REVIEW COMMENTS TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJECT NAMEjNUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING &. ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-263 Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Comm~si?7 _ Dick HUdsJi[~ Senior Planner ~ Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning October 29,2004 Barr Property LUAR 04-009 Amend the Future Land Use designation from High Density Residential to Special High Density Residential; and, Rezone the property from R-3 Multi-family Residential to PUD Planned Unit Development. Property Owner: Applicant! Agent: Location: Parcel Size: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: PROJECT DESCRIPTION BMVFL-l, Inc. Boynton Village, LLCjCorner5tone Premier Communities 1801 NE 4th Street (Exhibit "A") +9.88 acres High Density Residential (10.8 dwelling units per acre [dujac]) (Boynton Mobile Home Park) R-3 Multi-family Residential Special High Density Residential (20 dujac) PUD Planned Unit Development Townhouse-style condominium community of 180 units Page 2 File Number: LUAR 04-009 Barr Property Adjacent Uses: North: Single-family residential development designated High Density Residential. Property to the northeast is zoned PUD Planned Unit Development; to the northwest the property is zoned R - 3 Multi- family Residential. South: Developed property designated High Density Residential (HDR) and zoned R-3 Multi-family Residential (day care center and rental apartments). East: Rights-of-way of the Florida East Coast (FEe) Railroad and North Federal Highway, then developed property on the east side of Federal Highway, designated Local Retail Commercial and zoned C-3 Community Commercial. West: Right-of-way of NE 4th Street, then developed Multi-family residential (Boynton Bay) designated High Density Residential and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff recommends approval of the requested land use amendment and rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The request is consistent with relevant policies in the Comprehensive Plan and the adopted "Federal Hiqhwav Corridor Community Redevelooment Plan". 2. The redevelopment of the property is desirable; the proposed rezoning maintains the residential character of the area, and will provide an aesthetically pleasing living environment in proximity to the downtown. 3. The proposed development meets the standards expected when a Planned Unit Development is requested in the Special High Density Residential land use category. SITE PLAN/MASTER PLAN ANALYSIS It is a basic expectation that anyone requesting the use of the Special High Density Residential land use category and PUD regulations will develop to standards that exceed the City's basic development standards in terms of site design, building architecture and construction materials, amenities and landscape design. To that end, all applications for rezoning to a PUD must be accompanied by a detailed master plan or site plan. In this instance, an application for site plan approval has been submitted and is being reviewed concurrent with this request. The Special High Density Residential land use category allows up to a maximum of 20 du/ac. In this instance, the applicant is proposing a development containing 180 units in a mixture of townhouses and flats with an overall density of 18.2 du/ac. Page 3 File Number: LUAR 04-009 Barr Property The site plan proposes one (1) main point of entrance/egress from NE 4th Street. An emergency point of entrance/egress is shown also from NE 4th Street would be used only when the main entrance is obstructed. The 180 dwelling units are proposed within 15 separate buildings arranged along a loop road within the 9.88-acre site. The number of units within the buildings ranges from eight (8) to 14 units. Two stacked condominium flat units on each end flank two-story townhouse units in each building. Unit sizes range from 1,356 square feet to 1,879 square feet. The maximum height of the structures is 35 feet (3 stories), measured to peak of roof. The PUD zoning district regulations contain no constant minimum setback requirements, requiring however, that setbacks mirror setbacks of adjacent development. The site plan shows a setback of 40 feet from NE 4th Street and 20 feet from all other property lines. These setbacks are consistent with those of adjacent development. A recreation area is proposed for the center of the development, surrounded by the residential buildings on all sides. This area contains a clubhouse with 1,838 square feet under air, a swimming pool, tot-lot and a passive green area. A five (5) foot high aluminum fence will surround the recreation area. Staff has recommended approval of the site plan. PROJECT ANALYSIS Chapter 163.3187, Florida Statutes states the requirements for small-scale Comprehensive Plan map amendments. The proposed amendment must involve a use of fewer than ten (10) acres and a residential use must have a density of ten (10) units or less in density, unless the subject property is located in an area designated for urban infill, urban redevelopment, or downtown revitalization. The parcels, which are the subject of this land use amendment, total 9.88 acres. Even though the requested density is greater than 10 dulac, it is located within a recognized redevelopment area. Because of this and the size of the property under consideration, the amendment qualifies as a "small scale" amendment. A "small-scale" amendment is adopted prior to forwarding to the Florida Department of Community Affairs and is not reviewed for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption. The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies including but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the Citys risk manager. The planning department shall also recommend limitations or requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan, Page 4 File Number: LUAR 04-009 Ba rr Property The property is not located within the hurricane evacuation zone. In addition, the proposed townhouse project will replace an antiquated mobile home park with residences that are less vulnerable to the effects of tropical storms than older mobile homes since they must meet minimum standards for High Velocity Hurricane Zones as required by the Florida Building Code. The criteria for assigning the Special High Density Residential land use category are found in Policy 1.16.1 of the Future Land Use Element: "This land use category shall consist of redevelopment and infill residential areas assigned to this land use category in the portion of the designated Community Redevelopment Area identified as Planning Area I and Planning Area V in the ''Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan'; adopted on May 15, 2001. " The proposed redevelopment residential project is located in Planning Area I, as defined in the above-cited redevelopment plan, and therefore meets the criteria for consideration of the land use amendment. Other policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan that are applicable include: Policy 1.19.1 The City shall continue efforts to encourage a full range of housing choices, by allowing densities which can accommodate the approximate number and type of dwellings for which the demand has been projected in the Housing and Future Land Use Elements, including the provision of adequate sites for housing very-low, low-, and moderate income households and for mobile homes; Policy 1.19.7 The City shall continue to change the land use and zoning to permit only residential or other non-commercial uses in areas where the demand for commercial uses will not increase, particularly in the Coastal Area; and, The requested land use amendment and rezoning are consistent with both policies. In addition, they are consistent with the following strategies for Planning Area I, as stated in the "Federal Highwav Corridor Community Redevelooment Plan": Encourage a variety of housing. Develop intensity standards that allow for a variety of housing styles and types at intensities that will assist in supporting the downtown area and general economic expansion; and, Require a transition to the adjacent gateway neighborhoods. Create development standards in the city entrance communities that establish a logical transition to the gateway communities. Building scale, massing and placement should be less intense than that of the adjacent planning areas, but substantial enough to announce an arrival in the City. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby Page 5 File Number: LUAR 04-009 Barr Property districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. The requested land use amendment and rezoning will promote efficient use of the subject property. The property's location within both the Community Redevelopment Area and Planning Area I of the Federal Highway Corridor suggests that the requested increase in density is appropriate for the area. Adjacent properties lying north, west and south of the subject property are designated for high density residential uses, and while the requested density is greater than that of the surrounding development, it is consistent with the transition in uses recommended in the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. The property is currently developed with an aging mobile home park. The redevelopment of the property is desirable. The proposed rezoning maintains the residential character of the area, and will provide an aesthetically pleasing living environment in proximity to the downtown. c. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. Projected utility systems demands, traffic generation and public school impact were provided by the applicant and are shown below. ~ c EQ)- ::JE~ E c. c 'x.Q B 10 Q) 0 ::Eii:ia.. o - -c .!:2 0 't::W Q).!!! ~ :J o c. a. 0 a. ~ Q) ;:N Q)"O Ul~ >::-E Q) Q) ~o ~ M C u .Q lE1iJ 10 ~ ~ Q) I- c Q) <.D Vl ijJ Q) z "8 .s:::: u Ul Existing Land Use 110 mobile 249 41,140 gpd 65 peak hr. Elem=9 (Actual) Mobile Home Park homes persons 33,000 gpd trips Middle=4 ________________________________________________________ ____________________mm___ ________________________ _________mm_m_____________ _________________________ __f:l_igb_=7 _____ HDR maximum potential 106 du 242 39,644 gpd 57 peak hr. Elem=8 persons 31,800 gpd trips Middle=4 Hiqh-6 Proposed Land Use (SHDR) 197 du 447 73,678 gpd 106 peak Elem=16 persons 59,100 gpd hr. trips Middle=8 _m_m_____________________________________m_mm_ _m___m_____________ ___ _________________________ __mmm_mm____mmm_ mm_ __ ________ __f:l.igb_=_!_?___ Proposed Development 180 du 409 67,320 gpd 97 peak hr. Elem=14 persons 54,000 gpd trips Middle=7 Hiqh= 11 2 3 2.27 persons per du=average household population per 2000 census Demands: Water=347 gpd per unit Sewer=300 gpd per unit Peak Hour Trip Rates: Townhouse=0.54 Mobile Home=0.59 The subject property, located east of Interstate-95, is in the Coastal Residential Exception Area, and is therefore not subject to the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The Page 6 File Number: LUAR 04-009 Barr Property traffic statement provided by the applicant meets the requirements of Palm Beach County by showing both daily trip generation rates and AM and PM peak hour trip generation characteristics. The Utilities Department indicates that sufficient capacity for potable water and sanitary sewer exists to serve the development. The Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the lO-year planning period. The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population. The City's Police Department has indicated that service demands of the requested development will be no greater than those currently experienced by the present use. Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of the conditional use application, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. The proposed rezoning to PUD is compatible with abutting development. The project is separated from properties to the east by rights-of-way and development standards of the PUD district require that setbacks of adjacent developments be mirrored in the site plan for the development. f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. The property is currently used as a mobile home park. It could be redeveloped under the existing land use designation and zoning, which allows a maximum residential density of 10.8 dujac. The additional density will enable an economically viable redevelopment project, with units priced lower than the units currently being built in the Federal Highway corridor, thereby conforming to the Comprehensive Plan policy calling for a full range of housing opportunities for residents of the City. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a who/e. The property is less than 10 acres in size, but has a linear configuration stretching more than 1,000 feet along the Federal HighwayjFEC corridor and is highly visible from Federal Highway. The aesthetic quality of the proposed redevelopment project will greatly improve impacts of the property on the property on the corridor, which is viewed as a gatway into the downtown and is targeted for aesthetic improvements. The requested land use amendment and rezoning will facilitate the redevelopment of the antiquated mobile home park in a manner consistent with the "Federal Hiqhwav Corridor Community Redevelooment Plan". h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. In accordance with the definition of the Special High Density Residential land use designation in Policy 1.16.1 of the Future Land Use Element, residential densities of 20 dujac are permitted in Page 7 File Number: LUAR 04-009 Barr Property the Federal Highway corridor to encourage infill development and redevelopment. There are a limited number of sites elsewhere in the city where residential development could occur at a density of 10.8 dujac; however, those sites do not offer the opportunity for redevelopment and infill development that this location affords. Nor would development of those available sites serve to promote the goals of the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will not create additional impacts on infrastructure that cannot be provided; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City, Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. If the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or the City Commission recommends conditions, they will be included within Exhibit "B". ATTACHMENTS S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Barr Property\LUAR 04-009\STAFF REPORT NEW.doc EXHIBIT A Barr Amendment LUAR 04-009 Location Map I 'I ., ] lJ~ _._J L. HDRI .=t=-= I '-. 1 ( -Hr.E. 23rd Avenue ~+ . I . -1-- ----I 1-\--- I /T- Ui:lClQQQ[JC!JQ " , ',{ C?[]~R[? {~j LnU CJ W[JQ[J[JI,~ Cj r1 I.] [L;"} D .i-I CJ ---T-' [R , I , ( I ' < -'I1m'~ " '~/ ' /,~/" ,', /':' 'TEritT HDR I rt .. ~ ~ = I I , 1 \ \ ----1 f---r- I I ' . I L_~DR I' 1 -:\1 I I LEGEND: LDR - Low Density Residential HDR . High Density Residential SHDR. Special High Density Residential REC - Recreation LRC . Local Retail Commercial . .cr I .._~________-L....- -, L-J j -Ljj.L J-&k-L ---r---'r- , I I SHDR REC U "! ~[=~~ ~~~~ :~ _~ :~jCl aL__, L :::::.ICl c ~ ---_.1 :z: I REC "" ~ ' lU'_l fB IA., Z ',rjr./r i u/ ' I LRC \ \ i: / !- , j I ,,'-/1 HDR~--- 3M o 360 Feet 180 N A TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL SER.# 01/01/2002 02:20 PLANNING 5617426259 BR0L3J876851 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 01/01 02: 24 91305443933967529 00:02:08 07 OK STANDARD ECM FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561 ) 742-6259 Fax Planning & Zoning Division TO: Max Cruz FAX: 305-443-9339 FROM: Dick Hudson, AICP DATE: 12/08/04 NUMBER OF PAGES: (including coverl 8 RE: Mobile Home Report Max, The attached is a copy of a report similar to the one we are expecting from you, which was done for a similar development in Broward County. I only got this last week, and it may be too late to help you with your report, but I thought it would not hurt to send it to you. Dick If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. , 12/02/2004 09:48 95477149~1 GOREN CHEROF ET "". PAGE 01/07 GOREN, CHEROF, DOODY & EZROL., P.A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort L.auderdale, Florida 33308 (954) 771-4500 Facsimile No. (954) 771-4923 DATE: I""~ \O~ RECIPIENT'S FAX NO. TO: ty\,~ ,(,J 1~'\.. ,,~,q R-J~Pfl FROM: ~1oY' C,n;-Q..o ,= This transmission contains :J. page(s) including this cover. FILE NO: FILE REFERENCE: e& .. """"" COMMENTS: ~o~ 1::k' ~ c..,., ~-Sr1.D JIoJ . The information oontalned In this faeslml1e massage and the pages follQwlng are attorney privileged and cQnfidontl.1 Information Intended only for the use of tllo.lndlviduel of entity named a~ov.. If the ",ader of this message 18 not tlle Intended recipient, you are hereby notlfieQ that any dissemination, distribution, or OOpy of thit communloatlon Is strictly prohibited. If you have reeehled this cgmmUnlcBtiol"l In error. t:llaase immedIately notIfy us by telephone and return the origlnalltlElssage to us It the above address vi. the U.S. Postal Servica. Th,,,k yOLl. If any problems occur in receiving this message, please cali this office at (954) 771-4500. Thank you. 12/02/2004 09:48 95477149?1 GOREN CHEROF ET 1'1 PAGE 02/07 --, . . Clrollo, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Motley, Susan [Susan.Mottey@ruden.com] Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:50 AM mclrullo@Cilyatty.com FW: Vacancy Report i}lt VlllClftC)'RIPGI1 7."'.~, Mike, here Is the vacancy report with additional Information from Andy Burnham. Pleasa call if you have any questions. SUsan ---Original Message-- From: Andy Burnham [maiito:abumham@jwharrisandl;OlTlpany.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 4:42 PM To: Motley, Susan Subject: Vacancy Report Susan, Attached Is the vacancy repot1 for mobile home parks and some affordable nousing units (rental) in Broward County. Note that there are two tabs on the spreadsheet. The survey reflects the following: . 527 affordable rental units that are currently available . 494 mobile home lots that are currently available. . We could not make any contact with several parks which make up 1,7B5 units. Assuming these units are running at the same vacancy as the other parlls (3%) it is reasonable to estimate at least 4B more vacant mobUe home lots that are available. Note: Many of the park managers slated that they currently did not have any availBble units because they have already reserved all of their supply for the upcoming season. They told US that when sea90n ends they typically see a highBr vacancy rate during the summer time. Thanks ab NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachment to this e-mail message contains confidential Information that may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not review, retransmit, convert to hard copy, copy, use or disseminate this e-mail or any attachments to it. If you have received t~is e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by retum e-mail or by telephone at 954-764-6660 and delete this message. Please note that if this e-mail message contains a forwarded message or Is a reply to a prior message. some or all of the contents of this message or any attachments may not have been produced by the sender. 1 12/02/2004 09:48 954771492" GOREN CHEROF ET AI PAGE 03/07 " . . MOBILE HOlllK PARK OCCUPANCY AND RATE REPO..... FOR BROWARD COUKTT IU '" JulY 1004 P.R Qwnea ttom.. For - .... TeI.~ne . 'OfLatI ISO sail ar RMIf. ..... --. -- 1'raU"""", '0> S F'-'''' D. PL"""'" 9....-925-4.~6 84 N . .. "-.- _e_ 'A_IBICir,M_FI. 0ll+e'2-,010 .N ,., "".00 - 845 5 1lOI1~IMH. 4411 !II Fedut;ll HWY, ~ 954-M1-3510 Y 0 0 410 98 eamboo MHP 2430 Charl. Rei ~kII Park FL ~9~778S 40 1.ft- i"l,.lllfor~but h8Y8 over,OO ...N._~ ---BeliE' ri ....,00 V8CQI'lC:IH forflHt 1_ H*MHP a~-8688 >., Y 0 IUI\'ITM!'!'. toreho COO. 3213 NW 37th st. Ft, LaudOtdalR F\. 9&4-1"1M2387 ""'.00 33301 183 N 0 0 ~MH 1'~SW"'''' n....FL Igu......T..-311G NtA -.00 QnIyTak6NIIW 20' N 0 HDIIl8. ,.,,, 28th VI! 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Page I of I Hudson, Dick (Orran) From: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 2:24 PM To: 'Max.Cruz@Cornerstonegrp.com' Subject: Barr Property Max, In light of the recent article in the Sun-Sentinel that quoted the following from Florida Statutes, the City Manager has given staff a "heads-up" that this information will be required prior to approval of the land use amendment and rezoning. 723.83 Governmental action affecting removal of mobile home owners.--No agency of municipal, local, county, or state government shall approve any application for rezoning, or take any other official action, which would result in the removal or relocation of mobile home owners residing in a mobile hDme park without first determining that adequate mobile home parks or other suitable facilities exist for the relocation of the mobile home owners. I am sure that Cornerstone is better able to provide an answer than we are, since you have probably encountered this requirement on other projects. However, the sooner we can provide something to the City Manager, the better for all concerned. If you have any questions, please call me at (561) 742-6264. Dick Hudson 11/22/2004 ~~ Ruden ~II McClosky 222 LAKEVIEW AVENUE SUITE 800 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-61 12 (561) 838-4542 FAX: (561) 514-3442 KIM.GLASCASTRO@RUDEN.COM 10/25/2004 EAST BOYNTON VILLAGE Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Land Use Change) Boynton Village, LLC, (the "Applicant") is requesting an amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan in conjunction with the proposal of a townhouse residential community on 9.8882 acres west of the FEC railroad tracks, fronting Palm Boulevard. This proposed comprehensive plan amendment meets the criteria for a small-scale land use change due to the size of the subject property and its location within the City's redevelopment area. The Applicant proposes to change the land use designation on the subject property from the current High Density Residential (up to 10.8 dulac) to the Special High Density Residential (up to 20 du/ac) category that is applicable in the downtown redevelopment area. The proposed land use will facilitate the redevelopment of an antiquated mobile home park. Rezoning Concurrent with the land use amendment, the Applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property from the current R-3 district to Planned Unit Development. The proposed East Boynton Village residential community is comprised of 180 townhouses, with a density of 18.2 dulac, which is consistent with the Special High Density Residential land use designation. Consistent with the criteria contained in Section 9.C.2. of the Zoning regulations, the Applicant offers the following for the City's consideration: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies. The proposed rezoning to PUD is consistent with the proposed land use designation of Special High Density Residential (being concurrently processed). Rezoning to PUD will allDw redevelopment of the property, which is currently a mobile home park, with a viable new residential community. WPB, 18 1 496,3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS' F r. LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST. LUCIE' SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA 'WEST PALM BEACH Page 2 b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. Rezoning to PUD will promote efficient use of the subject property. The subject property's location within the City's redevelopment area, and within Planning Area I of the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan suggest that the requested intensity is appropriate for the area. T he immediate area c an be characterized as high density residential to the north, south and west. The FEC railroad tracks and Federal Highway serve as a buffer along the property's east perimeter. Across these right-of-ways, commercial uses front the arterial. The Special High Density Residential and PUD designations are consistent with the transition in uses that are recommended in the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan. East Boynton Village represents the logical progression of uses, which are less intense than that of the central business district, but greater than surrounding areas. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. The subject property is currently improved with an aging mobile home park. Redevelopment of the property is desired, as evidenced by its location within the City's Community Redevelopment Area. The proposed rezoning maintains the residential character of the area, and will provide an aesthetic living environment in proximity to the downtown. d. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The proposed rezoning and resulting townhouse residential neighborhood will not negatively impact public facilities and services. The proposed development will meet the adopted level of service standards established pursuant to the City's concurrency management system. A traffic study is being submitted as part of the request to document the proposed project's impact on the surrounding roadway network. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, 0 r would a flect t he property values of adjacent and nearby properties. The proposed rezoning to PUD is compatible with adjacent uses: HDRIR-3 to the north, south and west, and Commercial/C3 to the east. The subject property is separated from properties to the east and west by roadways and/or railroad lines. The proposed residential community will buffer itself from any negative impacts associated with said right-of-ways. A wall and I ush I andscaping is proposed for the FEC perimeter buffer. The proposed project is compatible with adjacent residences and will not negatively impact property values. Conversely, the new development project will have a positive impact on the value of surrounding properties; and is likely to spur investment in adjacent properties which will further increase their values. WPB,181496,] RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS. FT. LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPLES. PORT ST. LUCIE. SARASOTA. ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE. TM1PA -WEST PALM BEACH Page 3 f Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. Currently zoned as R3, the property's density potential is half of that proposed by the Special High Density Residential and PUD designations. The property's proximity to the railroad and Federal Highway, as well as its location within the CRA, are important considerations that support the requested designations. Rezoning to PUD, pursuant to the Special High Density Residential land use category, will enable an economically viable, timely redevelopment project to be developed on the site. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. The property is slightly less than 10 acres in size, but has a linear configuration along the Federal Highway/FEC corridor. The aesthetic quality of the proposed redevelopment project will greatly improve the visual impacts of the property on the corridor, which is viewed as the gateway into the downtown and is targeted for aesthetic improvements. The requested land use change and rezoning will facilitate the redevelopment of the antiquated mobile home park in a manner consistent with the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The Special High Density Residential land use designation, as established by Policy 1.16.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, is a desired I and use in the subject a rea, Planning Area I, to promote redevelopment and infill residential uses. The requested land use is only permissible in Planning Areas I and IV of the Federal Highway Corridor portion of the CRA. The subject property has been identified for redevelopment by its inclusion in the CRA boundaries and within the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan. PUD Master Plan An East Boynton Village conceptual Master Plan has been submitted, which proposes 180 townhouses on the subject 9.8882 acres, for a density of 18.2 dulac. The Applicant offers documentation to demonstrate new demand generated by development under the proposed zoning (PUD). The Applicant feels that any impacts can be mitigated to ensure compliance with concurrency requirements. While the PUD master plan proposes 180 residential units, the maximum potential of the land use category is 20 dulac or 197 dwelling units. This compares to the existing 110 mobile homes, and the 106 dwelling units that could be allowed by the maximum potential of the existing HDR land use designation. WPB,1814%3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS. fT. LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPLES. PORT ST. LUCIE. SARASOTA- ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE. TAMPA -WEST PALM BEACH Page 4 The East Boynton Village residential neighborhood will be developed in one phase, prior to the buildout date of 2007 assumed in the traffic analysis. Residential development in the area is exempt from countywide traffic performance standards, however, a traffic study has been provided to demonstrate that the project does not generate significant traffic impacts. Other public facilities and services will not be negatively impacted by the change in uses. Water and sewer demand, based on the rates identified in the attached tables, have been evaluated and the resulting demand can be served by the programmed capacity at the City's water and sewer treatment plants. Population projections under the existing and proposed uses are cDmpared below. These estimates are based on the 2000 Census figure of 2.27 persons per unit as a citywide, average household size. Existing Land Use: Maximum Potential HDR land use Current Mobile Home Park (nonconforming) PropDsed Use: Maximum Potential PUD Proposal 106 du's 242 persons 11 0 du's 249 persons 197 du's 180 du's 447 persons 409 persons PUD Considerations In addition to typical rezoning standards, the proposal IS consistent with the locational and internal standards for Planned Unit Developments: Relation to Major Transportation Facilities: The property lies between Palm Boulevard (NE 4th Street) and the Federal Highway/FEC Railroad corridor. Interconnected City streets lie to the south, west and east. Palm Tran, the County bus service, has an established route, Route I, which traverses US Highway 0 ne in twenty minute intervals. T he nearest T ri-Rail station is located at Gateway Boulevard, just west ofI-95. Relation to Utilities, Public Facilities and Services: The surrounding area is developed and served by a full compliment of City services. The proposed redevelopment project will maximize utilization of public facilities and will promote efficient service delivery. WPB,181496,J RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS' f LLAUDERDALE. MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST. LUCIE . SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE 'lAMPA' WEST PALM BEACH Page 5 Physical Character of the Site: The 9.882-acre property lies west of the FEC railroad right-of- way. The property was previously cleared and is now improved with a mobile home park and open boat/RV storage yard. The property does not contain environmentally sensitive lands or natural resources. The property is generally characterized by the St. Lucie-Urban-Paola soil association and is suitable for development. Access: The property is accessed via Palm Boulevard. At grade crossings of the railroad and intersections with Federal Highway are provided at NE 16 Avenue and NE 15 Avenue. These local streets also provide westerly connections with Seacrest Boulevard. Internal Lots and Frontage: The proposed townhouses are oriented internally and will not directly front (access) Palm Boulevard. All of the dwelling units will be accessed via an internal roadway. The proposed redevelopment project will be bounded on its perimeter by a landscape buffer. This landscaping will serve as the right-of-way frontage and immediate view of the development. Off-Street Parking: Required parking to serve the proposed 180 residential units will be provided on-site. No parking within public streets or right-of-ways is proposed. Underground Utilities: All new utilities serving the proposed townhouse community will be located underground. Existing utilities that conflict with construction, required improvements or landscaping will be relocated or moved underground. Right-of-Ways: The subject property lies east of the Palm Boulevard right-of-way, a local street, and west of the FEC railroad right-of-way. No right,of-way needs or additional dedications are anticipated WPB,lB14%3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS. fT. LAUDERDALE' MIAMI. NAPLES. PORT ST. LUCIE. SARASOTA. ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE. TAMPA .WEST PALM BEACH '0 <l) i'Jl 0.. '" 0-0 0-0 -<= <l) <.) <l) r/lZ " .9 rn _ <l) "'.~ .... 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E ; N I-< CI 0... N en .9, - N ,... ~ ",..0 _ '" "' o 00 ~ II -0 o ..= u ~ ~ '" E a u " J: U < w on ~ ~ ~ - "' ~ . < ~ ~ < - . w -< ~ a..: ~ _t :S ....J ~ cu < Of> - Of> . :::> co '" ~ on o/l ffi '" - cu w f-- ~ Of> ,..: :::> "' I < U - Of> 0 I ~ t:: ~ ::E ~ Of> u >-" :3 OL ,..: Of> "' o i;< ....J Ii:' u . ~ ~ ~ z ::;; cu . ~ ~ '" :E . w ;( Cl '" w Cl OJ < ~ ,..: ~ . "' < u ;;; < u M ~ '" " on a; "'- 3: Page 7 CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The proposed land use change from High Density Residential to Special High Density Residential is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive P Ian and the City's Community Redevelopment Plans. Specifically, the land use amendment is consistent with and furthers the following City objectives: Urban Sprawl: Objective 1.13, Policy 1.13.4 The proposed land use discourages urban sprawl by creating a compact urban area. The redevelopment project will utilize land within the urban core versus on the suhurban fringe of the City. The proposed residential project will maximize utilization of public services and provide for efficient service delivery. Residential: Objective 1.16, Policy 1.16.1 The proposed development project will implement the redevelopment strategy to create transition to the downtown urban form. Consistent with the recommendations of the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan, the proposed East Boynton Village project provides intensity that is less intense than the central business district, but greater than surrounding areas. Also, consistent with redevelopment objectives, the proposed project will provide new housing in proximity to the downtown area that will support downtown businesses and general economic expansion of the redevelopment area. Range of Land Uses: Objective 1.19 The requested land uses fulfill this policy provision by providing new housing choices within the downtown area. Consistent with the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan, the proposal maintains the residential character of the area, but provides new aesthetic development that will enhance the visual impact along the Federal Highway corridor, the City's gateway into the downtown. Visions 20/20: Objective 1.22, Policy 1.22.4 The proposed residential land use and requested density is consistent with redevelopment strategies to provide residential use within the downtown area and to transition intensities through the CRA boundaries. WPB,181496,3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS' FT. LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES' PORT ST. LUCIE' SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA' WEST PALM BEACH Page 8 NEED FOR LAND USE Palm Beach County is known as the West Palm BeachIBoca Raton Metropolitan Statistical A rea (MSA). Growth in this region originated in the south and moved northward. Palm Beach County's growth rate has increased steadily during the past fifteen (15) years. In 1980, the County has a population of approximately 587,000. By 1990, the County had reached a population of approximately 870,000, which represented an increase of nearly 48%. The County's growth rate between 1990 and 2000 is less than it was between 1980 and 1990 due to recessionary economic conditions in the early 90's. However, population growth has increased significantly since 1990, and the University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) project an increased rate of growth through 2010. Population is projected to increase from 1,008,300 in 2000 to 1,300,600 in 2010. Based on projected population growth, there is a need for additional residences and commercial businesses to meet the growing needs of the City's population. The subject property's location presents an ideal site for a new residential project that is located in proximity to the downtown business district and Federal Highway corridor. This location will provide residences in close proximity to these businesses, and will eliminate the need to traverse the roadway network to access to shop, dine, and conduct business. WPB:181496:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS. FT LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' NAPLES. PORT ST. LUCIE' SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA 'WEST PALM BEACH Page 9 Mass Transit / Mnlti-Modal Transportation 1. Identify the mass transit modes serving the amendment area. Palm Tran Route I travels Federal Highway between Palm Beach Gardens and Boca Raton. The Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station is within 2 Yz miles of the subject property, but is not conveniently accessed via Palm Tran. 2. Identify the change in demand resulting from this amendment. It can generally be assumed that the proposed land use will have a slight increase in traffic generation, and therefore transit trips. Palm Tran's stated level of service is no more than a 60-minute peak hour headway between successive trips. Ridership of Route I is reported at 1,483,398 with 30 minute peak frequency. The 40' bus serving this route has a peak hour capacity of 60 persons. Peak hour ridership data was not available from Palm Tran. Tri-Rail's average daily capacity if 450 seated passengers. Boardings and Alightings at the BDynton Beach station from November, 2003-April, 2004 demonstrate that the majority 0 f weekday travelers board at this station in the morning to travel to another destination (work place) and return to this station in the evening. The train's peak hour ridership varies from 600 to 627 persons. A maximum, peak hour capacity could not be provided by SFRTA. The Property is within the City of Boynton Beach. At this time, the City does not provide an inter-city shuttle service, but provides a "shopper hopper" to specified shopping destinations. A goal of the MPO's 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan for Palm Beach County is to increase community buses operated by the bigger cities, including Boynton Beach, to supplement Palm Tran service routes. Therefore, once implemented, the Property may also be served by the local shuttle service. WPB,1814%3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS - IT. LAUDERDALE - MIAMI- NAPLES - PORT ST. LUCIE - SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE - TAMPA -WEST PALM BEACH Page 10 3. Identify the existing and planned mass transit routes and scheduled service (headway) for the amendment area. According to Palm Tran website data, Route I is served continuously between 5:30 am and 10:10 PM in 20-minute intervals on weekdays and 30-minute intervals on weekends. No new routes are identified for the amendment area. The Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station is served in the southbound direction between 4:42 AM and 11 :02 and between 2: 18 PM and 8: 18 PM, in hour intervals; and is served in a northbound direction between 5:47 AM and 12:47 AM and between 3:03 PM and 9:03 PM, in hour intervals. The MPO's FY 2004-2008 Transportation Improvement Program (and draft 2005-2009 TIP) identifies ongoing priorities to purchase of new and replacement buses, purchase of community shuttles and construction of bus shelters, which will implement the aforementioned goals of the LRTP. MPO's 2025 Transportation System Needs Plan identifies the need for extension of Tri-Rail to Martin County. The TIP programs monies for double-tracking, automated ticketing, and system extension planning. South Florida Regional Transportation Authority's Double Track Corridor Improvement Program, between Miami Airport and Mangonia Park is expected to be completed in 2005. 4. Describe how the proposed amendment furthers or is consistent with the concept of a "transit-oriented development". The proposed redevelopment project is conveniently situated in proximity to an established transit route that traverses the length of the County. Residents may chose to live in the proposed units due to accessibility to mass transit opportunities. WPB,1814963 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS' FT. LAUDERDALE . MIMtI. NAPLES' PORT ST. LUCIE . SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG' TALLAHASSEE' TAMPA 'WEST PALM BEACH EAST BOYNTON VilLAGE Water and Sewer Flow Estimates I I IIResidential I Uses 106 dwellina units Existing land Use - HDR Water II Unit I No. of Units I II dwellina un~1 1061 Water Flow Allocation I 374 GPO! dwelling unit') I I Flow I 39,644 GPO Sewer I Uses I Unit No. of Units Sewer Flow Allocation Flow Residential 1 106 dwelling units dwellina unit 106 300 GPO! dwelling unit') 31,800 GPO I Water I I Uses II Unit I No. of Units I Water Flow Allocation I Flow I Residential I 180 dwellina units(2) II dwellina unitr 1801 374 GPO! dwelling unit') I 67,320 GPO Proposed land Use - SHDRlPUD I Sewer I Uses Unit No. of Units Sewer Flow Allocation Flow Residential I 180 dwellina unitsl2\ dwellina unit 180 300 GPO! dwelling unit') 54,000 GPO Notes: 1) Note for the purposes of calculation we used a 2 bedroom unit to calculate the total flow requirements for the project 2) PUO proposal