CORRESPONDENCE PROJECT NAME: Salefish Realty , LOCATION: 915 S. Federal Hwy PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 04-095 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Kristen Conti ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 532 E. Ocean Avenue FAX: Boynton Beach, FL 33435 PHONE: FAX: 738-7911 - PHONE: 738-6613 Date of submittal/Proiected meetine dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 8/25/04 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: TRC MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Salefish Realty\2004 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc ~f, Michael Subject: Alfaro, Jose Thursday, September 23,20042:13 PM Rumpf, Michael; Breese, Ed; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Eric; Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime RE: 915 S. Federal Hwy.- Sailfish Realty (Kristine Conti) From: Sent: To: I participated on the meeting. I recall the following concerns: - Parking. Applicant was advised to secure a cross-access-parking agreement with the neighboring business to warranty compliance with both safe ingress-egress and parking as well. The inherent landscaping requirements were mentioned also; - ADA compliance: parking, ramp, bathrooms; - Partial residential use of the building. Since previous businesses have been allowed such use, they would be allowed the same provided that the business owner/manager lives in the same building, a grand-fathered right. However, they were made aware that if the entire site is use for commercial purposes, such grand-father right will end and not allowed to bring it back; - The current OL would be transferred once the building is in full compliance with any requirement. Jose -----Original Message---n From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:07 AM To: Breese, Ed; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda; Alfaro, Jose; Johnson, Eric; Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime Subject: 915 S. Federal Hwy.- Sailfish Realty (Kristine Conti) Importance: High Most or many of you attended a pre-app meeting on the above subject emphasizing her relocation into this existing building, including the conversion of residential space to office use. I was not present but want to be sure that Ms. Conti has been given all information possible regarding anticipated codes and requirements associated with this change in occupancy. We have worked through parking issues and she continues to seek an access agreement with adjacent owner. I am asking each of you to consider if there is any way Ms. Conti could get any further surprises in seeking permits. She asked me some questions during our phone conversation that led me to wonder if she had perfect information. I encouraged her to contact Jose for licensing info and possibly a preliminary inspection, and Tim for further permit questions. Let me know if you have any concerns I should relay, or remind her of. Thanks for assisting with great customer service, Mike 1 The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Roricla 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org September 10, 2004 Ms, Kristen Conti Salefish Realty, Inc. 532 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Salefish Realty @ 915 S. Federal Hwy. MMSP 04-095 Dear Ms. Conti: In response to your request dated August 23, 2004 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the approved site plan for 915 South Federal Highway, depicting the following: · Modification of building colors as follows: Body - Valspur American Tradition uBlue Arrow" 5001-3C, Trim - Valspur American Tradition UHalcyon Blue" 5001-3A and Door - Valspur American Tradition ULa Fonda Villa Fountain" 5002-4B (as depicted on the attached drawings); · Addition of fabric awnings over windows (as depicted on the attached drawings); · Addition of 6 foot high white shadowbox fence (as depicted on the attached drawings); and · Addition of landscaping around the base of the building (as depicted on the attached drawings) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 8/25/04 are Uminor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Site Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The request for maintenance and re-striping of the parking lot is a permit issue and not subject to Minor Site Plan review. Appropriate permit plans should be submitted to the Building Division. 2. No permits shall be issued until a recorded cross access agreement with the next door neighbor for egress purposes is submitted to and approved by the City. '. J 1 . Page 2 September 10, 2004 3. If the scope of the project demands removal of landscaping, then approval of the City Forester is required prior to relocation/elimination of such plant material. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer Kevin Hallahan, City Forester The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 September 2, 2004 {f(IJ~ ~" / of q, ~ www.boynton-beach.org fJ1I; Ms, Kristen Conti Salefish Realty, Inc. 532 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 J Re: Salefish Realty @ 915 S. Federal Hwy. MMSP 04-095 Dear Ms. Conti: In response to your request dated August 23, 2004 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the approved site plan for 915 South Federal Highway, depicting the following: . Modification of building colors as follows: Body - Valspur American Tradition "Blue Arrow" 5001-3C, Trim - Valspur American Tradition "Halcyon Blue" 5001-3A and Door - Valspur American Tradition "La Fonda Villa Fountain" 5002-4B (as depicted on the attached drawings) i . Addition of fabric awnings over windows (as depicted on the attached drawings) i . Addition of 6 foot high white shadowbox fence (as depicted on the attached drawings) i and . Addition of landscaping around the base of the building (as depicted on the attached drawings) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 8/25/04 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The request for maintenance and re-striping of the parking lot is a permit issue and not subject to Minor Site Plan review. Appropriate permit plans should be submitted to the Building Division. 2. No permits shall be issued until a recorded cross access agreement)is submitted to and approved by the City. ~ ~ ~ ~ w/;;.r 7""f./tE ~r ~ ~~&e . Page 2 September 1, 2004 Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Ed Breese, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, plan Review Analyst Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer -Salefish Realty Inc. -^---- - -'-- - - -^-- - ---^--- :~l i i August23,2004 5 Dear Mr Rumpf and Planning & Zoning Staff, Please consider this letter my formal application for a minor modification to my building located at 915 S Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435. One look at the existing site and we're sure you will be pleased with the changes we are proposing for the new home of Salefish Realty Inc. As we have received a 90-day notice to vacate our current location, time is of the essense in securing the necessary approvals to move forward on the improvements, After our pre-application meeting with city staff, we have determined that the best location for the required handicapped parking space will be at the front of the building just as you turn off US 1. As there is only room for one car to pass on the north side of the building, there is currently an agreement between Papa Johns and us to pass through the back of our lot, through theirs and onto US 1 to the south which is much safer than trying to back onto Federal. We are proposing a newly resurfaced parking lot with 1 space in the front for handicap parking and 6 in the rear. We have already secured 3 bids and are awaiting approval to move forward to permitting for the repaving and restriping of the current lot. In an effort to bring some much needed life to the building. we are proposing the att;;Jched color scheme for your review, We were asked to keep in a tone reflective of the area and coordinating with the adjacent buildings. Using soft blue greens and white trim, we feel we have done our best to comply with this request. We are also proposing awnings in the same blue green family with a wide stripe offering a "beachy-cottagy" relaxed upscale feel which we will add depth and richness to the current fascade. Samples of these are also attached. We will be using black iron spears to affix the awnings. We are also proposing a white fence around the entire building & a landscaping package again to add dimension and beauty to the current site. We have attached the bids we have obtained to this point as support for our plans. We will also be re-lettering the existing monument sign with our own logo & information. The site will be used as a real estate office which was it's original use back in 1980 when the commercial portion was added to the single-family residence. The entire site will now be commercial, though the back portion once residential will serve only as a place for our agents to complete their work, If you have any questions relating to these plans, please call Kristen Conti of Lisa Zielinski at Salefish Realty Jnc at 561-738-6613. We will be anxiously awaiting your response. Sincerely, Kristen Conti Broker-Owner "Your Hometown Realtors" - Located in the Heart of Historic Downtown Boynton Beach 532 East Ocean Avenue · Boynton Beach, FL 33435 · Bus. (561) 738-6613 · Fax: (561) 738-7911 · www.salefishrealty.com 1 BID (materials and servlc..) ................................. ~18-04 Donald Callo Landscaping, Inc 4118 Dahl Drive Lake Worth, FL 33463 Phone Number 561-966-0359 Fax Number 561-966-9783 We ere pItteMd to aubm* the fDIowtlQ bid' Job o.t:dpt#on: landscape ~.!.-...-...__~________. A TT l.r&a Z"'ill$ki ---"~..~-----~..,....----.- 3 ...........H.........,..~....- 1 .~",........~;:.." 2 1 8 2 "". ......... jm6fb'F1G !)NIW~ N3HN1.AdOO 3ONV,W300V MO"3^ Nl:m.l3~ ON'" NetS 31VO 03.1.d30OV AI '301.1ON 1nOO11M ;l0N"'~0 OJ. J.;);!tQnG 91 J.I kl3H,,3kl3HJ. &,1,"0 ~o~ O''''^ Bl ON" '301S 3...i^iW NO OiJ.lollldd SNOI,lIONOO '1H1 OJ. .103rens 51 N011....101lO 9tH! 'N0I.1".3J.J..' J.dn<Nd tlno "^13:l3tl '11M 11 O:ltlnssv :18 tl30tlO "IV 3;)"'d no... O1nolo4S NOUV~BOIGNO:lIlOOl< YO:! NOl1Vl0no 3t.09V 3104111Mn6 OJ. 03SY'31d lWY' :IN! ,', 1/ . . 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'.,' OK ~it Functions Help "" ' , ,'. r ~t At.. diI.~ tt ~.p' ~: B~siness control number location 10 Business status Business name Mailing address 1 Address 2 Zip code, delivery pt , Date opened Federal tax 10 number Type of ownership Business phone Emergency phone "Y:" .IOIl5.l1 Hni 17rl6/2003 110:00:5GAM 14676 JlI 15652 915 S FEDERAL HWY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 r. A~tive ('" Inactive ITHE SOURCE 1915 S FEDERAL H\vY I JlI33435 r BOYNTON BEACH FL I 82002 I JI (Sp SOLE PROPRIETOA 1561 17335353 1713 19478598 r Maintain misceUaneous information * r ,Contractor ,01( ~it Cilncel I license file maintenance I Branch maintenance I Functions Help ....'.''JiEi' ~:i,' '~I .. A" 1l"lIX ,," :':'?"" ..=J..!=IJ ,jIJL,.v_, " '" ...mi 1711612003 ]10:01:03AM I Business control number, name 14676 THE: SOURCE Officer title OWNER Name IWILLJl.RD TOWNSEL Add~ess 1 19988WINDMILL LKS BLVD, Address 2 I Zip 'code.. delivery pt .ill r Phone ['7'i"3' 19478598 SSN 1261708403 DOB r Delete this name Drv lie I Officer title IPRESIDENT & OWNER Name IWILLARD TOWNSEL Address 1 I Address 2 I Zip code, delivery pt .i I r .,Phone r-I SSN 1000000000 DOB r Delete this name Drv lie I Exit I C1lDcol I Zip code maintenance ~.L:!:J ) _It:ll~ I Func.tions Help Ilu"wni 17116/2003 110;01:17AM 14616 THE SOURCE ,',' 1(01 , THE" FIRE UISPECTI' ,,:,{al,clliBEE COBaE~TJO"':IS;.< APP IN RED PENDlHG' '"" FIRE ItiSPECTION PASSED: ',9:"'4-92. " , FLOs.slj:x'SAMS~t;L, ,CALLED. ,HE~ HU~BAtilt >:",f,r WOULD LIl<ETO",:HAVE A ,BAR"':BE'-QUE'OUTSIDEA:' 'ON HIS PROPE JOSE SPOKE WITH FLOSSIE. JOS ED ABOUT THE RETAIL ~~~~~r~~: ~,:>:,~l;:,}ti~~j,;~t/=~l:~~~;>,~~~/~~~\" . OK Exit .cancel I . 1 in. = 60.7 feet .' '.:.," ,,' I 915 S Federal Highway