PLANS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DATE: -.d...::J - 2.-()b 'i( TITLE FORM peN /)/. '/3, l/~ ~1.. ~... ~OP - 0/70 STATUS: AtJlkVED, eL- I STATUS DATE: 1;-0(, ~cf PROJECT # M~~P 0 "t-I2...'O PROJECT NAME:-.H-uPSo,..; ~AL--T'.J PROJECT TYPE: tw l fJo4.- )'\'\00 ~l-r~ fl.4-,) DESTRUCTION DATE: AJ ADDRESS: ...600 S nbet!,4l- ~ommercial 0 Residential Ii!!j o Miscellaneous DNew D Addition D Renovation D Revision _ INDEX OF DRAWINGS: SHEET # (ex: Sheet A-I) 1. -A-- 2- 2. A-... \ SHEET TITLE (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) (ex: Floor Plan) ~A-\lo"".s tccr Q LA- IV 3. fl... SrA-l\\.,o (l- .2 ~ -.2..tn,. i- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. S:\Planning\File Iists.fIle procedures\Procedures\FILING PROCEDURES\p&z TITLE FORM.doc ENGLERT E@ Coatings and Technology Englert is one of the few single- source metal roof manufacturers with an in-house coil coating line and an exceptionally broad range of finishes to meet any design objective. Whether your design calls for a natural weathered appearance or bright high- performance, full-strength fluoro- carbon color-Englert offers an array of standard finishes. Custom Colors Englert offers a wide range of custom colors with short lead times and low minimum order require- ments depending on the type of substrate. Englert can match the color of virtually any material, including brick, wood and fabric. PermaColor 3500 Englert's PermaColor 3500 standard 35-year low gloss color coatings are comprised of a .7 to .9 mil full strength 70% Kynar 500/Hylar 5000 fluorocarbon (Polyvinylidene fluoride PYDF) coating over a urethane primer of .2 to .3 mil on the finish side, with primer and a washcoat on the reverse side on steel, or with just a wash coat on aluminum. ULTRA-CooI™ is state-of-the-art when it comes to energy-efficient metal roofing. Using BASF's ULTRA-Cool coatings, ULTRA-Cool meets Energy Star@ specs for Cool Roofs and not only saves energy but money as well because: · Heat is reflected away from the building · Smog is reduced when environ- mental temperatures are reduced · Energy costs are saved because of cooler interior spaces · Life expectancy of the roof is increased due to less expansion and contraction · Monetary incentives are increas- ingly being offered for switching to reflective roofing products · Emissivity values of the coatings exceed 80% PermaMetallics 2000 Metallic Copper (non-aging) is comprised of a .8 to .9 mil metallic fluorocarbon full strength 70% Kynar 500 finish coating over a urethane primer of .2 to .3 mil on the finish side, with primer and washcoat on the reverse. Preweathered Galvalume coating is comprised of a .8 to .9 mil full strength, 70% Kynar 500 fluoro- carbon (Polyvinylidene fluoride PYDF) coating over a urethane primer of .2 to .3 mil on the finish side, with primer and a washcoat on the reverse. PermaColor and PermaMetallics Durability Tests Galvalume-Plus@ Englert now offers a premium steel product known as Galvalume-Plus. This product has the advantage of an acrylic coating to reduce mill finish discoloration and uneven weathering. This metal is available as a new hi-tech solution to standard uncoated steel. Description Method Durability I Substrates -, Gloss ASTM.D523-89 10' max steel and aluminum Pencil Hardness ASTM.D3363.00 HB-2H steel and aluminum Flexibility lBend ASTM.D4145.83 (20021 1.T steel and aluminum Flexibility T-Bend ASTM-D4145.83 (2002) i 2.T steel I Mandrel ASTM-D522.93a (20011 no cracking steel and aluminum Adhesion ASTM.D3359-02 no adhesion loss steel and aluminum Reverse Impact , ASTM.D2794-93 (1999) no adhesion loss, steel and aluminum no cracking Falling Sand ASTM.D968.93 (200 II 100 liters per mil. DFT steel and aluminum Mortar Resistance ASTM.C267.01 no effect steel and aluminum Acid Pollutants AAMA-605.2.91 <5 units color change steel and aluminum Acid Rain Kesternich 10 cycles min. steel and aluminum Alkali Resistance ASTM-D 1308.02 no effect steel and aluminum Salt Fog ASTM.B 117-02 passes 3000 hours aluminum I Salt Fog ASTM-B 117.02 passes 1 000 hours steel , I Humidity ASTM-D2247.02 passes 3000 hours aluminum Humidity ASTM.D2247.02 passes 1 000 hours steel Color Retention ASTM-D822.01 passes 3000 hours steel and aluminum S. Florida Exposure ASTM.D2244.02 max. 5 units cbange steel and aluminum Chalk Resistance ASTM.D4214-98 min. rating of 8 steel and aluminum Kynar 500" is a registered trademark of Atofina Chemicals, Ine. Hylar 5000" is a registered trademark of Ausimonf USA, Inc. Galvolume@ and Golvalume Plus@ are registered trademarks of BIEC International, Ine. ULTRA-Cool" is a trademark of BASF. Distributed by: , Corporate Headquarters 1200 Amboy Avenue Perth Amboy, NJ 08862 Phone: 17321 826-8614 Fox: (732) 826-8865 Sales OHices North American Offices Colorodo 6056 Eost 49th Avenue Commerce City, CO 80022 Phone: (303) 288-8070 Fax: (303) 286-7019 Connecticut 41 Warehouse Point Road Wallingford, CT 06492 Phone: (2031 265-6704 Fax: (2031 265-1870 Florida 5110 Causeway Boulevard Tampa, Fl 33619 Phone: (813) 248.2296 Fax: (813) 247.3290 Illinois 1 0225 South Bode Street Plainfield, Il 60544 Phone: (6301 904.4610 Fax: (6301 904-4611 Massachusetts 44 Garden Street Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (9781 774-0006 Fax: (9781 774-6026 New Jersey 1200 Amboy Avenue Perth Amboy, NJ 08862 Phone: (732) 376.1110 Fax: (7321 376.1115 New York 45 Dixon Avenue Amityville, NY 11701 Phone: (631) 491.7700 Fax: (631) 491.7705 Pennsylvania 561 Calero Street Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Phone: (4121 461-1355 Fax: (4121 461-4007 South Carolina 132 Sparkman Road, Suite B Columbia, SC 29209 Phone: (8031 783-4515 Fax: (803) 783-4516 Tennessee 3465 Narth Bend Circle Alcoa, TN 37701 Phone: (865) 970.0090 Fax: (865) 970.0093 Virainia 6313 Gravel Avenue Alexandria, VA 22310 Phone: (7031 922.9666 Fax: (7031 922-5087 5770 Thurstan Avenue, Suite 106 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Phone: (757) 363-0622 Fax: (7571 363-2513 International Office France Englert Sodifab SARl Rue de 10 Mariette ZA de Droisy 27320 DROISY Phone: 011 33 232 600 105 Fox: 011 33232600 184 800-ENGLERT http://www.englertinc.com @2003 Englert Inc. All rights reserved. 90300B