CORRESPONDENCE ere The City of Boynton l3eo.ch. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton~beach.org April 6, 2004 Ms Anna Yeskey Clearinghouse 9835-16 Lake Worth Road, Suite 223 Lake Worth, Florida 33467 Re: Bayfront File No. LUAR 04-001 ANEX 04-001 Location: West side of Federal Highway opposite Chukker Road Waterside File No. LUAR 04-002 ANEX 04-002 Location: East side of Federal Highway between Palmer Road and Chukker Road Oceanside File No. LUAR 04-002 ANEX 04-003 Location: West side of Federal Highway opposite Chukker Road Dear Anna: Attached are the completed Executive Summaries for the above-reference Comprehensive Plan Amendments. If further information is needed, please contact me at (561) 742-6264. Sincerely ~j/ ~ Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Encl: S:\Pl.ANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\SOUTHERN HOMES OF PALM BEAO-I\OCEANSlOE\lUAR 04-003\IPARC LETTER-ocEANSIDE-BAYFRONT-WATERSIDE.OOT Page lof2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: April II, 2004 Reference # LUAR 04-001, ANEX 04-001 General Information Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach Contact Person: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 TelephonelFax: {561} 742-6264/{561} 742-6259 fax Applicant! Agent Southern Homes of Palm Beach IV, LLC/Carlos Ballbe TelephonelFax: 954-489-98011954-489-9802 fax Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: _ amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks _ amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: - land use - traffic circulation - mass transit _ ports and aviation _ housing - infrastructure sub-elements _ coastal management - conservation _ recreation and open space _ intergovernmental coordination _ capital improvements - other Summary of addition {s} to adopted comprehensive plan: FLUM amendment 3-25-20042,18PM FROM PLANNING AND REAL ES 561 434 8187 P.4 . IJ.J .'.'.:~ ~ i'~" -.( . =:~,i' () .' . ..-\".....j :," ',' , W ~W:C"~ THE SCHOOL DISTRlCTOF PALM BEACH COUNTY, flORIDA PI.AiIr.IINGOeFllRTMENT 3320 FOREST Hill BLVD., c.331 WEST PALM aSACH, F~ 33406-5813 (561"434-80.20 FAX: (581' 4;j4-81S7 ARlHJR C. JOHNSON, Ph.D. SUPERlNiiNDENT March 23, 2004 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach. Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER #04031901C - BAYFRONT Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed tile request for a Concurrency , Determination on the above referenced project for 48 apartmEmts for Bayfront. Attached please find the approved' Palm Beach County School District Concurrencl' Application and Service Provider Form for Bayfront. This Concurrency Determination is valiet for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued fo. the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343. David L. DeYoung, Planner cc: Carlos J. Ballbe, P.E. of Keith & Ballbe, Inc. M~R 2 5 ~UU4 enc. S:\PlanningIPublic\1NTERGOV\ConcurrencyICon=cy Determination LcttelslConcurrencylC0403190 I.doc AI:< EQUAL U~~OIlTUNITY EM~loYEl' 3-25-20042:19PM FROM PLANNING AND REAL ES 561 434 8187 P 5 ~OOLD~.A ~(~ The School DlS1l'icl of Palm hach Count) Planning Departmen, 3320 Poto&t H11I61vd, c.ttl We:.! Pll!Ilm Beach, Fl33406-581~ Phone; (561) 434-8800 0'" (561) 9&3-387i Fale (5$1) 434-8187 ot(561) 434-881~ A.ttentlon: Coneun.nC) The School Dilstric:t of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form Instru~ns: Submit one copy of the completed application .md fees for each n. residential project requiring a detennination of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided within fi~ (15) wotking days of receipt of $ complete application. A determination is not IF.In$ferabJe and is valid for one year from date of 1SSUa~. Once the Development Order Is issued, the com;:U1TeOOY determination sh$ll be valid for the life of the Development Or'der. P18il&8 check; (.;) type of application (one only): ( ) Concurrency Oetennination [ ) Concurrency Exemption ( ] Concurrency Equivalency ( J Adequate School Facflities Determination ( J letter of No Impact [ ) Time Extension fINs: Concurrency l)eW,rmtMtlon or AcMquac. SchQQl facJ./itles DotwminatiDn ($200.00 for lTlOl'O than 20 units 120 unlls or lese $100.00); EquiQCenGy ($125.00); Exemption or lettercf No Impact ($25-00~; Time Extension i,7MO) .,PA r\kPRO~ECTINFOR PIH.. ettM:h. c:Q9)'wtM metsubdlvWan pI~n, ,",st Ill&' Cil~ , ~j1lydeed an(l f:OIIsentl'orm Project Name; BAYFRONT Munlcipali1y: CITY OF BOYNrON BEACH Property Control Number (peN): SEE ATTAa--tED EXHIBIT ~An Location I Address of Subtect Property; 3440 N. FEDERAL HIGHWA", 6OYNTON 6EACH FL 33483 DEVeLOPMENT REQUEST: ... Sectio ownlihi RiI e Pto'ectAc e 2.46 Total Number of Units 48 Wdl the Pltlj~ be Phased?'" (YIN) N COl'lcur'rtn Service Area eSAl ,~ SA c 2"!5 u.. Sinl Ie Farni Multi-Famil Otherthana rtments) ." 'utments 3 stories or less Hioh RIse ADartments A l~ Restricted Adults On "'~ lfappliceble,p1_attacn.PIIa$ji'lg'Piflrls.htlwlnglh8nlnlb8fandtypeotunlt9tOl'$Cei\leotrtiliCillllofoccupancyyea~y .. A Rllstrlc!lve Covan.ant il toq~1or~-rwtricI8d communllle9. OWNERSHIP I AGENT INFORMATION: 0Wne~. .....,., SOUTliERN HOMES OF PALM BEACH lV, lle Agent's Name: KEITH & RAil BE. INC. Mailing Address: 2201 W. PROSPECT ROAD. SUITE 100 Telephone Number: I MrtIIly Cltf'tI1y tPllt slat"",,~l'fb; Gr IrJfwmItlon made In any pa~r myllhaWl8d;t. Fax Numbel': *$ubmlltedhelwwltttllnltrue.ndcartw:tto Date Application Filed: Revfewed By: Did the Q filing fee to you? Oat 10 ;f~ Dfls (f'1e1l.Sl! aUacIl p~fof paymenl) ~o (lfno.lh8applcammlJlltpayll\lIlSei'lOOlOnmc:t.The SClooIDilltl'ictWlIInot llt'oIIawlMthoutpeymel'lt). ~ o V8fnment Representative Signature I ' , PART III; TO..8EJXlMl!LETEO,IIY SCHOOL Jns.TRlCl' I O"'&Ti~ecel"': 2f('JjO'f c... Nun",." OLf631~ V I WI1ifylhatthe ~ect oompllesvftthh ao~1ad Level of $elVice (l.OS)fur Schools I vertfy thai: !he projacl wiN)ij8mply with the adoptad Level of Selvioe (l.OS) fur Schools subject to !he- atl:llched conditions 6'" I cannot Wlrify1helI;t1eptoject , lofService(lOS~, ~ C) en ,iv& ate Settool Distrl ep