LEGAL APPROVAL CITY of BOYNTON BEACH' @ . .~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (4071734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR . July 18, 1990 Oliver Glidden & Partners Attn: Mr. John Glidden 1401 Forum Way, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade - Site Plan Modification (Renovation) - File No. 506 (Update of July 9, 1990 Approval Letter) Dear Mr. Glidden: Please be advised that on Tuesday, July 17, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan modification (renovation), subject to staff comments, as amended by the City Commission. Specifically, the City Commission approved the modification to the north parking lot driveway which requires an 80 foot unobstructed driveway prior to the first parking space backing into the access aisle, the continuation of potable water for the landscaping irrigation system, and the proposed sign scheme with the stipulation that the top level of the tenant signage be limited to 28" in height. However, the City Commission is requesting that you explore alternatives for the use of non-potable water for the landscaping irrigation system. These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. , After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of final .' TO: Mr. John Glidden -2- July 18, 1990 signed-off plans will remain with the BUilding Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans~ After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for bUilding permits by sUbmitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the BUilding Department. The BUilding Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the Ci ty enti tIes you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~;if~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:BBProm 7 , -; I CITY of BOYNTON BEACH .. j @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July 9, 1990 Oliver Glidden & Partners Attn: Mr. John Glidden 1401 Forum Way, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FI 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade - Site Plan Modification (Renovation) - File No. 506 Dear Mr. Glidden: Please be advised that on Tuesday, July 3, 1990 the City Commission approved the referenced site plan modification, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached, with the exception of three items which were deferred for future review and approval as indicated below: 1. Community Appearance Board review of the sign program. 2. Removal of the landscaping irrigation from the City water system (please note that the City Manager and Utilities Director have recommended that the use of potable water for irrigation on this site be discontinued, and that irrigation water be drawn from a well or the adjoining lake). 3. Obtaining the City Attorney's interpretation of the parking lot ordinance relative to the entrance on the north side of the project. , These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. , J After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from " , . TO: Mr. John Glidden -2- July 9, 1990 i " each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (only those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~J/.&.-- TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:BBProm , ~. , ~ ~ , . STAFF COMMENTS BOYNTON BEACH PROMENADE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION (RENOVATION) BUILDING DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UTILITIES DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum . . '" .. '.. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-249 June 6, 1990 THRU: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Official~~~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site DevelOP~Administrator . TO: FROM: RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - BOYNTON BEACH PROMENADE (Renovation) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City codes: 1. Provide a recent survey of the site. 2. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal (legible) and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. 3. Identify on the plans the color of all new exterior finish material located on the site including the signage and awning. 4. Show on the plans the computations used to determine the number of required parking spaces. Identify the total number of parking spaces required and provided. 5. Show on the drawings the location of the object identified as G-3. Provide detailed drawings of objects G-13 and G-20. 6. Show on the plans the location and type of signage proposed for the new tenant spaces located on the west side of the building. 7. Provide a note on the drawing stating that the existing free standing sign located on the site will be removed prior to the completion of the new work. 8. Provide percentage of native species for site landscaping. 9. Provide a continuous visual barrier to screen on site vehicle use area from the public right-of-way (mall access drive). Chalkas, ligustrum and buttonwood hedges are shown to be removed without replacement. 10. Show a continuous visual barrier to screen on site vehicle use area from west of property abutting a retention pond. ~ In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included with your documents submitted to the Building Department for review and permitting: .. 1. All structural working drawings must be prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered architect and/or engineer. 2. All signage must comply with the sign code. The number of free standing signs shown on the site exceeds the number allowed by the sign code. I recommend obtaining a sign code and revisit the signage shown and submit drawings complying with the sign code. 3. This project will require community Appearance Board approval for the architectural features and signage. Provide written verification from all parties which have use of the easement where the new free standing sign will be located that the location of the new sign will not conflict with their use of the easement. Written verification must link specifically with the drawings submitted for review and ~ ~ermitting. ~~~~ 4. meh:eaf PROMENAD.SDD .. EOOINEERING DEPARIMENr MEMORANUJM NO. 90-162 '. June L 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FRavt: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T .R.B. Ccmrents Site Plan Modification Boynton Beach Prarenade Renovation MI' Fuller Architects In accordance with City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17 "Site Plan Review and Approval" including Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", Section 5-142 "Required Improvements", the applicant for the above referenced project shall provide the folla.ving information, technical data and plan revisions. 1. The "Stop Signs" shown on Sheet #2, do not canply with the Manual on Unifonn Traffic Control Devices pursuant to Florida Statute 316.0747, Depart:rrent of Transportation Standard Specifications and Section 5-142 (g) "Traffic Sign Standards". Decorative stop signs are prohibited. Utilize a standard R-l-l stop sign rrounted seven (7) feet above grade to bottan of the sign. Sign shall be grouted in place so as not to becare a hurricane hazard. Stop signs are irrproperly located and shall be located at property line. 2. Handicap signs to be mounted seven (7) feet above grade to bottan of sign in confonnance with the latest edition of the Accessibility Requirements Manual, Depart.Irent of Cannunity Affairs. Section 4-142 (k) "Handicap Requirerents" . 3. Depressed grassed drainage areas shall not be benred as depicted on Sheet PL 1 and PL 2. Trees may be planted within grassed swale inverts. Revise landscape plan to canpl:i.rrent previously designed and approved drainage gradients and contours. 4. Provide construction plans and striping details for the additional parking stalls. Details shall include raised continuous 13~" x 6" x 8" concrete curbing in confonnance with Section 5-142 (g) "Standards". 5. Provide a current survey which is a required sutrnittal dOCt.lIre!1t for the Site Plan Review process. . ,to, Q. _-*A~: 0 Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner .. RECEIVED JUN 1 199(' PLANNING DEPT, p- -A , . . . MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-357 TO: Timothy Cannon Interim Planning FROM: John A, Guidry Director of Utilities DATE: June 5, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Boynton Beach Promenade (renovation) We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Irrigation is not to be supplied by City water. 2. Project ID sign "G19" is shown in the utilities easement. Redesign the sign to minimize possibility of damage due to failure or maintenance of underground utilities and provide the City with a hold-harmless agreement should your design prove inadequate. 3, Show details of ribbon on pump station. 4. An 8" water.. main runs along the south face of the develop- ment following the existing parking lot, Monitor A-1 south face needs to be relocated outside of the utility easement. Pavement material in south Promenade needs to be specified and approved by City Utility Department. dmt bc: Michael Kazunas . l! ~ . .... . MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-075 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Promenade DATE: June 6, 1990 .As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 5 June 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. No parking along throat of East entrance off North mall road. 2. Stop signs conform to DOT standards. 3. Median along North mall road to remain. t:; HaL( ~ Lt. Dale Hammack DH/cm RECEIVED " JUN '1 1990 PLANNING DEPT. ., ," . . . ~ . PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-170 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon '/l/: Interim Planning Director 5. . G. 7. t> . ., 8. FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE: June 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade Site Plan Modification (renovation) - File No. 50G Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request: 1. Provide a scale on the elevation sheet. Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(i). 2. Provide elevations or details for the ribbon accent on the lift station and dumpster. Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(1). 3. Site plan review is required for all freestanding signs such as the GI, GIO, Gll, GIG and G19 signs proposed, however the Building Department must be contacted with respect to compliance of these signs and the directory signs with the Sign Code. Approval of the location of these signs is contingent upon City Commission approval of a sign variance. Chapter 21, Section 21-9 and Section 2l-l4(E)(3) and (8). 4. After researching plans on file in the Building Department to compare the existing parking lot layout to what is proposed, it appears that there is a net increase of 19 parking spaces. Since a surveyor "as-built" site plan was not submitted, the change in the number of parking spaces should be verified. Appendix A, Section 11.A.l. Label the sign details on pages 1 and 2 using the symbols from the key on sheet A-I. The elevations on sheet 3 are to be labeled. The restaurant parking calculations on page 4 of the site plan application should be revised to reflect Appendix A-Zoning, Section II.H.lO,ll and lG.d.(2),(18) and (20). At the June 5, 1990 Technical Review Board meeting, the Technical Review Board unanimously recommended against the modifications to the median within the north mall access road. The change requested would result in conflicting turn movements, via a "shared" turn lane. Westbound vehicles making a left into the rear of the Boynton Beach Promenade would oppose eastbound vehicles making a left into the First American Plaza and T.G.I. Friday's parcels. If the City Commission approves the median modification, documentation shall be provided which verifies that the owners of the Boynton Beach Mall will authorize this construction within their access road. Section 19-21(a). ,," ~. .'" , . . .. .' \ . ,. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-170 TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board SUBJ: Boynton Beach Promenade -2- June 6, 1990 9. The Technical Review Board also unanimously recommended against the requested changes to the parking spaces and adjacent access aisle near the northern, main entrance to the shopping center. The existing design is preferred over the proposed change because it does not permit vehicles to back out into the access aisle/fire lane along the front of the shopping center. Vehicles pulling out of this parking area have limited visibility of vehicles turning into the shopping center. Section 19-2l(a). _i~~ 0, fi7cL,J TAMBRI J. HEYDEN c TJH:cp A:PM90-170"