LEGAL APPROVAL , CITY of ~ BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF TI-lE PLANNIN3 DIRECI'OR June 15, 1990 Mr. Ted Powell 1700 N. Dixie Highway, #100 Boca Raton, FI 33432 RE: Long Warehouse & Light Industrial Complex site Plan - File No. 487 Dear Mr. Powell: Please be advised that on Tuesday, June 5, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached, and further subject to the revised plans and revised elevations which were presented to the City Commission at the Commission meeting. . These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department. This office will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. ..f , J After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. . To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and i- TO: Mr. Ted Powell -2- June 15, 1990 completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~ ~;~;T~P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:LongWhse . , \ . . . STAFF COMMENTS LONG WAREHOUSE & LIGHT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX BUILDING DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DEPARTMENT, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, .. , . NEW SITE PLAN See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-172 May 2, 1990 TO, Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site DeveloP:~Administrator THRU: FROM: RE: SITE PLAN - LONG WAREHOUSE I< LIGHT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. All drawings and/or documents, submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. 2. South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required. 3. Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption is required. 4. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure, pad and service area enclosure. Identify type, size and color of the material proposed for the sides of the enclosure. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material. and components for the enclosure and associated pad. Identify the overall height, width and length of enclosure. Show the clear width of the dumpster opening (clear width to be measured inside of gate and post material or meet Public Works specifications for compactor dumpster enclosure). The required minimum width is ten feet (10'). 5. Specify on the plans the height and spacing of the required landscape material. . 6. Show on the landscape plan perimeter landscaping creating a continuous visual barrier with a maximum of thirty-five feet (35') of unlandscaped space allowed only at the required ingress/egress accessways to the site. 7. Show on the plans the appropriate number of parking spaces consistent with the requirements of Appendix A-Zoning, Section 1l.H. 8. Show and specify on the landscape plans the native plants for the trees and shrubs and provide the computations used to obtain the required native species count. " 9. Median landscaping must be approved by the City Forester. 10. Show on the landscape plan the appropriate number of trees to meet the interior parking space tree requirements. 11. Identify the spacing of the trees around perimeter of the site where landscaping is adjacent to the pUblic right-of-way (maximum required spacing is 40' on center). . 12. Identify on the plans all signage consistent with the sign code. Specify the proposed colors, sizes and location of each sign therefore creating a sign program (for approval) for the site. (cont'd) ,. Memo to: Timothy Cannon: Re: Long Warehouse I< Light Industrial Complex May 2, 1990 Page Two of Two 13. Identify on the plan the elevation of each tenant space entrance platform and provide a detail drawing showing handicapped accessibility to the entrance platform from the abutting driveway. 14. Show and specify on the plan the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance to the warehouse tenant spaces located at the car wash exit area and the one-way drive-thru area. 15. State on the plan that the height of the handicapped parking signage is 7'0" from grade to the bottom of the sign. 16. Equally distribute the handicapped parking spaces throughout the site to adequately serve all tenant spaces. 17. Show on the plan a handicapped accessibility walkway to the building from both pUblic rights-of-way. 18. Provide a north elevation view drawing of the bUilding. Identify on the elevation view drawing the color(s) of all exterior surfaces of the building including the awnings. All color(s) must match the colors identified on the color elevation drawings submitted for approval. 19. Site plan and elevation view drawings must match in identifying the location of the awning(s). 20. Site plan, landscape and paving and drainage plans must be consistent in identifying sidewalks and landscape areas. 21. Specify on the plans the width on the parking space pavement markings. 22. Show and specify on the plan the landscaping for the drainage easement area shown on the east side of the property. . 23. State on the plan that the existing free standing sign, which is located on the west property line, will be removed. .. . meh,eaf cc: Don Jaeger LONGWARE.SDD EN3INEERING DEPAR'IMENI' MOOwmuM NO. 90-117 April 26, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FRCM: Vincent A. FWzio ActiD;! Assistant to the City Eh;lineer RE: T.R.B. Ctmrents (2nd Review) Long Warehouse & Light Industrial COlplex Keating Eh;lineers Philip E. Reeves. Architect In accordance with Chapter 19, section 19-17 "Plan Required", Site Plan Review and Approval process and Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Article X, Section 5-142 "Required Inprovements", the applicant in the above referenced project shall sutmit the following technical data. infonmatian and plan corrections: 1. Should the applicant wish to reduce project costs, the pavement thick- ness note specifying 11," of asphalt may be recuced to 1" of Type II asphaltic concrete as specified within City of Boynton Beach minumJn specificatioos for coostruction, should the applicants Erl;)'ineer deem this action reasonable. 2. Should the applicant wish to reduce project costs, the #4 steel rein- foroerrent bar (continuous) specified in the sidewalk ed;Je detail may t<:- deleted should the applicants Engineer deem this action reasonable. 3. Revise the extruded raised ccntinuoos concrete curb detail to conform with minimun City standards for raised concrete curb, Engineering Dept. Drawing HA-B6030 for 13!," deep curb. section 19-17 (k) "Technical Data" . 4. Irxlicate on the paving and drainage plans the locatioo of constructioo sectioos shown 00 the "sectioos & Detail" sheet. sectioo 5-142 (g) "Constructloo Standards". Secticns should ccntain grassed swales within the abutting R.O.W.'s that are fully Sodded and irrigated. . VAF lek ce: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner . f . . MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-283 TO: TIllothy Cannon Interim Planning Director John A. Guidry ~~ Director of Utilities ,,~ May 2, 1990 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TRB Review Complex Long Warehouse and Llqht Industrial w. can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide fire flow calculations. 2. Show all utility easements, Includlnq fire hydrants, main linea Water and sewer, and water services up to the meter. 3. Only those tree species approved by the Utility Department may be placed In utility easements. To lessen conflicts with existing FH and proposed landscaping along S.W. 30th Ave., we suggest relocation of the water maIn into paved area 10~ off the proposed sanitary sewer. 4. Fire hydrants must be Installed to within 200' of all points of the bulldlnq. . S. New water mains shall be cleaned with a SOft-sided swab, prior to testlnq. two passes. Please affix this note to the plans. 6. Reduced pressure backflow preventers will be required on the water service. Indlcate location, model and size. We recommend dual units In parallel so service Is not inter. rupted during testing. 7. Add a note that the City will own and maintain main line sewers only. PVC Is not currently allowed. 8" sewer shall be DIP or VCP. C-900. PVC, Is being considered as an alter- nate to VCP and may be allowed before this project goes to construction. Please check with the Utility Department at the time of construction. . 8. Sewer cIaahouls are required at a maximum spAcing of 75' on private sanitary sewer services. 9. Work to be In accordance with City of Boynton Beach Details and Criteria sheets. '" . dIIt be: Michael Kazunas . ~ PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-115 TO: Chairman I< Members Planning I< Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon 116 Interim Planning Director James J. Golden Senior City Planner May 2, 1990 Long Warehouse & Light Industrial Complex _ New Site Plan THRU: FROM: DATE, SUBJECT, 1. The site plan is designed in a manner which provides for the entrance and exit of the car wash to face Congress Avenue. In addition, there are numerous bay doors located on the north and south sides of the buildings which are also visible from Congress Avenue, as you approach the site from the north or south. These doors would be partially, but not completely, screened by on-site landscaping. Section 8.e of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents contains the fOllowing language: . This is a highly visible corridor which lies across the street from a low-density residential develop- ment; therefore, approval of site plans along this frontage should include strong consideration of aesthetics. In particular, garage doors and loading areas should not be permitted to face Congress Avenue. Since the City's zoning regulations allow certain retail uses and services related to home improvement (hardware, furniture, tile and carpet stores, for example), it is expected that a large portion of this frontage will develop for these types of uses. In order to enhance this area as a home improvement and design district, the City's zoning regulations should be examined to determine whether other similar retail goods and services should be permitted on industrial parcels which front on thoroughfares. Promoting home improvement and design uses along this frontage would provide a low-intensity commercial use which would avoid the aesthetic problems which often accompany both industrial uses and conventional strip commercial development. . .: It should also be noted that the existing projects which lie within the corridor that fronts on the east side of Congress Avenue between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 canals have been approved in a manner in which the bay doors have been placed at the rear of the building or have been screened from view by a solid wall. Based on the above, it is the Planning Department's opinion that the proposed design of the site plan is inconsistent with the intent of Section 8. e of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, since the entrance and exit to the car wash face Congress Avenue. In addition, the bay doors located on the north and south sides of the building should be reviewed for aesthetic considerations by the Planning and Zoning Board, Community Appearance Board and the City Commission. . . f . . ~ . . It is the Planning Department's conclusion that this project is exempt from the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, since it is a platted lot within a previously approved industrial subdivision (Lawson Park) for which a traffic impact analysis was required at the time of approval of the subdivision. 3. Parking space calculations shown on the site plan were incorrect. My calculations are as follows: 2. ~ 1 Automotive Repair (20,037 sq. ft.) 2 Warehouse (11,880 sq. ft.) CALCULATION * SPACES 80.15 1 space per 250 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 space per 800 sq. ft. gross floor area 14.85 TOTAL = 95 1 Car wash must be included (see definition of "gross floor area" in Appendix A-Zoning). 2 Office use is not permitted as a principal use in the M-l zoning district, but is allowed as an accessory use (Section 8.A.5.b(9) of Appendix A-Zoning). Therefore, parking is calculated on the basis of the principal use only, which is warehouse (section 11.H.7 of Appendix A-Zoning). *PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 95 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 92 ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 3 *Several additional spaces may be required if warehouse bays exceed 500 square feet of gross floor area (Section 11.H.16.t(5) of Appendix A-Zoning). The size of the bays must be clarified on the floor plans. Although the site plan is deficient several parking spaces, there is sufficient room along the east side of the rear access aisle to provide the additional parking spaces required. The access aisle width on the south side of the lube building and the north side of the tune-up building is not clearly delineated and appears to be only 24 feet wide instead of the 27 feet required (Design Requirements of Article X-Parking Lots). 5. An Environmental Review Permit is required for the automobile repair facilities prior to the issuance of a building permit (Sections 8.A.3.6.3 and 11.3.C.6 of Appendix A-Zoning) . 4. 6. Color schemes and materials of exterior surfaces have not been indicated on the blueprint elevations (item no. 14 of site plan application checklist). Please modify elevations prior to sign-off. ~h'~N JJG,cp 1.190-115