CORRESPONDENCE C ;,'/ )--"" -f " /..... --'. 1':"" :J , , , _ _T5~~n, " . '__ __ ':_'_ ---:::cc-- " /L_":l-:"Cf..-:'_'-~:~~/(1;~ _ ~:--:-:_~ T R EASjJ'jrt:~~C iJ i~ ~~jitfi?-NA!~: p ~A NN IN G Co U N-C:L ;if t,;,:'1' . t "__ ,_ ,- _~ I ~DIA;'N:-lll~ E k "" '~K~~~- C'; p tL\I BFA C H (j_-lST; I::iu C lit' MEMORANDUM From: Mr_ Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Peter G_ Merritt r:h Regional Ecologist\r To: Date: September 14, 2004 Subject: Notice of Permit Application No. 040825-3 Bayfront Attached is a notice of application for an environmental permit to conduct dredge and fill or similar activities within or adjacent to your community. We are disseminating this information for your review and comment. The information provided with this notice is very brief: but you may contact the permitting agency directly for further information if needed in order for you to assess the impacts ofthe proposed activities on your community_ If the proposed activities are not consistent with your comprehensive plan or other locally adopted plans or regulations, or if you have any other comments, please submit them to the permitting agency by the deadline date indicated in the attached materials. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of any comments you may have for our files. Attachment "Bringing Communities Together" . Est. 1976 lit Ealll Ocean Boulevard - Suite lit - Sluart, Florida 34"4 Phone (772) 2l1-4'" - SC 2"-4'" - Fax (772) 2ll-4'" - E-m.ail . .d.infi)tCI'DC our .,'. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 . (561) 686 8800 . FL WATS 1-800-4-32-2045 . TOD (5(11) hY7-2."i74 M.liling Addre<o;s: P.O. Box 246~O, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 4.6t!U . www,5fwmd.gov :?""".i'i~. .'t~";, :;~'~: i"', "''''1I'"i : ';',f g.~ kf NOTICE t:J:; ~' 1 ?nn~ i-',~ .- 11:,)[ i. August26,2004 Subject: Environmental Resource Permit Application Application No. 040825-3 Applicant Southern Homes of Palm Beach IV, LLC Palm Beach County, S 4fT 46 SIR 43 E The South Florida Water Management District is currently processing the attached application. If you have any comments or objections concerning this project, please submit them in writing to this office within 30 days of receipt of this notice. This is also an opportunity for applicable State agencies to concur with or object to the proposed project under the federal consistency provision of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Review must be in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Interagency Management Committee on October 25, 1989. Findings of inconsistency must describe how the project conflicts with your agency's statutory authorities in the Florida Coastal Management Program and provide alternative measures, if any, which would make the project consistent. Commenting agencies must provide a copy of all consistency comments letters to the Florida Coastal Management Program Director, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. Please refer to the applicants name and application number as referenced above in any correspondence to help facilitate processing. Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Rob Robbins at (561) 682-6951 or Tony Waterhouse at (561) 682-6867. BAC:mw Attachments c: US Army Corps of Engineers Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Bureau of Protected Species Management Department of State, Division of Historical Resources Regional Planning Council Department of Community Affairs Palm Beach County DERM G()VI.K'\i1r\'l~ Rtl/U\.I1 EXLCUllVL OnIG Nicol:is J. L,util;rrez, Jr., Esq., Cllllil l'.l111ela Brpoks Tho111a"" Fict'-Clllnr lrl'la M. Bagul' Michael Cullins Hugh M. English Lennart E. Lindahl. r.E. Kl'vin McCuty Harkley R. Thornton Trudi K. Williams, r.E. Ilenry Deem, E'-t"t"liti"t" Dirt'd"1" , OWNERISI OF LAND ENTITY TO RECEIVE PERMIl ,or OTHER THAN OWNER) NAME SOUTHERN HOMES OF PALM BEACH IV, LLC. NAME SAME AS OWNER ADDRESS 12900 SDUTHWEST 128'" STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP MIAMI, Fl 33186 CITY, STATE, ZIP COMPANY AND TITLE SOUTHERN HOMES OF PALM CDMPANY AND TITLE BEACH IV , LLC, TELEPHONE 13051 971-0102 TELEPHONE I I FAX I 305 I 971-6662 FAX ( I AGENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE PERMIT IIF AN AGENT CONSULTANT IIF DIFFERENT FROM AGENTI IS USED) NAME SAME AS CONSULTANT NAME ANTONIO QUEVEDO. P.E. COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE KEITH & BALLBE, INC, ADDRESS ADDRESS 2201 WEST PROSPECT RDAD. SUITE 100 CITY, STATE. ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 TELEPHONE I I TELEPHONE 19541 4B9-9B01 F-AX ( I FAX (954) 489-9802 Name of proJect, including phase if applicable BA YFRONT Is this application for part of a multi-phase project' D yes [2J no Total applicant-owned area contiguous to the project L46 ac Total project area for which a permit IS sought 2.46 ac Impervious area for which a permit is sought 1.14 ac What IS the total area (metric equivalent for federally funded projects) of work in, on. or over wetlands or other surface waters? acres ~ square feet ~ hectares ~ square meters Number of new boat slips proposed. Q Project location (use additional sheets, if needed! Countylies) PALM BEACH Section(s) -1 Township 46 S Range 43 E Section!s) Township Range ~ Land Grant name, if applicable N/A Tax Parcel Identification Number Street address, road, or other location 3440 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY City, Zip Code if applicable BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33483 "04(1825 " ,~ 2 Desc'ibe in general terms the ~,oposed project, system, or activity. CONv I'RUCTION OF 3 STORY APARTMENT BUILDINGS CONTAINING 48 UNITS WITHIN A 2.46 ACRE SITE. If there have been any pre-application meetings, including at the project site, with regulatory stafL please list the datels), location(8), and names of key staff and project representatives, Please identify by number any MSSW/Wetland resource/ERP/ACOE Permits pending, issued or denied for projects at the iocation, and any related enforcement actions. Agency )ilIA Date No.\Type of Application Action Taken Note:The followino information is required only fOUJ.Qj~~....Qroposed to occur in,on or over wetlands that need a federal dredae and fill Q...ermit and/or authorization to use state owned submerqed lands and is not necessary when 8oo1vinQ solelv for an Environmental Resource Permit. Please provide the names, addresses and zip codes of property owners whose property directly adjoins the project (excluding applicant), Please attach a plan view showing the owner's names and adjoining property iines, Attach additional sheets if necessary, 1. 2. 3, 4 ) 3y signing this application form, I am applying, or I am applying on behalf of the applicant, for the permit and any proprietary authorizations identi above, according to the supporting da nd other incidental information filed with this ap~ication. j am familiar wltn the information contained in this application and represent that such information is true, complete and accurate. I understand this is an application and not a permit, and that work prior to approval is a violation, I understand that this application and any permit issued or proprietary authorization issued pursuant thereto, does not relieve me of any obligation for obtaining any other required federal, state, water management district or local permit prior to commencement of construction. I agree, or I agree on behalf of my corporation, to operate and maintain the permitted system unless the permitting agency authorizes transfer of the permit to a responsible operation entity, I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F,S. and 18 U.S,C. Section 1001, or Agent Ilf one is so authorized below I Date AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE ONL Y IF THE APPLICANT COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING: I hereby designate and authorize the agent listed above to act on my behalf, or on behalf of my corporation, as the agent in the processing of this application for the permit and/or proprietary authorization indicated above; and to furnish, on request, supplemental information in support of the application, In addition, I authorize the above-listed agent to bind me, or my corporation, to perform any requirement which may be necessary to procure the permit or authorization indicated above, I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F.S, and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, HECTOR GARctlA JR, \ iV\~I!\ Typed/Printed .~~ ~~~caot ''-- 1;Y~ '-'\ \~~1 " , Signature of APPli~ant1~.ent ') -....~_/ ' , PRESIDENT '---./ (Corporate Title if applicablel Date Pl~,9~~~Jto~~..;~IhEt ilRPlicaJ,l( s__gdginaLs_igJJ~:t.Yre_lnoL~_f_QJ~Y-~~_.@J:Illire.d _~p_o_v_eo! PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: I either own the property described in this application or I have legal authority to allow access to the property. and I consent, after receiving prior notification, to any site visit on the property by agents or personnel from the Department of Environmental Protection. the Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers necessary for the review and inspection of the proposed project specified in this application. I authorize these agents or personnel to enter the property as many times as may be necessary to make such review and inspection. Further, I agree to provide entry to the p/\oJect Sit \:or such agents or personnel to monitor permitted work If a permit IS granted. HECTOR G~i; TypedlP"nteu'~,a, ~ V! , I Signature of Ap~llcan\;JAgent ) '---..-/ ',~~ PRESIDENT (Corporate Title if applicablel R,ts'M..t1' Date 4 ACOE Application # Date Ap;:llication Received ,Proposed Project Lat. _0__ FOR AGENCY USE ONLY DEP/WMD Application # Date Application Received Fee Received $ Fee Receipt Proposed Project Long. _0__ # SECTION A Are any of the activities described in this application proposed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? 0 yes [;2J no Is this application being filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district' o yes ~ no A. Type of Environmental Resource Permit Requested (check at least onel o Noticed General - include information requested in Section B. o Standard General (Single Family DwellingHnclude information requested in Sections C and D. ~ Standard General (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D. o Individual (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E, o Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Mitigation Bank Permit (construction) - include information requested in Section C and F. ( If the proposed mitigation bank involves the construction of a surface water management system requiring another permit defined above, check the appropriate box and submit the Information requested by the applicable section, I o Mitigation Bank (conceptual) - include information requested in Section C and F. B. Type of activity for which you are applying (check at least one) ~ Construction or operation of a new system Including dredging or filling in, on or over wetlands and other surface waters. o Alteration or operation of an existing system which was not previously permitted by a WMD or DEP, o Modification of a system previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. Provide prevIous permit numbers. o Alteration of a system 0 Extension of permit duration 0 Abandonment of a system o Construction of additional phases of a system 0 Removal of a system C. Are you requesting authorization to use State Owned Lands. 0 yes [;2J no (If yes include the information requested in Section G.) D. For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and fill permit requested: o Individual 0 Programmatic General o General 0 Nationwide CZJ Not Applicable E. Are you claiming to qualify for an exemption? Dves 0 no If yes provide rule number if known.N/A ~.:-c;,v =;l ! " L~-~ I S:;'J ;;; I <3 ~:;; i ,},":: l :,\'-; i ':1 I;:"\/E 11.~Gj~yt.IIIL~lllJ : :. Vr;: 'lpr..ClJ'NI - :;V 11 i iJ,vE: , 'I \NM,C,'qU(\F'l:','~; I .y," ~ 1,\,.jF '~~v'IUT 13 I i-Wr- SW ~I 11} ~I AVE IDOt,JR1IFlUGI}{l Ii ,,?.... ~ " !':II - ~\ .. , ,~' l.t.J V 0 '-' ,,~ I,'.' j,C' _L__~ :::;,1 ',';1-.1,:.. ~':r~-" r.s. (" J - :T LOCATION ~ :E 34 AVE ~ ~ ~ 35 ~ w_ ....... [-., ~ ~' "---< ~ , -J :-..., ~.}-1t-2004 03:26pm From-RUDEN t.<<:CLO' 18TTH NTST +9547644996 T-614 P 002/002 H70 ~~ Ruden ~IIMcClosky 200 EAST BROWARO BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 ~ST OFFICE 80x 1900 FORT I.AUDERDA~[, nORIDA 3;no:t (954) 527-2476 r.....x: (954l D).o1.076 BON N1E,MIS KEl@RUDEN,COM May 18, 2004 ~o~--;'r- r' " VIA FACSIMILE MAY ". Mike Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach I 00 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 .----__1 ----- Re: Items JIl.E.2 and E.3 and Item JIlIl.A. 011 tile May 18'h City Commission Agenda Dcar Mike: This letter is intended to clarify a misstatement contained within the reports provided to the City Commission for the above referenced items. As you know, 1 represent Southern Homes in connection with the development of their multiple projects_ Contained in the reports for the items referenced above is a representation that the units are to be sold as fee simple townhomes- That statement should be corrected to reflect that the units shall be sold as condominiums_ As the description is nothing other than a description and is not substantive by nature, I am sure that the clarification will have little effect on your conclusions of your staff report; however, I felt that it was important to clarify the record to reflect that the units shall be sold as condominiums. If items Vl.E.2 and E.3 need to be pulled from Consent to correct the nature of the sale, please leI me know. Otherwise, please forward this information to the City Commission for their reVlew. If you need additional infonnarion, please call. Sincerely, ~~~ Bonnie L. Miskel ~6) BLMfbab cc: Carlos B[,lIbe (via fax) FTL:t216670:1 RUDEN, McCLOSKY. SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL. PA CAItAC\S. FT. LAlJO~KOAU . MIAMI. NAPI,ES - ORLANDO. PORT SI. LUCIE. SARASOTA . ~T_prnRSBlJRC - TALlAHASSEE. TAMPA. WEST PALM BEACH ~ay-la-2004 03:26pm From-RUDEN MCClO' 18TTH NTST +9547644996 T-614 P.OOI/002 F-970 ~ Ruden ~bMcClosky zoo EAST 6ROWARD BOUlEVA~D FORT lAuDERDAL~, FLO~IOA 33301 (9S4) 527-2476 FAX: (954) 333-4076 eON NIE.MISKEl@RUDEN,COM FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: May 18,2004 FROM: Bonnie L. Miskel FILE NO.: 40086-0006 NUMBER OF I'AGES: 2 (Including this Cover Page) lfthere are any problems or complications, please notifY us immediately at (954) 764-6660. TO: Mike Rumpf COMPANY: City of Boynton Beach FAX NO.: (561) 742-6259 COMMENTS: ~~ ~ ~-{ ;-:;- ("Llfl, THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TJ-IIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT TliE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION. DISTRIBUTION OR COPY OF TIllS COMMUNICATION IS STRlCTL Y PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECENED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY us BY TELEPHONE (IF LONG DISTANCE, PLE"SE C"LL COllECT) AND RETURN THE ORiGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THI! U$, rOSTALSERVICE. THANK YOl!o FTL; 1156050; 1 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. (:ARACAS.fl LAUDER[).\~~ 'MIAMI' NArl.fS' PORT ST.lUCIE . SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG 'TAl~AHASSEE' TAMPA -WEST PALM SEACH 3-25-20042,18PM FROM PLANNING AND REAL ES 561 434 8187 P.4 lHESCHOOI. OlSlRICTOF PALM BEACH COUNTY. flORIDA PlAN>IINGDEJ'W(TMENf 3320 FOREST HIll. BLVD., C-331 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406-5813 (561)' 434-8020 FAX: (561) 4~187 ARlMUR C. JOHN5ON, Ph.D. SUPERlNl1lNOENT . March 23, 2004 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach. Blvd_ Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: C9NCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER #04031901C - BAYFRONT . Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrencl' Determination on the above referenced project for 48 apartmemts for Bayfront. Attached please find the approved' Palm Beach County School District Concurrenc~' Application and Service Provider Form for Bayfronl This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued fo- the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343. . David L. DeYoung, Planner cc: Carlos J. SaUbe, P.E. of Keith & Ballbe. Inc. i"; MARl52UU4 l__~~__;';.- ._- i __-1 I ,',''1'1 ( l___J ene. S:\Planning\Public\1NTERGOV\Concurrency\Con=nc)' Determination Lell0ls\Concurrency\C0403190 I.doc AN EQUAL QPPOI(rUNITY EMPlOYEIl 3-25-2OOIl 2.19PM FROM PLMN I NG AN:> REAL ES 561 A.34 81 87 P.5 ~OOLO~ ~(2Ja ~1WOt~ The Sohool DIstrIct at Palm ....ch Count] -ng-' 3320~H11I31vd.c.1R WaI: ~ Beech,IIl.. 334OI-6G1~ Phone; (561) 434-1800 01'(561) 96S-38'77 F.x= (581)'3408187 or(581)~1~ -,eoncun.nq The School District of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form lnstnldlons: Submit one copy of the oompIeted app8catlon and fees for uch new residentlBl ~c:t requiring a detenninaUon of c:oneulftnCy for schoo... A detenniMtion wbr be provided within fifteen (15) wor1dng days of .-ceipt of a comptete application. A determlllatIon Is not Inll\$ferable and Is valid for one year from date or ~. Once the Development Order Is issued, the concurrency de1erminlltil:m shaQ be valid for the lie oftt,. D9vetopment Order. PIMa ched( ("') type of .pplk:atlon (l)ftf onIy): I J Conourrenoy Dele""....... I l Concun.ncy ___ r I ConcIJITOflCy equivalency I J Adequate Sd100I FocIIIti.. DolormlMtion I l L_ of No Imp... I J TIme Extension IIMs: Cancunwncy D*rmInatIon ,. AdtqtMI!I School F.acII6H DetilnnIN&n ($200.00 fw men than 20 units '20 unIII or.... $100.00); EqulvWncy ($12S.00); &x.nptian or Letlerof No Impact ($25.00); Tbne ~ ($10.00) . ~';;";;:~;;;';;~~~~!!2!:V~;;:.,~~? "'*"' Name, BAYFRONT MunloipalH", OTY OF BOYNTON BEACH P_ Control Number (PCN)' SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A" Looatton/_ oISu_ Propeny, 3440 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH FL. 33483 oevaOPUENT REQUEST: - SA c 2-/5 Sir\! leF Mulli-Femll Other Ihf:n.. rtments: ... lrtments 3 stories or Ie88 H h RIse r1men\s e Restricted ufts On "~.pluuMlaCtl.PI\f$Il'IgPlllrlshcMtnsllhlinumb8randlypedtnllltl..:eiVe~c*ofocoup~yMr1y. .. A~8l/klMCowInMl;iI~for~llOIMll//'IllII&. OWNeRSHIP I AGENT INFORMATION, 0Wner'. Name, SOl1Tl1ERN ~ES OF PALM BEACH IV. LLC Ag*r'rt". Name: KEITH &. RA!_ me. . Mailing _s: 2201 W. PROSPECT ROAD. sum 100 Telephone Number: . t.Nby certlfy tIlII ........... Of Ir1rormdon IMde In tiny ,.,., ""_. ',",. OWner or D 'k ::\ Date Application Filed: _!ly: &~~~~~~? vernment ~ Signature A1i'GOVl: 1M" P '."Number. ~ ~I Tfde: H:~"A' ..- ~s (P'j._lIIlachgrooto(~) ~iO 1~~~canl!TlUlt~trteSo:fto;ll~The ~""","""""'_""""'_, "'Dote:L/ecel:~ART.~fi3iOf-=$=:~~~~3f~'oid I Wlrify thai: the projoct COlTllfies \'ltlh tie al2optecll..... 01 s.Mot (I.OS) for SchooIa I WfIry Nt II>> pro;ect wi.,.Qllrfw with the adopIed lAvel 01 SelvIce (LOS) for Schoolt ~ct Ie .. --ev Icannot_........_~oI:-(LOS~'i..~O, I ~.~ Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Tony Masl!otti, Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H, Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper February 20, 2004 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Bayfront TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the proposed residential project entitled; Bayfront, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, The project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Use: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out: West side of Federal Highway, near Turner Road. Boynton Beach Vacant 48 MF Residential Units (Apartments) 315 25 AM and 30 PM 2005 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed residential project is located within the Coastal Residential Exception Areas of the county, and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review "1,' L '" F :\TRAF F IC\malAdmin\Approva 18\040214 C. doc