Chair and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board and
Mayor and City CO~~JSiO:-
Dick Hudson, AICP~
Senior Planner ~
Michael W. Rump;i\~
Director of Planning and Zoning
November 1, 2005
Estancia/LUAR 05-009
Amend the future land use designation from Low Density
Residential (LDR), Moderate Density Residential (MoDR) and
High Density Residential (HDR) to Special High Density
Residential (SHDR) and rezone from R-1-AA Single Family
Residential and PUD Planned Unit Development to Infill Planned
Unit Development (IPUD)
Property Owner:
Applicant! Agent:
Parcel Size:
Existing Land Use:
Existing Zoning:
Proposed Land Use:
Proposed Zoning:
Proposed Use:
HHC Boynton, LLC, Michael H. Hoplamazian and David J. Conti
HHC Boynton, LLC/Carlos Balbe
3010 S. Federal Highway (East side of Federal Highway
approximately 400' south of Old Dixie Highway. See Exhibit "AU)
:t2.64 acres
Low Density Residential (LDR), Moderate Density Residential
(MoDR) and High Density Residential (HDR)
R-1-AA Single Family Residential and PUD Planned Unit
Special High Density Residential (SHDR)
IPUD Infill Planned Unit Development
Thirty (30) unit townhouse community
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File Number: LUAR 05-006
Name: Estancia
Adjacent Uses:
To the northeast, a developed single-family residence designated
Moderate Density Residential (MoDR) and zoned R-1-AA Single
Family Residential. To the northwest, a condominium
development (Colonial Club) designated High Density Residential
(HDR) and zoned R-3 Multi-family Residential
To the southeast, two developed single family residences, the
westernmost designated Low Density Residential (LDR) and zoned
R-1-AA Single Family Residential, the easternmost lying in
unincorporated Palm Beach County, designated MR-s Medium
Density Residential and zoned RS Single Family Residential. To the
southwest, the right-of-way of Bamboo Lane, then vacant property
lying in Palm Beach County, designated CHIS Commercial High and
zoned CG General Commercial
Developed single family residences designated Low Density
Residential (LDR) and zoned R-1-AA Single Family Residential then
the Intracoastal Waterway
Right-of-way of Federal Highway, then developed property
designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned C-3
Community Commercial
Staff recommends approval of the requested land use amendment and rezoning for the
following reasons:
1. The future land use amendment is consistent with the policies of City's adopted
Comprehensive Plan, particularly the portion of policy 1.16.1 defining the Special High
Density Residential land use relative to redevelopment planning, urban densities and
housing opportunities;
2. The requested land use amendment and rezoning meet or exceed the criteria for review,
as required in the Land Development Regulations; and,
3. The proposed redevelopment plan is consistent with the vision and recommendations of
the Federal Hiahwav Corridor Communitv Redevelooment Plan.
The parcels, which are the subject of this land use amendment, total 2.64 acres. Because of
the size of the property under consideration, the Florida Department of Community Affairs
classifies this amendment as a "small scale" amendment. A "small-scale" amendment is
adopted prior to forwarding to the Florida Department of Community Affairs and is not reviewed
for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption.
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File Number: LUAR 05-006
Name: Estancia
The majority of the property that is the subject of this application was approved for a land use
amendment and rezoning on February 19, 2001 under the name of Dakota Lofts. At that time,
the highest density that could be requested in this area was 10.8 dujac and development
regulations for the IPUD zoning district had not been approved. The property has languished in
an undeveloped state since that approval.
In the intervening period of time, the property has changed hands and the new owners have
purchased an additional two parcels, totaling 0.49 of an acre adjacent to the project. The
application before you will serve to unify the land use and zoning for the entire project and,
since the proposed project contains 30 townhouse dwelling units, the gross density of 11.32
dujac will exceed the maximum density of 10.8 dujac allowed under the High Density
Residential designation. In addition, the IPUD regulations were developed for projects
containing between one and five acres and is the correct zoning district for the subject project.
Master/Site Plan Analvsis
The Land Development Regulations require approval of a master plan concurrent with approval
of a rezoning to the PUD Planned Unit Development district. A site plan approval may take the
place of the master plan, as is requested in this case.
Basic configuration of the project is similar to the one approved for the Dakota Lofts project.
The vehicular accessjegress to the project is located on Bamboo Lane. Access for the remaining
single-family residence to the northeast is provided by an easement through the project.
The three-story townhouse units are located in a "U" shape around the central finger canal that
is a part of the property. The eight townhouses fronting on Federal Highway are located in two
structures, each containing four units. Pedestrian access from Federal Highway to the interior
of the development separates these two structures. The remaining townhouses are located to
the north and south of the finger canal, and a recreation area with a pool and cabana is at the
head of the finger canal between the two rows of townhouses. In accordance with the IPUD
regulations, pedestrian circulation is provided in a manner that greatly reduces the opportunity
for conflicts with vehicular circulation.
Overall, the design of the project meets and exceeds the requirements of the IPUD regulations
and will be discussed more fully in the site plan approval process.
Review Based on Criteria
The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in the
Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administrat/on and Enforcement, Item C.
Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezon/ngs. These criteria are required to be part of a staff
analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future
Land Use Map.
a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive
plan policies including but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in
dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written
approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning D/vision and the City's risk
Page 4
File Number: LUAR 05-006
Name: Estancia
manager. The plann/ng department shall also recommend lim/tations or
requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the
property, /n order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan.
The property is located east of Federal Highway and therefore is located in the hurricane
evacuation zone. Under the requested land use designation, the maximum number of units
that could be developed is 53; however, the developer proposes to only develop 30 units, falling
below the 50 parcel requirement. Nevertheless, staff would recommend that all sales
information used to promote the development and all homeowner documents should inform
buyers that the units are located in the hurricane evacuation zone.
Policy 1.13.1 of the land Use Element reads:
'The City shall continue to encourage infill development and redevelopment by
implementing actions of the Bovnton Beach 20/20 Redevelooment Master Plan. and the
policies contained in the Coastal Management Element."
One of the implementing actions of the Bovnton Beach 20/20/ Redevelooment Master Plan was
the adoption of the Federal Hiohwav Corridor Commun/tv Redevelooment Plan. The subject
property is located in Planning Area V (Entrances to the City) in the Federal H/ohwav Corridor
Commun/tv Redevelooment Plan. which was adopted by the City on May 16, 2001. The plan's
recommendations for this planning area include the following:
"Encourage a variety of housing. Develop intensity standards that allow for a
variety of housing styles and types at intensities that will assist in supporting the
downtown area and general economic expansion." (p. 80); and
"Require a transition to the adjacent gateway neighborhoods. Create
development standards in the city entrance communities that establish a logical
transition to the gateway communities. Building scale, massing and placement should
be less intense than that of the adjacent planning areas, but substantial enough to
announce an arrival in the City." (p. 81)
Policy 1.16.1 contains definitions of all future land use designations in the City. The definition
of the requested land use contains the following language:
''Soecial H/oh Dens/tv Res/dential: This land use category shall consist of
redevelopment and infill res/dential areas assigned to this land use category in the
port/on of the designated Community Redevelopment Area Identified as Planning
Area I and Planning Area V in the "Federal Highway Corridor Community
Redevelopment Plan'; adopted on May 15, 2001."
The requested land use amendment and rezoning are consistent with these relevant policies in
the Comprehensive Plan and the Federal Hiohwav Corridor Communitv Redevelooment Plan.
b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use
pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby
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File Number: LUAR 05-006
Name: Estancia
districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an Individual property
owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare.
The proposed rezoning would create an isolated district, since surrounding properties all have
land uses with lower densities; however, the proposed density of the subject development (at
11.34 dujac) is lower than the built density (at 21 dujac) of the Colonial Club immediately to
the north. Additionally, the Special High Density Residential designation has been applied to
other projects located nearby in Planning Area V. Unfortunately, the approval of the requested
land use and zoning will also leave a single lot of less than 1f4 acre with a designation for single
family residential development. This single family property does relate to single family property
immediately south of the finger canal, so while the future land use map will show the lot as
being isolated, the single family properties do relate visually. In addition, the proposed
development provides a generous setback from the single family residence and the building
height is 38 '12 feet to mid-point of roof, rather than the maximum 45 feet allowed in the
development regulations.
Additionally, the approval of the requested land use designation is consistent with Policy 1.17.5
of the Future Land Use Element, which states:
"The City shall continue to maintain and improve the character of existing single-family
and lower-density neighborhoods, by preventing conversions to higher densities, except
when consistent with adjacent land uses, or with imolementina redevelooment o/ans
including the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan. "( emphasis added)
c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable.
The requested land use amendment and rezoning are desirable in their support of the Eastward
Ho! Initiative which grew out of the Governor's Commission for a Sustainable South Florida. In
its October 1995 initial report, the initiative recommends an increasingly active effort to redirect
development from areas next to the Everglades toward Southeast Florida's existing urban core.
One of the program's main objectives is the restoration and redevelopment of the eastern
urban areas to provide housing opportunities for the future population growth in areas where
adequate infrastructure capacity exists. Higher densities and increased population in the
eastern areas will also provide support for economic revitalization and downtown
d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and
other public facilities.
The demand for potable water is estimated at 13,560 gallons per day (based on 30 units x 2.26
persons per household x 200 gallons per day per capita). The demand for wastewater capacity
is estimated at 6,090 gallons per day (based on 30 units x 2.26 persons per household x 90
gallons per day per capita).
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the project and
determined that the project is located within the County designated Coastal Residential
Exception area, and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County.
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File Number: LUAR 05-006
Name: Estancia
With respect to solid waste, the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that
adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the 10-year
planning period. The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has
determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population. The City's
Fire Rescue and Police Departments have reviewed the application and have provided the project
can be adequately served with existing personnel and equipment. Lastly, drainage will also be
reviewed in detail as part of the review of the site plan approval, and must satisfy all
requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities.
e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future
use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of
adjacent or nearby properties.
The IPUD regulations contain requirements to ameliorate negative impacts of projects,
particularly height, on adjacent single family homes. With respect to other adjacent uses, the
R-3 Multi-family Residential district to the north allows a maximum height of 45 feet.
f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing
A portion of the property was approved for redevelopment in 2001, however, that applicant did
not move forward with the project and a new site plan approval would be necessary before the
development could move forward. The two existing single family residences could continue or
be redeveloped.
g. Whether the proposed rezoning Is of a scale which is reasonably related to the
needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole.
The requested land use amendment and rezoning present the opportunity for redevelopment in
a highly visible entrance corridor to the City and will also provide support for economic
revitalization and downtown redevelopment.
h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, In
districts where such use is already allowed.
There are no other properties within the City that have the requested land use designation and
zoning category that do not have approved development orders. Residential densities of 20
dujac are permitted in the Federal Highway corridor to encourage infill development and
redevelopment. There are a limited number of sites elsewhere in the city where residential
development could occur at a density of 10.8 dujac; however, those sites do not offer the
opportunity for redevelopment and infill development that this location affords. Nor would
development of those available sites serve to promote the goals of the Community
Redevelopment Agency and the Federal Hiohwav Corridor Communitv Redevelooment Plan.
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File Number: LUAR 05-006
Name: Estancia
As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will
not create additional impacts on infrastructure that cannot be accommodated within existing
capacities; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall
economic development of the City. Therefore, staff recommends:
1. That the City Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, find the proposed
amendments consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and
2. That the subject requests have been reviewed based on the required criteria;
3. That the proposed redevelopment plan is consistent with the vision and
recommendations of the Federal Hlohwav Corridor Communitv Redevelooment Plan; and
4. That the land use amendment and rezoning be approved.
If the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or the City Commission recommends
conditions, they will be included within Exhibit "B".
S:\Plannlng\SHARfD\WP\PROJECTS\Estanda @ Boynton Beach\lUAR 05-009\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc
Estancia at Boynton Beach
(f.k.a. Dakota Lofts)
LUAR 05-009
Exhibit A
l ,
\. t....
I'(,'-,r, "
160 Feet A
Consulting Engineers
2201 West Prospect Road, Suite 100
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
Phone (954) 489-9801 Fax (954) 489-9802
September 19,2005
Mr. Dick Hudson, AICP
Senior Planner
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Project Number 25-06-17
Dear Mr. Hudson:
Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach requirements for land use and site plan approval of the above
referenced project, enclosed please find the Palm Beach County School Board concurrency review
form for your approval. Please let us know as soon as the form is signed so we can forward it to the
School Board.
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call our
\ .
Carlos J. Ballbe. P.E.
G.\PROJECTS\250fi 17 - Estancla at Boynton\Correspondence\hudsoll school conc.let.wpd
\. ./
,."." -
. ..e School District of Pelm Beech County
Plennlng Department
3320 Forest Hill Blvd. C-110
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5813
Phone: (561) 434-8800 or (561) 963-3877
Fax: (561) 434-8187 or (561) 434-8815
Attention: Concurrency
The School District of Palm Beach County
School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form
Instructions: Submit one copy of the completed application and fees for each new residential project
requiring a detennlnatlon of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided within fifteen (15)
working days of receipt of a complete application. A determination is not transferable and is valid for one year
from date of issuance. Once the Development Order Is issued, the concurrency determination shall be valid
for the life of the Development Order.
Please check (" ) type of application (one only):
["] Concurrency Determination [ ] Concurrency Exemption [ ] Concurrency Equivalency
[ ] Adequate School Facilities Determination [ ] Letter of No Impact [ ] Time Extension
Fees: Concurrency Detennlnatlon or Adequate School Facilities Detennlnatlon ($200.00 for more than 20 units 120
units or less $100.00); Equivalency ($125.00); Exemption or Letter of No Impact ($25.00); nme Extension
Please attach a copy of the sIte/subdivisIon plan, last recorded warranty deed and consent fonn
Project Name: Estancia at Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach
Property Control Number (PCN): 08-43-46-04-00-001-0480, 08-43-46-04-00-001-0132
08-43-46-04-00-001-0131, 08-43-46-04-00-001-0280
Location I Address of Subject Property: 3010 S. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33483
2.51 "
If applicable, please attach 8 Phasing Plan showing the number and type of units to receive certificate of occupancy yearly.
A Restrictive Covenant is required for age-restricted communities.
Owner's Name: HHC Boynton, LLC
Agent's Name: Keith & Balbo!, Inc
Mailing Address: 2201 W. Prospect Road, Suite 100
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
Telephone Number: 954-489-9801 Fax Number: 954-489-9802
I hereby certify the statements or Information made In any paper or plans submitted herewith are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.
Owner or Owner's Agent Signature
Date Application Flied:
Reviewed By:
September 20, 2005
Dick Hudson, AICP
Petlllon Number:
LUAR 05-009
Sr. Planner
Old the Applicant pay the filing fee to you?
U6 jI
GOvernment Representative Signature
II YES (Please attach proof of payment)
~ ~?the applicant must pay the School District. The
I District will not review without payment).
Date & TIme Received:
Case Number:
I verify that the project complies with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools
I verify that the project will comply with the adopted Leuel of Service (LOS) for Schools subject to the
attached conditions
I cannot verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools
School District Representative
..;l iX-"~OI(t;X(;EL~Wr
The School District of Palm Beach County
Planning Department
3320 Forest Hill Blvd. C-l10
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5813
Phone: (561) 434-8800 or (561) 963-38n
Fax: (561) 434-8187 or (561) 434-8815
Attention: Concurrency
The School District of Palm Beach County
School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form
Instructions: Submit one copy of the completed application and fees for each new residential project
requiring a determination of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided within fifteen (15)
working days of receipt of a complete application. A determination is not transferable and is valid for one year
from date of issuance. Once the Development Order is issued, the concurrency determination shall be valid
for the life of the Development Order.
Please check (~) type of application (one only):
[ ] Concurrency Determination [ ] Concurrency Exemption [ ] Concurrency Equivalency
[ ] Adequate School Facilities Determination [ ] Letter of No Impact [ ] Time Extension
Fees: Concurrency Determination or Adequate School Facilities Determination ($200.00 for more than 20 units I 20
units or less $100.00); Equivalency ($125.00); Exemption or Letter of No Impact ($25.00); Time Extension
, ,/ :/:::"::"":';':.f>ARt:liJ'RDJECTlNFORMATlON , ,
Please attach a copy of the site/subdivision pfan, fast recorded wananty deed and consent form
Property Control Number (PCN):
OB-43-46-04-00-001-0480, 08-43-46-04-00-001-0132,
Location I Address of Subject Property; 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH FL 33483
SectionfTownshi IRan e 44 4 I Sinale Familv
Pro'eet Acreaae 2.51 Multi-Familv Other than apartments
Total Number of Units 30 '" Aoartments 3 stories or less)
Will the Project be Phased? (Y/N) N Hi h Rise Apartments
Concurrency Service Area CSA) Aae Restricted (Adults OnlvY.
If applicable, please allach a Phasing Plan showing lt1e number and t ype of units lo receive certiflcale of occupancy yearty
A Restrictive Covenant is required for age-restricled communilies
Owner's Name:
Agent's Name:
Mailing Address:
QS4.4AQ-QR01 Fax Number: 954-4A9-9802
Telephone Number:
I hereby certify the statements or infonnation made in any paper or plans submllled herewith are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.
Owner or Owner's Agent Signature
Date Application Filed:
Reviewed By:
Did the Applicant pay the filing fee to you?
Petition Number:
(If no, the applicanlmusl pay the Scl100l District. The
Sd1o~ District will not review without payment).
Government Representative Signature Date
Date & Time Received:
Case Number:
I verify that the project complies with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools
I verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools subjecl to the
attached conditions
I cannot verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools
School District Representative