CORRESPONDENCE , The City of Boy1h:on Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org June 22, 2004 Mr. David L. Wallace Saltz Michelson Architect 1800 Australian Avenue So., Ste. 102 West Palm Beach, FI 33409 Re: LA Fitness MMSP 04-060 Dear Mr. Wallace: In response to your request dated June 9, 2004 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Modifications to the South (front) Building Elevation, including relocation of rotunda 12' -6" to the west, addition of two storefront windows, modification of rotunda windows, and simplification of pilaster capitals (as depicted on the attached p I an) ; · Modifications to the North (rear) Building Elevation, including reduction in width of end bays, addition of glass block windows, removal of scored band in center bays, and modification of cornice at the end bays (as depicted on the attached plan) ; · Modification of the East and West (side) Building Elevations, including modification of bay widths and service doors and change of storefront section to scored stucco (as depicted on the attached plan) ; and · Modification of Building colors (as depicted on attached and reduced color copies dated 6-07-04) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 6/10/04 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The scored stucco bands on the rear elevation, in alignment with the rotunda, be retained on the building. . Page 2 June 22, 2004 Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst ::b ;0 Q G> G> (') r- C: iJ iJ (inn tiJ 0 00:::t. :::t.::I.0 0-0==0 I>> 1>>0 2"2"c. Q,Q,3:i:-ol>>l>>ocncno :3 :3 ;0 -I ;0 ;0 -. (I) (I) ~ ~ a; (I) (I) ., Q, Q, cO"" (I) (I) o.~ 0 I>> I>> ~ .a ~ ~ m ;E ;:: CiJ CiJ "'0 \e' @ iir o -I (I) c (I) (I) ~ .e!. I>> ~. ~ = <: "'0 co Q) :3. e!. 2. e!. e!. \e' - = \e' \e' I>> ~ = iil ~3)>m)>)>;Egogo;o)>$-:7~3 ~~g3:g21>>~S'~~CiJ~~> ~l6:3g:3:3go=2":3o.~N" = -:3 _VI -- ~:3 Q,(I)\e'.,. 00 0 3: ~@ ~.@@ ~\e' g. ~ ~ ::E 3: (.0) a g')>:tI )><:fa ~.. ~~I>> m~~ iii'~a "aro.fa~<.1I"'''e!.S:: Q)....c g=~o.~~S::oocn"'OQ) 300:::t o."O(l)oS:: NI>>I>>O ;00. CDoo ":E mN3.,...... m ~ goN:E~ ~:Nmg.6 ~~...... O~8Ng>al>>:EQ)(I)~ Q, ~ I>> s:: (.o):E ~ 0 ::T 3 0 ~ 0. )>0 :3rn <::i:CDrn(l) m - 0 uu Q,.....cn I>> !:E ~ e!. s:: 0 (j) m ~ (I) ::1. en .. f<< ~ m C Q) ~::1. :::r :3 ......3-(1)3::1. 'TI o 0) CD::1. :::r Q) :i: 0 m ::!. 'TI :i: (j) <.1IQ)oQ) ::J C Ox-~:i: 3 :3 0- .N ~ .s ..J'\ ~ --....J :~ n~ 0) % 6 ..., ~ CD Q z 0 d ~. zs;:~ CD"O ~-I- Oz)> :J:mG> w en~ ~ens:: o - :IJ :J:: ~ !!5 .-frl m~ n~ .-f~ cn~ NVI:SI^IU tJNIU IIIltf AdO::> 311:1 a3103~~O::> WOZ 9 1 Nnr @~&D~@~OO ~ L A I FIT N E S S. Development Department June 9, 2004 Mr. Michael Rumphf Director ofPlannIDg and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Minor Site Plan Revision 2290 N. Congress Avenue Building Permit No. 042040 Dear Mr. Rumphf, In order to more effectively utilize the internal space of our proposed club, we have relocated the centerline of the entry element approximately twelve and one half feet (12.5') westerly of its originally proposed location. The attached four copies of the revised exterior elevation depict this change. We have substantially conformed to the previously approved exterior elevation and I am confident that you will come to the same conclusion. We are anxious to commence our construction and your prompt attention to this request is very much appreciated. Should you require any additional information, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~~~~ Vice President of Development - PHE/sm Attachments cc: Mr. Michael Lombardi - LM Development Group 8105 IRVINE CENTER DRIVE SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 o 949.255.7200 ([) 949.255.7428 @ lafitness.com " :_ '.-~ ~"lrl1rT.\'~- ~ ______ ~,,_ ~ VI., -~ - - - ~~- f-\;'\CH:~:;;C7S June 9, 2004 Mr. Michael Rumphf, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Planning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: LA Fitness - Boynton Beach Building Permit Application 04-2040 Dear Mr. Rumphf: We have received building permit comments from the planning department about the above- referenced project. Karen Main has determined that there are changes to the fac;ade that constitute a modification to the approved site plan. Ms. Main has requested that we initiate the minor site plan modification process. We have discussed the minor changes to the fayade in a telephone conversation with Karen Main. There were two primary areas of concern: the building colors and the architectural components of the building elevations. The building colors had been mutually agreed upon during meetings with the City of Boynton Planning Department prior to the planning submittal. The mutually agreed upon color scheme is what has been represented on the building permit drawings. Some finish key symbols used to indicate scheduled paint colors differed between the planning submittal elevations and the building permit elevations. The paint colors approved by the City Commission are the same as those specified on the building permit elevation finish schedule. However, paint colors were noted with different key numbers in the planning submittal finish schedule versus the building permit finish schedule. Additionally, there was one color typographical error on the planning submittal elevations that has been corrected on this submission. That correction is that the gridded area at the top of the rotunda is to be "snow gum" in color as shown on the rendering. See attached color renderings showing mutually agreed upon paint color scheme. To clarify and rectify confusion about the color scheme, we are submitting a revised color rendering (depicting the building architecture and color scheme as documented in the building permit submittal) along with the originally mutually agreed upon color rendering. These two renderings are substantially identical in color and color placement and differ only as the architecture differs. We are also submitting an updated A-3 planning submittal sheet which has been corrected for accuracy of color placement, updated to the current building permit architecture, and has been updated so the color key tags correspond to the building permit set. The building architecture evolved slightly as the building developed from the planning stages to the building permit stage. Following is a summary of modifications to the building's exterior architecture as a result of this evolution: 1800 AUSTRALIAN AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 102 WEST PALM BEACH, Fl 33409-6450 (561) 689- 1870 FAX: (561) 689.0129 www.saltzmichelsan.cam . e-mail: sma@saltzmichelson.com AA-0002897 LA Fitness - Boynton Beach Building Permit Application 04-2040 June 9, 2004 Page 2 of 2 1. South (front) Elevation: a) Rotunda element moved approximately 12'-6" to west, b) Two bays of storefront added to the east end of the elevation, c) High rotunda windows modified for code compliance, d) High rotunda pilaster capitals simplified. 2. North (rear) Elevation: a) Width of end bays reduced, b) Glass block windows added at west end in place of scored band, c) Scored band was removed at the center building bays, d) Cornice profile between the end bays was modified. 3. East and West (side) Elevations a) Width of bays changed to better relate to building front, b) Service/egress door locations and sizes modified to coordinate with plan, c) Changed storefront section on south of west elevation to scored stucco due to equipment room location in plan. Hopefully, the information contained in this letter and that contained in the attachments is helpful in clarifying what is proposed to be built versus what was previously approved. Please do not hesitate to call us at (561) 689-1870 if we may provide additional information or if we may clarify any issue. DLW:mc attachments: Color Renderings 2003-159\Correspond\General Corresp\let City of Boynton Beach 060304.doc SAP'Z ~H'n.{l7; !\0N l:.Jl .'L_ "'_LLJl:.J>.IV., ARCH1;~CTS AA-0002897 ". ,",. 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C').s::.m> Ul ctl(/)NONa/:l ..0:: ctl '?U Nroo..>ooS:N $o::m NL.ENm >"OooQ) ~ E C':l~ ctlN :2:0 Q) ,,'0 cOO 0) .!Qoo:2:"""t:!:~Qjro~ .a;:~ 'O:2:ctl=~~r--e'Os:.::c &Oro Q)",,"mctlNoo"<(~ <Cm Cii ~ :2: s: ~ (Ii .{g @).::c @) @).~ @) 'E :2: ~~~@)~-g5-a/:l'E'E~'E~~ <cUlN :J-ro Q)Q) Q) N = 200 ~ ~o&s:ro 8 8:2: 8~oo EUl=*<CO::a/:la/:lS:<C<C~<CECi ~ ~ ctl ctl ~\ ~\ - = ~\ ro ro '0 ro 'C ctl Clo..:S:=~~ro ctl~Q) Q)::J Q)I-O .~ ~\ ~\ 0.. ~ ~ s: s: Ul > > E! > ctl ctl O~~'OQ)Q) Q)Q)Q)::JQ)'O'O Q) Q) Q) _ _ Ci> Ci> .2 0:: 0:: I- 0:: C C OUlUlO~~a.>E'O'O 'O.a.a - ctl ctl U = = a. > 0 'C 'C 'C 0 0 8~~~~~:;>~<?C?C? C?q::q:: MARIA LAARI 16 Via De Casas Sur, #201 [Dos Lagos] Boynton Beach, FL 33426 May 29, 2005 City of Boynton Beach Building Department ATTN: Mr. Priest 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Priest and/or To Whom It May Concern: I bought a garden home in Dos Lagos community 1.5 years ago. I chose my home in the South-East area of the community for its location and view. I had a canal behind my home, and also the East end of a clean coral color one story Boynton 8 Movie Theater on the other side of the canal. Last Summer the theater was suddenly demolished without any prior notification received by us homeowners living in the neighboring residential area. To my great disappointment a very tall concrete walls were later pulled up - simultaneously lowering the value of my home. My view now is a solid concrete wall that looks like it is three stories high, no windows! The wall is higher than the roof of the building. I do not even see the sky, just the wall! The building is also longer than the previous one, blocking any views that I used to have. How can you approve such a plan for a building next to an existing residential area? Isn't there a law requiring you to notify the homeowners, and have public hearings? It would have been better for me to buy a home next to 1-95, as the wall along the highway is only about one third of the height of the L.A. Fitness building! I had no idea that the City would allow for anything like this without proper hearings, and giving a chance for the homeowners in the neighboring residential area to voice their opinions, and to have the builder make necessary changes to the plans. I called the building department when the walls first went up, (and so did many of my neighbors), and I was assured by a female employe~ that all the trees that used to be between the concrete block existing fence and the movie theater building will be replaced. None of them have been replaced thus far. She also told me that the building will be painted nice tropical color to make it look better. The new building is now being painted, however, it is concrete gray with a mud color horizontal line across the back wall that is facing my home! Also, there are numerous plastic bags, large sheets of vinyl and insulation materials in the canal and in the area between the water and the fence. They most likely were blown fro e COlultmctiOQ ~ite _____ m ~ (fri ~ ~ W [~ 001 ( I II f II lJlJ I JUN 7 J I I, i J DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPM[ Nl PROJECT NAME: L.A. Fitness LOCATION: 2290 N. Congress Avenue PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 04-060 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Patrick Edgerton - VP of Development ADDRESS: LA Fitness FAX: ADDRESS: 8105 Irvine Ctr Dr. Suite 200 PHONE: Irvine Ca 92618 Donna Jones - Permit Express FAX: 954-941-5602 - PHONE: 954-941-5605 cell:954-536-3959 Date of submittaVProiected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 6/1 0/04 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: TRC MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\L.A. Fitness\MMSP 04-060\2004 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc