REVIEW COMMENTS "- MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. -"' 420 W. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.. STE. 201 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 PHONE . 561/736-8838 FAX.561/736-8079 July 21. 2006 rn DW~rnl Jl2.311 ~ Kathleen Zeitler CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 i'l.t. j,~; PlANNING AND lINING DfI'T RE: Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 & WAR 06-020 Dear Kathy: Attached is a response to your comments dated June 28, 2006 pertaining to the above referenced applications. Should you need any additional information. please contact me or Ailish Quilter. Sincerely. M'"'' LA"" P"'"t:::-'""''' ,"c. Bradley D. Mill r. AICP President cc: Doug Peters George Brewer M:\M l P C\PROJECTS\Boynfon Bagels\Kathleen Zeitler 072106.wpd The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DlVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561.742-6259 ,(CO 00 JUL 21 am 00 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT VWIW .boynton-beach.org June 28, 2006 Bradley Miller Miller Land Planning Consultants 420 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Boynton Bagels, ANEX 06-007 and LUAR 06-020 (RESPONSES) Dear Bradley: Staff has conducted an in-depth review of documents submitted for the above-referenced project and has found the following deficiencies specific to the Annexation and Land Use Amendment/Rezoning applications: ANEX 06-007 1. Provide a project location in addition to PeN (as required per page 1 of annexation application). A LOCATION MAP IS ATTACHED AS REQUESTED. 2. The survey needs to be revised by the surveyor to include (at end of legal description) a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre (per page 2, Lb. of annexation application). THE UPDATED SURVEY SHOWING SQUARE FOOTAGE/ACREAGE IS PROVIDED. 3. Revise Affidavit to include a legal description of subject property (page 4, #1. of annexation application). REVISED AFFADAVIT AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS PROVIDED. 4. Revise attachment of legal description to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITH AREA IS PROVIDED. 5. Revise legal description on diskette to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. A CD WITH LEGAL DESCRIPTION FILE IS PROVIDED. 6. Provide the legal description on a diskette that has been formatted to WORD document. When diskette submitted was inserted, a message "is not recognized, may not be formatted" was displayed. A CD WITH LEGAL DESCRIPTION FILE IS PROVIDED. 7. Revise Project Description and JustifICation Statement submitted to address or clarify the Page 2 Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 I LUAR 06-020 following: REVISED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT ADDRESSING THE FOLLOWING IS PROVIDED. Under Project Description: a. Give general location (N Federal Highway could be at north end of city too) such as east side of Federal Highway, south of Turner Road in the vicinity of Trade Winds Estates, near the southeast City limits. b. Annexation parcel is Identified as property, and next sentence states property is improved with a builcling and paved parking. Clarify that subject property to be annexed is paved parking area for the adjacent business located at 3377 N. Federal Hwy. c. States that the property will be utilized for a restaurant or permitted uses. Provide more information as to the intended use( s) of the property. Site plan submitted is for take-out restaurant only (convert existing nonconforming building from retail to restaurant and add covered outdoor seating) which is a permitted use in C-3. Are there any other uses proposed? d. This would be a good place to include more details about the project such as phasing, proposed improvements such as landscaping that will result in less nonconformity of the site, details of proposed bagel business, etc. Under Annexation: a. State that subject property is in City's annexation area and is a VOluntary annexation. b. Clarify that the contiguous property to the north that is in the City is the adjacent business located at 3377 N. Federal Hwy. which has LRC land use and is zoned C-3, and that both parcels are under the same ownership and will be used as one parcel for the proposed bagel restaurant. Under Land Use & Zoning: a. Explain what the County CHIS means. Point out that the requested LRC Is not the most Intensive commercial land use in the City (CH is comparable to City's GC). b. Point out that the requested C-3 is not the most intensive commercial zoning district in the City (CG is comparable to City's C-4). c. Point out that requested land use and zoning is same as adjacent parcel in the City. Under Application Justification: a. The criteria for land use amendment and rezoning shoulcl be separate, as this is the annexation application not the LUAR application. b. The annexation application requires a justification that explains why this annexation Page 2 Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 / LUAR 06-020 will be beneficial to Boynton Beach. LUAR 06-020 1. The survey needs to be revised by the surveyor to indude (at end of legal description) a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre (per page 2, Lb. of annexation application). THE UPDATED SURVEY SHOWING SQUARE FOOTAGE/ACREAGE IS PROVIDED. 2. Label attachment of legal description as Attachment "A" to be consistent with Applicant's Ownership Affidavit and Agent's Consent form. REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITH ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE AND LABELED ATTACHED "Au IS PROVIDED. 3. Revise attachment of legal description to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITH ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE AND LABELED ATTACHED "A" IS PROVIDED. 4. Revise legal description on diskette to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. A CD WITH LEGAL DESCRIPTION FILE IS PROVIDED. S. Provide the legal description on a diskette that has been formatted to WORD cIocument. When diskette submitted was inserted, a message "is not recognized, may not be formatted" was displayed. A CD WITH LEGAL DESCRIPTION FILE IS PROVIDED. 6. The LUAR application (page 3, l1.g.) requests a justification of the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. Revise Project Description and Justification Statement as stated in review comments for Annexation application. SEE REVISED JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING 1-6. a. Further address the following criteria for land use amendment and rezoning: 1. Describe how the requested land use and zoning are consistent with the City's comprehensive plan policies for this area. 2. Describe the adjacent or nearby uses and zoning districts in addition to stating they have the same or similar land use and zoning. Provide more detail of how the proposed land use and zoning are comparable to the current County designations. 3. Describe what smaller commercial uses exist in the immediate area of the subject property and what changing conditions pertain to the area. 4. Point out that requested land use and zoning is same as adjacent parcel in the City. Provide details in writing that explain the impact table for roadways, water, sewer, and other services. Page 2 Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 / LUAR 06-020 5. Garity statement that buffering will be provided on all sides of both phases, as the project is only one phase. 6. Address if the property is actually developable under the existing land use and zoning, since it is a paved parking lot that is needed for parking for the adjacent business in the City. Point out that annexation will bring the entire business and site under one jurisdiction. 7. What are the proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with adjacent single-family residential uses? Provide a list of nuisances and how they will be mitigated (i.e. hours of operation, loading area location, mechanical equipment, screening and buffering, and improved architectural style of building. THIS COMMENT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE SITE PLAN APPLICATION. CONDmONS TO ADDRESS COMPATIBILITY CANNOT BE APPLIED TO LAND USE OR ZONING. 8. Submit traffic statement/details for the proposed use to P&Z for the file, and provide same to PBC Traffic (Attn Masoud Atefi) for their review. Although exempt from concurrency, we require a letter from PBC Traffic stating such. A REQUEST HAS BEEN MADE TO MIKE RUMPF, PLANNING AND ZONING DIRECTOR ON HOW TO ADDRESS THIS COMMENT CONSIDERING THE LATERAL CHANGE IN LAND USE AND ZONING FROM COUN1Y TO CITY. WE BELIEVE THAT THERE IS NO IMPACT DUE TO THE EQUIVALENT ALLOWED DEVELOPMENT AND THEREFORE THE REQUEST STATEMENT AND COUNTY LETTER IS NOT NECESSARY. HOWEVER, A COPY OF THE TRAFFIC STATEMENT BEING SUBMITTED WITH THE sm PLAN APPLICATION IS ATTACHED FOR YOUR REFERENCE. Please direct any questions or response you may have to me at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, Kathleen Zeitler Planner S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Bagels\LUAR\1sl Comments Letter.doc APPLICATION ACCETABLE DATE: RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER: FEE PAID: RECEIPT NUMBER: HAS APPLICANT ATTENDED A PRE-APPLICATION MEETING? YES DATE: MAY 25, 2006 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD rn 4' 2_. rn CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION PLANNING IN: ZON1NG ~lPl_.___ This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed In Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Division. Incomplete applications will not be processed. PLEASE PRINT LEGISL Y OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: PETERS 3377 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY 2. Type of Application (check one) X a. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning b. Land Use Amendment Only c. Rezoning only 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Division) 4. Applicants Name (person or Business entity in whose name this application is made) PETERS 3377 N FED HIGHWAY. LLC - DOUGLAS PETERS, MGMR Address: 6023 LE LAC ROAD BOCA RATON. FL 33496 (Zip Code) Phone: (561) 988-9619 FAX: 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS. INC. c/o BRADLEY D. MILLER. AICF Address: 420 W. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., SUITE 201 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 (561) 736-8838 (Zip Code) FAX: (561) 736-8079 Phone: 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: PETERS 3377 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, LLC Address: 6023 LE LAC ROAD BOCA RATON. FL 33496 (Zip Code) Phone: (561) 988-9619 FAX: 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)' AGENT'S ADDRESS 'This is the only address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) OWNER 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: PARCEL IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF 3377 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY PCN (s) 00-43-46-04-12-000-0080 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel (please also provide on disk in ''Word" format): SEE ATTACHMENT "A" 11, Area of Subject Parcel (to nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre: .09 ACRE 12. Current Land Use Category: CH-5 (COUNTY) 13: Proposed Land Use Category: LRC 14. Current Zoning District: CG (COUNTY) 15. Proposed Zoning District: C-3 16 Intended use of subject parcel: RESTAURANT 17. Developer or builder: PETERS 3377 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY. LLC 18. Architect: GEORGE BREWER . I. City Codes Accessed Via Website: www.bovnton-beach.ora www.amleaal.com/bovntonbeachfl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? YES , Date: MAY 25. 2006 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. ~ copies of application required.) PROJECT NAME: PETERS 3377 N, FEDERAL HIGHWAY AGENT'S NAME: BRADLEY D MILLER. AICF ADDRESS: MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 420 W. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.. STE. 201 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 OWNER'S NAME PETERS 3377 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY, LLC - DOUGLAS PETERS. MGMR. (Or Trustee's) ADDRESS: 6023 LE LAC ROAD BOCA RATON. FL 33496 PROJECT LOCATION: N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH, FL I 00-43-46-04.12-000-0080 AND PCN NUMBER iliQ1legal description) 'CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: AGENT'S ADDRESS (If different than agent Or owner) -This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. 00 .J2'tm PlANNING AND ZONING OEPT GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: PETERS 3377 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY. LLC Area of Subject Property: 4.175 Sq.Ft. or Acres: .0958 ac, Estimated Present Population: NIA Existing Future land Use: CH-5 (COUNTY) Proposed Future land Use: LRC Existing Zoning: CG (COUNTY) Proposed Zoning: C-3 Density Allowed: Density Allowed: d.u.'s d.u.'s EXISTING UTILITIES: Water. BOYNTON BEACH Wastewater Collection: BOYNTON BEACH Solid Waste (gartJage): BOYNTON BEACH STATEMENT OF USE EXISTING USE: PAVED PARKING AREA FOR ADJACENT COMMERCIAL BUILDING PROPOSED USE: PARKING FOR PROPOSED RESTAURANT IN ADJACENT BUILDING, JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach. Florida: SEE ATTACHED. EXACT lEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SEE ATTACHMENT "A", ,Jui 13 06 10:17a ML" , 56' 736-8079 p.2 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } Before me, me undersigned aulhorily personally.appeaned DOUGLAS PETERS . who being by me first dUly sworn, on oath d_S and says: I SS 1. That he is the lee simple owner of the IoIIowing descrilled pmperty. to wft: (Give legal desaiplion) SEE ATTACHMENT"N (SIGNATURE Aftianl (attaCh en _nat page IIInSUlllclent space) 2. ThaI he desires annexation to Boynton Beacll, Florida. 3. ThaI he has appointed BRADLEY D. MILLER AICF to ael as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. FL-'t>w.e. IIID /{) My Commission Expires: -...-...11I......... .... .--- " . --..., 1. 2OfO .... II ' DO 547415 ,..., !l*r AIM. 2 \""..1' MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTAN fo)~ ~n~~ lUU W". ~ 420 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard Suite #20 I Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 , J PLANNING ANO ZONING OEP1 c. PHONE . 561/736-8838 FAX . 561/736-8079 PETERS 3377 N. FEDERAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Original: Revisions: June 7.2006 July 21. 2006 Annexation, Land Use Amendment & Rezoning Project Description & Justification Statement ANEX 06-007 & LUAR 06-020 Proiect Description This application pertains to a .0958 acre/4, 175 sq. ft. parcel located on the east side ot Federal Highway, near the southern limits ot the City, approximately 175 teet south of Turner Road. The property is identified under Property Control Number (PCN) The property is paved and has historically been used as a parking area for the adjacent property to the north. The property abuts the Trade Winds Estates to the east and a retail business to the south. Across Federal Highway to the west is the proposed and approved Gulfstream Gardens project. The intent of the applicant is to annex the property, apply the corresponding LRC land use and C-3 zoning so the parcel can be used in conjunction with the parcel immediately to the north which is already within the jurisdiction of the City and under the same ownership. The parcel to the north contains a building that has historically been used for retail purposes. The Site Plan being prepared and processed under a separate application and agent will join these two parcels and specity the use and site design consistent with the proposed LRC land use and C-3 zoning. Annexation - Application Description This application is to request voluntary annexation of a property located in the future annexation area of the City of Boynton Beach. The contiguous property to the north is already under the jurisdiction of the City of Boynton Beach, has common ownership to the subject property and is identified as PCN with a business address of 3377 N. Federal Highway. It is the intent of the applicant for the subject parcel and the parcel to the north to be used as one parcel. Annexation - Application Justification As indicated, this application is for voluntary annexation into the City. The property has historically been used in conjunction with the parcel to the north and is intended to continue being used in conjunction with the parcel to the north. These properties are currently not being used. are in need of improvement and are too small to be used independently. Annexation, along with the corresponding land use amendment and rezoning. will ollow the two parcels to be designed and used as one under the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach. In addition, the City currently provides services to these properties, theretore the annexation will allow City taxes to apply accordingly. Therefore, the City will benefit from this annexation by allowing consistent land use and zoning so that the two parcels can be redeveloped and used appropriately. PETERS 3377 N. Federal Hi~ay Annexation, Land Use and Zoning Project Description & Justification Page 2 Rev. 07.21.06 Land Use & Zonina - Application Description The present County land use is CH/5 (Commercial High with an underlying residential density of 5 units per acre). The corresponding City land use is also CH, Commercial High, which is more intensive than the proposed land use of Local Retail Commercial (LRC). The present County zoning is CG (General Commercial). The corresponding City zoning is C-4. however the request is for C-3 zoning. The requested LRC land use and C-3 zoning is consistent with the adjacent property to the north and will permit general retail uses and the desired restaurant. A site plan application is being prepared and submitted by others to show the specific proposed development. Land Use & Zonina - Application Justification The following outlines the eight (8) criteria, required by item Il.g of the application, that need to be addressed in consideration ot this request for the land use amendment and rezoning: 1.) Whether the proposed land use amendment/rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies. The division shall also recommend limitations or requirements that would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan. The land use amendment/rezoning will be consistent with, but less intensive than the current County designations but allow for development under the policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Most speCifically an on point is policy l.r. of the Land Use Problems ond Opportunities Support Document which states the following: . The City should proceed with the annexation of the commercial properties that front on U.S. 1. If annexation does occur in fhis area, fhose parcels lying along U.S. I which are currently zoned commercial in the Counfy should be placed in fhe Local Refail Commercial land use category and the C-3 zoning district. . 2.) Whether the proposed land use amendment/rezoning would be confrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts or would constitute a grant of special privifege fa an individual property owner as confrasted wifh the protection of the public welfare. The land use amendment/rezoning will not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts and will not grant a special privilege to an individual property owner. The property has historically been used for commercial retail uses under the County's CH land use and CG zoning. The present County land use and zoning are more intensive than the proposed LRC land use and C-3 zoning. The property to the north is under the jurisdiction of the City of Boynton Beach and has a land use of LRC and zoning of C-3 - same as the proposed subject site. The property to the south is under the jurisdiction of Palm Beach County and has the same CH land use and CG zoning that is presently in place for the subject property. The property to fhe east is single family residenfial underfhe jurisdiction of Palm Beach County. The proposed land use and zoning for fhe subject sife will not create any additional impacts with the property planning and design of the Site Plan and permitting under City regulations. PETERS 3377 N. Federal HI~ay Annexation, Land Use and Zoning Project Description & Justification Page 3 Rev. 07.21.06 3.) Whefher changed or changing conditions make the proposed land use amendment/rezoning desirable. This immediate portion ot Federal Highway has been historically used for smaller retail commercial business, such as used furniture, pottery, lighting stores, etc.. More recently there has been a trend to assemble and redevelop the properties with multi-family residentiol communities. Given the si2e and configuration of this property, it is not suitable for assemblage for residential development. The subject site was historically used for retail commercial uses. The land use amendment/rezoning will allow the site to be redeveloped in conjunction with the adjacent parcel to the north under the applicable City regulations rather than having to address both County and City regulations. 4.) Whether the proposed land use amendment/rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways and other public facilities. The proposed land use amendment/rezoning will establish City designations, consistent with the adjacent parcel to the north and as required with the annexation. These designations are comparable to the current County designations and will not create any additional impacts to the existing utility systems, roadway capacity or other public facilities. Attached is a narrative and table that summarizes the comparison of impacts of the proposed land use amendment of the subject property. Although this summary is based on the maximum potential of development according to the existing and proposed land use, the development potential of the site is limited due to its size and configuration. Therefore. although this summary appropriately addresses the comparison of impacts, the actual impacts are anticipated to be far less than the indicated maximums and need to be considered at time of review of the Site Plan application for the specific development. 5.) Whether the proposed land use amendment/rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties or would aftect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties. As indicated previously, the intent of this application is to annex and establish the land use and zoning for fhis subjecf parcel to be the same as the contiguous property to the north. Upon annexation, land use and zoning approval, the subject property can be planned and joined with the parcel to the north. A development plan that provides the specific design and use of these properties will be submitted and processed under a separate application. However, with proper planning and buffers along the entire perimeter of the project, the proposed development plan must show how it will be compatible with the surrounding uses. 6.) Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing land use designation/zoning. Although the property may be physically and economically developable under the existing designations however, as stated throughout, the intent of this application is to annex and establish the land use and zoning for this subject parcel to be the same as the contiguous property to the north so it can be redeveloped as one parcel under one jurisdiction - the City of Boynton Beach. , Page 4 7.) Whether the proposed land use amendment/rezoning is of 0 scale that is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. As indicated in 3 above, this site is limited in size which makes it ideal for the proposed retail commercial use to support the recent trend and growth of surrounding residential development. The parcel is better used in conjunction with the adjacent parcel to the north under the same land use and zoning regulations. 8.1 Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The purpose of this land use amendment/rezoning is to apply City designations in conjunction with annexation. Therefore, the criteria does not apply. Comparison of Impacts As requested by the application. attached is a comparison of impacts created by the development under the current County and proposed City designations. The traffic impact statement submitted is based on net traffic impacts of actual proposed use. The impacts ore less than 500 trips per day, which by item Il.h.5 of the application does not trigger the requirement for the statement. Water and sewer comparisons hove not been calculated based on service already provided to the site plus the property is less than I acre. Proposed Timine and Phasinq Redevelopment of this parcel will be in one phase and is intended to begin immediately upon City approvals and issuance of required permits. Conclusion The purpose of this application is to apply the appropriate City land use and zoning designation in conjunction with the voluntary annexation. The proposed development is consistent with the development potters in the area and will provide the City with additional tax base for property that is already being served by City of Boynton Beach public facilities. M:\M L P C\PROJECTS\Boynton Bagels\justification statement 072106.wpd ~ JUt. 2. , 21l!lB ~ 420 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard ~ Suite #201 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 , MILLER LAND PLANNING PLANNING AND ZONING DEPl CONSULTANTS; INC. ffi @ ffi G W ~ J PHONE . 561/736-8838 FAX . 561/736-8079 PETERS 3377 N. FEDERAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ANEX 06-007 & LUAR 06-020 Original: Revisions: June 7,2006 July 21. 2006 Annexation, Land Use Amendment & Rezoning Comparison of Impacts Current (County) Prooosed (Cilvl Difference Acres/SF .0958/4.175 .0958/4,175 None Future Land Use CH/5 LRC None The County land use of CH/5 is considered to be more intensive than the City designation ot LRC. The corresponding City designation is also CH, however according to the Policy I.r. of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Supporting Document. the proposed LRC is to be applied to properties fronting U.S. 1 when annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. Zoning CG C-3 None The County zoning ot CG is considered to be more intensive than the City designation of C-3. The corresponding City designation is C-4, however according to the Policy l.r. ot the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Supporting Document, the proposed C-3 is to be applied to properties fronting U.S. 1 when annexed into the City ot Boynton Beach. Max. Development 1.460 sf @ .35 FAR 1.669 sf @ .40 Building +209 sf Potential Coverage Although the City's C-3 zoning allows for a greater FAR than the County's CG zoning, the increase in building area in insignificant due to the physical constraints, si2e and configuration of the subject property. The intent ot this application is to annex the property and apply the appropriate land use and zoning, same as the contiguous property to the north, so they can be redeveloped as one parcel. " ' Although the City's C-3 zoning allows for a greater FAR than the County's CG zoning. the increase in building area in insignificant due to the physical constraints, size and configuration of the subject property. The intent of this application is to annex the property and apply the appropriate land use and zoning. same as the contiguous property to the north, so they can be redeveloped as one parcel. Impacts Traffic I .460 sf x I 55.09/ 1.669 sf x 155.09/ +32tpd tpd/1.000 sf = 226 tpd tpd/1.000 sf = 258 tpd Roadway impacts are shown by calculating the maximum building area times the daily rate applied to this type and size of development by Palm Beach County. The calculations above show that the daily traffic impacts are below 500 trips per day (tpd) under both the County and City designations. The only reason for the increase in trips is due to the higher FAR allowed in the City as addressed above. As indicated in the application for land use amendments/rezoning Ill.h.5), a traffic statement is only required if the proposed development exceeds a net increase of more than 500 daily trips. The proposed land use amendment/rezoning is an equivalent impact on traffic impacts and will not have an adverse effect. A copy of the traffic statement being submitted by others with the Site Plan application is attached for your reference. You will see that the calculations are comparable. In regard to tuming movements. there is an existing driveway cut into the subject property. For the purpose of this application, it is assumed that the redevelopment of the site will utilize the existing driveway. Tuming movements will be equivalent when compared between County and City criteria. Water Provided by existing Provided by existing None City service - Parcel City service - Parcel is less than I acre. is less than I acre. Sewer Provided by existing Provided by existing None City service - Parcel City service - Parcel is less than I acre. is less than I acre. Police/Fire Provided by Boynton Provided by Boynton None Beach Beach Water. sewer, police and fire service is already provided to the subject property by the City of Boynton Beach. therefore there is no change or impact on these services. Libraries N/A N/A - Location Map ... - Gary R. Nikolits,CFA Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Mapping System Search Parcel Details Owner Information peN: 0043460412000008O Retum to PAPA PETERS 3377 N FED Name: HIGHWAY LLC Location: N FEDERAL HWY Mai ling: 6023 LE LAC RD BOCA RATON FL 33496 2316 2005 Preliminary Assessment Market Value: $50,100 Assessed Value: $50,100 Exempt Amnt: $0 Taxable: $50,100 2005 Estimated Tax Ad Valorem: Non ad valorem: Total: Sales Information Sales Date Oct-200S Oct-I997 Price $350, . Palm Beach County Property Map MapScak 11112 Legend D Parcel 80tndaty I 0120 II n/ nnnf...- -r..L"lp pcudu~",d un 7 20 2006 from PAPA bttp: ",\" .pbcgo,".com papa http,//gisweb.co, palm-beach. fl. us/ipapagis/presentationlmapping/printnew.asp?MAPURL =., 7/20/2006 Location MCY" , .. - Gary R. Nikolits,CF A Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Mapping System ! ! --- _"11,' ~J 0032-t .' " 0012 - mo. OS71 ,Ii 0011 <>>4' .,0:\ i . i osoo 002<> , ..... -i 003' """" .,"'*, ., 060' ..." ""'" 0S2i> 410170 .... '""'" ooa.o ..... .'00 ..... Search Parcel Details Owner Information peN: 0043460412000008O Relum to PAPA PETERS 3377 N FED Name: HIGHWAY LLC location: N FEDERAL HWY Mailing: 6023 LE LAC RD BOCA RATON FL 33496 2316 2005 Preliminary Assessment Market Value: $50,100 Assessed Value: $50,100 Exempt Amnt: $0 Taxable: $50,100 2005 Estimated Tax Ad Valorem: Non ad valorem: Total: Sales Information Sales Date Price Oct-2005 $350, Qct-1997 Palm Beach County Property Map Map Scale I: 1557 Legend D Pore" Bomdory I 8120 I LIIt......-. Map produced on 7!21/::!H06 from PAPA hup/!www pbcgov com/papa http://gisweb.co.palm-beach.fl.us/ipapagis/presentationlmapping/printnew .asp?MAPURL= ... 7/21/2006 rl",j" . ~ G,~ ~\ ~\v PAGE 01/02 D rnowrn rn ' ...., oi 200& PLAN ING AND ZONI G DEPT ._~!13/2006 10: 07 5612723722 BREWER ARCHITECTURE TRAFFIC STAnMENT BOYNTON BAGEL - HIGH TURNOVER srr DOWN RESTAURANT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Boynton Bagel Restaur8IIt will be located at 3377 N. Federal Higbway, in Boynton Beach. The existing building is 939 square feet plus a QOvered awning canopy, 277 squati' feel, for a gross floor area of 1,216 sqIllII'e feet. The present use is a naail store considered General Commll\'Cial Retail. The existing building will be l'CIIovated for a bagel shop. There will be a new C01/CI'Cd awning canopy, 342 square feet in area, for a gross floor area of 1,281 square fed. Outside seating will llCCODIIllodate 22 patrons. The new use is considered Higb Tumuver Sit-Down ReslJ\UJ8lrt. SCOPE OF SlUDY: In conjunction with a site plan submission, the City ofBoyDtOn Beach Land Development Regulations requires a Traffic Statemept. This traffic sllltement bas been "'~ in accotdance with the NlIdards and crl1I:ria as set forth in the Palm Beach County Unified Laud Deve\opIllCIIt Code, Article IS, Traffic Performance Standards. The scope of the study is to: i) Determine the VQlwne of traffic volume to be added to the thoroughfare system by the proposed Boynton Bagel, a IDgb Turnover Sit-Down RestAurant, for both dAily and peak hour traffic. il} Determine if the peak hour traffic is above the 1 % LOS D threshold for the roadway impectcd, and if so, analyze the intenections impacted by the project. PROJECT TRAFFIC: The trips generated for the proposed IDgIo Tal1llMlr Sit-DOWIl R....ram De are tabulated and summarized as foUows: Total Daily Trips'" 142 trips. Total P.M. Peak Hour Trips = 12 trips. Total A.M. Pea\c: Hour Trips'" 13lrips 'The lrips generlllM for the alsllag GeM...1 eo..merdal Retail - are as foUows: Total Daily Trips = 104 trips. Total P.M. Peak Hour Trips '" 3 trip. Total A.M. Peak Hour Trips'" I trip. Net Daily Trips '" 142 - 104 '" 3 8 trips. Net P.M. Peak Hour Trips'" 12 - 3 '" 9lrips. Net A.M. Peak Hour Trips = 13 - 1 = 12 trips. Bun..ooUT; MAJOR ROADWAY LINK IMPACTED: 1% OF PM. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC: NO SIGNlFlCANT IMPACT Mid-year 2007. Federal Highway, a four Inne divided roadway. Project Tnd'fic, 8 trips. Roadway Capacity, 30 trip$. 1 07/13/2005 10:07 5512723722 BREWER ARCHITECTURE PAGE 02/02 ..~ 1RIP GENERATION RATES Land Use Unit Daily % Pass- A.M. JnIOut P.M. InIOut Sq. Fl. Rile By PelIk Peak Hour Hoar High 1,000 130.34 15.00 11.52 52148 10.92 61/39 Turnover Sit-Down RestaUlll1lt Land Use Unit Daily %Pasll- A.M. InIOut ,P,M. In/Out Sq.Ft Rate By Peak Peak Hour HoUr General 1,000 Sq. 155.09 45 1.03 74126 3.75 48/52 Commercial Ft TRIP GENERATION FOR BOYNTON BAGEL LlmdUse Area Net Trips Net A.M. InIOut P.M. Peak InIOut Sq. Ft. Peak Hour Trips Hour Trios Higll Twnover 1,281 142 13 7/6 12 7/5 Sit-Down ReslIIurant TRIP GENERATION FOR EXISTING RETAIL Land Use Area Net Trips Net A.M. InIOut P.M. Peak InlOut Sq.Ft Peak HourTrip9 Hour Trips General 1,216 104 1 110 3 1/2 Collllllllnlial Prepared by: Gerald B. Church, P.E. Dale: June 23, 2006 ~.. :U9~ ,~ :: .r; /7 -i ( 0'& ,"'(..'''~.".t ,.,~O B.C,;...... . ~... ...... "':-i'" $,~ .<cEN.s-::-. ,~~.: :fJi""'" ,"'" ',-,;0";. . . . '" : : No.10153 . .. ~. * :*;: =*. . ., ; 1':. STATE OF : ,f!; ; .,. . 'i't'!... -:. "',, ..c:.1.. n,...~;: ~... ~"" OR\~",.~~. .... ~'''''~~Vo.'.'' " . l.,,,,,,,~' ,.W. Attachment "A" 'W .JUl.. I.. I 2UJ~ w' ~ '~ I" n i,{ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 8. LESS THE WESTERLY 17 FEET FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, KINGS SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGE 47. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. CONT AINING 3.342 SQUARE FEET OR 0.08 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Planning 1 st Comments Boynton Bagels LUAR 06-020 ftP6J . If{. ~r-' # I. The survey needs to be revised by the surveyor to include (at end of legal description) a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre (per page 2, l.b. of annexation application). 2. Label attachment of legal description as Attachment "A" to be consistent with Applicant's Ownership Affidavit and Agent's Consent form. 3. Revise attachment of legal description to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/1 0) of an acre. 4. Revise legal description on diskette to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. 5. Provide the legal description on a diskette that has been formatted to WORD document. When diskette submitted was inserted, a message "is not recognized, may not be formatted" was displayed. 6. The LUAR application (page 3, ILg.) requests a justification of the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. Revise Project Description and Justification Statement as stated in review comments for Annexation application. a. Further address the following criteria for land use amendment and rezoning: 1. Describe how the requested land use and zoning are consistent with the City's comprehensive plan policies for this area. 2. Describe the adjacent or nearby uses and zoning districts in addition to stating they have the same or similar land use and zoning. Provide more detail of how the proposed land use and zoning are comparable to the current County designations. 3. Describe what smaller commercial uses exist in the immediate area of the subject property and what changing conditions pertain to the area. 4. Point out that requested land use and zoning is same as adjacent parcel in the City. Provide details in writing that explain the impact table for roadways, water, sewer, and other services. 5. Clarify statement that buffering will be provided on all sides of both phases, as the project is only one phase. 6. Address if the property is actually developable under the existing land use and zoning, since it is a paved parking lot that is needed for parking for the adjacent business in the City. Point out that annexation will bring the entire business and site under one jurisdiction. 7. What are the proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with adjacent single-family residential uses? Provide a list of nuisances and how they will be mitigated (i.e. hours of operation, loading area location, mechanical equipment, screening and buffering, and improved architectural style of building. 8. Submit traffic statement/details for the proposed use to P&Z for the file, and provide same to PBC Traffic (Attn Masoud Atefi) for their review. Although exempt from concurrency, we require a letter from PBC Traffic stating such. "tJ('i \" - I ,''-- / ( < " The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org June 28, 2006 Bradley Miller Miller Land Planning Consultants 420 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Boynton Bagels, ANEX 06-007 and LUAR 06-020 Dear Bradley: Staff has conducted an in-depth review of documents submitted for the above-referenced project and has found the following deficiencies specific to the Annexation and Land Use Amendment/Rezoning applications: ANEX 06-007 1. Provide a project location in addition to PCN (as required per page 1 of annexation application). 2. The survey needs to be revised by the surveyor to include (at end of legal description) a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre (per page 2, Lb. of annexation application). 3. Revise Affidavit to include a legal description of subject property (page 4, #1. of annexation application). 4. Revise attachment of legal description to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. 5. Revise legal description on diskette to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. 6. Provide the legal description on a diskette that has been formatted to WORD document. When diskette submitted was inserted, a message "is not recognized, may not be formatted" was displayed. 7. Revise Project Description and Justification Statement submitted to address or clarify the following: Under Project Description: Page 2 Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 / LUAR 06-020 a. Give general location (N Federal Highway could be at north end of city too) such as east side of Federal Highway, south of Turner Road in the vicinity of Trade Winds Estates, near the southeast City limits. b. Annexation parcel is identified as property, and next sentence states property is improved with a building and paved parking. Clarify that subject property to be annexed is paved parking area for the adjacent business located at 3377 N. Federal Hwy. c. States that the property will be utilized for a restaurant or permitted uses. Provide more information as to the intended use(s) of the property. Site plan submitted is for take-out restaurant only (convert existing nonconforming building from retail to restaurant and add covered outdoor seating) which is a permitted use in C- 3. Are there any other uses proposed? d. This would be a good place to include more details about the project such as phasing, proposed improvements such as landscaping that will result in less nonconformity of the site, details of proposed bagel business, etc. Under Annexation: a. State that subject property is in City's annexation area and is a voluntary annexation. b. Clarify that the contiguous property to the north that is in the City is the adjacent business located at 3377 N. Federal Hwy. which has LRC land use and is zoned C-3, and that both parcels are under the same ownership and will be used as one parcel for the proposed bagel restaurant. Under Land Use & Zoning: a. Explain what the County CHIS means. Point out that the requested LRC is not the most intensive commercial land use in the City (CH is comparable to City's GC). b. Point out that the requested C-3 is not the most intensive commercial zoning district in the City (CG is comparable to City's C-4). c. Point out that requested land use and zoning is same as adjacent parcel in the City. Under Application Justification: a. The criteria for land use amendment and rezoning should be separate, as this is the annexation application not the LUAR application. b. The annexation application requires a justification that explains why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach. Page 2 Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 / LUAR 06-020 LUAR 06-020 1. The survey needs to be revised by the surveyor to include (at end of legal description) a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre (per page 2, Lb. of annexation application). 2. label attachment of legal description as Attachment "A" to be consistent with Applicant's Ownership Affidavit and Agent's Consent form. 3. Revise attachment of legal description to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. 4. Revise legal description on diskette to include the computation of total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. S. Provide the legal description on a diskette that has been formatted to WORD document. When diskette submitted was inserted, a message "is not recognized, may not be formatted" was displayed. 6. The LUAR application (page 3, II.g.) requests a justification of the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. Revise Project Description and Justification Statement as stated in review comments for Annexation application. a. Further address the following criteria for land use amendment and rezoning: 1. Describe how the requested land use and zoning are consistent with the City's comprehensive plan policies for this area. 2. Describe the adjacent or nearby uses and zoning districts in addition to stating they have the same or similar land use and zoning. Provide more detail of how the proposed land use and zoning are comparable to the current County designations. 3. Describe what smaller commercial uses exist in the immediate area of the subject property and what changing conditions pertain to the area. 4. Point out that requested land use and zoning is same as adjacent parcel in the City. Provide details in writing that explain the impact table for roadways, water, sewer, and other services. S. Clarify statement that buffering will be provided on all sides of both phases, as the project is only one phase. 6. Address if the property is actually developable under the existing land use and zoning, since it is a paved parking lot that is needed for parking for the adjacent business in the City. Point out that annexation will bring the entire business and site under one jurisdiction. Page 2 Boynton Bagels ANEX 06-007 / WAR 06-020 7. What are the proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with adjacent single-family residential uses? Provide a list of nuisances and how they will be mitigated (i.e. hours of operation, loading area location, mechanical equipment, screening and buffering, and improved architectural style of building. 8. Submit traffic statement/details for the proposed use to P&Z for the file, and provide same to PBC Traffic (Attn Masoud Atefi) for their review. Although exempt from concurrency, we require a letter from PBC Traffic stating such. Please direct any questions or response you may have to me at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, o/(~~ Kathleen Zeitler Planner S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJEcrs\Boynton Bagels\LUAR\lst Comments Letter.doc