The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
October 7, 2004
Mr. Rodney J. Regan
439 Pine Tree Court
Atlantis, Florida 33462
File No.
Dear Mr. Regan:
Request for Abandonment
The north 4.2' wide walk easement in Lakeside Gardens Subdivision
ABAN 04-003
2625 Lake Drive North
Enclosed is a copy of the Meeting Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting held on September 21,
2004. Your application item ABAN 04-003, which represented a request for abandonment of the north
4.2' wide walkway in the Lakeside Gardens Subdivision, was denied by the City Commission at this
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at
(561) 742-6260.
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
Minutes 9/21/2004 pp 12-16
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lake Drive North\Denied letter after CC 9-21-04.doc
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2004
Mayor Taylor was concerned because one of the oldest schools (1950s) in the City was
Galaxy Elementary and it was in dire need of repair and renovation. Mayor Taylor had
spoken to the Executive Director of the School Board and others about wanting Galaxy
Elementary to be one of the earliest schools to be replaced. As it appeared now, Galaxy
was #17 on the list and that was only for planning money, with a scheduled completion
of 2011.
Commissioner McKoy had also gone to the School Board to try to get this date moved
ahead. He was in favor of tabling the item to get a person from the School Board to
come and talk to the Commission so the concerns could be aired.
Mayor Taylor could go along with approving this so it could get on the Referendum, but
he could not promote it unless he felt a lot better about the position of Galaxy
Elementary .
Commissioner McCray did not feel the Commission should hold this item up, but did feel
that the Commission should do something towards moving Galaxy higher on the list.
Commissioner McKoy approved Proposed Resolution R04-160 with a request to invite
the School Board to open a dialogue with the City Commission with speCific reference to
Galaxy Elementary School. Commissioner Ensler seconded the motion that passed 5-0.
Attorney Cherof swore in all who planned to speak during the Public Hearing.
Lake Drive North (ABAN 04-003)
Rodney Regan
Avon Investments, Inc.
2625 Lake Drive North
Request for abandonment of the north 4.2' wide walk
easement in Lakeside Gardens Subdivision (TABLED ON
JULY 20, 2004 - TO BE HEARD ON 9-21.-04) (
Commissioner McCray moved to remove the Lake Drive North Abandonment 04-003
from the table. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion that passed 5-0.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2004
Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, reviewed the staff report for this item.
The agent for Avon Investments, Inc., Rodney J. Regan, requested abandonment of the
north 4.2-foot wide walk. The north walkway, an unimproved easement, measured
160.64 feet in length and was located between Lot 30 to the north and Lot 31 to the
south and provided access to the Intracoastal Waterway from Lake Drive North. There
were no utilities in the easement. It was originally platted to allow access to the
Intracoastal by local residents. Staff contended that the walkways (the report
considered the southern walkway as well) were not being maintained properly and were
overgrown with grass and other vegetation. If the City retained the walkways, the City
would be obligated to maintain them and possibly improve the shoreline to minimize
safety hazards and liability. Staff concluded that the north walk was not ideal for public
access. It was the position of staff that the walkways served no public purpose and they
recommended that both the north and south walkways be abandoned.
Gail Easterling, AICP, Certified Planner for the City of Plantation managing
the Planning &. Zoning Department, stated that she had 17 years of experience as
a City Planner. Ms. Easterling believed that the City should revise its notification
requirements since it only required notification of the adjacent properties and one of
them was the person who would benefit by the abandonment.
Ms. Easterling stated that the condition of the walkway had been very good until the
time the applicant had begun clearing the land to build, shoving piles of vegetation and
boulders onto the walkway. Prior to that time, it was regularly mowed and kept in good'
repair. It appeared that the applicant proceeded in anticipation of this abandonment
request being granted.
The walk had been in continuous use for many years by the residents and affidavits
were provided to staff from many residents demonstrating that.
Residents built houses in the area relying on the access to the Intracoastal Waterway, a
feature that enhanced property values in the area. Also, the proposed abandonment
was in the CRA area and the City's own CRA had recommended denial of this request.
.The south path was not at issue, in regard to staff's recommendation that it be
abandoned as well. Also, many beaCh/waterway accesses were only sand paths, so the
improvement of the path should not be at issue.
Ms. Easterling urged the Commission not to abandon the walkway.
Sherrie Easterling, 628 Dimick Road, stated that the neighborhood had done
everything in its power since it found out about the request for abandonment to prOVide
the City with proof that the walk had not been abandoned. Many updates had been
given to staff along with the affidavits and she was dismayed not to see any mention of
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2004
that in the Staff Report. She wondered why the wishes of a developer would be put
ahead of those of the long-term residents of the community who had been given the
right to use this walk in perpetuity. Should the residents lose that right to give a
developer four and a half more feet to build a bigger house? The residents did not
believe so.
Another citizen came forward and stated that she had been working with Ms. Easterling
to provide the affidavits previously mentioned and she wanted to know why the
Commission did not seem to have them.
Attorney Cherof stated that the reason the affidavits had not been submitted to the
Commission was that under quasi-judicial proceeding rules, the Commission was
required to hear the testimony directly and the public is given an opportunity to cross-
examine the testimony of staff or others. Staff's analysis and recommendation was not
the final word. The power to make the decision of what to do about this issue was
reserved to the Commission.
Mike McCleary, 2600 Lake Drive North, stated that he greatly enjoyed the use of
this walk as a means to relax and enjoy the view of the water. He urged the
Commission not to grant the abandonment to the developer.
John Pinkerton, 2510 Lake Drive North, said he had heard the Mayor say at
another meeting that the City could not give away property belonging to another. He
felt that that statement had meaning in this cause and he hoped that the Commission
would remember it.
Mayor Taylor commented that this was City-owned property and it was up to the City to
decide what to do about it.
Conrad Merry, 640 Dimick Road, stated that he had lived in the neighborhood for
six years and had always used the walkway. He felt that without this walk, his property
value would be lowered.
John McCann, Dimick Road, stated that he had lived in the area since the 1980s and
. raised children and grandchildren at this location. He was happy they still had a safe
place to play. Public access to the waterways and beaches was disappearing at a rapid
rate and he urged the Commission not to grant this abandonment that would take so
much away from the public to give to one developer.
Mike Mrotek, 2624 Lake Drive North, said that he expected that the letters,
petitions, and affidavits provided by neighborhood residents would be shown to
everybody, including the City Commission.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
. September 21, 2004
Janie Miller, 2617 Lake Drive North, lived there longer than anyone else. The walk
was platted in 1922 and the residents given the right to use the walk. She asked what
right the developer had to take this away from the residents so he could make more
money. She said the neighborhood was offended that the Commissioners would even
consider this request.
Mayor Taylor responded that the Commission was required to listen to a request for
abandonment and that anyone had a right to ask for one. However, he did understand
Ms. Miller's point of view.
Michael Flood, 644 Potter Road, urged the Commission to allow the neighborhood
to keep using this walkway and not grant the abandonment.
Attorney Cherof explained the process for the benefit of the residents. Any individual
had a right to make application for abandonment. The first time the Commission sees it
or hears of it is when it comes on the Agenda. They are insulated from receiving
information before the hearing because staff does not want to put the Commissioners in
the position of being lobbied beforehand. The reason they do not see the affidavits is
that they do not want to taint the process from that side either. The Commission hears
all the evidence first hand and can make a decision based on it.
When no one else came forward, Mayor Taylor closed the public audience.
Mayor Taylor looked at some pictures he was given of the Intracoastal Waterway and
this walkway. He realized that the developer had cleared the land in anticipation of the
abandonment being granted. The neighbors reassured him that the walkway was
normally kept in good repair. When he went to visit the site, it appeared that there was
nowhere to walk, Le. no beach or sand. The neighbors assured him that at low tide,
there was plenty of sand to walk on.
In response to Mayor Taylor's question of what the residents did in the Intracoastal that
required the use of this walkway, the residents said they enjoyed the view of the water,
walked on the sandbar, fished, sat by the water, snorkeled, swam, did cast netting, and
generally enjoyed the beauty of it all.
A discussion ensued among the Commissioners, who generally believed that a public
purpose had been demonstrated. Mayor Taylor commented that continuous use since it
was platted 82 years before tended to grant a right to continued ingress and egress.
When the issue of reversionary rights came up in 1973, the public probably did not
realize that they had to take action. He was a big believer in beach access, which was
indeed fast disappearing. He could not in good conscience take this away from the
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2004
Commissioner McCray moved that the request for abandonment in the Lakeside Park
Subdivision, ABAN 04-003, be denied. Vice Mayor Ferguson seconded the motion that
passed 5-0.
Edward Medical Office Building (ANEX 04-004)
Hany Edward
Hany Edward
3908 North Federal Highway
Delray Beach (unincorporated)
Request for annexation of 0.72-acre partially developed lot
located in unincorporated Palm Beach County
Eric Johnson, Planner, reviewed the staff report for the annexation and the land
use/rezoning at the same time. Mr. Johnson indicated that the CRA had approved the
annexation and land use but tabled the site plan. Staff recommended approval for the
annexation, and the rezoning and land use detailed in LUAR 04-008.
Mayor Taylor asked the applicant if he wished to address the Commission, and he
City Manager Bressner asked that the status of the billboard on the property be
addressed since he did not want to annex property on which a billboard would have to
be grand fathered.
Mr. Johnson indicated that the billboard was no longer there and that the applicant had
submitted paperwork showing that the lease agreement with Viacom had been
Attorney Cherof stated that he had reviewed the document of notice of termination and
payment of termination fee to cancel the billboard lease that was executed by the
property owner.
Commissioner Ensler asked if the owner had a right at some time to put a billboard on
-the property in the future. Attorney Cherof stated that billboards were prohibited under
the City's Code. If the billboard were there when the property was annexed, it would be
grand fathered in.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve the request for annexation. Commissioner
McKoy seconded the motion.
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~UKcN ~HcKU~ cl AL
Jun 24 04 04:18p
Attorn~~'s OFfice
561-( '-6054
A completed copy of this routing Blip must accompany any request to have a Legal NotIcB or
legel Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two (2)
working days prior to the first publishing date requested below.
ORIGINATOR: Plannina and Zonlna Division
PREPARED BY: Michael RumDf DATE PREPARED: June 7. 2004
BRIEF DESCRIPTION Of NOTICE OR AD: Request abandonment of the north 4.2-toot wide
walk easement in lakeside Gardens.
Placement, Black Border. etc.) Standam leoa' Ad for the Community Rede"eIO,Dment Aaencv
Soard meetlna on Julv 13. 2004. and the Julv 20. 2004,-Citv Commission meeting,
SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newsoacer. adioinino ProPertY OWne~, al;!Plicant and Plannina and
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