CORRESPONDENCE p (OJ Lc:- i --f"l~fc Lamanna, Rosemarie From: Sent: To: Subject: Lamanna, Rosemarie Monday, July 26, 2004 9:54 AM Rumpf, Michael Abandonment - Lake Side Gardens As you know the threshold issue in determining whether an abandonment should be granted is whether a public purpose exists or no longer exists. Please review the attached letters and affidavits from the residents of Lake Side Gardens. It does appear that the residents would testify that there is a public benefit. When you have finished your review I would like to discuss whether the department intends to proceed with the abandonment request to the City Commission. The attachments will be forwarded through inter-office mail. \. . I' I 1 Mr. Mayor and Board of Commissioners: The following is a statement written and signed by myself, Norma Jane Miller, resident of2617 Lake Dr. North, Boynton Beach, Fl. I will be in Ohio when the board meets Tuesday July 20, 2004 and would like my voice heard regarding the issue of the walkway in Lakeside Gardens. My husband and I bought our property, lots 35,36,37 in Jan. 1978 and were owner builders that same year and have been year round residents ever since. We are fortunate to be directly on the intracoastal, but join with our neighbors in requesting this walkway in question be left as is and available for the residents to use as it has been since 1922. I would like to take this opportunity to address one particular issue which this walkway affects. In the last 26 years, as residents in Lakeside Gardens, we have experienced hurricanes David, Andrew, Hugo, Irene and numerous storms with heavy rainfall. The current drainage system is inadequate to handle the drain off from heavy rains. Our street has been flooded many times. Our home, as you can see from the map is just south of the east end of Dimick Road. There are, to the best of my knowledge and experience, no drains, or at least, no working drains from our property to the north end of Lake Dr. North. In a heavy rain with flooding, the flow of the flood is to the north. This water has always drained into the intracoastal through the walkway and other low lying property on the north end of the street. When these properties are developed and the land filled as required by law, and if the walkway is closed or filled, this flood of water from Route 1, down Dimick as well as the water already flowing north will have nowhere to go but south, flooding our property and all of the waterfront properties south of us. The one drainage pipe on the south end of the street is inadequate now and certainly couldn't take this extra water. I am not an engineer, in fact I am a retired registered nurse, but my experience here with flooding over the past 26 years makes this a very real problem. Please take this into consideration when you make your decision about this matter. Respectfully submitted, L-; (\ "1_, / // ) ~<'_-H-c.P__ U~- /JtL~ Norma Jane Miller (Mrs. Theodore G. Miller) >>+fk at j~ CJi; 'J f~ ~ va t3 ~ ~ ill ~ --HvLs ,s-r., 0 /l.-l\J lU '1- S u & 5(./1.1 Sw /U'" fI't r I Ie L ~ aD -:J\) Iv :io d LJ I\nJl~1::, tv ~ ~m A ~ I ~ 1\-,/ '1J I 7 ~,....., . , ~ Pr-rr-e-SV s ,k A.~d-e....- LJ Lo f.S fJ-e.(L~N'A-.i t 0 ~~c; COMMISS~NUt.lBER ~ "^'. filA /J / C'\ " ;.. 'J: DOOO728~RES I ,~ A c;. ~rP ' - ,~ "1A. $ in' COMMISSlON7 2005 ~ I I ~ . - -~. ,,0 APR. . __ OFf <=~..,~- lLA-m<Mll4- ~}/ GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS S U.j~A.I 1JJ)~hJ.s <<5t>5 L/Cl-!<' (J ~ I I }J , I LIVE AT , Boynton Beach, Florida. This land is not for taking or for sale. We would request this Commission provide their lawful authority in declaring the 4.2 walkway abandoned. Under what jurisdiction? Both the 5th and 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution provide protection against this on-sight of taking property. In the law of larceny, taking is defined as to obtain or assume position of a chattel unlawfully and without the owners consent, to appropriate things to ones own use. ~~ . Owner State of Florida County of Palm Beach It- SWORN TO and subscribed before me this /? day of July, 2004, before me appeared 5" S ~ ,U AlllI!f,1""who is personally known to me and attest, to the afo"""E~on~ t'"Jiand correct (Seal) i .ci"'" fUt9 OFFlClAl..NOTARVSEAL ~/~L~ \ 0;".. ..... <.. RAMONAMROTEK S' fN k ~ \LI2::'r!'{ S: C1'.lMMISSICW NUMBER l~~ture ~. jftary m /L Xl'''' ~ ~1iJ1;{; ;'~ ILHhl ~ u f~ -y ,,,,,,'itt,~ DOOO7281 . ~ o&.' i,) O)MMISSION EXPIRES Notary Prmted Name OF f\. /1l'R. 7 2005 ~-W-'''''''''''.:.J''.~''';''''"'-~'_'_'~':'... GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MYNAMEIS~.9A O~~~J,ILlVEAT @.:')O~ lA\c~ 'V t.. Nc>~ ' Boynton Beach, Florida. Each morning when I walk my dogs, I experience the pleasure of walking to the water and viewing Lake Worth Bay. The enjoyment is uplifting, a great start for the day. Sometimes I meet my neighbors there and have a friendly chat while sipping coffee in the morning coolness. This was all a part of the appeal in making up my mind to "purchase" in Lakeside Gardens. I expect to maintain the status quo, I like it the way it is, it has been this way for a long, long time. We do not want to be slighted or have the walkway removed from our pleasures, nevermore to exist for so many neighbors. To violate a pleasure of my life in order to allow a corporation to add our walkway to its Investment Land for a profit would be a of our loss. State of Florida County of Palm Beach ~ SWORN TO and subscribed before me this /9 day of July, 2004, before me appeared S^~'O~ 0 ~I\..~, who is personally known to me and attests to the aforeme~'oned is tru and orrect. (Seal \tY PI.I OFFlClALNOTIlAYSEAL ~ o""~ <S>~ RAMONAMROTe< . . ~ ~ <; COMt.lISSIO\lNllMBER ~gnature of Notary -rr: }/ I; ~ 00007281 I LA-tt ~ .mIL 0 I c..{ L 71:- ~ MYCOMMISSlONEXPIRES Notary Printed Name OF f\.O APR. 7.2005 GOOD EVENING: MY NAME IS 2trrl/a ;25J{') (. a6> {)( I f\.J . MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: f2J:'n.pn ,ILIVEAT , Boynton Beach, Florida. The application to abandon the walkway does not apply under the qualifications of the Ordinance. We have not abandoned the walk as the application states, we maintain the walk, we use the walk, we want to keep the walk as our access to the water. This is a very unique provision of being a property owner in Lakeside Gardens. We are all thankful for the generosity and foresight of the developers to provide this beautiful privilege for us. The walk has existed for 82 years, no one has tried to take it in all that time for their own benefit until now. We never had a problem over or about the walks, they are maintained and fit into the landscape of our neighborhood. The investment corporation has tom up the lawtlthat we have cut and left sand and mud for us to walk through. We still walk down to the water, we love it, help us keep our walk from big business. .$~ g'Iff;L Owner State of Florida County of Palm Beach tL SWORN TO and subscribed before me this J 9 day of July, 2004, before me appeared f,' e.NT'f-I , who is personally known to me and attests to the aforementioned is true and corre ~~Q.v Pu,g OFFICIAI.HOTAAY SEAL o.~ RAMONAMROT'EK ~ COMUISSIa\I NUMBER ~ ~ 00007281 ~ ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\.O _ APR. 72005 S,otNDM (Seal) Si~ature ofNotarx. ",;p--t' / / IL4f{\ tM.-t4 '" , "f11 ~ Notary Printed Name GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MYNAMEIS~~;L :T. AbAWlS , I LIVE AT ~5t}S LAt:.~ D~. N. ' Boynton Beach, Florida. We would like to trust there is not an outside compelling the City of Boynton Beach to promote this application to abandon the walkway. It is really alarming that all of this effort and maneuvering is occurring in order to formulate some plausible rationalization to justify the "taking" of the 4.2 walkway against our consent. Before the application for abandonment no one in the city's structure cared one bit about this walk. Now that Avon Investment Corporation wants to improve and enrich by taking advantage of the proximity of the walk to their own property for monetary gain, all hell has broken loose in the City. What about the Citizens of Lakeside Gardens, the property owner, the Little Guy that votes anc;l pays the taxes, you know the people the Commission looks out for, the majority. We need to be reassured and strengthened and stren hen our confidence in the process by being assured our re or our use. /Ue11 State of Florida County of Palm Beach {,M- _ SWORN TO and subscribed before me this I t:j day of July, 2004, before me appeared .J - . AcAI1\S , who is personally known to me and attests to the aforement~~is truffd /Jrrect. (~~)Plt~<,. ~AAYS&AI. ~ /~ ~ Vc; G~MMISSION~ Signature of Notary rr-J....., 7~ " ;J 00007281 /lAl1\.tI\\.IA ;rU1.<.I, v ~ ~ OF f\..O<f' IAY~~~~FlES Notary Printed Name GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS ~l.- ~a~, I LIVE AT ~ ,;:JaneL ;€..o A-lJ , Boynton Beach, Florida. It seems to me the walkway is part of what we purchased when we bought our property. It is indicated on the Plat Map and referred to in our Warranty Deeds and Title Insurance Policies. To take the walkway from the people, all property owners, and award it to an investment corporation for what reason unknown is unconscionable, un-American, definitely inconsiderate, unmanly and unjust. Please deny this application. This is what we ask of our Commission, elect d representaf State of Florida County of Palm Beach /-L SWORN TO and subscribed before me this /9 day of July, 2004, before me appeared D ~ rtJ.e.'f'I~ ~1 1\1.141-" , who is personally known to me and attests to the aforemention~ ~~ tru~d rrcect. (Seal) ~ /~ Signature of Notary 1/ 1l..A1Yl <JYVl4 rn MJ T€jL Notary Printed Name ~~~v pu~: o~~~~ o v . ~ COMMISSION NUMBER ... <( 00007281 "'{c- ~ I,~'{ COMMISSION EXPIRES OFf\.O _~)R. 7 2005 GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS FloAGf.JCe Bilow rJ , I LIVE AT fa .3 ) Pu -H-e- fL LD , Boynton Beach, Florida. I have been a homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens for the pas1s;4years. I have always counted on enjoying the walkways to the water. They provide peace and tranquility since my husband passed. We used to enj~ them together. The walks to the water help me know all things matter. I want to be able to continue to be able to know all things matter and have my walks to the water. This application must be denied. ~,~~- X' , Owner State of Florida County of Palm Beach. ~ SWORN TO and subscribed before me this 11 day of July, 2004, before me appeared n()t...e/JOL BIl~ who is personally known to me and attests to the aforementio~~ true ~ cffect. (Seal) ~ II~J ","''{ PIJ - OFFlClALNOTARYSEAI. Signature Of~ -rC J /' i I ~!~ RAAlONA MROTEK 11. f>r IYI /'fI It U f rc..- fA '\1~n >t COMMISSION NUMBER Notary Printed Name ~ ~ <( 00007281 "1- ~ ~p thY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\. 0 APR. 7 2005 GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS JoHJ trlJAC.ft!..roAJ , I LIVE AT (.,DTS If)CJ~II()-11I 8'-32.-83 , Boynton Beach, Florida. My son and I fish off the end of the walks and cherish time together. Best of all is when my son's grandfather gets to join us. This really helps the family spirit. This access to the water is part of why we bought our home in Lakeside Gardens and before that grandpa owned it and fished off the end of the walkways for many years. There has never been a problem associated with the walkways from anyone about trying to take these walkways for their own use, especially when they have access to Lake Worth waters. ~r~ State of Florida County of Palm Beach tL- I, _ S\yORN TO and subscribed before me this /9 day ofJuly, 2004, before me appeared '30 11,0 Piv~ . who;s personally known to me and attests to the afurement;oned ;~ ( . ~~~Y P OFFlClAl.NOTARY SliAI. ~ o...t- tt"t;., RAMONAMROl'EK Slgjlature of Notary --r2' j ~ r~ ~ COMlAlSSlQ\l NUMBER 1L.k1\. ~ 1'1 (ld , c/L. 7A l~~>$ 00007281 Notary Printed Name ~. o~ ~~y COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\,; ,.2PR. 7 2005 GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS F/ollG/Jce BfLow rJ , I LIVE AT fa .3 J Po -/i-E... {L LD , Boynton Beach, Florida. I have been a homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens for the pasi!).4years. I have always counted on enjoying the walkways to the water. They pro" Ide peace and tranquility since my husband passed. We used to enj~ them together. The walks to the water help me know all things matter. I want to be able to continue to be able to know all things matter and have my walks to the water. This application must be denied. ~,~~.- ~ , Owner State of Florida County of Palm Beach. ~ SWORN TO and subscribed before me this II day of July, 2004, before me appeared , who is personally known to me and attests to the aforemention~d is true d co ect. /? A--o. V (Seal) ~~ \>-"-'1' PIJ OFACIALNOTARYSEAL Signature ofN~tar n J / 0'" 8~ R.<\MONAMROTa< /l.A-1Yl ff1 A. () {.;( ~.l~ If () -. i<< -I} lI- COMMISSION NUMBER Notary Printed Name ~ ~; -:r: 00007281 .,,~ 'iijI" $ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF .\.0 ~PR. 72005 GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS ~c- ~a~, I LIVE AT ~ .,t:Jo rra ;2...a A-.D , Boynton Beach, Florida. It seems to me the walkway is part of what we purchased when we bought our property. It is indicated on the Plat Map and referred to in our Warranty Deeds and Title Insurance Policies. To take the walkway from the people, all property owners, and award it to an investment corporation for what reason unknown is unconscionable, un-American, defmitely inconsiderate, unmanly and unjust. Please deny this application. This is what we ask of our Commission, elect d representat' State of Florida County of Palm Beach /-C SWORN TO and subscribed before me this /9 day ofJuly, 2004, before me appeared , who is personally known to me and attests to the aforemention~~~ tru~d c;rrect. (Seal) ~ I~ Signature of Notary 1/ 1LA-tY> cJYV14 /Yl M TfjL Notary Printed Name - 9.V PlJ OFFlClALNOTARVSEA!.. ~~ <9/ RAMONA MROTEK o v ~ . ~ COMMISSION NUMBER ';!? <( Dooo7281 .,~ ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\.O APR. 7.2005 wU~ ~u u, V~iC~~ p. 1 rROM : PINKERTON CDNST. INC. FAX NO. 561 733 9bm Jul. 19 2004 e9:13PM Pi GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MYNA~~~~ A. ftc:o:i ,ILIVEAT lo44 Yo Rend , Boynton Beach, Florida. I voted for my Commissioners and the Mayor of Boynton Beach. I vote that my representatives Deny the application to abandon the walkway. It would be usurpation against the people to take the walks and given them to an Investment Corporation so that they can make money out of the walks and leave us high and dry without our walkways and acc.ess to Lake: Worth Slate ofi!:a*" Ph COllatyof1l'd. 94.e1... ~'n'o~ , . SWO~ TO and subscri~ before me thi~'aay of July. 2004. before me appeared ~ I r \..{)p I f=lor.q who is pel'!(JnaUy bown to me and MlesI$ to me albremenrioncd is true and conect. _ '. ~Scll) d~~ ?'no ~ :_.: .'-..:.-' . ll1Pat,urepfNotlt~ '" . .'" - '. .b.-..thQQ 14 .1.)~-s- -: ,~. ~ - -: . . .... NOia~ -Pr.nted NarDe : ~:::-- .7ft~~ I~J fZ.:q \~ o \.VIler -;- . 0_.:-.. 0" .r, ~ o. ..-' ~~._/ ~ - ~ - .... ~o ..' Li d I\Jc.(ariaJ Seal ~. Dross, Notary Public MyCornm' Twp.. MonroeCounly Mern lSSIOfl EJ.pires Fe/:). 12. 2ClO6 ber, Pennsyfvania Ass""'....-- rv . ............., Vi Nolaries GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: ~ C:f.y Ifrr~ MYN~S RA~fVlPr-IfJAD~ I LIVE AT rt h.se.P ~t,:J'I ~ Nv , Boynton Beach, Florida. I!u c. .? ......,t-JD / , 8 0 I . ~ 1 _. I J -- - ~ This walkway was provided for the property owners of Lakeside Gardens 82 years ago. We bought the right to use the walkway with our property, we have cared for it and used it, we are vested in the walkway. Taking the walkway under protest when it is part of our possession with an investment made and paid for is expecting us to pay for the investment corporations land improvements. This walkway belongs to Lakeside Gardens property owners for our perpetual use. The application must be denied. ~ Owner State of Florida County of Palm Beach ~/ ,/ SWORN TO and subscribed befill'{~e this _ day of July, 200 , efore me appeared , who is personally)tfOwn to me and attests to the afo mentioned is true and correct. ,// / /' Signature of Notary (S.eal) Notary Printed Name GOOD EVENING: MR. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS: MY NAME IS:.) l_J..'L_t ~01,CS ~\~1o(-..J' I LIVE AT \..04 00~,(-~,-" \...{)~ ' , Boynton Beach, Florida. I thought involuntary servitude went out in 1865 with the abolishment of slavery. This walkway was provided for the property owners of Lakeside Gardens 82 years ago. We bought the right to use the walkway with our property, we have cared for it and used it, we are vested in the walkway. Taking the walkway under protest when it is part of our possession with an investment made and paid for is expecting us to pay for the investment corporations land improvements. This walkway belongs to Lakeside Gardens property owners for our perpetual use. The application must be denied. A ~..... '_. . t /v\l>{' q; -J ~ I Owner 1,.._ State of Florida County of Palm Beach SWORN TO and subscribed beft me this _ day of July, 2004, before me appeared , who is personally wn to me and attests to the aforementioned is true and correct. (Seal) Signature of Notary Notary Printed Name J-Ie / /0) rr7 Y n rAtne.- ; 5 ~6S h PI h ; €-,v +Or) I Wczs born jrJ %75 ne-J3hbovhouoL Ovh of- rai 5~d ~~rL o{ I rnV / i4 , (YJlj 6ac1 ..J Ko~ half( --ICLK~ me- dO{AJIl MeS-G W~L/( LJClYS my Who/(.. J j+f...--, NOvJ T j.}: s~ s; H ~hrLJ y--he- S(UJ j :;1701' K d VJ aJcA tj fie 0 -/ . L J ) / ~~ -f; r(w<:vK., S. .J .D.0tL..f flrc.do. l- r fjU ('1 dOn If wcu.d +0 IOJ e... W h a... -I- h-1y f o..f'U1+ 5 ha~ brvU.9~-J me- Lcp -+0 LflJ O!J . ~Jk~ j~ GJ7:t f~ ~ LrJ,r;~~ ~~ ~o 't<- ~ 0 ".~ 0 0 l.J J.. 0 i s fJetts d tvVt-11y JGu bl6l',J . ~ ~ ~ 0 AAMONAM~ ,.... I'I~ ... >t C')MMISSI<:r-IN ~ ~ J 0000 UMBER ~ ,)" ' ~ ~ t . 7281 OF FlO AY COMMISSION ~PR. 7 200~REa ;-J;(Ln X Y ()GL " _--I (/ ~'~ /~ ~ . -~ AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared F-lo \'le t\J (. e ~1l..c1 VJ ,J , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 2. 1. I am over the age of21 years of age. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for I '{ 0 +- years and reside at '31 P. -r k il 1'- /) _ , .01 j'o/7v yJ 13~J1.~{ R. 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements ofthe City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. z:!2' ~ /~--,. . Signature ' ;:'/0 K.eN c. 13n.6 w,J Printed Name t...c... The foregoing instrument was svyom to and subscribed before me this~ day of July, 2004 by F 1 OlH oJG <<- 10 It" "'0 , who is p~~ or who has produced .....:::-~,_=, _ as identification and w did take an oath. ~ ~,,'t-r-Y p(; OFFlCIALNOTARYSEAL o ~. RAMONA MROTEK .' ~ )' C7{ '0 Notary PublIc (SE \)~~ ~~. i .COMM~~~~BER f('+l"1dNt fl1;to r~/( 1:- ...,'if ~. flY COMMISSION EXPIRES . . OF flO APR. 72005 Prmted Name ......".,"""""""'"U'IiWI.IJ"""''''~":.~:,,\C'-,,..~:._; AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared nfiJ 0 _ fn, c.. CAJIJ,v , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent oom~8h~1R:i resident of Lakeside Gl<ens Subdivision for ?t) years and reSIde at 0~;t OJ >n/ c:. R d 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived, and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ~n () HGGnn Printed Name I-<- The foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ S day of July, 2004 by '1'0 A tv b m c C 11 JV tV , who is personally known to me or who has roduced as identification and who did take an oa ~Y"<"'" "-"c;:~;~:;j~u'OTAA-Y SEAl, ~. !l.6NiO,'.lA MROTEK (: ~ ,~ cr'~1M!SSION NUMBER "Y..... ~ 00007281 . ~ 0 o~ fAY COMMISSION EXPIRES F f\. _L="~~' 7 2005 Notary Public /l.1M1 t.M4 Printed Name tYtrt~1EIL AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authorty duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared ~ ti P d II e... '6" /fllll~ ~ , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I ~t permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision ~/ years and reside at :J..' / ? L A-/le. D ILI\Je )\J \~ It . 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. , ~~ fl2~ Si~ture ___ TAeO/~~rte.--"b.. rnr I/ete Printed Name f'L The foregoing instrument )Nj1S sworn to and subscribed before me this~LJ day of July, 2004 by TAQ,olXllle 1:.. IYll U elL, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification an~oath~ Notary Public (SEAL) ,,'r-<;<v PU<9<: OF~~ /C.,4(tld'r-4 (Yl fU TE-/L O~ t COMMISS~NUMBER Printed Name ~ ~ D~1 71- $ lAY COMMISSKlN EXPIRES OF f\.O _~PR. 7.2005 _~ AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowled~~ents and administer oaths, personally appeared TJe...O l 5e- A-. rn e s>- i 't\..j S c. h .4.j e JL and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for 11? years and reside at ;;( , 6 / ~A- ~e /) III v-e. }u. 1>. y' N'/-d p/ . / 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. Signature PeNl'S-e. 4. ttlecSS lllj sG-L IAj Printed Name /...; The foregoing instrument was sw911}~~ an~ subscribed before me this~~ day ofJuly, 2004 by ~JUIQe. 4" filpSS/rlj ~c..LltQ-e..ft--:who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification an~oa~ .../ Notal)' Public 1lA-;t1 tMA4 III rt. d TElL Printed Name !i ,;. .\t t:,--;;~" OFFICIAl NOTARY SEAl. (SE~9\1)1: '7"'1', RAAAONAt.tROTEJ( ,::}'~,*,;g,t1f ~, G,)I.IIAISS~ NUMBER g( 7~t *~'~~i.:~/ fr 00007281 I (", o~ IWCOMt.tISSlONEXPIRES l. \.01" r" .="";:::~~"="_,,,"..~PR. 72005 AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the uo"dersigoed authority ly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared N ' tV.Q. ~ and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for /0/- years and reside at 25ft) LA-IC~ ~/(.. j.}. 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ~~ S ~~ ~~ro~ Printed Name The foregoing instrum~~a~ sworn to and subscribed before me this;J i day of July, 2004 by '"J'"l:l ttN P'I'N 'le t\..-l" 'f'V , who is uersonlllly known to me or who has produced as identification ~ oa~ Notary Public ~Vl'\44 Printed Name (SE ~v Pll~ OFFlCIAlNOTARYSEAL o~~ RAMQNAMROTEJ< ~ COMMISSION NUMBER '1J Q 00007281 ~ 0 o'f' lAY COMMISSION EXPIRES F F\.: APR. 7.2005 "'-- tr\.rtll IT tL AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned aU~ity duly auth~d to tak~cknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared:: '4/a I ee /t::Jr; , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for / L.( years and reside at oZ:Y/J ~t:::e. DK ,IV. 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHERAFFIANTSAYETHNAUGHT. J e' ~ ti~/}~ ~i~ure fi ( ad ra.. . if lie r(D/J Printed Name The foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me thiJ>ot day of July, 2004 by S 4Iv DM P;-tv lCe.i\-1'\ftJ , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification ~an ~ Notary Public IL,4-Atov.-A Printed Name ('''';;rp;;---or-i-1CIAlNOTAAV seAl. .o~ <9<: RAMONA MROTEK '(, (S ,. C0MMISSIOO NUMBER . . <( 00007281 'i'~ 0$ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 0, f\.: APR. 7 2005 ~'N!1I'iI ('fL (Lo Tll tc- AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared f? ft-m () rvA m ILtJT E It: . ' and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I atp~ permanent homestead resident of LakeSide. Gardens Subdivision f~ '\ ~ years and reside at d ~ d I..j L4)( e- bfl /\rJu !\J r 60 y; vv r 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ~7/l~ Si e fYl MTE r ~ Printed Name ~e foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this;z.J day of July, 2004 by J5. II( "" 6 ." ft1 r t> ft!:., k:: . who is personall~ kn~ to me or who has produced 4L~ Uidmflfi~~7Z&~ri (SEAL) ~I'"\ _~e~_ tg,1f 'lI. OFFlCIALNOTAFlIf S&AL Printed Name 0"'" <9....< ELL!N GFlEeN891G >V' ~ COMMISSION NUMBER ~ ~ <( 00064032 "Y;'(C' ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\.O OCT. 28.2005 AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared /l),'vAA-e-/ 1/, IY\ tu TElL , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: . 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for J / b years and reside at J t d 'I LAk'~ PA.l ~ /AJ,.. t.Sb Y A./fvvJ S~I,k, 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT:/~~ . ~~~) S'1gnature ~4,Md7:J7~ Printed Name The foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this .f12 day of July, 2004 by t:::"L. OL. , who is personally known to me or who has produced FL. CI. '- as identifica~ w~~ did take an oa ~~ Public 'e Printed Name 8. CATHERINE A. EAGAN Notary Public. State of Florida My comm. expires March 1. 2005 No. DD005807 /~~. - 1\\" "v. ,,'fi- ~ ~ 0 AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared /L. (Tl (c. It n-e...( {Yl e SSe (oJ ~ cJ 11+ j eN and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge ofthe matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside ardens Subdivisionfor /8 years and reside at 0 J....i4/ttf... ~t271-'- 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements ofthe City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. /J I' ~ (l!Yf~~~ ~1le .~JJ~ . (~,fCL ffE!/ltlr~'- /~ Printed Name ment was swoljl1}o and subscribed before me this:; .2.. day of July, 2004 by 'e~Sf'1"5,,^ M elL who is personally knoWij to me or who has produced ~ as identification lm/d wyo did ta~e an O\~ _ rI /) ~~'itY PlJ(J OFAClALNOTARYS6AL ~~ '--~ o.~ Notary Public ~ ~~7BER r(,qMd~+ m~LoT(~/( ~ ~ 14Yoot.IMlSSlON EXPIRES Printed Name OFF\.O APR.7 05 AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH e acknowledgements t( a:o BEFORE ME, the undersigned autho . y duly authorized to and administer oaths, personally appeared 1/1 J.. and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and sates the llowing: 1. I am over the age of21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for I years and reside at 2 b/I t..A.f::,i. 1:>1'. 11 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements ofthe City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. L S' a/f-;';~~ ;;: 1AI!~;lo Printed Name 7 T The rp~egoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this J 2day of July, 2004 by A f\I't-I\.. (-.'1 'J' -111 ~vn. () - , who is p~sonally knoV!!!. to me or who has produced I - as identification and ~th"~ NotarY Public iLkM <./'Yv14 m 0 fre{,( Printed Name ~~iiVP~~'- OFRClALNOTARY SEAL (SE <9(', RAMONAMROTEK Ul '" I{"<; C0MMISSlON NUMBER '7 ,,' OK 00007281 ~ o<F ,'AY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF ~~.~.<<~ APR. 7,2005 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared ~./ht'<- y:dz-lh<C/.r , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for 7-"'/Myearsandresideat 628 .i'2I~'ck. R4 .87NT~g~s 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. ci~~~- Signatur~,4at r;cJhfClJ Printed Name ~ The foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me thi~S day of July, 2004 by SA- In t=AAN c.,. .s , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification an~oa~ Notary Public ;tlt-Al;W1'l m M TU- Printed Name ~~~v Pu~ OFAClAlNOTARY SEAL o~~ RAMONAMROTEK ,. COMMISSIQo.l NlAIBEA ;.0 ~ 00007281 .,.~ 0 o<f MY COt.lMISSlON EXPIRES F f\. _ APR. 7.2005 FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared S/~~l L~ E.As -re.tL I/n. ~ , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and stat the following: ' 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for 6L years and reside at ~ ~ ~ f)t'It-(, (!",.fG, 12..-P . 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. s~~ ~'O: SH 81?~ i L. e ,fST E! Ill...! N G; Printed Name 1-l The foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this :J S" day of July, 2004 by SJ.eJt.~Y L~ C-As.kJ./U ' who is personally known to me or who has produced , as identification an~~ ~ ./ ~p..RV P{j~ OFAClAlNOTAAV SEAl Notary' Public o ~ RAMONAMROTEK ~ 11@1 ~ COMMDISS~ NUMBER f?-A../I1.~ In 1L~ TI! /( 7..... ~^-E> 0007281 Printed Name .~ 0 o<f MY COMMISSION EXPIRES F f\. APR. 7 2005 ",.~......,.,.,~' ,~...- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly autho~ to take ac~ledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared D;k.LW E.. ~CI!Ii eM, and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for , I .I years and reside at ~, .f?~-r/ E/l- RD Ru( AI ~# BJ...,vrr Fe I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived' and owned this property. 4. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and Soutb . as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ture I /-Q. JV-Q. Printed Name -L- The foregoin~ instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this :;)5 day of July, 2004 by O,q.~ML Sr^OtV J fit A (lJ , who is personally known to me or who has produced L - as identification and who did take an oat~..... A ()t f) ~/I~ Notary Public ICA--/TI {I)A4 )1l tl. d T$// Printed Name (SEAL) ~-==- '''',$.''''--- . ~l'-I<V ;;u~."'''''OFRciALNOTAAVSEAl o </ RAMONA MROTEK ~ l& ~ C0MMISSlOll NUMBER 7;1\~,,f 00007281 ~ 0 o<f" fAY COMMISSION EXPIRES F f\.~~,,=~,~~R. 7,2005 " ~~ AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned autho~ duly authorizeJi to take acknowledgt\ments and administer oaths, personally appeared ~ A ~ 0 \I ~Ot0 , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I al}l a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens lP years and reside at 6 LA t:" . 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived, and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South . as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ,.... ThtregOing instrumenj;as sworn to and subscribed before me this~~- day of July, 2004 by S /f-fJ I}- 0 Ve;t (V , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and 0 did take an oath. (SEAL) "'-',=4==,~=' .-. '. , :\l'~\' PU~-OFRCiAt:NOTARYSEAl o <;- RAMONA MROTEK ~.o '" ~ Xc G0MIAISSICN NUMBER Y. J . 00007281 ~ 0 ~ o~ I~Y COMMISSION EXPIRES F f:_=c.",,~.,~I;~.:..?2005 .,', . . ..-.~-"". ~ otary Public 12.,+ tr) () 'l-A Printed Name fh /1...( T12 It. AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared tv\. ; (.;h.G..-tJ( ]). M'" U. ec:u,' '1 and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: 1. I am over the age of21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead resident of Lakeside Gardens Subdivision for " years and reside at ~b()O L.4.-f::€. l:>r. Uo~ 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ifJ~~eC/~ SIgnature ~ if/dtt:l-~( J). H '-C( e.47 Printed Name The fore~oing instrument was }worn to and subscribed before me this~~ day of July, 2004 by J?J " c.A ~(A ' frl a... C ~ A-/L V , who is personally known to me or who has produced - / as identification and who did take an ~ath. l>> I) ~~ . '~-=-~~=-OFACIALNOTARVSEAL Notary Public (SEAL) j :\?-~'1 PUI)<;." RAMONAMROTEK .ICtHvt ~ JIYl J'\.tJ Tt.= / ( ~~[f ~ c,''lMMISSICNNUMBER Printed Name '" <t 00007281 7. f i~Y COMMISSION mIRES, ~ OF f\..O.,~e.!U~02 .....~... .,.."",,__,.<<"r""" AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly autho~ed to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared ~ 0 AJ tZA):) . M G= R. R Y , and who, upon being duly sworn, depose and states the following: FURTIlERAFFIANf SAYETHNAUGHT. . It ~dte~ A.I'- Q,r~7 Printed Name / /.,,; The foregoing instIument was sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ S" day of July, 2004 by CU W.(rl- i:} f +- ~ e 11Itt/ , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification an~ o~Y"e.b ~",~~;Y~Pu~~~'()FFlClAl.NOTARY SEAl. Notary Public (SEAL) I.P ~' ~ (. RAMONAMROTeK M IYl C/l'\44 Yn Ad r ~ 10. \11E:fj[ ~ C')MMISSICN NUMBER . $7",. f:j 'v 00007281' Pnnted Name '( "'OF F'O'!' ll, COMMISSIONEXPIRES "==,,~~,~=, u '. , , ,,,.,,,!--E!:L 7 2005 1. I am over the age of 21 years of age. 2. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. 3. I am a permanent homestead r~sident of Lakeside Gards Subdivision for 5" years and reside at b W 1:;;1 M J c.k R 4. I and my family walk and use for our enjoyment the walkways providing access to the intercoastal waters (Lake Worth) for as long as I have lived. and owned this property. 5. I and my neighbors have maintained the walkways, both North and South as long as I have owned my property and they have before me. 6. I and my neighbors shall continue to maintain the walkways both North and South. 7. I will continue to maintain said walkways without the assistance or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in all respects. 8. Both the North and South walkways were dedicated to the public for perpetual use and I feel it is a provision of my property ownership existing for the past 82 years. PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agent for Avon Investments, as an "alley" when in fact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, thfV1!!.dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate this L day of July, 2004. OWNERSOFLOTS 95; 9t", 9 ';? 51.? ~ LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDiVISIO STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH rc SWORN T" 0 AND SUBSClpBED THL~S;l DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED ~Jjel'lvT /JI,'ciJJ>l,J (Ile>Ss.etl--S '~ D,S, 'ERSONALLY KNOWN, TeE AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. ~, h1 ,1/' ,i (()e~- / /l ~K.e OfAClALNOTARY$EAL 7\'t S' t ~l'~v PU(J( , ,RAMONAMROTEK 1'10 ary 19na ure, I Y (SE ~ ~ ('/)MMISS~NUMBER fl fhrl 1/'t'l1't /Yl1U> rli Il.. ':. ~ o~~1""."RES Printed Notary Name T)\ ~ 14V COMM........... "^'" ~ OF f\.O APR. 7 2005 ....""'''''''''''''=-= PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDWISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDWISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, ~YI!!--derSigned, concur with the above Petition Against this day of July, 2004. ~, I \ OWNERS OF LOTS 9~ 9{ 9 71"-'):5 /~1! LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH r<-' SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS c; DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED lYIV;Se.. A, ft1-f'S$l~sd{ttfHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THEAFOREM WTIO 'D. .,f.~, "))" d f , t!G2 /J1-t: ;)i.<- _ 1 Ltctf-rLA-/ NMary Signature /C,,1-1n u"{Viq (h/LoIT If Printed Notary Name PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, thWf!-dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate this.!l!::... day of July, 2004. OWNERSOFLOTS 103, \04-. loS ".g_.f~.iAl.J LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION SIGNATURE 5,<6A'1J PRINTED NAME ()A .A H11.d )J.1J 1</ J11 "5 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH y-c SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS L DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED S-os ft1J ft--11.tl-tl'LS , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THEAFOREMENTIONED. ;?el:n~ ~ NotalJ!. Signature f( A-IH (\ r---L4- n1 M IfJ( Printed Notary Name 1~r1dU : ~, ~u~,qOFAClALNOTARYSEAI. Cf':...L/ S( RMlONAMROTiK ~ ~~ h ~, C'nMMISSICN NUMBER ~ "t' 00007281 17~ ,; MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF fl..O APR. 7 2005 nr".- r '\III -.v A~ PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURIJY AND HALL. We, thyt!!dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate this E day of July, 2004.(4 /: /! / OWNERSOFLOTS 103- {o4-. lo'S" c,g;.A .//~ LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION SIGN4TJl.RE. K1 I 11 IV e (l ,or.. u/2,.,'111 S PRINTED NAME- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~ SWORN T01ND SUBSCRIBED THIS 9 DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED [Vet _ A:-D A-1Yl...$ , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNO TO ME AND ATT~STS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED.O;n1.&JlA.-- /)'l'l I'~V p'u~" ;11.;ALNOTARYSEA1. Notary Signature , 0" <1(.- RAMONA MROTEK . /, (SEA . ~ (~\MISSICNNUMBER IC/Tftl VYWt ;l1/Lo TlZ// ;;..0 . <t Dooo7281 p. d J\T J\T .,.~# LAVCOMMISSlONEXPIAES rmte Hotary Hame OF fl. O"~." ,,~,.bP.1i.7 2005 PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS . SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agent for Avon Investments, as an "alley" when in fact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURD Y and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURlJY AND HALL. We, t/!i51t",dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to Abandon/Vacate this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERSOFLOTS ~'I g~ gf?, 8? LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDI SION ~L~f2;q~7-- SIGN ~ eJ, I I' I'J~/ D. MC"clea 1"1 PRINTED AME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH YL SWORNrr!fJJAN SUBSC BEDXHIS Z DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED I" ,tj\, fl\ C C e' , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO T E AFOREME TIONED. // / /t-.L, '------nJ/) , tV !). ~~p.y PlI OFAClALNOTARY ~'-t;'f"-- ,L...L! "f.,~ r~ 0 Notary Signature (S ~~:J ~.;,.~ 141 '" .,.4\ J'fl MTf/( -~ o~ I~Y COMMISSION EXPIRES OFf\: _~2PR. 7.2005 Printed Notary Name PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate this 5tLday of July, 2004. OWNERSOFL078 ~q:itft.f;..31 ~~ ~a ~t?M) LAKESIDE GARDENS BDI SION SIGJI{ATURE A/tJ~MA' , //iLl&' /?J/t:.-t-E!e- PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~ SWORN TO AND SUBSCR1,lJED THISL DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED NoNn A- ~-\:. rn I 'Ie A , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME ~:~,~T~:Z.~:~~EAFOREMENTIONED. 1Z/?lE7Z<- ffi~~ 0.... '\, RAMONAMROTEK Nota!)' Signature r >+ C0MMISSION NUMBER tLft11^\ ~ t'l) ~() 77f/ u 1" J 00007281 - - - ~ o~ MYCOMMISSIONEXPIAES Printed Notary Name OF f:...,c_~,",,~.2PR. 7,2005 PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. r The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agent for Avon Investments, as an "alley" when in fact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVElTRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, th~dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to Abandon/Vacate this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERSOFLOTS35'/3C 37 ~m~ - LAKESIDE GARDENSSUlfDIVISI6N ~Af!j~~~i;: ;JJ //Le~ PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN TO AND SUBS~RI, BED THIS '~DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEAREDThil ))lJllC f11 t 1 ,rL , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THEAFOREMENTIONED. /!:. '/7 (I () O-?7W7LL- 1l.t~l( Notary Signature ILA-m c~ in 11 () Tf)C Printed Notary Name ~~9.Y Pf./8, OFFlCIAlNOTAAySEAL (. ~~ RAMONAMROTEK , ~ COMMISSIOO NUMBER ;..0 J 00007281 71- O~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\: APR. 7 2005 PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVElTRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Aga. this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERS OF LOTS q 1- OJ 3 9 i LAKESIDE GARDENS su4mIVlstoN l) STATE OF FLORIDA -. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~,~ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS ~ DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED +All:[', 'YlO , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND A ENTIONED. ~ ~" .' ~t-9.Y PtJ~ OFFICIALNOTARVSEAl ' , o ~ RWO~MROTIX ~ r~~' "",NUMBER Notary Signature (SEAL) 7~ ~; MYeot.~M~=k.AES /C/hYJ Q)v !l- J11 fL () / E / ( OF f\..O APR. 7 05 Printed Notary Name ( PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDWISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161.0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURD Y and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDWISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, t~ndersigned, concur with the above Petition Aga. st Application to Abandon/Vacate this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERS OF LOTS ~ ~l 9..), 9y LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISIOA IU STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN TO 1J> SUBSCRIBED THIS s-J-'C DAY OF JULY, 1004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED JutA-e m J4-\.NlO , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND TTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. /l~~ Notal)' Signature It. /L/b11 u~ In nd TlF ( Printed Notary Name PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when in fact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to Abandon/Vacate this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERSOFLOTS f1'1/6s-~e 96;9; ")lA~~ ~~'L LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION I ' SIQNy1Tc;:} K ~ 0tl vd Kol?~plT PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THI/ DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED SA1V\~f\.A IL eo Iw\.sk> ,WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTEf:!! TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. /;l~~ LJ-."L ~, c( j} ~v PUq OFFlClAlNOTARYSEAl. ff ;,,,,__ex r~ ~ o ~ PAMONA MROTEK . ~ ('> Notary Signature ,. COMMISSION NUMBER ,,1.-r12. t { ~ S 00007281 /Ld711 vfGn /l1 It 01 (C. ~o o<f. MYCOMMISSlONEXPIRES Printed Notary N.ame F FL APA, 72005 ........,.~,<,. N,~~',,,,,,,,,r;...,,W'-......,...., '"~."',,.,,><., PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161.0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVElTRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, t~dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERS OF LOTS ?61'1.tJ() '~A-# L _ ~, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION SIGNATURE / P d7 /H //./ z: ~ l/ "f- k/y -.,z: 1 (c, t>?' 11/ PRINTED NAME ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Y<-- SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED TillS S- DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED FlolleJVce 13 /LO w/IJ , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. ~l~ ~ Notary Signature _ 1/ (SEAL) .~(j)Lpf fJ1 f{() !7C/"- Print d Notary Name :\p..RY Po OFFjl"'A' o ~<: rU:::::..~ARY ~ ~ '0 '----MAor&i( ~ ~ COMMlSSQ4 .....-- ~ Q ~~ (;' ~"MY ;:~, ern OF F\.O COMMIS8Icw_ APR. 7 ~ PETITIor PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDON That, 4.2 foot w. SUBDWISION, Public Records I That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GAR SUBDWISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book Public Records of Palin Beach County, Florida. The application West to East at i referred to by R according to PII known as Lake The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, referred to by Rod Regan, Agent for Avon Investments, as an "alley" u according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway known as Lake Worth. The walkway w KELSEY D. PI Lake WorthfOl The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the ori/ KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a, Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A ( providing ab, *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedica providing abandoned property to revert back to originalowne WE THE UN HAVE ABAN SUBDWISIOJ 1922 WAS IN EXPECT TO j WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OJ HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WOJ SUBDWISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACe 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPER1 EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM 1 PRlVILEDGES THE PROVISIO NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFEJ.. PRlVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDJ THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. OWNERS OF LOTS LAKESIDE GARDI We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Applicatio Ihis ~ day oJ July, 1004. ' ~ OWNERSOFLOTS f3cr Bt5l-8/ III, lit" 109 /"C- LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION S 'AT'fll>1-fA/ 2A...- PRINTED NAME We, the JP'de, this ~ da) y Pu ="c 6'( '(-, Jt I <{ 71- ~ M OFf\.O STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN TO AND pUBSC,'RIBED THIS~ DAY OF JULY. APPEARED ~/fAJ /Tv lie AJ"c:J,J , WHO IS PERSONALI AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. /9 ~~/) Notary Signature ILlt-/fI \.\\JVV-\ Printed Notary Name ~t-{!Y P(J (} OFFIClAI..NOrARY lEAL ~ RAMONAU~ h ~ COMMISSICN NUMBER ~ ~ 00007281 ~ 0 o<f- MY COUUISSlON EXPIRES Ff\,: APR.7 05 STATE OF F COUNTYOl SWOJ APPEARED ANDATTES PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACATE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereofas recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVElTRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS SDAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED1JA-'LlelU~ Sl/lD)li"b/114WWHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. /&~ ~M , (SEAL) Notary Signature JC.I:f-MovvtLJ Printed Notary Name ~Pl/. o C9(:. "'........... ~ (\ '~MFlClTEk ~ COMMISSICW NUMBER ~ S 00007281 OF F\.O~ MYCClAwISSlONEXPIRes APR. 7 05 mlW TIC ~ PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, the ~ersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to Abandon/Vacate this JJ:L- day of July, 2004. '" ~~ ,/ OWNERSOFLOTS i"'-Sd.,.. ~." -1 . . LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION SIGNAT RE ~ ~ .. . ~ . Sf{. L.. };:A-5 I E ':17 PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~, SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS ~ DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEAREDS ' L;E.., ,$-(' ,\1 , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO HE AFOREMEN TONED. J"1 ,'~ (1/ /) It 7-}.J7w:;4-- ~, I'-9.V P(j ~0:;:.c7;';1,~NOTARY SEAL N6tary Signature 0' ~( RAMONA MROTEK /J rn () 7E/ ~ l<ltf! ~ C0MMISSICN NUMBER I L-fPn (/~ ft II / /L. ~ ~,~ 00007281 Printed Notary Name 7~ o~ ,AY COMMISSION EXPIRES OF f\. "', .,e.P~U.~Q.5.oo..,~_ (SEAL) PETITION AGAINSl PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO That, 4.2 foot walkway lying h SUBDWISION, according to Public Records of Palm BeacJ That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, L~ SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recordet. Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/v West to East at the intersectilJ referred to by Rod Regan, AJ according to Plat Book 8, PaJ known as Lake Worth. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. WI West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake referred to by Rod Regan, Agent for Avon Investments a according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a ~l known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated I KELSEY D. PURDY and S1 Lake Worth for the perpetuiJ The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivi~ KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause ofre1 providing abandoned p' *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained withi providing abandoned property to revert back to 01 WE THE UNDERSIGNEJ HAVE ABANDONED Ol SUBDWISION OF LAKE 1922 WAS IN EFFECT ~ EXPECT TO RETAIN TH WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS Tl SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RI( 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED or EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PI NO FORUM HAS THE u. pRIVILEDGES GRANTED TJ THE PROVISIONS SET DOW! NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMC PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAJ THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND OWNERS OF LOTS 6:1 - s LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDlVISI~ We, t~e undersigned, concur with the above Petition Agai this..!Y2..- day of July, 2004. d OWNERS OF LO TS 41--; )..-- LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION S 'ATU ~ PRINTlm We, th~ndersigned, cone this~ day of July, 201 (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH 9J- SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS / () DA APPEAREDS/t1Yl plLAt"VCt S' , WHO IS AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. ~ , OFAClALNOTAAV$EAL. ~ ~t-~'{ PUIJ(. RAMONAMflC)TeK Nota~ (SEA ~~ COMMISSlONNUMBER f'--, < D~1 . .,~ # MY COMMISSIONE)tPIRES Prmted OFf'-o APR. 7 2005 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BE SWORN TO AND APPEARED '3'0 tfrJ AND ATTESTS TO THl PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, th)!e!dersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate Ihis~ day of July, 2004. ~ 4. ~ OWNERSOFLOTS 44. 4$:- 4'-- 4'1 ' " _ - LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION STURE D. - ~ 'Z PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH <y-c- SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS L DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED CON ILA.{j A--. III e.-~ ' WHO IS PE, ~SONALL~K}VOWlj,/T9, ME ANDATTESTSTOTHEAFOREM TIONED. /~,1~ /~ Notary Signature (SEAL) j(ftll1()"Iv)t In rU;7f;/e Printed Notary FA ~L' , ...t-~'i l'u<9 RMlONAMROiEK o (..., ~ ~ COMMISSION NUMBER '" <( 00007281 7~ ,f MY COMMISSION EXPIRES <<'OFf'-O APR.72005 _..-,~...' PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONNACATE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Ag this ~ day of July, 2004. OWNERS OF LOTS a e -rirbU 4 ~ LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION SIG M\.c.&.(,t>..€"\.... ~. M.RcrrCl<. PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS ;2... DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED 1k'~Qf!.,LA Me'TIIf!/( , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. ~ Notary Sig ture /1 (SEAL) "MARYF.CARAWAY L:--"'~ :~: MYCOMMISSION#DD052067 Printed Nota Name ",~$ EXPIRES: August 22, 2005 . .... l300ded Thru Notary Public Underwriters PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2 foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to Abandon/Vacate this ~ day of July, 2004. . ~ OWNERSOFLOTS 3eJ...,;:"w43 ~;;7J~u " LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION SIGNA~ V)vft (YlfLQ77? K PRINTED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWO TO AND SUBSCRIBED THIS ~ DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED . ,..bf'(';..; , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMEN TONED. L __ a . Notary s;gnt;:: ~ ~/t?., 4!'~t"\-6 ~ Printed Notary Name PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21,1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, the undersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application to AbandonlVacate this ~ day of July, 2004. ~. !<,cl-{/I,</J v. HA~l!lfor/ PRINTED NAME OWNERS OF LOTS 121; 1Z5,1l(, 't'fL7 LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~..<Y- SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED '{HIS:::: DAY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED (<,;~'Pr1\l) :f_ f-fA.{l(LI ~tJN , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED..4 }. "fgJ6,' ?Jt8?lc ')2 k Notary Signat~e' 1ft 'Zt, ~ Printe ~f}JYa ~ ONA MFlOTEJ< ... ~ COMMISSION NIAfBER 1A ~ 00007281 (" 0 oq; MY COMMISSlONEXPiAES F F\.~~..~~~.~ 7!~~' ~~ (SEAL) PETITION AGAINST APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACA TE That, 4.2foot walkway lying between Lots 30 and 31, LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The application to abandon/vacate the identified 4.2 ft. wide x 161. 0 ft. long walkway lying West to East at the intersection of Dimick Road and Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, referred to by Rod Regan, Agentfor Avon Investments, as an "alley" when infact, according to Plat Book 8, Page 57 (copy attached). Is a public walkway to the body of water known as Lake Worth. The walkway was dedicated to Lakeside Gardens Subdivision by the original owners, KELSEY D. PURDY and STILES C. HALL, on January 21, 1922 as a right of access to Lake Worth for the perpetual use of the property owners. *NOTE: A clause of reversion is contained within the dedication statement providing abandoned property to revert back to original owners. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REFUTE ANY NOTION OR IDEA THAT WE HAVE ABANDONED OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO LAKE WORTH WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OF LAKESIDE GARDENS. THIS RIGHT TO ACCESS INITIATED IN 1922 WAS IN EFFECT WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PROPERTY AND STRONGLY EXPECT TO RETAIN THIS RIGHT OF ACCESS IN PERPETUITY. NO FORUM HAS THE LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO REMOVE/TRANSFER THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES GRANTED THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBDIVISION BY THE PROVISIONS SET DOWN AND GRANTED BY PURDY AND HALL. We, thf;fndersigned, concur with the above Petition Against Application t this T day of July, 2004. OWNERS OF LOTS II) {; Co 71 10 ~ LAKESIDE GARDENS SUBl1IVISION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SWORN 1'.0 AND SUBSCRIBED THIS 'l ~AY OF JULY, 2004, BEFORE ME, APPEARED Sfln-bfr D Ve.f\-~ , WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND ATTESTS TO THE AFOREMENTIONED. ~7u-JJl-LJtl; iy Pl/<9 . Notary Signature -;-r I ( (SEt t ~ RAMONAMROTEK /tfl-m oM rt, /1 i) (.c{ '-- ~ ~ .: C!)M"'ISS~NUMBER Printed Notary Name . ~ S 00007281 o oq: MY<n!MlssIoNEXPIRES FFl __~APR.. 7.200s