permit in the subject phase. 19. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change. Please see attached Nope # 2 Calculations for what will be required (Exhibit C) 20. Project must address school concurrency. Submit a school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for approval. See attached board approval letter dated December 19"' 2003 (exhibit" 0") 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) S.c. the application for a proposed change IS presumed to ~ a substantial deviation. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. Both residential and commercial are allowed in C3 and PID. While this may be considered a change the changes are Staff Supported & initiated in an effort to clean up the conglomeration of uses and zomng categories which presently exists today as a result of NOPC #1. There is conclusive support from a traffic standpoint (Exhibit "A") MWRlsc S:IPlannlngISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslDRIA 03-00111 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: MPMD 03-002 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a Master Plan Modification with a January 27,2004 Planning & d ki Zoning ate stamp mar ng. I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. The LDR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adjacent to the proiect. 2. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses. 3. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 5. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance with access requirements within the code. ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: I 1. To be determined. I I I S :\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\MPMD 03-002\COA.doc , 1st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification :'-""'"", JAH 2 7 trJ04 Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: MPMD 03-002 _ Reference: I" review Dlans identified as a Master Plan Modification with a November 12. 2003 Planning and Zoning Deoartment date stamo markincr -. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: I. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made \ with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. The level of detail provided with the request Ii" for a NOPC is not sufficient to adequately review solid waste disposal. Access for solid waste disposal can and will be reviewed with the site plan applications. 1. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County l-' Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division .Please see ~. --\, -~ f Pinder Troutman letter dated 1-26-04 ' t: . 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected left tum lane(s). Wc acknowledge that all access points with left tum access will be by designated left turn. 4. At a minimum, all right tum access to the DRI site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. We acknowledge that all access points will contain right turn lanes and the dedication of right-of- way will occur with the plat 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DRI will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979. it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. Please see Pinder Troutman lettcr dated 1-26-04 in addition please see Traffic letter from Palm Beach County Engineer dated December 30th 2003. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to detennine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County. then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% \,-{ of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any .. new building permits. Please see Pinder Troutman letter dated 1-26-04. If necessary Developer will post a letter of Credit. . :t ..;.1 , I ST REVIEW COMMENTS master plan.ldoc.doc 01/26/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast corner of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. 1.1'1- ~, Furthennore. the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions ' Ii " along Gateway Boulevard to detennine if additional right of way would be \ , necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If , necessary. the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane. and the required deceleration lanes. at the time of plat submittal. The developer agrees to dedicate an additional 12 feet of right-of-way on Congrcss Avenue south of Gateway Boulevard. Based upon the civil engineer'~ review of the survey and field conditions there appears to be adequate room to allow for a third eastbound travel lane. Additional right-of-way would be required for the right turn lanes into the site. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content \,"\ .. required in the LOR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.A-R. A survey with the requirements is attached to this submission \: I 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s). including legal 1 descriptions, that will require abandonment for review and approval. SeeExhibit "E" 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR. Chapter 3, Article IV. Section 3.T. L' '.. , \ A pre-application meeting was held with SFWMO on January 21. 2004 to discuss \~ ' , a conceptual Environmental Resource Permit that is inclusive of the entire 85 acre site. A master storm water management plan is currently being prepared to submit to SFWMD in support of that application. This plan will be presented with the next site plan submittal. UTILITIES Comments: 11. The LDR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show k' The final locations of the services ~, - i all utilities on or adjacent to the project. \ . . ;li ,,\1. will be determined by the actual uses and identified during the site specific , site plan review. Enclosed and attached hereto are the will serve letters r-- from the specific agencies (exhibt "F") ~~ l The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be kr~~' " included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the I appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. This statement has been added to the master plan. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS master plan. I doc.doc 01/26/04 '\ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 13.! Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those ~-' numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide \.~ ... specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial ~\'r /. . ,) uses.Ruden Mclosky has revised there report. Please see N opc # I & N opc ., #2 flow calculations which will identify additional capacity reserved in \ Nope #] and the quantites necessary for Nope #2.(Sce attached spreadsheets) (see Exhibit B & C) 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. fl. which is (, ' higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq. fl., but too low for ~/ \ " f development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include \~ : day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. Please see revised submission from Ruden Mclosky. The conversion factor is based on what was actually re~erved in NOPC #1 (see Exhibit B & C) t.' Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the ~ site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units .__,_~:'C~"' _' (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed I change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to \ fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater \ in the affected area. We dcm dot agree that a study is necessary. The city of Boynton can review the revised quantities necessary in Nope # 2 and specifically idendify either by model simulation or actual simulation wheather or not infrastructure improvements are necessary. (see Exhibit B &C) FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE 1 I ST REVIEW COMMENTS master plan. I doc.doc 01/26/04 4 , , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size Encloscd 17. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size Enclosed 18. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their comoliance with access reauirements within the code. So noted 19. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. This statement has been added to the master plan. MWRlsc S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslMPMD 03.00211ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1lI~ Ruden ~IIMcClosky 222 LAKEVIEW AVENUE SUITE 800 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-6112 (5611 838-4542 FAX: (561) 514 3442 KIM .GLASCASTRO@RUDEN.COM January 22. 2004 Renaissance Commons DRI File Numbers: DRIA 03-001 and MPMD 03-002 WATER-SEWER USAGE RATE Based on discussions with Pete Mazzella, Utility Director, the Use Conversion Analysis for Water/Sewer Flow has been revised as follows: I) the office flow rate has been revised to 100 gpdJlooo sf, consistent with City standards; 2) the multi-family residential rate has been reduced to 374 gpdJunit, which represents the average of the flowage rates for 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units; 3) based on the water and sewer flow calculations prepared by Compson Associates, the water and sewer conversion analysis has been revised. The commercial rate of 271 gpdJlOOO sf is being utilized as a blended rate; this rate was derived based on the following: Assumptions: 30,000 sf restaurant 183,000 sf commercial 792 seats @ 44 gpd @ .125 34,848 gpd 22.875 g:od 57723 gpd 271 gpdJlOOO sf WP8:172544.2 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSElL, P.A. CARACAS . fT. LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPlES. ORLANDO. PORT ST. LUCIE. SARASOTA. ST. PETERSBURG. T41.1.AHAS5EE . TAMPA. WEST PALM BEACH Page 2 USE CONVERSION MATRIX Industrial use has been eliminated from the conversion analyses and the proposed Use Conversion Matrix since it is unlikely that it will be utilized in this mixed-use setting. If industrial use is desired in the future, and NOPC will be filed to modify the approved uses for the Renaissance Commons DR!. The conversion analysis for water-sewer flow has been revised, as outlined previously. The modified conversion table for water-sewer is depicted on the attached Analyses document. Based on the revised analyses and comments from TCRPC, the proposed Use Conversion Matrix has been modified as presented below. This table represents the conversion factor from each analyses that generates the least amount of converted use. Office Multi-Familv Commercial 1000 sf office .36 du 392 sf 1 multi-family du 416 sf 188 sf 1000 sf commercial 650 sf .68 du WPB:172544:2 Affordable Housing: Very Low Income = $31,400 Low Income = $50,250 (4 person household - 7/10/03, PBC-HCD) Commercial: 1.83 employees at Very Low Income level per 1,000 s.1. 0.10 employees at Low Income leyel per 1,000 sJ. Office: 2.83 employees at Very Low Income level per 1,000 s.f. 0.14 employees at Low Income level per 1.000 sJ. Employee-Income Based (Very Low Income) Conversion Matrix: Office Multi-Family Commercial 1000 sf office 1546 sf I multi-family du 1000 sf commercial 650 sf Employee-Income Based (Low Income) Conversion Matrix: Office Multi-Family Commercial 1000 sf office 1400 sf I multi-family du 1000 sf commercial 714 sf WPB:16425l:8 RENAISSANCE COMMONS (fka Motorola) DRI USE CONVERSION ANALYSES Total Water/Sewer Flow: 1000 sf office 1 multi-family du 1000 sf commercial 100 gallons/day 374 gallons/day 271 gallons/day Water/Sewer-Based Conversion Matrix: Office Multi-Familv Commercial 1000 sf office ,26dul 369 sf 1 multi-family du 3740 sf 1380 sf 1000 sf commercial 2710 sf .73du Total Trips: (max = 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 peak hour trips) Trips-Based Conversion Matrix: (based on PM peak hour trip generation rates) Office Multi-Familv2 Commercial 1000 sf office 2.4 du 451 sf I multi-family du 416 sf 188 sf 1000 sf commercial 2216 sf 5.33 du I Bold figures are those utilized in Use Conversion Matrix 2 Conversion to residential use is based on PM peak hour trip generation rate for apartments. WPB:164251:B MOTOROLA DRI NOPC Current Uses: 500 multi-family residential units 63,500 s.f. retail 450,000 s.L office 128,000 s.L industrial (warehouse) use Proposed Uses: 213,000 s.L retail (includes 15,000 s.c. daycare) 247,800 s.c. office 1551 multi-family residential units and establishment of a Use Conversion Matrix: Office Multi-Familv 1000 sf office .26 du I multi-family du 416 sf 1000 sf commercial 650 sf .73 du WPB:164603:5 Commercial 369 sf 188 sf 01/05/2004 08:47 . . '. ~.eiI~ ~~. Dr ut....., If .... -.... - "0._21219 _...... BelCh. PL!!4If>ol229 (561)- Mow.pb<p.com . .... _ ea.., .-.,-. c . 1 J In _T........"ClIalr lllJIy _. Vlca C1Wrman JeIf- . _H._U Mary McCan)' 1Iun_ Addle L GIW*Io C08II*J'..... .. 1 1 r __1lW1 .~""""'~ ~-..."..... 5614341663 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 02 II^ '" 'C.x4\; 11 r'l' '~(-2-~ R~~D Deoember 30, 2003 Mr. MIchMI Rumpf DII1CIDr Pllnnlng . Zoning CIty or Bv,I"" BIlICh 100 EMt IOynlDn Belch BouIeY8td BoynIDn BIIIch, FL 33426-0310 RI: MOIaroll DRI- RH.....noe CoIll1/16. - NOPe n TMPflC I'ERPCJIIlMANCE BTANDARDI ~ D8It Mr. Rumpf; The Nm Beal County TIlIfIIc DlvIIIon _ ,....,...11 .. nmc .. got far the prevIauIIr...,AG'" DRl_.....; Mok.....DRI-.... .I....-Ca ...MIa-NOPe" pUl'llMllt tD the TI'IIIIc PwrfarrMnce 8IIIncIIRIa In MIdI 15 or.. PIIIm Be8Ch COunty U1nd ~IllpnwntCocle. The prajIIct Ia ~ . faIIawa: ,. LDUlon: SouthelIIt comer of COIIIIU" Avenue II1d oatIway BoVlr_d IIlW1eGtion. ""'~ ElNctl 13,020 DllII1, 1,834 ,.. Hour Tripe. 1,&61 MF Rellde,,1W UnIa. 247,100 SF Qener8I OIIoe, 1.,011O SF S.n.... ....... n 15,000 SF ~ c.nter. 1,21. AM 1lI1CI1,830 PM ,.. Hour TriPI 2006 lIu",clp_: V...... DR! ,.,..: P. 'r 'lid u..: ""I!'H ,.,..: lulkkul: .... an our reWlw, the TI1IfIIc DIvtIIon h8I dIWmInId th8t IIlI nwIMd DR! II pI1IjaclM III e-- .... pMk hour trIplI thin wh1It... ~ 1lIlIIRMd. MIl It";... ,.. the TrItIIc PeIl",.Wla ~ fA PR1I a.ch County. .... on the peIk Ilaur ~ provided by the conauItImt, It II hallMVW IIUIIIIIIIJlItlIiI the following proJC _ clrI\lIl.iIIIYB tul'l1411W (. ....1r1Id In NOPe '1) III be pnMded: . SOuthbound Ieft-tum 18r-.eIong Conrlrllt A~, ontollll northernlnCl lhe m~ drivftIIY8. . NorIhbound r1ght-tum _.rang CClIIIII'. AV8I1l1B,llIltlllh81lOU1h11m and the mIdcIIe dnv.w.y.. . Weatbound IelMUm 11M along Glda.ny 1IouIeY8Ird, ontD the I..tam d~'. . S:atlbouncl rIgtlt-tum '-lie 81On8 Gate._/ EIouIlMIrd, onto the MIt8tn ~. ,; JAN-l!I5-20lil4 08:~ FAX:5614341663 ID: CI.lMPSlJN ASSOCIATES PFlGE:0B2 R=l00% 01/05/2064 08:47 5614341663 PINDER TROUTMAN t-'A\:j~ ~3 fflr' 2- . ~ Furthennonl. due 10 the lIUb8t8n'" chqe& In "nd Ulel)'pell. in coml**m IIll whit _ approved In NOPe &11, there may be a 8hlft fit proJect gen...eed tratIIc IIll 0Iher clrt\.w8y hlcIIIIonl. hence. requiring lIddlllarlllllllldulllVe turn IIn8llllt -- 1ocrIlIon.. TheM new requIremenbIlNY be IdenlIfled upon oomplellan of tile pRIjeot IIle pIlIn, Ind 1U"-qI l8I1t IbIK8lt of peIk hWr tripe. If you h8Ye IIIIY qlKllllona reganllng this clelerminlltiOn. pIeQI contaot me.. 884-4030. SIIlC1ll1!y . /V). MaIoUd AIIll. Sr. Engl_. ec: PlndIr TlllUlIm COneuIllnG InC. fie: o.n..I. TPS - Mun . T'" Study ~ 1':\T1W'Flc:IIMW~122li.dIIo ". JAN-05-20lil4 lil8.32AM FAX. 5614341663 10' COMPSON RSSOCIATES PAGE. l2l03 R=ll!l0x .,tlYNTON BCH UTILITIES FAX NO. : 5617426298 Jul. 17 2003 03:17PM P3 ~"'N I~ml i~ II mil r IllIn . ~II .1 ~I II I I~ I ~ I I ~ "'.... ~~e;'~c I II "IiII:" I I ' imm m~~~~~ . .. I ~ F= I .. ; I iii If lU .. Q~ m iG1 ffiJ 1 ~ ....- ~, i ~; ~t~ iI i.. )1, 1 1 ~ ~ I I , 1 IS r I .1 I t4!1!l !l. "liiU II . I!I I [' f ')<. ,'.' . :5 rffiJ 8. - i1i I 3':'all ~1"W~aI I~ I C> =\ ,I 1 II Ilill mil I ~ c; 1il'1I. .... I I (' , , '+- I h~m i - 0 , I' '. ...~ BCH UTILITIES FAX NU. ; ::>b:L(4':::b.c::-:lI1:I ~........ .... ---- - t[ ^ll 1.'1 I f (l~ II ,..'<1 1"" ?- L, MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT NO. 03-101 i\l'-'f( il ( ..a t. TO: Diane Reese, FT P..- V. Mazzella, ty Utilities Director July 8, 2003 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Capital Facilities .Charge Tnmsmittal - Motorola Site . Rellal..ance Conuaou. ' Tho developer 11IIl olectecl to pre-pay tbe capital faeiUties charSll8 for . POrtloll of tbiI project ra1her than pay the caplCity rMerVation fee, as allowed by section 26-34(B) oftbe City's code. The capital faDillt:iel abarge iI baaed \!pOll the UDit Iizo uu1 count as IhoWD on the attacbed sheet. Paymat of this fee was a condition of the purcha8e OOI1trICt for the lad. which is why we are reooiviDS IUCh ,large 8DJQ1JDt at this tidlO. Tho p18DI for the project are stlI1 beiDa reviIod. 80 we cazmOt aseOJ'tain exact builtU". - unit ~ or addreInI at tbia time. W. wID, ..lftr, ....._t . breaJrdowa of bat"""'" milt Il...... far .... eapUal faeUltlas ....... froIa the __per. uul tra:a--U tlaat iDlanDatloD to itae ....ctllll D1v1don .0 that da.. IIDOP" ....., be pl'OJIIIlJ endItecl. Tho attac~ cheekDO. 1601 in the IJI]OUI1t; ofS447,693.8S ~cl be credited u foUOWI: Water Capltll FICilit:lea ChIrge Sewer Capital FacUitill8 Charp Amount $ 380,092.08 AmountS~ Total ~ , 1 P10ue deposit tbiI check in the "9tdopriate C:'lP fee 1lCCO\U1lB. Tb- you. Tho tel<<Vat101l fee for the ballDCO of this project is being sent to you UDder .eparato cover. Attlr-"-t PVM ' . Xc: Peter Ma.......'J.. (w/oopy of .~o"-en~) Tim L8rgc, Buildin. DiWion. Dept. ofDovolopa1O"t (w/C/JPY of a~) John pqlianJlo, BuildiDa Divilion (w/eopy of aua~1._....~) .' Pile o 6 o n " 3 '" " In .. " 0. m ~ ~. fi .. "- >< CD ." ." !!l '-- ::> ~ ~ " 3 '" ~ 6 ,... o o g c ;:: m z i o s a ~ ~ a .. f) ~ Q f " z ~ Il!i "'~ zz ss. '" '" o~ ;::." ffia ." !S. " 3 -a~ &1~ !X 81 am 2 #- no " - ~i 0", " 0 ~~ ~~ 0.", .. 0 ",- gm 0.- 8 ~ 3 .. ;;I ~. m -'" 0' Cir 2 2 on " " i>>![ or", _0. i5i ~~. -~ =.. ~ ; a." .c '" " ~ a' ~ 3 .. "'-!i- ~ if g '" ." .2. ~ - ~ :IJ i i!. .. z o ." n .. - m:;; ! ~ ~ ~ "'''' "'''' "'.. 1:oi\> O>~ "'''' z o Il .. '" ~~ '"-"Co "'0> "'.... ~ 0. ,. or " .. "'&lo ~P-tl "'...... ~ ~ Q. -<! z m 0. '" 0. O:IJ:IJO b CD ctl ~ 3 ~~. g 3 l>> a. (1) CD ~ ~ Q. ~ ~ ~-- ~ '" ~~~~ 88~~ 00.....0 ocao;o OI\)~O (J)OOC:C/) .c IE 2'-!i- '''_In o i\)t8~ '" Gl Gl "mGl" S2CD"'tIS2 cnel.orn -!i- -!i- ~....,j:-",I\) -lSg:~ 8 ~ex> '" ~ co '" ~'i15l~ _ _ tn_ ~~~~ c '" '" '" c " ,. ~ !!l " ~ 1:: g- ill. o " z o So C " iJf " ~ Gl " o O::IJJJO ~t!~.g 3 l>> Co Cll "''' '" ~ " 9. ~ g. ~-- c '" '" '" ~ '" ~~.....~ g8ffi~ 00.....0 8..... cct~ o~ "'~o::+ J!1m"", ",a~-!i- :;; ~ ~ o Jl :....~Sd......~ [)l~.Jlo.O'I> [ ~r Gl Gl "mGl" 0..,,0 iao~ ~ Z ex> ~ 0 ~~~~s. ~N......Q)3= ~ ,. .. ~ '" ~ " ~~~~~ ~'fE3:::;Gl O'ICXl~O~ " ~ o ~ n " a o' " m ." a .. 0. '" ::r e ......z ,0 ...... 0')"'0 ,C) ~=II: N ~ , <: ( U\OOL 01.0 "5 "--' f.JJ . C? i5, ~" ,Q ~\"~d ~~~u~~ , , THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNINGDEPARTMENT . 3320 FOREST HILL BLVD" G-331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 334lJ6.5613 (561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTHURC, JOHNSON, Ph.D. SUPERINTENDENT "\. )( ~ Ii; f ~( 1.1 [) December 19,2003 Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner. Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE #03120301C - RENAISSANCE COMMONS DRI (FKA MOTOROLA) PHASE III Dear Mr, Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the above referenced project for a Concurrency Determination for 1001 multi-family units, Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Fonn for Renaissance Commons DRI Phase III, This concurrency detennination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance, Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order, If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343, Sincerely, cc: Ruden McClosky enc. S:\Planning\Public\lNTERGOV\Concurrency\Concurrency Detennination letters\concurrency\C03120301 C.doc AN EQUAl OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER t. X It I () T NO,995 P001/003 ~ ( \ I I ~ I U~~ @ 8ELLSOUTH 06/09/03 09:07 BellSoulh r...............lou.. I.... E....eerhII Deplrl...., u,," Mils 3211E2"'SIrIII Deny 1loIch. Fl33483 om..: ~'-9II-6!I12 VII: S61-2'~ 06-09.2003 Carl E. Klepper lr. Compaon associates Inc 910 North Federal Hwy suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Re: ReniusllJlCe Commons Dear Carl: This letter is to continn that BeIlSouth Telecommunications, Inc. will be the source of supply for telephone service with adequate capacity to the above referenced project, provided we are granted a means for our facilities to get to each individual unit (by recorded easement or conduit). It should be noted that BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc, may require exclusive easemenlS for structures that house electronic switching equipment. (See attached Easement Docwnent). The BellSoutb representative who will be working with you and members of your organization on this Development is Lance Mills - OSPE . Engineering. He can be reached at (561) 988-6512, Please contact the Engineer to schedule a Pre-CODStrIlCtion Meeting at your earliest convenience. Durins the Pre-CoDslrUetion Meeting, various topics will be discussed to ensure successful and timely construc:1ion of telecommunications facilities within the Subdivision. These topics will include scheduling of service dates for differeDt residcntial building construction phases. procedures for damage prevention. damalcs to faeilities and easemenlS and righlS1Jf-way required for placement of8ellSouth facilities within the Development. Additional infonnation regarding ~&hts.of-way and easementS in the Development is provided below to facilitate BeUSoutb's placement offaciUties. 06/1219/1213 09:1217 NO.995 P12I12I2/1211213 t' 'I f L Florida Puplic Service Commission Rule 25-4.090(2) provides that the Utility does not have any responsibility to provide local exchange service via underground facilities unless rights-of-way and easements suitable to the utility arc furnished by the applicant in reasonable time to moet servico requirements and, at no cost, cleared oftrees, tree stumps, paving and other obstructions, stated to show propeny lines and final grade, and must be graded to within six (6) inches of final gTade by the applicant all at no cost to the utility. The clearing and grading must be maintained by the applicant during construction by the utility. (See attached Certificate of Final Grade Document). Under the Rule, rights-of-way and easements must be cleared ofpavini and other obstructions, and the clearing mUlit be maintained during construction by the utility. BellSouth cable is generally placed behind the curb in a utility easement, however, in certain places within the Development, it will be necessary for the cable 10 cross the roadway. Irroads, driveways and sidewalks arc placed in advance of Bell South cable placement, the following alternatives exist to provide and maintain a cleared right-of-way or casement area as required by the Rule: (I) placement of conduit for BellSouth where it will be necessary for BellSouth ,cable to cross the paved roadway, driveway and sidcwalks or (2) maintaining gaps in the paved roadways and driveways and/or removing the paving in those areas for BellSouth when it commences c:onstn1etion to place cable. Note that conduit is not required for the cable, which can be direct buried in easements or rights-of-way provided by the developer. But, ifpaving occurs prior to placement of the cable, the conduit essentially maintains a "clear" area for cable placement notwithstanding the obstr\lCtiOn created by the paving, , If you choose to place conduit, BellSouth will work with'you to provide crossing locations. BellSouth win attempt to call for CTOSiinga at locations wbere the electric: company is crossing to minimize expease to the developer but requires infonnation from the electric company on a timcly basis to accomplish this aoal, Bcl1Soutb will also, upon request when feasible, work with you on site when conduit crossings arc placed and provide" clectronic markenl" 10 be placed lUbe appropriate locations. " NO.995 P003/003 06/09/03 09:07 , , 'I .\ f 3 If placed, tJ:te conduit should be 2. 4" schedule 40 PVC sleeves at the road and driveway crossing locations, placed at a minimum 24" depth, bul not to exceed 30" below tinal grade, and should extend behind the cuIb 4' into the utility easement. The sleeves should tenoinate under a future grass area, not under a sidewalk or other obstruction. The ends of the sleeves are to be marked above ground or using "electronic markers" provided by BellSouth. Below is a list of documentation and information that must be provided to the BellSoulh representative associated with this project, CADD tile ofthe project (overall site plan in either Microslalion or AutoCadd format) Full size hud copy of overall site plan Full size copy ofplaltod drawings Full size hard copy of water and sewer drawings Full size bard copy ofelectricaJ drawings (if multi-family or commercial buildings) Completed Easement Documents Property Control # Address of each unit This information must be provided to the Be1ISouth representative a minimum of 4 months prior to the rust expected service request. If temporary service to a construction trailer/office is requested prior to permanent service to the development, a charge for special construction may be required. The company shall have no responsibility to provide service unless these conditions are met, As always, we win work with you individually and help to resolve any particular issues you may have regarding these requirements. If you have any other SIl8gestions regarding bow our companies can work together to accomplished the desired and required ends. plll8Se let \IS know. If you bave any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, Sincerely, ~ e~~ OSPE - Engineering d H r= MaY-SO-OS 02:S0pm Received 05/30/~_' 03:13PM in 04:26 on line [5] for RMACfARl" ; 3/5 Fr....COMPSON ASSOCIATES 5513912423 T-m P,03/05 F-m ~ . P:PL Acrido p."....& LIQhl Compony May 8, 2003 Mr;' Carl E. Klepper Managing Membolr compllan Assoc'- 980 Nollll Flderal Highway 8ub ZOO Boca RatOll. FI 33432 Re: Renall5Hnee Commons Dear Mr. Klepper. This is to con1lrm thlt. at the present time, FPL has lIUfIiolent ClIpac!ty to provtde electric service to the above captioned property. This service Will be fumished in _llIanee with applicable rates, RIles and regulations. Pleue provide the f1l11lllle plan, stte sulVe}' and elllCllicalloed data al soon IS possible so the necessary engineering can begin. EarlY DOllUllll WIth FPL Is essentiBl 50 that reeouroes mllY be scI1eduled to facilitate availability of ..lVice when required, ~ncfrJ ",,/ (j.j.. ~ V.L. Nocera Large ClIIllomer PrQi8Cll Manager on ~PL Group Oompony T''''''''''l.~~';'l~:!'? ' ,:~,,",,"_'~Yl~~,-;t".' :;y,'" ,:}\",::,:,:- . Receivod 05/30/2003 03:13PM in 04:26 on line [5] for RMACFARL *'...( 2/5 Fr..-COM.SON ASSOCIATES 5613l12m HIS P.02I05 F-TIS ~ ~ . , f r; 02:80pm F10dda PUlIe oJ UUIII:I8a Company Carl E. Klepper Compson Associates of Boynton 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 P,Q. Box 3395 West Palm Beach FL 33402.3395 (:i61)832.2461 -'- -'--May 13,2003 R.E: Renaislanllce Commons Dear Mr. Klepper: Per your request, we have reviewed referenced project and have determined that HoridA Public Utilities presently has no natural gas facilities within this area. However, our company may be able to provide your project with natural gas or propane facilities to meet your specifications. Our Marketing Depamnenl will be happy to provide information about the availability Ilnd advantages of using natural or propane gas. I will forward II copy of your inlbrmation to them, You can contact them directly by calling Rob Long at (561}838-1753. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to review this project, If you need any admtloiiill' filiormation oi'I can be 01 any' furiner- lIssistarice. plellSe COTltlCt me at - .., (561)838-1768. .--" .'- ~~~ FI1\III' Studenski Engineering Tech cc: C.C. Canino FPUC Marketing 1\.... 1 A _rn..~WIII_ ...... - ...-..aW77. ...,.......no__ FROM: CITY OF BOYNTON BCH UTILITIES FAX NO. : 5617426298 rla~. 1<11 ,,1<I1<I.:l 1<1,,: 4::>1-'1" ....1 , " 2h "r--" 0 The City of Boynton Beach "'-/ (( ) , , \ j Uf1/.J'1'/ES IJXPAtmlBNT l:U 5. Waolbrlght Road Bo/ln"," Boa"'" JI'/orldd SS4S5 OJ1loe: (561) 743~1 FAX: (661) 74:NS298 W.bsl.:WIUIU.oI. bo/lnllln-beach.ft. WI May t, 2003 Mr. Cut B. Klepper, Managing Member Campson Al800iatea 980 North FcdcnU Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Via Fax 561 391.2423 RB: RenailllllnllC Commons - 29 acre vacant plltCol on south sido of Motorola PllIperIy along Congress Ave" Boynton BeaCh DllIr Mr. Klepper: P1cue acoopt this latter IS contlnnation that the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Dqlartment will be rhe water and ewer .ervice provider for the referenClCld project, and that both potable water and S8IIitary ewer maina III'C available adjacent ill the site. Adequate capacity CU1TCIltly Oldsta for the intended IIU, but a JeIClI'VlItion fee for any additional capllCity has not bOCDl paid Il8 of this date. This letter, therefore, is not to be COIl8trucd IS a certification of conc:umncy, I trust thlsletter mCICIt8 your needs. PIllll80 direct any further qutllltiolll on this matter to me at your _liest convenience. 8711;7 .~ Peter V. Muzolla Deputy Director ofUtilities Attachment PVM Xc: Dale Suamnan PellI' Mazzol1a File ~"",.,.,,~ Oa/ftlOY I. tIrI Chtlli_.. Exhibit "E" I. The access easement (ORB 7738, page 1865) to the day care center will likely need to be modified because of the different configuration of the entrance road; 2. Abandon 10 foot FPL easement (ORB 3819, page 1724); 3. Abandon at least a portion of the access easement (ORB 10876, page 816 and ORB 11099, page 1769) that leads to the cell tower lease parcel. It may be easier to just abandon the entire access easement since the area will be the subject of a replat; 4. Possibly abandon the 20' x 30' FPL easement along the east property line- depends on what it is for. It is adjacent to the 4 acre lake - it could stay if necessary; PI"DER TROUTMfi" CO"SULTI"G. I"c. - "-,, Transportation Planners and Engineers RENAISSANCE COMMONS MASTER PLAN MODIFICATIONS RESPONSE TO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL ::U40h 15(,11434-1644 Fax 434-1661 www.pindertroutm;m.com The layout of this response is that the comment has been summarized and the response follows. Public Works - Traffic 2. Comment: Response: 3. Comment: Response: 4. Comment: Response: 5. Comment: Response: Show off-site improvements as requested by Palm Beach County. The turn lanes requested by Palm Beach County have been shown on the site plan. In additional to the County request for turn lanes, it is recommended that northbound right turn lanes be provided at all driveways on Congress Avenue and eastbound right turn lanes be provided at all driveways on Gateway Boulevard, Provide left turn lanes at all left turn locations. Left turn lanes will be provided at all left turn access locations on Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard, Provide right turn deceleration lanes at all driveways on arterial roadways. Right turn deceleration lanes will be provided at all driveway locations on Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard, It is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points. Driveway intersection analyses are attached showing acceptable levels of service. 6. Comment: Provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress Avenue to determine if a signal is warranted. Response: A preliminary Peak Hour Warrant 3 analysis indicates that signalization will not be warranted. Typically, FDOT and Palm Beach County require that Warrant 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume, which looks at 8 hours of traffic, be met before approving a signal installation. This condition has to be met in the field, not based ~/- drea M: TrOl~(~~J~c; /4 lorida Registrationf'45409 >' / ~ Response 03 75 1 26-04 Pi INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SHEET MOTOROLA 29 CATAIINNMOTOROI A & CONGRFSS AVF (Existing Counts/Geometries wi Project) Growth Rate (1 ) Peak Sea>un ~ Buildoul Year = 1.00% 1.07 2008 8 Years = AM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT IT Thru RT ExislinR Volume (10/261 203 1237 109 25 1153 53 75 12 188 34 6 10 Peak Season Volume 217 1,324 117 27 1,234 57 80 13 201 36 6 11 Badq;1ound 235 1,433 121 28 1,336 61 87 13 218 38 7 11 Motorola Reduction 0 0 (61) (14) 0 0 0 (7) 0 (19) (4) (6) Project Traffic 0 105 90 93 10 0 0 6 0 240 4 60 IolaI 23.5 1,.538 1.51 107 1,346 61 87 13 218 2.';9 8 66 Critical Volume Analysis No. of Lanes 1 I 3 I 1 1 I 3 I < 0 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ADoroarn Volume 1924 1,514 318 333 Per Lane Volume 235 513 151 107 469 nla 87 13 218 259 8 66 % Turns from exd. lane 12% 80% 8% 7% 89% 0% 27% 4% 69% 78% 2% 20% E/W Effective file - - - - - - - -0.01 - - -0.02 - North-South Critical N8LT+SBTI-l 694 SBLT+NBTI-l 610 East-West Critical EB LT+WBTH- 85 WB LT + EB TH- 262 Maximum Critical Sum 694 + 262 956 STATUS? UNDER PM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT Existing Volume (10/26/ 208 2193 28 17 1358 68 85 0 137 73 2 21 Peak Season Volume 223 2,347 30 18 1,453 73 91 0 147 78 2 22 Background 241 2,541 31 19 1,573 79 98 0 159 81 2 23 Motorola Reduction 0 0 (16) (19) 0 0 0 0 0 (81) (1) (12) Project Traffic 0 199 139 90 29 0 0 10 0 275 10 123 Total 241 2740 155 90 1602 79 98 10 159 275 11 135 Critical Volume Analysis No. of Lanes 1 I 3 I 1 1 3 <0 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 APproach Volume 3136 1771 267 421 Per lane Volume 241 914 155 90 561 n/a 98 10 159 275 11 135 % Turns from exd. lane 8% 87% 5% 5% 90% 0% 37% 4% 60% 65% 3% 32% E/W Effective file - - - - - - - -0.02 - - -0.02 - North-South Critical NB IT+SBTI-l 792 SB LT+NBTI-l 994 East-West Critical EB LT+WBTH 99 WB IT+EBTH 275 Maximum Critical Sum 994 + 275 - 1,269 STATUS? NEAR 1/26/04 16:12 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SHEET MOTOROLA 29 NORTH DRIVfWAY & CONGRFSS AVF (Existing Counts/Geometries wi Project:) Growth Rate (1) Pe.k SeilSOll = Buildout Year = Ye.ars= 1.00% 1.W 2008 5 AM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound ';;outhbound Eastbound Westl>ound LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT Existing Volume (2003) 0 892 0 0 1703 24 0 0 33 0 0 0 Peak Season Volume 0 954 0 0 1,822 26 0 0 35 0 0 0 Background 23 1,003 0 0 1,915 27 12 0 37 0 0 0 Project T r<lffic 0 116 95 1-' 65 0 0 2 0 20 1 60 Total 23 1,149 95 41 1,980 27 12 2 37 20 1 60 Critical Volume Analysis No. of Lanes 1 I 3 I 1 1 I 3 I < 0 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 Aoorwch Volume 1.267 2048 51 81 Per lane Volume 23 383 95 41 669 n/a 12 2 37 20 1 60 % T umsfrom exd. -lanes 2% 91'% 7% 2% 'l7% 0% 24% 4% 73-% 25% 1% 74% tjw Effective eic - - - - - - - -0.02 - - -V.UJ - Nortb,South (:ritir.;;l NJ3 LJ +.Sll JH - 6B2 Sll LJ + NB lH - 414 East-West Critical EB L T + WB TH = 3 WB LT + EB TH ~ 12 Maximum Critical Sum 682 + 12 - 694 STATUS? UNDfR PM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound 5outlWound fastbound W<lstbound LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT ExistinJ: Volume (2003) 0 2433 0 0 1358 75 0 0 122 0 0 0 Peak Season Volume 0 2,603 0 0 1,453 80 0 0 131 0 0 0 Background 35 2,736 0 0 1,527 65 24 0 112 0 0 0 Project T raffle {) 227 153 97 100 {) 0 5 0 40 2 55 Total 35 2963 153 97 1627 65 24 5 112 40 2 55 Critical Volume Analysis No. of Lanes 1 I 3 I 1 1 I 3 I < 0 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ADDrOarn Volume 3151 1789 141 97 Per Lane Volume 35 988 153 97 564 n/a 24 5 112 40 2 55 % Turn< ffQm ""d. lilne5l 1% 94% 5% 5% 91% 0% 17% 4% 79% 41% 2% 57% EJW Effective flic - - - - - - - -0.02 - - -0.03 - North-South Critical NB LT+SBTH- 589 SB LT+ NBTH- 1075 EilSt-Wesl Critical EB LT + WB TH- 16 WB LT + EB TH - 35 Maximum Critical Sum 1075 + 35 1,110 STATUS? UNDfR 1/26/04 16:12 Growth Rate (1) Peak Season = B uildout Year = Years = INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SHEET MOTOROLA 29 WEST DRIVEWAY & GATEWAY BLVD, {Existing Counts/Geometries wi Project:} 1.00% 1,00 2008 5 AM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound fastbound Westbound IT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT IT Thru RT ExistinR Volume (2003) 0 0 0 5 0 7 21 1525 0 0 949 33 Peak Season Volume 0 0 0 5 0 7 21 1,632 0 0 1,015 35 Backwound 0 0 0 0 0 7 12 1,715 0 0 1,067 0 Motorola Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (858) 0 0 (534) 0 Project T raffie 12 5 46 0 2 0 39 0 31 39 45 0 Total 12 5 46 0 2 7 51 2,573 31 39 579 0 Critical Volume Analysis No. of Lanes 1 I 1 I <0 1 I 1 I <0 1 T 2 1 1 I 2 I 1 ADDroach Volume 63 9 2655 618 Per Lane Volume 12 51 nla 0 9 nla 51 1287 31 39 290 0 % Turns from excl. Lane 19% 8% 0% I 0% 22% I 0% 2% 97% 1% 6% 94% 0% UW Effective WC - - - I - - - - 0.64 - - 01Q - North-South Critical NB LT + SB TH - 11 SB IT + NB TH - 41 fast-West Critical EB IT+WBTH 331 WB IT+fBTH 1316 Maximum Critical Sum 41 + 1316 - 1,357 STATUS ? NEAR PM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound IT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT Existing Volume 00(3) 0 0 0 50 0 35 22 1132 0 0 1870 5 Peak Season Volume 0 0 0 54 0 35 22 1,211 0 0 2,001 5 Background 0 0 0 56 0 65 24 1,260 112 0 2,082 6 Motorola Reduction 0 0 0 (56) 0 0 0 (630) 0 0 (1,041) (3) Project Traffic 18 1 64 0 2 0 0 65 47 65 66 0 Total 18 1 64 0 2 65 24 695 159 65 1107 3 Critical Volume Analysis No. of lanes 1 I 1 I <0 1 I 1 I <0 1 I 2 I 1 1 I 2 I 1 ~roach Volume 83 67 878 1175 Per Lane Volume 18 65 nla 0 67 nla 24 348 159 65 554 3 % Turns from excl. Lane 22% 1% 0% 0% 3% 0% 3% 79% 18% 6% 94% 0% UW Effective wc - - - - - - - 0.51 - - 0.64 - North-South Critical NB LT+SBTH '75 SllLT+NllTH 55 fast-West Critical EB IT + WB TH- 568 WB IT + fB TH - 403 Maximum Critical Sum 75 + 568 - 643 STATUS? UNDER 1/26/04 16:2Q Growth Rate (1) Pedk Sed':>UfJ = Buildout Year = Years = INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SHEET MOTOROLA 29 FAST ORIVFWAY & GATEWAY BI VO (Existing Counts/Geometries wI Project) 1.00% 1.00 2008 5 AM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound IT Thru RT IT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT ExistinR Volume (2003) 0 0 0 2 0 5 15 1530 0 0 944 27 Peak Season Volume 0 0 0 2 0 5 15 1,637 0 0 1,010 29 Background 0 0 0 0 0 5 12 0 0 0 0 0 Motorola Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T Qtal Major ProjfrtS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project Traffic 45 5 137 0 2 0 0 0 39 119 0 0 T"ta1 45 5 137 0 :2 5 12 0 3'1 119 0 0 Critical Volume Analys;s No. of lanes 1 I 1 I <0 1 I 1 1 < 0 1 I 2 I 1 1 I 2 I 1 ~oach Volume 187 7 51 119 Per lane Volume 45 142 nla 0 7 nla 12 0 39 119 0 0 % Turns from exd. la-;;:: 24% 3% 0% 0% 29% 0% 24% 0% 76% 100% 0% 0% E/W Effediv~ - - - - - - - -0.03 - - -0.03 - North-South Critical NB LT+ SBTH 42 SB IT+NBTH 132 East-West Critical EB LT+WBTH= 2 WB IT+EBTH= 109 Maximum Critical Sum 132 + 109 - 241 STATUS? UNDER PM Peak Hour Intersection Volume Development Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LT Thru RT LT Thru RT LT Thru RT IT Thru RT ExistioR Volume (2003) 0 0 0 50 0 35 2.2 1152 .0 0 1835 5 Peak Season Volume 0 0 0 54 0 35 22 1,233 0 0 1,963 5 Background 0 0 0 56 0 65 24 1,283 112 0 2,043 6 Motorola Reduction 0 0 0 (56) 0 0 0 (642) 0 0 (1,022) (3) Project Traffic 66 1 212 0 0 0 0 65 65 190 52 0 Total 66 1 212 0 0 65 24 707 177 190 1074 3 Critical Volume Analysis No. of Lanes 1 I 1 I < 0 1 1 1 I <0 1 I 2 I 1 1 I 2 I 1 Aonroach Volume 279 65 908 1 267 Per lane Volume 66 213 nla 0 65 nla 24 354 177 190 537 3 % Tur".from""d. I:;;;;; 24% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% 78% 19% 15% 85% 0% E/W Effediv€dc - - - - - - - 0.44 - - 0.64 - North-South Critical N8 IT + SB TH 121 SB LT + NB TH 203 East-West Critical EB IT + W8 TH 551 WB LT+ EBTH 534 Maximum Critical Sum 203 + 551 - 754 STATUS? UNDER 7/24/04 16:29 600 :r: 0 400 t-<{ Wo Wa: a:(L 300 t-(L w<{ a:W 0::>, 200 ~:> ::>'-' 0 > 100 :r: eJ :r: Warrant 3, Peak Hour '150 '100 400 500 800 1500 1600 1700 1800 R STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROA VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) "Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane_ Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS TIIAN 10.000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km!h (40 mph) ON MAJOR STREET) :r: (L > :r: 400 t-~ Wo Wa: 300 a:(L t-(L w"" a:w 0::>, 200 ~::> ::>'-' 0 > 100 :r: eJ :r: .100 .75 80 (if!) 97 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 'Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume lor a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume jor a minor-street approach with one lane. J ~ 1 0 ::c I H I ) 1-'" I Ul . <: ill . Ul .. rt ~ ill .. 0. .,. ~" H1 .~ 0 :Jl '1 ll> ~ '1 '" ill w .... ll> <: '" ll> ill 1-" ll> ....."" ll> cr::r .....0 ill C '1 ll> ::sl rt o.:"t-; 1-'" ~, '" Ul ..... ..... cr ill '" '1 0 <: 1-" 0. ill 0. cr '< rt ::r ill ll> '" '" '1 0 '" '1 1-'" ll> rt ill ll> \0 ill ::s () 1-'" ill Ul _...-....~...__.....-. 0 " ~ ~ i!P ~ I 1i " ~ ~ '< m m ". I I p :;: f. ~ . j ::~ I- '" 5 e U~ .. g ~ ~~ : .-- .. l222I ~ I ~ - ," 0 ~ .; ~ , ,II ~~~ J~~ lilltJl ~~~ ~ ~ I 6 8iF ~ liism li1 ~~~ 2-<-< Ill!! 2J ~ .~ ~ II .-.'.." . ,. ...!........--......-... . -, Imt t A'lfMiL1.'tf.) r 1m Olly^=nnoe a&.. MOURIZ ..,., ~~~ i ~ -.-- a!t.:-'l:"- .EH.tU'~C8 COIIIIOHS ... -_ MAS1'S~fUH ~ A$SOClAlIi!S f;l-1J01MCH..u.c ~~~:"\..-=r:r:'.:to"_""""~~~":=' ~ ~ ,. i;; '< ~ :i! " ~ ~ Cl o, " '" 11 C) -; , ~;.- " '" .i .,.Ri'F~~'.,;~jtt~~ ~P:_j "~~:. ,_.. I ,; W . ,'~2-~:~'\'.,:;J : n'. ,.' ri"l": ~t;,L,. :",DE:-$;~c UQ"I , Ii '.j" ~J:' '~,\,'~- ,11_ !' ",:;' 'j i ,"i"'~. 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M A--..5WC CtrP;j 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification /-27-04 ~p~ Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: MPMD 03-002 Reference: I st review olans identified as a Master Plan Modification with a November 12, 2003 Planning and lei Zonin!! Denartment date stamn mar .ng, DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access ./ associated with this site olan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2, Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County ./ Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and V Gateway) shall be by orotected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn V lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the / arterial roadways. Therefore. the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% .; of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions / along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of olat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LDR, Chapter 3, Article N, Section 3.A-R. 1/ 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal 1/ descriptions, that will reauire abandonment for review and approval. to. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the ,/ LDR, Chapter 3. Article N, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: 11. The LDR, Chapter 3. Article N, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show ./ all utilities on or adiacent to the proiect. 12. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article N, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the / appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. 13, Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix, Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide / specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses, 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpdl sq, ft, which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpdl sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include / day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed / change, A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16, Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size V- 17. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size V 18. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing -/ their compliance with access requirements within the code 19. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. / MWRlsc S:IPlanningISHAREDIWPlPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslMPMD oa-00211ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification ~H /.27.0L( Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: MPMD 03-002 Reference: I "review olans identified as a Master Plan Modification with a November 12. 2003 Planning and Z'D da kin omn" Jenartment te stamn mar n". DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE. Chapter I 0) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan, PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Deoartment ofEmrineering & Public Works - Traffic Division 3, At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected left turn lane(s). 4, At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore. the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to detennine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits, 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast corner of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to detennine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of olat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey. not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LDR, Chapter 3, Article N, Section 3,A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will require abandonment for review and approval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 3, Article N, Section 3,T. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article N, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the proiect. 12. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article N, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans, 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix, Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date, Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses. 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq, ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15, Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16, Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size 17. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size 18. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their comoliance with access requirements within the code 19, Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. MWR/sc S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPlPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslMPMD 03-Q02\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification , ., jL ;-1.~ }..Jt..~ . J II? 7 It) 'I -") . (JiU.J.JLj l/I- Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: MPMD 03-002 Reference: I "review olans identified as a Master Plan Modification with a November 12.2003 Planning and Zonincr D~artment date stamn markincr. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site nlan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Denartment ofEmrineering & Public Works - Traffic Division 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gatewav) shall be bv orotected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes, All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and iIlustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service, 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7, The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast corner of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane, Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane. and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of olat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LOR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will reQuire abandonment for review and approval. 10, Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: 11. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV. Section 3,0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the proiect. 12, The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3,P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. )3, JustifY the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses. 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of O,I25gpd/ sq. ft" but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care. which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed, 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area, FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size 17. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size 18. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance with access reauirements within the code 19. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. MWRIsc S:IPlannlngISHARED\WPlPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslMPMD 03-o0211ST REVIEW COMMENTS,doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification R~~~ ,-:;('~'" I J I i /1---1 0-' Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: MPMD 03-002 ' Reference: I "review olans identified as a Master Plan Modification with a November 12, 2003 Planning and Zoninn Denartment date starnn markin", DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site nlan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Denartment ofEnoineerinl> & Public Works - Traffic Division 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gatewav) shall be bv orotected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted, If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast corner of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane. Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of olat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will reQuire abandonment for review and annroval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR, Chanter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: 11. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3,0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the proiect. 12, The LOR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies, This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. 13, Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses. 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of O,125gpd/ sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: NONE / POLICE Comments: NONE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16, Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size 17, Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size 18, Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their comoliance with access reCluirements within the code 19. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. MWR/sc S:\PlannlngISHAREDlWPlPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslMPMD oa-Q0211ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Development of Re2ional Impact Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 Reference: I "review plans identified as a Development of Relrional Impact with a November 12.2003 Plannine d Z . D artm t dat t k:i an omnl! Jena en e s amn mar Ol!. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2, Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be bv protected left turn lane( s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways, Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service, 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane, Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard, If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8, Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will require abandonment for review and approval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3,0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adjacent to the project. 12. The LOR, Chapter 3. Article IV, Section 3.P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses 14, The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0,255 gpd/ sq, ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq. ft., but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care. which a totally different category and use factor, Once again. more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitnde would require the applicant to fund a re-stndy of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size, Include the amount of vested trios for the DR! in a note on the olan, 18. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed chanl!e. 19. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change, 20. Project must address school concurrency, Submit a school concurrency annlication to Palm Beach County School Board for aooroval 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) 5.c, the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWR/sc S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRenaissance CommonslORIA 03-001\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Development of Rel!ional Impact Project name: Renaissance Commons File number: DRIA 03-001 Reference: I "review plans identified as a Development of Relrional Impact with a November 12, 2003 Planning dZ . D d ki an omng Jeoartment ate stamp mar nu, DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2, Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division. 3. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gatewav) shall be bvprotected left turn lane(s). 4. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DR! site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 5. Although the County has opined that the revised DR! will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways, Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the imorovements necessary to support the level of service. 6. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. 7. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast comer of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane, Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional traffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01109/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 8. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 9. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will reQuire abandonment for review and annroval. 10. Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.T. UTILITIES Comments: II. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adiacent to the proiect. 12. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3,P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate al!encies, This statement is lackinl! on the submitted plans. 13. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide snecific iustification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses 14. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq. ft, which is higher than our nonnal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq, ft" but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 15. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.0 I dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change. A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re-study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/09/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 17. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. fuclude the amount of vested trins for the DRI in a note on the plan. 18. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed change. 19. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change. 20. Project must address school concurrency. Submit a school concurrency annlication to Palm Beach County School Board for approval 21. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) 5.c, the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation, This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWRlsc S:IPlanningISHAREOIWPIPROJECTSlRenaissance CommonslDRIA 03-001\1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc TO: Page 1 of 1 Coale, Sherie From: Breese, Ed Sent: Monday, January 05,20042:46 PM To: Coale, Sherie Subject: COMMENTS re: Renaissance Commons DRIA PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: Sherie Coale, Senior Office Assistant FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner DATE: December 30, 2003 SUBJECT: Renaissance Commons (DRIA 03-001) Please include the following comments in the TRC review of the above-mentioned project: 1. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 2. Provide the master plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size, Include the amount of vested trips for the DRI in a note on the plan. 3. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed change. 4. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands as a result of the proposed change. 5, Project must address school concurrency. Submit a school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for approval. 6. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) 5.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation, This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. 1/812004 ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 04-001 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning RE: Review Comments Renaissance Commons DRI Master Plan - 1st Review File No, DRIA 03-001 and MPMD 03-002 FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer DATE: January 6, 2004 The above referenced Site Plans, received on December 23, 2003, were reviewed against the Master Plan requirements. Following are our comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LOR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS - GENERAL 1. City Ordinance (CODE, Chapter 10) requires that arrangements be made with the Public Works Department for waste disposal and site access associated with this site plan. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC 2. Show off-site roadway improvements as requested by Palm Beach County Department of Engineering & Public Works - Traffic Division, 3, The provided Traffic Study does not contain all the referenced attachments. Please provide a full copy of the Traffic Study. 4. At a minimum, all left turn access from arterial roadways (i.e, Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected left turn lane(s), 5. At a minimum, all right turn access to the DRI site from arterial roadways (i.e. Congress and Gateway) shall be by protected right turn deceleration lanes. All necessary dedication of rights of way to provide the right turn lanes shall be provided at the time of plat submittal. 6, Although the County has opined that the revised DRI will generate less traffic than originally approved in 1979, it is the responsibility of the developer to maintain acceptable levels of service at all access points to the arterial roadways. Therefore, the developer will be required to show proposed levels of service at the access intersections and illustrate the improvements necessary to support the level of service. 7. The developer shall provide a traffic analysis of the northerly driveway on Congress to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If a signal is warranted and subsequently approved by Palm Beach County, then the developer shall be required to post a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate of the signal's cost prior to the issuance of any new building permits. Oef>artment of Public Works, Engineering Division Memo No, 04-001 Renaissance Commons DRI, Master Plan - 1st Review January 6, 2004 Page 2 8. The developer shall dedicate additional right of way on the southeast corner of Congress and Gateway to provide for a future second right turn lane, Furthermore, the developer's engineer shall evaluate right of way conditions along Gateway Boulevard to determine if additional right of way would be necessary to add an additional lraffic lane on Gateway Boulevard. If necessary, the developer shall dedicate the amount of right of way necessary to support a third eastbound travel lane, and the required deceleration lanes, at the time of plat submittal. ENGINEERING 9. Provide a sealed survey, not older than six (6) months, providing the content required in the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.A-R. 10. Provide a list of any easements within the project(s), including legal descriptions, that will require abandonment for review and approval. 11, Provide a master storm water management plan in accordance with the LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3,T. UTILITIES 12. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.0 requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adjacent to the project. 13, The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3,P requires a statement to be included that other support utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans, 14. Justify the water and sewer values used in the conversion matrix. Those numbers should relate to what actually has been purchased to date. Provide specific justification for the high values applied to office and industrial uses. 15. The proposed usage rate for commercial equals 0.255 gpd/ sq, ft. which is higher than our normal "retail" rate of 0.125gpd/ sq, ft" but too low for development with a high percentage of restaurants, and should not include day care, which a totally different category and use factor. Once again, more justification is needed. 16. Based upon the applicant's conversion matrix (which we do not accept), the site exhibits an increase from the current use of 2161.66 dwelling units (equivalent) to 3281.01 dwelling units (equivalent) with the proposed change, A change of this magnitude would require the applicant to fund a re- study of the Utilities Master Plan for water and wastewater in the affected area. LUck Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Peter V, Mazzella. Deputy Utility Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Renaissance Commons DRI, Master Plan 1st Review.doc PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: Sherie Coale, Senior Office Assistant FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner DATE: December 30, 2003 SUBJECT: Renaissance Commons (MPMD 03-002) Please include the following comments in the TRC reVIew of the above-mentioned project: I. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 2. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 3. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with City code. Also show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance with access requirements within the code. 4. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. ~. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO, 03-284 TO: Ed Breese Principal Planner FROM: Timothy K. Large ~ TRC Member/Building DiV~ DATE: December 29,2003 SUBJECT: Project - Renaissance Commons DRI File No. - DRIA 03-001 MPMD 03-002 The Building Division has no issues with this master plan modification. TKL:bf S:\Deve/opmentIBui/dingl TRC\ TRC 2003\Renaissane Commons DR/-NOPC 03-0ot Page 1 of 1 TRC Memorandum Page I ofl / Coale, Sherie From: Hallahan, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 12:10 PM To: Breese, Ed Cc: Coale, Sherie Subject: Renaissance Commons DRI- MPMD 03-002 Planning Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist To: Ed Breese, Principal Planner From: Kevin 1. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist Subject: Renaissance Commons DRI Development of Regional Impact / NOPC 03-001 Master Plan Modification - I5t Review DRIA 03-001 MPMD 03-002 Date: January 6, 2004 I do not have any comments on the proposed master plan modification. Kjh File 1/6/2004 / CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Fire and Life Safety Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS For review of: DRIA 03-001 MPMD 03-002 1st review Reviewed by: Renaissance Commons 1500 W, Gateway Blvd, ~ Rodqer Kemmer, Fire Protection Enqineer Project Name and Address: Department: Fire and Life Safety Phone: (561) 742-6753 Comments to: Sherie Coale by email on 12/31/03 Code Requirements No comments regarding proposed changes. cc: Steve Gale Bob Borden Ch Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Michael W. Rumpf DATE: Dir. of Planning & Zoning 1/8/04 FILE: DRIA 03-001 MPMD 03-002 FROM: Off. John Huntington Police Department CPTED Practitioner SUBJECT: REFERENCES: Renaissance Commons D.Jli Site Plan ENCLOSURES: I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments: No Comments Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Wildner, John Thursday, January 08, 2004 4: 1 0 PM Coale, Sherie RE: Renaissance Commons DRIA & MPMD Comments previously submitted should remain in effect. John -----Original Message----- From: Coale, Sherie Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 3:15 PM To: Huntington, John; Wildner, John Subject: Renaissance Commons DRIA & MPMD I am looking for comments, if any, for the above plan. I realize that you may have none but would you please let me know by email or phone. Thanks Sherie 1