CORRESPONDENCE :f \, _ i.,: \, '~ ~if Con:\lIEFtSTO:\lE GnOt:p November 2, 2004 Dick Hudson Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach lOO East Boynton Beach Boulevard 2nd Floor Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: THEBARRPROPERTY-SCHOOLCONCURRENCY Dear Mr. Hudson: As you know, we have increased the amount of units for The Barr Property (also known as "East BoyntDn Village"). One 0 fthe i terns that needs to be updated i s the School Concurrency. As I explained Dn the telephone, the School District of Palm Beach County has instructed me that we must submit a new application with the correct amount of units. Enclosed with this letter, you'll find the revised School Concurrency Application. Please sign the application and return it to us via FEDEX with the pre-labeled FEDEX envelope enclosed. Please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 246 should you have any questions. I may alsD be reached via e-mail at:Max.CruzCaJ.Cornerstonegrp.com Thank you, ~ Max CruZ Assistant Vice President Acquisitions 2121 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. PH, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 . TEL: 305.443.8288 . F'" 305443.9339 cornerstonegrp.com 08/11/2004 16:34 56143488"- PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03 m 1M SGhOol Dltltftgt of...... IIMjl;ft gountr pa..n~lnaOepartdl8nt. 3320 ForeetHIII8Ml. 0-110 w.,t Palm BeBd'l, fL 934()606B1S PIlonD: (581) ~c:s (581) g63-3B7'7 FO: (561) 434-8187 Df (681) 4M-8815 AltfIntiQl't: ccmcu,...nt:y ThB School District of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application & Service ProvldBr Form Instructions: Submit OrHI copy of the comp\eted appllctltiol'l and fees for ..Gh new residential proJect requiring.. determlnat\on of concf.lrrllncy for ,ehools. A detetT'l'llnatlon will be provtded within fifteQn (15) working days of receipt of a complete application. A d&t8rmlnation Is not trall*fQrQble and ill v.lid for one )'QQr from dlilte of lssual"lOB. Once thQ Development Order is Issued, th- concurrenoy- d9t8rmlnation shall be w.lid for the life of the Development OrdElt PI.""" check (.J) type of applicotion (on. only): W Concurrency Determination [ ) Concurrency Exemption [ l Concurrency Equivalency r ] Adequtlte School Fal;ilitia& Determination [ 1 Letter of No Impact [ ] TIme Extanslon F",,: COIICwreMY o.wmlMtlon 1I;lf.Adllq1J;d8 Scbgol F_IHI88 Det.rmll'latitlln ($200.0' for....Mtl thlft 2G ",H:a /28 un'" or IIIU .100.00); ~ulvillil1ncy ($11S.00); EJtemptton 01' L,.tt.t of"O Impacd (126.00): Time ~1UI~1l ($'15,00) I:":'::',',,:';,:',,::.''''!:,::, :',i',:,':, ,"':,i,::":;:,::::.':;'~llm,,t,':i.l!Ru-;!~ifltf:QQi!il1IQN!,',':':,-:,:,\,::;,:;;",::'::i'i::',\'::H,ir[f,:7:iiiii] Pie... atfJ/dJ Oil capy 01 Ute """"'brlMa/OlI pl8n, Ie",' rfIC'tN"ded wamurIY d..d 8IttI COIUI8f]f fo'7II ProjactNarna: ("..\ 1'>"'J""" '.(1I~" Municipality; -:a..,g.lo.r, :8'....... proporty Control NumbOr (PGN): 0 e. +3-4-!i. ,~. 03 - Q<><> ~o~$ loC<<tlon I AddrQ:Bs of S\Jbject Property: ..01 Wi t 4 ~'" ..:J-......... "......t.J.. ., .'f~O: Sire 250-6 DEVE~OPM"NT REQUEST' Pm tD.*- o.cjfUKilo SectionITownshio/Ranne j Sin Ie Famltv PraiectAcreane .. , )( Multi-Familv jOther than aosrtm"nte) Total Number of Units l!III2 Aoanments (3 ,tori9A or lessT Will the Piiii"cl be Phaoad?' IN .... Hich Rise A onts Concurrenr.vSliIrvic:e Area lCSA\ ... . R..tr1cled rAdults On H If applcable, IlIMM 1I1b.t./'t 8 PhIIslng Plan showInsl.lW nuMber' and type of urdte to ~I!I certlficale of occupency )"I". ,., Re$iclive COvenant Ie required for *9IlI""rasIflcted commlJ"'lltlril" OWNERlIHIP' AGENT INFORMATION: OWnor's Name: "B M V... L'" I" If'lL Ag~t'sN.me: .oa-......... ~...r. ,-_.... . --III &,au'P MplhngAddres:B: S.1~1 ""A~ ..... I ~ Aa..wl ... t"....... L.......,~l.~. '&....-. . Tel.phon.Number. J.'1.... as..... FaxNumbor: ".d~ V..,~. lIIl1." I h...... co""Y'" ............ "' ,.."""..., mado .. .oy...... '" p.....~mW h.....1lh "" "".... ~~ ......""'knowlodo.. r7 '----'" to QJi Ow or OWno~a Agont Signal\lre .te , .',':/'! A~'Ol)VEltNMEN'l1:!A VI " ,:: :~!: :: ! I;!, ~r.!~ ~!~:: ~~ "1"11,''','''.1(;'-' DAb!! Application Flied: R,BViawed By: Petition Number: TItle: ~~ dJJ~tW:", Oid the Applicant p.ythe filing fee to you? 0 YES (PIEIEl&8attachllrODfafpaymBnI) 4 // ~o (lfno,Uleappllcantmu,tpayltl.St.l'ttlolOl8tltcl tL..--. '7J/ L _ThIlSdlOOlDi!llr\ClwlllI1CltrvvlewwttnoutllfilY"lillnt). OY m;:( Repl"fiUitlntative Slgnatur. ~ :;:';;pi/l.fllTcilm," tc- I verify that the Protect Win comply with 1he adopted Loe",,' of service (LOS) fOr Schools eubJect to 1he IIttsched conditions , Sarvlc8(LOS)fo._ ~y paSJ) 19Q1 (New 'lf06lO1) ",_':'X>l (.~'[,,;lll1,I;,'7): A!'I',jr;~l'\NI,l)("Jt 08/11/2004 15:34 55143488'~ PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 lHE SCHOOL DISTRICTOF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIOA Pl>>NNG DEPARTtot:Nf 3300 FORESTHIU BLVD" C-110 WEST PAlM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8100 fAX: (561) 434-8187 AR1liUR C. JOHNSON, Ph,O. SUPEAlNTENDENT - ~......~ August 5, 2004 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION- CASE NUMBER #04072601C - EAST BOYNTON VILLAGE Dear Mr. Hudson:: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination on the above referenced project for 152 multi-family units. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and SelVice Provider Fonn for East Boynton Village. This Concurrency Detennination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency detennination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this detennination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343, Sincerely, David DeYoung, Senior Planner cc: John Barr, Cornerstone Group enc. S:\Pl'"ning\PublicIJNTERGOVlColcuuency\Colcuttency Determination Letters\Concurrency\C0407260 I.doc M EQUAl OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The School District of Pelm Beach County Planning Department 3320ForestHilIBlvcI. c-110 West Palm Beach, Fl 33406.5813 Phone: (561) 434-8800 or (561) 963-3877 Fax: (561) 434-8187 or (561) 434-8815 Attention: Concurrency The School District of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form Instructions: Submit one copy of the completed application and fees for each new residential project requiring a determination of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of a complete application, A determination is not transferable and is valid for one year from date of issuance. Once the Development Order Is issued, the concurrency determination shall be valid for the life of the Development Order. Please check (;,J) type of application (one only): [ ] Concurrency Determination [ ] Concurrency Exemption [ ] Concurrency Equivalency [ ] Adequate School Facilities Determination [ ] Letter of No Impact [ ] Time Extension Fees: Concurrency DetennlnatJon or Adequate School Facilities Detennlnatlon ($200.00 for more than 20 units I 20 units or less $100.00); Equivalency ($125.00); exemption or letter of No Impact ($25.00); Time extension ($75.00) PARTl. PROJECT INFORMATION Please attach a copy of the site/subdivision plan, last recorded _mmty deed and consent form Project Name: fa:,-\- "Bo:f'-lcn V,~ Municipality: 'B /) '1" }en ~.-;>rL PropertyConlrol Number (PCN): O~ - 4-3 - 45- /5-/'J'3 - (JOn - 07.05 Location f Address of Subject Property: !oJ<=: 4-S\- DEVELOPMENT REQUEST: Project Data Tvne of Units SectionffownshiolRanoe ISf1.15flf3 Sin Ie Fam~ Proiect Acreane <>."-Q'" X Multi-Familv I Other than anartments Total Number of Units ,t>.O artmants (3 stories or less \ Will the Proiect be Phased?* lY/N) ..J Hi h Rise Anartments Concurrencv Service Area CSA) " e Restricted (Adults Onlv'*. If applicable, please attach a Phasing Plan showing the number and type of units to receive certificate of occupancy yearty. A Restrictive Covenant is required for age-restricted communities, OWNERSHIP I AGENT INFORMATION: Owner's Name: Agent's Name: Mailing Address: - , , '" " . .-ao bt..~ Telephone Number: (.~c5,) tf4/:J_ 67 .~o Fax Number: . &j 3 I hereby certify the statements or Information made In any paper or plans subml~ are true and corre best of my knowledge. ~ --........- II. '''1 ale Date Application Flied: Reviewed By: '" Petition Number: Title: ~:;1:1;~ro D YES (Please attach proof of payment) ~ NO (If no, the applicant must pay the School District. ~ The School 0;'''01"'11 001 ,""",ww;lhoutpaymool). Did the Applicant pay the filing fee to you? PART III. TO BE COMPLETED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT Date & Time Received: Case Number: I verify that the project complies with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools I verify that the project will comply 'Nlth the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools subject to the attached conditions I cannot verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (lOS) for Schools School District Representative Date PBSDI991 (NewIIlO6J02) :;.-.Pbr"lj"l':.l "','l<'-J"l'CR(,(,\ T,~r~', "){'2{ ,>I) "",'1\.:\- '\l'~>lJ,;,Hw;'_I)<)( Jul.27. 2004 4:52PM Cor'9rstone Residential Mgmt.LLC N0.5343 p. 1 BOYNTON MOBILE VILLAGE 1801 N.E. 4th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 July 15, 2004 VIA U.S. MAIL (certified, return receipt reauested) MYER GOLDSON 45TH STREbT, Lot# 4 5 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr./Ms GOLDSON: We would like to take this opportunity to advise you that a land use amendment and rezoning application was filed with the Planning and Zoning Department of the City of Boynton Beach concerning the Boynton Mobile Village. The request is to update the land use and rezone the mobile home park from its current land use and zoning classification to a multi-family residential zoning classification, in conformance with the City of Boynton Beach's Master Plan or "Community Redevelopment Plan." Sincerely, Boynton Mobile Village ~~. 17 \, (. ,J , , \.' II. iCOHNIEHSlrONIE GHOUP July 23,2004 Dick Hudson City of Boynton Beach Planning & Development 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida RE: EAST BOYNTON VILLAGE LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION SUBMITTAL Dear Mr. Hudson: Enclosed please find the Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Application for East Boynton Village, a Town Home Community being developed in Boynton Beach, Florida. As part of the application, 2 copies of this package includes: . The Application . A Check in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000US) payable to the City of Boynton Beach) . Copy of the School Concurrency application form (to be signed by Planning and Development) . Copy of the last recorded warranty deed . Agent Authorization Signature page . Sealed boundary survey . Computed total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth ofan acre . Legal Description . Legal Description also provided on disk in "Word" format . Tree Survey . Complete List of all property owners within 400 feet . Copy of the Appraiser's map showing all properties referred to in property list . Narrative that includes the following: . Justification of Zoning (including all sub,sections noted in Part II, Exhibit g of the application) . Impacts created by development (including all sub-sections noted in Part II, Exhibit h of the application) CORNERSTONE PREMIER COMMUNITIES 2121 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., PH. CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33134 . TEL: 305.443.8288 . FAX: 305443.9339 cornerstonegrp,com . Comparison of the potential square footage under current zoning and proposed zoning . Statement of uses allowed in the proposed zoning . Comparison of water demand under the proposed zoning and the current zoning . Comparison of t he sewer demand under the proposed zoning and the current zoning . Comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning and the current zoning . Proposed timing and phasing of development . Traffic impact analysis Please do not hesitate to contact me at 305-443-8288, extension 246, should you have any questions. I may also be reached via e-mail at:Max.Cruz(@.Comerstonegrp.com Thank you, ~. MaxC z Assistant Vice President The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 .~,Y"" , . . t \ 1\", ,~ J. .' .' .... / ,'~ -/<, To: From: Date: Re: www.boynton-beach.org Marshall Gage, Police Chief William Bingham, Fire Chief Peter Mazzella, Assistant Director, Utilities John wi~l~parks Director Dick HU~, Senior Planner September 10, 2004 Impacts of proposed land use amendment/rezoning upon City facilities and services Project: Barr Property (Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning) File Number: LUAR 04-009 MEMORANDUM For your review and comments, attached please find the application and exhibits for the above referenced project. Please review the application and transmit formal written comments to me bye-mail by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 29. These comments should address the impacts your department can expect from redevelopment under the requested land use amendment compared with the demands generated by the existing land use and development. Any recommendations that you believe will enhance the project are also welcome. If you have any questions regarding the requested information, please do not hesitate to call me at 6264. S:\Plannlng\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\Barr Property\lUAR 04-009\Impact Analysis Request.dot ~.. The City ofBoynlon Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org July 26, 2004 Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Barr Property (1801 NE 4th Street, aka East Boynton Village) Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed traffic impact analysis, prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. dated June 22, 2004, was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and me with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742- 6260. Sincerely, g.., Michael W. Rumpf t7 Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/SC Attachments S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Barr Property\Traffic #2.doc