REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-189 TO: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency THRU: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner 'if DATE: August 4, 2004 SUBJECT: Abandonment of a portion of Northeast 3cd Avenue ABAN 04-004 NATURE OF REOUEST The applicants, Ron Janis and Karen Janis-Brown are requesting to abandon a portion of the Northeast 3cd Avenue right-of-way. This 40-foot wide unimproved right-of-way is situated between lots 11 and 30 of the Arden Park plat. The abandonment request was submitted on May 12, 2004. The platted roadway segment is described as follows: A portion of N.E. 3cd Avenue lying in the Plat of Arden Park as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 96 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Said land being described as follows: Bounded on the North by the South line of lot 30 Arden Park; Bounded on the South by the North line of lot 11 Arden Park; Bounded on the West by the Northerly extension of the lot 11, Also being the West line of the plat Arden Park; and Bounded on the East by the Southerly extension of the East line of lot 30, also being the West right-of-way line of Northeast 3cd Street, as recorded in the plat of Arden Park. Containing 5,528.714 square feet more or less and subject to easements and right-of-way of record. The Exhibit "A" - Location Map shows the general vicinity of the right-of-way to be abandoned. The Exhibit "B"- "Proposed Abandonment" shows the exact location of the subject site and its legal description. The following is a description of the land uses and zoning districts of all properties that surround the subject right-of-way. North Developed commercial (Coastal Cycles), zoned General Commercial (C-4); South - Partially developed commercial (Fred & Joe's), zoned General Commercial (C-4); East Right-of-way for Northeast 3rd Street; and West - Developed residential, Two-family Duplex Residential (R-2). Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 04-189 ABAN 04-004 BACKGROUND The subject right-of-way (formally known as Sheppard Street) lies partially within the boundaries of the Arden Park Addition to Boynton plat. The plat, originally approved in April of 1913, included 172 individual lots, a 25-foot wide strip of land along the Florida East Coast (F.E.C.) right-of-way, and severallO-foot wide and 40-foot wide alleys, which were dedicated for perpetual use by the public. The applicant informed staff that it is their intention to abandon the unimproved right-of-way in order to develop additional parking for their tenant (Coastal Cycles) located at 403 Northeast 3rd Street. ANALYSIS When a right-of-way, such as this alley, is abandoned, the ownership of the abandoned land is transferred from the City of Boynton Beach to the abutting property owner(s). Typically, two (2) properties would be affected by an abandonment request. Normally, one-half of the right-of-way is conveyed to one (1) abutting property owner and the other half is conveyed to the other abutting property owner. Adequate public notice was given to all affected property owners in accordance with Chapter 22, Article III, Section 4 of the Land Development Regulations. All public utility companies have been notified and the abandonment request has been advertised in the local newspaper. The applicants requesting this abandonment are the owners of the property to the north (Lot 30 Arden Park). Public records indicate that Kenneth Schweitzer and Steven McGuirk own the property to the south (Lot 11 Arden Park). A summary of the responses from the utility companies and city staff is noted as follows: CITY DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS Engineering Public Works / Utilities Planning and Zoning No objection Approval with conditions (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval) Approval with conditions (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval) PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light BellSouth Florida Public Utilities Company Cable Company (Adelphia) Cable Company (Comcast) No objection No objection No objection No objection N/A All public utility providers have indicated that they have no objection to the applicant's request for abandonment. However, it must be noted that a wastewater line is currently located along the centerline of the unimproved roadway. Therefore, the Department of Public Works is requiring that a utility easement be dedicated over the abandoned portion of the right-of-way. A dedication of a utility easement would grant the City legal access to the property for maintenance or upgrade purposes, while still allowing the applicant to develop a portion of the property as a parking lot. Lastly, the subject right-of-way terminates to the west of developed property preventing future extension of this right-of-way to connect with Northeast 2nd Street. There are also no isolated parcels adjacent to the subject right- of-way which would rely solely upon this street for access. RECOMMENDATION Staff has delermined that the subject alley does not serve a public purpose, and therefore is recommending approval of the request to abandon this portion of the 40-foot unimproved roadway as Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 04-189 ABAN 04-004 described above, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. Any additional conditions recommended by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or by the Commission will be placed in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\409 NE 3rd Street\ABAN\Staff Report.doc h .. 1 in, = 125,0 feet ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ 't. I~ '~ I I NI= 4TI .IlVt- C4 :!;l It;j '~ M1 I~ 2 ::J:lE::3:R] A VI::: I -~I-. r~,Z z: ~ z ~ =-i ~ d C31~ DI= ^,...u RI vn ~ ~ LOCATION MAP ABAN 04-004 ~ ~ f't1 2 ITON -. _. . DI \In I:::J :2 L - - r1 ~ r--j,' "f, '----Jr \. 'Ir' /f)j ,I \--j ,J 17 j, ~! ,_~\ iT,!J i Itrf1U EXHIBIT "A" r~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ V) ~ "\ :h" ~ ~ ~ '\ H ~.. 2 P;R , ll~ ~.~ " . ~ ~ ~Ff . ~~~ ~~. ~U o w . 0 iD f6- "- EXHIBIT "B" J a,'" i\>'" '" '" a,> ~ 0 8[ [ l 11''8 JIIC$I L/n<c (,61-" //1.30 <l! 8- (MI".sI <'me:. 4,.,4..,-, R<,;;.l a-2. ""2. 2. :l' g. . g ~g g g 0'0 m "'0 40. 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No outside storage, structures, or landscaping shall be placed within the confines of the required utility easement without the express written consent of the Engineering Division of Public Works. 3. The legal description needs to read as follows: "That portion of a 40-foot roadway know as N.E. 3rd A venue, lying west ofN.E. 3rd Street, lying south of Lot 30 and lying north of Lot 11, as shown on the Plat of ARDEN PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 96, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; SUBJECT TO a utility easement 12.00 feet wide whose centerline is also the centerline of said N.E. 3rd Avenue." POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARK" AND RECREATION Conditions of Approval 2 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 4. The dedication of the utility easement shall occur prior to the second reading of the ordinance. PUBLIC UTILITY PROVIDERS Comments: None ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 5. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 6. To be determined. S:\PlannioIlISHAREDlWPlPROJECTS\409 NE 3rd Streel\ABANICOA,doc DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 04080 FROM: Maxime Ducoste-Amedee, Planner Planning & Zoning Division ~ H. David Kelley, Jr., PE/PSMJ{7 City Engineer TO: DATE: May 18, 2004 SUBJECT: Proposed Street Abandonment Janis Group, Inc. Application - 1st Review This memorandum is in response to your initial memorandum dated May 12, 2004 on the above noted subject. The legal description within the application (not delineated), is surmised 10 be N.E. 3cd Avenue, westward of N.E. 3cd Street, and is recapped as follows: "That portion of a 40-foot roadway known as N.E. 3cd Avenue, lying west of N.E. 3cd Street, lying south of Lot 30 and lying north of Lot 11, as shown on the Plat of ARDEN PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 96, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County." After careful study of the roadway and a review of the response letters from the various utility systems utilizing the alley, this Division can recommend approval of an abandonment request WITH THE PROVISO OF delineating a utility easement over the to be abandoned roadway. There currently is a wastewater line located in the centerline of this right-of-way (see attached sketch). This would allow the usage as an off-street parking area, but outside storage may be a problem unless it was on pallets to cover the event the Utilities Department needed to access the line for repairs. Under the Florida Statutes for abandonment(s), public right-of-way abandoned is divided equally with each half given to the owner of real property adjacent to the abandonment. The existing 40-foot street is currently owned by the city. This means that the north 20-foot would attach to Lot 30 and the south 20-foot would attach to Lot 11. HOWEVER, both halves would be reserved for a utility easement. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at ext. 6488. xc: Jeff Livergood, PE, Dir. of Public Works Laurinda Logan, PE. Sr. Engineer Mike Rumpf, Dir. of Planning & Zoning Division File S:\Engineering\Office Associates File\Kelley\04-0BO Aband Appl-NE 3 AV 05-18.04.doc r -~- - -='u.- ~ -11 i~ i ,~~'~A__.._~ 1 · ~,,"< . '<jIG" ! ,1/ r I '. . ,.:...l; '.... ~/.ii " .' :/j!;" i ,i i/l/~ ,i, ~ ~ r ,. ' I " ::'::; t" I". ,,'" I ' Ill, 't . '" .... ., ")11; .' 'w,.,ft!'.'...-: 1 · >'tl L __~~/[j~ l ,1,( :" · . 'IfF i It; .' .11, ( . 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