APPLICATION City Codes Accessed Via Website www.boynton-beach.org www.amlegal.comlboynton_beach_fl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? _Nr0 , Date: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION TO ABANDONN ACATE PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION APR 2 6 r "",'1 ' i' "~,I I NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany a~.al'~lications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two (2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: i-A I<.E- DR.I v E:.. N. i...J0TS 3:. \ ' S L Ro~. =r. RE-C~'~rV AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: 4- ~?::. 9 ~ N.F- '1Rcc.- '~, (. c,~A..T. I ATL.I'\ ~11S. AGENT'S PHONE: F\.-- / (6bt) (SUI) f\ "r I v-~N '3 ~ .--t-Io 2- +~.+ Ot.; ,'2- AGENT'S FAX: L, "+2 ~ U be:, OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: IN.JEs'TVY\~\S '- -LN (: . +3Cj PI"-JE.. TR.U Cc.....(RT, A'T\.--A. ~TI~ OWNER'S PHONE: FL..-- 'S3+02 (Sbl \ i-i-?) + (Sbl\ b-+-2 Obl2 OWNER'S FAX: .s 0 k:, Cj PROJECT LOCATION: OR PCN NUMBER 2 {; 2. S L- r-\ Kt=::.. (not legal description) LI\K,f: ~l f)E DR.IV~ N R). -0 L C -('-...:II 0'-'::' 1") r- /:>. . '-' D.-r.,l.....n. GAR..DEA1S. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) As A 1\ r 'c- o _ v'- . · This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue the,(check one): J ( ( ( ( ) ALLEY ) '8nU!ET~ ) SJ;;leCIAL PURPOSE ~ASEMENT- ) OTIIE~ NON-FEE INTERES=f--9F.-T-HE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development Board or Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission meetings held to review this project. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ( ( Recorded in I-L.I\ T Beach County, Florida. ) DEED ) DEDICATION ... ) PRESCRIPTION Book ~ , Page S, , and Public Records of Palm 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. The list of names and addresses of the owners and occupants of abutting real property, addressed envelopes and 1st class postage (stamps or pay for required postage). 2 NAME ADDRESS -+ ~c1 ~. ~ E: \~ E. CC~~~I ^'ll-A~71~ fL33;.ilZ , n ,- ...s-\ ~'0,..J ,-1 ~U~,~'\ IV\Kr-JT.."S 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) (ALL UTILITY COMPANY RESPONSES MUST BE INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION SUBMITTAL) 8. J Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: ~~ ~C-C- ~ ~~ ~ ~ t ~~ ~ ~ t ~ """~~.tJCJ ~A ~<r:k.., ",-,.1 ~tQ ~ ~()~i, ~~ ----r ~~.~' --.l eo.JU.~ <>-cl~~ DATED: +.'" v <+ APPLlCANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ko~\~~ ~j L-1 ADDRESS 4- 3>9 P,NE "lZE-E-Lo-..A.g:,.T ATl-At.S\6~L'~~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above narped cwplicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that _ he L~/is the applicant~ in the foregoing Application to Abandon/llilsate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. My Commission Expires: Updated 10/15/01 ,"~~~/f'" Roberta Massey t~~~;-'-';\~~COmmission # DD0'78100 ~~\ J~:: Expires Jan. 23, 2006 ~.7>;........~$ Bonded Thru ""p,\,;;,\\' Atlantic Bonding Co.. Inc, 3 UTILITY COMPANIES BellSouth Telephone Company Mr. Larry Mayernik 2021 S. Military Trail, 1st Floor, Eng. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 439-9118 Fax: (561) Florida Power & Light Company John Van Vleet 21400 Powerline Road Boca Raton, FL 33433 Phone: (561) 479-4511 Fax: (561) 479-4588 Florida Public Utilities/Flo-Gas Corp. Mr. David E. Pellico, Engineer 401 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 838-1752 Fax: (561) 833-0151 Comcast Cablevision of Mr. Dominique Au 's, Constructi 1401 North . t Parkway West P Beach, FL 3340 P e: (561) 478-58 ext. 340 Fax: (561) 686- 99 Adelphia Cable Communications Ms. Jeanine McEnroe 3020 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: (561) 588-5553/265-3551 Fax: (561)~ Updated 12/11/03 J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLICATIONS\UTILITY COMPANIES FOR ABAN EASEMENTS 03-23-01.DO S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLICATIONS\ABAN\Abandonment application with pre-application added. doc 4 04!2~!20B4 10::7 551938175'3 FL PUBLIC UTILITIES PAGE 01 Tania Gerst 548 N. Country Club Drive Atlantis, FL 33462 P.O. Box 3395 West Palm Beach FL 33402.3395 (561)832-2461 April 20, 2004 RE: Walkway Abandonment@2 25 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach Dear Ms Gerst: Please be advised that Flori Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment ofilie existing easement described i yow: letter. At the present time, we hay no undergroWld gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment If you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 561~838-1782. cc: C.C. Canino RP~-15-2004 08:02 FROM:FPL 551-47'9-4558 TO: 815616425069 P.1 - FPL Florida Power & Light Company. 21400 Powerline Road. Boca Raton, FL 33433 April 9, 2004 City of Boynton Beach Development Department - Planning and Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box. 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Abandonment of a 4.2' walkway easement at 2625 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach To whom it may concern: The area petitioned for abandonment that was faxed to me from Ron Regan ofR.J. Homes, Ine as described above has been reviewed. Please be advised that FPL has no objection to the above abandonment. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (561) 479-451 L Sincerely, 1?;;:-~~,J~ Senior System Project Manager Post-it" Fax Note 7671 Date 11#01 .- pages TO~D ~,,,...,..a From Co.lDepl. Co, Phone Ii Phone ~ Fax # St.'. ~"2"S()6li Fax # an FPL Group company 04/12/2004 11:21 FAX 5616403998 ADELPHJA CABLE -A,delphia Your LJink for Everything Engineering Department 1401 Northpoint Parkway VVestPalm Beach, F133407 Office: 561-656-8927 Fax: 561-640-3996 April 12, 2004 R.J.Homes, Inc. 548 N County Club Drive Atlantis, Fl. 3~1462 RE: 26~~5 Lake Drive North abandonment Dear Mi". Regan Adelphia Cable has no objection in the walkway abandonment. Please ,ca~1 e~~ you have additional questions at (561) 656-8927 regarding this project. Sincerel'if, -. \. .. ------- Dorni'lique Aur is Construction Supervisor Adelphia Communications i4l 002/002 \\ LKMIQ:", A;' L-AKE WORTH WATERWAY 4.20' '? 0<74(,' 00' E - ~ 1-; 0 ~c.7 E- A~ ;~ E....r-..) 'T @ "-''V : . \ ~1t1 :\ ~..I.J ~~ .,,.tJ, .e:' 'v<C ,.0. . \ .,. ~ltJ ~'?..... ~ : \ ~ ,.tJ ~ V'- "'1'" "'). \ : lU N : ~. : €d DIMIGK RD. ~ ~ ~ III \f\ ~ ~ ~ ~ iil ~ 0 ~ I ...I ~ POTTER RD. lU [) lL 2'1 '0 31 , '2 " ,.. '5 " '7 '11 'I' '14 '15 % '17 'I" '1'1 [....- ':> I TE L.OGATION MAP N.T.'? 'It ~ '-.\l '-.\l C) C) '-.\l '-.\l - C) - - DRA I NA6E NOTE'?: \f'\ \f'\ F\..OOD ZONE: A7 (E~ 'I) 0'1/'0/62 l- I- Got..MJN I TY -PANEL- NO, I lCl '" 0004 G Cl W W C) MAP' REV I ex:D : ,:>EPTEM)ER '0, I '162. -I -I Cl () () Cl LOT AREA - '75 ':>Q FT +/- () g Cl b b C} C} Z Z PROPERTY ADORE?':>: I-AKE DR I VE NOR1l-i BOYNTON BEAGH, FLORIDA "4'5 GERTIFY TO: J- Z ~ UJ '" <t UJ NOTE'?: I. tJNDER61WtJNO tJT I I- IT I E':> WERE NOT I-OGATED EXGEPT A? ?HaWN. 2 . THE I-AW'? ?t-iCl\WN H:REON WERE NOT ~TRAGTED BY ?tJRVEYOR FOR EA?EMENT?, RI6HT-OF-WAY?, RE'?ERVATION? AND OTHER ?IMII-AR MATTER? OF REGORD. ,. EI-EVAT I ON? ARE NAT IONAl.- GEOOET I G VERTIGAl.- DATUM OF I '12'1. .. . BEAR I NO? ARE BA?ED ON THE WE? T R IW I- I NE OF I-AKE ? I DE DR I VE, A':>?lJMED TO "EAR N 00 00'00' E. 5 . ~ON ROO AND GM' tJNL.Eo/? NOTED. ,. ~ DENOTE'? PROPO?ED I-OT GRADE? 7, ~ DENOTE'? EXI?TING LOT GRADE':>, I-E6END: F - FIEL-D Ff'V , - FOlJf'V GONG. - CONCRETE EI-, - EI-EVATION N~D - NAIl- ~ DI?C R/W - ~16HT OF WAY ? ' E> , - "X)tJTI-ERN E>EL..L. IR~C - IRON ROO ~ CAP tJ,E, - tJTll-lTY EA?EMENT NHT - NAIl- AND TIN TAf> M, E . - MA I NTENANCE EA':>fM:NT FP~L. - ~IDA P~R ~ L.IGHT P.G.P.- PE~ CONTROL. POINT @ - WATER t..ETER @ - '?EWER N ~ . \"-,,I.J <Jlf) ~O ~tJ . \,\_"1.1 ~J .... ":> I f) fr---i ~ f~ ....,.'b N 'OC 00' 00 . E .p 4 , 20 ' ----.L.J g ,ur--Ir::;; ~ ~..o ~11'\. '<- "'~'."J.....o ~ e'v "'_ ow~ i-AKE DR I VE NORTH '?~ I~ NOT VAL. ~p WI THOIJT :~~E~i Co _M V. TRACH \.) VT:~TE .of' FL.OR IDA ~ PL.? NO. 48~ ~~ THE '?16NATIJRE AND THE OR161NAL. RAI'?ED '?EAL. OF A FL-ORIOA L.ICEN?EO '?IJRVEYOR BOUNDARY ?URVEY TI-E NORTH 4. 'l.' WAL-K (EA'?EM:NT) , I N lAKE<='> I DE GARDEN?, A '?LeD I V I <=.> ION OF Tt-t: TOWN OF OOYNTON, F~ I DA, ACCORD I NO TO TI-E PLAT OF <='>A I D '?LeD I V I<='> I ON REWRDED IN TI-E OFF I GE OF TI-E ct..ERK OF TI-E C-I RCIJ I T WlJRT IN AI'.[> FOR PAl.M f>EACH WUNTY. FL-OR I DA, IN P\....A T e>oGK 6 AT PAGE 57. 4-02-04 ">\JINEY PATE: I . -20' "XAl...E: FIL-E F.D. 1". UNIVER?A~ ?URVEYIN6 ?Y?TBM?, ING. C.ERT I F I C.A TE OF AUTHOR I ZA T ION Nl.t..eER ~ 5q64 2' l' L..AKE OR I VE NORTH e>ovNTON eEACH, FL..ORIOA "4'5 OFFIC.E: 5~ -7"-04'2 FAX: 5~ -7"-Oqo6 04-04-042 . \ <tV "Jlt> :\ f~ "}l,fJ. V'. 1,"'- \ '). ~ ~ IU ... ~ @ -, Ex 1'"\ \~,' s,~ O'"^' s L-o T A:r a \ N ("-..JG ,. @ (,'0-<" DIMICK RJ), ~ 'f:'(), ~~ \ . i!: ~ .. ~., '" ~ 35 ~ " ~ '7 ~ ii2 QZ ~ 0 Q, IU q., :r j q5 ~ q, q7 IU POTTE~ RJ), q6 10 qq II.. L-AKE WORTH WATERWAY ?0.03' '":> 00'4b 'OO'E -... "'''' I-\:) ~...l ~ a. a~t<'\ . (() t<'\ 8U-:1- bC)a 13"_....l z 13" ~ C) ~ C) t<'\ f- w a w ....l . 0 8 a 8 10.70 10.0 0 C). TIE 2Q.36' TIE 88 b 13" Z Z'" .,.. '" ... TWO '":>TORY '" RE'":>IOENGE ... FF-?OO 2.2.4 .Q 10.65 TIE <t J Z,31 '?TAIR':> TIE I- ~ S 10.50 TIE <;' <()UJ ... "'l- V' ... . \~t,r" ."It! f~')<",t! Vl 2.5.00 FIRE ? HYDRANT ~ C). aC) 'Ll\ o . OLl\ bLl\ 13" . ' .C~ . " . ~ - . . .. . . '" . . cchc". '" '. t>RIVE. on .."...... N z .' . 3 22,00 o 0 ... ... ~ ~~'l. <?'f. ~~.~ ~."> ,1 f~ 5' .03' F ~'v' o:~-L:K-EDRIVE -NORT~-- 'f_ I~ a I,,) I.!) I:'J t<'\ ..,. i<'\ ..J I.!) ....l REVI~ CERTIFICATION 4-02-04 ., ts. ':>ITE L.OGATION MAP N,T.'":>, DRAINAGE NOTE'?: F~OOD ZONE: A7 (~ q) OQ/'0/62. CCMv1lJN1 TY-PANE\.. NO, I 2.Cl % 0004 C MAP REV I '?ED : ,?EPTEto.OER 30, I Q62, ~OT AREA' 6ZZ0.32. ?Q FT +/- PROPERTY ADDRE'?'?: Zl,Z5 ~AKE DRIVE NORTH BOYNTON ~EACH, F~IDA '3.,35 CERTIFY TO: AVON I NVE'?TMENT'?, I NC, UNITED 6ENERA~ TIT~E IN?WRANCE COMPANY vOHN HOOKER $ COMPANY TIT~E IN?URANCE AGENCY, ING. f')~0 ~ NOTE?: I. UWERG;::OlJND WT I ~ I TIE? WE;::E NOT ~OCATED EXCEPT A"J '.>HaWN, 2 , THE l..AN)<j ';/-iOWN t-f:REON WERE NOT Al}?TRACTED BY '?U;::VEYOR FOR EA'?EMENT'?, RI6HT-OF-WAY':>, RE?E;::VATIGlN";> /iM) OTHER '?IMILAR MATTER"J OF RECORD, " ~EVATION? ARE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF I q2.q, 4, f}EARIN6':> ARE BA?ED ON TI-E WE':>T R/W ~INE OF L-AKE .., I DE D1i: lYE, A??I.M:D TO BEAR N 00 00'00' E, 5 , ~RON ROD /iM) CAP UNLE?? NOTED, " . ~ DENOTE'? PROPO?ED ~OT GRADE'?, 7, ~ DENOTE'? EXI'?TING I.-OT GRADE'?, ~EGEi'V: F . FIEl-D Ff\O ' - FOlJND CONC , - CONGRETE E~, - E/..EVATION N~D - NAIL ~ DI~ RIW - RIGHT OF WAY '? , B . . ?O\.ITHERN BE\...~ IR~C . IRON ROD ~ CAP U,E, . UTI~ITY EA'?EMENT N$TT - NAI~ /iM) TIN TAO M , E ' - MA I NTENANCE EA'?EM:NT FP4L - F~IDA POWER 4 ~16HT P . C . P . - PERMANENT CONTROl- PO I NT @ - WATER M:TER <ID - ":>E'IE1e THE '":>16NATURE AND THE ORIGINAL- RAI'":>EO '":>EAL Of A FL-ORIOA L-IGEN?ED '":>URVEYOR I BOLJNDARY <?LJRVEY I.-OT~ TH I RTY -ON: () I ) AN:> TH I RTY - TWO ()2), IN L-AKE'71 DE GARDEN?, A ~Le- DIVI~lal OF THE TOWN OF f'OYNTal. fl...ORIDA, A(;CORDING TO THE PLAT OF ~AID ~LeD I V I ~ I ON RECORDED I N THE OFF I (;E OF ll-E (;L..ERK OF ll-E (; I RW I T COLJRT IN AN:> FOR P AI..M eEACH COUNTY, FL-OR IDA, IN PL..A T OOOK () AT PAGE 57, AN:> THE I\i:}RTH THREE fEET OF THE WE'?T 55.5 FEET OF I.-OT THIRTY-Tr<<EE ())). 3-1 I -04 ,?URIiEY PATE: I . -20' ":>GALE: FilE F.E>. r, UNIVER?A~ ?URVEYIN6 ?Y?TEM?, ING. CERT I FICA TE OF AlJTH?R I ZA T ION f\U.eER ~ 5q64 Z'2' L...AKE DRIVE NORTH WY'NTON ~ACH, FL...ORIDA "4'5 OFFICE: 5~ -7"-04'2 FAX: 5Q -7"-OQ06 00-1 I -033 0V'" OIMICK RO. +: \'~ \9' ~ 33 ~ " 34 II! .r: ~ 35 3" :: ~ 37 - '12 >- II! i Co '13 lU '14 I j '1~ J % <( '17 II< POTTER RO. '16 lU Co '1'1 lU lL ORAlNA6E NOTE":>: lU FUJOD ZONE: A7 (E~ '1) 0'1/'0/62 . COMMUNITY-PANE~ NO, I 2Q '1" 0004 C C) MAP REVI'?ED: ":>EPTEM3ER 30. I '162 C) 10.0 C) C), ~OT AREA' 6557.7'1 ,?Q FT +/- TIE QC) C)C) Z'" <r PROPERTY ADORE'??: '" 2"25 ~AKE DR IVE NORTH "" OOYNTQ\J BEACH, FWRIDA 334'5 . CONe; CERTIFY TO: 2.24 AVQ\J I NVE'?Th1ENT'? , lNG, '0.' ~ TIE UNITED 6ENERA~ TIT~E IN?URANCE COM"ANY Jot-N HOOKER ~ COM" ANY T I T~E IN?URANCE A6ENCY, INC. 4.0 2..31 '?TA 1 R'? TIE -.\ L-AKE WORTH WATERWAY 51.1 :5' '7 0<740' 00' E EYrh~') , ~Ow'S WA 2- ,\ 'To cA- I- Z ~ ~ lU ,,~0 . \'" It> :\ ...0 <] tl ~\'.-., \,'1"" "Jr.. ",'0 ""~ "), \ "" '<t "" "'''' 1-1- 33 @ ~ ~~'" . <() '" ~~f- bC)C) o-_..J Z I"- -.ll C) -.ll C) '" f- lU C) ..J C) C) C) 12.00 '1>6 C) TIE b 0- z TWoj?TORY " RE'7IDENCE "" FF 5.00 <> '<t ~ lU ::;; lU .r: <( lU ~ C). C)C) 'm C) , C)m bm 0- "" '<t J ..... U 12,"0 TIE . . .... .. .: '. i & . . ... -- ...... ~ . CQ\JC.. . '. "DRIVE. "'l- . ...... ~ 2,10 "l' <QlU "'I- 1.10 ON .\<?-",0 <]\t> <(~"J""t> -.P 25,00 FIRE ? HYDRANT C> :5 22,00 C~~ . . . z .' . I:) c> "" ON ~ ~I~'], <('t- \'~.~ ,ld- ~~."J 1 \'~ 5' .0" F to'" to"') ~----6-A=----------J-- ow~Ja LAKE DRIVE NORTH .......v \j>U I~ REVI?E '?KETCH $ DE'?CRIPTIQ\J '? I /2 E?MT 4-02-04 REVI?E CERTIFICATIQ\J 4-0Z-04 ~." K.w A to( A s..s i GI'-I~ A::)DININU Lo"'l 10 @ '?ITE L-OCATION MAP N.T,'7. <1<~ \l' NOTE":>: 1 UNDER6ROUNO UTI~ITIE'? WERE NOT WCATED EXCEPT A? ~, Z ' THE ~AND'? '?HOWN HEREON WERE NOT AB":>TRACTED BY '?URVEYOR FOR EA'?EMENT'? RI6HT-OF-WAY?, RE'?ERVATION? AND OTHER '?IMI~AR MATTER'? OF RECORO. 3, E~EVATION? ARE NATIONA~ 6EODETIC VERTICA~ DATUM OF I '1Z'1. 4, BEAR I NO? ARE BA":>ED ON THE WE":>T R/W ~ I NE OF ~AKE '? I DE DR I VE, A'?'?UMED TO BEAR NOOoo'oo' E, 5, ":>ET I RON ROD AND CAP UM-E'?'? NOTED, " , l:K2Qg DENOTE'? PROPOC:lED WT 6RADE'?, 7. ~ DENOTE":> EXI'?TIN6 ~OT 6RADE":>. ~E6ENO: F - FlEW FND , - FOUND CONC, - CONCRETE E~. - E~EVATION N~D - NAI~ $ DI":>C R/W - RI6HT OF WAY ":>.B, - ?OUTHERN BE~~ IR$C - IRON ROD $ CAP U,E, - UTI~ITY EA?EMENT NHT - NAIL, AND TIN Tt>e M,E, - MAINTENANCE EA?EMENT FP$~ - F~ORIDA POWER $ ~16HT P,C,P,- PERMANENT CONTROl POINT @ - WATER METER @ . ":>E\'fER HE '7IGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAI'7ED '7EAL OF A FLORIDA LICEN?ED '7URVEYOR OOUI\()ARY c,URVEY LOT"J TH I RTY -ONE (} I ) AN) TH I RTY - TWO (32.1. I N LAKE<? I DE GARDEN? A "JL.e- D I V I "J I ON OF TI-E TOWN OF OOYNTON. FL.OR I DA, ACCORD I N6 TO TI-E PI-A T OF "JA I D <;LeD I V I <; I ON RECORDED 1 N TI-E OFF I CE OF Tt-E CL-ERK OF TH: C I RCU I T COURT I N AND FOR P A1-M BEACH COUNTY, FL.OR I DA, IN PI-A T BOOK eAT PAGE 57, AND THE NORTH Tl-REE FEET OF THE WBT 55. 5 FEET OF !-OT TH I RTY - THREE (3 ~ ) , AND TI-E ?OUTH 2..1 FEET OF THE 4. 2. FOOT WAU< EA"JEMENT. 0. \.) \!) N '" ~ <tJ. i?\ ..J \!) ..J 3-11 -04 ?URVEY DATE: I . =20' %AL.E: FilE F ,", P. UNIVER?A~ ?URVEYIN6 ?Y?TEM?, ING. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMeER UB 5q64 2'2' L..AKE DR IVE NORTH f'OYNTON f'EACH. FL..ORIDA "4'5 OFFICE: 5Q -7"-0432 FAX: 5~ -7"-OQ06 00-1 I -033 .- /., ~ Prepared by: Kevin M. LaMontagne, Esquire 125 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Property Appraiser's Parcel Identification No.: 08-43-45-15-02-000-0310 WARRANTY DEED THIS WARRANTy DEED, made this 1st day of April, 2004, between HELEN SOPHIE MARCINKOWSKI, an unremarried widow, as to a life estate, and BARBARA GRACE HORSLEY, a married woman, as to the remainder, Grantors, and AVON INVESTMENTS, LNC., a Florida~rporation, whose post office address is 439 P'''''-.)E: Tc<....e:...c L..a'-'\ R.T Al;l-A^-.lTIS ~L- .3 ".::>-t-<o'2-. I Grantee; WITNESSETH that said Grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to said Grantors in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the . said Grantee, and Grantee's Successors and assigns forever, the following described real property, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: Lots 31 and 32, LAKESIDE GARDENS, being a subdivision in Boynton, Florida, according to the Plat thereof in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57 AND A parcel of land three feet in width and 55.5 feet in length, more particularly described as the North 3 feet of the West 55.5 feet of Lot 33, of LAKESIDE GARDENS ADDITION, being a subdivision in Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 8, Page 57. Grantor, Barbara Grace Horsley, covenants the subject property is not her homestead as defined by Florida law and that she and her husband do not reside on the subject property and that their present domicile is in Kingsland, Georgia. SUBJECT TO taxes for the year 2004 and thereafter; comprehensive land USe plans, zoning, restrictions, prohibitions, and other requirements imposed by governmental authority; restrictions and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the sUbdivision; outstanding oil, gas and mineral rights of record without right of entry; and pUblic utility easements of record; AND said Grantors do hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ./ ,/ 11. That Affiants are aware that the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) requires that the buyer of real property from a non-resident alien seller must, under certain circumstances, withhold ten (10%) percent of the purchase price and pay the same to the United states Internal Revenue Service. 12. That Affiant, HELEN SOPHIE MARCINKOWSKI, is a United States citizen, and her social security number is: 342-07-7393. 13. That Affiant, BARBARA GRACE HORSLEY, is a United States citizen, and her social security number is: 264-98-7022. 14. That Affiant, HELEN SOPHIE MARCINKOWSKI resides at 2625 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, Florida 33434-2416 and Affiant, BARBARA GRACE HORSLEY, resides at 102 Acorn Court, Kingsland, Georgia 31548. 15. That Affiants understand that this certification may be discJ..osed to the Internal Revenue Service by the above-named Grantee and that any false statement contained herein could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. 16. That under penalties of perjury, Affiants declare that they have examined this certification and that to the best of their knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. 17. That Affiants further state that they are familiar with the nature of an oath and with the penalties provided by law for the making of a false statement in an instrument of this nature. Affiants further certify that they have read the full contents of this Affidavit and that they understand s~id contents. 18. Affiants are giving this affidavit in order to induce the above-named Grantee to close on the purchase of the above-described property and to induce JOHN HOOKER AND COMPANY TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. and UNITED GENERAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY to issue a title insurance policy on said property. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, appeared HELEN SOPHIE MARCINKOWSKI and BARBARA GRACE HORSLEY, who acknowledged before me that they executed the\) foregoing instrument for the purposes expressed therein, and [(\J who are personally known to me or [ ] who produced as identification, and they did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County last aforesaid this 1st day of April, 2004. ~aU;CtCL dJ;/LM No ary P~blic [Se&l] My commission expires~ (,.;:~"f). PATRICIA STEUBER ~.. .", My m Exp. 8114~ ;.. ~. No.DDO~212'" L~) i1ty I<noMl I J 0I\If I.D. 2 ,/ , , ,~ ~~'-~..-._~-_.~---_..__.,._----_.._-----_._,--,._~--,.-... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have hereunto set Grantors' hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered in our presence: aJ.d.Lu~ /lJZ;-i/d) signature of witness #1 {/l; fn~ /d? 5'J-r-C! f;-P/ Printed Name of witness #1 ~ /Y1~ ~~/ Signature of witness #2 e.v' /1'"\ fY't LC\ 1\10 n"+4 Printed Name of witness {/)z;;;/Y; ~ J!bdftj Signature of witness #1 ah/I' Ie, Printed Name of S'f~c.; h(?r' Witness #1 .~-' "/17, ~~~ Signature of witness #2 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH t: ~ .~ BARB~ GRACE HORSLE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, aJ?~eared HELEN SOPHIE MARCINKOWSKI and BARBARA GRACE HORSLEY, [^] who are personally known to me or [ ] who produced as identification, and who acknowledged before me that they executed same, and who did not take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official aforesaid this 1st day of April, seal in the state and county 20&lwclA- ~ last Notary Public [Seal] My commission expires: 2 ~6:22J1996 15:13 4077343901 ,,,. RJ HOMES ~, FAX CO"ER SIiJDET' _R.J. HOMESJ IJ!~ 548 N COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE " A 'fLANTlS FL. 33462 Phone; 561-434-0~12 Fax: 561.642-5069 /- A J\.,.) . Date: Office location:' a.+ . ~l' 0/+ Office location. Fax number; 'll..f- 2. b L 9 ~ . Phone number: . 0 U",ent U Reply ASAP 0 PJe'~ """'''''''' [J P,.... ;.Vi.w U For your Inlormation rotal pages, including cover; .....o~ ~t ~.'V ----. ' , . " ~G-'~~ c.-p~. ..~ ~,C1...- 4-'Z W A-'J ~~ -. ~~ ~<J ~<J ~.J<:l:tQ '+ s ~~. ~p~ G...-~ ~1'~ ~~t,~ ~ , ..2- ~.... ~ ~-f-<J.~ CL~. ~ ~~~ ~ h "'-':-<- f .~4 ~.l.:J ~d ~~_-k=- ~ ~ r____ "^ "..-...I'..^ _ Q,o...., ~ ~ ~,. cA./.:) .~ ~ ~-.... rr;;~~ ~cs...-t:.-lec:f OV (Sbl)t+3<o q 1+1. ' " ' 8"ct ~~- 'I ~ CCLt.;~,ili-~ W.1t,. ~ Co PAGE 01 . . ~: I 05/23/1995 15:49 4t111343~tll 1'<-.1 HUMc.:, I-'Al:il:. tIl @ tq ~1Tl! '0 OIt.<ICOK ~, ~ n " H '" ,5 " 2 1!;' '1 ;:;: ~ qt q, ! IU q... '" ~ qS I J -~ a q7 ~ p'oTTE~ m ~ qq L-OCATION MAl" N,T.':1. 4 . .. ,L-AKE WORTH WATE~AY 50,0' ? 00'4'" 00' E v <,11;' t\: ~~i;J. f~'~'" I~ ~: "" -.. 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A -'W- DIVI'?ION OF n-e TOWN OF l'OYNTON. FLORIDA. ACC~ING TO THE PLAT OF "AI "JWDIVI"ION RE~ IN n-e OFFICE 01'" 1HE a..E~ OF 1HE C.lRCUlT WURT I ,AI\V FOR PAL.M ~EACH COLNl1". I"LOF:IDA. IN P'l.AT tXJOK t; AT I"AG~ '7. fJN) TI'i: NORn-l 1l'<<EE FeET OF 'THE ~T 77. 5 FI':ET OF I.-OT 1H IIeTY - THr.:EE ("), o \,) I!:i oN '" '" ;c; ...I III ...I 3-1 I -04 ";J,JI(VeY DAT~' I . .ZO' FIL-E F.!>. p, ">GAl-!:' l.JNIVER~A\... ,?I.JRVEYIN6 '?Y':)rEM'?, INC,. C.ElnIFl(;ATE OF AIJ~IZATlON N1.;t.ee~ I-V 'C\M 1'H \..AKE D~IVE NOR"I:t1 ~ON DCAOH, ~IDA ~'4~' OffiCE: ~~ -7"-04', FAX:'~ -7"-OqO~ 00-1 I -033 ?---.- r---. I . " COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE UNITED GENERAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY United General Title Insurance Company, a Colorado corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums charged therefore; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereto. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate 180 days after the Effective Date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall be issued, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. In Witness Whereof, the Company has caused its Corporate Name and Seal to be hereunto affixed. This instrument, including Commitment, Conditions and Stipulations attached, to become valid when Schedule A and Schedule B have been attached hereto. UNITED GENERAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~~ &~ Secretary Countersigned JOHN HOOKER fu~D COMPANY TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. P.O. BOX 3156 LANTANA, FLORIDA 33465-3156 Authorized Officer r Agent N W. HOOKER, JR., PRESIDENT This policy valid only if Schedules A and B are attached. AL T A Commitment - 1966 UGT Form No. ISO-UN (10/29/01) (~ ~'-,- () UNITED GENERAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Q ----~-----~--------'--( l- SCHEDULE A Commitment No: 13 Effective Date: March 5, 2004 @ 6:00 A.M. Agent's File No.T-04-13 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: OWNERS: D 1992 ALTA D 1992 AL T A With Florida Modifications D Other: $ 685,000.00 Proposed Insured: AVON INVESTMENTS, INC., a Florida Corporation LOAN: D 1992 ALTA D 1992 AL T A With Florida Modifications D Other: $1,280,750.00 Proposed Insured: Palm Beach County Bank, its successors and/or assignes as their interest may appear 2. On the effective date hereof, the estate described herein to be insured is (Fee Simple, etc.) vested in: HELEN SOPHIE MARCINKOWSKI, a Life Estate and BARBARA GRACE HORSLEY, Remainderman 3. The land referred to in the Commitment is described below or in Schedule C: LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN SCHEDULE C D Check here if there are additional items that appear on Continuation Sheet Attached hereto. Valid as a Commitment for an AL T A Policy only if attached to a countersigned Commitment for Title Insurance (UGT Form 150), a Schedule B-Section I, a Schedule B-Section II and a Schedule C (if applicable) with matching Commitment Numbers. Commitment Schedule A UGTFonnNo.151 (7/31/00) A r--l , n r~ ----- UNITED GENERAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B - SECTION I Commitment No: 13 The Following are requirements to be complied with; otherwise to be shown as exceptions in the policy: Instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be approved, properly executed, and properly filed for record; to-wit: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured, and for any estate or interest necessary to create the estate or interest to be insured described in this Commitment. a. Satisfactory Deed to be executed by Helen Sophie Marcinkowski, an unremarried widow and Barbara Grace Horsley, joined by her husband and reciting marital status to Avon Investments, Inc., a Florida Corporation, conveying the subject premises. b. Satisfactory mortgage in the amount of$I,280,750.00 to be executed by Avon Investments, Inc., a Florida Corporation to Palm Beach County Bank, encumbering subject property. c. Record Notice of Commencement subsequent to the mortgage to be insured herein. 2. Payment of all taxes and/or assessments levied against the subject premises, which are due and payable. 3. Pay 2003 taxes and furnish paid receipt. 4. Satisfy that certain Mortgage in the original principal amount of $40,815.00 executed by Helen Sophie Marcinkowski and Barbara Grace Horsley, joined by her husband Ronald G. Horsley to Bank of America, dated November 30, 2000, filed for record December 28, 2000, and recorded in Official Record Book 12223, Page 1192. 5. Satisfy that certain Mortgage in the original principal amount of $10,000.00 executed by Helen Sophis Marcinkowski and Barbara Grace Horsley to Bank of America, dated November 30, 2000, filed for record December 28,2000, and recorded in Official Record Book 12223, Page 1207. 6. Satisfactory current Corporate Status on Avon Investments, Inc. 7. Satisfactory Corporate Resolution authorizing purchase of subject property. D Check here if there are additional requirements that appear on Continuation Sheet attached hereto: Valid as a Commitment for an AL T A Policy only if attached to a countersigned Commitment for Title Insurance (UOT Form 150), a Schedule A, a Schedule B - Section II and a Schedule C (if applicable) with matching Commitment Numbers. Commitment Schedule B-1 UGTFormNo.152(7/31/00) ~~-~~~-~-~-' r,) F~, UNITED GENERAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B-SECTION II Commitment No: 13 Schedule B of the Policy or Policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. The policy will not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: [STANDARD EXCEPTIONS 1-5 SHOWN ON PAGE TWO OF THE COMMITMENT JACKET] ADDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS 6. Taxes for the year 2004 and thereafter, not yet due and payable. The gross tax bill of $2,467.29 SW A, etc., $174.00 for the year 2003 are to be paid under Folio #08-43-45-15-02~000- 0310. 7. Restrictive covenants, conditions, stipulations, easements and reservations as set forth, shown and recited on Plat, recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57. 8. Riparian and Littoral Rights are neither guaranteed nor insured. NOTE: Mortgagee Policy will contain the Adjustable Rate Rider, 8.1 and Florida 9 Endorsements. _ Check here if there are additional exceptions that appear on a Continuation Sheet attached hereto. Valid as a Commitment for an AL T A Policy only if attached to a countersigned Commitment for Title Insurance (UGT Fonn 150), a Schedule A, a Schedule B-Section 1 and a Schedule C (if applicable) with matching Numbers. Commitment Schedule B-II UOT Form No. 153 (7/31/00) .__ ..'....'.. y' ..,'tc$.1l€orwI110~sf~~~,' ",. I . The lenn "mortgage", when used herein, ;hallincIC~1~!i~f;;:;~'~u:t ~ee~::;~~"dIY in~ 2. If the proposed Insured has acquired actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule 8 hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule 8 of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule 8, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions, the Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured \vhich are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. ST ANDARD EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. I. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acqu ires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 2. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 3. Any discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, encroachments, easements, measurements, variations in area or content, palty walls and/ or other facts which a correct survey and/or a physical inspection of the prem ises would disclose. 4. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown in the public records. 5. In the event this Commitment is issued with respect to a construction loan to be disbursed In future periodic installments, then the policy shall contain an additional exception which shall read as follows: Pending disbursement of the full proceeds of the loan secured by the mortgage insured, this policy only insures the amount actually disbursed, but increases as proceeds are disbursed in good faith and without knowledge of any intervening lien or interest to or for the account of the mortgagor up to the amount of the policy. Such disbursement shall not extend the date of the policy or change any part thereof unless such change is specifically made by written endorsement duly issued on behalf of the Company. Upon request by the Insured (and payment of the proper charges therefore), the Company's agent or approved attorney will search the public records subsequent to the date of the policy and furnish the insured a continuation report showing such matters affecting title to the land as they have appeared in the public records subsequent to the date of the policy or date of the last preceding continuation report, and if such continuation report shows intervening lien, or liens, or interest to or for the account of the mortgagor. then in such cvent this policy does not increase in liability unless such matters as actually shown on such continuation rcport are removed from the public records by the insured. . I=PL Florida Power & Light Company. 21400 Powerline Road. Boca Raton. FL 33433 April 9, 2004 City of Boynton Beach Development Department - Planning and Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Abandonment ofa 4.2' walkway easement at 2625 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach To whom it may concern: The area petitioned for abandonment that was faxed to me from Ron Regan ofR.J. Homes, Inc as described above has been reviewed. Please be advised that FPL has no objection to the above abandonment. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (561) 479-4511. Sincerely, ~\2U-J~ John R. Van Vleet Senior System Project Manager an FPL Group company Q.J. tIomes ~ Phone (561) 734-6663 fAX (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel DcA t-J) P n--o.~~ B::J ~L~ --t-e.. W~LJ ~J;:,~b. 'i? D<+- ~ ~ ~~ ':1~ ,2q~~ b~ ~.. c, c' C~ 3 <L 3.:S '-\- ~ S. 0---+R- , R o1?>S-R T B.........c. ~ ~ ~ B E....R Cb 'F ~ 14-4--12-. ~R..O~~E.c::...l SI~T , &~ fYlAR C-a...-oR.A bO ~o \ '2- ~ ~ , Pr) .;,) r~ f:- (3 a 3> ~ So ~ \ S ':::::) S Rob ~GA~ ~ 2625 2b27 LA. KJ= ~f;. N. vJ A. L.- Kw r't I K<\ 1 ~ L.j" (5.~')+s6'1''-+1 We Plan To Make Your Dreams Come True 05/08/2004 15:22 5517990388 PRESTON J FIELDS PA PAGE 02/03 Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. TITLE CERTIFICATE Effective Date of Search: May 12, 2004 at 11 :00 p.m. Apparent Title Vested in: Beneficiaries oftbe Estate ofKelsey D. Purdy~ deceased, subject to estate proceedings and Beneficiaries of the Estate of Stiles C. Hall, deceased~ subject to the estate proceedings. by Warranty Deed Description of real property to be insured/foreclosed situated in Palm Beach County, Florida. A 4.2 foot wide parcel ofland shown as "Walk" on the Plat of Lakeside Gardens, accor.ding to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Bounded on the North by Lot 30; bounded on the South by Lot 3l; bounded 00 the West by Lake Drive; and bounded on the East by the waters of Lake Worth. Muniments of Title, including bankruptcy, foreclosure, quiet title, probate, guardianship and incompetency proceedings, if any, recorded in the Official Records Book of the county: 1. Warran ty Deed from Pioneer Bank to Stiles C. Hall and Kelsey D. Purdyrecorded J anusry 9, 1922 in Deed Book 160, Page 121, Public Records of Palm Beach COW1,ty, Florida. Mortgages, Assignments and Modifications: Nothing Found Other Property Liens: Nothing Found RestrictionslEasemen ts: 1. Subject to rights of tenants under unrecorded leases, if any. 2. Restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements.. and other matters contained on the Plat of Lakeside Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 05/08/2004 15:22 , 5617990388 PRESTON J FIELDS ~A PAGE 03/03 Other EDcumbrances: 1. Reference: Probate proceedings of Kelsey D. Purdy, deceased, Case No. CP-3268 in the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, Florida. (3-26-1934) 2. Probate proceedings ofStilcs C. Hall, deceased, Case No. CP-5763, in the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, Florida. (5-25-1943) Agent No.: 26753 Issuing Agent: Preston .T. Fields, P.A. 11211 Prosperity Farms Road Suite C-301 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 ~~ gent's Signature Preston J. Fields, Sr. Attorney at Law Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Pawelczyk, Mike Wednesday, June 23,20049:16 AM Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime Lamanna, Rosemarie Abandonment of Walkway Max: This is in response to your Memorandum PZ 04-140, dated June 18, 2004, and regarding the above matter. I have reviewed the information you provided to this office and comment as follows: 1. The owner listed on the application, Avon Investments, Inc., is inconsistent with that which is referenced on the Title Certificate submitted with the application. Please clarify the ownership issue. 2. Have you verified that the walkway easement is in favor of the City of Boynton Beach pursuant to the plat referenced in the application materials submitted? It appears that the City is being asked to abandon an easement, not dedicated property. Correct? Should you have any questions or any additional information on this item that will be helpful in our review, please contact me. Michael J. Pawelczyk Assistant City Attorney 1 ,., . ,: ; ... Time and Date ofMeetL., /)8/2..1 /USlI @ 1/ 4-W/ Those attending meeting: - I I ,- jt{ iU- . 77""", ~ 0 . /<:..t 1fA:--)eJ 5 . M~~'~ / / . , ~" " . ,;'" Applicant's l'{ame: . PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS ~() ~ Phone: 7-1'1- bbb3 1. HA VB YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes J No (IF YES, HA VB THOSE STAFF ME~mERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: /vi ~r ~ '1)u..tQS1E- LOC TION OF PROPER~ (CROSS STREETSlINTERSECTIONS) '~ 1)lA'V~ Nt>> . 2. 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN' PRIott USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? \ 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Vote: Tell tile persoll tl,at someone from tl,e Department will call t!lem to confirm tile meetillg. ................................................................................, Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled , less than two (2)" clays prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. Meetinlls mav be scheduled: Monday afternoons . Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lwia is not available for TuesdllY a.in. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11:30 ll.m. and 2:30 p.m. ~lannins\PJannini'ire.applicationcontllctquestions.doc: ......, ,~ .y U ~J~7L- PR~:APPLICAnON CONFERENCE REVIEW FORM Date tJI/2 q- /UJO 'I Time Started: Time Finished: Attending as Applicant .,/.- .;, Phone Fax Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and. . Type/Use Sd ~'U -f=AH,( bf- Site location (Address if Available) Site PeN ExIsting 'Zoning /<../ A-A Proposed Zoning ExfstIng land Use/Density, L ~ . Proposed land Use/Density Antfdpated Submittal Date I Vacant Notes and Comments lot Area lot Frontage 5'3 lot Depth It/) Setback I Height Parking Requirements or Improvements Landscaping/Buffering Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required lid I4r €nVIFO~' (1vfev: Requirements Notes/Comments/Recommendations ~&~ ~ -w ~"II //le-vrv,qi6' ~ / I I P (J~TY . ' (AlU4vCli:. ttN&/o flm/r l" IW ~ue~ ~~U //f!6.A"';"1 Ptn:--r AJof~ JJ,(AJ 1'A~;,r& iehs. -#10 p/S1Y"<"T ~~.c (,e/4~) (I / if S'{'l<lf{1it4 is D.R>1J>WJ/~ 7H~ ror-?Lrr i qp.uCf"k M ? 6CT kz". fJ ~n1 f'~ ~J=S. NonCE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the stall' and applicant to discuss overall community goals, Objectives, poJldu and COdes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review Procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for tonnal review purposes. Additional stall' comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted tor review. r':- . . ..... , ., . .... PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT ivIEETING DATE: . TIME: '. :. . .. . . . ATI'ENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conf!lrence sh:lU be for the st:lff llnd nppUc:lnt to discuS.! over:1ll community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass relnted to the proposed development and to discuss sfte plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-appllC:ltfon conterence are not . binding for fonn:d review purposes. A.ddftionnl staff comments m:lY be forth coming based on actual I bmitt d fi vi DlllDS su e orr. elY. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant 'Attendin~ Staff . '. . . J:\SHRDA T A\PU&'fNL"iG\SHARED\\YP\FOR."IS\PRE-APPL ~(EETr.'iG-SIGN IN SHEET .DOC . . ... - . ~ ., c x. ~ ~ ~ 'T ~" ol-\c~~ Len A-::s-'-. "~\ .-...1 G. l-AKE ~K TH WATERWAY 50.03' '? 00'4" 00. E (,v~ ~ -f:Q . \. ,<- -tiJ .\ It ~' "'f) . f~"'loiC)., ~..,,1O ~, \ i3 -... N "'''' .,. ~~ @ ~ 8~"" . () "" 8~1- b()C 13"_...1 Z 13" ~ C ~ <::> "" I- tu tu C> . ...1 8 8 , 10.0 8. 8 10.70 TIE lq.,e' TIE ~8 b 13" Z Z"" a- '" ... TWO '?TORY '" RE'?I OENGE ... FF-5.00 1.14 .a 10.6'5 TIE .,. J 1." '?TAIR':> TIE I 10.'50 ~ TIE C, o . . . <J() . . 'l!\ ...;". ~ 8' ..,. .' . b~ OC)UJ .' to 4f\ ... .. " , '-.t IT -i "'l- . CONe., . ... " tlRIVE. '" ~~(, . . A .. N Z . \ .,Ie ~ ..,..e 3 11.00 ..p 25.00 FIRE . ? HYDRANT <:;) <:;) ..w\ .... ... ~~ t--&j<.' ~~'\. .o.C ~'- ~o.,.f). ~...,.1 ~,- 5' .0" F e'v o:h - L7KE DR I VE - NORT~ - - 'L I~ REVI~ (;ERTIf'I(;ATION 4-02.-0-1 Co \,) \!J ~ "" ..,. c<'i ...1 \!J ...1 I . -20' '!lCAl..E : @ 1'1 X] ~ITE DIMICK reD. 'II' ~ '" ;) ~ - ~ At ~ a w J: j ~ POTTER: reD. e II.. H ,.. '5 " '7 '11 'I' '14 'l'5 .'1' q7 '16 '1'1 l-OGATION MAP N.T.'? DRAINA6E ~: FLOOD ZONE: A7 (EL 'II 0'1/'0/61 (;l'MNNITY-PANEL. NO. 11.a 'I' 0001 C MAP REV I '5ED : <;EPTEt.eER'O. I qe1 ~T AREA. 611.0.'1 ':>Q FT +/- PROPERTY ADORE'7?: 1.'1'5 I..AKE DIl'IVE NORTH lXlYNTON l'>EAGH. ~IDA '''''5 CERTIFY TO: AVON lNllE'?1M;NT<:J. INti. UN I TED 6ENERAI.. T I T\..E I N?lJRANCE GQI.K AN( \J0Ii'l HOOKER $ GQI.K AN( T I T\..E 1 N?UJ<:ANCE A6ENGY. I NG . NOT~: I. U~61i:01JN) UT J 1..1 T ,~ WERE NOT L-OCATED EX(;EPT A"; '7H?WN. 1 . TI-E ~ ':>HOItN I-6'EON WERE NOT Af:'Y'JTRAGTED "Y '5UIM:Y~ fOR EA"JfM:NT':>, RIGHT-OF-WAY'?, RE'!>ERVATION".> bH> OTIft ".J t M IL-AR MATTER"; OF RECOIID. ,. ELEVATION".> ARE NATIONAl.. 6EO[)ETIC VERTICAl... DAlUA OF I '11'1. 4. f>EAR: I N6".J ARE "A'7ED ON TI-E WE".JT fUW I- fNE OF t..AKE '5IDE DRIVE, A~ TO ~AR N 00 00'00. E. '5 . ~RON ROO t>K> CAP lJIIL.E'7? NOTED. , . ~ DENOT~ PROPO".>ED I-OT 6R:ADE? 7. ~ DENoT~ EXI<:JTIN6 L..01' 6RADE':>. I-E6fN): F . FIELD fI\[) . . FO\.W GONG . . (;()N(;RETE EL. - EL.EVATJON N.D - NAIl- . DI~ R/IIf' - RI6HT OF WAY '? , " . . ".JO\JTl-ERN f)EU.. IR.' . IRON ROO . GAP U.E. . UTIl,.ITY EA'XMNr NHT . NAIL NoD TIN TU> M . E . - MA I NTENANCE EA".JEtJENT FF41- - FL-ORIDA POWER. l,.16HT P ~.F.. PERM&NENT WNTROL. POINT (!> - WATER t.fTEfi: (S) -~ THE ?16NATURE AND THE ORIGINAl- RAI'?ED '?EAl- OF A Fl-ORIOA l-IGEN'?EO ,?URVEYOR BOUf\VARY ?URVEY l-OT'; TH I RTY -ON: (, I ) AN) TH I RTY - TWO (,2.), IN t..AI<E'; I DE ~, A '?l.e- DIVlc;lCN OF TI-t: TC7fN OF OOYNTCN, FLORIDA, ACCORDING TO 1H: PLAT OF c;AID ?t..eD I V I '? I ON RECORDED I N THE OFF I CE OF THE CL.ERK OF THE C I RCU I T COURT IN AN) FOR PALM f'EAa-t WlJNTY, Ft..OR IDA, IN PUT f'OOK & AT PAGE 57, AN) TH: NORTH THREE FEET OF TI-t: \YE'?T 55.5 FEET OF l-OT TH I RTY - ll<<EE (,,). UNIVER4?Al- r,URVEYIN6 r,Y4?TEM?, INC;. CERTIFICATE OF AlJTHORIZATION ~R L.C 5q64 Z'1~ L.AKE DRIVE ~ I'OYNTON I'EAGH, R..OR IDA "4'5 OFFICE: ,~ -7"-04'Z FAX: 5~ -7"-Oqo6 3-1 I -04 '?lJRVEY DATE: FIL-E F.I>. ' f'. 00-1 I -033 Q.J. Iiomes Phone (561) 734-6663 fAX (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel Z~2-3 LAK..E bR.,~E N. BO-r~TO'"-..:J Be...ACl-\. 2...(,2..5 - :z..62.~ LAKE f)RJ-...)( N. ~OI"'TO ~ ~E..f\C.H. \Ve Plan To Make \('1, l)r,~~(1rll~, C,-)L"~ True Q,J. liOilleS --~:,- < --............-..;. Phone (561) 734-6663 fAX (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.net 2.. Co Z ';:> L-A KE. D~ IV~ N. Bc:.-r ~ TO~ &E:.-AC-H. \Y.Je PLm To Hale Y~)ur r)[<'~1I11~ (-,~ 'me True Q.J. Homes ~ Phone (561) 734-6663 nx (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel ~- ~ e...J ~ D, IV\ Ie"" EN c.. ~ 0 A-c...\-\ I ~ G D K.' uE oS, N. BO'"f~TO~ t::::;e.. A-c~ 0 2<02.4 LAK.E or LA. \<.E: D~ I '-'l:. N. C"'? ' c.. " D ~;..J 11".1 'T 0 L ~ Kt::.. i::: t v.E:.. . D ,^"\l ct<:. S'o We Plan To ~'hkc Your LJfc.'llIll ~ C\:'f1lC: True ~.32. O~....:l ~:\rill\\\\~~~~~-- '. I ~ '-E. T ~R., \JE ~O'1~TCIo.:J Cl':;ll/ ~ .;:::::) H-\G.14. ,B.E AC-H . Q.J. tiC)illCS . r ". ., ,._~ ? ," -{ "',.;~~ . , ''''' . . ': .', ,",,;., ::.,i~~t r ' ~ I ' - u;;.....;.;:;; ;;: ;'>'1" I , ,v . Phone (561) 734-6663 fi\X (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel , 't -, 5 HI bt-\. ~AIE:.S 829 OcE-A,...j T",~~L DR-lvE BO""~TO N BE...ACf-l. 5' 3>'1 H \ C:,t-\ GA-T E.5 . FE-Nc...s:.. 8 ~ 2 0 c.,E..,A.t'J IN L-E.. -r ~ ~I.J E. Bo '1 NTO~ BE AC-J-\ . \Vc I-Jbn T""J 0hL' \",'\I! D!;~:1[Il~ ~ -'('1 me True ,if' Q.J. tIomcs ~ Phone (561) 734-6663 fAX (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel ,. It E. Dc,. E:... , 0 ( f-t ('*i II To )50 H I~ti. 12 9 0 c..-E:. A N -L N L-.E... T DR,uE. , B <:>...,. -.>,o...::J BE:-~c.\-\. Cfy...3 1 SL-E: RoA..b ~ 0 '1 ~TO,...l ~cAC\.i. ~ If H f:. ~G".E:.. ~ 2. 11 t~t\ . \\'c~ LJlan To lv'klkc YO\lr Dreams Come True Q.J. TIOillCS 72 S LA~ PAL.M A"S I B 0 ~ ~ TO "-.::l DE:...A CH. Phone (561) 734-6663 f^X (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel cgs " To P 0 F C.O \-~,4;\ "-' , . <($\ ,o~ oS:- G~"'-cS. (8" ~- To~ of c.o ~\.A '" ,..J II , I t TOP of L--I-re.. - 101 L-AS PAL.I\I\A~ J Bo"'~,o..4 BE..ACf-\. \YJe P13n Tc\ ~bL:...~ '1',--111 I' [It< '~j[11":, (",='rtlC True 1\ T Ii t~.u . GIneS ~..':!::. .~,~ . ~ ":,: qo2. ,......J.E.I~ ST~T 1 B~"1"""::'TO~ Be=.AC-H. ---, ./ ~ /"- M l.-t rt..A NO ~A~ I=e=.-~E-R..Av HIGHWA'f, } \Vc r1!lHl '['(1 ~bkc \,:'ur l)r'-~lj[ll~ C,~\flle True Phone (561) 734-6663 fAX (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel q 4" -ro P of=- L.,.c ., 101 TOP o~ GA;TE-. '1 ISb To f> of CC>~ 0..4 "" ^-'. FE/'....3C-E. .,' b" TOP 0 F Co~"",~,..j. Q.J. tlomes ~ &20 OC-E:..A"-.! -L I-.J L-E:.. T D ~, '--'e. A P P\.,.\ CA T (0,...) \YJe Plan To Make Your Dreams Come True Phone (561) 734-6663 fAX (561) 734-3901 www.rjhomes.nel ,. ,. PROJECT NAME: 2625 Lake Drive North LOCATION: PCN: I FILE NO.: ABAN 04-003 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Avon Investments, Inc. Rodney J. Regan ADDRESS: same ADDRESS: 439 Pine Tree Ct. FAX: Atlantis, FL 33462 PHONE: FAX: 561-642-5069 - PHONE: 561-434-0612 Date of submittal/Projected meeting: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 4/26/04 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 6/28/04 TRC MEETING: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 7/13/04 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 7/20/04 8/3/04 8/17/04 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lake Drive North\ABAN\2004 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc