Chair and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board and
Mayor and City Commission
Dick Hudson, AICP ~
Senior Planner
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
August 22, 2005
Arches Addition/LUAR 05-008
Amend the future land use designation from Mixed Use (MX) to
Mixed Use-Core (MX-C) and rezone from CBD Central Business
District to MU-H Mixed Use-High Intensity
Property Owner:
Parcel Size:
Existing Land Use:
Existing Zoning:
Proposed Land Use:
Proposed Zoning:
Proposed Use:
Boynton Venture I, LLC
Boynton Venture I, LLC/Bonnie Miskel & Kim Glas-Castro of Ruden
Southeast corner of the intersection of Ocean Avenue and SE 4th
Street (Exhibit "A")
0.58 acre
Mixed Use (MX) - 40 units per acre maximum
CBD Central Business District
Mixed Use Core (MX-C) - 80 units per acre maximum
MU-H Mixed Use-High Intensity
Addition to approved mixed use development to include a total of
378 residential units and 38,599 sq. ft. of commercial space on a
property totaling i5.05 acres
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File Number: LUAR 05-008
Arches Addition
Adjacent Uses:
Right-of-way of Ocean Avenue then property owned by the City of
Boynton Beach (Veterans Park) designated Mixed Use (MX) and
zoned CBD Central Business District
Property owned by the applicant designated Mixed Use Core (MX-
C) and zoned MU-H Mixed Use-High Intensity and approved for
Property owned by the applicant designated Mixed Use Core (MX-
C) and zoned MU-H Mixed Use-High Intensity and approved for
Right-of-way of SE 4th Street then property owned by the City of
Boynton Beach (parking lot) designated Mixed Use (MX) and
zoned CBD Central Business District
Staff recommends approval of the requested land use amendment and rezoning for the
following reasons:
1. The addition of this property will provide the applicant with a redevelopment project
encompassing two entire city blocks, serving to make a more complete project;
2. The requested land use amendment and rezoning are consistent with applicable
Comprehensive Plan policies and the Federal Hiahwav Corridor Communitv
Redevelooment Plan.
The parcels, which are the subject of this land use amendment, total 0.58 acre. Because of the
size of the property under consideration, the Florida Department of Community Affairs classifies
this amendment as a "small scale" amendment. A "small-scale" amendment is adopted prior to
forwarding to the Florida Department of Community Affairs and is not reviewed for compliance
with the state; regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption.
The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in the
Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C.
Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff
analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future
Land Use Map.
a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive
plan policies including but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in
dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written
approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the City's risk
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Arches Addition
manager. The planning department shall also recommend limitations or
requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the
property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan.
The property is not located in the hurricane evacuation zone; therefore the prohibition cited
does not apply. Other relevant Comprehensive Plan policies as well as directions contained
within the Federal Hiahwav Corridor Community Redevelooment Plan, which are adopted by
reference in the Comprehensive Plan, are discussed below:
Policy 1.16.1 of the Land Use Element contains the definition of the Mixed Use Core designation
and reads:
"This land use category shall consist of all Mixed Use High Intensity zoning
districts and/or any zoning district(s) which may be established subsequent to
the adoption of the Plan provided that all of the above-mentioned zoning districts
are shown on the Future Land Use Map within the Mixed Use-Core land use
The uses allowed in this land use category shall be limited to, but shall not
necessarily include the following:
Business, professional, and administrative offices; retail uses, personal services,
day-care services, business services which are compatible with retail uses;
entertainment, recreation facilities, amusements, attractions, and exposition
halls; hotels and residential uses with a gross density up to 80 dwelling units per
acre; places of worship; governmental uses; home occupations. . .
A Floor Area Ratio (FAR) up to 4.0 may be considered for all uses, exclusive of
parking structures, throughout the Mixed Use Core land use category. . .
All land development located in the Mixed Use-Core category shall be required to
submit a plan that includes a single unified design for the project, and shall
conform to any adopted design plan(s) for the area covered by the category. "
The Mixed Use-Core land use designation and the Mixed Use-High Intensity zoning district were
adopted in response to directions in the "Federal Hiahwav Corridor Community Redevelooment
Plan"and are consistent with the recommendations of that study. While the land area currently
designated for this use is relatively small, it has been the City's intent to expand the area on a
project-by-project basis in order to review land use compatibilities and control the potential
impacts to the City's service delivery systems until adequate capacity exists concurrent with
demand. The original Arches plan, approved on June 17, 2003, was the second redevelopment
project approved following the addition of this language to the Comprehensive Plan. The
addition of these small parcels to the original project provides a much more cohesive area for
planning, and at the same time gives development potential that neither of the additional
properties, because of their small size, would have separately.
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b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use
pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby
districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property
owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare.
The proposed rezoning would not create an isolated district but would relate to other properties
in the downtown area that are currently or will be a part of the revitalization of the area and
particularly to the other properties, under the same ownership, that make up the two blocks
lying between Ocean Avenue and SE 2nd Avenue that will be part of the same development.
c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable;
The addition of the two mixed use land use designations, Mixed Use and Mixed Use-Core, and
the accompanying Mixed Use/Low-Intensity and Mixed Use/High-Intensity zoning districts have
provided greater options for development and redevelopment in the downtown area than was
possible with the CBD Central Business District zoning. The flexibility includes additional
density, building height, and setback requirements. Furthermore, this rezoning and the
resulting development would move the city a step closer to realization of its expressed vision of
an urban downtown environment.
d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and
other public facilities.
Since approval of the original site plan for the Arches, the City adopted, concurrently with Palm
Beach County, a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA> for a portion of the CRA
area that includes this property. This adoption basically allows collective projects below a
certain level of maximum density and intensity to be approved without being subjected to the
Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance.
The City's Utilities Department estimates water and sewer demands will be 125,000 gallons per
day for the entire project. Capacity is available; however, no capacity reservations have been
made for any part of the project.
With respect to solid waste, the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that
adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the 10-year
planning period.
The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has determined that
adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population.
Review comments by the Police and Fire Departments are pending and will be presented by
staff if available at the time of the City Commission hearing.
Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of the application for site
plan approval, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting
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e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future
use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of
adjacent or nearby properties.
The requested actions will give the subject property the same land use designation and zoning
as the other properties within the Arches project. It is the City's intention that other adjacent
and nearby properties will request similar actions over time as future redevelopment projects
are contemplated.
f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing
The properties could redevelop under the existing zoning; however, because of the small size of
each, it will be difficult for them to meet development requirements and provide adequate
space for economically viable projects.
g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the
needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole.
Criteria for evaluating the benefits of the proposed development to the needs of the
neighborhood and the City include service demands, density, use, value and consistency with
Comprehensive Plan policies. As indicated above the project is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan,
capacity exists to meet the service needs generated by the proposed project, and it will serve to
provide an economic contribution to both the neighborhood and the City.
h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in
districts where such use is already allowed.
As stated above, while the land area currently designated for this use is relatively small, it is the
City's intent to expand the area on a project-by-project basis; therefore no sites exist with the
MX-C land use and MU-H Mixed Use High zoning, except in approved redevelopment projects.
As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the
Federal Hiahwav Corridor Community Redevelooment Plan; will not create additional impacts on
infrastructure that have not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible
with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City.
Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. If the Community
Redevelopment Agency Board or the City Commission recommends conditions, they will be
included as Exhibit "B".
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Arches Addition
LUAR 05-008
Exhibit A
150 Feet A